Hellebore water for lice and nits - instructions for use

Parasites are always unpleasant, and lice are no exception. Despite the widespread improvement of sanitary conditions, it is quite easy for modern people to catch lice. Especially if this person is a child and goes to kindergarten or school. Often, after the summer holidays, local outbreaks of lice occur in such institutions. And from there, lice easily get into houses, from where they are difficult to remove.

Let's consider such a classic means of combating this phenomenon as hellebore water for lice and nits.

What is hellebore water

The Chemeritsa plant, or puppeteer, is a perennial that reaches one meter in height. It is used in folk medicine due to its analgesic, antifungal and antiparasitic properties.

Self-ingestion is strictly prohibited: the plant is extremely poisonous, the most poisonous part being the roots. They contain a large number of alkaloids, which have a paralyzing effect on insects and cause their mass death.

This inexpensive (50 rubles per 100 ml) product effectively destroys parasites in animal fur. It is also suitable for combating head lice in children and adults.

Hellebore water is sold in pharmacies completely ready for use. No prescription required to purchase.

Composition of water: alcohol tincture of puppet root and purified water in equal parts. An alcohol tincture is obtained by infusing the roots and rhizomes in a seventy percent solution of ethyl alcohol.

It can be purchased in dark glass bottles of 50 or 100 ml, sometimes hellebore water is produced in plastic containers. Externally, the liquid looks cloudy, brownish-yellowish in color, and has a characteristic herbaceous odor.

Description and principle of operation

Hellebore water got its name from the hellebore plant.
This well-known drug, used for head lice, is a tincture based on ethyl alcohol, hellebore rhizome and distilled water.

This plant is characterized by toxic properties, therefore the permissible dosage in the preparation is strictly observed - for 1 part of hellebore roots there are 10 parts of ethyl alcohol and distilled water.

Due to its healing properties, hellebore water has long been used for medical and cosmetic purposes.

With its help, wounds with signs of inflammation and suppuration, are successfully treated .

Having proven itself excellent in the prevention and treatment of head lice, this product effectively copes with the elimination of adult lice, and hellebore water also kills nits.

The alcoholic tincture of hellebore has a paralyzing effect on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract of the parasite, as a result of which it dies along with its nits.

IMPORTANT! Hellebore water works reliably and effectively, but it can burn and irritate the thinnest areas of the skin, as well as mucous membranes. Therefore, extreme caution must be exercised to avoid getting the drug into the eyes, ear cavity, and mucous membranes of the mouth and nose.

Instructions for using hellebore water against lice and nits

Important: the product is intended for external use only!

In order to get rid of uninvited guests in your hair, you do not need to cut your hair. For the procedures you will need one or more bottles of hellebore water and a comb with small teeth. Processing should be carried out using rubber gloves.


Wash your hair with soap or shampoo and dry it with a towel until water does not collect in drops at the ends of the strands.

The product is applied to hair strands with a cotton wool or gauze swab, or a foam sponge. Another convenient option is to pour the liquid into a spray bottle.

Lubricate the strands along the entire length, lightly massage the scalp for better distribution. The greatest attention should be paid to the back of the head and behind the ears. The hair is covered with polyethylene and wrapped in a scarf on top.

The exposure time is half an hour, then the drug is thoroughly washed off with shampoo. Due to the fact that insects secrete sticky substances to attach eggs to the hair, you need to use a weak solution of vinegar or citric acid for rinsing. The acidic environment dissolves the glue and makes it easier to comb out. Comb out nits and lice using a comb.

Since hellebore water only affects mature insects, to be completely sure of the result, a repeat procedure is carried out a day later.

If there is a possibility of re-infection, another procedure is done a week later to completely control the situation.


The popularity of hellebore water against lice and nits is due not only to the high effectiveness of the drug, but also to its low price. A 100 ml bottle of medicinal solution costs 25–35 rubles on average in Russia.

This volume is enough to treat the head 2–4 times, depending on the length of the hair. Therefore, the cost of the entire course of treatment for pediculosis with hellebore water does not exceed 35 rubles. With a mild form of infection, one bottle will be enough for preventive treatment of 3-4 people against lice and nits.

Handling Precautions

External use does not affect the activity of the nervous system. Does not affect concentration, reaction speed and ability to concentrate. Working with complex mechanisms, the functions of the dispatcher and driver are not limited.

Do not allow the product to end up in open wounds, on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose or eyes. In case of accidental contact, rinse with plenty of running water.

If there are abrasions, scratches or scratches on the head, do not use the product.

Important: you should not use folk remedies such as kerosene, vinegar solution and other aggressive liquids after using hellebore water. A chemical burn may occur on an irritated scalp.

Before using hellebore water for the first time, it is advisable to do an allergy test. A small smear on the bend of the elbow will tell you within half an hour whether to expect a reaction from the body to the new substance.

Frequent recommendations to rid animals of fleas, lice and other insects using hellebore water often lead to the death of pets! Even droplets of liquid that accidentally fall on the floor, which a curious cat can lick out of curiosity, will result in a serious complication on the heart. After a few days, heart rhythm disturbances begin; due to the lost time, no one will associate atrial fibrillation with recent treatment. There is no antidote to puppeteer.


Due to the fact that hellebore belongs to the category of toxic plants, a drug based on it should be used with extreme caution. Hellebore water is contraindicated for use by those people who have an individual intolerance to its components.

IMPORTANT! Women during pregnancy and lactation should also not use this product. It is also not suitable for the treatment of head lice in children under three years of age, since in this case the risk of poisoning by dangerous alkaloids included in the drug is too high.

Side effects

The drug may cause allergic reactions. If severe itching, redness, burning, tingling or pricking sensation appears in the area of ​​effect of the drug, it should be washed off immediately. If the sensations do not go away, you should seek medical help immediately.

Due to its intense effect, the product causes increased blood circulation around the hair follicles. With its toxic properties, the drug destroys almost all fungal infections, including dry and oily seborrhea, and reduces the amount of dandruff.

As a result, one of the side effects is improved scalp health and faster hair growth. It still won’t work to use water for a course of healing procedures: with frequent use, the toxic effect will outweigh the positive effect.

Advantages and disadvantages

Since, in addition to antiparasitic properties, hellebore water has many other medicinal properties, the use of the product helps to remove not only lice and nits, but also has a positive effect on the condition of the hair and scalp.

The alcohol tincture stimulates blood flow, thereby accelerating local metabolism. Follicles receive more nutrients, vitamins and oxygen. Hair begins to grow faster, becomes thicker, stronger.

The antifungal and antiseptic effect of the drug helps eliminate seborrhea, dandruff, and symptoms of fungal skin diseases. In general , after a course of treatment with hellebore water, the following changes are observed:

  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • symptoms of inflammation on the skin are reduced, wounds and abrasions heal faster;
  • hair becomes silky, shiny, and falls out less.

It is important that not only lice and nits are destroyed, but also bacterial microflora and fungal microorganisms that affect the scalp.

The disadvantages of hellebore water include the inconvenience of using the drug, as well as the need for repeated hair treatments. The second point is due to the fact that the product is unable to penetrate under the dense shell and destroy lice eggs. Therefore, after processing the head, you have to carefully select nits. The procedure, for prevention, must be performed at least 2 times.

It is important to know about lice:

  • symptoms and signs of the disease;
  • what lice and nits look like;
  • types of lice, their differences;
  • where do lice come from;
  • life cycle of head lice development;
  • how lice reproduce, speed of development;
  • Why lice are dangerous and what diseases they carry.

Alternative medications for lice and nits

When choosing a remedy for head lice, be sure to read the instructions. Some drugs kill adults and larvae immediately, others act only on mature insects and require several applications. A number of drugs are designed only for prevention, but do not get rid of unwanted guests if they have already appeared.


The composition includes dimethicones - silicone oils, harmless to humans, which form a film, block the breathing of parasites and cause their death. To achieve the effect, apply to dry hair until completely saturated. Non-toxic, can be used from three years of age. The drug in aerosol form is sold together with a fine comb. Average price 650 rubles


Lotion for external use with a pleasant anise scent. Acts on adult insects and their eggs. It is important that during the procedure the drug does not get into the eyes, nose and mouth; for this it is advisable to cover your face. According to reviews, it is considered the most effective drug.

Strong allergen. Do not use on children under five years of age.

Important: this lotion is flammable and toxic, it should be stored away from cosmetics, medications and food products, and kept away from sources of open flame.


Inexpensive product with a strong unpleasant odor. The active substance malathion has a paralytic effect on insects. Release form: emulsion or shampoo. Exposure time is 10 minutes, used 2-3 times. Do not use on children under 2 years of age. Cost about 300 rubles.


The drug is produced in the form of shampoo and lotion and can be used for prevention and treatment. Contains an insecticide that effectively kills adult insects and larvae. Hypoallergenic, makes it easier to wash off nits glued to the hair and makes combing out easier. The lotion form is suitable for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Suitable for repeated use, as it does not cause resistance to the product in parasite colonies.

How to supplement the treatment?

It is undesirable to use strong insecticidal shampoos and sprays, since the combination of their toxins with poisonous hellebore water can lead to skin irritation. But weak, preventative preparations for lice and nits based on mineral oils will be a good help, as will natural rinses made from berries and herbal decoctions. You also need to supplement the use of the product with regular combing of long hair.

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