How to properly use the Fas sulfur bomb: instructions for use

Sulfur, or smoke, bomb is a fungicide that is used to destroy fungal spores, get rid of bacteria that cause infections and mold in vegetable storage, basements, greenhouses and greenhouses vacated in the spring. A smoke bomb has a short-term effect against mice and rats, destroys harmful insects and temporarily scares away moles. Our article will help you figure out how to use it and how long to treat the room.


The increased sulfur content in the composition of the bomb, compared to analogues, ensures the release of translucent smoke with a higher concentration of sulfur dioxide during smoldering and guarantees complete disinfection of the treated premises.

The effect of one treatment lasts for 3 months!

Smoke from smoldering sulfur bombs:

  • destroys pathogens of fungal and bacterial diseases;
  • cleans rooms, drawers, shelves from fungus, mold, rot;
  • kills insect pests, mites and their larvae;
  • repels rats, mice, voles;
  • dries indoor air.

Attention! The gas released during smoldering is toxic!

  • Hazard class - 4 (low-hazardous compound) during production, storage and transportation;
  • Hazard class - 2 (dangerous compound) due to the irritating effect of sulfur dioxide on mucous membranes.

What is a sulfur bomb Fas: composition, weight

The main active ingredient is sulfur: the composition of the universal FAS checker consists of 80% of it. Product weight is 300 g (+- 5%). The outer skin of the product is made of polycarbonate. The shape can be cylindrical or triangular.

The product package includes a wick so that it can be lit. The wick is long enough so that after setting fire the user can leave the treated area in a timely manner.

The Fas checker looks similar to a military smoke grenade (the casing of which is also made of carbonate), and the principle of its use is exactly the same. Therefore, when transporting a product to a dacha through traffic police checkpoints, problems may arise with explaining its purpose.

Where is it sold and how much does it cost?

You can purchase the Fas checker in stores specializing in pest control products. Sometimes it is sold in flower shops and home improvement stores. You need to look for it in the insect control department.

Checker Fas and its packaging

The average cost is 50-70 rubles.

Purpose: where and for what can the Fas smoke bomb be used?

The main purpose is to destroy fungal microorganisms (mold), remove small rodents (for example, it can be used against mice) and fight insects.

The product is not intended for treatment of residential premises . It can only be used in non-residential premises: basements, greenhouses, hotbeds, as well as in outbuildings after relocating pets from them.

Basements must be treated before storing food. Processing of greenhouses is carried out after harvesting, before the next planting.

The Fas checker should be used in the following cases:

  1. For disinfection purposes. The product is used to destroy mold microorganisms and some types of bacteria. You can use the product in the cellar and in the greenhouse to combat mold. This method is quite effective: smoke easily penetrates into all corners, neutralizing mold deposits.
  2. For disinfestation purposes. The product is perfect for killing insects (cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, etc.).
  3. For breeding small animals (moles, mice, rats). The saber simply drives away the most persistent rodents, and kills the weaker ones, paralyzing the nervous system.
  4. To combat unwanted vegetation (for example, moss).

Is the Fas checker dangerous for humans, crops, and plants?

The manufacturer assures that the smoke from the bomb does not affect the human body (when wearing a respirator or gas mask), and if it does, it is minimal. In fact, inhaling sulfur dioxide is dangerous, so when using the product you should definitely use protective equipment and leave the room as soon as possible after setting it on fire.

There is a potential risk to human health. The hazard class of the product during combustion is second (dangerous compounds). It is not recommended to stay in the treated area for a long time, even in PPE (personal protective equipment).

Instructions on the package

The effect of smoke on the body of animals is fatal - therefore, they (if we are talking about pets) must be removed from the room being treated, as serious disruptions to the functioning of internal organs are possible. It's all about the sulfur contained in the product: when it burns, it releases dangerous sulfur dioxide.

Smoke from a bomb can negatively affect various foods and plants (from potatoes to flowers). All products (even canned ones) must be removed from the area being treated.

Recommendations for use

Before use, carefully read the instructions for the product!

  • Remove the checker and wick from the package. On the floor of the room being treated, on non-flammable stands, place the required number of checkers vertically at a distance of at least 0.5 m from flammable substances. Seal all gaps between frames, doors, and cellar lids with a damp cloth or other materials.
  • Place the fuse on the corner of the checker and light it.
  • After making sure that the checker is smoldering - at the point of contact with the burning wick, a dark spot, translucent smoke and a pungent odor have appeared on its surface, immediately leave the room, close the door or cellar lid.
  • Fumigation with smoke is carried out within 24-36 hours. After treatment, ventilate the room until the odor disappears completely for at least 48 hours. The remainder of the gypsum core after burning the block is crushed and buried as fertilizer.

Description of the product and principle of its action

A smoke bomb visually represents a package weighing 300 grams. It is usually collected from 5-10 tablets, which are enough to treat a room with a volume of up to 20 cubic meters.

Smoke bombs are filled with various chemicals. The most common ones are:

  • sulfur;
  • permethrin;
  • tobacco dust;
  • hexachlorane;
  • didecyldimethylammonium.

Most often, sulfur and tobacco bombs are produced, which will be discussed. In the first model, the active substance is sulfur, which belongs to the second hazard class and is toxic to people, birds and bees. It is prohibited to set it on fire in the basement under a residential building or under the floor.

The industry produces several types of such checkers, but their operating principle is the same. After igniting the fuse, the combustion process begins, during which the checker emits sulfur dioxide. It is lighter than air, and therefore completely fills the smallest cracks and crevices, having a detrimental effect on pathogenic microbes and insects.

This is interesting: smoke bombs are divided into universal (they get rid of mold and parasites) and specialized (against moles, rodents and insects).

Negative reviews

The resulting sulfur dioxide settles and, in the presence of moisture (condensation and moisture from all kinds of fruits and vegetables), dissolves, creating sulfurous acid.

Of course you know its impact.

Until it is neutralized, it will not calm down.

The stench will be terrible and will not disappear for a long time. Everything oiled is a complete scribe, and you can’t even wear a padded jacket.

I especially don’t recommend it for the underground floors of houses.

In general, this thing is only good for sabotage at a rural disco. For better storage of workpieces, there are much more humane and effective means.

Problems solved with checkers

What is a smoke bomb used for?

  1. Disinfection of the cellar. Sulfur quickly destroys fungus and bacteria, making the space safe for human health. Often, using a sulfur bomb is the best way to quickly destroy mold or a dangerous bacterial infection.
  2. Pest control. The checker helps to remove insects living in the basement and other non-residential premises. It copes well with almost all known pests: from bedbugs and woodlice to wood borers.
  3. Destruction of rodents and moles. During combustion, the smoke from the bomb penetrates into all hard-to-reach places and crevices. At the same time, he drives away or destroys all the inhabitants of the cellar.
  4. Disinsection of greenhouses. Before you start planting fruit or vegetable crops, it is necessary to disinfest the soil in the greenhouse, greenhouse or conservatory. In this case, a smoke bomb is the ideal choice. It quickly erodes and does not settle in the ground. In addition, it kills all soil pathogens, which has a positive effect on productivity.

When treating a room, a smoke bomb must be placed on bricks or a metal sheet.

The mechanism of action of the checker is very simple. It consists of intense heating of the air and saturation of the surrounding space with toxic smoke. This not only solves current problems, but is also an excellent prevention of the development of rot and mold, which is especially important for wooden structures. After treatment, existing mold becomes soft and rotten, making it easy to clean off with a stiff brush.

Due to the fact that the smoke spreads throughout the room, it drives out all insects and animals. This method has demonstrated particular effectiveness in the fight against bedbugs, ticks and bark beetles.

There are both specialized checkers (for example, to fight insects in the cellar or moles) and universal ones that can be used to solve any problem.

Pros and cons of using

The main advantages of this product include:

  • Guarantee of a bountiful harvest when used in greenhouses.
  • Low price combined with high performance.
  • Easy to use - each box contains detailed instructions explaining all the details of installation and the necessary precautions.
  • Safety (the wick provides a delay of 1-2 minutes before combustion begins, which allows everyone to leave the room).
  • Can be used in the home before finishing work to prevent mold.
  • High quality product from most manufacturers.

To avoid poisoning, all products and jars with preparations from the cellar must be removed.

But the sulfur bomb also has significant disadvantages:

  • The need to leave the house while the cellar is being processed. Manufacturers recommend not only closing the room being treated with a saber, but also leaving the house. This is due to the fact that there is always a danger of smoke entering the living space through cracks in the floor or walls of the cellar. For sulfuric anhydride poisoning, it is enough to inhale a small amount of the volatile substance.
  • Prohibition on processing premises containing any flammable materials.
  • A categorical ban on use in multi-storey buildings. The smoke released is very intense and highly toxic. It easily penetrates even the top floors of high-rise buildings and poses a health hazard to their residents. The use of sulfur bombs in an apartment can lead to criminal liability.
  • Caution in storage is required. Checkers must be stored in sealed original packaging and separately from food, out of the reach of small children and animals. They also need to be protected from fire.
  • The difficulty that arises when fighting moles.

To effectively repel moles and some types of rodents, it is necessary to place the checker directly into the hole. This is not always convenient due to the inaccessibility of the animal’s home.


Many people have already tried using similar checkers and formed their opinions about them, which they share below:

  1. Edward: “For more than three years we have been using sulfur bombs to fumigate granaries; they not only effectively remove all insects and rodents, but also help get rid of fungus on the walls. We chose them because this method is the easiest to process large rooms, and the checkers have never failed. One caveat: you need to worry about safety in advance and leave the premises as quickly as possible. The smoke is really very caustic, it seriously corrodes the eyes and lungs; the first time, due to inexperience, we almost got poisoned by it.”
  2. Vyacheslav: “Ticks multiplied in the old village chicken coop, a neighbor shared sulfur bombs, after which not a single parasite remained. True, before this I also treated the room with insecticides about three weeks before using the checkers, so it’s difficult to say what exactly killed them, but I think the combined use enhanced the effect.”
  3. Anna: “At the dacha near Taldom there are two main troubles - mole crickets and moles, they spoil everything they can, and it is very difficult to get rid of these pests. Sulfur bombs became a real salvation, as stated in the instructions, I placed them directly in the holes that I could find. True, the smoke from them is very toxic, the smell has not gone away for several days, but there is still enough time before planting vegetables, I hope that everything will fizzle out.”
  4. Alexander: “I started using such checkers not only in greenhouses and barns, but in living quarters on a summer cottage, since it was possible not to go there for almost a week. I really liked both the result and the application process itself. The insects were gone immediately, there is no need to wait for the product to start working, and there are no problems or additional waste of time and effort, as with other drugs that need to be diluted or a place to be found for treatment. If you follow all the safety rules and do everything in accordance with the instructions, then no problems arise, there is nothing complicated here, I succeeded the first time and without any side effects. A good remedy for those who want to get rid of all kinds of parasites in the shortest possible time.”

If there are insect pests in your basement, cellar, or greenhouse, the walls are covered with mold, and rats are running across the floor, the Fas sulfur bomb will help, the instructions for use for which you will learn today.

Gas protection

You can protect yourself from toxic sulfur anhydride using a gas mask. You can use a respirator and safety glasses , but only if the room where the treatment is carried out is small and a maximum of two tablets is used.

As a rule, two people carry out the processing. One controls the process, and the other processes the room. If the floor in the greenhouse is wooden, you cannot place a saber with a wick on it. For this, a basin or other objects .

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You cannot be distracted by food or drink liquids during the process. There should be no children or animals nearby. Immediately after setting fire, a person must leave the room ; being among the smoke is extremely dangerous. If several checkers are set on fire, they should be lit in such order that the handler moves towards the exit and has time to get out before the smoke starts to flow.

Diseases of cucumbers in open ground and greenhouses, their treatment

Hazard class and precautions

The checker, located in the factory packaging, is not toxic and is assigned the fourth hazard class (low-hazardous compound), but after the “smoke” begins to melt under the influence of fire, an anhydride is released, which is classified into the second hazard class (dangerous compound).

Before you begin working with this item, you should take steps to ensure your own safety:

  • hands should be protected with rubber gloves;
  • eyes are protected with special glasses;
  • the respiratory organs and mucous membrane of the mouth must be protected by a respirator (a gauze bandage is not suitable);
  • hair should be hidden under a headdress;
  • clothing must completely cover the skin;
  • It is prohibited to eat, drink or smoke while working with a saber;
  • in the room being treated there should be only one person in direct contact with the “smoke flue”, the second person can be outside the room being treated for control and, if necessary, providing first aid;
  • After finishing work, hands and face must be thoroughly washed with soap, a shower must be taken, and clothing must be heat treated.

Let's celebrate! Children and pets are strictly prohibited from being in the treated area!

First aid for poisoning

If, for some reason, anhydride vapor poisoning occurs, the victim should be given first aid.

Symptoms of sulfuric anhydride poisoning:

  • dry causeless cough;
  • wheezing in the larynx;
  • pain in the eyes and lacrimation;
  • the nose bleeds;
  • migraine attacks;
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting.

Note! At the first detection of at least one of the symptoms, the victim should be taken out into the open air, treat the nasal mucosa with drops or sprays, take an antihistamine tablet and call an ambulance.

Tired of fighting pests?

Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in your dacha or apartment? We need to fight them! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

In such cases, our readers recommend using the latest invention - the Pest Reject repeller.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Powered by mains, no recharging required
  • There is no addictive effect in pests
  • Large area of ​​operation of the device

Operating principle

During the combustion process, the sulfur bomb releases substances that affect pests. After the lit fuse burns out, the checker itself begins to smolder. At this time, sulfur dioxide is released - anhydride. With the help of air draft, the substance fills the entire space in the room. During this time, disinfection occurs.

The FAS sulfur bomb is considered one of the most effective, since it easily copes with its task even in those rooms where other means are powerless. A positive result is achieved due to the property of gas to gradually fill the entire space, including small cracks.

Review of checkers on the market

  1. Climate is one of the most popular varieties, having a standard design with a wick that needs to be lit. It is most often used for treating storerooms, cellars and greenhouses, as well as various premises on livestock farms, since it very effectively destroys lice and fleas. The cost is only 65 rubles.
  2. FAS is another domestic product that is actually a complete analogue of Climate. Such checkers are no less effective, but they are not recommended to be used for treating premises where animals are kept or, at least, to ventilate them for a longer period, which is 2-3 weeks. This is due to the fact that FAS emits smoke with a much more pungent and toxic odor. The approximate cost is 50 rubles.
  3. CITY is one of the most popular insecticidal pyrotechnics, the main component of which is not sulfur, but permethrin 13%. This makes it most effective at killing most types of insects, including cockroaches, ants and woodlice. The average price is 250-280 rubles.
  4. Vulcan is capable of treating fairly large spaces with sulfur smoke, so it is most often used for large office premises, for example, logistics centers or various enterprises. The price is 40-50 rubles.

Positive reviews


Efficiency, price.

In a wooden greenhouse at the end of the gardening season, I decided to use a sulfur bomb to disinfect and destroy insect pests. The use of sulfur bombs is quite universal, both for basements, cellars, greenhouses and hotbeds.

The manufacturer took care of colorful packaging and clear instructions.

After unpacking, all that remains is to simply light the wick and leave the room, of course following the manufacturer’s instructions.

When the checker begins to smolder well, the smoke finds all imaginable and inconceivable cracks in the holes, which is better to be nearby and not think about! I left it in the greenhouse overnight.

The effectiveness of the sulfur bomb is very high, the only limitation stated by the manufacturer is that metal products must be protected to avoid corrosion.

I used it in a wooden greenhouse, I think I could try using it in a painted metal one.

Good afternoon Probably, my review will be of interest only to gardeners, since the review will be about the sulfur garden bomb “FAS” for treating greenhouses, cellars and basements.

Using sulfur bombs in a greenhouse

Only empty rooms where there are no edible mushrooms - oyster mushrooms and champignons, vegetables and fruits - are treated with sulfur.

The room is emptied, leaving drawers, boxes, empty shelves - everything that needs to be disinfected, and only then is cleaning carried out.

It is also worth taking out metal products to avoid oxidation. If the frame of the greenhouse is made of metal, it should be pre -lubricated with grease or painted .

As already mentioned, sulfur smoke reacts with moisture and forms sulfuric acid, which is very harmful to the metal surface. If you are processing a greenhouse with an existing anti-corrosion coating on the structure, you can immediately begin the process.

To prevent the sulfur-saturated soil from destroying the plants, the greenhouse is treated with a smoke bomb for disinfection only in the fall after all harvest residues have been collected. It's best to do this as late as possible.

At a temperature of 0 degrees, the soil absorbs sulfur better than, for example, at +15. The lower the degree, the higher the effect of the treatment. To ensure that the room is treated as efficiently as possible, all cracks are sealed . This prevents gas leakage.

All surfaces are moistened with water as much as possible. A brick or stone should be placed under each checker. The checker is set on fire using crumpled paper; kerosene can also be used. After treatment, the greenhouse is left open for three days.

Purpose and scope

The product is used for treating premises such as basements and cellars, warehouses, greenhouses (not recommended, but possible after harvesting plants).

The FAS checker is effective for the following purposes:

  1. Destruction of mold (including its spores) and various bacteria.
  2. Repelling small rodents (rats, mice, moles).
  3. Repels or kills insects including ants, cockroaches, bedbugs and ticks.
  4. Drying empty rooms exposed to high humidity (usually done immediately before loading them with food).
  5. In the greenhouse it is used exclusively a couple of weeks before planting plants or various fruit crops: to neutralize harmful microorganisms and mold spores.

How effective is a mold remover?

The use of the product does not guarantee a 100% solution to mold problems. The product should be used as a one-time method of destroying the fungus, but not as a method of permanently combating it. The checker will display the problem once, but if the reasons for its appearance remain, it will appear again.

Therefore, it is imperative to find and destroy the original cause of its appearance. After treating the room with a checker and after ventilating it, work must be carried out to find and clean up the source (cause) of mold or mildew.

Types of smoke bombs

You can find many types of sulfur bombs on sale, however, each of them has some characteristics. Before purchasing a room treatment product, you need to carefully read the rules for its use.

The most popular types of sulfur smoke bombs:

  1. FAS. The weight of the product is 300 g, which is enough to treat 5-10 m3, depending on the degree of infection. Contains 80% sulfur. FAS sulfur block can be used to treat greenhouses, basements, and baths.
  2. Pawn. This is not a pressed, but a bulk sulfur smoke bomb. Available in metal sealed cans. Checker Pawn is suitable for processing greenhouses and greenhouses. Consumption rate 500 g per 200 m3.
  3. Climate. Contains 75% sulfur. The mass of the product is 300 g, which is enough to process 10 m3. Sulfur smoke bomb Climate during use saturates the space in the room with toxic smoke, which has a detrimental effect on bacteria, fungi, insects, ticks, and also repels rodents.
  4. The Whirlwind smoke bomb is also found on store shelves. Its active component is permethrin, which has a targeted effect against pests. According to the instructions, the Whirlwind checker destroys more than 30 species of insects, its destructive effect extends to adults, larvae, and eggs.

Symptoms of poisoning

Failure to comply with precautions may result in sulfuric anhydride poisoning. Caustic gas entering the human respiratory tract causes irritation of the mucous membranes. Against this background, tickling and cough appear. Subsequently, the person begins to feel a headache, dizziness, general weakness, and nausea.


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