How to use cockroach sprays correctly? Basic rules and popular brands

Cockroach aerosols and indoor sprays are popular types of products for keeping these insects out of your home. They are effective, affordable and easy to use. It is enough to spray the active substance on the required area. The difference between an aerosol and a spray lies only in the packaging design: in the first case, the composition is supplied under pressure, and in the second, by pressing a special button, which activates a mechanical pump.

How to choose the best cockroach repellent

Means for controlling cockroaches can be divided into 3 groups:

1. For quick destruction - sprays, aerosols, concentrates for preparing solutions.

2. Slow-acting agents - gels, crayons, powders, traps.

3. Repellers.

Fast-acting products are designed for urgent elimination of insects. They tend to have a pungent odor and are dangerous to people and pets.

Such substances destroy insects in the shortest possible time - from several hours to a day. But if their effect has ended, and some of the insects still survive, re-treatment or the use of other chemicals will be required.

“Slow” agents destroy cockroaches within 1–2 weeks. They are safe for people and small animals, have no pronounced odor and do an excellent job of destroying a large population of insects.

The action of many of these drugs is based on the fact that one pest will infect its other brethren upon contact. Such products are especially effective if used after quick-acting solutions.

Repellers are devices that create ultrasonic or electromagnetic waves that force cockroaches to leave the room. Such devices are more suitable for prevention or for consolidating the results after using previous drugs.

Recommendations: 10 Best Repellents

12 Best Insect Repellents

16 Best Mosquito Repellents


The oldest means.
During Soviet times, dust (or DDT, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) was widely used. However, this powder was highly toxic and dangerous for people, so over time it was replaced by Cable Powder, Tiram, the more modern Ecokiller and a number of other products.

The most well-known powdered insecticide today is boric acid. Its powder is mixed with hard-boiled egg yolk, the mixture is rolled into small balls and laid out around the apartment.

REFERENCE: There is also a group of powders intended for diluting with water and preparing an emulsion for spraying a room (for example, the “Super Fas” product).

The best aerosols for cockroaches

Aerosols are suitable for treating large areas and are able to penetrate all hard-to-reach places where cockroaches can live. They destroy insects in a matter of hours, after which all that remains is to ventilate and clean the room.

Raptor – universal aerosol with mint scent



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Aerosol "Raptor" destroys not only cockroaches, but also 17 other varieties of crawling insects: woodlice, ants, bedbugs, spiders and other parasites, including their larvae.

The product does not contain freons or other ozone-depleting substances, but you should work with it wearing gloves and, preferably, a respirator. Despite the stated mint flavor, the smell of Raptor is not pleasant.

The main advantage of the aerosol is that it contains as many as 3 active ingredients. Cypermethrin (0.15%) is a contact and stomach insecticide that immediately kills insects upon contact.

Tetramethrin (0.20%) and imiprothrin (0.05%) are long-acting substances that negatively affect the nervous system. If they enter the pest’s body along with air or food, it will die within 2 days.


  • Elimination of 17 types of insects;
  • Three active ingredients;
  • Instant and prolonged action;
  • Infection of insects even upon contact with dried drops;
  • Affordable price.


  • Sharp, acrid smell.

"Raptor" is a professional product with an immediate and long-lasting effect. It can be used as a primary attack on parasites and subsequent protection of the premises. With just this aerosol you can get rid of a small or medium-sized population of cockroaches.

Clean House – no odor



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Another universal remedy that saves not only from crawling, but also from flying insects. The aerosol is sold in a 600 ml volumetric container - such a can is enough to treat 120 sq.m.

Ease of use is ensured by a double delivery system: the drug can be sprayed in a “cloud” or through a tube to reach insects hidden in narrow crevices.

“Clean House” does not have a strong odor, which makes it quite suitable for residential premises. Nevertheless, the effect of its use will be noticeable immediately.


  • Versatility;
  • Large volume;
  • No smell;
  • Two spray methods;
  • Instant action.


  • High price.

Aerosol “Clean House” is the best solution for residential premises if the owners cannot leave the apartment for a long time. The drug immediately destroys cockroaches and, with repeated use, can completely rid a home of unwanted neighbors.

Aerosol Raid – protection up to 4 weeks



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Raid is an effective aerosol against cockroaches and their eggs. Like other effective means, it has a double effect: first it destroys insects, and then for 4 weeks it protects the premises from new attacks and hatched young animals.

The aerosol is sprayed in all hard-to-reach areas and places where cockroaches live. After drying, the product is removed only from surfaces where accidental contact with it is possible. The remaining dried droplets act as a barrier against new insects.


  • Low price;
  • Moderate odor;
  • Instant elimination of cockroaches;
  • Premises protection for up to 4 weeks;
  • Easy to use.


  • Unsafe for people and animals.

Aerosol "Raid" is a product that will help cope with a small population of cockroaches and protect the apartment from their re-entry. If the situation is advanced, it can be considered as the first step in eliminating parasites.


The drug is sold in bottles of seventy-five, one hundred fifty and two hundred milliliters. Sometimes, on special offers, cylinders are sold, which include another forty milliliters as a gift to the buyer.

The cost of one package ranges from one hundred to two hundred and fifty rubles.

If a person decides to purchase it online, then some sites offer a courier service without payment. A fixed price is also required to be paid at the points of issue.

If a special delivery cost is provided or the house is located in a remote suburban area, then the price is calculated by the dispatcher or is laid out in a special table.

Usually the goods can be picked up within the first 24 hours. The purchase can be paid in cash or by bank card.

The best gels for cockroaches

Gels are slow-acting but effective agents in the fight against cockroaches. They are able to independently cope with a small accumulation of insects in 1–2 weeks and are an excellent addition to fast-acting drugs in difficult situations.

Such products are applied in places where red mustaches gather and move - and they themselves will show interest in the dangerous “delicacy”.

Lethal force - chain reaction gel



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This gel has a wide spectrum of action and destroys most types of crawling insects. The main substance here is fipronil, which has a contact and gastric effect on pests.

Once on the body of a cockroach, the gel is transferred to places where relatives gather, and other individuals also become infected. After contact with the substance, the insect dies within 3 hours.

The product has bitter flavors that repel pets, but attracts parasites with aromatic fragrances. And the oils included in its composition linger for a long time on treated surfaces, repelling new cockroaches.


  • Affordable price;
  • Kills not only cockroaches, but also other crawling insects;
  • Sticks well to the bodies of pests;
  • Repels warm-blooded animals;
  • Protects the apartment from re-infection.


  • Surviving individuals develop immunity to the active substance.

One package of “Deadly Force” gel is enough to treat rooms up to 40 sq.m. This product is suitable for areas where pets live.

Rubit “Zindan” – works at home and outdoors



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Rubit “Zindan” gel does not deteriorate at temperatures of +100..+120 °C or under sunlight, so it can be used in the house, on terraces and verandas protected from precipitation. This allows you to maximally secure your home even from cockroaches penetrating from outside.

The active ingredient of the drug is karbofos. It is quite effective, but is equally dangerous for warm-blooded animals and has a pungent odor.

The gel itself contains aromatic additives that attract insects. Once inside the body, it causes paralysis and death of pests. The effect occurs after 3 days and lasts up to 8-9 days.


  • Low price;
  • Convenient tube-syringe;
  • Resistance to sun and high temperature;
  • Destroys up to 99% of individuals in 1 application.


  • High toxicity;
  • Strong smell.

Rubit “Zindan” will perform well in a private home, country house and industrial premises.

Bayer Maxforce IC is a safe product



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The active ingredient in this gel is imidacloprid, a chemical nicotine. This is one of the least dangerous insecticides for people and pets, therefore Maxfors ІС is often used in children's institutions, canteens, pet stores and in public places. At the same time, in terms of its effect on crawling insects, it cannot be called harmless.

The effect of using the “nicotine” gel will be noticeable within 24 hours and will last up to 3 months, since the product does not dry out for a long time.

The destructive properties of the drug appear both when it enters the esophagus of cockroaches and onto the surface of the body.


  • Not dangerous for people and animals;
  • Protection against cockroaches for up to 3 months;
  • Convenient release form in the form of a syringe;
  • Contact and intestinal action.


  • High price.

Bayer Maxforce IC is a gel that copes with both small and large colonies of cockroaches without posing a danger to legal residents.

Dust composition

The principle of operation, effectiveness and safety rules for using dusts when poisoning cockroaches are largely determined by the properties of the active component.

Insecticides that may be included in powders - table

Active component of dustActionNote
Pyrethrum - a natural insecticideContact type poison. When it comes into contact with an insect, it causes paralysis and subsequent death. Some paralyzed insects can recover if the effect of the poison is short-lived. Therefore, after treatment, it is recommended to immediately sweep away poisoned cockroaches and destroy them.
Sumicidin (fenvalerate) - an insecticide of the pyrethroid group - synthetic analogues of pyrethrinPoison of contact-intestinal type. Causes loss of coordination in cockroaches, followed by tremors and paralysis. Has a long residual effect on treated surfaces
Cyhalothrin is an insecticide of the pyrethroid groupSame as SumicidinColorless, odorless, crystalline substance
Hexachlorane (HCCH, hexachlorocyclohexane) is an organochlorine compoundAn intestinal poison, but also acts as a fumigant. Mechanism of action. Affects the nervous system - causes irreversible paralysis Toxic. Currently practically not used. Long-term use of this component (over 50 years) has led to the resistance of cockroaches.
Boric acid (Coba, BAF)The action is intestinal and mixed contact-intestinal. Long-term exposure causes damage to the reproductive organs in females; destroys the digestive system of cockroaches Resistance cannot develop to boron-based drugs

The best dry cockroach repellents

Dry remedies for cockroaches include powders and pencils (crayons). They allow not only to destroy the existing pest population, but also prevent the penetration of new “migrants”.

They can be used for prevention or to consolidate the result after a fierce fight against the Prussians.

"Ecokiller" - 100% natural remedy



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The bioinsecticidal agent “Ecokiller” is absolutely safe for people and animals, as it is made from diatomite, a rock.

Also known as “mountain flour”, it is used as a sorbent in pharmacology and cosmetology.

Diatomite (fossilized algae) has a double effect on insects: it destroys the chitinous shell, designed to protect it from dehydration, and absorbs all the moisture like a sponge.

Ecokiller is odorless, does not cause allergies, and can be applied without protective equipment. In addition to cockroaches, it destroys bedbugs, ants, fleas and other insects. It can be used to process animal fur and their habitats.

However, small powder granules themselves quickly scatter throughout the room, increasing the range of action.


  • 100% natural;
  • Absolute safety for people and animals;
  • No smell;
  • High efficiency in killing cockroaches;
  • Unlimited shelf life.


  • High price;
  • The feeling of an untidy, dirty house.

Ecokiller powder is a universal, safe product that is suitable for any room and will help you easily get rid of any crawling insects. But for some time you will have to walk around the house in slippers.

Dust “Vuran” is a potent remedy



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This powdered product contains 3 active components at once, which cause irreversible paralysis of insects and lead to their death. The effect of using the dust is observed within the first 3-4 hours and lasts up to 4 weeks.

“Vuran” is a chemical that can fly through the air, so the treatment of premises should be carried out after children and animals are removed from the house. After 4 or more hours, the room is cleaned, leaving the dust only in hard-to-reach places.


  • Destroys up to 99% of cockroaches;
  • Has a prolonged effect up to 4 weeks;
  • Contains 3 active ingredients at once;
  • Easy to apply.


  • Not safe for people.

Dust "Vuran" is suitable for residential and industrial premises and will help cope with even a large population of red mustaches.

Tornado - chalk for crawling insects



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The Tornado pencil contains a potent substance, cypermethrin, which causes nervous paralysis in crawling insects. It is easily applied to any surface, including walls and ceilings, and not only eliminates existing cockroaches, but also protects against the appearance of new ones.

The product is not affected by sunlight and high temperatures, so it remains effective for a month after application.


  • Low price;
  • Ease of use;
  • Valid for up to 1 month;
  • Efficiency;
  • UV resistance;
  • No smell.


  • After the effect wears off, the cockroaches may return.

Tornado chalk is the best option for getting rid of a small number of cockroaches. But it can also be used as an adjuvant after fast-acting drugs.

Disadvantages of aerosol preparations - insecticides

  1. A short-term effect, as soon as the concentration of the insecticide in the air drops, it ceases to be dangerous for cockroaches.
  2. The product does not affect insect eggs.
  3. To achieve the effect of the spray, the room must be prepared.
  4. The spray, like any other insecticide, is poisonous, so before treatment it is necessary to evacuate households and animals from the apartment, and remove potted flowers from the premises.
  5. Do not use anti-cockroach aerosol in a house where an allergic or asthmatic person lives.
  6. After treatment, the floor will be covered with dead cockroaches; the product is not suitable for particularly impressionable people.

How to use the spray more effectively?

To obtain the effect of spray treatment, the room must be properly prepared. We begin preparations in the evening, with the onset of darkness, cockroaches are nocturnal insects. On the floor, on sheets of paper, you should lay out bait with a smell attractive to insects - pieces of cookies, mash of porridge with fragrant vegetable oil, slices of cheese or sausage. You can pour beer into shallow containers; cockroaches love to feast on it. After getting ready in the room, turn off the lights and go to bed, having previously set the alarm for 2 - 3 am. Next, we take the can in our hands, open the door to the room and suddenly turn on the light. Most of the adults will come out to the bait; all that remains is to quickly and deftly spray as many cockroaches as possible with the aerosol. To top it off, treat well the places where they scattered.

After treatment, the door to the room should be closed tightly so that the insects do not scatter throughout the apartment in panic and wait 1 - 2 hours. Then open the windows, ventilate the room well and remove the dead cockroaches.

The product does not affect insect eggs; it is better to repeat the treatment after 10 - 14 days, when the young nymphs hatch.

Safety precautions when working with cockroach sprays

It is important to remember that sprays are toxic substances that can negatively affect human health. When treating a room with aerosol cans, you must follow certain rules:

  1. Do not smoke, eat or drink during processing.
  2. When spraying, follow the instructions, maintaining the recommended distance. It is advisable to direct the stream at insects.
  3. Use the spray carefully, avoid getting the spray on the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth. If this happens, rinse them immediately with plenty of water. For any ailments, consult a doctor.
  4. If a pinpoint rash or allergy appears on the skin after using the spray, seek help from a doctor.
  5. After treatment, it is recommended to change into clean clothes and wash with soap and water all exposed skin that came into contact with the sprayed substance.
  6. The cans are under pressure and should not be stored near heating devices or disassembled independently.
  7. The container must be stored in places inaccessible to children.

When it is not recommended to use sprays

Aerosol insecticides have their own contraindications:

  1. It is advisable not to use these drugs if small children, elderly people, or relatives with chronic respiratory diseases and severe allergic reactions live in the house.
  2. This remedy should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  3. You cannot spray medications if unpackaged food is stored in the room, there are bowls for pets, or open aquariums.
  4. You should not spray the product in rooms without doors, this will reduce the effect of the treatment and will contribute to insect infestation of other rooms.

The best liquid cockroach repellents

Liquid products include fast-acting concentrates for surface irrigation. They are characterized by high efficiency, but require precautions and preliminary preparation of the solution.

Agran - a professional preparation for cockroaches



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Agran is a concentrated liquid substance that is diluted with water for subsequent irrigation of surfaces from a spray bottle.

The effectiveness of this drug is confirmed by the fact that it is used by SES and professional exterminators. It is toxic, but effective, able to cope even with a large population of insects.

Agran is valued for its versatility, as it fights both crawling and flying insects.

It contains 2 active substances from different chemical groups that actively complement each other. Moreover, the concentration of the main components significantly exceeds all modern analogues: 50% chlorpyrifos and 5% cypermethrin - with standard ≤ 1%.


  • Versatile;
  • 2 active ingredients;
  • High concentration of active components;
  • Prolonged action;
  • Efficiency – 99%.


  • High toxicity, requires compliance with safety measures.

The drug is suitable for professional use - baiting cockroaches and other insects in residential premises and large industrial facilities.

Altecide is a long-acting agent



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Althecide is an oily emulsion that helps control flying and crawling insects, including cockroaches.

The drug contains 2 active ingredients that have an immediate effect. The first dead parasites appear within 2–3 hours. But this liquid also has a prolonged effect - protecting the premises from new invasions lasts up to 2 months.

Altecid has a contact and gastric effect on insects, but has an average safety marker for humans. That is, when using this drug, the owners need to leave their home for several hours, then ventilate the room and clean it.


  • Two active components;
  • Universal application;
  • Quick effect, plus a long period of protection;
  • Affordable price.


  • It must be applied while wearing protective clothing and a mask.

Altecide is an effective professional remedy that will help you quickly get rid of a large colony of cockroaches and prevent new individuals from entering the house.

Key steps to take before bullying indoors

Cockroaches are especially active at night, which is why preparation begins at this time. Place bait for cockroaches in the center of the room: cookies, cheese, sausage, bread, and beer are especially attractive to these insects. Turn off the lights, close the door to the room tightly and go about your business for a few hours.

After a while, carefully open the door, turn on the light sharply and spray the aerosol at the distance specified in the instructions. Everything needs to be done as quickly as possible: the bulk of the cockroaches will flock to the bait and will be in one place, so it will be easy to get rid of them.

After the main procedure, treat the places where the remaining cockroaches managed to hide. Close the door tightly again and wait a few more hours (or until the morning).

Open the windows and ventilate the room, collecting all the dead cockroaches. Aerosols do not require sanitization of the room, but it is better to repeat the same actions after a few more weeks. At this time, the young cockroaches hatched from the eggs will grow up.

The cockroach is not only a terribly unpleasant insect that many are afraid of, but also a direct carrier of a number of diseases, so it is necessary to get rid of them quickly. Spray is one of the assistants in this fight, which allows you to effectively get rid of unwanted neighbors in the house. If you use it wisely and follow a number of operating rules, you can say goodbye to uninvited guests for a long time.

The best traps for cockroaches

Insect traps kill insects slowly, but are the safest for people and pets.

Such devices always have bait inside, impregnated with aromatic substances, but the principle of operation may differ.

In glue traps, parasites simply stick and die over time, electric traps kill them with an electric shock, and insecticidal traps poison the host and his relatives upon contact.

Combat New SuperBait – a universal trap



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An insecticidal trap lures cockroaches and other crawling and sometimes flying insects inside. Its active ingredients infect the parasite it encounters, but do not kill it immediately, being transmitted through contact to other individuals in the colony.

As a result, the destruction of 98% of the entire population takes 1-2 weeks. However, the trap itself continues to “work” for another month. The device is safe for people and pets and does not emit unpleasant odors.


  • Double impact;
  • Destruction of hatched young animals;
  • Versatility of use;
  • Safety for people and pets;
  • Long period of validity.


  • After drying it becomes unusable.

Using a Combat trap you can get rid of a large population of insects - even those that will not come into direct contact with it.

GoGreen – electric insect trap



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This trap lures cockroaches inside and kills them instantly with a high-voltage shock. At the same time, the closed design makes it safe for children and pets.

Both specialized products (gels) and ordinary food, including bread crumbs, can be used as bait.

One device is enough to protect a room of 40 square meters. Power is provided through an external source with a USB port, but the trap can also be connected to a regular outlet using an adapter.


  • Reusable;
  • Instant destruction of insects;
  • Availability of LED indicator;
  • Easy to install.


  • Not suitable for rooms without sockets.

GoGreen is an effective home trap that will kill all cockroaches that crawl into it. But precisely because of its principle of action, it is not suitable for combating a large colony - it is exclusively a protective agent, and it is better to use it for preventive purposes.

Forsyth is an effective glue trap



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The glue trap is designed for mechanical capture and destruction of insects. It is extremely simple and consists of a folding cardboard box with a sticky bottom.

Inside it are placed tablets with an aromatic bait, but without toxic or other harmful substances.

The lifespan of the trap is at least 45 days, although insects will typically fill the sticky surface much more quickly.

If there is a large population, it will be necessary to use more than one such trap, but it is better not to place new boxes at once, but to add them gradually with a break of 1-2 days.


  • Low price;
  • Efficiency;
  • Ease of use;
  • Safety for humans.


  • Disposable;
  • Eliminates only adults.

The Forsythe glue trap is suitable only for rooms with a small number of cockroaches or as an auxiliary and not an independent means of control.

Why is the spray so popular?

Its popularity is quite simple to explain, because when we make a choice in favor of one product or another, we primarily focus on efficiency and safety indicators. Our main goal is to get rid of the Prussians as quickly as possible, but at the same time, we do not want to harm those living in the apartment. Speaking of specialized insecticides, the most effective products usually have a high hazard class.

What does the leopard offer:

  • This is a specialized veterinary product, which means it is safe for people and animals.
  • Efficiency due to the active substance, which shows high results for many years.
  • No “aroma”, because the drug is designed for pets who have a very developed sense of smell.

Preventive actions

Quite often, apartment owners are faced with a situation where, after treatment, cockroaches disappear, but after a while they reappear. This can happen for several reasons. The first is the larvae, which remained untouched during processing, but after some time grew into young individuals. The second is neighbors, since cockroaches in apartment buildings can walk from one apartment to another. In both cases, preventive measures will be required to prevent the appearance of large colonies.

You will need to re-treat after 2 weeks, and then adhere to the following recommendations:

  • After each meal, wash dishes and clean table and cabinet surfaces.
  • Do not leave food on the counter, especially overnight.
  • Throw out trash daily and wash the trash can.

Also, as a preventative measure, you can use special traps or give preference to available folk remedies.

The best cockroach repellers

Repellers do not destroy insects, but thanks to ultrasonic or magnetic resonance waves they negatively affect their nervous system and force them to leave the room.

They can get rid of a small population of parasites, but are more often used for prevention or in combination with other means.

Tornado OT.02 – dual-mode repeller



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The tornado simultaneously generates ultrasonic signals and light flashes, which irritate cockroaches and other insects.

Thanks to an automatic program for changing the wave frequency within 1-3 Hz, the parasites do not have time to get used to this effect and quickly leave the building.

The device has a wide operating area – up to 200 sq.m. The device is connected to an outlet and consumes only 10 W. The repeller is safe for pets and people - they simply do not react to it.


  • Unlimited period of use;
  • Automatic frequency change;
  • Combination of ultrasound and light flashes;
  • Compact dimensions (30x75x105 mm);
  • Safety for people;
  • Wide area of ​​influence.


  • High price.

Tornado OT.02 is suitable for residential and industrial premises, is an excellent means of preventing the appearance of insects and can easily cope with a small or medium population of cockroaches.

Spray selection criteria

Competition among manufacturers of cockroach sprays is high, so leading companies are constantly improving their products. Buyers often find it difficult to figure out which product is best to purchase. The choice of product is purely individual. It will depend both on the size of the apartment and on the preferences of the owners themselves. Nevertheless, there are a number of general criteria by which you can choose a good product:

  1. Efficiency is the main feature by which you can choose an excellent pest control product. If a cockroach repellent does not help, there is no point in buying it.
  2. Safety. Any insect spray is dangerous to one degree or another due to its chemical composition, but the acceptable level of this harm should be at a minimum level.
  3. Ease of use. It is much better to use a spray and get rid of the pest quickly than to use additional products, which will also require other costs. Fighting insects will take a lot of time and effort if you use, for example, sticky tape against cockroaches.
  4. Speed ​​of action. You can get rid of cockroaches in a day, but this effect will be short-lived and the pests will appear again as quickly as they disappear. For complete relief, a long-lasting spray is suitable.
  5. Price. Most often, the effectiveness of the product depends on this indicator. However, due to the large assortment of sprays against cockroaches, it is possible to find an inexpensive, but most effective remedy. If you search and study the instructions carefully, you can find the ideal combination of cost and effectiveness. Often the price is added simply for the brand.

The aerosol from cockroaches, sprayed in the air, cuts off oxygen to the cockroach, and the pest soon dies. Modern drugs either have no odor at all or smell quite acceptable. They easily spread to the most hidden corners of the room with a few clicks. The most well-known manufacturers of products for cockroaches, which have been on the market for many years, are presented in the list:

  1. Raptor. Produced in Russia. Effectively helps in the fight against all crawling insects, comes in several scents (for example, mint or lavender). The average price is 250 rubles.
  2. Raid. Manufacturer: Ukraine. Against flying and crawling insects, with the scent of lavender. The average price is 120 rubles.
  3. Baron. Russian products. The manufacturer claims that the main advantage of the spray is the use of only a few cans. The average price is 1150 rubles.
  4. Sinuzan. This product is more suitable for treating large premises - warehouses and factory hangars, since it is produced in large volumes and is often purchased by professional sanitary inspectors. The average price is 7,500 rubles (for 5 liters).
  5. Tetrix. Used by professional crews to kill bedbugs, but is also suitable for cockroaches. Tetrix is ​​the most effective spray, but it is incredibly toxic and dangerous to use. It is sold to private individuals who specialize in exterminating insects. To spread Tetrix, maximum protection is required, including a respirator and a special suit.

Any need to use a professional drug indicates an advanced case of infection at home. In such a situation, it is better to turn to people who deal with pest extermination professionally.

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