How to Choose an Effective Flea Collar for Your Dog

Some dog owners are confident that if their pet does not go outside, then the risk of infection with fleas or other blood-sucking parasites is minimal, and sometimes not even possible. In fact, this is a misconception.

The owner himself can bring ticks or fleas into the apartment on his shoes or clothes. Veterinary experts strongly recommend regular preventive treatments against fleas, ticks and other parasites, not only during their active season, but throughout the year.

One of the effective methods of combating fleas and ticks in animals is special collars impregnated with substances that repel bloodsuckers.

How safety collars work

A flea collar is a flexible plastic band with a buckle to secure it around the animal's neck. The tape is impregnated with special substances that are activated upon contact with a dog. Due to heating, toxins from the collar spread through the coat, penetrate the skin and accumulate in the sebaceous glands. After a few days, the toxic substances will reach a sufficient concentration to destroy the bloodsuckers. The protective properties of the collar are maintained throughout the entire wearing time, so it is not recommended to remove it at night.

Benefits of flea and tick collars

Unlike sprays, drops and other anti-flea and anti-tick products, the collar has a number of advantages:

  • is an accessible means of protection;
  • convenient and easy to use;
  • does not cause irritation or discomfort in the animal;
  • destroys various types of parasites;
  • has a long validity period;
  • When used correctly, it is relatively safe for pets.

How long does it last?

Depending on the manufacturer, the collar is valid for 2–8 months. It is not recommended to use it longer than the period indicated on the package.

Contraindications and restrictions

Insectoacaricidal collars, in terms of the degree of impact on the body, are classified as “moderately dangerous substances” (hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), and do not have a resorptive-toxic or locally irritating effect. The active substances contained in the composition are toxic to bees, as well as fish and other aquatic organisms and belong to “hazardous substances” (hazard class 2).

For safe use, the following points should be considered:

  • collars are not used for pregnant dogs, especially in the last third of pregnancy and lactating females, patients with infectious diseases and convalescent animals;
  • anti-tick collars are used for dogs older than 8-12 weeks of age, depending on the manufacturer;
  • Cat collars should not be used on dogs.

Side effects are observed in rare cases, with increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the active ingredients, individual reactions are possible (excessive salivation, lacrimation, muscle tremors, vomiting, skin irritation).

Allergic reactions may occur - itching and signs of skin irritation in the neck area. In such cases, stop using the collar and consult a doctor for advice.

Symptoms of overdose in dogs are observed when used together with other drugs.

Types of flea collars

There are several types of flea collars.


A chemical collar is a collar that contains substances that destroy parasites. These are mainly acaricides and insecticides, sometimes repellents. Today they are in great demand among dog breeders. However, for some dogs it may be contraindicated as toxic.

Bio collars

Biological collars contain extracts of medicinal herbs and essential oils that repel ticks and fleas and also have a healing effect. Compared to chemical agents, they are safer for the animal, but quickly lose their protective properties.

Ultrasonic collars

The collar is equipped with a special device that creates ultrasonic impulses that repel parasites. This protective device is expensive and runs on batteries. According to dog owners, it is less effective than other types of collars, but is absolutely safe for the animal.


A DIY collar will save money and protect your pet from exposure to chemicals.

To make a collar you will need:

  • a strip of any natural dense fabric with a length equal to the circumference of the neck + 10 cm;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of garlic oil;
  • 6 drops of essential oil of thyme, lavender, cedar;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of witch hazel extract.

Mix all components and soak the prepared strip in the resulting solution for 10 minutes. The collar should dry well. After 2 days it is ready to use. The collar is valid for 1 month.

Reviews from dog owners

For the first time I bought a Beaphar tick collar in an online store for 270 rubles at a discount. Overall not bad. It fulfills the task of additional protection. Maybe it doesn’t work one hundred percent, as we would like, on some resourceful individuals, but we have another weapon in our arsenal - Frontline. Among the shortcomings I can name is the smell, but without smell you cannot eradicate a single parasite. I think this can be survived. I recommend.

Anna, Novosibirsk.

I bought a collar for my dog ​​Jessica Beaphar for the first time and paid 250 rubles. We used to buy Rolf Club, but it is now expensive, but this one was recommended to us by a neighbor we met at a pet store. The instructions say that the validity period is 6 months. But from my own extensive experience I know that it won’t last more than three. Our Jessica reacted to the new thing in a special way: when they put it on her neck, she refused to eat for two days. Apparently the smell made me sick. She lay sad and did not react to anything.

On the third day, she became happier, started eating, and began asking to go for walks. It’s already been a month since we got our dog, she’s started to get used to it, and she’s no longer rebelling. There is almost no smell, at least the apartment doesn’t smell like it did in the first days. I hope it hasn’t lost its properties, and Jessica is safe from these creatures for another two months. I recommend the Beaphar collar, the price is low compared to other brands, the manufacturer promises happiness. As a bonus, there is a nice little thing - a lock that glows in the dark. I rate it five stars and recommend it.

Veronica, Chita region.

Previously, we used Advantix flea drops, but they only lasted about two weeks.
August came and it became cooler outside. I came to the store and asked for something against insects for my Lord. We recommended a tick and flea collar from the Kiltix brand, which smells strongly of garlic. They put it on easily, before washing Lord with flea shampoo. Two days later I took him out for a walk in the park. The first week the fleas clung one by one, after that - not a single one. I don’t know how it will be in the spring, but in cool weather no additional protection is needed. To buy or not to buy is everyone’s business, but we are glad that we purchased it. Valentina, Moscow region.

How to choose the right flea and tick collar

There are certain criteria based on which you can choose a collar:

  • The collar should not be too cheap. Poor quality ingredients can be harmful to your pet's health.
  • Listen to the opinions of veterinarians and choose products from trusted manufacturers.
  • Domestic and European brands will be a more reliable choice.
  • The size of the collar should correspond to the circumference of the dog's neck, allowing for a small margin for comfortable wearing.

How to choose a collar for a puppy?

There is an age limit for using a collar for small puppies. It is not recommended to use it on an animal under 6 months old. Some brands of ecological products can be used starting from 2 months.

Depending on the weight and breed of the dog

Each dog breed is different from each other. Therefore, many companies produce antiparasitic products in sizes depending on the dog’s weight and breed. There are collars for small dog breeds, medium breeds and large breeds. Some companies offer collars that take into account the pet's weight - up to a certain weight or more.

Can it be used on pregnant and lactating dogs?

Flea collars should be used with caution on pregnant and lactating dogs. The manufacturer always indicates limitations and possible consequences, so read the instructions carefully.

Nursing dogs are advised to refrain from using the collar, as puppies can be poisoned by toxic substances if they come into contact with it. It is better to resort to other protective measures.

How else can you get rid of pests?

You can get rid of pests using drops, shampoos, tablets, injections and sprays.

Also, many advise using traditional methods. It is worth making a decoction of rosemary, lavender, wormwood and eucalyptus. This product can be used to treat not only a cat or dog, but also all places in the house (wash the floors).

You don’t have to create anything new and don’t put your pet in danger with your own hands. All you have to do is go to the veterinarian or pet store and buy a collar or any other product.

Best Flea and Tick Collars for Dogs

Let's look at the rating of the best collars, which are in great demand among dog breeders.


The biological type of the Fitodoc collar is harmless in its composition. Can be used without restrictions for any dogs, does not cause allergic reactions. The only drawback is the repellent effect on pests, so it is used in combination with other means.

"Foresto" odorless

It is an effective means of protection due to the content of active chemicals in it. It has no odor and does not cause allergies.

Available in two versions:

  • up to 8 kg – 38 cm;
  • over 8 kg – 70 cm.

Dog breeders speak well of this collar, as it not only repels fleas and ticks, but also destroys them. When bathing an animal, the protective equipment does not need to be removed.

Bayer "Kiltix"

The collar has a low concentration of harmful substances, therefore it eliminates side effects from use.

Produced by the German company Bayer, which provides 3 models for different dogs:

  • for little ones – 35 cm;
  • for medium-sized ones – 48 cm;
  • for large ones – 65 cm.

Although the collar is waterproof, it is better to remove it before bathing your dog in order to extend the validity period, which is 7 months.

Rolf club "Rolf club 3D"

This model has three levels of safety and at the same time actively prevents bites from 9 types of parasites, repels midges and mosquitoes. It is a good choice for an owner who cares about the pet’s health. The collar does not cause allergies and does not interfere with the sense of smell. Available for different sizes of dogs, except puppies and sick four-legged dogs.

"SOS Flea & Tick Collar"

The peculiarity of this collar is that it affects a large group of parasites (fleas, lice, ticks, lice), as well as their larvae. The active substance spreads over the skin of the animal, but does not enter the blood. Controls pests until they bite.

The model is available in sizes 60 and 70 cm.


This is the type of model that is allowed to be used by pregnant, lactating dogs and puppies from 2 months of age. In rare cases, it causes allergies. It is resistant to moisture, but it is advisable to remove it before swimming. The active substance contained in the collar paralyzes insects, preventing them from biting. The protection period is 6 months.

The collar comes in different lengths:

  • for small and medium breeds – 48 cm;
  • for large breeds – 65 cm.

Hartz "Ultra Guard Flea & Tick Collar"

American has developed a collar specifically for puppies that are 6 weeks old. The product is absolutely safe and suitable for pregnant dogs. You don't have to take it off while swimming. The only limitation is incompatibility with other security tools.

Before use, the substance contained in the tape must be activated by shaking the collar.


The peculiarity of the collar is that it begins to act only 5 days after the start of use. Therefore, these days, the owner should exercise caution when walking his dog. Made from waterproof material.

The use of flea control is contraindicated in puppies under 6 months of age.


The advantage of this model is its favorable purchase price and protection against many types of ticks. However, the product can cause a number of allergic reactions, including vomiting. Available for different sizes of dogs.

"Insectal Plus"

It is an inexpensive and at the same time effective means of protection. Actively fights parasites and prevents infection. There are practically no side effects. Available in different sizes for all categories of dogs.

Beaphar "Beaphar Ungezieferband"

The collar of this brand begins to have an effect on parasites five days after use. Allowed for use by dogs over 6 months of age. The exception is pregnant and lactating dogs.

The service life of the collar is up to 5 months.

4 paws

Suitable for all breeds of dogs, including pregnant, elderly and allergy-prone. Due to the content of essential oils, it eliminates ixodid ticks, lice, fleas. The validity period is 3 months.


The collar contains pine fragrance and permethrin, which accumulates in the hair follicles, glands and epidermis without penetrating into the blood. Has a detrimental effect on fleas and ticks for 4 months. It is allowed to use other means of protection in parallel.

Doctor zoo

Comfortable, effective bio collar with less pronounced odor. Does not cause any discomfort to the animal. It is recommended to wear for 4 months, except for pregnant, lactating and weakened dogs.


This collar is available for different breeds of dogs. It is a combined antiparasitic agent aimed at treating and preventing parasites. Has a slight odor. Not recommended for use with other products, may cause allergies in dogs.

Main substance

The substance that is released and acts on parasites is called deltamethrin. It is also commonly classified as a pyrethroid group; it has an instant repellent effect that immediately drives away fleas and ticks, and at the same time it is also capable of killing (acaricidal/insecticidal property) parasites.

Rules for using collars

When to put a flea collar on your dog

Before putting on a collar, veterinarians recommend completely getting rid of parasites. To do this, apply special drops to the withers or wash the animal with shampoo, and after 2 days put on a collar. .

Should I take off the collar at night?

If the dog lives indoors and has no symptoms of parasite infestation, the collar can be removed at night, allowing the dog to rest. In other cases, the collar must be worn 24 hours a day.

What to do if your dog is itching in a collar

If you notice your dog itching after wearing the collar for several hours, you should remove it to avoid allergic reactions and contact your veterinarian.

Can cats have a dog collar?

Cats should absolutely not use dog collars due to the high concentration of insecticides in them. Substances contained in dog protection products can be toxic to cats and lead to health problems.

Features of application

The use of anti-tick collars, leashes and keychains for dogs is generally a simple and moderately effective method of protection.

The collar is put on the dog, adjusted in size so that there is a gap of 1.0–1.5 cm between the animal’s neck and the collar, then the free end of the tape is passed through the clamp and the excess collar is cut off, leaving the end no more than 5 cm long.

The collar is used continuously during the parasite activity season. The collars begin to work 2-3 days after the start of use. In the first days of using the collar, ixodid ticks may attack and attach to the animal, but after 1–2 days the parasites spontaneously fall off. The effectiveness of using a collar depends on the condition and size of the dog's coat. Before putting on the collar, wash the dog, and after washing, put the collar only on dry hair. The period of protective action is up to 6 months.

Precautionary measures

There are certain precautions that must be followed:

  • Considering that the collar begins to work after some time, you need to avoid walking until it is activated.
  • Use the product with caution in combination with other products.
  • Always read the instructions on the packaging.
  • Avoid any hygiene procedures for a week after using the collar.
  • Monitor for warning signs after starting use.

Side effects

The instructions for using collars always indicate possible side effects:

  • decreased visual and hearing acuity;
  • allergic reactions;
  • if the collar allows water to pass through, then swimming in it is prohibited;
  • not all products eliminate parasite larvae;
  • for long-haired breeds, collars may be ineffective;
  • The effect of the collar does not apply to the back of the back, so some companies recommend combining it with other products.

Allergic reactions

Collar allergy in dogs manifests itself as redness of the skin, itching, and then hair loss. The pet may simply be in a lethargic state. This may indicate an incorrectly selected collar, or the animal’s intolerance to the substance with which the protective strap is impregnated.

When the first symptoms of an allergy appear, you need to remove the collar, wash the dog with shampoo and give it antihistamines.

Criterias of choice

To choose the ideal collar for your pet, you should pay attention to a number of points. First of all, decide on the classification of the future parasite repeller. There are 3 types in total.

  1. Biological. Such devices are of average effectiveness, but are safe for animals. Contains plant extracts. Such accessories are suitable for the youngest pets or those recovering from illnesses.
  2. Ultrasonic. Another harmless and even universal option for repelling parasites. It has no odor and is quite expensive.
  3. Chemical. They are considered the most effective in exterminating ticks and fleas, but it is better to use them only on healthy and active pets, because the composition contains a fairly high concentration of toxins.

In addition to the type of protection, you need to pay attention to other points.

  1. Size. The accessory should not be too small or too big for the pet. Most of these products are labeled (for which specific breeds the elastic bands are suitable).
  2. Price. You should be wary of the cheapest options so as not to harm your pet due to the poor quality of the accessory.
  3. Manufacturer. It is worth choosing proven brands or those for which you can find many positive reviews online.

Advice! Before purchasing, you should read the ingredients carefully, because the choice of collar determines not only its deterrent function, but also the health of the pet.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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