Clean House gel against cockroaches and ants (syringe), 20 g

“Clean House” is an inexpensive drug in the form of a 20 ml syringe with gel. The product is easy to use and helps in the fight against cockroaches, indoor and street ants. Advantages of the “Clean House” insecticide:

  • affordable cost (several times cheaper than imported analogues);
  • convenient dosing;
  • possibility of application in hard-to-reach places;
  • easy to remove from the surface;
  • duration of effect (up to 1 month);
  • universality of action.


Preparations based on 0.05% chlorpyrifos belong to class 3 of moderately hazardous substances. If you follow the safety recommendations, the gel against cockroaches and ants “Clean House” is harmless to humans.

Make sure that children and pets are not left unattended in the treated area. Wear gloves, throw away the syringe and wash your hands after use. Avoid contact with eyes. If this does happen, rinse well with water and apply 30% albucid.

Operating principle

Gel baits for cockroaches are laid out indoors in places where cockroaches are most concentrated, along the trajectory of their movement. Insects crawl to the smell of flavorings and try the “treat”. The presence of food additives and the absence of an immediate poisonous result forces cockroaches to repeatedly return to profit, dragging pieces of “food” into the nest of the larvae.

Infection occurs during contact with the Clean House gel, as well as when ingested. Mass death begins after 2-3 days, when almost the entire colony is infected. The gel does not lose its properties for up to 2 months, therefore it freely kills newly emerged larvae from the ooteca, preventing them from laying eggs.

On a note!

To increase the effectiveness of the Clean House gel, you need to keep the room clean and prevent cockroaches from eating other food. Place the drug in places where insects have been seen. If the bait is poorly positioned, it may remain untouched.


  • efficiency;
  • long-term exposure;
  • safety for the environment;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • economical consumption;
  • affordable price.

When used, the gel goes unnoticed by humans, does not cause discomfort, and is easily removed without leaving marks on the surface.

There are no disadvantages when using the Clean House from Cockroaches gel correctly.

Mode of application

It is advisable to use the “Clean House” syringe gel in places where insects accumulate and move, and in areas with access to water. To kill cockroaches, additionally treat surfaces under sinks, around vents, baseboards and tile joints.

It can be applied to floor coverings and baseboards, as well as to paper/cardboard substrates. The product can be easily removed from any surface without leaving any traces. The application technique is dotted; the length of the strokes and intervals are determined depending on the number of insects. The usual scheme is 2 cm strips of gel at 2 cm intervals, with a small population the intervals are increased to 4-6 cm. Two syringes are enough to treat a room with an area of ​​25-40 square meters. m. The optimal time interval for re-treatment is 3-4 weeks.

To combat street ants, the drug is applied to substrates and placed around anthills and on paths. Also, the gel should be applied in a dotted line (2 cm of gel - 6 cm interval) around the perimeter of the house outside and inside. It is advisable that the product is not exposed to dust or moisture.

Release form and mechanism of action

The drug is produced in the form of a gel-like substance. Designed to combat ants in residential and non-residential premises. The gel is packaged in syringes for convenient and easy use. The volume of one syringe is 35 ml, this amount is quite enough to treat an apartment.

The main active substance is chlorpyrifos, which is a potent pesticide. Sold with instructions for use, which must be read.

The mechanism of action of the drug is as follows: when the gel is applied to the surface, insects run over it and the active components remain on its legs and body. Next, the substances penetrate the ant’s body and affect the nervous system. At first the insect is paralyzed, but then death occurs.

In addition, individuals, having become soiled in the pesticide, return to their colony where they transmit the poison to other goosebumps. Which allows you to completely clean the room, including destroying the uterus.

Where to buy Clean House gel?

Buy a syringe of “Clean House” gel in the store. The effectiveness of this affordable product is confirmed by many years of experience in professional pest control. In terms of the strength of the effect, the Russian gel is not inferior to expensive imported analogues. We also offer other proven medications for cockroaches and effective remedies for ants in the form of syringes, traps, soluble granules, paste or glue.

Find out the cost and availability of the drug in the store by calling +7(8422)455-288, +7(8422)455-292.

general information

As for why these insects choose living quarters as a habitat, the reason is always the same - the search for food. They have a fairly well-developed sense of smell, and they can always hear the smell of treats. If such inhabitants showed up in the house, then you probably noticed more than once how they accumulate near sugar bowls, plates with jam and other sweets. The fact is that they need sugar for normal functioning.

They are also attracted to other food products, they can crawl into cereals, flour, etc. They also do not shy away from garbage, which means that on their paws they can carry worm eggs, intestinal bacteria and various infections. They do not attack people, but if they are in danger, they may well inflict a bite, which is very painful. When they bite, they release poisonous enzymes to which people may have an allergic reaction.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons to get rid of them. It is also worth considering the moment of rapid reproduction. These insects are very smart, for example, the individuals we see in the kitchen are only part of the colony, some goosebumps are located near the uterus and never leave the shelter. The queen lays eggs and there are no threats to reproduction. That is why it is sometimes very difficult to get rid of them, because once the working individuals are eliminated, new ones will appear. It is necessary to use drugs that can eliminate the colony completely.

Regarding potent pesticides, it is not always possible to use solutions, sprays, or powders. They are toxic and pose a danger to human health. When there are small children and animals in the house, it is necessary to use a form that could guarantee the safety of the residents. Such a drug includes Clean House gel, the release form of which has its own advantages.


  • – The product has a contact effect and is transferred by worker ants to the anthill, where it is eaten by the queen and offspring.
  • – The active components of the insecticide contribute to the rapid death of insects.
  • – Packaging in the form of a duster tube is convenient for dispensing powder.

Application area

The dust is applied in a thin layer on the paths of movement of ants and next to their nests.

What is cockroach gel?

This is a chemical product with a gel-like consistency in a tube or syringe with a long “spout” shape for convenient use.

The active substance in gels is usually an insecticide from the group of pesticides. The composition contains a number of special additives: fatty substances that prevent drying, flavors, components to extend service life, etc.

Gel of any brand acts according to the following scheme:

  • the smell attracts insects;
  • the cockroach immediately eats a small amount of gel or gets dirty in it, washes its paws and, again, swallows the poison;
  • the insecticide begins to work, the individual dies.

Store the gel at room temperature in a dark place inaccessible to children and animals.

Advantages and disadvantages of gels

The only disadvantage of such drugs is the lack of instant action. The population will die out gradually, but all insects will disappear. Repeated disinfestation is rarely required.

The advantages include the following:

  • Convenient to use. You just need to open the syringe or tube and spot treat the room.
  • Long lasting effect. Due to the fatty base, poisons evaporate slowly and act for approximately 40–60 days.
  • Favorable expense. The gel is applied in very small doses - one package is enough for a standard one-room apartment.
  • Complete destruction of insects.

Reasons for appearance

In most cases, the owners themselves provoke the appearance of tiny insects. The main factor that attracts house ants is free access to food. Insufficient home hygiene is the main reason for the appearance of red pests near humans. Main living areas: kitchen, living room (if household members often have lunch in the room or watch TV shows with chips and crackers).

Ants are more likely to enter a home in the following cases:

  • crumbs, spilled jam, drops of juice, spilled sugar remain on the table;
  • the bucket is not tightly closed, food waste remains in the container for several days;
  • household members often leave dirty dishes in the sink or on the cabinet overnight;
  • The housewife does not have the habit of sweeping the kitchen floor and wet cleaning every day;
  • the area around the trash can is rarely washed and treated with disinfectants;
  • there are many cracks in the baseboards and near the front door, through which house ants easily penetrate from neighboring apartments, interfloor ceilings, and from the street;
  • large cells in the air vents are another factor that facilitates the penetration of pests into the home;
  • owners living on the first floor are more likely to encounter an invasion of tiny insects: ants often build nests in the basement or next to the house, but prefer to settle in a person’s home, where it is warm, humid, and there is always food. If the housewife pays more attention to cleanliness and stops leaving food in accessible places, then the insects will leave the room after a while.

If hundreds of red house ants are crawling around the apartment, then you need to find a nest to destroy the female. It is enough to follow the direction of the “path” of swarming individuals: then it is not difficult to find the pests’ habitat.


It is the strongest form of release and is considered the most effective. But it should be noted that dust is one of the most toxic substances and can cause harm to health. The composition contains the same components as the spray, but in addition the dust contains piperonyl butoxide, which is dangerous for people and animals.

It is necessary to work with this product with the utmost caution and be sure to use protective equipment. The treatment procedure itself is similar to the steps when using a spray. It is necessary to prepare the room, apply an insecticide, in this case powder.

At the end of the procedure, open all windows and leave the apartment for several hours. Upon return, also carry out wet cleaning of those surfaces with which residents and animals come into contact. A soap solution is used to neutralize the poison.

Dust can be used in two ways: in the form of a powder, which is simply poured onto the surface, and in the form of a solution. The solution must be prepared immediately before use; for this, the powder is diluted in water.


The active component of the Clean House gel is the broad-spectrum insecticidal substance chlorpyrifos 0.5%. Flavorings, food additives, and thickeners are used as auxiliary ingredients. The gel base does not dry for a long time, prolonging the effect of the poison up to 2 months.

Chlorpyrifos is a low-hazard substance; it does not mix with air, so it does not harm human health. Not harmful to animals if swallowed. Only cockroaches are in danger.

The best insecticide gels to get rid of ants

Application practice identifies the most effective compositions, which include:

  • "Global";
  • "Brownie";
  • "Clean house";
  • "A great warrior".

Insecticide "Global"

The German-made gel has an attractive chocolate smell. Based on the toxic properties of chlorpyrifos. "Global" remains active for 4 months. Affects the efficiency of transmission of nerve impulses in insects, as a result of which ants lose the ability to orient themselves in space.

Poisoning appears a week after applying the composition. Knead the tube of Global gel with your hands. You can also keep the package in warm water.

Then strips of paper, cardboard, and plastic are cut 1.5-2 cm wide and 10-15 cm long. The composition is applied to the blanks in a thin layer and placed on areas where ants are likely to accumulate, along their migration routes around the apartment.

After two weeks, the treatment with Global is repeated. The packaging of the product is enough to treat 60 square meters of housing.

The ratio of the toxic substance is designed to affect the body of an insect, so there will be no harm from the Global gel to humans or animals if the product is used according to the instructions. The composition is also effective against cockroaches.

Gel "Brownie"

The active substance is the intestinal poison finpronil. The substance has no characteristic odor and has no effect on humans or domestic animals.

The gel is available in 30 ml tubes and allows you to treat an apartment area of ​​up to 50 sq.m.

By eating the bait, the ant accumulates poison in its body and slowly begins to lose vitality. The insect begins to feel severe discomfort after 1-2 days.

This time is enough for complete infection of ant colonies. The effect of fipronil lasts for 3 months, which allows you to completely get rid of parasitic insects.

"A great warrior"

This is a targeted remedy for house and garden ants of the latest generation. The Great Warrior gel consists of food bait and two toxic substances. The death of insects occurs as a result of the action of chlorpyrifos at a concentration of 0.3% and diazinon (0.2%). The gel base is formed by the substance bitrex.

The packaging of the “Great Warrior” gel is presented in two versions:

  • 30 ml dosing syringe;
  • tubes with a volume of 40-80 g.

A syringe is preferable in cases where the “Great Warrior” must get into a hard-to-reach place. Since the syringe tip is long, it is easy to distribute the gel into furniture joints, baseboard cracks, and holes.

The complex of poisons has a delayed effect. It will take 1-1.5 days to notice a decrease in the insect population.

During this time, the worker ants not only have time to taste the poison themselves, but also carry pieces of the substance on their paws to their lair.

The activity of the active substance lasts for several weeks. During this time, even insect larvae are destroyed.

To notice the heroic blow of the “Great Warrior” on ant colonies, you need to strictly follow the instructions for use.

The “Great Warrior” will work at full power only if you do not allow the strips to become dusty or get water on them.

“Warrior” is applied along the perimeter of possible ant movement. These are baseboards, furniture corners, plumbing fixtures, etc. The product is placed in dotted lines.

During initial processing, the length of the stroke is 5-6 cm, when re-using “Warrior” - 2-3 cm. The interval between the treated surface is no more than 2-3 cm.

If there is a severe pest infestation, or if the composition is washed off, the gel will need to be reapplied. This can be done 30 days after the first stage of treating the room with “Great Warrior” gel.

The peculiarity of the gel is its high concentration of toxic substances. Contact of the composition with the skin must be completely avoided. It is easy to feel acutely unwell if you work without gloves. When the product gets on open areas of the body, they must be immediately treated with running water.

“Clean House” product

Perfect for treating the most secluded “ant trails”, since, like the “Great Warrior”, the composition of this gel is supplied with a dosing syringe.

Tube capacity – 35 ml. With a small invasion of house ants, the packaging is enough to treat a room of up to 50 sq.m.

24-36 hours after the “gel dinner”, irreversible consequences occur in the ant’s body, and the insect dies. This time is enough to transfer the poison to the nests.

The composition is easily removed from any surface and does not leave stains, so it can be applied in a dotted line directly to the area without a paper base.

Another method of application is to leave the product on the substrate directly in the area where domestic insects are concentrated.

If colonization is severe, the premises will need to be re-treated after 21-30 days.

Modern gel-like formulations completely eliminate uninvited guests. And yet, it’s worth keeping your house perfectly clean, getting rid of food waste on time, not creating a museum of old rags at home, and then you won’t have to turn to the power of modern raptors.


First, scout insects penetrate into any room. They determine whether there is food available there. Try to prevent these scouts from bringing the rest of the family to you - do not leave unwashed dishes, as leftover food will attract insects.

When you find several ants, try to spray them with hydrogen peroxide and vinegar solution. Soap solution works well. Such substances kill insects or throw them off the scent. This will allow you to avoid the appearance of an ant family in the room for a long time.

If you follow the basic rules, then the scout ants, having entered the room, will be sure that it is unsuitable for the family to live in, so they will leave:

  • Wipe all surfaces in the kitchen daily with a damp cloth;
  • store food only in the refrigerator or airtight containers;
  • regularly take out the trash can and provide wet cleaning;
  • always carefully close jars with jam, honey, condensed milk, and other sweet products;
  • Teach your kids to always clear the dishes, sweep up food crumbs, and eat only in the kitchen;
  • Remove pet food after feeding or cover it with an airtight lid.
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