Remedy for bedbugs "Executioner": principle of action, effect, safety measures

Bed bugs are parasitic insects, the appearance of which in the house causes great discomfort. Despite the wide variety of insecticidal agents presented by the chemical industry today, it is not always possible to select the most effective drug against pests. In this connection, the fight against parasites can drag on for a long time, causing a lot of trouble for the inhabitants of the home. In this case, the Executioner remedy will help solve the problem - a drug developed by a German manufacturer, which is today produced under license in Russia.

Features of the composition

The product Executioner for bedbugs is a transparent, oily, yellowish liquid that is available in bottles. The secret of the successful effect of this drug lies in its composition, where the active component is fenthion, an insecticide of organophosphorus origin that has a nerve paralytic effect. The product also contains fragrances, stabilizers and antioxidants.

Penetrating into the body of insects through the chitinous integument and respiratory organs, the Executioner prevents the transmission of nerve impulses, resulting in paralysis and then the death of the parasite.

On a note!

Due to the great popularity of the Bedbug Executioner, there is a high probability of purchasing counterfeit products. You can distinguish the original product by the protective hologram sticker located directly on the bottle (photo shown below).

Therefore, you should not buy the drug at street kiosks selling pesticides. You can avoid purchasing a fake if you order the Bedbug Executioner on the manufacturer’s official website (delivery is made via mail). The product may also be sold in a specialized store. An analogue of the active substance is Forsyth.

Reviews of the product Executioner

A month ago, my husband and I started waking up with strange red spots on our bodies. They didn't bother us too much. That's why we didn't go to the doctor. This was our mistake, because otherwise we would have known that these were bedbugs. We started the problem and therefore entire colonies of insects appeared in our home. The bites began to hurt more and more often. And my husband began to develop allergies. And we realized that we couldn’t delay any longer with folk remedies. We ordered Executioner and carried out two treatments. Now we have forgotten about the bites!

Svetlana, Ryazan

Recently my child began to complain of severe itching and red spots on his body. For a long time my wife and I could not understand what it was. We were of the opinion that this was a common allergic reaction, and we excluded from the diet all foods that could be allergens. But the red spots continued to appear. Then we turned to a dermatologist, and he told us that these were bedbug bites. We read a lot of reviews about withdrawal agents. We settled on the Executioner product. We were satisfied.

Mikhail, Moscow

Advantages and disadvantages

Executioner for fighting bedbugs
Remedy for bedbugs Executioner enjoys popular appreciation due to the presence of a lot of advantages:

  • The effectiveness of the drug is ensured by its composition, which begins to act on bedbugs, as well as their larvae, from the first minutes of treatment. Complete destruction of adult individuals can be observed after 6 hours. If the apartment is slightly infested with insects, re-treatment is not required. It may become necessary when you need to eradicate a large number of parasites.
  • Safety. Despite the fact that Executioner belongs to the group of moderately toxic drugs, it does not pose a danger to human health and pets if the rules of use are followed.
  • The long-term residual effect of the product, which lasts for 3-5 weeks, allows you to get rid of pest larvae that have newly hatched from the eggs.
  • The absence of a pronounced specific odor is another advantage of the drug.
  • Does not leave oily stains on treated surfaces after use, which makes it convenient to treat upholstered furniture and beds.
  • Convenient dosage makes it possible to purchase the required number of bottles, taking into account a certain area.
  • Easy to use. To destroy bedbugs with the Executioner, it is enough to mix the emulsion with water in the ratio recommended by the manufacturer and treat the surfaces infected with bloodsuckers with the resulting composition.

Rules of application

Treating the premises with Executioner
To achieve maximum results, you must use Executioner in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Preparation of working solution

Due to the fact that the remedy for bedbugs Executioner is available in the form of a liquid concentrate, it can be diluted in slightly warm water. According to the instructions, the contents of 1 bottle will require 0.5 liters of water. To achieve a homogeneous composition, the container is thoroughly shaken, after which it is ready for use.

This volume of solution is used to treat 5 square meters. m. area. Based on this calculation, the required number of bottles is purchased.

On a note!

When ordering a wholesale batch, the price of each bottle is reduced. This offer is very profitable if you order the Executioner bedbug repellent together with your neighbors.

What container to use for processing

The manufacturer recommends preparing the solution in the container that will be used directly for spraying. For these purposes, he offers special vessels with a volume of 1 to 5 liters, equipped with a pump and sprinkler. For convenience, they are equipped with long tips, thanks to which you can treat the narrowest crevices and other hard-to-reach places with an insecticidal solution. If this is not possible, this vessel can replace a regular spray bottle or a bottle from any glass cleaner.

How to properly treat pests

Initially, "Executioner" was an army drug that was used to treat barracks. In such large rooms, the product showed its best side. Over time, it began to be used by special services that professionally combat parasites. Today the product can be purchased in a specialized online store. It can also be found at almost any point of sale of household chemicals. Recently, the drug has been actively used for treating residential premises.

( Video : “How to use Bedbug Executioner”)

To achieve maximum effect from the treatment, the manufacturer recommends following some recommendations:

  • seal the room. Before starting treatment, all windows and doors must be closed. Take care to prevent fresh air from entering the room;
  • take care of personal protection. The drug does not pose any danger to humans only if it is used in compliance with all rules. Therefore, here you definitely need to use a respirator, gloves, old clothes that can be thrown away, a protective suit, glasses, shoe covers;
  • It is necessary to prepare the working fluid in strict compliance with the proportions indicated on the packaging. It must be remembered that an increased concentration of active substances can cause human poisoning. If their quantity is small, treatment will not give a positive result;
  • The drug can be applied in a way convenient for you. For example, the product can be evenly applied to accessible, flat surfaces using a brush. In hard-to-reach places it is better to use a sprayer;
  • After treatment, you must leave the room for at least 8 hours. In this case, the windows must be closed so that the drug spreads even into the most remote crevices and secluded places;
  • 8-10 hours after completion of treatment, you can begin ventilation. The drug has a sharp, specific odor, so you need to create a draft in the room. Within a few hours the unpleasant odor will disappear;
  • after treatment, you will be able to notice a lot of poisoned insects that need to be swept away with a broom or collected with a vacuum cleaner;
  • surfaces that will come into contact with humans must be wet cleaned. Here it is recommended to use soapy water with the addition of soda.

What should you do before and after treatment?

Controlling bed bugs is a time-consuming and time-consuming task. Typically, even after repairs, cleaning and baiting, it is important to monitor for surviving bed bugs. When you use the Executioner, there is also a danger that some surviving eggs may appear, from which nymphs will hatch. This does not mean that the destruction was ineffective. As these eggs hatch, continued monitoring and subsequent destruction must be repeated. A classic chemical treatment program usually requires at least one follow-up every two weeks.

You can continue to sleep in your bed after using Executioner. But we recommend putting special sealed covers on mattresses and springs. Any surviving bed bugs in your mattress or box spring won't be able to get out to bite you. Covers also prevent bed bugs living in other parts of the room from taking up residence on the mattress or box springs.

If no significant reduction in bed bug numbers is observed after baiting, it may be necessary to consider a combination of other methods or the use of alternative pest control methods. For example, sticky traps or bed bug interceptors may be useful for several weeks after the extermination process.

The main thing is to prevent their return. First, do a complete general cleaning, thoroughly wiping, washing, washing everything. Don't miss a single corner, a single place. Then, since pests often migrate from a nearby infestation, you must deny them a “visitor visa” by carefully blocking all routes through which they enter your home.

Bedbugs enter mainly through door cracks or cracks in rooms. In some cases, even small cracks of a few millimeters in size are sufficient. As a precaution, all such access should be tightly closed and isolated.

What you should know

Due to the fact that the Executioner against bedbugs is moderately toxic, it should be used with caution, using protective equipment (respirator, safety glasses, rubber gloves and the most closed clothing possible). The room is treated with the window open.

If the rules of use are not followed, fenthion poisoning may occur, which may result in:

  • headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • lethargy and drowsiness;
  • muscle weakness and dizziness;
  • difficulty breathing and increased blood pressure;
  • abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Security measures

  • It is necessary to use personal protective equipment: goggles, a respirator or bandage, gloves.
  • Remove people and animals from the premises.
  • Wet treatment and ventilation of the room.
  • Washing or dry cleaning clothes.
  • There is no need to stay in the room unnecessarily until it is completely ventilated.
  • At the first signs of feeling unwell (nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing), consult a doctor immediately.
  • Follow the instructions strictly and observe safety precautions.

Conclusions from Tikhon: Executioner is a relatively new insecticidal drug

But he has already managed to win the attention of both residents of Russia and the CIS countries. Users respond positively to this drug and its effective use in controlling household pests

Happiness to you and your loved ones.

Where to start processing

Executioner for exterminating insects
Processing procedure:

  1. Disinfestation of the room begins with spraying the sleeping area.
  2. After treating the outer surfaces of the sofa or bed, they are opened or turned over, providing access to the internal spring mechanisms and wooden structures. Sometimes you even have to remove or cut the fabric inside the sofa, since this is where bedbugs most often hide.
  3. The mattress, bedding, carpets in the apartment, mirrors hanging on the walls, paintings and photographs are sprayed in a similar way.
  4. The internal surfaces of cabinets and things stored in them are thoroughly sprayed with the Executioner solution so that they do not become a source of re-infection. Subsequently, clothes and bedding are washed.
  5. Favorite habitats for indoor bedbugs can be folds of curtains, cracks in ventilation, under baseboards, window sills and near electrical outlets, during the treatment of which it is necessary to turn off the electricity.

The panicky state of indoor parasites can be observed even at the time of treatment. There is no point in wasting time catching them, since they will still not be able to avoid inevitable death.

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