Nyx for lice and nits: reviews, price, instructions for use

The problem of lice and nits is not so acute now, but still every person periodically faces this problem. You can fight this unpleasant phenomenon in different ways; some stick to their grandmother’s methods and poison the parasites with kerosene or use tar soap. Some keep up with the times and use modern anti-pediculosis pharmaceutical products. Particularly popular among the latter is Nyx - a cream for lice and nits; it helps to get rid of the problem in a minimum period of time for both adults and children of different ages.

Composition and principle of action

The drug is produced on the basis of permethrin , which has insecticidal and acaricidal properties. The component disrupts the ion permeability of sodium channels and inhibits the processes of polarization of the membrane of nerve cells of parasites. The active ingredient of the medicine is capable of fully combating lice, nits, fleas and ticks. Nyx contains the following components:

  • Stearalkonium chloride;
  • Isopropanol;
  • Purified water;
  • Cetyl alcohol;
  • Anhydrous citric acid;
  • Macrogol stearate;
  • Hyaetellosis;
  • Propylene glycol;
  • Methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • Propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • Canadian fir balsam;
  • Dye;
  • Flavoring.

Thanks to additional substances, the possibility of unwanted effects from permethrin is minimized. The universal composition of the drug is available in an optimal consistency; it does not need to be further diluted, which simplifies the process of application to the hair. With the help of auxiliary components, the drug got rid of the unpleasant smell of chemicals.

The effect of Nyx lasts for 6 weeks after a one-time treatment against lice. When applying the drug to the skin, its adsorption by 2% is observed. After penetration of the active substances into the systemic circulation, they are quickly hydrolyzed to the state of inactive metabolites and excreted through the urine.

Alternative remedies against lice

Preparations to combat head lice are classified according to the presence of active components in their composition and the method of action on parasites.

Hygia shampoo for lice

It is an insecticide and is a highly effective remedy in the fight against head and pubic lice. The main active ingredient in Hygia shampoo is permethrin. It has a neuro-paralytic effect on insects. The product should be applied to washed hair, left for 30 minutes and rinsed.

Comb out remaining nits and dead insects with a fine-toothed comb. The product has low toxicity. The cumulative effect is minimal, so re-treatment is required after 10 days. Contraindicated for children under 5 years of age, pregnant women and persons suffering from allergies of various etiologies.

Nyuda for lice

Nuda spray contains dimethicone, a silicone polymer that has a physical effect on parasites. It envelops insects and nits with a thin, airtight film, causing the lice to die from lack of oxygen.

The spray is applied to dry hair and scalp, distributed until completely moisturized. Leave for 45 minutes, then wash off with water and regular shampoo. If necessary, repeat the procedure. Nyuda spray does not contain toxic components.

Remedy for pediculosis D-95

Suspension D-95 is suitable for the treatment of head lice in adults and children over 3 years of age. The active components of the drug are a mixture of dimethicones. The product helps to destroy adult insects and nits, enveloping them with a film and blocking the access of oxygen.

D-95 does not contain toxic components. Oily consistency makes hair easy to comb. The drug is applied to dry hair, distributed evenly and left for 45 minutes. After this, the product is washed off with warm water and shampoo. If necessary, treatment is repeated after 7-10 days.

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Release form

The medicine is produced in the form of shampoo and cream . This allows you to choose the most suitable option for a person. To achieve maximum results, both forms of the drug can be used simultaneously.


The cream has a consistency like sour cream and is recommended for external use. It is packaged in plastic bottles of 59 ml. Each bottle , along with a comb and instructions for use, is packed in a cardboard box.


The shampoo contains 1% active ingredient. It is packaged in plastic bottles and cardboard boxes. The product comes with a comb and instructions.

Nix-cream: cost

The anti-pediculosis drug Nyx belongs to the middle class of drugs in this area. The average price for residents of Russia is about 600 rubles. for one tube containing 59 ml. This amount is quite enough to complete the full course of treatment for medium-length hair.

If the patient has thick and long hair, then the consumption of the product will increase. It will be difficult to calculate exactly; only after the first application it will become clear how much of the product will be used for treatment. From this the calculation of funds will be made.

Instructions for use

Nix must be used in accordance with certain rules, regardless of which release form the patient chooses. The instructions require the use of an algorithm in the treatment of pediculosis:

  1. Initially, you wash your hair using soap or shampoo. After this, the head must be thoroughly dried; the use of the medication is allowed only on dry and clean hair .
  2. Before use, the bottle of formulations is shaken . For children and adults, the drug is applied to the entire length of the hair , and care must be taken to ensure that the drug is distributed evenly.
  3. The product is rubbed into the scalp with massaging movements.
  4. Treatment with the drug requires applying it in large quantities to the back of the head and behind the ears , since in these places an accumulation of parasites is most often observed.
  5. Distribution of shampoo or cream through the hair is carried out using a comb from the package.
  6. You need to put a plastic cap on your head and leave the product for 10 minutes .
  7. At the next stage, you need to wash your hair with regular shampoo or Nyx shampoo. Parents should ensure that the child rinses his hair thoroughly. During the manipulation, dead lice can be detected.
  8. At the end of the procedure, you need to dry your hair and get rid of dead lice and nits. To do this, carefully comb the hair with the comb included in the kit.

After the procedure, the number of nits and lice is reduced to almost zero. In order to completely overcome the disease, as well as to exclude the possibility of relapse, it is recommended to repeat the procedure after a week .

If pediatricians observe a potential threat of head lice in newborn children, they are also prescribed Nyx.

Nix shampoo for lice

Due to its low toxicity, Nyx shampoo can be used by both adults and children from 6 months. The drug is effective in the fight against lice at any stage of their development, destroying mature individuals and larvae in 1-2 applications almost 100%.

ATTENTION! Before using insecticidal agents, it is necessary to conduct a test for the absence of allergic reactions: apply the drug to the crook of the elbow and observe the condition of this area of ​​​​skin and general well-being for 2-3 hours.

Nyx shampoo is easy to use, thanks to its universal formula it makes hair soft after use and makes it easy to comb. The components in the drug relieve skin itching. Medicinal shampoo Nyx is recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation as one of the leading means for the treatment of head lice in children and adults.

How to use Nyx shampoo correctly, indications and contraindications

Before treating head lice using Nyx shampoo, you should consult your doctor to rule out contraindications. Be sure to read the instructions for the drug.


  1. Wash your hair with regular shampoo and dry
  2. Shake the bottle, apply and distribute Nyx evenly over the entire length of the hair.
  3. Rub into scalp, paying special attention to the occipital area and areas of skin behind the ears.
  4. After 10 minutes, rinse the shampoo with warm water.
  5. Dry your hair, comb out dead lice and nits with a fine-toothed comb.
  6. Repeat the procedure after 7 days

REFERENCE. One bottle of shampoo is enough to treat the hair of one person, provided that the hair is of medium length. In any case, it is not recommended to use more than two packages of the product in one procedure.

The indication for the use of Nyx shampoo is pediculosis of the scalp, the presence of live lice and nits.


  • Individual intolerance to permethrin and other shampoo components
  • Dermatitis of the scalp

Average price, storage conditions and shelf life

A bottle of Nix shampoo in Russian pharmacies, depending on the region, can cost from 500 to 600 rubles . In online pharmacies you can buy the drug cheaper - at a price of about 400 rubles.

The drug should be stored in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25C⁰. The shelf life of Nyx shampoo is 2 years. The product should be kept away from children.

Reviews of Nyx anti-lice shampoos

My son brought lice from kindergarten. They were not discovered right away, so I had to urgently run to the pharmacy. The pharmacist recommended Nix shampoo and said that it is suitable for children from six months and will quickly get rid of insects. I applied shampoo to the child’s hair, we left it for 10 minutes and washed it off. The lice were washed out half-dead with the product, since the shampoo affects their nervous system. I combed out the dead parasites and nits remaining in my hair with a fine-toothed comb, which was in the package along with the shampoo. After the first use, everything was clear for the child! A week later, I checked my son’s hair and found a couple of nits, we repeated the treatment. At the next check, no insects were found.


My daughter has hair below her waist. In the summer she went on vacation to a camp, and apparently contracted lice there. And with long hair, this is just a disaster! We tried different remedies, but none of them helped to get rid of lice completely! We were already completely desperate, made an appointment with a doctor, and they advised us to buy Nyx shampoo. My daughter immediately liked the fact that it doesn’t have a chemical smell and is easy to apply. They kept it on the hair for about 15 minutes. Then they combed out the lice for a long time with a special comb. The instructions said to repeat the treatment after 7 days, so that's what we did. After the second time, there wasn’t a single nit or louse left in my daughter’s long hair! And I didn’t even have to cut my hair!

Irina Petrovna

One summer I noticed that the child was constantly scratching his head. Well, that’s right – they were lice. I purchased Nyx shampoo on recommendation. They smeared it on the head, waited 10 minutes, as it should. Then I began to wash off the shampoo, and I looked - and the insects were still alive, moving! It didn't work, so the shampoo was affecting them. The nits were not washed off at all. The hair was dried and began to be combed with the comb that was included in the kit. This comb turned out to be unsuitable for combing. The product didn't work for us at all.


Precautionary measures

When using the drug, precautions must be taken to reduce the likelihood of side effects. A person should apply the drug to the head after wearing protective gloves. During the treatment period, the patient is recommended to protect the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and genitals using cotton swabs. If the medicine accidentally gets on the mucous membranes, they should be washed with running water at room temperature. If the drug enters the digestive system, gastric lavage is performed.

Hair treatment should be carried out in a room with constant air circulation. After applying the product, you should thoroughly wash your hands and mouth. The active ingredient does not have a negative effect on the organs of vision. If the product gets into your eyes, wash them immediately with water. The use of the product is permitted when driving vehicles and complex mechanisms.

Use during pregnancy

It is recommended to use Nyx cream and shampoo during pregnancy based on the ratio of benefits and harms. If the doctor has prescribed treatment with this remedy, then it can be used taking precautions: avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes, apply with gloves. Lactating women should also consult a doctor before using Nyx.

IMPORTANT! If during use there is noticeable pain, severe itching, or breathing problems, the product should be washed off immediately and consult a doctor.

How to enhance the effect

To completely destroy lice and nits, you can use both cream and Nyx shampoo at the same time:

  1. Apply Nyx cream to washed and dried hair and scalp.
  2. Put a plastic cap on your head
  3. Keep for 10 minutes
  4. Rinse with warm water
  5. Treat with Nyx shampoo, using it as a regular cleanser, without leaving it on the hair.

This method of increasing the effectiveness of treatment is not suitable for children and pregnant women due to the increased level of toxicity of the procedure.

Side effects and contraindications

Before using the medicine, read the instructions and contraindications. Independent use of Nyx for treating children under 6 months is strictly prohibited. The drug is not recommended for women during pregnancy or breastfeeding. If there are skin diseases on the head, then before using the composition you should consult a dermatologist. A contraindication to the use of the drug is individual intolerance to its components.

If the medicine is used incorrectly, side effects may occur. Most often they are expressed in the form of itching of the skin; some patients experienced a rash. In case of overdose, the drug leads to redness or swelling of the skin. If the patient experiences adverse effects, they are advised to discontinue use of Nyx.

Nix cream for head lice

The permethrin-based antiparasitic agent Nix is ​​also available in the form of a light orange cream with a characteristic odor.

Indications and contraindications, instructions for use

The indication for the use of Nyx cream is pediculosis of the scalp.


  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug (as well as to substances from the group of pyrethroids and pyrethroids)
  • Dermatitis of the scalp
  • Children's age up to 6 months

IMPORTANT! Nyx cream should be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

Instructions for use:

  1. Wash your hair with regular shampoo and dry with a towel.
  2. Distribute the cream evenly over the hair and scalp, especially paying attention to the skin behind the ears and on the back of the head.
  3. Leave the product on your hair for 10 minutes
  4. Rinse with warm water and dry hair
  5. Comb with a fine comb to remove dead nits
  6. If necessary, repeat the procedure after 7 days.

Cost at the pharmacy

The average price of Nyx cream in Russian pharmacies is about 350 – 550 rubles per 59 ml tube.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Nyx anti-pediculosis cream is stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 C⁰ in a dark, dry place inaccessible to children.

The shelf life of the drug is 2 years. After this period, the product cannot be used.

Reviews of Nyx cream

Feedback from our readers:

“We used Nyx cream to treat children with lice. I liked the fact that the product suited both my eldest son and my youngest daughter. Easy to apply, no need to keep it on for long. There is also no need to wrap your head in a towel; due to the creamy texture, everything holds together on its own. We kept it for 10 minutes, although we read in the reviews that it took longer. But the manufacturer recommends exactly 10 minutes. This time was enough for us. The insects fell as if killed! There were, of course, specimens that remained alive, but there were very few of them. A week later we repeated the treatment, more for prevention. After each procedure, the head was combed with a comb. Nyx cream helped us!”

“I tried to be treated for head lice with Nyx cream. Well, what can I say, the medicine is terribly expensive. The product helped, it only caused redness of the scalp, everything itched and burned. The lice are gone, of course. The instructions said that you need to do an allergy test, so I forgot about it.”

“I used to imagine the process of getting rid of lice as something long and laborious. In practice, I had to try Nyx cream when my daughter came home with “guests” on her head. Wash your hair, apply it, rinse it off. Dried and combed - not a trace of insects. And there was no unpleasant odor from the product, the effect was like that of a good balm. Hair was easy to comb. We defeated the uninvited “guests” the first time.”

Advantages and disadvantages

The drug is widely used for the treatment of head lice, as it is highly effective. Nyx is developed on the basis of safe components, which reduces the possibility of developing allergies during its use.

The main disadvantage of the drug is its high price. The bottle contains a small amount of the drug, so it may not be enough to treat long hair. The product has a specific smell. The bottle is not convenient enough to use, since it is impossible to completely squeeze out all the contents from it. To achieve maximum effectiveness of the product, repeated treatment must be carried out.

How to improve processing efficiency

The drug perfectly removes lice, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews. There are also negative comments. Much depends on how clearly the person followed the instructions. The duration of action of the drug is 10 minutes, but sometimes there are recommendations to keep the lice cream on the head for half an hour or more. In this case, the efficiency will increase slightly, but the likelihood of negative consequences will increase. If you want to get the maximum benefit from the treatment, comb out lice and nits especially carefully; without this operation, the entire procedure is meaningless.

A good result will be achieved only when using a high-quality product. Buy it only in reliable pharmacies or specialized departments of shopping centers. At the market or in a basement store, you may be sold a fake, an expired product, or defective products written off by reputable companies. After using such preparations, reviews appear that the lice do not die in 10 minutes, the treatment has to be carried out many times, and the skin itches and itches.

The comb included in the kit causes a lot of criticism. It is made of soft plastic and does not remove nits well. Buy a good metal comb that is hard enough. Comb your hair thoroughly after treatment, then comb the strands daily; in this way, after a few days, you can eliminate all the eggs.


Purchase a metal comb with serrated teeth to catch nits. The author of the website VredStop.ru collected information about the effectiveness of the drug “Nix” and found that when using such combs, the parasites of most people infected with lice disappear after the first treatment.

Where to buy Nyx and how much it costs, analogues

Previously, you could buy Nyx cream or shampoo in almost any pharmacy in the country and online stores. Now the drug is rarely found in stock. The product is sold without a prescription. The price of Nyx permethrin 1% cream averages 360 rubles , it may vary depending on the region of sale.

The main analogue is the emulsion for external use Medifox in a bottle with the same active ingredient, permethrin 5%. Its cost is two and a half times lower - 130 rubles.

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