How to figure out which Dichlorvos is best for bed bugs? Expert opinion

Find out all about the new products in the Dichlorvos line against bed bugs. Instructions, recommendations, reviews, tips for destroying bedbug eggs and exterminating domestic insects. Choose what really helps at the best price-quality ratio.

Unwanted insects have appeared in your house... And life suddenly turns 180 degrees: there is no restful sleep, constant thoughts about it deprive you of peace. Dichlorvos was known to our grandmothers and was intended to combat insects. In particular, many use it in the fight against bed bugs.

Active substance

This substance has been known for a very long time. Our grandmothers also used it. This remedy has since been modified. Modern Dichlorvos is based on synthetic pyrethroids. They are not toxic to humans, but are harmful to insects.

The action of this insecticide is due to the active substance - dimethyl dichlorovinyl phosphate. It blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, thereby causing paralysis and death of insects.

Dichlorvos has its maximum effect when it comes into direct contact with the body of the pest. The active substance has a residual effect that lasts 2-3 weeks after treatment.

Dichlorvos is also used to kill cockroaches . Unlike them, bedbugs do not feed on leftover food, so in order to get rid of bedbugs you need to carry out the most extensive treatment of the room and all items. In addition, if the product does not get directly on the bug, then the probability of death of the insect is very low.

REFERENCE! The current Dichlorvos contains less active substances than the Soviet one. Therefore, it is not considered potent. To completely get rid of pests, it is necessary to carry out regular treatments for at least a month.

The concentration of the active substance depends on the manufacturer of the product.

If dichlorvos did not help, what should I do?

If you cannot cope with a bedbug infestation on your own, you can seek the help of professionals. The favorite habitat of bedbugs is the bedroom, so the living rooms will be treated first. Experts find places where bedbugs live by following traces of their excrement - small black dots. The more black dots, the more infested. And next to them there may also be bedbug eggs, as well as their skins.

Companies provide a guarantee for bedbug treatment for 1-2 years. When concluding a contract, a mandatory condition is stipulated - the owner of the property must ensure complete sealing of the premises in order to prevent the arrival of bedbugs from neighbors.

If bedbugs appear again during the warranty period, exterminators carry out repeated treatment. The conditions for its implementation must be specified in the contract.

If bedbugs have not appeared in the apartment for a month, it is considered that the disinfection was successful and the apartment is completely cleared of insects.


To treat a room against bedbugs, you need to follow the instructions on the can.

Before using this product, you must also follow the following rules so as not to harm your health:

  1. Carry out the treatment by first wearing personal protective equipment: gloves, respirator, mask.
  2. It is best to carry out the treatment in closed clothing so that the substance does not get on the skin.
  3. Do not process in a room where there are personal hygiene products, dishes, clothing, or food.
  4. You need to close the windows and doors, shake the can and spray the product.
  5. Places where insects accumulate and possible habitats need to be treated.
  6. After spraying, leave the room for half an hour.
  7. After time has passed, ventilate the room, since Dichlorvos has a specific odor.

ATTENTION! The poison contained in Dichlorvos is dangerous for bedbugs. But it can only kill it if it hits the insect’s body directly.

Bedbugs can hide not only in furniture, but also in bedding and clothing. To get rid of insects in these places, you should also follow certain rules:

  1. Do not spray things that have direct contact with the skin.
  2. Linen treated with Dichlorvos must be washed and ironed before use.

Bed linen is processed as follows:

  • place the laundry in a sealed bag;
  • spray the product onto the laundry;
  • close the bag and leave for several hours;
  • wash and iron after treatment.

Is the product harmful to people?

In modern aerosol packages, the main active ingredients are pyrethroids, which are lethal to most insects. However, they can be harmful to humans only in exceptional cases, because as a result of the liver, the components of the composition break down into metabolites that are safe for humans. However, there is a small chance of poisoning.

This can happen in several ways:

  • inhalation of diclofos vapor;
  • after taking its components in the digestive tract;
  • if aerosol components come into contact with human skin.

Small children and pets (especially cats) are at greatest risk from this tool. People prone to allergic reactions are also at risk.

If a person inhales harmful fumes, they may soon experience fever, cough, dizziness, severe facial sensitivity, headache and vomiting. If the toxin gets into the eyes, they begin to hurt and turn red. Capillaries may burst. Contact with skin may cause swelling, burning and tingling.

Such symptoms should be completely eliminated within 3 days if a new part of the harmful substance does not enter the human body. In case of prolonged intoxication of the body, the patient's condition may seriously deteriorate. Severe poisoning with Dichlorvos leads to repeated vomiting, increased blood pressure and heart function, the appearance of internal contractions, and convulsions.

When a harmful substance enters the human body, you need to provide fresh air, rinse your mouth with clean water or a weak solution of baking soda. It is also necessary to wash exposed areas of the face and body, and to change into clean clothes. If toxic components get into your eyes, it is important to rinse them several times; if they get into your stomach, you cannot do without rinsing.

It is necessary to consult a doctor only in case of severe poisoning or if Dichlorvos enters the body of a child under 1 year of age.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any means for controlling bedbugs and other pests, Dichlorvos has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at them in more detail.

The obvious advantages of using Dichlorvos are:

  • it can be used as a preventive measure - if you know that bedbugs have appeared in your neighbor’s apartment, you can safely treat your home to prevent the appearance of unwanted guests;
  • Dichlorvos is an affordable product with low cost;
  • the product leaves no traces after treatment;
  • has the ability to destroy not only bedbugs, but also many other pests: flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, etc.;
  • does not cause addiction to insects;
  • practically harmless to people and animals;
  • upon direct contact, it completely destroys insects.

REFERENCE! One cylinder is enough to treat 30 square meters. 20 g of product are used per 1 m2.

As for the shortcomings, the following can be noted:

  • acts for a short time. The duration of action does not exceed 5-7 days;
  • the maximum effect can be achieved only with focal treatment - the product is not effective with continuous spraying and when treating absorbent surfaces;
  • short duration of action - therefore it is necessary to carry out treatment several times;
  • modern Dichlorvos contain less dangerous substances.

Preparation for processing

Instructions for using Dichlorvos against bedbugs prescribe the following preparatory measures:

  1. There should be no children, pets, pregnant women or people with allergies in the room, who may be primarily affected by the product.
  2. Take indoor plants out of the room or cover them with a thick cloth to protect them from toxic substances.
  3. Place food and personal hygiene items in plastic bags and seal tightly. Put it in the closet or take it to another room.
  4. Warn your neighbors in advance - some of the parasites that manage to escape may migrate to a safer neighboring area.
  5. Move the furniture to the center of the room to facilitate access to walls, corners, baseboards, where domestic insects love to nest.

Mattresses and bed linen can be subjected to additional treatment with cold (taken out onto the balcony in the cold season) or hot air (boiled at 100 degrees and doused with hot steam).


The modern market provides a considerable range of this product. The price of one can varies from 100 to 200 rubles. You can buy Dichlorvos at any store that sells household chemicals.

Let's look at the most popular and effective options.


It is produced by Arnest. The product differs from others in that it is odorless, but there are also options with lemon and mint flavoring. Is potent. It contains substances that enhance the penetration of poison into the body of the bug.

"Clean house"

It is an aerosol based on insecticides that are harmless to humans. Therefore, it is not considered a highly effective remedy. This product is not effective when exposed to ultraviolet light.


Highly effective option. Its residual effect lasts up to three weeks. Therefore, this remedy helps to kill the emerging larvae.

"Triple Strike"

Effective only in direct contact with insects. Completely harmless to humans.


The product is available in two forms:

  • Super spray or Super spray Plus is an effective remedy for bed bugs;
  • Multispray is a highly effective broad-spectrum product.

All products are considered highly effective, but are not able to destroy bedbug eggs. They have a high cost. After airing the room where the treatment was carried out, the effect of these sprays completely stops.


It is based on cypermethrin and prallethrin - substances to which bedbugs are able to get used and develop resistance. Therefore, the product is not considered particularly effective. It can be used for minor infestations. The product has a strong odor and leaves a cloudy film on the treated surfaces.


Product from Thunder company. It has the fastest possible effect thanks to the substances that it contains. It has a strong odor, so treatment should only be carried out with a mask or respirator. An ineffective product that needs to be used several times to completely kill insects.

How to prevent bedbugs from appearing in an apartment?

After the treatment, you need to take measures to ensure that bedbugs no longer appear in the apartment. Here's what you need to do to do this:

  • Check how well the ventilation ducts are closed. If the grille is damaged, it is best to install a fine mesh and treat the edges of the ventilation shaft with sealant. Bedbugs will not be able to crawl through small cells.
  • Inspect water and gas pipes coming from neighbors, as well as telephone and Internet cables. It is recommended to seal all entrances with polyurethane foam.
  • If the apartment has sockets of an old modification, which are directly connected to the neighboring ones, then it is better to dismantle them and cover up all the holes.


“We live with our family in rented housing. A month ago I had to move to a new apartment. On the very first night we encountered a problem in the form of bedbugs in the sofa. The next morning I immediately went to the store and bought Varan dichlorvos. They immediately treated the sofa and the entire room. The product helped instantly and we never encountered this problem again.”

Angelina, Kursk

“For those living in a private house, insects are not uncommon. But the appearance of bedbugs is a special problem. Waking up one day from bites, I discovered these unexpected “guests”. Naturally, in the morning I immediately went to the store, where they offered me Dichlorvos “Neo”. Upon returning home, I immediately carried out the treatment. There was no unpleasant odor from the product. After treatment, I discovered that only some of the insects died. Therefore, we had to process the house again. So in a few times I got rid of bedbugs"

Marina, Omsk

“During spring cleaning, my wife discovered bedbugs under the carpet. I needed to act immediately, so I went to the store to buy bedbug repellent. There I chose Dichlorvos, which my wife immediately sprayed on the carpet. After half an hour, all the bedbugs died. Haven't appeared again yet"

Nikolay, Rostov

“We took the children to their grandmother in the village. Upon arrival, we found bedbugs in the house. We immediately bought Dichlorvos and treated the house. But the result was practically zero. After a while we processed it again and got the same thing. We realized that we needed to buy something else to solve the problem. Dichlorvos did not help us"

Ulyana, Pskov

Reasons why dichlorvos is ineffective

In some cases, the use of dichlorvos is effective and helps to cope with parasites, but in other cases, on the contrary, the expected result does not occur. This depends on the following reasons:

  • preparation for processing was carried out poorly;
  • When inspecting the apartment, not all insect nests were discovered, since the female can lay eggs in different places and sometimes they can be located separately from the nest;
  • no reprocessing was carried out;
  • errors were made in the use of the aerosol - spraying was carried out from a long distance or the duration of spraying in each area was not maintained;
  • General cleaning was carried out ahead of time.

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