How to fight ants with Delicia?

Living in the forest, ants are useful. They destroy harmful insects, larvae, and debris. Therefore, from childhood we were taught not to destroy anthills. When ants settle in a house or garden, such a neighborhood cannot be called useful. They do not disdain any food supplies. They crawl into food and cannot be shaken out. They can destroy a piece of meat left on the table, spoil bread and jam. By visiting the garbage can, they spread the infection. Additionally, some people are allergic to house ants.

There are different ways to control these insects. One effective way is to use the drug Delicia.

Delicia is a powder with insecticidal (insect-killing) properties. 1 kg of powder contains 10 g of chlorpyrifos. Allows you to fight ants in your living room, on the terrace, in the garden.

Description of the drug

Delicia ant repellent is an insecticidal drug based on chlorpyrifos.
Produced in Germany. The powdery substance has a contact effect. It enters the insect’s body through the digestive tract or respiratory system and begins to destroy the protein responsible for the functioning of nerve impulses. After twenty minutes, the nervous system is completely paralyzed, leading to asphyxia. Although the respiratory organs are less exposed to the powder, this route of infection should not be discounted. The drug is available in two forms, powder and spray, each of them has its own number of advantages.

Delicium from ants works quite effectively due to the high concentration of the toxic component. Insects walk through the powder, and particles of the substance remain on their legs, which they share with their relatives. This way, in a short time - up to two weeks - all annoying pests are destroyed. The product can be used in any living space or garden.

This video shows how to poison cockroaches in an apartment:

Delicia anti-ant powder is produced in different volumes. Packages of different weights and prices allow you to buy the right amount of poison:

  • 125 g (cost about 200 rubles);
  • 375 g (450 rubles);
  • 500 g (about 600 rubles).

The drug does not cause significant harm to human health. But still, when using the substance, certain safety precautions must be observed:

  • do not drink or eat during the procedure;
  • no smoking;
  • do not allow pregnant women, children, or pets into the premises;
  • Protect yourself with a respirator and rubber gloves;
  • Do not spray the product near rivers and ponds.

After the procedure, you need to thoroughly wash your face and hands with soap. With short-term contact, the drug does not affect humans , but if the product gets on the skin, irritation will occur. If signs of poisoning appear, you need to consult a doctor for help as soon as possible.

Delicia ant repellent review

Delicia ant powder has proven itself in the insecticide market. Beneficial insects such as ants become real pests if they appear in residential and public buildings, gardens, sports, playgrounds, etc. They spoil everything around them, crawl into food and garbage, and spread various types of infectious diseases, which creates discomfort. . Some people have an allergic reaction to them. Fighting them with folk remedies is quite difficult and not always effective. It is much easier to use special compounds. Such as Delicia.

What is Delicia?

This is a German powder insecticidal drug. It is available in different volumes, which allows you to buy exactly the quantity you need. Delicia fights insects both indoors and outdoors.

This product is good because even simple contact with it kills insects

It is important that the ant touches the diluted or powdered product with its body. The second option is more effective, since the particles stick to the pests and they carry the toxic substance into the nest, poisoning their fellows

Complete destruction of garden and household pests occurs within 14 days.

Why Delicia is better than other products

Fighting house ants is no longer difficult. The main advantages of division are simplicity, efficiency and affordable cost. Remember that you should not delay the procedure of getting rid of pests. They spread quickly and begin to build new houses. As a result, after some time there will be not one, but several nests.

Finding the main nest is not always easy. Insects hide it. That is why the powder is poured along the path of movement. Ants always use the same paths, which they mark with odorous liquid.

Instructions for use

There are two ways to use the product, which are described in its instructions. Both options are simple and convenient.

  1. In the first case, the drug must be poured in places where insects crawl. All joints, cracks, cracks and gaps need to be processed more carefully. The powder consumption in this case will be about 10 g/m. Gradually, the pests will take the substance to their nest, poisoning the uterus and the younger generation.
  2. The next option requires diluting the drug in water. It is diluted at the rate of 125 grams per 6 liters of water. The resulting solution needs to be sprayed on all surfaces from a spray bottle, and cracks, joints and recesses need to be shed. Around the nest, processing is carried out more carefully. It should be done at a time when ants gather in their house, in the morning or evening hours. In those places where insects appear, only periodically carry out drip treatment. It is advisable to place the diluted product in small flat containers.

Safety rules when working with Delicia

This insecticidal product may be hazardous to human health through direct contact. Therefore, keep it in a locked, inaccessible place. There should be no animals, pregnant women or children where the processing is carried out. Wear gloves. Before treating surfaces, carefully read the instructions and follow them.

Be careful not to get the product on your lawn, food, or surfaces that you or your family come into contact with. If you start processing, do not smoke, drink or eat. After the work is completed, wash your hands and all areas of skin that came into contact with the substance thoroughly with soap. If the powder gets into your eyes, rinse them with water. If you accidentally inhale or swallow this medicine, call your doctor immediately.

The secret of action

Delicia ant powder contains a modern broad-spectrum insecticide - chlorpyrifos. The substance penetrates the insect's body through food contact. The ant gets its paws dirty, its abdomen covered in powder, carries the poison on itself into the anthill, and poisons others. When he begins to put himself in order, the poison enters the esophagus.

Delicia disrupts the functioning of the nervous system and blocks the transmission of impulses. Within a few minutes, muscle paralysis occurs, then death. The entire colony gradually becomes infected, and mass death of insects is observed within 10 days.

On a note!

Chlorpyrifos in powder form remains active on the treated surface indoors for about 2 months. How long it will last outdoors depends on weather conditions. If you sprinkle ant powder on top of an anthill, the colony will be destroyed within a few days.

Delicia kills adults and larvae of different ages, the eggs remain unharmed, but without proper care the development of the embryos stops.

Ant and cockroach repellents from the manufacturer - Bros


BROS – hunting belt (double-sided adhesive layer), 5 meters
Art. 725535Ш-к 5904517255357 Insect adhesive trap – the trapping belt is designed for catching caterpillars (including the winter moth, moth moth, sorrel sawfly), ants, as well as other pests of fruit and ornamental trees, by mechanical trapping on an adhesive layer. Pasted on tree trunks and branches, a glue trap is a mechanical obstacle for pests that need to move around the tree to complete their development cycle. The trap is coated on both sides with glue, which is resistant to moisture and retains its properties for up to 3 months.
BROS – anti-ant aerosol, 150 ml
Art. 706860Ш-к 5904517068582 Aerosol preparation for fighting ants (black, red). Acts quickly and safely. The effect of the drug indoors lasts up to 6 weeks. 150 ml.
BROS – from pharaoh (red) ants, 2 pcs.
Art. 706863Ш-к 5904517068636 Ready-to-use food-grade poison designed for indoor control of pharaoh (red) ants. The use of the drug in a place where insects accumulate or along their path guarantees maximum effectiveness of the product.
BROS – ant repellent powder
Art. 706867, 706868Ш-к 5904517068674, 5904517068681 A preparation for fighting ants in the form of granular food poison. Specially selected ingredients make the drug extremely attractive to insects and ensure its high effectiveness after the first use. Universal powder for fighting ants. It is used both in dry form for sprinkling, and in dissolved form for watering (completely soluble). 100 g., 250 g.
BROS – glue trap-house for catching cockroaches with pheromone
Art. 725529Ш-к 5904517255296 Glue trap with pheromone to fight cockroaches, ants, fleas. Thanks to the shape of the trap, caught insects are not visible. Does not contain toxic substances, so can be used in kitchens, pantries or warehouses, as well as in close proximity to food .
BROS – aerosol against crawling insects, aerosol 400 ml
Art. 710274Ш-к 5904517102743 Preparation for combating crawling insects indoors, for example: cockroaches, Prussians, ants, bristletails, etc. The special formula guarantees the versatile effect of the drug:
  • instant effect of killing insects (knockdown)
  • long-lasting effect that persists at the site of application
  • destruction of adult insects and eggs

400 ml.

You can purchase these products at


Delivery to any point in the Russian Federation.

Ants and cockroaches are annoying pests that can become a real problem in your home. It is very difficult to get rid of them because they build their nests in several places at the same time.

Remember that cockroaches are carriers of serious infectious diseases, and can also aggravate asthma and cause allergic reactions.

“Bros official representative in Russia” – Bros products against ants and cockroaches

Looking for an aerosol for cockroaches and ants? In our company you can profitably purchase high-quality and highly effective Bros products against ants and cockroaches.

The Bros brand produces fast-acting and effective disinfestation products of various types: gels, powders, aerosols, pastes.

The products fully meet all established quality standards, are certified and are original.

Indoor use

Delicia Powder for Ants

Ants climb to the upper floors of houses, settle in walls, under the floor, and insulating material. It is quite difficult to get rid of them using folk methods, since it is necessary to kill the head of the family - the queen, who does not show herself outside, hides in the nest. Anti-ant powder ensures infection of the pest colony within 24 hours.

  • The paths are sprinkled in places where a cluster of ants was discovered, the location of the nest was found, along the trajectory of the insects’ movement. Be sure to treat baseboards, window sills, areas near the trash can, and behind furniture.
  • If the nest is located under the floor, in cracks on the walls, prepare a solution. The powder is diluted in water at room temperature, stirred thoroughly, poured into a spray bottle, the surface is sprayed, and the solution is poured into the cracks with a syringe. This method was invented by the buyers themselves.

Delicia is safe for humans when used correctly. It is necessary to carry out work in rubber gloves, and immediately after the procedure wash your hands with soap. Failure to comply with safety measures, powder getting into the esophagus or respiratory tract causes nausea, headache, weakness, dizziness, and diarrhea. On the skin it provokes an allergic reaction.

Safety rules when working with Delicia

This is a German powder insecticidal drug. It is available in different volumes, which allows you to buy exactly the quantity you need. Delicia fights insects both indoors and outdoors. This product is good because even simple contact with it kills insects

It is important that the ant touches the diluted or powdered product with its body. The second option is more effective, since the particles stick to the pests and they carry the toxic substance into the nest, poisoning their fellows

Complete destruction of garden and household pests occurs within 14 days.

This insecticidal product may be hazardous to human health through direct contact. Therefore, keep it in a locked, inaccessible place. There should be no animals, pregnant women or children where the processing is carried out. Wear gloves. Before treating surfaces, carefully read the instructions and follow them.

Be careful not to get the product on your lawn, food, or surfaces that you or your family come into contact with. If you start processing, do not smoke, drink or eat. After the work is completed, wash your hands and all areas of skin that came into contact with the substance thoroughly with soap. If the powder gets into your eyes, rinse them with water. If you accidentally inhale or swallow this medicine, call your doctor immediately.

Benefits of the powder

Gardeners call this drug one of the most effective methods for getting rid of insects in the garden, garden, and apartment. If you follow all the recommendations, the effect declared by the manufacturer will certainly appear.

By eating a granule, the ant dies, after which its body becomes a new source of poisoning for its relatives

The instructions indicate that results will be seen after two weeks of use. At the same time, there were cases when it was possible to get rid of house ants within a couple of hours after treatment, if there was only one nest in the apartment. The poisoning ability is very high - even queens leave the shelter, so Delicia is rightfully considered a powerful remedy against pests.

At the first sign of a nest appearing in the house, it is better to immediately treat it with a product so that it acts as quickly as possible.

This is interesting: how to get ants out of the house using folk remedies

The drug is produced in convenient packages with overlapped holes, due to which you can easily pour the powder in small doses without fear of overdoing it with the amount. Other benefits include:

  1. Rapidity. You don't have to wait months for all the ants to die.
  2. Usage is as simple as possible. Can be used outdoors and indoors.
  3. No strong odor.

Don’t worry if there are ants on your property or in your apartment. Modern methods of insect control make it possible to deal with them in a short time without harm to humans.

Release form and storage conditions

The Polish company BROS produces the drug against Bros ants. There are two packaging options - 100 and 250 g each. The manufacturer claims that one 100 g jar is enough to destroy 25 ant nests.

The product is packaged in a plastic container with holes in the lid, which makes it easier to use.

To store the powder product, you need a dark, dry place that is inaccessible to animals and children.

The most famous analogue of Bros powder is the German product Expel.

Bros ant powder

The product is in the form of food granules. The special components included in the composition make this drug especially attractive to cockroaches. The effect is noticed immediately after the first applications. It is a universal remedy. Can be used in both dry and liquid form.

Aerosol against cockroaches

Instant effect, helps get rid of the entire population. Aerosol Bros is characterized by a long-lasting effect at the site of application. In addition, it destroys adult insects and eggs.

Bros catcher belt

Designed to catch ants and other insects that damage trees. The belt itself is applied directly to the tree itself, which is very convenient to use. The trap has an adhesive coating on both sides. It is moisture resistant and remains effective for up to 3 months.

How to use it correctly

Cavities with a high level of humidity, sheltered from human eyes, are the optimal environment for creating a nest for an ant colony.

Note! When carrying out measures to destroy a colony, it is necessary to thoroughly treat the cracks leading into the hidden cavities of the walls and floors. If possible, temporarily dismantle the baseboard (there is a deformation gap behind it). The nest can be located in a ventilation duct, in crevices, or cavities behind ceramic tiles.

Worker ants walk along marked paths that lead directly to the nest. They need to be recorded.

There are two ways to treat surfaces.


The previously noted places of movement of insects, the paths leading to the nest, are sprinkled with dry powder in the proportion of grams per square meter. Processing time is on average two weeks. The disappearance of the ants will signal the end of the fight.

As a solution

The powder is diluted with water. The proportion is indicated in the instructions. The optimal time for surface treatment is morning or evening. This is due to the fact that insects hide in their nests during these hours.

The solution is generously sprayed onto the surface on which ants move, crevices, and all cracks. Additionally, traps are installed. An insecticide solution is poured into a dish with a low side. Installed near paths made by insects.

Precautionary measures

Chloropyrifos (ODV) is non-toxic to people and pets in moderate doses.

But increased concentration causes the following consequences:

  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • intoxication;
  • disorders associated with liver function;
  • motor impairment.

The drug should be used with extreme caution during pregnancy, and it is better to avoid contact with the substance altogether.

Precautionary measures:

  • use protective equipment: gloves, head cap, respirator;
  • Isolate children and pets during treatment;
  • After working with the drug, thoroughly rinse off its residues from the body.

Note! Residues of chloropyrifos persist in the soil from three months to two years, in the aquatic environment up to two months.

Chlorpyrifos - instructions you must read

The effects of the drugs last for one to two months.
In the soil, chemical compounds persist for up to 120 days. However, some experts express the opinion that the drug is stable for two years. You should be prepared for the fact that if you regularly use this chemical to treat a certain area, some insects may develop group resistance. A wide range of chlorpyrifos poisons are now produced for agriculture

Pay attention to whether the drugs you purchase are registered. As practice shows, certified products are really effectively used against sucking and gnawing types of pests that occur, for example, in sugar beets - these are leaf aphids, flea beetles, meadow moths, common beet weevils, cutworms, shield beetles or carrion beetles

Outdoor use

Powder against garden ants is used in a summer cottage in case of severe infestation. Ants are not pests that need to be mercilessly exterminated. Only when their presence threatens the yield or growth of crops, folk recipes with a deterrent effect do not help, and they begin to use poison.

  • Delicia for ants is poured into ant nests. They can be spotted by numerous holes in the soil. The powder is sprinkled on the anthill, after removing the top layer by 2 cm. Shallow grooves are dug around the trees and the poison is sprinkled.
  • Pests often settle in greenhouses and gardens. To destroy ants, continuous paths are sprinkled along the rows, along the perimeter of the bed or plot of land. You can make a small depression around the plant and sprinkle the powder there.

It is also practiced to prepare a solution from Delicia powder for watering an anthill. Remove the top layer and fill it with water and poison.


This is a draft article on the geography of Italy. You can help the project by adding to it.
Populated areas of the province of Pordenone
  • Aviano
  • Andrejs
  • Arba
  • Ardzene
  • Azzano-Decimo
  • Barchis
  • Bruniera
  • Budoya
  • Vayont
  • Valvasone
  • Vivaro
  • Vito d'Asio
  • Zoppola
  • Cavasso Nuovo
  • Casarsa della Delizia
  • Kaneva
  • Castelnovo del Friuli
  • Clout
  • Claudzetto
  • Cordenons
  • Cordovado
  • Kyons
  • Maniago
  • Meduno
  • Montereale-Valcellina
  • Morsano al Tagliamento
  • Pasiano di Pordenone
  • Pinzano al Tagliamento
  • Polchenigo
  • Pordenone
  • Porchia
  • Rightdomini
  • Prata di Pordenone
  • Roveredo in Piano
  • San Vito al Tagliamento
  • San Giorgio della Ricinvelda
  • San Quirino
  • San Martino al Tagliamento
  • Sacile
  • Sexuals
  • Sesto al Regena
  • Spilimbergo
  • Travesio
  • Tramonti di Sopra
  • Tramonti di Sotto
  • Fanna
  • Fontanafredda
  • Frisanco
  • Fiume Veneto
  • Chimolais
  • Erto e Kasso


You can find numerous positive reviews about Delicia on the Internet. They are left by those people who have already tested this remedy in the fight against ants.

In just 2 days, we managed to get rid of the red ant colony in the apartment by sprinkling Delicium powder on the places where the insects appeared. An excellent drug: inexpensive, fast and most importantly – effective. I recommend.

Yana, Krasnodar

There are ants in the kitchen in the house. Whatever means I used, after a week all the insects returned again. Until a friend recommended Delicia powder. I took the child and the cat to my grandmother’s and over the weekend I was able to defeat the ant colony. It's been a month now and still no ants. Thank you Delicia.

Zhanna, Grozny

Prevention measures

Omnivorous ants feed on leftover food and waste. They spread infections and pathogenic bacteria.

To prevent the appearance of insects, it is necessary to observe hygiene standards:

  • remove leftover food;
  • take out the trash regularly;
  • do not leave unwashed dishes;
  • clean animal feeding areas and wash their dishes;
  • Close containers for storing bulk products with airtight lids.

Insects do not tolerate the smell of certain herbs and vegetables: garlic, mint, elderberry.

Preventive measures are taken when at least one scout insect appears. You can set traps with baits containing boric acid.

If a nest starts, you need to use effective drugs.

Gardeners' opinions on Delicia

According to gardeners, Delicia ant powder is one of the most effective ways to combat insects. If all rules of use and instructions are followed, the effect declared by the manufacturer is achieved.

Reviews say that pests completely disappear from the site after two weeks. When using a product to kill house ants, the effectiveness is visible within a few hours after the treatment. This effect is associated with a strong toxic ability.




What to do if you are bitten by an ant

And finally, let's talk about what to do if, during a difficult struggle, several small goosebumps do not hesitate to “claw” your arm or other part of the body. In temperate latitudes, an ant bite is not dangerous, but can be quite painful. Humans are usually bitten by warrior ants with large heads and powerful jaws.

A slight itching caused by a single bite goes away after a few hours and does not pose a danger to humans. It is much worse if an allergic reaction develops, the signs of which are the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of swelling, blisters, itching;
  • extensive redness of the skin, accompanied by pain;
  • nausea, shortness of breath, headache, loss of consciousness.

The bite of one soldier ant is not scary for residents of the middle zone

Treatment for ant bites is as follows:

  • wipe the bite site with a medicine containing alcohol;
  • make a baking soda compress to relieve itching;
  • relieve swelling that occurs after several bites using a compress of steamed birch leaves or raw potato pulp;
  • take antihistamines;
  • In case of severe damage, consult a doctor.

As you can see, it is quite possible to completely get rid of ants. Do this without any regret, because real pests settle on your site, which, unlike their forest counterparts, are not beneficial insects, but only cause harm to your plantings and food supplies.


Folk remedies

To get rid of house ants, you need to determine the type of insects and find their nest. There are many methods of struggle, but usually they start with folk ones, and resort to chemical and professional ones when folk methods fail.

Protective Barrier

This method of control refers to prevention. It is used to prevent insects from entering your apartment from neighbors or to avoid the reappearance of pests. The following is used as a protective barrier:

  • turmeric;
  • cinnamon;
  • citrus essential oils;
  • black or red ground pepper;
  • petrolatum;
  • products containing talc (for example, baby powder);
  • washing powder.

The barrier should not be too wide - no more than 6–7 mm. There should be no breaks in it.

Turmeric can successfully act as a protective barrier against ants

Smell repellent

Ants don't like certain scents. The odors are unpleasant to them:

  • vinegar;
  • carnations;
  • vegetable oil (unrefined);
  • citrus fruits (especially lemon);
  • wormwood;
  • elderberries;
  • garlic;
  • peppermint;
  • parsley

From the nest to the food source, ants always walk the same path, so these are the paths that should be treated with odorous substances. This will disorient the insects, and they will have to create new paths, possibly outside your apartment.

Ants really don't like the scent of cloves.

Food baits with boric acid

One of the most effective folk remedies for fighting ants and cockroaches is boric acid. It breaks the outer cover of insects and corrodes internal organs, and can lead to respiratory paralysis. It is used in different ways:

  • mixed with granulated sugar and scattered in small portions in places where ants feed;
  • make balls with boric acid, mixing it with boiled yolk or minced meat;
  • prepare various sweet mixtures - with sugar syrup, jam, honey, etc.

Lures and traps

Baits and traps are not effective as a means of combating house ants, since you can only catch worker ants with their help, which will not at all affect the viability of the colony as a whole. In order for ants to leave the house, it is necessary either to force them to leave, or to destroy the nests with the queen.

Insect control

This drug was originally used to control mosquitoes. It was believed that it affects insects even in the larval stage of development. Currently, the drug has also proven to be quite effective in the fight against aphids, mites, cockroaches, ants, flies and even lice.

In agriculture, it is used to get rid of insects in areas where grain varieties, cotton, vegetables, fruits and nuts grow. Flower growers have also found use for it, using the drug in flower beds and lawns, where mainly decorative flowers grow.

The developed drug was also adopted by veterinarians who treat dogs, horses, sheep with chlorpyrifos and disinfect premises for various types of animals. It was possible to achieve such success in the fight against insects in various areas thanks to the use of a special enzyme in the preparation itself, which paralyzes the nervous system of insects.

A large number of both domestic and foreign drugs are produced based on this substance. They all have the same effect, paralyzing insects, only the names are different. Considering the fact that the drug enters the body of insects through the respiratory tract, the question arises: is chlorpyrifos harmful to humans?

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