Sulfur smoke bomb Climate (300 g): instructions for use and real reviews

Smoke and sulfur bombs are designed to effectively combat:

  1. Bark beetles.
  2. Bedbugs.
  3. With pincers.
  4. Woodworms.
  5. Woodlice.
  6. Horseflies.
  7. Rodents.
  8. Moles and other pests.

In addition, during disinfection, the air is dried, and this prevents the appearance of rot, fungi, and mold.

Disinfectants differ in their constituent components:

  1. Sulfur anhydride is a toxic substance released during combustion. This remedy is successfully used against fungal infections, mites, and other harmful spider bugs.
  2. Hexachloran effectively destroys caterpillars, but coccids and mites are completely indifferent to it.
  3. Didecyldimethylammonium - will destroy various fungal, bacterial infections, insects.
  4. Permethrin – has a nerve-paralyzing effect. Insects, ants, and other pests are afraid of him.
  5. Tobacco smoke bombs - nicotine is released during smoldering. It successfully fights insects and various harmful infections. They are used in autumn, spring, even during plant development - they are harmless to them.

The components are indicated on the drug packaging.

Features and rules for using checkers in greenhouses

It has been proven that treating premises with smoke agents is one of the effective methods of disinfection. The question arises: if the infection with bacteria and fungi is severe, then when is it better to fumigate?

Experts are sure: it is impossible to get by with autumn fumigation alone. It is unjustified to hope that winter frosts will “cure” the soil. Spring cleaning a few weeks before planting will be necessary.

Sometimes disinfection will be required even after planting.

Caution - fumigation can damage buildings:

  1. Made from polycarbonate.
  2. Buildings whose frame is made of aluminum or galvanized metal. Such structures are susceptible to rust and turn black.

Is it possible to treat a greenhouse with a sulfur bomb in spring and autumn?

Disinfection treatment should be carried out during the period after harvesting and before planting new plants. This is due to the fact that the smoke that the sulfur bomb emits is highly toxic. Therefore, when processing the premises, all vegetative crops die.

It is best to do the procedure in the fall to destroy overwintering pest larvae and fungal spores. Fumigation has no residual effect, that is, disinfection treatment occurs while the product is burning, and this effect lasts for only 2-3 days. Therefore, in case of severe infection, the procedure must be repeated in the spring before planting in order to consolidate the result.

Important! When carrying out processing, precautions must be taken.

Efficiency and operating principle

Its effectiveness depends on how you prepare the disinfection site. It is strongly recommended to remove absolutely all debris from the building, and thoroughly wash the internal metal surfaces with special products or soap.

Before you start fumigating, carefully read the instructions for use. It always indicates how much substance should be used for what area.

Quantities are always rounded down. Otherwise, you can harm the future harvest or completely destroy it. As the acid accumulates, it destroys everything: harmful bacteria, as well as beneficial ones for the plants you grow.

Based on the principle of action, smoke products are divided into two groups:

  1. Those that have a wick. When it is set on fire, the substance heats up and produces toxic smoke.
  2. Others include a special can for water. Having filled it with liquid, a substance is added there. Only after contact with water does the release of toxic smoke begin.

Description of the checker Quiet Evening

The method itself is quite effective and has long been used for treatment against various insects in agricultural complexes, warehouses, garages, and summer cottages. And now they have begun to use it in residential premises, but this also has its own nuances. Smoke bombs, according to their purpose, differ in the composition of the active substance:

  • On livestock farms, sulfur dioxide, released when sulfur burns, is used to combat parasites. A highly toxic and effective substance for bactericidal, insecticidal and antifungal treatment.
  • To treat barns and agricultural storage facilities, didecyldimethylammonium bromide, which has bactericidal and fungicidal (antifungal) properties, is used.
  • Permethrin is used to treat residential premises, cinemas, warehouses and large areas. An insecticide of plant origin that has a paralytic effect on insects.
  • A chlorine-based substance - Hexachlorane - has a nerve-paralytic effect on parasites.

The composition of the Quiet Evening checker includes such an active substance as permethrin 10%, a substance of plant origin found in chamomile flowers. Absolutely harmless to humans and animals. The principle of the checker is that when activated, a cloud of smoke is created, which subsequently settles in the form of a plaque. A smoke bomb from bedbugs has a contact effect; when it hits the body of an insect, it penetrates inside and, acting on nerve endings, prevents the transmission of impulses, causing paralysis and subsequent death of the insect.

Interesting fact: In the absence of food, bedbugs can enter a state close to anabiotic and remain in it for about a year. If conditions arise that are unsuitable for the life of the insect, it leaves the territory in search of a more favorable environment and source of food.

Step-by-step instructions for use in greenhouses

Before you start fighting fungi, bacteria, and pests, you need to take some measures:

  1. If the greenhouse is covered with film, it must be washed thoroughly.
  2. Clean the soil: remove all debris and plant remains.
  3. Caulk the cracks. Smoke should completely fill the room.
  4. Remove any products.
  5. To avoid corrosion, lubricate the metal parts of the structure with grease.
  6. Moisten the soil.

Now arm yourself with personal safety equipment:

  1. Gas mask.
  2. Gauze bandage.
  3. Glasses.
  4. Clothing must completely cover the body.

You will need:

  1. Matches.
  2. Metal sheets or bricks. The substance is flammable, so it is dangerous to leave objects nearby that could catch fire.

Rules to follow:

  1. Work together, support each other. Still, the substance is toxic.
  2. Remove children from the danger zone.
  3. Poisonous smoke is also harmful to pets, birds, and bees.
  4. Smoking, eating, and drinking while working is prohibited.

Now you can start the actual fumigation:

  1. Sulfur shells. For one cubic meter of room you will need 60 grams of the substance. The standard checker kit includes a pyramid designed for 20 cubic meters of room, a wick - after ignition, it delays the release of caustic substances, thus making it possible to leave the danger zone.
  2. The pyramids are placed on metal, bricks (to avoid accidental fire), and evenly distributed over the entire area.
  3. The distance between the fumigating agent and any objects must be maintained at least half a meter.
  4. The frame and covering of the building are sprayed with water. This greatly enhances the disinfection effect.
  5. You need to wear a gas mask. The toxic substances released can harm the lungs. The risk is inappropriate.
  6. The device is set on fire. This can be done by placing crumpled paper under it or using kerosene. Gasoline is strictly prohibited.
  7. The room is hermetically sealed for 72 hours.
  8. Then ventilation will be required: period - 2-10 days. Until the sulfur smell completely disappears.
  9. Last stage: the frame is washed with a 2% Pemoxol solution and finally rinsed with clean water.

When to treat a greenhouse with a sulfur bomb in spring and autumn

The optimal period for disinfection treatment is autumn after harvest. Therefore, experts recommend not delaying the deadlines and carrying out disinfection at the end of September, while the weather is warm. This will allow you to achieve maximum efficiency from using this product. The use of sulfur bombs against spider mites in a greenhouse is especially important when the pest is widespread. This treatment also allows you to destroy fungal spores on all surfaces in the room.

In the event of mass infection, fumigation of the greenhouse with a sulfur bomb should be repeated in the spring to prevent the reproduction of parasites and pathogens that survived after the winter. Treatment should be carried out when the soil surface warms up to + 10 ° C, which occurs at the end of April, at the beginning of May, depending on the region.

This is due to the fact that at lower temperatures the soil actively absorbs sulfuric acid released during fumigation. Therefore, you should carefully choose the period for carrying out treatment in the spring. Otherwise, failure to meet the deadlines can lead to a disruption in the acid-base balance of the soil, and this will subsequently negatively affect the development and fruiting of planted crops.

Spring treatment should be carried out no later than two weeks before transplanting seedlings into the ground.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of fumigation are undeniable:

  1. The plants will be healthy and the harvest will be abundant.
  2. Cost-effective – drugs are available and inexpensive.
  3. Efficiency - all surfaces of the building and soil are completely disinfected.
  4. Ease of use.
  5. Safety is guaranteed if precautions are taken.

But there are disadvantages:

  1. Highly flammable. Therefore, for storage you need to use only the original sealed packaging.
  2. Dangerous for children and animals.

Where can I buy?

You can find FAS sulfur smoke bombs in stores that have departments with household chemicals or goods for summer cottages. It is also possible to place an order via the Internet, since there are a large number of sites selling such products.

You should purchase sulfur bombs only from reliable and trusted sellers who have permission to carry out such activities, since the purchase and use of low-quality and counterfeit products of this type pose a threat to life and health.


FAS checkers successfully combine a high degree of efficiency and affordability. The cost depends on the method and place of purchase; on average, the price of the product is within 40-50 rubles. Whereas the price, for example, of a Quiet Evening smoke bomb is in the range of 400-500 rubles. You can buy a Quiet Evening smoke bomb in specialized stores.

Checkers review


Used against bacterial infections and insects. Pawn-C is bulk. Sulfur does not burn, but sublimes - a pesticide aerosol. Thus, the building is filled with microscopic sulfur particles, the amount of which is much lower than the standard ones. After disinfection, it is not necessary to clean the building surfaces.

The cost of one package (14 pieces) is 400 rubles.


  1. Large areas can be treated. Sulfur consumption – 1 gram/1 cubic meter.
  2. Small amounts of sulfuric acid and anhydride are released.
  3. Safe for any structures.
  4. Effective.
  5. Pawn-C is easy to use: arrange, remove membranes from lids, light wicks. Within 15-20 seconds, an aerosol is released, quickly filling the structure.


Destroys rodents, flying and crawling insects. And also this:

  1. Destruction of mold.
  2. Preventing the appearance of fungal and other harmful bacteria.
  3. Prevention of wooden structures.

Consumption: one cylinder per 5 cubic meters of area is enough. The capsules are placed and the wicks are lit. If white smoke appears, the room must be left immediately. The smoke is very toxic and dangerous for people and animals.

Smoldering time is 30-80 minutes. It all depends on the humidity. Sulfur smoke will last 1-2 days. Then you need to ventilate the room for 2 days until the smell of sulfur completely disappears.

Manufacturer Russia. Weight 300 grams. The price of one piece is 40 rubles.


It differs from other similar packaging. Packaging weight 150, 300 grams. The composition of sulfur is 75 percent. The rules of use are the same for all such tools. Used against insects, mold, rodents. Consumption – 1 package (20 tablets) per 20 cubic meters. Smoldering time – 1.5 hours.

If you behave carelessly during work, poisoning is possible. Symptoms:

  1. Dizziness.
  2. Tearfulness, burning eyes.
  3. Bleeding from the nose.
  4. Cough.
  5. Chest, pancreas pain.
  6. Bronchitis.

If such symptoms appear, consult a doctor immediately. Before visiting, rinse your airways with baking soda solution. If you have food poisoning, you should not drink liquids; you must induce vomiting.


Effective against fungal diseases. Action time is 1 minute. Easily ignited with a match. The protective period is up to 8 months. The cost of packaging is 48 rubles.

To disinfect a building measuring 25 cubic meters, containing 500 kilograms of product, you will need only 5 grams of Vista.

Possible harm and safety precautions

Although the manufacturer reports that the product is safe for humans, you should not linger in the treated area for a long time. The composition of a sulfur bomb includes sulfur dioxide, which can cause harm to the body, even if a person is wearing PPE (personal protective equipment).

For animals that may be indoors, the smoke from the bomb is dangerous and even fatal. It's all about sulfur dioxide contained in the smoke. It causes serious and sometimes irreparable damage to almost all internal organs in animals. Therefore, before using the checker, you must make sure that there are no livestock or pets in the area being treated.

Smoke can also have a negative effect on plants and food. You must ensure that all these items are removed from the room before use. You cannot leave food indoors, even if it is canned.

According to the instructions, the FAS checker has the fourth hazard class (low-hazard compounds). It won't do any harm until it's set on fire. But during use, the hazard class rises to second. Therefore, the second class (hazardous compounds) is indicated on the packaging.

For normal operation, according to the rules of use, people processing the premises must wear respirators (or gas masks) and rubber gloves. Homemade respiratory protection products will not save you from the harm caused by a saber. Only professional equipment can properly protect the human body.

Sulfur releases toxic substances when ignited; you should not stay in a room where a sulfur bomb is burning for a long time.

Cleaning the room must be carried out by two people. The two of them can seal cracks and remove objects that could be damaged. When setting fire to a FAS checker, it is necessary that both of them wear respirators and gloves. In this case, one of the people lights the fuse, and the second one insures it at the exit.

After treating the room, you need to thoroughly rinse those areas of the body that were exposed when the product was set on fire. You can also rinse your nose and mouth with a salt solution. Used respirator filters should be replaced and disposed of.


Agrovit "Fas"

Maxim: “Fas” is good for disinfecting greenhouses and cellars: it destroys rot and insects. For example, the house is old, built in the 50s of the last century. There is a bug in the wooden components. The creature is harmful. At first, the owners covered the wood with drying oil, but such protection did not last long. We decided to use the Fas smoke bomb. This is a cylinder containing gypsum and sulfur. Can be cut into pieces.

The wood was processed. The bugs are gone. Rot and mold also disappeared, and with them rodents: mice, rats. The drug can be used to treat basements, garages, and greenhouses.

Disadvantage: highly flammable, toxic. One sip can cause serious poisoning. But, if you follow the safety rules specified in the instructions, the product is completely harmless.

Green Belt "Climate"

Oleg: A smoke bomb is used against diseases and various plant pests in greenhouses, cellars, and greenhouses.

The downside is that it is difficult to light the wick. Checker set - wick, pyramid of ten sulfur tablets. One pyramid is enough to disinfect 20 cubic meters of a greenhouse.

The wick burns for 2 minutes. But it smokes effectively for almost 15 minutes. The result exceeds expectations - mold disappears, and so do harmful insects. The smoke is acrid, poisonous.


Sulfur smoke bomb Climate + wick in Moscow is in high demand due to its low price and high efficiency. The product is simultaneously an insecticide, rodenticide and fungicide. The triple complex action will not leave the slightest chance for pests and pathogenic fungi. You save as much as possible on room treatment and get by with just one working unit.

The sulfur bomb will smoke out rats and mice, ticks and midges, and disinfect mold. The use of this composition is optimal in an enclosed area. To prevent the process of corrosion of metal surfaces, pre-lubricate them with grease.

Generally, a sulfur smoke bomb is ideal for the following purposes:

  • Disinfection in the cellar in the shortest possible time;
  • Pest control;
  • Quick destruction of moles and rodents;
  • Disinsection of the greenhouse before planting vegetable or fruit crops.

In our online store there is always an affordable price for the Climate + wick sulfur smoke bomb, so you can save a lot of money.

How safe is the product?

Be extremely careful when processing, the smoke bomb is very toxic. During combustion, sulfur dioxide, a toxic component of sulfuric acid, is released. Therefore, it is permissible to use the product exclusively in non-residential premises, in the absence of people and animals.

Work should be carried out in the most closed clothing, a hat, glasses and gloves. For safety reasons and to be on the safe side, it is better to light the checker together.

After working with a saber, wash your hands, face, take off and wash your clothes.

Observe safe disinfection times:

  • 24-36 hours before planting in the greenhouse;
  • 5 days before adding vegetables and fruits.

FAS brand checker: purpose and scope of application

A standard package of sulfur bombs weighs 300 g and looks like a solid cylinder as in the photo. The set also includes a wick for igniting. 80% of the mass is sulfur - the active substance. Toxicity class—2. The danger to humans is indirect, that is, it is relevant only at high concentrations of the gas. At the same time, the product actively neutralizes animals and insects. The smoke is also toxic to birds and bees.

Attention! Because of this, sulfur bombs cannot be used in the basements of residential buildings. It makes no difference whether private or multi-storey.

A smoking bomb is a universal remedy. Its scope of application in underground storage facilities:

  1. Disinfection of surfaces from all types of fungal organisms, mold and bacteria.
  2. Disinfestation of premises from insects - whiteflies, thrips, whiteflies, mites, borers, scale insects, aphids, weevils.
  3. Smoking out moles, mice, rats and other rodents. Smoke penetrates into holes and passages

    Checker FAS

  4. Drying warehouses and storage areas before loading vegetables and other supplies.
  5. Prevention of wooden materials from fungal mold.

A characteristic feature of smoke is its speed of spread. The effect will be visible just a few minutes after lighting the checker. Thanks to the use of the product, the cellar will remain protected for a long time. In addition to smoke, the active substance can also be converted into sulfuric acid. This occurs upon contact with a damp surface or water vapor. In this state, the substance additionally disinfects walls and other elements of the room. The useful list of Fas checkers also applies to greenhouse gardening structures. Smoke can cope with all infectious diseases and pest infestations. Sulfur will not settle on the ground and will not harm the future harvest.

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