Remedy against lice and nits Nyuda

Nyuda is a drug for lice, which, in fact, can be classified as a new generation of modern antiparasitic drugs. Its difference from standard pediculicides is that it does not contain aggressive chemical components. This largely explains the growing popularity of the Nyuda lice remedy among the general population.

How to get rid of pubic lice

Pubic lice look like small crabs because of their claws. They are easy to pick up through bed linen in a hotel, a washcloth, or a towel in the shower of a swimming pool or bathhouse. They are usually transmitted during sexual intercourse and settle on the pubis and hair around the anus. The easiest way to get rid of pubic lice is by shaving the hair in the affected area; remove nits from eyebrows and eyelashes easily with your hands or using tweezers. To disinfect, parasite bites are treated with chemical compounds: 10% mercury ointment or 5% boric alcohol, bed linen, outer and underwear are impregnated with an insecticidal solution.

How to remove body lice

Body (linen) lice live in human clothing and bedding. They hide in the seams and folds of collars and belts, and crawl out of them onto the body to drink blood. Body lice bites cause severe itching, which causes insomnia. In order to remove body lice and their nits, you need to subject all clothes, bedding, bedspreads, mattresses and upholstered furniture to thermal or chemical disinfection: washing in hot water, boiling water, steam treatment from an iron, drying in direct sun, cooling in the freezer , treatment with Medifox, A-steam sprays, canning in the airless space of a plastic bag. After removing body lice, the premises are disinfested.

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How to get rid of head lice at home

Head lice are the most popular species among children and adults, quickly transmitted from person to person in close groups, usually localized in the scalp behind the ears, thick hair in the back of the head, and crown. They are transmitted through direct contact with the patient and his things. There are many different ways to remove head lice at home: using pharmaceutical medicines, folk household and herbal remedies, using mechanical means such as fine-tooth combs, electrical impulses, a magnifying glass, a hair dryer, and tongs. To completely remove nits and prevent further relapses of lice due to the proliferation of parasites, you must comb your hair - this is done after treating it with chemicals, vegetable oils, fats, conditioners, balms over a white sheet or paper cloth.

Precautionary measures

In order not to harm yourself, you need to follow safety precautions in everything. The same applies to the drug Nyuda. Despite the fact that the spray is recognized as safe, it is still important to observe certain conditions when using it:

  • Before starting use, carry out an allergy test (apply a little product to a delicate area of ​​the skin and monitor the reaction for half an hour);
  • apply only externally (in case of accidental contact with eyes or mucous membranes, rinse with plenty of water);
  • to avoid getting the drug into the eyes, nose and mouth, apply a bandage (tourniquet) along the border of the scalp;
  • during treatment, do not eat or drink, do not smoke;
  • Do not process near open flames or heating objects (the product is highly flammable);
  • Do not store the spray near food or among medications;
  • If you accidentally spill the product on the floor, wash everything well (the product is oily, you can slip).

Pharmacy products

Modern pharmacological agents for removing lice and nits can be purchased in the form of shampoo, spray, aerosol, gel, ointment, solution, emulsion, lotion. They are applied to the hair, left for the time specified in the instructions (10-45 minutes), and then washed off with water, vinegar, shampoo or soap. At home, this is done in a well-ventilated area, wearing rubber gloves. After the chemical has worked and is washed off, the dead parasites are combed out using a steel comb. The teeth of the comb with sharp laser notches glide through the hair, collecting insect bodies, cutting through durable cocoons, helping to remove nits that have not yet been killed. Chemical products provide not a 100%, but a 90% guarantee of lice removal, so the procedure for applying them must be repeated 2-3 times with a break of 7 days (on days 8, 15 and 22).

The most popular drugs for the treatment and prevention of head lice:

  • Loncid - the drug is used only under the supervision of a specialist, according to a doctor's prescription.
  • Ointment 15% (emulsion 20%) benzyl benzoate - acts against lice and their larvae, accumulates in the intestines, poisoning the entire body.
  • Sulfur ointment – ​​acts against periodic lice, cannot be applied to the scalp, has antiseptic anti-inflammatory properties for the skin.
  • Spregal aerosol is a remedy against periodic lice, not intended for application to the scalp, contains alcohol, and is therefore flammable.
  • Aerosol “Para-plus” - applied with an exposure of 10 minutes, has a neurotoxic effect, is washed off, parasites and nits are combed out with a comb.
  • Cream or solution "Nittifor" - acts against pubic and head lice, affects their nervous system, is effective for removing nits, applied for 10 minutes, washed off, parasites are combed out with a comb.
  • The solution “Chemerichnaya water” is a natural insecticidal agent, has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, affects the digestive system of lice; a person may be allergic to its components.
  • Ivermectin is effective against lice and head lice, poisons the digestive and respiratory systems of parasites, and is administered orally to humans.
  • Hydrogen peroxide bleaches hair, so it is used against parasites only as part of hair dye. Peroxides effectively remove lice and nits in one go.

Most chemical products sold in pharmacies, despite the assurances on the labels, negatively affect the hair and scalp. Yes, the hair will not fall out immediately, but it may become weaker. Likewise, the likelihood of getting dermatitis during the period of vitamin deficiency will increase.


(Leave your feedback in the comments)
Victoria: I didn’t think that I would have to face such a problem as an adult.
During the treatment of lymphadenitis, physiotherapy was prescribed. I came to the first procedure without a towel and a replacement pillowcase, and that’s where the insects seemed to find me. At first I attributed the itching to dandruff, but when I discovered a nit on the comb, everything became clear. Attempts to treat the problem with folk remedies (vinegar) only made it worse. That’s when, when visiting the pharmacy, the choice fell on an expensive, but safe remedy. The drug, of course, has a rather unpleasant odor, but it is tolerable, however, it solved the problem after one treatment, without damaging the hair. Valeria, Moscow: The lice were brought into the house by the eldest daughter, who returned from a children's camp. I always thought that such a disease was reserved for representatives of the social bottom, but in reality everything turned out to be somewhat different. The situation was further aggravated by the fact that there was an infant in the house, and several parasites were also found on his head. In this regard, it was decided to look for the safest option, regardless of cost. A pediatrician I know recommended the drug Nuda. This really turned out to be a good remedy that quickly solved the problem, and at the same time did not damage the hair of either me or my eldest daughter. This antiparasitic agent has the only drawback - it is clearly not cheap. The smell, of course, is specific, but you can tolerate it, and it can be much worse.

Elena: Our story is quite typical. The child went to a new kindergarten, and after a couple of days he began to itch. The pharmacy recommended nuda as an effective and safe antiparasitic agent. During the application process, I was pleased with the very convenient option for applying the drug - the spray is much easier to use than ointments and emulsions. In our case, however, one treatment was not enough; we had to apply the drug twice. It also turns out that the included comb is practically unsuitable for use on thick and long hair. The smell of this antiparasitic drug is of course unique, but I have also come across much more “fragrant” medicines.

* — Average value among several sellers at the time of monitoring, is not a public offer

Folk remedies

Pharmacy chemicals often cause allergies in children under 5 years of age, are contraindicated for people with bronchial asthma, skin diseases, and are dangerous for pregnant and lactating women, so many prefer not to consult a doctor, but to remove lice and nits using folk remedies.

Popular folk remedies:

  • Plant extracts in the form of essential oils of lemon, peppermint, cloves, lavender, geranium, sage, plantain, aloe vera, cypress, calendula, rosemary, tea tree - plant components clog the respiratory system of parasites, causing them to quickly die. The extracts are applied to the hair and scalp, kept under a rubber cap or plastic bag for at least 2 hours, then washed off with shampoo.
  • Cranberry juice - a strong concentration of acids softens the shell of nits and weakens the glue on which they are attached.
  • Vegetable olive, corn, sunflower, mustard oil - applied to hair, kept under a plastic bag for at least 1-2 hours. Oils should stop the respiratory tract of lice and make them easier to comb out, creating a “sliding effect” on the hair.
  • Garlic and onion juice - the caustic concentration of the juice burns adult insects, dissolves the shell of nits as much as possible, which is then easy to remove. The juice is applied to the hair and kept under the bag for several hours.
  • Lemon juice - a decoction of lemon fruit acts in the same way as cranberry juice, but is much less effective due to the presence of water.
  • Tar soap - the head is thoroughly soaped, a plastic cap or bag is put on for 2 hours. A high concentration of alkali in soap poisons the body of lice.
  • Hairspray - sprayed from a bottle onto the hair and left overnight under a cap, bag, towel or other thick cloth. The varnish contains liquid silicone, which cuts off oxygen to lice and dehydrates their body.

Dangerous folk remedies:

  • A decoction of tansy flowers is a poisonous plant, so its decoction should be used very carefully, avoiding contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth.
  • Table vinegar - at a concentration above 4.5% leads to chemical burns of the skin, dermatitis, and makes hair dry and brittle.
  • Kerosene is toxic, can cause severe allergies, poisoning, skin problems, makes hair greasy and difficult to comb.
  • Ledum tincture is a poisonous plant.
  • Anti-flea shampoo for pets - such products are very toxic to humans, so they should not be used to treat head lice.
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Instructions for using Nuda

To achieve maximum effect and guarantee the destruction of parasites, you must use Nyuda anti-lice spray strictly according to the instructions. Unlike other drugs, Nyuda does not require special precautions or preparation for application. However, care must be taken not to get the product on the face or mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth.

It is also useful to read: At what temperature do lice and nits die

And one more thing: Creepy photos of head lice, including macro photography (the article has more)

So, according to the instructions, Nuda lice remedy is applied to dry hair until it is completely saturated along the entire length. Depending on the length and thickness of the hair, you will need from one third to half of the entire package of the drug.

The composition must be kept on the hair for 45 minutes, without covering it with anything and without wrapping it in a towel. After the time has passed, you need to take a special fine-toothed comb (it is inside the package) and carefully comb all your hair strand by strand.

This process removes all dead lice and nits from the hair. This can be done over a bathtub or a white sheet spread out.

After treatment, you should rinse your hair once or twice with your regular shampoo. After a week, the procedure can be repeated - this is worth doing in case not all nits have died. As a rule, nits are much more resistant to the action of all pediculicidal drugs than adult insects.


“As a child, lice were removed using kerosene and hellebore water - we often became infected with them at school then. The stench was terrible, and then the hair seemed lifeless. I haven’t experimented on my children - now there are drugs that will give any kerosene a head start and at the same time do not harm the child. I took Nyuda’s lice remedy for my daughter (the reviews were very good), and it killed all the insects in one go. I had to tinker with the combing out, but it was worth it. And my hair remained vibrant and shiny after this Nude.”

Anastasia, Stavropol

Read also

  • How to avoid getting lice
  • Symptoms
  • Professional help for lice
  • Back from summer vacation - check your head
  • Vinegar: salad dressing or medicine
  • How to get rid of nits yourself
  • How to avoid getting lice at summer camp
  • Electronic combs
  • Treatment of lice during pregnancy
  • Mechanical removal of lice and nits
  • Types of lice combs
  • Side effects and contraindications of drugs for head lice
  • Safety precautions when using pharmaceutical products
  • Prices for drugs against head lice
  • The use of essential oils against lice
  • Pharmacological actions of pharmaceutical products
  • Products for processing objects and clothing
  • Dangerous products: dichlorvos, kerosene, gasoline, vinegar, dust soap
  • Treatment of lice in people with skin diseases
  • Causes of lice


Price and availability of the drug

Nyuda lice remedy is produced in Germany, but it is easy to buy throughout the CIS. The drug is sold exclusively in pharmacies, mainly large and modern ones. Small retail outlets do not always buy it because the price is quite high.

The price for Nyuda ranges from 300 to 350 rubles in Russia, and residents of Ukraine will have to pay more: from 200 to 250 hryvnia. The product can also be ordered from online pharmacies or stores.


“Anti-lice is just a thing! I am a teacher in a kindergarten, so I contracted lice from my children. This drug literally got rid of my problem in one go, and also healed my hair. I don’t know how, but they began to look much better and shone. Read the reviews on Nyuda, everyone praises them, I looked for them before purchasing. Now I advise parents who are faced with the same problem with their kids. It helps against lice perfectly, but one thing confused me: the price for Nyuda is a bit high. If it were not for such an exorbitant cost, it would be possible to purchase for the entire kindergarten, because lice periodically makes itself felt when working with children. But who will give us so much money?”

Oksana, Mariupol

Overall, Nyuda is a truly convenient modern lice remedy that allows you to quickly forget about the problem of lice. To achieve the best result, it is enough to follow the instructions and, most importantly, buy only the original drug, and not analogues of dubious quality.

Can't get rid of lice? Consider important nuances...

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