Fufanon ke, new for indoor and other plants description, scope, instructions for using the product, reviews

Safety precautions when working

Fufanon has a medium degree of danger.
It is imperative to warn pets and children against this drug. It is also undesirable for the product to get into various bodies of water, since malathion is very toxic to fish and other aquatic life. This substance is also fatal to bees; Fufanon should not be used when plants are blooming. At this time, it is best to carry out the operation with karbofos. For your own safety, you must carry out the procedure with gloves, a mask, a respirator or goggles and protective clothing. You should not have a snack while spraying plants, as well as drink, smoke and perform other actions that bring your hands into contact with your face and body. It is necessary to take a break if work lasts more than three hours in a row.

For the safety of the environment, animals and people, the bottle or other container containing the solution should be destroyed. To do this, it is best to burn it. But you need to remember that at this time it is unsafe for your health to inhale smoke.

If the substance enters the body, the following symptoms may occur:

  1. Headache.
  2. Nausea.
  3. Vomit.
  4. Increased salivation.

If at least one sign is revealed, you should immediately consult a doctor for medical help. And also take first aid measures:

  • Leave or take the person outside if the action took place indoors.
  • Change into clean clothes.
  • Rinse your mouth with soda solution.
  • If liquid gets on your face or eyes, wash with clean water.
  • It is necessary to remove Fufanon from the skin with a napkin or cloth using blotting movements, and then wash off the residue with soap.

The product should be stored away from food, children and animals. Fufanon tolerates sudden changes in temperature well and can retain all its properties both at -30 and +30 degrees.

Signs of poisoning and first aid

Always remember the dangers of chemicals to humans! They can be fatal. Here are the signs that indicate poisoning: cramps in the abdomen and chest, constriction of the pupils, tears, increased salivation, headache and dizziness, muscle cramps occur.

Intoxication is very dangerous. If you notice such symptoms, you should definitely call an ambulance, and before the doctors arrive, you should be given one liter of water to drink with two large spoons of salt dissolved until vomiting is caused. The victim is taken outside and provided with peace.

For indoor plants

House flowers are quite often affected by various pests. The insecticide "Fufanon-nova" helps preserve the beauty of ornamental plants. With its help you can carry out complex spraying of the garden. Moreover, this can be done both to prevent and treat diseases. The contents of one standard ampoule must be diluted in five liters of water. After this, the solution is poured into a spray bottle and the entire above-ground part of each indoor plant is carefully treated. It is best to do this in the bathroom, placing all the pots in it at once. After processing, you can return them back to their places.

How to use Fufanon for treatment against bedbugs

For home treatment against bedbugs, of course, there is no need to specifically purchase a five-liter canister or a liter bottle of product emulsion. It's simply not profitable. However, if you or your relatives use Fufanon at the dacha to treat plants, it is quite possible to prepare a working solution for household disinfestation by borrowing a small amount of the drug

Moreover, water emulsions have an important characteristic - they smell less

Preparation of working solution

The instructions for the drug describe the features of use to combat different types of pests. There are recommendations for carrying out treatment against bedbugs.

  • To prepare a liter of working solution for treating a room against valves, you need only 3.5 ml of Fufanon-super.
  • Use water at room temperature.
  • For precise concentration, first pour 3.5 ml of water from a liter bottle and then add the emulsion.
  • For mixing, use a disposable container, such as a plastic bottle. After use, the bottle must be disposed of immediately.
  • Working composition consumption: one liter is enough to treat surfaces of 10 square meters. m.

If you are not a summer resident or a gardener (and they are not in your immediate environment), it is better to purchase Fufanon-nova in an ampoule and prepare a working aqueous solution following the instructions.

Use the entire contents of the package; leaving any leftovers is pointless and unsafe.

Basic processing rules

Treatment with the prepared composition of normal concentration is carried out by irrigation and spraying. A standard spray bottle is suitable for these purposes; you can also carefully spray the solution with a soft paint brush.

Be careful with the spray bottle. It creates fine particles of solution droplets that can be easily inhaled even through a bandage

The main thing is to treat the “right places” - the areas favored by bedbugs:

Gaps and cracks in baseboards around the entire perimeter of the room. Sections of walls with peeling wallpaper. Window sills on the inside, areas near radiators, ventilation and other hard-to-reach places. Furniture should be handled with care. Apply the solution exclusively to the back walls of cabinets, cabinets, and hanging shelves.

Treat upholstered furniture from the inside along the surface; brush over the fastening mechanisms and joints of parts.

After treatment, it is better to leave the room for several hours. In the future, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning with a soap and soda solution and ventilate the room well (at least 30 minutes). The effect of the drug lasts for a month, so if necessary, spray the solution again should be done no earlier than after 4-6 weeks.

Security measures

Fufanon is not the safest chemical. In terms of toxicity to humans, it belongs to the third class. And due to its fumigation properties, it can be especially dangerous if inhaled.

Therefore, it is very important to take all precautions during the preparation of the solution, during processing and subsequent cleaning:

  • When working with Fufanon, take care of protective equipment: hand gloves; eye glasses; respiratory bandage or mask.
  • During processing, ensure free air circulation - open windows and vents.
  • The presence of people and pets is not allowed during pest control.
  • It is prohibited to smoke, eat or drink while working with the working solution.
  • After carrying out work, wash your hands thoroughly and rinse your mouth.
  • Do not forget about protective equipment during cleaning.
  • Do not store the solution, pour it down the drain.
  • Wash the clothes in which the treatment was carried out in a soap-soda solution (50 g of soap; 50 g of soda per 10-liter bucket of hot water).

Malathion is quickly destroyed when alkali is added. Therefore, alkaline solutions, in particular soap solutions, can be used to neutralize household items after treatment

Be careful and contact your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms of poisoning:

  • sore throat, unpleasant chemical taste in the mouth;
  • profuse drooling;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • headache;
  • abdominal pain;
  • constriction of the pupils.

Compatibility with other tools

Fufanon can be used with certain types of pesticides:

  • "Kurzat R" and "Poliram DF" are used for preventive purposes and to treat plants against viruses and fungi.
  • “Preparation No. 30” is used to combat insects that colonize the roots and dried leaves of plant crops in winter.
  • “Colloidal sulfur” helps fight powdery mildew, oidium and scab.
  • “Zircon” enhances the growth of the root system and stimulates fruit formation.
  • » stimulates the plants’ own powers.

The combination of Fufanon with these products has been proven by numerous experiments, so their combination can be safely used to treat household and garden crops.

Experts do not recommend combining the insecticide with other drugs in the fight against parasitic insects. If you decide to do this, then first you should check the compatibility of the products by taking a small amount of them. If a precipitate forms after stirring, then the combination cannot be used.

Fufanon is not recommended to be combined with the following drugs:

  • Preparations or oils with an alkaline reaction;
  • Compounds containing copper, calcium or sulfur;
  • Mineral fertilizers containing sulfides.

Aphids on currants: preparations for the pest

Currant bushes - black, white or red - can be found in most personal plots of Russian summer residents from different regions of the country.
The ripe fruits of these berry bushes have a pleasant taste, contain many useful vitamins and minerals, and also have healing properties. The harvested crop is versatile, and housewives use it to make various preparations for the winter.

However, this berry crop is loved not only by people, but also by numerous harmful insects. One of these dangerous pests is aphids, which appear on currant bushes immediately when the first leaves bloom.

Therefore, already at this moment you need to start fighting this voracious pest in order to save the bushes themselves and the future harvest.
Contents of the article:
Description of the pest Gall (shoot) aphids on currants Shoot aphids on currants The most effective preparations for aphids on currants Aktara Aktellik Alatar Biotlin Karbofos Kinmiks Nitrofen Tanrek Fitoverm Fufanon Iskra Zolotaya Preparations for aphids on currants: reviews

Fufanon product range

There are drugs on sale called Fufanon, but with different prefixes. They differ in the concentration of the active component and are produced by different companies.

  • Fufanon-Nova. Contains 44% malathion, used when the number of pests is small, on berries, fruit trees, and shrubs.
  • Fufanon-Super. Includes an increased amount of the active component - 57%. In most cases, it is used for disinfestation in premises for various purposes - hospitals, kindergartens, warehouses, basements, residential buildings, apartments. Can be used in the garden or vegetable garden at the initial stage of the growing season of crops.
  • Fufanon CE. The concentrated emulsion contains 57% of the active ingredient. It is a professional product for disinfestation indoors and outdoors. Sold in a plastic canister of 5 liters.

The rules of application are no different. Any Fufanon acts on 28 types of different harmful insects, including blood-sucking ones. To prepare the solution, different amounts of one or another Fufanon are required. For example, the standard preparation regimen for Fufanon-Nova is 6.5 ml per 5 liters of cold water.

Application of Fufanon-Nova

The solution is prepared immediately before use. Average indicators are 1 lm of concentrate per 1 liter of water. If there are a large number of parasites, the concentration can be increased. The standard consumption rate is 5 liters per hundred square meters of vegetable garden, flower bed, 3 liters per large tree, 0.5 liters per bush. If necessary, repeat spraying after 20 days.

  • From aphids. Carefully process the lower part of the leaves. Use a household spray bottle or spray bottle. The pests die within an hour. The protection is valid for up to 10 days.
  • For processing fruit trees. Crops should be sprayed before flowering in early spring. Repeated treatment is carried out after flowering, but no later than 20 days before harvest. For one large tree, 3 liters of the prepared solution are consumed. Young trees are sprayed until the leaves are completely moistened.
  • Spraying the vineyard. The drug helps cope with spider mites and mealybugs. Sprayed during the growing season in early spring, during the ripening period of fruits 20 days before harvest. One bush requires from 2 to 5 liters of the finished solution.
  • Fighting bedbugs. The drug is often used to disinfest a room when it is infested with bed bugs. Efficiency depends on the correctness of the procedure. With careful disinfestation, adults and larvae of different ages die in the first 2 hours. After 14 days, the procedure should be repeated, since a new generation of pests emerges from the eggs. In case of severe infestation or detection of live bugs, carry out a third treatment after 20 days.

After using Fufanon-Nova, the room requires long-term ventilation for at least 2 hours, and wet cleaning in places where hands will touch.


Disinfestation with this poison allows you to get rid of bedbugs the first time you use them in 80% of cases. The death of insects occurs after 3-4 days. If after the first treatment the bugs do not disappear, then the reason may be a severe infection of the room or a mutation of the insects.

  • If disinsection failure is caused by severe infection, then you simply need to re-treat. 2-3 disinsections are guaranteed to lead to the disappearance of the population.
  • Bed bugs that have infested a room may be immune to malathion. Such cases are becoming more common - tenacious insects mutate, their bodies acquire the ability to deactivate malathion into less dangerous substances. Mutated populations are formed after several disinsections using malathion-based drugs. To kill such bugs, you need to change the insecticide - for example, buy a product based on pyrethroids. If you do not want to take risks or suspect that bedbugs are immune to malathion, you can use Fufanon simultaneously with another product - it combines well with various chemicals.
  • Insects can return from a neighbor's apartment - this scenario is typical for apartment buildings. If bedbugs are detected, you need to maintain contact with your neighbors and carry out disinsection at the same time, ideally the entire house.

The effectiveness of this poison is explained by its toxicity to insects and long-term protective effect - the room will remain dangerous for bedbugs for another 14-15 days, so the surviving eggs will have time to hatch and die. The fumigant effect allows the substance to penetrate into the smallest crevices and infect colonies of bedbugs that are inaccessible to contact insecticides.

Instructions for use

The first thing you need to do before starting to use Fufanon is to read the detailed instructions. When applied correctly, all parts of the plants should be wet, but there should be no dripping from the foliage. The working solution should remain on the plant.

Preparing the solution is quite simple; to do this, you need to take one liter of water and dilute 1 ml of the product in it. This formula is the same for any ampoule volume: 5 ml corresponds to 5 liters of water. After adding the drug to the water, stir the mixture with a wooden stick until the product is completely dissolved.

A very important point is the correct use of the chemical for different types of plants:

  • Cucumbers in greenhouses should be processed once per season.
  • Tomatoes can be processed up to three times during the growing season.
  • It should be remembered that the last treatment should be no later than a week before harvesting the fruits.
  • During global processing, 300–400 liters of the drug are taken per hectare of land.
  • One fruit tree will require from two to five liters of solution.
  • To treat vegetable plants, 2-3 liters of working solution are used per 10 square meters of land, the same amount is used for melons.
  • For potted crops at home, 0.5 liters of solution is sufficient.
  • For berry crops and shrubs you will need two liters.

Treatment is carried out at different periods, for example, trees and bushes are treated 14 days before flowering, and a second time after leaf fall.

For tall plants, it is best to use a boom sprayer or a ventilation device, which will allow you to cover the maximum space on the site with the chemical.

There are safety measures for this product, which are also provided by the manufacturer, because it belongs to the third hazard class, so following the rules will protect the gardener from possible poisoning. Try not to spray Fufanon near an apiary or bodies of water, as this product is dangerous for bees and fish.

You cannot smoke, eat or drink during treatment; for safety, it is best to use a respirator and special clothing. After use, thoroughly wash the sprayer and wash your clothes; the container should be burned after the solution.

Helpful processing tips

  1. To be effective, you should spray each leaf of the plant. You cannot leave part of the leaf untreated; it will affect the insect upon contact, and if part of the plant is not treated, the pest will damage it.
  2. It is better to do the treatment on a sunny, windless day. This way you will effectively apply the drug, and the sun will dry it. In rainy weather, the plant should not be sprayed, since rain will wash the drug into the ground and it will accumulate in the soil.
  3. Combination with other drugs is unacceptable due to the likelihood of a chemical reaction dangerous to humans or neutralization of the effects of the drug.

The product is also good for treating seedlings against pests.

If you read the reviews of those who have used the drug, you will find out that the drug is active for up to three weeks maximum. Then the substance simply disintegrates.


Fufanon has one active ingredient (AI) – malathion; This pesticide is a single product. And malathion is simply the commercial name for karbofos, the most famous of the organophosphorus compounds (OPS). Malathion was originally developed in the USA for... the needs of the mining industry, as a flotator for ore dressing. In 1950

Cotton producers drew attention to “substance 4049”. It was an attempt of desperation: then an outbreak of the cotton weevil almost destroyed the cotton plantations of America

The new pesticide proved itself well, and the Danish company Keminov bought a license for it, and in 1953, TM4049 was named malathion from the Danes; in 1968, Keminova bought all the rights to it. The same substance, but in a different way, was independently synthesized in the USSR in 1952 by N. N. Melnikov and K. D. Shvetsova-Shilovskaya, hence the name karbofos and the opportunity for domestic manufacturers to produce pesticides based on it without spending on royalties.

Chemical structure and action

Chemically, karbofos is an ester of dithiophosphoric acid, i.e. it contains active sulfur. This is due to the increased activity of the drug at temperatures above +25 degrees Celsius.

The structural formula of karbofos (malathion) and its spatial model are shown on the left in Fig. Pure malathion is a colorless oily liquid with a nasty odor that sticks to a certain surface better than sunflower oil and makes it non-wettable. This is why malathion initially found application in ore flotation.

Chemical formula and scheme of action of karbofos

Pure malathion is not very toxic and is easily neutralized by weak alkalis (eg, soda ash solution). But its solubility in water (145 mg/l) is sufficient to obtain a pronounced contact effect on pests, and good solubility in organic solvents enhances the penetration of the substance into the body of gnawing and sucking insects. When they feed, they are inevitably smeared with plant juice, and it always contains aldehydes, alcohols, ketones and other substances in which malathion dissolves well.

In the pest's body, malathion is firstly broken down according to the diagram at the top right in Fig. for very toxic esters of thiosuccinic and fumaric acids and the salt of dimethylthiophosphoric acid. The protective and digestive enzymes of the target in this case do him a disservice. It is difficult to obtain these poisons in the laboratory; they are very dangerous for all animals and quickly disintegrate in air. And so – the pest prepares a deadly poison for itself from moderately toxic raw materials.

Secondly, if the pest is an insect, in its body under certain conditions a specific reaction of malathion hydrolysis occurs according to the diagram at the bottom right in Fig. Its product, malaoxon, is an even stronger and more persistent poison for insects. This explains the different periods of protective action of Fufanon in different cases: on ticks in the open air for 5 days, on insects in the same place for 7 days, and in rooms where the lighting is weak and daily temperature fluctuations are small, up to 21 days.

Three ends of one stick

Malaoxone is not only a poison for insects, but also a mutagen. Among the surviving mutants, they are resistant to both malathion and all OPCs. In this case, it is possible to eliminate the resistant population 100% only by leaving the land fallow for 2-3 years and using preventive treatments with pesticides on a different chemical basis: carbamates, pyrethroids, neonicotinoids.

Until recently, it was believed that the breakdown products of karbofos in warm-blooded animals were slightly toxic and did not damage their DNA. But in recent years it has been discovered that under certain conditions, both a certain amount of malaoxone and dithiophosphate, which is highly toxic to vertebrates, are formed.

The conclusion from here is trivial for all pesticides: do not exceed dosages and do not experiment on your own with the regulations for use!

Precautions during operation

Fufanon is considered a toxin. So you need to be extremely careful when using it.

The drug is classified as class 3 harm to humans and animals. It is moderately dangerous, so you shouldn't expect much harm from it. Fufanon is dangerous for bees

Like pests, this product can kill bees and other beneficial insects, so use it carefully and not during flowering. When diluting the working solution and processing plants or premises, it is necessary to wear safety glasses, a respirator, and gloves. After using the product, you must thoroughly wash your face and hands with soap and water, and wash the items in which you sprayed.

Spraying of plants is carried out in dry, windless weather. It is advisable to do this in the morning, before 10 o’clock, or in the evening, at sunset, when the sun does not heat the earth too much.

While processing plants, do not drink water, eat food or smoke, so that the product does not accidentally enter the esophagus. Fufanon can also be used as a preventive measure against pests on perennial crops.

In this case, it is sprayed on the plants 2 times a year - in early spring and autumn, after the leaves fall. If the drug gets into the esophagus, you need to induce vomiting, drink several tablets of activated charcoal and wash them down with plenty of water. After this, you should consult a doctor. If Fufanon gets on the skin or mucous membranes, rinse them thoroughly with water. If a negative reaction occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Important! Fufanon cannot be used before or during rain, otherwise the treatment will be useless.

Fufanon should be stored separately from medications, food, water or feed for animals and birds. It is advisable to place it in a place inaccessible to children and animals, where it will be dry and dark. Storage temperature -20...+30 degrees. Shelf life – no more than 2 years.

Reviews from gardeners


Tatiana Kudryashova

Country expert

Notes a positive result after using karbofos. Thus, treating the bulbs with this product before planting reduces the risk of damage by onion mites and other pests.

Yana Fedorova

Gardener - video blogger

Recommends fufanon as an excellent remedy for controlling aphids and ants, pointing out its low cost and high efficiency. According to the expert, the result is noticeable the very next day after treatment

Irina Isaeva


A part-time professional agronomist, she opposes the use of this pesticide (as well as other pest control drugs), calling for the fight against insects with safer means

Fans and people who have used the drug

Here are some reviews from various forums about the results of using the product.

“My mother regularly treats indoor flowers with this product, since aphids come from somewhere on them. He takes them out to the balcony and sprays them. After a couple of hours there is no sign of insects.” Tatyana, 31 years old

“My wife and I have a small country house outside the city. Naturally, like other gardeners, we face the problem of pests. We use fufanon. It is cheap and works effectively. I mainly use this poison to fight aphids, but it also helps a lot against the ants that terrorize my garden. I pour the solution directly into their burrows.” Gennady, 64 years old

“We always take fufanon to fight caterpillars on cabbage. For some reason we always have a lot of them. If we had bought other drugs, we would have gone broke long ago. And this one is cheap - about 50 rubles.” Marina, 40 years old

“I live in a small village in an apartment building. There is a neighbor who lives above me and is fond of alcohol. About a year ago, she brought bedbugs to her from somewhere. They crawled towards me through the ventilation. I began to find out what can be used to poison them, and learned about fufanon. I treated the apartment in accordance with the instructions, and the parasites left. It helped. And inexpensive, most importantly.” Nikolay, 28 years old

Fufanon is a cheap and effective drug that will help defeat not only pests in the garden, but also domestic parasitic insects (cockroaches, bedbugs, lice). The result of using this pesticide is visible within 1 - 2 days after treatment, and it remains effective for 3 - 4 weeks. However, when using the product, you should be aware of its toxicity and take precautions.

Some tips

You should not make the solution stronger than indicated in the instructions, as you can completely burn the plants. This may also cause spots to appear and leaves to fall off. Flowers from an overdose of the drug will feel bad for a very long time. It is advisable to wash plants with an overdose with hoses. It is best to treat the garden with Fufanon in the spring, at the very beginning of the leaves blooming. After it, the pests will completely disappear.

Cucumbers on protected soil are sprayed once, and tomatoes – three times, but no more. On open land, crops are cultivated no more than twice. It is better to spray in the morning or evening when there is no wind. The leaves are wetted completely, but at the same time make sure that the product does not flow from them.

When working with the drug, do not drink, eat or smoke. They interact with fufanon for only three hours, no more. The solution container is burned, trying not to breathe smoke, and the sprayer is washed well.

Reviews of the insecticide Fufanon

Natalia. Study the instructions well and don’t repeat my mistakes. When processing indoor flowers (there were aphids), I decided to make a stronger solution in order to be sure to get rid of uninvited guests and burned the leaves. Spots (chlorosis) appeared and the leaves began to fall off. Several plants had to be pruned. After my treatment, the flowers took a long time to come to their senses.

Dmitriy. I have a large garden plot with many mature fruit-bearing trees. It is not possible to come often or live on the site. I always missed the initial period of infection with all sorts of pests, it was a shame - so much work had been invested, but the harvest was ruined. I shared my sadness with my neighbor. He advised me in the spring, as soon as the leaves begin to bloom, to treat the entire garden with Fufanon. I’ve been doing this for five years now, and he also told me to add Epin Extra. The harvest has been fine since then and there are no problems with pests. I advise you too.

The drug Groza is effective in killing snails and slugs, which die within 2 hours after application. Read about the use of decis pros at the link

Sergey. I am a private entrepreneur, I grow roses. I’ll be honest: “This is a troublesome matter.” It’s not because of the difficulty of growing capricious beauties, it’s all about parasites, which also happen to love roses. No matter what I poisoned them with. Once I inhaled so much chemicals that I had to go to the doctor, but at least the caterpillars could crawl around and eat the remaining leaves. Help came from where I didn’t expect it – my mother-in-law, an avid flower grower, arrived and told me about Fufanon Nova. I treated the roses twice and all the pests disappeared. Thank you, mother-in-law, you saved the enterprise.

Safety precautions when using the drug

"Fufanon" is a low-toxic insecticide for humans and highly dangerous for bees. However, be aware of toxicity and do not neglect your health. All work with pesticides should be carried out in overalls, a respirator, safety glasses, rubber gloves and boots. Do not plan to treat plants in hot weather; strictly follow the instructions. It is strictly forbidden to eat, smoke or drink alcohol at the same time. It is also recommended to limit contact between hands and face as much as possible. Do not forget to check the serviceability of the sprayer and set it up for proper distribution of poison

When treating premises with Fufanon-nova, pay attention to the instructions for use, as well as the dosage of the solution against bedbugs. You can work with the insecticide for no more than 3 hours

Did you know? Most modern pesticides are much safer compared to medications. For example, table salt has an LD50 (dose of the drug that causes the death of 50% of laboratory animals) of 3750 mg/kg, caffeine - 200 mg/kg, aspirin - 1750 mg/kg, herbicides - 5000 mg/kg

There should be no children or pets in the house during treatment, including fish. Even remove indoor flowers. Open the windows. You can use the apartment again after 24 hours, after you have thoroughly washed everything with a soda solution (300 g of soda per 10 liters of water). The insecticide has the property of maintaining protective functions indoors for up to 4 weeks, but under the influence of heat and light it loses them.

Protective clothing can only be removed after disinfection has been completed. Don't forget to wash your hands with soap, wash your face and rinse your mouth. If poison gets on the skin, remove it with cotton wool without rubbing it in, then wash it off with running water or a weak soda solution. If the drug gets into your eyes, rinse them with plenty of water for 15 minutes. In case of ingestion and irritation of mucous membranes, consult a doctor.

It is important to keep the insecticide packaging label. Be attentive to your well-being

The first signs of poisoning are nausea, general weakness, convulsions and impaired coordination of movement. If you experience these symptoms, call a doctor immediately and get outside into fresh air.

Before the doctor arrives, take a solution of crushed activated carbon at the rate of 3-5 tablespoons per glass of water. If symptoms persist, induce vomiting.

It is unacceptable to pollute sources, reservoirs, and wells with solution residues. Also, you should not pour water near them after cleaning containers and equipment contaminated during operation. The backpack sprayer is washed daily, re-treating the crop with plain water. Empty containers after agrochemicals must be burned without inhaling smoke and released particles. During the period of spraying the garden and after that, within a radius of 4–5 kilometers, the flight of bees is limited for 120 hours. Particular vigilance should be exercised if children and pets are walking in the yard.

Did you know? Insecticides were not invented by people, but by nature. Many plants, in the process of fighting for a place in the sun, began to produce substances that poison their neighbors and insects that have chosen their stems and roots. Scientists estimate that plants produce 99.99% of all pesticides on the planet. At the same time, the substances they synthesize are also capable of causing various diseases, including cancer.

Answers to 5 pressing questions

If disinfestation is carried out according to all the rules, then the bedbugs will be completely destroyed - starting from mature individuals and nymphs, ending with larvae and eggs. Insects will begin to die within the first hours after treatment, but the entire domestic population will die out no earlier than three days later. Below are answers to five of the most frequently asked questions.

  1. What to do if the room is infested with bedbugs? If a house, apartment or office is heavily infested with bloodsuckers, experts recommend re-treatment with Fufanon. When using the Nova variety, the concentration of the drug must be increased. Since the product retains its barrier effect for 14 days, repeated disinsection should be carried out no earlier than two weeks later.
  2. What if after disinfestation several larvae remain untouched? The procedure must be carried out as carefully as possible. Even a few surviving eggs or larvae will lead to a rapid restoration of the population to its former size.
  3. Is it possible to open windows during spraying and after treatment? Not only is it possible, but it is also necessary. The pungent odor of the drug can cause poisoning, so the windows in the apartment should be wide open until the household returns from exile.
  4. Is it necessary to clean up after spraying poison? After baiting insects, a day later, the entire house needs to be washed with a soda solution. To do this, dissolve 400 g of soda in a bucket of water, thoroughly wash furniture, floors and objects that a person comes into contact with in everyday life. There is no need to treat hard-to-reach places - let their smell continue to scare away uninvited guests.
  5. When can I return home? Not earlier than 24 hours after treatment with soda solution.

If Fufanon gets on the skin, the affected area should be immediately washed with soap and water. If the poison gets into your eyes, you need to rinse them well under running water, and after dropping a 2% solution of novocaine, be sure to see an ophthalmologist or family doctor. If you feel an unpleasant bitter taste in your mouth, rinse your mouth with a weak solution of soda and go out into the fresh air. If the condition does not improve within an hour, call an ambulance immediately.

Users confirm the effectiveness of the drug, but at the same time focus on its unpleasant odor. If this aspect is extremely important to you, give preference to the microencapsulated form of the chemical. This concentrate has almost no smell, but it acts exactly the same as its liquid counterparts - it kills bloodsuckers quickly and on the spot.

Step-by-step instructions for use

In order for the product to give the expected result, you must strictly follow the instructions on the packaging. It is prohibited to start working with the insecticide without studying this information. Neglecting protective measures can cause deterioration in health.

The main symptoms of poisoning are a sudden loss of strength, nausea, vomiting and severe dizziness. In such a situation, you need to go out into the fresh air, take a sorbent, and wait for the doctor to arrive. To avoid negative consequences, carefully prepare for the liquidation operation.

Preparatory activities

The first thing you have to do in the list of preparatory activities is the so-called “reconnaissance in force.” It’s good if you know exactly where bedbugs accumulate. To do this, move all cabinet and upholstered furniture away from the walls, check the most inaccessible places for the presence of chitinous shells and waste products of these disgusting insects. It is impossible not to notice the nest: it gives the impression of a lichen, unkempt place that you don’t want to touch, which is unpleasant to be near.

Spring-cleaning. Before disinfestation, it is necessary to “generalize” the apartment. First you need to go over the floor surfaces with a vacuum cleaner. Afterwards, wash the floors without using household chemicals

It is important to minimize the amount of dust in the room, ventilate it so that the circulating air will help in the work at hand and spread poison particles even to the most remote places of the apartment.

Packaging of products and things. All food must be stored in the refrigerator or cupboard.

Small things should be taken out of the apartment as much as possible. If this is not possible, resort to packing things in plastic wrap. This will protect against poison getting inside.

Safety precautions

At the second stage, the step before disinfestation, you should take care of your safety. The following attributes will help you with this:

  • safety glasses - will protect the organs of vision from poison;
  • a robe or overalls - will protect the body and everyday items from the penetration of poison into the fabric;
  • rubber gloves - will become a barrier between the insecticide and your skin;
  • respirator - necessary to protect the respiratory tract.

Pets and household members must leave the family nest before disinfestation begins. Indoor flowers also need to be taken out. If there is a terrarium or aquarium in the house, the surface of the vessel must be covered with thick cardboard or a wooden barrier so that the chemical does not penetrate into the water.

Solution preparation and processing

To dilute the drug, take any container that has a non-food purpose and follow the instructions presented in table form.

Table - How to breed "Fufanon"

PestsQuantity of insecticide, mlQuantity of water, mlConsumption of the finished solution, ml/m2
— Bugs; - ants; - fleas From 1.5 to 3.5100050
— Flies; - cockroaches — 9; — 111000100

The chemical, packaged in ampoules, is diluted differently. To do this, one 5 ml ampoule is poured into a large container, and 5 liters of water are added there. Some sources indicate that the finished solution can be applied using a wide paint brush. However, spraying the drug using a sprayer or spray bottle is considered the most comfortable. When disinsection, the following recommendations should be followed.

  • Perimeter processing. First, the walls of the room are sprayed, then the baseboards and the space under them. After that - the back side of cabinet and upholstered furniture.
  • Caches "in focus". Bedbugs are great at playing hide and seek with people, so finding their places of location can be difficult. Check the cracks, look behind peeling wallpaper hanging from the wall, crawl under the bed, remove a picture from the wall and look at its back - not a single hiding place should go unnoticed.
  • Furniture and clothing. Upholstered furniture, as a rule, is processed only from below. If there is a need to spray the soft part of a sofa or armchair, as well as a similar need to treat other things, after disinfestation they must be dry cleaned or washed in water at high temperatures.
  • Frost to the rescue. If disinfestation is carried out in winter and there is bitter frost outside, furniture and some things can be taken out into the fresh air and left for a couple of days. A temperature drop to −30°C is fatal for bloodsuckers. As well as increasing it to 50°C.

Shoot aphids on currants

This type of aphid damages not only red and white currant bushes, but also gooseberries, so it is not recommended to grow these berry bushes nearby, since in this case the likelihood of gooseberry aphids appearing on them increases.

Description of the pest:

  1. The elliptical body of this pest reaches a length of a couple of millimeters, and asexual individuals that appear in the spring can reach only a millimeter.
  2. Gooseberry aphids are colored greenish or yellow-greenish, so they are almost invisible on the foliage and fruits of gooseberries, and on currant leaves they look like jelly balls.
  3. The antennae of this insect consist of 6 segments and are equal in length to half the body, and the siphuncles on the abdomen are approximately equal to the tail. Microscopic hairs grow on the body of adult insects.

The following types of shoot aphids are found:
wingless and winged, the former are responsible for the reproduction of the population, the latter colonize garden crops, and also, if necessary, move from plant to plant.

This type of aphid appears on red and white currant bushes during flowering.

Compatibility with other insecticides

To increase the effectiveness of the poisoning procedure, gardeners and gardeners mix several drugs at once. In the case of Fufanon, manufacturers recommend using it as an independent remedy. The drug is highly effective and does not require additional effects or synergists.

Combined use with pesticides is allowed. The drugs are mixed in one tank and poured into a household spray bottle. The following is used as an additional poisonous drug:

  • Polyram DF;
  • Preparation No. 30;
  • Zircon;
  • Colloidal sulfur;
  • Epin Extra.

If, when mixing two products, sediment appears at the bottom of the tank, this indicates their incompatibility and such a mixture cannot be used. Firstly, efficiency decreases, and secondly, the danger to plants and the environment increases.

Pros and cons of the drug

The manufacturer of the product declared the third hazard class. Its quality characteristics help to instantly destroy parasites in the house and eliminate the problem for a long time. Consumers and the manufacturer themselves highlighted the following advantages of this drug against bedbugs:

  • A unique chemical formula that helps to effectively deal with unpleasant neighbors
  • The parasite’s body has extremely low resistance to the organophosphate substance that is part of the product.
  • The drug evaporates quickly and easily, which affects its penetration into hard-to-reach places. Microscopic particles overtake parasites and repel other insects from the treated area for a long time.
  • Temperature and its changes do not affect the quality of the product and its effect on insects
  • The drug can be used in combination with any other insecticide to enhance the overall effect. But there are some restrictions: it is better to avoid using products that have an alkaline reaction and consist of sulfur, copper and sulfides.
  • You can purchase the product at affordable prices.

The drug also has disadvantages, which are associated with a certain toxicity and an increased risk of human poisoning in case of improper use. In addition, the room may require re-treatment.

Insecticide release forms

Fufanon insecticide is produced in the form of an emulsion concentrate of 47% and 57%. The substance is a colorless oily liquid, poorly soluble in water and odorless. The product helps in the fight against the following insects:

  • Bakhchevaya,
  • fleas,
  • Weevils,
  • bedbugs,
  • mosquitoes,
  • Leafrollers,
  • Medyanitsy,
  • Ants,
  • flies,
  • ,
  • Spider mites,
  • Moths,
  • Locusts,
  • Red and black cockroaches,
  • aphids,
  • ,
  • Scale insects.

Denmark produces several varieties of the drug:

  • Fufanon. Ampoules of 5 ml and canisters of 5 l. The highly concentrated drug is used in the fight against garden and household pests. One canister of the product is enough to cover a large area to treat many affected crops.
  • Fufanon is new. Insecticide ampoules are produced in 1.5 and 6 ml; There are also bottles with this drug, which are produced in volumes of 10, 50 and 100 ml. Fufanon nova is used to exterminate domestic insects (bugs, cockroaches), as well as parasites that appear in the garden, vegetable garden or flower garden.
  • Fufanon Super. The white or light yellow emulsion helps kill insects such as bedbugs, cockroaches, mites, ants, flies and other insects that are often found in the home. Fufanon Super is the most effective product in this line of Danish products.
  • Fufanon Taran. The product is produced in microcapsules in 50 ml and 100 ml bottles or 1-5 liter canisters. The drug is used to destroy parasites indoors and pests on the territory of agricultural enterprises and farms.

Scope of application of the insecticide

Fufanon can be combined with similar drugs (except Bordeaux mixture), but it is best not to experiment. The versatility of this product is used to combat the following pests:

  • aphid;
  • mites;
  • thrips;
  • mole;
  • moths;
  • gall midges;
  • slowpoke;
  • scale insects;
  • sawfly;
  • whitefish;
  • weevil;
  • leaf roller;
  • whitefly;
  • codling moth;
  • raspberry beetle.

The main component of the drug is malathion (karbofos, cytion, adithiophosphate). Spraying can only be done if the plant has been attacked by insects . Once in the intestines of the pest, Fufanon affects its nervous system, causing rapid death.

Garden crops are most often attacked by various insects, which is why they need timely treatment:

  • grape;
  • apple trees;
  • pears;
  • gooseberry;
  • strawberry;
  • currant;
  • cherries;
  • quince;
  • cherry;
  • plum.

The mechanism of action of the drug Fufanon

Fufanon is produced in the form of an oily emulsion, which is quite poorly soluble in water. It is colorless and odorless, boils at a temperature of 157 degrees, and can begin to melt at around 28-30 degrees. This is not a new generation drug, since its components were often included in other drugs that were often used by gardeners and gardeners. The drug "Fufanon" can have an effect on parasites through direct contact. It is especially effective if the components enter the intestines, and parasites are poisoned by the toxic vapors of this drug.

As soon as the drug enters the insect’s body, a malfunction occurs in the nervous system, and impulses cease to be fully supplied. This leads to paralysis of the insect, it loses its motor functions, after which it simply dies. The fumigation properties of the drug itself enhance reactions in the insect’s body, mainly contact, as well as intestinal. After some time, the insect stops feeding and loses its functions. Of course, all this can only be realized under special conditions, and also taking into account the fact that the insect is quite young. If we observe damp weather, and the insects we are fighting against are quite mature in age, then all these circumstances can significantly slow down the biological and chemical processes of the drug’s effects.

In this regard, in order to maintain the effect of the drug for a longer time, regular and uniform spraying of the smallest particles should be ensured. They will act much faster on the insect’s body, killing it.


Fufanon occupies a significant share of the insecticide market - it is used by professionals from SES and private firms, as well as ordinary people. This popularity is due to several advantages:

  • Efficiency

Despite the fact that bedbugs adapt to malathion, poisons based on it still have no equal in pest control effectiveness. Good reviews of the product indicate its quality.

"Fufanon" is one of the best poisons in terms of price-quality ratio if it is necessary to treat at least a large area. For example, one canister of 57% concentrate costs only 500-600 rubles and allows you to treat a huge area. For this reason, this poison is often used as a pesticide in fields and vegetable gardens.

Many insecticides quickly lose their properties when exposed to sunlight, high or low temperatures. "Fufanon" is free from this drawback and remains 100% effective in almost any conditions.

  • Versatility

Gardeners and gardeners value this drug for its versatility - it kills almost all types of insects, including ants, fleas, wasps, flies, etc.

  • Combined with other drugs

Malathion is compatible with all insecticides, except those containing alkali. This allows you to expand the scope of application and increase efficiency.

Characteristics of the drug

"Fufanon", being the development of Danish scientists, is not an innovation. It is based on karbofos, discovered in the early 50s of the last century - first by the Americans, and a little later - by Soviet scientists who did the most difficult independent work, keeping pace with their colleagues from the USA. Malathion and karbofos are two names for the same substance. The second name has taken root more in the post-Soviet space, and therefore sounds more familiar to our ears. In general, the same organic compound is hidden under different names.


On the shelves of supermarkets, garden centers and household chemical stores you can find two varieties of the insecticide under discussion: Fufanon-Nova and Fufanon-Super. The main difference lies in the percentage of the active substance, and, consequently, in the purpose of the poison. The table will tell you how much malathion this or that form of Fufanon contains, and what it is used for.

Table - Varieties of Fufanon

VarietyMalathion concentration, %Application area
"Fufanon-Nova"44Crop processing
"Fufanon-Super"57Household pest control

The main vector of use of the product “Fufanon-Super” - household disinfestation - is due to the presence of additional ingredients in the composition. They are safe for warm-blooded creatures, but at the same time prolong the residual effect of the main poison. "Fufanon-Nova" can also be used against bed bugs by reducing the dose of water indicated on the package when preparing the solution.

Operating principle

“Fufanon” has a third degree of toxicity (for comparison: drugs with a fourth degree are considered the most harmless to humans and domestic animals). However, the product kills synanthropic insects quickly and without delay. The liquidation algorithm is approximately as follows:

  • contact - “Fufanon” is deadly only for those insects that come into contact with it;
  • transformation - penetrating into the body of the bug, the main substance is converted into malaoxon;
  • paralysis - malaoxon paralyzes the insect, preventing the conduction of nerve impulses;
  • death - after a short period of time, the bloodsucker dies.

The drug even kills the eggs and larvae of parasites. The poison penetrates the shell, destroying it, making further development of the insect impossible.


Treatment with this drug has an undeniable advantage - a prolonged effect, which popular analogues lack. The poison continues to “work” even two weeks after spraying. The larvae, which miraculously managed to survive, freed from the shackles of the shell, will instantly receive their portion of the poison. The available packages of the drug and their approximate cost are shown in the table.

Table - Packaging of "Fufanon" and approximate price

PackageVolume, mlApproximate cost, rubles (data as of January 2018)
Canister— 1000; — 5000700


The main disadvantage of the chemical is the unpleasant odor, which partially remains in the apartment and only dissipates over time. Plus - high efficiency, allowing you to eliminate a horde of small invaders with just one treatment. But this advantage is not the only one, there are others.

  • Not addictive. The special formula of the drug does not cause resistance in bedbugs, cockroaches and other pests. Even repeated use of poison on the same area will have a high effect. Insects will not be able to develop immunity to the drug and mutate, and therefore will always be susceptible to its fatal effects.
  • Has a fumigation effect. Evaporating, “Fufanon” penetrates even the most inaccessible places. It serves as additional protection for indoor plants, and for a long time remains a kind of “repellent”, forcing bedbugs and other evil spirits to avoid your home.
  • Not affected by temperatures. Unlike its analogues, the Danish development is indifferent to temperature fluctuations. The product remains equally effective in both heat and cold.
  • Can be combined with other insecticides. Specialists who know a lot about agricultural poisons can easily combine Fufanon with other poisonous “brothers” in order to increase the effectiveness of the product in specific conditions.

Fufanon is not recommended to be combined with insecticides containing copper, sulfides or sulfur.

Where to buy and how much does it cost?

You can purchase Fufanon in a specialized store that sells poisons for various insects or in any garden store, since the drug is also successfully used against crop pests.

The price of the insecticide varies depending on the volume of production, as well as the percentage of the active substance - malathion. For individual use, a 100 ml package will be sufficient; this is enough to treat an area of ​​400 m² against bedbugs. Current prices are presented in the table (the price range is due to the fact that several stores were monitored).

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