Concentrated powder - dust from cockroaches: how to use and what safety measures to follow

Powerful insecticidal preparations in powder form are called dusts. Due to the high concentration of the active substance, they effectively destroy synanthropic insects and other pests. Powders are affordable and easy to use. Dust against cockroaches remains active for 6-8 weeks. You can find insecticidal powders of various brands on sale; they are united by their constant ability to rid premises of crawling insects.

What is dust

The composition of powders for the destruction of synanthropic insects determines the degree of toxicity of the drug. An important difference between dusts and other insecticides is the presence of the active substance pineronyl butoxide.

The main property is to ensure prolonged action. It is enough to carry out a one-time treatment of infected premises, and after a while most of the cockroaches will die.

Previously, the dust contained DDT powder with a powerful insecticidal effect. Studies have shown that the component accumulates in the human body and causes health problems. Later, DDT was removed from the composition of powdered insecticides and replaced with an equally powerful, but safer substance.

Dust is a concentrated preparation containing from 1 to 10% of a potent insecticide and fillers. A powdery substance based on boric acid and other components kills harmful insects.

It definitely contains pineronyl butoxide. The color of the dust is grayish-yellow, cloudy white. The powdery substance is sold in bags weighing 50 g or more. A small package is enough to etch a room of about 10 square meters. m.

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Application of dust:

  • sprinkle a toxic powder along the baseboards and behind them, under the sink and bathtub, behind the furniture, under the sofa, near the trash can, in cracks that are not yet closed, sewer holes and grates, under peeling wallpaper;
  • prepare a working solution for disinfestation. Combine the dust with water in the required quantity: the proportions are indicated on the packaging. Spray the product over the same areas as for the first method of using a powerful remedy for cockroaches and other harmful insects.

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For high-quality control of cockroaches and other pests, it is necessary to eliminate excess humidity in the room. Such conditions, combined with heat, increase the risk of colonization of synanthropic insects. If the home is not only damp, but also cold, then another serious problem appears - mold stains on the walls. The fungus is no less dangerous to humans and pets than hordes of cockroaches.

Dust destroys various types of parasitic insects: fleas, mosquitoes, red house ants, cockroaches. The effect on parasites depends on the variety: dust negatively affects the digestive and nervous systems of pests, affects important motor centers, which leads to paralysis and death of insects.


Bed bug dust is a powdery substance consisting of:

  • boric acid,
  • pyrethrum,
  • pineronyl butoxide,
  • other additives.

Proper preservation of dust helps preserve its beneficial properties for 5 years. He is not afraid of temperature changes and direct sunlight. The worst thing for him is high humidity. In such an environment, the dust becomes viscous and loses its positive properties.

Using this remedy for bedbugs does not give the best, but good results.


Manufacturers offer various categories of insecticides:

  • FOS or organophosphorus compounds with systemic and intestinal effects.
  • Boric acid.
  • Dusts that cause dehydration.
  • Pyrethroids. The compositions exhibit a neuroparalytic effect. Active ingredients: permethrin, cypermethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin.

Medicines based on malathion and chlorpyrifos to combat synanthropic insects have a good effect.


After applying the “Clean Home” preparation, you should wash your hands and face with hot water. Be sure to use soap or other skin cleanser. Clothes should be removed immediately and sent for washing. The room should be empty for several hours, so the person who did the processing also needs to go out into the fresh air.

Cleaning the room can be done with a solution of soda, soap, lemon and mustard powder

Upon returning (after 5-7 hours), you can start cleaning. The first thing to do is to ventilate the apartment by opening all the windows. Always wash surfaces using rubber gloves.

You can add a little soda and any apartment cleaning product to the washing water. All surfaces should be washed, even those to which “Clean House” was not applied. You can leave the product under baseboards, in ventilation pipes and under wallpaper, but if the smell is too strong for a long time, rinse thoroughly there too, thoroughly ventilating the room again.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each insecticide has advantages and disadvantages. Fine mixtures with toxic components act on various parts of the body of synanthropic insects; it is not always possible to immediately select the optimal name and category of the dust. When used correctly, the harmful effects on humans and animals are limited. Before purchasing a powder composition for killing cockroaches, you need to familiarize yourself with the positive and negative nuances of toxic agents.


  • reasonable cost;
  • a wide range of powdered preparations;
  • no pungent odor;
  • if the rules are followed, there is minimal negative impact on households and animals;
  • It’s easy to find cockroach repellents in any hardware store and supermarket;
  • convenience and ease of processing areas where synanthropic insects accumulate;
  • high efficiency of disinsection: dusts are destructive for cockroaches and other insects;
  • long residual effect: after treating the home, the insecticidal effect persists for a month or more;
  • the properties of the powdered drug do not change under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, low and high temperatures.


  • there is toxic powder on the floor for a long time, which creates inconvenience when children and furry pets live in the house;
  • during cleaning, it is more difficult to treat areas around which dust is scattered;
  • the result of disinfestation manifests itself over time, not instantly: usually three to four days or more pass until the cockroaches begin to die.

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How long will one procedure last?

If you follow the processing rules and preventive measures, you will be able to completely get rid of bedbugs in one go. Subsequent infection will occur only if you again bring the insects along with things or clothing. If neighbors have bedbugs, the risk increases. If they do not poison the parasites, the latter will constantly crawl into other apartments.

The dust may not have an effect on the larvae, so in case of severe infestation, it is recommended to re-treat it after a week. The powder that remains in hard-to-reach crevices will remain effective for another month.

Rules of application

Important points:

  • it is mandatory to put all things in closets and food;
  • remove household members from the home;
  • wear protective clothing, a respirator, goggles and gloves;
  • prepare a working solution or use the product in powder form;
  • treat all areas where cockroaches penetrate, especially carefully areas where synanthropic insects actively accumulate;
  • It is convenient to use a small flat paint brush to distribute the powdered product. Hard-to-reach areas are treated with a working solution from a spray bottle;
  • 4–6 hours after disinsection, wipe surfaces and open areas with a solution based on soap and soda. For 1 liter of warm water, take 2 tbsp. l. bulk product and a little shaved laundry soap, then wash and wipe all open areas (tables, floor, work surface in the kitchen) to which there is general access.

Choosing the right powder insecticide

Today, the market offers a huge selection of dusts for killing cockroaches, which can cause some difficulties when choosing the best option. When planning to buy a drug, you need to consider the following factors:

  1. The degree of infestation of the premises by parasites. If the population of cockroaches is huge, then you should opt for potent drugs made on the basis of karbofos;
  2. Is there furniture in the apartment that cannot be moved and washed thoroughly? In this case, you need to use a product that has a natural base.

Review of effective remedies

Effective dusts:

  • Tornado.
  • Ecokiller.
  • Phenaxin.
  • Absolute-dust.
  • Clean house.

The quality of treatment depends not only on the population size of synanthropic insects, but also on resistance to certain types of insecticides. Owners often note that a powerful remedy has little effect on cockroaches that have adapted to the influence of the components of a particular drug. If resistance is detected in pests, you need to replace the insecticide with another one and check how the insects react to the new composition. It is advisable to choose agents to which resistance rarely develops.

What is the danger of bedbugs?

Bedbugs are not direct carriers of serious infections and diseases. These parasites are small bloodsuckers that feed on human blood. The places where they bite itch and hurt a little, which in itself causes severe discomfort. Since parasites attack in groups, there are many bites left on the human body that you want to constantly scratch.

In addition, bedbugs can carry pathogens of many serious diseases, such as syphilis, tuberculosis, typhus and smallpox.

Important! Parasites are nocturnal, so they will not allow you to fully rest at night.

Safety precautions when working with dusts

Inhalation of powdered insecticide particles is harmful to health. When working with all types of dusts, you must adhere to certain rules to avoid intoxication.

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  • put on a respirator;
  • Protect hands and other parts of the body with long sleeves and medical gloves;
  • put on plastic transparent glasses;
  • open the windows, but make sure there are no drafts;
  • do not drink or eat during disinfestation and for an hour after the event;
  • after treating the apartment, be sure to rinse your mouth, wash, wash or dispose of old clothes and gloves;
  • remove children and pets from home during treatment;
  • make sure that dust particles are not in visible places;
  • If possible, leave the apartment for two or three days and live with relatives. With this approach to treating rooms where many cockroaches have bred, you can distribute the powdered product in open areas of the space to make the procedure more effective;
  • you need to wash the floors well and ventilate the home before the household returns;
  • Be sure to walk through the rooms and carefully check whether particles of powdered insecticide remain in visible places. This rule is especially important to follow if there are pets and small children in the apartment.

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If you are prone to allergies or have respiratory diseases in your household, you should not use dust. The powder product should be replaced with a gel, suspension or concentrated solution to prevent particles from becoming airborne.

How to prepare an apartment for processing?

Preparatory work for treating the premises should begin with sending residents and pets to the country house or for a visit for one day. This is due to the fact that the vapors of the drug can lead to short attacks of suffocation or allergic manifestations.

Then you need to move the furniture where the Prussians are most often found. The most attractive place in the house for parasites is the kitchen area.

Of course, this is a rather labor-intensive process, but extremely important, because insects often hide in hidden corners. Products must be packed in sealed bags. All kitchen appliances must be placed inside cabinets.

It is imperative to remove all small objects, especially children’s toys. It’s good if the windows are open while the room is being treated with dust.

Prevention of insects

After removing cockroaches from your home, it is important to take into account the mistakes and factors against which the parasites settled and multiplied. Cockroaches penetrate many apartments, but remain where they find favorable living conditions.

Simple and effective recommendations:

  • do not leave unwashed dishes on the table or in the sink;
  • clean the kitchen every day;
  • bring the trash can in on time;
  • wipe up crumbs from the table and spilled drinks;
  • eliminate leaks in the kitchen and bathroom: without access to water, cockroaches quickly leave the home;
  • make sure that rotting food waste does not fall near the bucket;
  • Do not overwater the plants, check that water does not stagnate in the trays.


All modern dusts are easy-to-use and effective preparations for ridding homes and industrial premises of cockroach populations. You can get good results if you strictly follow the instructions developed by the manufacturer.

Using the same product can cause cockroaches to develop immunity to this type of powder, and the insects will remain alive even after treatment.

To avoid infesting your apartment with cockroaches, you should constantly keep your home clean and periodically check surfaces hidden from view. This will prevent the appearance and reproduction of cockroaches in the apartment.

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