The drug "Fufanon-nova": reviews, composition, instructions for use

Insecticides are very popular among gardeners. They help keep pests out of your garden. Agree, it is very unpleasant when an abundance of aphids leads to the death of seedlings, and caterpillars spoil fresh fruit. Every year, many summer residents have the same question: what product is safe enough, effective, and most importantly, universal, which can protect the entire garden. The drug “Fufanon-nova” is used quite actively. Reviews emphasize its ability to quickly rid the garden of insects that attack green spaces. In fact, this is an analogue of the well-known product “Karbofos”.


This is a concentrated emulsion, which is packaged in 5 ml ampoules or 10 ml bottles with the Fufanon-nova logo. Judging by numerous reviews, it dissolves easily in water and is very easy to work with. Externally, the emulsion is a transparent liquid of light yellow color. When diluted in water, a white solution is formed, which clears up after a few minutes.

Instructions for use

What is especially attractive is that the product is safe for humans and pets, and relatively harmless to bees. This is a huge plus when choosing the drug “Fufanon-nova”. Reviews from agricultural technologists say that not everyone pays attention to this, but the safety of the environment and your family members is the determining factor.

This is a universal and very reliable product used to protect garden plants. But you should be careful - in concentrated form the drug is toxic, so it must be diluted with water in accordance with the instructions.

Safety precautions when working

Fufanon has a medium degree of danger.
It is imperative to warn pets and children against this drug. It is also undesirable for the product to get into various bodies of water, since malathion is very toxic to fish and other aquatic life. This substance is also fatal to bees; Fufanon should not be used when plants are blooming. At this time, it is best to carry out the operation with karbofos. For your own safety, you must carry out the procedure with gloves, a mask, a respirator or goggles and protective clothing. You should not have a snack while spraying plants, as well as drink, smoke and perform other actions that bring your hands into contact with your face and body. It is necessary to take a break if work lasts more than three hours in a row.

For the safety of the environment, animals and people, the bottle or other container containing the solution should be destroyed. To do this, it is best to burn it. But you need to remember that at this time it is unsafe for your health to inhale smoke.

If the substance enters the body, the following symptoms may occur:

  1. Headache.
  2. Nausea.
  3. Vomit.
  4. Increased salivation.

If at least one sign is revealed, you should immediately consult a doctor for medical help. And also take first aid measures:

  • Leave or take the person outside if the action took place indoors.
  • Change into clean clothes.
  • Rinse your mouth with soda solution.
  • If liquid gets on your face or eyes, wash with clean water.
  • It is necessary to remove Fufanon from the skin with a napkin or cloth using blotting movements, and then wash off the residue with soap.

The product should be stored away from food, children and animals. Fufanon tolerates sudden changes in temperature well and can retain all its properties both at -30 and +30 degrees.

Compatibility with other drugs

When preparing mixtures for garden treatment, various pesticides, as well as additives for better plant growth and development, can be added to one tank. Among the variety, the most commonly used are:

  • "Kurzat-R" is a fungicide that is used for the prevention and treatment of viruses and fungi;
  • “Preparation No. 30” helps protect the garden from pests overwintering in the roots;
  • Colloidal sulfur. It is added if there is a need to protect the garden from powdery mildew. Grapevines and cucumbers are especially often affected.
  • "Zircon" - improves root growth and fruit formation.
  • "Epinom" - serves to protect and support natural immunity.

The list doesn't end there. Summer residents also use other combinations, testing their effectiveness experimentally. Unfortunately, there is no verified data yet. At the same time, the drug “Fufanon-nova” is first mixed with a small amount of water, and only then the working solution is brought to the required volume.

Some tips

You should not make the solution stronger than indicated in the instructions, as you can completely burn the plants. This may also cause spots to appear and leaves to fall off. Flowers from an overdose of the drug will feel bad for a very long time. It is advisable to wash plants with an overdose with hoses. It is best to treat the garden with Fufanon in the spring, at the very beginning of the leaves blooming. After it, the pests will completely disappear.

Cucumbers on protected soil are sprayed once, and tomatoes – three times, but no more. On open land, crops are cultivated no more than twice. It is better to spray in the morning or evening when there is no wind. The leaves are wetted completely, but at the same time make sure that the product does not flow from them.

When working with the drug, do not drink, eat or smoke. They interact with fufanon for only three hours, no more. The solution container is burned, trying not to breathe smoke, and the sprayer is washed well.

For indoor plants

House flowers are quite often affected by various pests. The insecticide "Fufanon-nova" helps preserve the beauty of ornamental plants. With its help you can carry out complex spraying of the garden. Moreover, this can be done both to prevent and treat diseases. The contents of one standard ampoule must be diluted in five liters of water. After this, the solution is poured into a spray bottle and the entire above-ground part of each indoor plant is carefully treated. It is best to do this in the bathroom, placing all the pots in it at once. After processing, you can return them back to their places.

Expiration date and storage location

The shelf life of the Fufanon insecticide is 3 years, after which the product is destroyed and loses its properties.

The drug must be stored in dry, fairly warm rooms, in places inaccessible to children or pets. The packaging of the drug during storage must be sealed.


Do not store this insecticide near food, dog and cat food, or medications.

Processing berry bushes

  • A solution of this drug can be sprayed on currants and gooseberries. This is an effective measure against gall midges and aphids, scale insects and sawflies. The drug helps well in the fight against bud moths and leaf rollers. The solution is prepared at the rate of 5 ml per 5 liters of water. The consumption of the drug is one and a half liters per berry bush.
  • The drug “Fufanon-nova” is also used to process raspberries. How to dilute it with water is already indicated above. Consumption - two liters per bush. This is an excellent remedy for weevils, bud moths and ticks.
  • Garden strawberries also suffer from pest attacks. These are mainly whiteflies and spider mites. In this case, 10 ml of the drug is diluted in a bucket of water. Consumption - 5 liters per ten m2. Instructions for use of Fufanon-nova recommend using the insecticide in this way. Many gardeners claim that the result is visible immediately; there is no need to repeat this treatment many times.
  • The grapevine is also protected. This allows you to protect it from damage by spider mites and mealybugs. The proportions are as follows: 10 ml per bucket of warm water. Consumption - three liters per bush.

Do not forget that only high-quality processing can ensure reliable protection of your plants. Therefore, it is necessary to process the entire above-ground part. There is no need to rush; the more thoroughly the procedure is completed, the less chance there is for pests.

Using the drug "Fufanon-nova" against aphids

Perennial shrubs and trees must be protected from insect pests, but it is equally important to provide good conditions for the growth and development of annual fruit plants.

  • Tomatoes need to be processed regardless of whether they grow in open or closed ground. For aphids, whiteflies and spider mites, they need to be treated during the active growing season at the rate of 1-3 liters per 10 m2.
  • The norm for cabbage is a liter of working fluid per 10 m2. This is the optimal dosage, which is recommended in the instructions for use. Many gardeners and gardeners consider Fufanon-nova the best remedy for fighting aphids and bedbugs, flies, moths and cutworms.

Toxicity class and precautions

The toxicity class of the chemical for humans and warm-blooded animals is 3.

During processing, you should wear protective clothing, a respirator and special glasses, as well as latex gloves. While carrying out such work, you must not eat, drink or smoke.

After finishing the treatment, you need to wash your face and hands with soap, preferably take a shower.

Poisoning Spider Mites with Fufanon - video

Manual work in the garden and vegetable garden can be carried out 10 days after spraying, mechanized work - after 4 days.

It is forbidden to spray Fufanon near water bodies, as well as during flowering of cultivated plants, since its toxicity class for bees is 1.

Fruit trees

To process garden crops, it is advisable to choose a windless and cloudy day. Do not forget to strictly adhere to the timing and dosage. The entire garden is subject to treatment. These are apple trees, pears, quinces, plums, cherries and cherries. All fruit and berry crops must be sprayed regularly to protect them from weevils, scale insects and leaf rollers, codling moths, and cherry flies. This drug has very good reviews. Instructions for use of Fufanon-nova recommend preparing a solution of 5 ml of the drug and five liters of water. Consumption - approximately 2 liters per tree.

In the fight against bedbugs

Bed bugs are the most annoying creatures imaginable. This is associated not only with unpleasant sensations and numerous bites, but also with the possibility of contracting dangerous diseases. Therefore, a person strives to get rid of bloodsuckers as quickly as possible, choosing the most effective drugs. Numerous reviews and instructions for use of Fufanon-Nova claim that the drug is one of the most reliable remedies for bedbugs. Despite the fact that it is intended primarily to combat garden pests, its wide spectrum of action will allow it to effectively deal with blood-sucking parasites.

Features of use in residential premises

The drug destroys insect colonies almost instantly. It is used by special services for processing industrial basements and attics. "Fufanon-nova" for bedbugs is a liquid substance. The insecticide penetrates the insect's body almost instantly, blocks the activity of the nervous system and causes the death of the insect. The product is safe for warm-blooded creatures.

The big advantage is the prolonged action, which lasts for two weeks. This allows you to destroy an entire colony in one treatment. The hatched larvae will also receive their dose of poison and there will be no change of generations. Reviews about Fufanon-nova are very good. The only drawback is the unpleasant smell, but it disappears quickly enough. The main thing is to ventilate the room well afterwards.


According to the instructions, the drug is sprayed on plants that have been attacked by pests:

  • mites (these are small arachnid insects with a body length of 0.03 mm-1 cm in males, and 0.05 mm-3 s in females; they have a round body covered with bristles, it is divided into 2 parts; there are 2 pairs of eyes on the head ; 6 pairs of legs; mites pierce leaves with their mouths and suck juices from plants),
  • thrips (very small insects with an elongated body, 0.5-1.5 mm in size),
  • weevils (small coleopterous bugs),
  • aphids (small insects from the hemiptera family, body shape similar to a drop of water),
  • codling moths (grayish-brown butterflies),
  • leafrollers (whitish-gray butterflies),
  • whiteflies (look like tiny white moths),
  • scale insects (tiny insects covered with scutes that look like flat brownish or yellowish-brown plaques),
  • copperheads (small insects with transparent wings),
  • crimson beetles (they have an oval-shaped body 3.8-4.3 mm long, the body itself is brownish, yellowish hairs, brown legs and antennae appear on it),
  • sawflies (they have 2 pairs of thin long wings, a bridge between the thoracic and abdominal sections),
  • moths (very tiny butterflies, wingspan - 10 mm),
  • white butterflies (rather large butterflies with white wings, on which black corners are visible),
  • gall midges (the raspberry gall midge measures 2.5 mm, has a black body, long yellowish-brown legs, and hairs on the wings).

The drug also helps against bedbugs in the apartment. Malathion, when it enters the intestines of an insect, has a paralyzing effect on its central nervous system and the pest dies.

At the same time, you can combine this drug and spraying with other means, in addition to Bordeaux mixture.

Two varieties

Today there are two modifications of this product. This is the “Fufanon-nova” already discussed above, which contains 44% of the toxic component. It can be used in the fight against garden pests and bedbugs. However, to protect against blood-sucking insects, Fufanon-super, which consists of 57% malathion, is more often used. In addition, it is supplemented with components that are harmless to humans, but prolong the residual effect of the insecticide. Its concentration can be lower, which means the consumption is much less.


A single drug based on malathion was developed in the USA for ore enrichment at mining enterprises. In the 50s of the last century, cotton producers began to use the product to combat the weevil. The pesticide quickly dealt with the pest.

In 1968, she bought the rights and license to produce the insect poison Fufanon. In the USSR, they independently developed the malathion formula, calling the insecticide Karbofos. The drugs have the same principle of action and a specific suffocating odor. Now the poison is produced in Denmark and packaged in Russia.

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