Application of phytoverm for indoor plants

Who gnaws violet leaves?

Most pests eat the pulp of leaves, stems or roots of indoor flowers. The most common of them: mites, weevils, nematodes. Violets are affected by several species of mites (Acarina). Ticks are extremely small.

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What is Fitoverm?

It is both an insecticide and an acaricide. Plants are treated with it when pests are detected. The substance is produced by soil microorganisms. When indoor flowers are treated with it, the leaves need to be intensively moistened only with the recently prepared substance. To eliminate pests of indoor plants, buy a package that contains 2 ampoules for two-time treatment.

Currently, “Fitoverm-M” has been invented; it hits thrips much better than just Fitoverm. There is also “Fitoverm for flowers”.


  • The drug decomposes 24 hours after use.
  • Pests do not get used to the product.


  1. It is forbidden to mix it with other poisons.
  2. According to some people, the price of this substance is higher than the cost of an unnatural drug.
  3. It must be used repeatedly to achieve the desired effect.
  4. The substance wets the leaves very weakly. For better adhesion, you need to add laundry soap to it, you can also combine it with Rapsol (it contains rapeseed oil). A mixture of Fitoverm and Rapsol perfectly eliminates thrips. To reduce the water tension on the surface of the sheets, adjuvant substances are added, for example, Liposam, Silvet Gold (its main substance is heptamethyltriziloxane).

What plants are they used for?

Fitoverm can be used to kill pests on any indoor plants: hibiscus, calathea, and so on, but there are some peculiarities.

For violets

To treat violets, dilute 1 ampoule per 1 liter of water. Next, add 3-4 drops of zoo shampoo containing Permethrin. First, treat with the violet mixture, then take a break for 3 days, and so on 4 times. This is necessary due to the fact that the substance affects adult insects, and not larvae and eggs.

All leaves need to be sprayed thoroughly. The room temperature should be approximately 20°C.

Fitoverm for orchids


To eliminate harmful insects that destroy orchids, you need to dilute 1 ampoule with 0.5 liters of clean water. It is also necessary to treat 4 times, since the larvae are not affected by the substance. In addition, you need to spill the product on the soil in the pots.

To get rid of mites, you need to remove the orchid from the pot, and rinse the pot thoroughly or destroy it. An orchid can easily lie without bark for a week. Because of this, its roots are washed with hot water, then treated with “Fitoverm”, dissolved 1 mg per 1 liter of water, and the orchid is placed in a plastic bag for 24 hours. Place the bag with the plant in a basin, let the sunlight fall on it. After 10 days, the treatment is repeated. Afterwards, the roots are washed under hot water and planted in the soil of a new pot. Water after 5 days.

For roses

To spray roses, it is necessary to mix Fitoverm and Silver Gold, since the leaves of roses are protected by a layer of wax, and pesticides penetrate the leaves with great difficulty. Also, the leaves of many plants are heavily pubescent, so this mixture must be used to kill pests on them.

On roses, Fitoverm can also be mixed with Rapsol, but Rapsol must have a small concentration of 0.3%, otherwise burns may appear on the surface of the rose leaves.

Description of the drug

Very often, many gardeners are faced with the problem of various pests that multiply and spoil the planted plants. Unfortunately, this fate has not spared lovers of indoor plants, because insects can settle in those plants that seem to be protected by home warmth and comfort.

Most often, various chemicals are used to control insects, but it is worth remembering that not all of them are suitable for indoor plants. They grow in closed ground, so they require a slightly different attitude than other crops.

The fourth generation biological preparation “Fitoverm” is perfect for treating domestic plants.

It contains two types of poisons:

  1. Contact poisons - affect the outer integument of the insect and cause instant death.
  2. Intestinal poisons - have the same properties as contact ones, only they kill the pest from the inside, entering directly into the intestines.

It consists of waste products of organisms living in the soil.

And affects many different insects, such as:

  1. Aphid.
  2. Codling moth.
  3. Leaf roller.
  4. Moths.
  5. Plant mites.
  6. Thrips.
  7. Caterpillars.
  8. Colorado beetle.
  9. Cabbage cutworm and cabbage cutworm.

This drug is sold in packages of 4 grams, the cost of one sachet is approximately 15-20 rubles.

It is also possible to choose the Fitoverma dosage; for indoor plants, a bag with two ampoules of 2 grams is better suited, but for fruits and vegetables, one ampoule of 4 grams is used.

Instructions for use

It is recommended to use the drug immediately if any pest or parasite is detected. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of keeping the plant alive and healthy.

It is worth remembering that although Fitoverm is an effective means of combating insects, it cannot kill them instantly. Complete elimination of pests will occur approximately 3-5 days after using the drug.

“Fitoverm” belongs to hazard class 3, so you need to be extremely careful when using it and applying it so as not to harm yourself or your loved ones.

To treat indoor plants, one ampoule containing 2 grams of the drug is diluted in one liter of water. Each leaf of the plant must be carefully treated with this composition. It is recommended to use a spray bottle for these purposes because it will make the distribution more widespread.

To get the best result, it is not enough to simply kill existing insects; you need to carry out a full course of treatment, which consists of 4 treatments with an interval of 7-10 days.

It should also be remembered that all pests perceive the effects of the poison contained in Fitoverm differently, therefore, each individual insect has its own dosage:

  1. Spider mites - 2 grams per 2.5 liters of water.
  2. Aphids - 2 grams per 0.6 liters of water.
  3. Thrips - 2 grams per 0.5 liters of water.

"Fitoverm" for orchids

There is an opinion among many flower growers that if an orchid is affected by thrips, then most of them are located in the flowers, and instead of treating it, it is more advisable to remove them and throw them away. But as for the soil and plant stem, they can be treated with Fitoverm following the standard instructions.

But if an orchid is attacked by a mite, then with the help of this drug you can easily get rid of it and save the plant from death.

The following algorithm of actions should be followed:

  1. First you need to carefully remove the plant from the pot and thoroughly disinfect the dishes, and it is best to replace them with new ones.
  2. Next, you need to rinse the roots of the plant under hot water and thoroughly treat it with the drug, using the dosage: 1 gram per 1 liter.
  3. After which the plant must be placed in a wide container so that sunlight falls on the flower. On the first day after treatment, it is necessary to cover the orchid with a plastic bag. The roots must be sprayed with water the entire time they are without soil.
  4. After 10 days, the procedure must be repeated and immediately after it the plant must be planted back into the pot.
  5. The remaining two treatments must be carried out using standard technology, only in addition to the leaves, the drug is also applied to the soil of the plant.

"Fitoverm" for violets

Just as in the case of orchids, violets must be treated everywhere, that is, both the leaves and the ground. It is worth considering that the period between treatments for violets is shorter than for other indoor plants and is 3 days.

Recommended dosage: one ampoule per liter of water; experienced gardeners also advise adding a couple of drops of animal shampoo, which contains permethrin, to the resulting solution.

"Fitoverm" for seedlings

Seedlings are grown in order to transfer the plants to open ground in the future, but when treating seedlings with Fitoverm, it should be remembered that at this stage of development the plants belong to indoor crops, and not to fruit and vegetable crops.

Therefore, the periods between treatments and the dosage of the drug must be observed in proportions calculated for indoor plants. To more effectively get rid of parasites, it is necessary to use the drug to treat both the leaves of the plant and the soil.

It should also be remembered that the drug is effective only at temperatures above 18 degrees.

Speed ​​of impact on the pest

It is worth noting that adult individuals die much earlier than their larvae, to destroy which it is necessary to carry out repeated treatments.

The drug has a paralytic effect, so insects first stop their activity and die completely after a certain time:

  1. Gnawing insects stop feeding on the plant 6 hours after treatment, but they die only after 2-3 days.
  2. Sucking pests require twice as much time, 12 hours and 5-6 days, respectively.
  3. The drug lasts on the leaves for one to three weeks, provided that it is not washed off by rain or other precipitation.
  4. If you mix the use of Fitoverm with other poisons, their overall effectiveness is reduced. As for pesticides that are used to treat plants, the drug is completely compatible with them.

In what case is it used?


Fitoverm is a biologically active drug that destroys common and red spider mites, aphids, thrips, and leaf-eating caterpillars.

All compounds that destroy harmful insects are divided into 2 groups:

  • contact;
  • intestinal.

Contact ones fall on the integument of pests and destroy them, and intestinal ones enter the intestines of insects; they eliminate pests only after 3-4 days. Fitoverm has a double effect, it is both contact and intestinal.

How to use - step-by-step instructions

To obtain a working solution of Fitoverm, you need to dilute 1 ampoule (5 ml) in water. Read the instructions carefully.

To destroy pests of indoor plants, treatment is done 4 times, with an interval of 7-10 days between treatments:

  • against spider mites, pour 1 ampoule into 2.5 liters of clean water;
  • for aphids, add 1 ampoule to 0.6 liters of water;
  • for thrips, add 1 ampoule to 0.5 liters of water.

After preparing the solution, it must be applied immediately.

Use any sprayer that sprays. Moisten indoor flowers evenly, since the poison begins to act only after the pests come into contact with the skin, as soon as they eat the leaves that are soaked in the poison.

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