How to get rid of the smell after baiting bedbugs in an apartment

Disinfection is the destruction of bacteria, viruses, harmful microorganisms and odors. Disinsection is the destruction of all types of insects. These are two different concepts, but they are often confused. In the context of this article, they will be used as synonyms, although in reality we will be talking specifically about the chemical smell that remains after baiting insects.

Disinsection, whether you carry it out yourself or order the necessary services from the SES, can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant, persistent odor. Why is this happening?

The products contain various toxic chemicals. Some of them, alone or in combination with other ingredients, can produce that same pungent, persistent and unpleasant odor that is felt after disinfection. In this case, all funds can be divided into 3 categories:

  • Without smell
  • With fragrance
  • With smell

As a rule, budget category products have a strong, pungent and persistent odor, which have been produced for several decades without any significant changes in composition.
At the same time, they can be very effective in controlling pests, but are more toxic than modern drugs. Choosing this option is justified if the main things in the treatment for you are the result and the low cost of the procedure. Newer scented or unscented insecticides tend to cost more but may be less toxic. To remove the odor to the maximum or reduce its intensity to the required level of compensation with fragrance, the work of chemical specialists is necessary when developing the product and the installation of additional equipment in production. These factors can increase the cost of fragranced and unscented products; in addition, the cost is also affected by the country of manufacture of the drug. Another reason why the product is odorless may be the use of exclusively natural ingredients in it, but such preparations have relatively low effectiveness in relation to chemical ones.


Despite the very common pattern described above, quality, toxicity level, country of origin, effectiveness and odor in the product do not have a clear relationship with each other, which can be traced in 100% of cases. When choosing a product, each of these parameters must be assessed separately. All of them are indicated on the label and in the instructions for each product.

Smell after bedbug baiting

The smell after baiting bedbugs or cockroaches is one of the most common problems, since these parasites have been fought in Russia constantly and for a long time, often using means that have remained virtually unchanged since the last century. They are the ones that emit the aromas that you think you can smell even a month after treatment. More modern products with fragrance or odorless usually still have some subtle aromas, but their main difference is that they disappear when aired in literally 1-2 hours and are felt, and do not hit the nose with a suffocating wave, as soon as you return to the apartment.

When buying a bottle of the product yourself, you can only be guided by the information indicated on the label and, unfortunately, reality does not always correspond to the manufacturers’ promises, so products often have to be selected experimentally.


Never smell or inhale the contents of the insecticide bottle.
This can lead to burns to the mucous membrane of the nose, mouth and larynx, poisoning and more serious consequences, especially if you already have problems with the respiratory or digestive system. When ordering disinfection or disinfestation from SES “Des Group”, different means can be used for the same type of treatment, from the most budget-friendly, but effective, with odor, to the latest, but more expensive, odorless formulations. You can discuss this issue with a service consultant and choose the option from the proposed ones that suits you most in terms of price and properties.

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