How to properly use the Fas brand insecticide against cockroaches

It's no secret that getting rid of cockroaches in your home is not an easy task. And you shouldn’t delay this problem, as their population can grow significantly.

Many people ask the question: “Where do cockroaches come from?”

  1. The house is not clean. Crumbs on the table, stagnant garbage in buckets, unwashed dishes, dirty floors - all this is the best condition for cockroaches to live.
  2. Repairs in the house or with neighbors. In multi-storey buildings, cockroaches often live in basements, on the roofs of houses, in pipelines, and garbage cans. When repair work begins, insects begin to leave their places of residence and scatter throughout the house, looking for a new home for their family.
  3. Neighbours. Your neighbors' apartment may be completely unsanitary. In such places, a significantly large number of unwanted insects breed. And when their population increases and they lack food, they begin to look for new habitats and move into your house.

Getting rid of “mustachioed” neighbors is quite difficult, since they can find food in every apartment: leftover food, crumbs, indoor plants, book bindings, wallpaper glue.

If you encounter a cockroach in your home, immediately run to the store for poison and disinfect the house.

You can find many different insecticides on the shelves of hardware stores. A good remedy is the Fas brand drug against cockroaches.

In what forms is it available?

The drug Fas is a professional means for treating premises against cockroaches, but it can also be found in any store. The insecticide contains Z-cypermethrin. This substance enters the insect’s body through the digestive tract, skin, and respiratory tract. Cypermethrin acts on the nervous system of “uninvited” guests, as a result of which paralysis occurs, the insect stops moving and dies.

Manufacturers of the Fas brand produce the product in three forms:

  • powder;
  • pills;
  • gel.

Instructions for use of Regent against cockroaches

The composition enters the body of synanthropic insects in two ways: contact and intestinal. In the first case, the active substance penetrates the esophagus along with contaminated food. Toxic components are carried throughout the body by hemolymph. They cause blocking of nerve impulses, paralysis of the respiratory system and internal organs.

Due to the high toxicity of Regent against cockroaches, simply contact between an insect and a particle of the substance is sufficient. In this case, the poison penetrates through the integument of the body; the chitinous shell is not an obstacle to the insecticide. Poisoning occurs gradually, its speed depends on the amount of captured substance.

Regent 800 is increasingly being used to rid premises of cockroaches. This is due to its effectiveness.

When eating bait with the addition of the drug, the poison contained in the insect’s food enters directly into the cockroach’s body. Once in the intestines, the poison then spreads beyond its walls, affecting the entire body. Under the influence of a toxic substance, cockroaches first experience paralysis of their limbs and then die.

Regent 800 can cause paralysis if the drug ends up on the antennae or chitinous cover of insects. Immobilization does not occur immediately, but after some time, which increases the number of contacts with the substance. The cockroach itself brings it to the nest on its mustache and body, so the number of poisoned insects increases.

Preparing the room for processing:

  • Do the cleaning. During processing there should be no dirty dishes, crumbs, or food residues.
  • Before treating the room, it is necessary to achieve maximum dryness. Cockroaches should not have access to water after poisoning. To do this, you should: eliminate leaks in the pipes, ensure good ventilation in the room, wipe up all the water on the floor, in the sink, on the sink, etc.

Preparation of the solution and treatment of the room:

  1. Prepare a solution from the concentrate. To do this, open the ampoule and dissolve 200–250 ml in a glass of warm water, but no more, otherwise the solution will not be concentrated enough. If powder is used, the proportion will be as follows: 1 sachet per 1 liter of water. The suspension is diluted as follows: 5 ml of the drug per 1 glass of water. If the treatment is carried out for preventive purposes, then 5 ml per 1 liter of water will be sufficient.
  2. Prepare a sprayer (manual sprayer). A solution will spray out of it.
  3. Spray the prepared solution from a spray bottle over the entire area of ​​the room. This will take up to 1.5 to 2 hours. You need to treat the room starting from the place of maximum accumulation of insects. These are: baseboards, pipes, sinks, sinks and the inside of mattresses, upholstered furniture.

After treatment, the room should be thoroughly washed with a saline solution (you can make a soap-soda solution). After cleaning is completed, the room is ventilated for 1.5 - 2 hours.

Precautionary measures:

  • When working, hands should be protected with rubber gloves, especially when in contact with a concentrated substance.
  • It is advisable to use a respirator and goggles if the product is sprayed from a spray bottle.
  • Before starting treatment, indoor plants, animals and children should be removed from the premises.
  • Before processing, be sure to clean out the closet: remove all hygiene items, clothes, toys, dishes, food.
  • In order to neutralize toxic substances, surfaces should be washed with saline solution.
  • After completing the work, be sure to open the windows and ventilate the room for 2 hours.

Powder Fas

Fas powder is available in two forms under the names “Super Fas” and “Double”.

“Super face” powder is a very toxic insecticide for controlling cockroaches, ants and bedbugs. More often it is used by specialized services. Sold in small bags of 10 g. The drug should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20, stir thoroughly and pour the solution into a spray bottle or spray bottle. The insecticide solution should be sprayed in places where insects have been noticed, under the bathtub, sink, trash cans, baseboards, and cracks in the floors.

“Double” powder is less toxic than “Super Fas”, therefore it is more widely used in self-disinfestation of premises. Dilute in the same way as the previous powder. Store the drug in a closed place, inaccessible to children and animals.

Since powders are very toxic and hazardous to health, you must not forget about personal safety and the health of your loved ones. Breeding and processing should be done in closed clothing, rubber gloves and a respirator or gauze bandage. During treatment, family members and animals should not be in the room, except for those carrying out disinfection.

Composition and release form

The product is classified as a professional insecticide, but is sold in the public domain and can be found in any specialized store. The active substance that provides a destructive effect on cockroaches is Z-cypermethrin. The great advantage of this product is the ability of the active substance to penetrate the insect’s body through the respiratory tract, chitinous integument and stomach, which significantly increases efficiency.

The mechanism of action is as follows: when a cockroach comes into contact with the substance, it remains on its body. Then it comes into contact with food products, which become infected with poison, and it enters the body. The poison also penetrates through the hard chitinous shell and into the respiratory system.

Another advantage is the infection of individuals among themselves. One cockroach comes into contact with the fas, carries it on itself and infects other individuals. Entering the body, the active substance affects the nervous system, causing paralysis and then death. Available in the form of powder, tablets and gel, which have their own characteristics.


The powder is available for sale in two forms:

  • Super Fas. Designed to kill not only cockroaches, but also bedbugs, ants and other insects. It has a high toxicity class. It is used as a professional tool and mainly specialized services work with it. It is a powder that must be diluted in water and prepared as a solution before use. When preparing the solution, the proportions are 1:20; it is very important to dissolve the powder well. When applying the solution, use a spray bottle or any container with a spray bottle. The surfaces where the greatest concentration of cockroaches and the places where they were noticed are treated.
  • Double. It is less toxic than the previous option, so it can be used in residential areas when processed independently. The procedure for preparing the solution is identical to the first example. The product should be stored in a hard-to-reach place, avoid contact with food.

Regardless of which product is used, be aware of the health hazards for both people and animals. You need to work with the product only when using protective equipment, wear rubber gloves, a respirator and safety glasses. Clothing must cover the entire body. During the procedure, everyone living in the room must leave the room, and there should be no animals.


This type of drug is used for disinfestation by specialized services. It is most often used during scheduled treatments in institutions such as kindergartens, schools, etc. The main purpose of the insecticide is to control cockroaches. But, despite the fact that the drug is professional, it is sold in almost all hardware stores.

The procedure for using tablets is the same as with powder; you need to prepare a solution and then use a sprayer to treat the surfaces. When working with this product, you must adhere to the instructions and follow the recommendations regarding proportions and safety measures. The solution is applied in the same way as with any other treatment, great attention is paid to hard-to-reach places.


A very convenient form of release for use at home. Comes in a small tube with an easy-to-apply spout. You can purchase tubes of 20 ml and 75 ml, it all depends on the area that needs to be treated. The gel should be applied in a dotted line. Skirting boards, back walls of cabinets, pipes, radiators and other places where cockroaches are likely to pass are treated.

Regarding such application on the surface, it certainly has its advantages. The fact is that all drugs are toxic; applying the solution using a spray bottle, although convenient, is quite dangerous. After all, small drops can fall into those places with which we often come into contact, and this is dangerous to health. In this case, applying the gel is safer, since we know exactly where the substance will be located.

Another advantage is the consistency of the gel; once stained with poison, the cockroach will go to the nest to “treat” other individuals. Regarding effectiveness, it should be noted that it destroys adults and larvae; it has no effect on egg laying. But this point should not be considered a disadvantage. Because after applying the gel, the active substance retains its effect for a long time and is able to get rid of the young generation that emerged from the eggs.

Fas tablets against cockroaches

The insecticide in tablets is intended for disinfection of kindergartens and educational institutions by professional organizations for the planned treatment of premises from cockroaches. Despite this, the product is freely available in hardware stores and supermarkets.

To use Fas tablets against cockroaches, they are very simple; just like the powder, you need to dissolve them in water and spray the room. But before that, you should carefully study the instructions for use and make a solution in the proportions indicated there.

It is necessary to carry out disinfection not only in places where cockroaches were found, but also in rooms where they have not yet reached.

Super Fas - death to the cockroach occupiers!

Have you ever wondered how cockroaches think? No? And it's not necessary. It’s better to think about which product will kill these nasty insects better than all others, leaving them no chance of survival.

It would seem that there is a great choice on the market, but some insecticides are too poisonous for humans, while others have little effect on Prussians. According to some consumers, some semblance of a panacea does exist. This is Super Fas - an insecticide aimed at destroying any cockroach colonies.

Composition and release form

The product is a powder intended for preparing a solution. It contains two main toxic components:

  • thiamethoxam;
  • cypermethrin.

These synthetic insecticides have a systemic effect on insects. Super Fas spreads through insect vessels, one by one affecting all organs. The main target is the nervous system. As soon as she “refuses,” the cockroach becomes paralyzed and soon dies from suffocation.

Penetration into the body of a cockroach is an easy matter for Super Fas. It not only attracts cockroaches with its appetizing smell, affecting the esophagus, but also quickly eats into the chitinous layer.

Thus, even if a cockroach simply crawls along the treated surface, it cannot avoid death; in addition, before its death it will have time to visit its relatives, who will also be poisoned by Super Fas.

Instructions for use and precautions

There is no point in scattering Super Fas undiluted - the toxic substances will not be able to reveal their destructive power, and the attractiveness to cockroaches will not be so high.

To prepare the solution, pour the powder into a container, such as a pan, and fill it with warm water. The ratio should be 1:20, this is the optimal concentration. But before that, you should prepare your home for processing:

  • put food in the refrigerator;
  • expel children and pets from the house (in general there is nothing dangerous, but just in case this measure will not harm);
  • Do some light cleaning of your apartment.

After this, the solution can be poured into a spray bottle and processing can begin.

You shouldn’t water the whole house with the solution; you’ll waste Super Fas in vain. First of all, you should spray the places most loved by cockroaches:

  • area of ​​the trash can and kitchen sink for dishes;
  • back walls of furniture;
  • door jambs;
  • skirting boards;
  • ventilation grates.

Also, Prussians often appear near the sleeping places of pets; it would also be a good idea to treat this area, but remember that animals can be poisoned if they appear in that place in less than a day.

Although Super Fas is recognized as a non-hazardous product, precautions must still be taken. You should work using personal protective equipment, that is, a mask, gloves, and, if possible, safety glasses. Be careful not to get the solution into your eyes or nose.

Be careful not to get the solution into your eyes or nose.

If this happens, immediately wash the affected area with plenty of water. If signs of poisoning occur, consult a doctor!

Important. The prepared solution should be used within an hour. Otherwise, the toxic substances will evaporate and Super Fas will lose its power.

Otherwise, the toxic substances will evaporate and Super Phas will lose its power.

A very good remedy. One treatment was enough for the insects to leave my house forever. For more than four months there has not been even the slightest hint of cockroaches. By the way, as practice has shown, Super Fas works not only against adults, but also against larvae. This is a rather rare quality for an insecticide, so I furiously upvote it!

Andrey, Krasnodar

An effective thing. The cockroaches disappeared 5 days after treatment, and those that caught my eye were somehow lethargic and sad. I was especially pleased that the unpleasant smell disappeared very quickly, there was no trace left of it after a couple of hours. I recommend!

Maxim, Moscow

Frankly, I expected faster action. It took Super Fas 7 days to completely destroy the insects. Moreover, I won’t say that there were so many cockroaches in my house. But the advantages, of course, are obvious - no odors, safety, convenient and quick preparation of the solution. Overall I’m happy with the result, but the poison could have been stronger.

Irina, Perm

How to get rid of cockroaches using Super Fas in the video below:

Gel Fas

Another form of insecticide from the Fas brand is also quite toxic. Gel Fas against cockroaches is produced in a special tube, similar to a syringe, with a volume of 20 and 75 ml with a convenient spout.

The gel should be applied in dotted lines with a distance of 2-3 cm in places where unwanted guests were noticed, on the back walls of kitchen units, sinks, and bathrooms.

The advantages of the gel are that when cockroaches get dirty in it, they can transmit the poison to others upon contact with their relatives.

Disadvantages - the poison affects larvae and adults; the poison has no effect on insect eggs. But the poison is long-lasting, which allows you to poison already hatched cockroaches.

Directions for use and dosage

“Agran” against insects is used in the form of a solution, which is easy to prepare: you need to dilute the product with water, observing the dosage and gradually stirring.

The manufacturer's instructions recommend using the following doses of insecticide per 1 liter of liquid:

  • against mosquitoes, fleas – 3 ml;
  • from bedbugs, flies, ants, rat mites – 6 ml;
  • from wasps, cockroaches – 10 ml.

The prepared solution is applied to the surface using a spray bottle; you can also use a regular spray bottle.

If the surface does not absorb moisture, per 1 sq. m will require approximately 50 ml of solution, if absorbent - about 100 ml.

Pros and cons of Fas poison

Like all insecticides, products labeled “Fas” have their advantages and disadvantages.


  • Efficiency. Means
  • Speed ​​of action. Cockroaches die instantly, within half an hour.
  • Long action. The product is harmful to insects for another 10-14 days.
  • Low price.
  • Does not leave marks on furniture and fabric products.


  • Toxicity. The main disadvantage is that the insecticide is quite toxic and dangerous to human health. There is a high probability of poisoning.
  • Does not destroy insect eggs. Toxic substances cannot penetrate the strong shell of the egg. Therefore, the treatment will have to be repeated after two weeks.

How to use the drug

Each package of the product contains instructions for using the drug, which you must read before starting work.

The regent works at the cellular level.

The regent is used in dissolved form: the amount of the product indicated in the instructions must be diluted with water. The concentration of the prepared solution depends on how many cockroaches need to be destroyed. For initial treatment of the premises, it is necessary to use a more concentrated solution than for repeated disinfestation.

Preparation of a solution for the initial treatment of the room:

  1. Dilute 100 g of Regent in 300 ml of water;
  2. Dilute 1 ampoule in 200 ml of water.

The amount of prepared solution depends on the area of ​​the room and the material of the surfaces to be treated. It should be taken into account that the treatment of soft fleecy surfaces will require 2 times more product.

Efficiency depends on how thoroughly the room is treated. The solution should be made immediately before work. You can use it within 24 hours, after which the effect of the solution quickly weakens.

Mix the contents of one sachet in 1 glass of cool water. This is enough to process a one-room apartment.

Preparation of a solution for re-treatment of the premises or prevention:

  1. Dilute 100 g of powder in 1 liter of water;
  2. or 1 ampoule of regent - in 0.5 -1 liters of water.

The solution is prepared in the same way as during primary treatment, only the amount of water is increased. But if after the initial disinfestation many insects survived, then you should prepare a more concentrated solution again and treat the room correctly and efficiently.

Rules for processing the premises

Before disinfection, it is necessary to prepare the apartment for treatment; it is also necessary not to forget about some rules when baiting insects.

  • Carry out wet cleaning. Wipe dust, window sills, baseboards, picture frames, doors, wash floors with a special detergent.
  • Seal the hoods so that during treatment the insects do not have the opportunity to move to the neighbors.
  • Pack the dishes and put the food in the refrigerator.
  • Remove all family members and animals from the room.
  • Wrap the aquarium tightly with film, but it is better to take it out of the apartment.
  • Treat the room wearing special clothing or thick clothing that covers all parts of the body, gloves, goggles and a respirator or gauze bandage.
  • Carry out the treatment with the windows open, as the drug has high toxicity.
  • After disinfection, you need to leave the room for 2-3 hours, after which you should ventilate the rooms.
  • After the room has been ventilated, carry out wet cleaning.

Read more about using FAS

The FAS product has a pronounced insecticidal effect against cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, flies, and mosquitoes. The residual effect of the drug lasts about 4-6 weeks.

For self-treatment, use a pump sprayer or a household sprayer.

To prepare working emulsions, the product is dissolved in water at room temperature, stirring evenly. Calculation of the amount of concentrate required to prepare the working emulsion is given in the table.

The amount of FAS required for preparing workers Concentration (%) according to DV Concentration (%) of working emulsion according to formulation Amount of drug (g) per (l) water
1 10 100
Cockroaches 0,0125 1,25 12,5 125 1250
Bedbugs 0,0125 1,25 12,5 125 1250
Fleas 0,0062 0,62 0,62 62 620
Flies imago 0,0125 1,25 1,25 125 1250
Flies larvae 0,0125 1,25 1,25 125 1250
Mosquito imago 0,0062 0,62 0,62 62 620
Mosquito larvae 0,0030 0,30 0,30 30 300

The consumption rate of the working solution is 50 ml/m2 for non-moisture-absorbing surfaces and 100 ml/m2 for moisture-absorbing surfaces. Remove the product from treated surfaces using a wet method - with a rag and a soap-soda solution 24 hours after application, but no later than 3 hours before the start of the working day.

To destroy cockroaches, the working solution is used to treat places where insects accumulate, nest and move, paying special attention to the following places: cracks and holes in floors and walls, door frames, thresholds, floor and ceiling skirting boards, ventilation holes, pipe joints, cladding, kitchen furniture . If there are a large number of insects, the entire room should be treated at once (even those rooms where there were no insects)

This is carried out in order to prevent the migration of cockroaches to other territories and their further spread. When insects appear, re-treatment is carried out.

When treating bedbugs, the entire room is often not treated. If the number of parasites is insignificant, only their habitats are treated with the working solution. If there is a high infestation of bedbugs, the areas where wallpaper has peeled off, baseboards, window, door frames and ventilation holes, cracks in walls, back walls of furniture, carpets, and mattresses should also be treated. It is not recommended to treat bed linen with the working solution; it must be washed at high temperatures. After 5-7 days, it is recommended to re-treat, as young offspring may appear from the larvae that you may have missed.

To destroy various ants, the working solution is sprayed on the places of accumulation and movement (paths) of insects.

When treating fleas, the working solution should expose walls (up to a height of 1 meter from the floor), the entire floor surface, various floor coverings, baseboards and cracks. When processing basements, it is necessary to get rid of garbage and clutter and thoroughly treat the entire room. Pet beds should also be treated and washed well after 24 hours.

When treating against flies and mosquitoes, insect landing sites, as well as external walls, garbage chutes and garbage containers should be treated with a working solution. To destroy fly larvae, cesspools and waste can be treated once every 30-40 days. To destroy mosquito larvae with a working solution, it is necessary to treat the surfaces of closed reservoirs, basements, and large containers with standing water.

First aid in case of poisoning

Before using the drug, you should carefully study the instructions. The drug is dangerous to health. If you do not follow the instructions, you may get poisoned. The first symptoms of poisoning:

  • nausea;
  • cough;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • dizziness;
  • there are unusual tastes in your mouth;
  • skin irritation, rash, red spots.

First aid for poisoning:

  • go out into the fresh air;
  • rinse eyes with water;
  • In case of contact with skin, wash with soap and water;
  • drink activated carbon, consult a doctor.

Let's summarize: specialized professional companies can treat the premises with high quality, but it is quite expensive. Therefore, effective treatment can be carried out independently using the professional insecticide Fas. But the drug is quite toxic and dangerous for people and pets. Using the drug according to the instructions, you do not have to worry about poisoning.

Precautionary measures

To make the repellent more effective against ants indoors, before treatment it is advisable to:

  • eliminate leaks in plumbing;
  • fill cracks in walls, cracks behind baseboards;
  • glue up the torn wallpaper;
  • wipe all surfaces and floors dry;
  • do preliminary cleaning.

Before working with insecticide you must:

  • carefully package and put away food and drinks;
  • remove people and animals from the premises, cover aquariums;
  • use personal protective equipment (rubber gloves, mask or respirator);
  • tie a scarf on your head, put on a robe;
  • close windows and ventilation hatches.

Do not sprinkle dust on the surfaces and shelves of kitchen cabinets where dishes and food are stored.

You must not drink or eat in the room where the treatment is taking place. After working with chemicals outdoors, you should thoroughly shake out your clothes and then wash them. Rinse your mouth with water. Wash gloves with soap. Discard the disposable mask.

When working with Fas-Double ant powder in your garden, you must also use gloves and a mask.

If it is windy outside, it is important to protect your eyes - the powder is very light and therefore volatile. It is necessary to ensure that pets do not come into contact with the poison.

In case of poisoning

Despite the fact that “FAS-Double” from ants is a low-hazardous compound for humans, poisoning with it is possible if the recommended precautions are not followed

What to do?

If signs of insecticide poisoning appear, a person must immediately be taken out into fresh air, take off contaminated clothing, wash his hands and face with soap and soda solution, and rinse his mouth with clean water. The victim is advised to drink two glasses of water and then take sorbents.

If the repellent gets into your mouth and is swallowed, you must first induce vomiting. To do this, you can drink a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then take activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.

If poisons get on the mucous membranes, they are washed with a soda solution. The chemical is removed from the skin with soap and water, then it is advisable to apply a silicone-based cream.

If the powder from cockroaches gets into the eyes, they are washed under running water and instilled with a solution of sodium sulfacyl.

If you lose consciousness, you should immediately seek emergency medical help.

Price and storage conditions

According to reviews, “Super Fas” against cockroaches is an effective and affordable remedy, since its cost, regardless of the form of release, does not exceed 50-55 rubles. You can purchase the product at a hardware or specialty store.

The shelf life of the drug is 2 years from the date of manufacture. It is recommended to store it in a cool, dry place with a temperature not lower than -20 and not higher than +45 degrees. An unused drug retains its properties if the necessary conditions are met.

The remaining working solution cannot be stored after treatment.

Judging by the reviews, “Super Fas” for cockroaches helps to quickly deal with parasites and is quite easy to use. But like any other toxic substance, it requires strict adherence to all recommendations for its use.

Let's sum it up

If we analyze all of the above, we can draw conclusions both in favor of the drug and against it. It is very effective and makes it possible to carry out disinfestation at home without the help of specialists, and also shows good results in case of severe infestation. But the big disadvantage is toxicity. This is especially important when families with small children live in the premises. It is also very dangerous for pets.

You can always turn to specialized services for help. This will save you from working with poison and save you from unnecessary hassle. In addition, they have experience and are familiar with all the intricacies of these procedures, so you can be confident of a positive result.

Working solution for other insects

Let's consider options for working mixtures against a specific type of insect.

To kill bedbugs

The working solution should consist of 0.05% (according to the DV) with minimal contamination of the room by bloodsuckers. In this case, only their nests are treated. If there are a lot of bedbugs in the house, then disinfection must be carried out everywhere: sockets, window sills, wall objects, baseboards, wallpaper joints, the back side of carpets, shelves of cabinets and chests of drawers, holes and openings, ventilation outlets are carefully treated with a sprayer.

If necessary, repeated disinsection is carried out after 2-3 weeks.

To kill fleas

0.025% (according to DV) is the ideal concentration for an aqueous solution.

For effective disinfestation, you need to treat the walls from the baseboards and up to 1 m, the floor (where there are cracks and cracks), the baseboards and behind them, the back side of the carpets.

If the basement requires disinfection, it must first be cleared of trash and debris.

To kill ants

Treatment should begin with the paths of insects along which they move, then move on to their locations. To do this, make a solution with a concentration of 0.05% (DV).

The following treatment may be necessary if pests appear again.

To kill moths (butterflies)

According to the DV, the concentration for the working solution should be 0.05%. Upholstered furniture, carpeting, and outerwear require a disinfestation process. 100 ml. 10 m² should be enough to disinfect.

To kill mosquitoes

Typically, the solution is prepared with a concentration of 0.0125% (DV) in order to use it to exterminate bloodsuckers in the house. Insect landing sites, external walls, and garbage cans (inside) are irrigated.

The larvae are destroyed using a working solution with a concentration of 0.0125% or 0.00625% (according to DV). The prepared solution is sprayed over closed and open reservoirs, in basements, in areas of gutters,

There are 100 ml per 1 m² of water surface. working solution.

Disinfection can be carried out once every 4 weeks.

To kill flies

The consumption rate of a solution with an DV concentration of 0.05% is from 50 ml. per m². (small number of insects) up to 100 ml. per m². (large breeding of flies).

They exterminate parasites by spraying the product on the walls (internal and external) and the ceiling of the room, and garbage disposals.

The larvae are destroyed at the breeding sites using a 0.0125-0.025% (DV) aqueous solution. Treatment is carried out once every 1-1.5 months.

To destroy wasps

To treat the visible walls of a wasp nest, a solution of 0.05% (according to the Far East) is prepared. The procedure should be carried out after sunrise, when representatives of this type of insect have not yet flown out of the “house”, which accounts for from 100 to 200 ml. solution.

Treatment period: all summer months and early autumn.

To kill rat mites

The aqueous solution must be within 0.05% (according to DV) in order to irrigate baseboards, walls, communication pipes, cracks, places near heating devices, and furniture frames. 100 ml is consumed per 1 m². working solution.

Repeated treatment may be necessary 3-4 weeks after the previous one.

Analogs from other manufacturers

Effective cockroach repellents on our market are presented by domestic and imported manufacturers. Many aerosols and sprays have similar properties; there are no direct analogues.

Drugs with similar effects:

  • Vergus;
  • Tetrix;
  • Troapsil;
  • Smelnet;
  • Clopoveron;
  • Executioner;
  • Global

FAS tablets, when used correctly, destroy the entire population of Prussians within a month. After disinfestation, you need to follow basic rules - remove crumbs from the table and floor, wash dishes in a timely manner, wipe sinks and washstands dry.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages: low price and the use of potent toxic substances.

The combination of different toxins makes it possible to neutralize the ability of cockroaches to adapt, maintaining consistently high efficiency of disinfestation. That is why Fas is classified as a “professional” product.

The insecticides that make up Fas are toxic not only to arthropods, but also to humans. If they enter the stomach they cause poisoning; contact with skin is not dangerous. Pyrethroids and acaricides are highly volatile. This, on the one hand, enhances their effectiveness against cockroaches, but on the other hand creates the danger of toxins entering the human respiratory tract. Therefore, along with Fas drugs, you will need to acquire a respirator.

Terms of use

The standard scheme for treating premises with FAS against cockroaches is as follows:

  1. Studying the instructions. Before using the drug, be sure to carefully read the instructions.
  2. Dilution of the solution. The powdery substance is dissolved in water at room temperature. The standard proportion is 1: 20 (for 1 part of substance 20 parts of water). If necessary (high concentration of insects), dilution in a ratio of 1: 10 is possible;
  3. Use of personal protective equipment. The person sequentially puts on rubber gloves, a gas mask/respirator and safety glasses;
  4. Direct processing. The solution is poured into a sprayer, after which a massive surface treatment is carried out with an obligatory emphasis on the typical habitats of cockroaches and their paths of movement. In general, the consumption of the working solution is about 50-70 milligrams per square meter;
  5. End of the event. After finishing the treatment, it is necessary to dispose of the remaining solution and ventilate the room for 1 hour.
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