13 effective folk remedies for fleas in the apartment

Fleas are wingless, blood-sucking insects that appear in the house for various reasons. They are often brought in by pets. Parasites can appear in a home if sanitary treatment has not been carried out in the attic or basement, and in these places there could be street animals and birds that are carriers of pests.

There are chemical and folk remedies for getting rid of fleas in an apartment. The first gained popularity due to their high efficiency and quick impact. Traditional methods are in demand because they are considered safer, can be used as a means of preventing insects, are affordable, and do not require large expenses.

  • Folk remedies
  • Wormwood for fleas in the house
  • Boric acid
  • Ammonia
  • Tar soap
  • Salt
  • Soda
  • Essential oils for fleas in the apartment
  • Vinegar
  • Pyrethrum
  • Bleaching
  • Chamomile
  • Hellebore water
  • Tansy for fleas
  • 5 flea remedies that are not recommended for use Creolin for fleas
  • Kerosene
  • Garlic
  • Laundry soap
  • Alcohol

Folk remedies

Fleas in the house cause discomfort to people living in the room, as well as to pets. They are carriers of serious diseases and contribute to the development of allergic reactions. You can get rid of parasites using folk remedies, which are sold everywhere at a low cost. When used correctly, folk remedies help eliminate parasites and also prevent their appearance in the future.

Most folk remedies for fleas in the apartment do not pose a danger to people and are not toxic. Now there are many proven ways to remove parasites without chemicals, which allow you to remove bloodsuckers from your apartment on your own.

Preparing the room for processing

Before destroying parasites at home using folk remedies, you need to carefully prepare the room.

  1. Wash or replace with new pet bedding.
  2. Wash or dry clean all textile items - bedspreads, rugs, sofa cushions.
  3. Vacuum carpets thoroughly.
  4. Carry out wet cleaning.
  5. All shoes are washed.
  6. Clean upholstered furniture with soapy water.
  7. Put away food and dishes.
  8. Anything that cannot be removed is covered with plastic wrap.
  9. The aquarium is closed with a lid and the aeration of the water in it is turned off.
  10. Pets - parrots, hamsters, chinchillas - are removed from the premises.

Immediately before poisoning, fleas need to be treated for parasites in pets. Otherwise, the insects will simply hide in their fur, and then return to their usual habitats.

Wormwood for fleas in the house

This plant is used to exterminate parasites. You can hang this grass in a private house or apartment; its smell repels adults. Wormwood essential oil or tincture, which has a more pungent odor, is also effective.

The folk remedy does not kill black fleas, it only repels parasites. It can be used to prevent the appearance of parasites, for example, on the first floor, if wingless carriers may live in the basement. Used to prevent the appearance of insects in the house after initial treatment.

A decoction of wormwood is used to treat areas where insects accumulate in the greatest numbers. The plant should be used with caution, as it can cause allergies.

Operating principle

When wondering whether vinegar kills bedbugs, it is worth noting that the product is not poison. It only scares away parasites and forces them to leave their habitat. Only a high concentration of the substance can kill the parasite. This happens when a bug gets into a jar of acid.

The essence corrodes his body, and the bloodsucker dies. The substance sprayed from a spray bottle is not so caustic and is not capable of damaging the parasite. The settled droplets of the solution create an unbearable scented cloud that repels insects.

If the smell persists for a long time, they have to look for a new home.

Boric acid

The folk remedy has low toxicity, however, it is part of many insecticides. Boric acid from fleas causes dehydration in parasites, which leads to the destruction of blood-sucking ones.

How to use the product:

  • Remove all foreign objects from the floor and carpets; children and animals should not be present during processing.
  • Vacuum carpets to remove dust.
  • Sprinkle the powder on carpets and around baseboards.
  • Using a brush, distribute the powder over the carpet pile.

The folk method is effective in the fight against larvae; it does not have such a strong effect on adults. After treatment, 1-2 days later, clean the treated areas with a vacuum cleaner. It is necessary to carry out the processing procedure several times.

Operating principle

The appearance of such unpleasant neighbors as bed bugs in a residential area threatens to become a real disaster for the whole family. And this is not surprising - despite its small size, this midge can cause people a lot of trouble. Bedbugs feed on the blood of people, and to get to the “food” they bite. In the best case, the bite site will then itch; in the worst case, serious illnesses will occur. In addition, bedbugs prevent you from sleeping peacefully at night, so you need to start fighting them as quickly as possible. The modern household chemicals market offers a wide range of insecticides to kill these insects.

However, many are afraid to use toxic products in their home, although manufacturers claim that they do not affect the human body. That is why most users, when home bugs appear, prefer ordinary table vinegar. This is an accessible folk remedy that has been used to rid the home of bedbugs since the time of our grandparents. In its composition, vinegar is a natural antiseptic and insecticide. In a living space, it can be used on all surfaces from floor to ceiling. It is widely used for antimicrobial treatment of kitchens, bathrooms, cutting boards, kitchen appliances and hallways.

So, let's take a closer look at the effects of vinegar on blood-sucking insects. Are bedbugs afraid of it, can vinegar kill bloodsuckers, and will such a method of control be truly effective? In fact, vinegar does not pose any danger to parasites, but insects do not like its pungent smell; it scares them away and forces them to leave their habitat. That is why acetic acid is used to clean residential premises from bedbugs. The specific aroma causes bedbugs to crawl out of their favorite place and flee. The use of vinegar often leads to mass emigration of insects. Typically, these parasites crawl into neighboring apartments, so protecting your home from bedbugs for a long time will require comprehensive treatment of several rooms at once.

Bloodsuckers will not appear in a room that smells of vinegar for a long time. With a high degree of probability, they will completely disappear from their former territories. However, it should be borne in mind that acetic acid has an adverse effect only on adult individuals; it is not harmful to parasite eggs. Therefore, a one-time treatment will not be enough - it will not be possible to get rid of both sexually mature individuals and the clutch at once. After some time, young animals will appear and begin to reproduce just as actively.


One of the frequently used remedies is ammonia for fleas in the house. This substance has a pungent odor. Before treating the premises, children and animals should be removed for the duration of the procedure.

How to perform disinfestation:

  • Pure alcohol can be poured into cracks and baseboards. The manipulation is carried out using a respirator.
  • To obtain a solution, dilute 10-30 milliliters of ammonia in 3-4 liters of water. The resulting solution should be used to treat furniture, walls, and wash floors.
  • Cabinets and other furniture should be wiped with the solution inside and out.

Along with ammonia, ammonia is used for fleas. The folk remedy repels individuals with its smell and is used to prepare a solution for washing floors and walls.


To kill fleas that live in carpets, this affordable and safe folk remedy is used.

How to treat the room:

  • Sprinkle carpets in every room.
  • Rub salt into the pile with a brush.
  • Leave the surfaces for a couple of days.
  • Vacuum the carpets.

It is advisable to carry out the treatment several times to avoid the appearance of new individuals from previously laid eggs.

Essential oils for fleas in the apartment

Insects cannot tolerate strong odors; the aromas of essential oils repel them. Aromatic oils are often used to prevent insects from returning after pest control.

What oils help in the fight against fleas in the house:

  • Eucalyptus.
  • Peppermint.
  • Sosnovoe.
  • Lavender.
  • Flea streaks.
  • Cedar.
  • Tea tree.

First you need to clean it, dilute 10-20 ml of oil with several liters of water. Use the resulting solution to wipe the surfaces. Oils are effective as long as they smell. This method is not recommended for allergy sufferers.

Tips to pay attention to

Bathing your dog can cause fleas to accumulate on his head.

Kill or drown them in water carefully, making sure not to let the solution get into your pet's eyes, nose, mouth, or ears. Wash and sanitize the dog bed regularly, and vacuum and disinfect areas where your dog likes to lie or play. If you can’t get rid of fleas on your own, be sure to seek help from a veterinarian. A few simple and cheap recipes using dishwashing detergent will help you get rid of fleas on cats and dogs quickly and without breaking the budget.

Preparing shampoos is very simple. And the most important thing when using them is to monitor your pet so that the product does not get into his eyes, ears and mouth

A few simple and cheap recipes using dishwashing detergent will help you get rid of fleas on cats and dogs quickly and without breaking the bank. Preparing shampoos is very simple. And the most important thing when using them is to monitor your pet so that the product does not get into his eyes, ears and mouth.

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Vinegar essence is one of the most accessible remedies. To use flea vinegar, you need to make a solution to treat your home. Water and apple cider vinegar are poured into the container in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting solution can be sprayed onto furniture, walls, and floors.

Then you need to clean the surfaces with a vacuum cleaner and carry out wet cleaning. When working with the substance, it is important to take precautions to avoid damage to the skin, respiratory system, and eyes.

How to get rid of mold on floors and walls?

If mold has formed on the floor, be sure to find out the cause of its appearance and remove the provoking factor. Otherwise, cleaning will provide a temporary effect.

  1. To combat fungus, use undiluted “Whiteness”. Apply it with a sponge to the affected areas of the floor and walls and wait until the composition dries.
  2. During this time, the black spots should lighten. Take a brush and clean the mold.
  3. Fill a bucket with water, add “Whiteness” at the rate of 100 ml per 1 liter and thoroughly wash the floors.

“Whiteness” has a detrimental effect on most bacteria and viruses, so it is suitable for wiping surfaces and washing floors. If you follow safety rules and adhere to the instructions, the product cannot harm - provided that there is no allergy to the composition.


The main advantage of the substance is its strong disinfectant and antiseptic effect. The folk remedy has a smell that repels insects; chlorine fumes have a negative effect on insects, which leads to their death.

The disadvantage of using bleach is that the substance has a negative effect on humans and domestic animals; its high concentration leads to poisoning. The substance is a bleach - as a result of use, there is a risk of damaging furniture upholstery, carpets, and finishing surfaces in the apartment.

Tansy for fleas

The plant is used to prevent the appearance of insects. It is a repellent and repels bloodsuckers, but does not kill them. Fresh plants, oils or decoctions of tansy have virtually no effect on the larvae of individuals.

The oil of this plant can cause paralysis in fleas; in addition, tansy is relatively safe for people, but can cause allergies. Used if single individuals or localization points of parasites have been detected.

Advantages and disadvantages

When evaluating the product, vinegar against bedbugs has a number of advantages:

  1. Cheapness. The product is available to the average user.
  2. Safety. Unlike disinsection and deratization with purchased insecticides, when used correctly, vinegar does not harm the health of animals and people.
  3. Availability. You can purchase the product at any grocery store.
  4. Multifunctionality. The product is used to treat bedbug bites and repel parasites.
  5. No stains after treatment. Apple cider vinegar is actively used against sofa bugs, and after disinfection there are no traces of the substance left on the sofa.

Despite the advantages of the method, there are also negative aspects of vinegar etching:

  1. Low efficiency. Vinegar only repels bedbugs, but does not completely destroy them. Insect larvae do not suffer at all from this method.
  2. Specificity of smell. After treatment, you need to ventilate the room well.
  3. Multiple uses. To get rid of the problem completely, you need to repeat the procedure every 2 weeks.

5 flea products that are not recommended for use

Not all traditional methods are effective in controlling insects or preventing their appearance in the apartment. For example, kerosene, creolin, turpentine against fleas are not only ineffective, but also dangerous folk methods that are not recommended for use in the home.

Creolin for fleas

The substance has an oily consistency and brown color. It smells strong. Helps fight microbes, is a disinfectant, and an insecticide, but it is not recommended to use it indoors. The drug is toxic and causes adverse reactions.


In the last century, kerosene for fleas was a popular option for getting rid of insects. However, this method is dangerous for pets, since the toxic substance causes vomiting, damage to mucous membranes, and breathing problems. In high concentrations it leads to severe poisoning and death.

In addition, kerosene is a fire hazard and has a persistent odor. Upholstered furniture and carpets absorb the smell of kerosene, which is then difficult to remove, so it can only be used on hard surfaces.


Garlic has a strong odor that repels insects. However, the product is not the most effective compared to some herbs and essential oils. In addition, it is not recommended to treat soft surfaces and fabrics with garlic, as the aroma of garlic is difficult to remove.

Laundry soap

Using laundry soap, surfaces are cleaned of dirt. It has an antimicrobial effect. The advantages of the product are that the soap does not cause allergies and is low cost.

However, the product has a strong smell, which is unpleasant not only for insects, but also for people. Soap does not kill insects; it repels them with a strong odor, so it is not popular for fighting parasites.


Alcohol is used in combination with other folk remedies. It has a pungent odor and has a disinfecting effect, but evaporates quickly, which reduces its effectiveness. It should be used with caution, as the substance is toxic to animals.

Some folk remedies for fleas in the apartment are effective when used correctly and repeatedly. However, most of them are used as a preventive measure against insect damage to the home, but not as an option to combat existing parasites.

Popular questions

Is it possible to increase the effectiveness of the method?
In order for the anti-bedbug substance to work with maximum efficiency, acetic acid is mixed with Corvalol, bleach, turpentine, naphthalene, and alcohol. It is better to do this every two weeks, but if there is a large area affected, then it is better to use chemicals, and use vinegar as a preventive action a week after disinfection with chemicals.

How great is the risk of poisoning? If you follow safety precautions, vinegar is not harmful to humans. To do this, during processing you need to protect the skin and mucous membranes from acid. The disinfectant's clothing must cover all exposed areas of the body, he must have gloves on his hands, goggles and a respirator on his face.

The method has been used for baiting bedbugs for a long time. The method has its advantages and disadvantages. It is non-toxic and, when used correctly, does not harm household members, therefore it is popular in homes where small children live.

Also, its availability and low cost allows the substance to be used regardless of the location and family income.

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