Why do they appear again after baiting cockroaches and bedbugs?

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Today I would like to touch on such a pressing topic as repeated treatments .

Due to our activities, we often have to deal with requests from citizens who have already ordered disinfection or carried it out themselves. However, this did not produce the desired effect. Let's try to understand the possible reasons for this phenomenon.

Looking for a nest of pests

The first thing to consider when fighting cockroaches and bedbugs is that for treatment to be successful, it is important to destroy not only individual individuals, but also their nest , where they gather and reproduce.

Bedbug nest

To do this, you first need to find their nesting places and then treat them with poison. At the same time, sometimes you have to disassemble the furniture and carefully examine the entire room in search of places where insects accumulate and live.

If you call trusted disinfection specialists, they will cope with this task. However, in the case of self-processing, special attention must be paid to this. If you destroy only some individuals, but do not affect the entire family, then the population of cockroaches and bedbugs will quickly recover and become even stronger and more resistant to pesticides. So-called resistance will arise - resistance to poisonous drugs.

Preparing for disinfestation

The extermination of cockroaches with the help of professionals is carried out in several stages. First of all, they coordinate the time of the visit with the owners and tell them what work needs to be done. The apartment should be prepared as follows:

  1. Close kitchen utensils in cabinets, cover other items with foil.
  2. Place the products in the refrigerator, packing them in airtight containers.
  3. Remove all pets from the home.
  4. Go through the books - if you find dark spots on the pages, bedbugs live in the lower cabinets. When processing, tell the professionals about this.
  5. Put all clothes, children's underwear and toys in the chest of drawers, and first place them in bags.
  6. Remove all personal hygiene items from the bathroom.
  7. Cover household appliances, paintings and furniture with polyethylene.

Preparation for disinfestation should be carried out globally

We destroy not only adults, but also their eggs

The eggs of most insects, as a rule, are much more protected from external adverse conditions than adult representatives. And even if active participants in the colony die, it often happens that after some time a younger generation is born from the surviving eggs, which continues the work of their ancestors .

For this reason, it is often recommended to repeat preventative treatments after two weeks . During this time, new insects hatch from eggs appear. If they are not destroyed, then, unfortunately, after some time, these “uninvited guests” will be active in the house again.

There were more cockroaches after treatment

This situation upsets those who hoped for a quick deliverance from uninvited mustachioed guests. To figure out how long it will take for cockroaches to leave after disinfection, it is useful to know more about their biological characteristics:

  1. Having mated once with a male, the female stores sperm reserves in her abdomen throughout her life
  2. Every year she can give birth to up to five thousand cockroaches, laying eggs in the ooteca - a special form. From one and a half to six dozen larvae emerge from each capsule.

Let's consider the reasons that prevent the disappearance of cockroaches .

Only adults were destroyed

The protective form (capsule) reliably protects future cockroaches from external negative factors. If a toxic aqueous solution gets on it, then the insects don’t care. Plus, wise females hide capsules in hard-to-reach places. As a result, adult individuals die, but soon a new generation is born, which again attacks the home. A characteristic feature of cockroaches is to restore the population to the same or greater volumes after persecution.

Conclusion: it is necessary to use effective disinfestation agents, which also affect the capsules (the period of exposure includes the exit of the larvae from the mold).

Came out of the ambush

Why did there become more of them after baiting cockroaches? This question is sometimes asked by the owners of apartments where excellent products were used for processing. Don't rush to panic. Cockroaches can get out of remote places because the poison has begun to affect them.

Conclusion: we need to observe the further behavior of insects. Usually, under the influence of chemicals, they become lethargic, inhibited and soon die.

The apartment is too dirty

In a room where the owners have made a blatant mess and spread dirt, one treatment may not be enough. This happens if the number of cockroaches is so large that it is impossible to influence them all.

Conclusion: processing should be repeated.

We use high-quality trusted products

There is now a very wide variety of all kinds of drugs on the market to combat cockroaches and bedbugs. Some have proven their effectiveness in practice, while others leave much to be desired. However, the choice is huge. There are also many folk, quite effective recipes for removing pests from your home.

The choice of proven means is very important

We will not consider individual disinfestation agents in this article. This material is too extensive. However, I would like to note that the choice of suitable drugs is a very important point in the entire insect baiting procedure .

Therefore, when independently selecting products, it is always better to first consult with people who have already successfully used some drugs, as well as with disinfection specialists or sales consultants in stores.


We talk about the different types of pest control products here:

– How to choose a remedy for bedbugs and other insects?


Calling a specialist from the disinfection service, unfortunately, also does not always guarantee success in this case. In our work, we have repeatedly had to deal with a situation where we were contacted for re-treatment after unsuccessful disinfestation by other “disinfectors”.

There are newcomers and scammers in every field. They are also found in the field of disinfection. As a rule, such “specialists” work with very cheap drugs, which often turn out to be not only useless, but also dangerous to the health of people and animals .

Therefore, when ordering disinfection from specialized services, you need to exercise common sense and not chase cheapness . Free cheese is only in a mousetrap. It’s better to call trusted disinfectors once and do a high-quality treatment, rather than order the service again and overpay.

Reproduction of cockroaches

Cockroaches reproduce sexually. Moreover, to successfully breed offspring, a female only needs one mating in her entire life, thanks to the mechanism of preserving the male’s seminal fluid in special sections inside the abdomen. These sperm reserves will fertilize eggs throughout the female's life.

After mating, the female begins to lay eggs, enclosed in a special protective capsule, which The ootheca of cockroaches perfectly

In such a strong capsule, the larvae quietly develop for a couple of weeks, and before the immediate hatching of the offspring, the female will hide it in a safe place. is very Consequently, if you destroy adult cockroaches in an apartment

Life cycle of a domestic cockroach

The average lifespan of a domestic cockroach is 10-12 months. During their lives, cockroaches actively feed and reproduce. The female is capable of bearing from 5 to 20 oothecae, in each of which from 15 to 60 larvae can develop.

In total, in one year the female is capable of replenishing the colony by 500 individuals! Cockroaches reproduce constantly, regardless of the time of year and the weather outside, because ideal conditions are created in the apartment next to a person.

Features of cockroach population regulation

Cockroaches have learned to regulate their numbers in a single apartment, which once again confirms the presence of intelligence in these parasites. It would seem, why do they need this when they can reproduce until they lose their pulse? Everything is very simple, cockroaches maintain a certain number of colonies in the apartment for their comfortable existence.

For example, as soon as cockroaches get into a new apartment, where there is a lot of space and food, they begin to multiply intensively and take over the apartment as long as they have enough food and secluded places. The maximum number of individuals is reached and the growth of the colony stops; reproduction is reduced to maintaining the existing number.

Why do there become more cockroaches after extermination?

The destruction of cockroaches usually leads to two consequences: there will be no cockroaches at all or there will be even more of them . In the first case, the disinfestation of cockroaches was successful - the entire colony was infected with poison and destroyed. After persecution, sometimes at first you get the impression that there are more cockroaches on the contrary, but this is not so, it’s just that under the influence of the drugs, all the infected individuals crawled out of secluded places and catch your eye. Soon all the insects will die.

In the second case, the baiting simply failed and not all cockroaches or their larvae were destroyed, then the insects switch on a signal to reproduce. Cockroaches understand that they are trying to be destroyed and therefore begin to reproduce with double effort.

If after the persecution at least 3-5% of the population survived, then in just a month the previous population will completely recover, adding 15-20% in number compared to the previous number.

Why is cockroach control unsuccessful?

Disinfection against cockroaches may

  • the apartment is in a deplorable state - there is
  • saved on processing - “ the stingy pays twice” - turned to a company that was “cheaper than everyone else”, which means they used a cheap drug, or very diluted with water, did not use professional ULV equipment ( killing means the drug did not get into everyone cracks and live cockroaches remained;
  • the residents did not at all comply with or neglected the rules For example, there are a lot of things and rubbish in the apartment; the treated surfaces are washed after treatment.

Therefore, in case of unsuccessful baiting of cockroaches, you should not immediately make claims to the SES service; the overwhelming majority of failures are the fault of the apartment owners themselves, who neglect basic hygiene rules and after treatment or skimp on the services of real professionals .

Specialists of our SES service often have to go to apartments where other companies have previously carried out unsuccessful treatments, after which there were even more cockroaches, and the owners were almost desperate to fight them, and we are almost the last attempt in this fight.

We are proud to announce that after our treatment, the problem with cockroaches disappears! Calling a GlavSES disinfector to exterminate cockroaches solves the pest problem forever, subject to the basic and simple rules outlined in our present agreement. We guarantee 100% destruction of cockroaches !

Processing methods are equally important

We poison bedbugs using the irrigation method.
There are also a great variety of methods for removing cockroaches and bedbugs. These include gels, powders, various aerosols, adhesive tapes, ultrasonic devices, etc. Among professional methods, spraying, special disinfestation gels, cold and hot fog, etc. are often used.

The list goes on. However, we wanted to point out that not all of these methods are suitable for, for example, baiting cockroaches or bedbugs . For example, spraying poison with a cold mist can harm active individuals of the colony, but almost does not affect the main nest with growing “babies” and eggs. In addition, such methods are often prohibited for use in confined living spaces.

Carrying out disinfestation in residential premises

The root cause of the appearance of parasites in apartments and residential buildings is neglect of the rules of sanitary standards. During this time, leftover food remains as a bait for cockroaches. They settle almost everywhere, from the trash can to all sorts of crevices hidden from view. These insects settle in colonies, the number of which can number in the tens of thousands. They are easy to detect by the remains of excrement, the presence of dead individuals and a characteristic odor.

Disinsection is the destruction of pests using chemical or biological compounds using specific equipment. These measures create an unfavorable environment for insects, in which their development and reproduction becomes impossible. To prevent the appearance of parasites, it is recommended to periodically treat areas adjacent to the entrance doors with special compounds and use mosquito nets in ventilation grilles. You should also not neglect systematic wet cleaning using detergent compounds. Apartments located near garbage disposal lines are at risk. In such cases, you should carefully monitor compliance with the rules for using the waste disposal system.

In fact, after treating a room for cockroaches, there are no more of them than before disinfestation, it’s just that under the influence of an insecticide you can observe a colony of insects in its entirety

Preparatory activities

When starting to prepare a room for pest control, it is necessary to take into account that cockroaches need food and especially water to exist. The first step is to exclude the possibility of insects having access to water and food. The room should be thoroughly cleaned, eliminating the possibility of crumbs and drops of oil or syrup. All sinks should be wiped dry and taps should not dribble. If condensation occurs on cold pipes, it should be removed periodically. It is necessary to understand that local disinfestation carried out in the kitchen and bathrooms may not lead to the desired result. Insects are able to move en masse, waiting for the concentration of the active substance to decrease.

Selection of performers

When turning to specialists for help, you need to know that not all organizations advertising their services can take effective measures. The scheme of communication with performers should include certain points. First of all, a specialist comes to the site to clarify the details of a specific situation. Next, he should find out: the size of the room, information about independent attempts at disinfestation, taking into account the means used, the presence of other parasites, the presence of insects in nearby neighbors and the general sanitary condition of the room. If events occur according to this scenario, it means that there is confidence that the performers have work experience. The list of pest control services includes a proposal for preparing the premises and cleaning after completion. These are additional services, the execution of which is negotiated separately.


The main attention is paid to the kitchen and bathrooms. First of all, methodical processing of risers for technical purposes is carried out. In the kitchen, the objects of increased attention are the sink with adjacent surfaces, the gas stove, the area around the refrigerator, and hard-to-reach surfaces located behind the kitchen units. In other rooms, baseboards, corners, door frames, curtains and cornices and the entire accessible floor surface are subject to mandatory treatment. Thus, the possibility of insect movement is prevented.

During the event, it is very important to avoid drafts and ventilation. You need to know that the maximum effect of the drugs occurs on the third day, and the full effect can be achieved after two weeks.

What is the level of neglect of the situation?

One of the factors that needs to be taken into account when starting pest control work is how much the pests have multiplied and spread throughout the apartment/house. Of course, the earlier measures to combat insects are started, the greater the chances of getting away with “little blood” .

However, if the situation has already gone too far and mustaches or bloodsuckers are freely running around the room for their own pleasure, then you need to understand that it will be difficult to get rid of such an invasion at once. In these cases, sometimes two or three treatments are required to achieve a more or less stable result .

Cleaning after disinfestation

The exterminator is obliged to explain to the owners how to properly clean after disinfestation.

There are two basic rules:

  1. It is forbidden to enter the house for three hours.
  2. Hard surfaces can only be washed after three days.

The home should not be ventilated immediately after disinfection, even if there is a strong smell - it is this that is detrimental to cockroaches. You can return home in five hours, after which you can open the windows. Then you can start cleaning.

  1. Use a powerful vacuum cleaner to remove dust, debris and dead insects.
  2. Use the nozzle to thoroughly scrub the area behind kitchen cabinets, under furniture and under the refrigerator.
  3. Move all nightstands aside and vacuum the floor.
  4. Collect pests under baseboards.

Washing should be done with a soda solution or a specialized product. Don't forget to go over the walls of appliances, chairs and countertops with a damp cloth. Remove all dishes and rinse with hot water. The next stage is washing. It is recommended to wash all items, including curtains, rugs and linen. Be sure to wash your children's toys or treat them with a steam cleaner. Also clean your outerwear using steam. If all requirements are met, you can completely get rid of insects and protect your household from poisoning by toxic substances.

We take into account preventive measures

The destruction of pests must always be accompanied by the elimination of the causes that contributed to their spread . Sometimes these are constant crumbs on the table, sometimes cracks in the walls, and in some cases - a dripping faucet, which serves as a life-saving source of life-giving moisture for pests.

All such moments need to be eliminated . Otherwise, a favorable environment for repeated reproduction of the colony will remain in the home . Of course, if a random cockroach crawled into your home from your neighbors, or you brought a bedbug from a trip, it will only be enough to carry out high-quality treatment. However, if the premises itself have favorable conditions for the spread of insects, then there is a high probability of their reappearance.

What to do to create unbearable conditions for pests to exist, read here:

– Cockroaches in an apartment: how to get rid of them?

– Why is it so difficult to kill cockroaches?

– Prevention and control of bed bugs


Cockroaches have an extremely negative attitude towards the smell of ammonia in the apartment. Ammonia is nothing more than an ammonia solution, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. To repel insects, one teaspoon of ammonia solution is added to a bucket of water intended for wet cleaning of the room. This is an effective measure, but it is better to resort to it only as a backup option.

Not every housewife can withstand the pungent smell of ammonia, but she will have to treat the entire apartment with the solution, and after cleaning is complete, the smell lingers for a long time. Therefore, a respirator should be used during cleaning and windows should be kept open. This type of treatment should be done weekly.


We have not listed all the possible reasons for the repeated reproduction of bedbugs and cockroaches after the treatment. There are others. However, these points need to be paid attention to first . If you take them into account from the very beginning, then the chance of carrying out successful disinsection treatment increases greatly. That's what we wish for you!

Properly get rid of bedbugs and cockroaches and do not let them occupy your living space again!

An effective and environmentally friendly method of fighting cockroaches: KNOW-HOW: a modern method of exterminating cockroaches!

Where do cockroaches come from in an apartment?

There are a number of reasons why cockroaches may appear in an apartment; let’s look at the two most common ones.

First: baiting insects in neighboring apartments - in this case, cockroaches escape death and run away from their neighbors to any place suitable for them to live and reproduce, for example to you. It is not possible to get rid of them by treating the apartment alone; it is necessary to carry out disinfestation in nearby apartments, on the landing, and even better - in the entire house. Such a serious approach will not leave cockroaches a chance to escape. To get rid of small cockroaches in the kitchen, running from neighbors through the ventilation system, it will be enough to treat the space around the ventilation hole, for example, draw a continuous circle around it with Mashenka chalk.

Only by understanding what causes cockroaches can you completely protect yourself. If insects still managed to get into the apartment, you must immediately deprive them of the opportunity to feed and reproduce, and also disinfect the entire room.

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