Trimming cows' hooves: step-by-step instructions with photos and videos

The process of trimming hooves on a machine

The outer stratum corneum on the hoof is designed to protect the inside of the hoof.
It constantly grows, forming solid nodules and growths. If it is not trimmed periodically, the animal will experience discomfort when walking and begin to limp. Important! When cracks appear in the stratum corneum, there is a high probability of infections, which will lead to serious health problems and reduce the productivity of the cow.

Hoof trimming rules

For the first time, such a procedure should be carried out under the guidance of an experienced specialist; it is also important to know the frequency of the procedure. Basic rules for pruning:

  1. When cows are kept in stalls, the procedure is carried out up to three times a year, and when cows are kept free-stall - twice a year.
  2. The day before the planned trimming, the cow is kept on a damp bedding to soften the horny formations, which will facilitate the process.
  3. It is necessary to prepare a number of tools and be sure to disinfect them before work.
  4. You need to make sure that the animal is comfortable and that the straps hold it securely.
  5. If the animal is too excited, you can sedate it.
  6. Livestock should be handled calmly, without shouting, so as not to provoke stress.
  7. The hooves are first cleaned of dirt, examined for inflammation, and, if necessary, treated with an antiseptic.
  8. The work is carried out slowly so as not to damage the inner layer.
  9. All sharp edges are carefully filed and rounded.

How to herd a cow into a pen

Usually the pen is installed at the exit from the barn, so the cow enters the structure itself. The back door is closed behind it, all the necessary belts are put on, and the head is fixed in a special recess.

At home, the machine is stationary; it is built where the territory of the farm allows. The cow is led out of the barn on a leash, with a rope loop around its neck. A quiet beast will follow its owner on its own, you don’t need to shout at it, talk kindly.

To prevent the animal from worrying inside the structure, you can place an armful of hay in front of it.

Important! Please note that you need to work extremely carefully; if you touch the “living” layer, this can cause inflammation. It's better to leave part of the old horn if you are inexperienced

Execution Sequence

Prepare your instruments and disinfect them. Further actions are performed in the following sequence:

  1. The animal is driven into the pen and immobilized using belts.
  2. An initial examination will determine the position of the hoof and the relationship between the toes and heel. They take measurements.
  3. Preliminary cleaning of dirt is carried out.
  4. They start with the forelimbs, gradually removing keratinization from the inner layer.
  5. The old gray layer is removed with a knife until a white color appears. You need to make sure that the surface remains hard.
  6. At a distance of 3 mm from the edge of the sole, forceps are installed: they will help to evenly smooth the surface of the walls.
  7. The surface is leveled using a cutter, achieving a line perpendicular to the position of the limb.
  8. Protruding pieces of fur are removed using scissors.
  9. Round off any sharp edges with a file.
  10. In this way, all soles are treated.
  11. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the sole will lie flat on the surface of the tester or the blade of the knife.

Treatment of hooves after trimming

The pruning procedure at the end of the work requires disinfection: a fresh surface is open to various types of infections.

Subtleties of the disinfection procedure:

  1. Thoroughly clean the surfaces from any remaining dust from the dead layer, and inspect for cracks or wounds.
  2. A solution of copper sulfate or formaldehyde is used as an antiseptic.
  3. After treatment, hooves should be rinsed with clean running water under pressure.
  4. If there are several animals on the farm, the liquid in the disinfection bath must be changed for each one separately. This is done to avoid infection.
  5. Ideally, the depth of the bath container should be about 15 cm in order to wet not only the hooves, but also part of the limb.

In a small household, with a little effort you can make the cleaning process easier. A machine made by yourself will allow you to save money on its purchase; you will not have to ask your neighbors for help. Remember that timely cleaning of the limbs is one of the most important conditions for the normal functioning of a horned pet, the key to its high productivity.

Clearing process

Before starting work, the animal must be restrained. To do this, use a machine or stall. After this, the farrier assesses the condition of the cow’s legs.

Particular attention is paid to the positioning of the limbs and the placement of the fingers to determine the presence of problems and patterns of deformation of the hoof horn. Cow hoof trimming begins with cleaning the soles of dirt.

Then the coarsened part of the horn is cut off from the clean sole using a special hoof knife. After this, the overgrown hoof walls are cut off with forceps. The regrown horn is usually more brittle and gray in color; when cut, it crumbles. Two people are required to handle cattle. One holds the leg, the second carries out trimming and processing of the hoof.

If during work a damaged area is discovered, or the pruning has led to a crack, it is immediately treated with iodine.

After the clearing is completed, you need to make sure that the work was done correctly. To do this, the leg is released, allowing the cow to rest on the trimmed hoof. With proper trimming, a conditionally drawn line along the axis of the finger bone will be straight. You can also use a special corner that will show how much of the regrown edge needs to be cut off. If everything is done correctly, all that remains is to level the sole and edges of the hoof horn using a rasp. It is necessary to file the hoof. This prevents the appearance and development of cracks and chips.

After trimming, the length of the front hoof wall should be from five to seven centimeters, and the back - no more than three. The hoof wall should be level and the hoof crevice should be clean and well defined.

A hoof with a curved horn and deformed with the help of pincers and a knife is first leveled along the convex part, which bends onto the sole. Next, the overgrown part of the sole and the opposite wall are cut off. It is impossible to straighten a deformed hoof in one trimming. Regular monthly cleaning will be required.

Treating cows' hooves

For most diseases, cleansing the sole and removing keratinized epithelium is a preparation for therapeutic procedures.

Table No. 1. Pathologies and treatment options for which pruning is performed.

DiseaseDescriptionTreatment regimen
Acute purulent inflammation.Appears when animals are kept on wet bedding for a long time. High humidity promotes tissue maceration, which negatively affects the skin's resistance to harmful microorganisms. The inflammatory focus in the form of bleeding ulcers is concentrated mainly in the area of ​​the interdigital gap. In its advanced form, the cow begins to limp, the general tone of the body decreases and body temperature rises. Drug therapy is used: - the animal’s body is fixed with belts; — the hoof is cleaned with warm water; — they put a novocaine blockade in combination with an antibiotic; - wash the wound with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide; - remove dead tissue; — “Synthomycin” is applied to the inflammatory area in the form of an ointment; - Apply a bandage to the hoof. After 1 week the course is repeated. During treatment, the cow is transferred to a separate stall with soft, dry bedding. In addition to a high-quality diet, she is provided with vitamins and immunostimulants. The disease quickly passes after exposing the hoof to cold using liquid nitrogen. The procedure must be performed by a veterinarian. Self-cauterization is not recommended.
Phlegmon.An inflammatory process affecting the interhoof cleft or pulp. Occurs as a result of complications after puncture injuries. Less commonly, it is a consequence of purulent inflammation or arthritis. Accompanied by acute pain and fever. Detachment of the hoof horn often occurs. The main direction of treatment is to relieve swelling. To do this, alcohol compresses are placed on the affected area. The ulcers are opened in a horizontal direction. If you make a vertical cut, cracks may form on the hoof wall. After opening the abscesses, they are washed and a course of antibiotics is prescribed, for example, Nitox 200. A 0.5% solution of Novocaine in combination with Streptomycin and Penicillin has proven itself to be excellent.

If there is no relevant experience in hoof trimming, it is better to invite a veterinarian to carry out the procedure. If you do not have a machine, it is not recommended to carry out this activity alone. Cows are strong animals and in a state of panic they can harm a person. Regular removal of the upper keratinized tissue will prolong the life of the animal and protect it from the occurrence of many pathologies.

Preventive actions

To prevent animals from suffering from hoof diseases, it is necessary to follow preventive measures:

Provide cows with a balanced diet, giving them food containing fiber, microelements and vitamins

It is important to introduce concentrated feeds in the morning, afternoon and evening hours. If animals do not receive them in sufficient quantities, the quality of the stratum corneum of the epidermis will deteriorate, which will lead to the formation of cracks

The diet of cows should be dominated by food containing fiber rather than starch.

Maintain cleanliness in the premises where cattle are kept. If there is insufficient hygiene care, the presence of manure, poor ventilation or high humidity, hoof destruction will occur. Create conditions for animals to rest in the stall for 12-14 hours. Pay special attention to this during the period of their preparation for calving. At this time, the hoof horn grows more slowly, but wears out faster. Because of this, hoof diseases often occur and the animal limps.

After the cow calves, the flexibility of the hooves and the mobility of the navicular bone will improve, especially with proper animal care. Pay attention to the floor in the barn. It must be smooth, durable and not fall through

It is good when there are cracks in the floor for draining slurry, so that it does not accumulate, but immediately flows into the manure storage facility. The hooves become especially thin and injured when the animals are in a stall with a concrete floor. To maintain their integrity, it must be covered with a thick layer of litter. Keep an eye on the litter. It must be constantly dry and clean, since dry hooves are much harder and healthier than those that are constantly wet. To avoid the development of ulcers, digital dermatitis and other diseases, you need to remove manure and change the litter 2 times a day. Trim the hooves 2-3 times a year, and also organize their passage through disinfectant baths.

For caring farmers, hoof trimming becomes a mandatory procedure, which, in the absence of proper experience, should be entrusted to a specially trained person. It is necessary that after trimming the hooves are straight and fully touching the ground, due to which the weight of the animal will be evenly distributed, so it will feel comfortable

After pruning, it is important to organize baths with antiseptic solutions. By following all these rules, you can forget about hoof diseases in cows

Why does a cow kick when milking?

Before looking for ways to calm animals that kick during milking, you first need to consider the reasons why they behave this way.

  • A sudden change in environment causes severe stress in cows; as a defense mechanism, the animal does not allow itself to be milked. This usually happens when an adult is purchased and transported to a new place.
  • Mastitis at any stage of development. It brings great discomfort to the animal and causes quite severe pain when the udder is compressed.
  • When milking, a cow may kick due to improper technique. Discomfort and severe pain can be the cause of the animal’s abnormal behavior.
  • Injuries to the nipples and udder. They can also be the reason why a cow kicks during milking. Before each milking, it is necessary to inspect the udder for damage and, if necessary, treat it with disinfectants and wound-healing agents.
  • Lack of proper milk collection schedule. Without it, the cow does not have the correct daily routine, and the animal will react negatively to any outside interference.
  • Excessive cow fatigue can also cause a cow to kick during milking. This process requires effort not only from the person, but also from the cow itself, and a tired animal does not want to strain even more.

It is very important to understand that the process of milking a first-calf heifer and an experienced cow is very different. In the first case, you need to be patient and put a lot of effort into teaching the animal to behave correctly.

Why is it important to trim your hooves?

As mentioned above, the hoof horn is dead epithelium, growing up to 7-8 mm per month. Animals living in natural pastures wash it off while walking.

From autumn to spring, cows are placed in enclosed spaces, where they do not have the opportunity to move for a long time, and therefore the hoof horn will grow stronger, since it does not have the opportunity to wear out. The cows' hooves begin to become more brittle due to their increased size. The appearance of cracks allows various microorganisms to get inside.

The development of bacteria occurs quickly, which leads to painful sensations. The animal puts all its weight on the limbs where the hooves are still normal, resulting in lameness. Constant pain leads to decreased appetite and reduced milk production.

Timely hoof trimming leads to a quick resolution of this problem.

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What promotes hoof growth?

The top layer of the hooves grows quickly; in a month its thickness can increase by 6-8 mm. If a cow grazes, then such growths can wear off spontaneously, but animals kept in stalls suffer greatly from this. Growths on cattle hooves quickly lead to lameness of animals, since the hooves become deformed due to growths. Pregnant cows are especially susceptible to this - the stratum corneum grows fastest during this period.

Rapid growth of the top layer depends on many factors, the main one of which may be poor flooring in the stalls. This can also be caused by improper nutrition of cows - if the food contains a lot of carbohydrates, but is sorely lacking in fiber. Another factor is the quality of bedding in the stalls. If it is dry and plentiful, then the likelihood of cows having hoof problems is minimal.

Prevention of limb diseases

The health of animals on a farm depends on many factors: the living conditions, the quality of feeding, and the condition of the farm buildings. Without feeding the cow properly and without providing her with comfortable conditions, it is pointless to expect an increase in productivity and good health of the animal.

However, in the case of diseases of the limbs, it is important to follow certain preventive measures.

First of all, this is timely trimming of hooves, which should be carried out at least once a quarter. Cows with properly trimmed hoof horns are significantly less susceptible to lameness. In the case of an acute problem with the limbs of cattle, the affected areas of the hooves are treated in the machine at least twice during the course of treatment (5–10 days).

Regular hoof baths are a good therapeutic and preventive remedy. And when used together with high-quality and regular hoof trimming, lameness problems can be reduced to a minimum. The best special products for hoof baths today are considered to be quaternary ammonium compounds and preparations based on glutaraldehyde. These are strong disinfectants that are easy to dilute and effective at low temperatures.

There are other recommendations that will help maintain healthy limbs in cattle:

  • Create conditions for proper rest for animals: on a dry straw bedding, in a dry stall. The air temperature in winter should not fall below 5 °C;
  • Manure removal - 2-3 times a day;
  • Regular exercise. Cow walks should be conducted in any weather except rain and snow. Walking yards should be regularly cleared of manure, and potholes in the floor should be promptly repaired;
  • Once a quarter it is necessary to disinfect rest areas and all passages;
  • Include sulfur-containing vitamins in the diet to strengthen the hoof horn;
  • The strength of the hooves is an inherited trait. Therefore, when selecting animals for broodstock, you should choose animals with hard and less moisture-intensive horns.

Do-it-yourself anti-kick for cows

Treatment of grapes from diseases and pests - processing time

This device is designed to limit the cow's mobility during milking. There are one-sided and two-sided anti-kick options.

The first of them is considered classic. This anti-kicking for cows looks like this.


The lower part is hooked onto the fold that runs forward from the cow's hind leg. The upper part extends beyond the spine. The button that looks out of one of the holes is located on a spring bar, which pushes it out into the holes, fixing the overall length of the device. If you press the button, you can change the length of the anti-kick. If it is too loose for the animal, it will not be effective. You need to adjust the length to make it fit tight.

To make an anti-kick for cows with your own hands, you need to make the following parts, according to the diagram.

Anti-kick circuit

You will need two curved pieces of pipe A with one hole each, which will need to be inserted into the symmetrical curved pipe B, which has a larger diameter. First you will need to insert an angular spring D into them, so that the button fits into the hole. When inserting pipes, the buttons must be pressed using the palm of your hand. Rubber caps must be placed on the outer ends of the pipes to protect the cow from being scratched. Here's how to make your own anti-kicker for cows using metal parts.

Important! The size of the device must be such that it is suitable for the cows on which it is intended to be used

Rules for care and breeding

When breeding cattle, you need to try very hard to raise a cow from a calf. Therefore, livestock farmers are trying to look for and apply various ways to reduce costs and increase the efficiency of their activities. Unfortunately, in the rush to apply advanced work methods, they forget about the basic rules that must be followed to care for animals.

One of the most important issues is ensuring hoof health. Over time, they can become damaged and become overgrown with a keratinized, dead layer. If they are not helped, this can reduce the productivity of animals. For example, scientists have calculated that in such cases, for various breeds, milk yield decreases by an average of 14%, fertility indicators - by 16%. In addition, there is an increase in the cost of treating a sick animal.

Rules for care and breeding

Tips for constructing a split for cattle with your own hands

Since purchasing a factory-made fixing machine for home use will be quite expensive, you can make it yourself if you have skills in working with wood or metal. The split can be made from steel pipes or timber, but the latter option is simpler and will cost much less.

First, let's look at tips for building a wooden machine:

The dimensions of the structure must correspond to the size of the cow: the length of the pen is 2–3.5 m, the width is 1–1.5 m, the height is 2 m. The size of the split should be such that it is easy to approach it and perform the necessary procedures It is also worth taking into account the area for installation, so that the structure can be easily approached from different sides. If the split is installed indoors, it is necessary to provide additional lighting near the structure. It is recommended to install the split in the passage, at the exit from the barn permanently or temporarily secure it with bolts so that, if necessary, it can be removed and moved to another place. The wooden split is made from strong beams, their size is 1x1 m or 1.5x1.5 m, in the form of a rectangular box with two gates.

Important! It is worth considering that the strength and durability of a wooden structure is much lower than a welded metal one. Important! It is worth considering that the strength and durability of a wooden structure is much lower than a welded metal one

Important! It is worth considering that the strength and durability of a wooden structure is much lower than a welded metal one

  • The front gate should have a recess for the neck and be adjustable in width for a more secure fit. The back gate must be made with a lock in order to limit the movement of other cows into the box.
  • Additional fixation of the legs is possible thanks to rope loops or belts that are attached to the upper ribs of the split.
  • Clips made of metal or wood are used as a retainer to block the animal's hind legs.
  • The bars are pre-treated so that they are smooth and do not accidentally injure the cow.
  • If you plan to place a wooden split outdoors, it is recommended to impregnate it with a special protective layer for wood, which will prevent premature rotting of the structure.

Features of using machines

If trimming hooves with a knife can damage the cow's limbs, then using a machine will be able to almost completely eliminate such consequences. With its help, the cow can be securely secured with straps in a horizontal position. At the same time, she will not be in a confined space, so she will behave quite calmly. Electric drives are also connected to the machine, as well as devices for raising the leg and fixing it. These can be special clamps or ropes.

There are different types of machines, but they can be divided into two groups:

  • Mobile. Such equipment can be portable. As a rule, it has a small weight and removable wheels. The frame is made of lightweight material and the floor is made of corrugated metal material.
  • Stationary. This sled is placed on a concrete floor and cannot be carried. Made from pipes and stainless steel. The machine operates quietly, without frightening the cow. The legs are fastened in 1-2 minutes.

Regardless of the type, the machine is controlled using a remote control. In addition to simple operation, it has a number of other advantages:

  • allows you to effortlessly fix the cow in a comfortable and natural horizontal position;
  • provides a hydraulic hoof trimming process;
  • involves reliable energy saving technology;
  • has high technical skills;
  • completely reliable (made of a durable frame and high-quality materials).

Hoof trimming on a stationary machine

The process of trimming hooves on a machine

The outer stratum corneum on the hoof is designed to protect the inside of the hoof. It constantly grows, forming solid nodules and growths. If it is not trimmed periodically, the animal will experience discomfort when walking and begin to limp.

Hoof trimming rules

For the first time, such a procedure should be carried out under the guidance of an experienced specialist; it is also important to know the frequency of the procedure. Basic rules for pruning:

  1. When cows are kept in stalls, the procedure is carried out up to three times a year, and when cows are kept free-stall - twice a year.
  2. The day before the planned trimming, the cow is kept on a damp bedding to soften the horny formations, which will facilitate the process.
  3. It is necessary to prepare a number of tools and be sure to disinfect them before work.
  4. You need to make sure that the animal is comfortable and that the straps hold it securely.
  5. If the animal is too excited, you can sedate it.
  6. Livestock should be handled calmly, without shouting, so as not to provoke stress.
  7. The hooves are first cleaned of dirt, examined for inflammation, and, if necessary, treated with an antiseptic.
  8. The work is carried out slowly so as not to damage the inner layer.
  9. All sharp edges are carefully filed and rounded.

How to herd a cow into a pen

Usually the pen is installed at the exit from the barn, so the cow enters the structure itself. The back door is closed behind it, all the necessary belts are put on, and the head is fixed in a special recess.

At home, the machine is stationary; it is built where the territory of the farm allows. The cow is led out of the barn on a leash, with a rope loop around its neck. A quiet beast will follow its owner on its own, you don’t need to shout at it, talk kindly.

To prevent the animal from worrying inside the structure, you can place an armful of hay in front of it.

Execution Sequence

Prepare your instruments and disinfect them. Further actions are performed in the following sequence:

  1. The animal is driven into the pen and immobilized using belts.
  2. An initial examination will determine the position of the hoof and the relationship between the toes and heel. They take measurements.
  3. Preliminary cleaning of dirt is carried out.
  4. They start with the forelimbs, gradually removing keratinization from the inner layer.
  5. The old gray layer is removed with a knife until a white color appears. You need to make sure that the surface remains hard.
  6. At a distance of 3 mm from the edge of the sole, forceps are installed: they will help to evenly smooth the surface of the walls.
  7. The surface is leveled using a cutter, achieving a line perpendicular to the position of the limb.
  8. Protruding pieces of fur are removed using scissors.
  9. Round off any sharp edges with a file.
  10. In this way, all soles are treated.
  11. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the sole will lie flat on the surface of the tester or the blade of the knife.

Treatment of hooves after trimming

The pruning procedure at the end of the work requires disinfection: a fresh surface is open to various types of infections.

Subtleties of the disinfection procedure:

  1. Thoroughly clean the surfaces from any remaining dust from the dead layer, and inspect for cracks or wounds.
  2. A solution of copper sulfate or formaldehyde is used as an antiseptic.
  3. After treatment, hooves should be rinsed with clean running water under pressure.
  4. If there are several animals on the farm, the liquid in the disinfection bath must be changed for each one separately. This is done to avoid infection.
  5. Ideally, the depth of the bath container should be about 15 cm in order to wet not only the hooves, but also part of the limb.

In a small household, with a little effort you can make the cleaning process easier. A machine made by yourself will allow you to save money on its purchase; you will not have to ask your neighbors for help.

Remember that timely cleaning of the limbs is one of the most important conditions for the normal functioning of a horned pet, the key to its high productivity.

To obtain cattle carcasses, animals must be transported to specially equipped enterprises (slaughterhouses or meat processing plants). In some regions, independent slaughter of livestock on private farms is allowed. This process requires certain knowledge and preparation, as it must be carried out quickly and, if possible, painlessly for the animal.

You will find useful recommendations for preparing bulls and cows for slaughter in this article. It also describes the most common slaughter technologies, as well as methods for cutting up carcasses and processing hides.

Cow restraining machine

On farms, the number of animals can amount to hundreds of heads; manual trimming of hooves in this case will take a lot of time and effort, and more than one person. In addition, animals have great strength and, when manipulated, can seriously injure the personnel serving them.

Did you know? Cows have excellent visual memory: they remember and recognize people's faces.

Fixing machines will help speed up cleaning procedures, immobilize the animal, and protect humans from injury. In addition, modern models provide an electric or mechanical lift, with which it is faster and easier to fix the drill.

Principle of operation

The machine is a kind of stall with clamps. The cow placed in the structure is raised with the help of a lift, while its limbs barely touch the floor surface. The animal is supported under the chest by wide straps, and the head is placed in a special frame.

The hoof required for treatment is secured using a belt with a loop in a position convenient for the treatment specialist. The operator, using special tools, carries out the procedure, which, thanks to the design, does not take much time.


Most designs have small parameters and are usually equipped with a device for free movement.

Among other advantages:

  • painless fixation (the internal organs of the livestock are not compressed);
  • the animal is not stressed;
  • the operator is protected from accidental injuries (limbs are fixed);
  • the ability to carry out other procedures (horn trimming, medical care);
  • the help of several people is not required, one specialist is enough;
  • More than a hundred head of livestock can be processed during the day.


The disadvantage of the machine can be identified in its design. Let's consider a few nuances:

  • a lightweight machine with unreliable support can lead to injury to both the animal and the operator;
  • Incorrectly positioned fastening belts will create inconvenience during work;
  • the animal will behave more calmly if it has something to lean on in the pen;
  • it is preferable to choose a design with vertical fixation, since the lateral option can cause damage or death to the fetus in a pregnant cow;
  • the support should be flush with the floor; if the slope is high, the cattle may slip and be injured.

Tips for constructing a split for cattle with your own hands

Since purchasing a factory-made fixing machine for home use will be quite expensive, you can make it yourself if you have skills in working with wood or metal. The split can be made from steel pipes or timber, but the latter option is simpler and will cost much less.

First, let's look at tips for building a wooden machine:

The dimensions of the structure must correspond to the size of the cow: the length of the pen is 2–3.5 m, the width is 1–1.5 m, the height is 2 m

The size of the split should be such that it can be easily approached and the necessary procedures performed. It is also worth taking into account the area for installation, so that the structure can be easily approached from different sides. If the split is installed indoors, it is necessary to provide additional lighting near the structure

It is recommended to install the split in the passage, at the exit from the barn permanently or temporarily secure it with bolts so that, if necessary, it can be removed and moved to another place. The wooden split is made from strong beams, their size is 1x1 m or 1.5x1.5 m, in the form of a rectangular box with two gates.

Important! It is worth considering that the strength and durability of a wooden structure is much lower than a welded metal one. Important! It is worth considering that the strength and durability of a wooden structure is much lower than a welded metal one. Important! It is worth considering that the strength and durability of a wooden structure is much lower than a welded metal one

Video: machine for restraining a cow and trimming its hooves in an hour

Important! It is worth considering that the strength and durability of a wooden structure is much lower than a welded metal one. Video: a machine for restraining a cow and trimming its hooves in an hour. The front gate should have a recess for the neck and be adjustable in width for a more secure fit

The back gate must be made with a lock in order to limit the movement of other cows into the box. Additional fixation of the legs is possible thanks to rope loops or belts that are attached to the upper ribs of the split. Clips made of metal or wood are used as a retainer to block the animal's hind legs. The bars are pre-treated so that they are smooth and do not accidentally injure the cow. If you plan to place a wooden split outdoors, it is recommended to impregnate it with a special protective layer for wood, which will prevent premature rotting of the structure

The front gate should have a recess for the neck and be adjustable in width for a more secure fit. The back gate must be made with a lock in order to limit the movement of other cows into the box. Additional fixation of the legs is possible thanks to rope loops or belts that are attached to the upper ribs of the split. Clips made of metal or wood are used as a retainer to block the animal's hind legs. The bars are pre-treated so that they are smooth and do not accidentally injure the cow. If you plan to place a wooden split outdoors, it is recommended to impregnate it with a special protective layer for wood, which will prevent premature rotting of the structure.

Video: machine for restraining a cow and trimming its hooves in an hour

When making a metal structure, it is recommended to take into account the following tips:

Metal fixing structures can be made collapsible to make it more convenient to transport, disassemble and assemble the machine at the right place

When choosing materials for constructing a structure, you must pay attention to ensuring that they are safe to avoid injury to animals. Metal splits are made from profile pipes, which are connected into a rectangular box, with dimensions of 1 m wide and 2 m long

The box is reinforced along the width with several meter-long metal strips to make the structure more stable and rigid. The box must have free access from the sides; for this it is recommended to weld panels or grilles that can be opened. The front and rear parts of the box must be equipped with gates, the front gate must be hinged, and the rear gate must have a strong lock. The front gate is made with a recess for the neck and the possibility of adjusting the lock in width. It is recommended to provide metal strap eyes on the sides of the structure so that the cow's abdomen can be secured for additional immobilization. Thanks to such belts, the cow can be raised above the ground if necessary. The metal box is cleaned of roughness and painted in order to avoid corrosion and extend its service life.

How to fell cows

As mentioned above, to trim the hind hooves, the cow must be felled. There are many ways to do this, but the following is considered the most convenient (authentic certificate 540633).


To knock down a cow, you will need a bedding on which it will have to fall, and a rope. It should be strong, but not rigid, about 6 m. Its first end is tied on the front leg, above the hoof, in the area of ​​the fetlock joint, on the side on which the animal is planned to be felled. The rope is then wrapped around the body, just below the shoulder blades. The free end is attached to the hind leg, on the same side, to the fetlock joint.

A person should stand on the other side so that the cow does not fall on him. The free edge of the rope on the back leg is slightly pulled in the area that wraps around the body. Immediately they lightly hit the toe of their foot below/above the fetlock joint of the limb that is tied with a rope.

At this point the cow should automatically lift that leg. This limb is quickly moved towards the chest.

Further actions

The part of the rope on the back is held especially tightly, plus the end, loosely wrapped around the hind leg, is pulled so that the rope passes under the body of the cattle. This will cause the slingshot to lose its balance, which will cause it to lie on its side (from the side of the first end of the rope), and its back leg will automatically extend. Now, at the level of the fetlock joint of the hind limb, the free edge of the rope is attached, using the loop method.

As a result, it will be possible to work with the back legs and one front leg. Before the fall, the cow is tied by the neck to some kind of fastening (support, etc.).

Take care of your animals and be sure to look after them.

How to put a cow in a pen and trim its hooves

Since the restraining machine is installed at the exit of the barn, there is no need to specifically drive cows into it. Before going outside, the cow will enter the pen on its own; you only need to timely fix the animal’s head in the recess for the neck clamp. Once the neck is secured, the back gate is closed to prevent other cows from getting into the structure and interfering with the procedure.

This part is characterized by a gray color, it is brittle and fragile, and cannot be confused with the “living” part of the hoof. The young hoof horn is light and elastic, so the old part is cut off until a white line appears.

The procedure must be performed as carefully as possible so as not to touch the young area. In this case, it is better to stop earlier, without finishing the hoof a little, rather than injure it. If it is still not possible to avoid injury, the wound is immediately treated with iodine.

Advantages and disadvantages of machines

Like any other design, hoof processing machines have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at the main advantages:

  1. The mechanism allows you to painlessly fix the animal without squeezing or injuring its internal organs.
  2. While inside the pen, the cow does not experience stress.
  3. At the same time as the animal, humans are also protected from injury.
  4. In addition to processing hooves, using such a machine you can trim the horns of cattle and carry out some medical procedures.
  5. One person is enough to carry out any procedure; there is no need for additional assistance.
  6. The machine provides an excellent opportunity to process a large number of animals in one day.

Disadvantages include errors in the machine design itself:

  1. If the machine is too light and does not have reliable support, this can cause injuries to both animals and humans.
  2. If the belts in the device are not positioned correctly, this will greatly complicate the operation.
  3. The animal must have some kind of support in the pen, then it will behave much calmer.
  4. A design with lateral fixation is more dangerous, so vertical fixation is preferable.
  5. The floor of the structure must be level so that the cow cannot fall or slip.

We use metal

To make a metal split with your own hands, weld several profile pipes 60x40x3 or 40x40x3 mm (you can use round ones with a diameter of 8-10 cm) so that you get a rectangular pen measuring 1x2 m.

Strengthen it by adding a few more pipes along the long side to give the structure stability and rigidity. Provide free access from the sides: weld opening panels or grilles.

Equip the short sides of the box with gates. The rear one can be hinged or sliding, but must have a strong lock.

The front gate must have a recess for a neck clamp. Weld strap lugs to secure additional straps that can be passed under the cow's belly. This will help lift it if necessary and keep it suspended. Clean and paint the box.

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Design and dimensions of the split box

The dimensions of the box must match the size of the cattle for which it is intended. As a rule, it is 2-3.5 m in length, 1-1.5 m in width, and about 2 m in height.

Splitting from timber will cost less, it is easier to make, but it is not as strong and durable as welded.

The dimensions and installation of the split should provide free access to the animal from behind and from the sides.

When installing the machine indoors, take care of additional lighting.

The split is installed permanently in the passage or bolted to make it portable. The metal fixation device can additionally be made collapsible. It will be convenient to transport and reassemble at the place where you need it. This is useful when the herd spends part of its time grazing.

The materials from which the split is made and its design must not accidentally injure the animal.

How the schism works

In order to examine the animal without interference, vaccinate it, or carry out any other necessary procedure, it must be separated from the herd and secured. The fixed position makes the work of a veterinarian or livestock specialist easier and prevents the cattle from harming themselves or people.

A split is installed in the passage along which the cows move, and one individual is separated from the herd. The simplest option is a frame for fixing. The animal passes into the open frame, after which the lever is pressed, and the doors close, and the neck clamp securely and securely fixes the neck. It is better if it is adjustable in width. An additional lever can be added on top to completely immobilize the head.

The legs are secured with straps or clamps. A special gate at the back blocks the passage of other cows. After this, you can begin treatment, tagging or other procedures. A more complex design is a box.

Clearing the stall

Trimming animals in stalls is more common on private farms. For work, the animal is fixed in the stall with an additional longitudinal crossbar. Using a halter, the animal is tied next to the feeder, limiting head movements. To secure the legs, ropes are used, which can be tied to the support posts of the stall, or fastened together. Working in the stall is impossible without an assistant who will hold the animal’s legs during processing.

An added benefit of a trimming stall is that it has a door at the front. This makes it easier to remove the cow after hoof treatment, since not all animals move backward well. Some farmers equip their stalls with a mechanical apparatus, such as is used in pens, to lift and secure the animal's legs. As well as additional lighting and electrical outlets, where, if necessary, the farrier can connect an electric rasp or any other tool.

Advice from experienced livestock breeders

Some tips:

  1. Although a wooden machine is relatively easy to make, it will not have the same durability as a metal one.
  2. It is advisable to install the machine at the exit of the barn. In this case, you do not have to make any special efforts to bring the animal there.
  3. The hoof should be trimmed until the white color appears, which means that the stratum corneum has been completely cut off.
  4. If the hoof was injured during work, you need to cauterize it with iodine.

The use of a special machine for fixing the animal when processing hooves will significantly facilitate this processing.

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How to choose the right machine

In order to optimally select the right split for cattle, you first need to find the exact answer to a number of questions:

  • For how many livestock is the device designed?
  • How many cows need to be processed per day?
  • How many operators?
  • The machine will be used to service beef and dairy cows or a universal model is needed.
  • Splitting is only necessary for hoof trimming or other procedures.
  • Which type of machine is more suitable: mechanical, hydraulic, on wheels, with electric drive.
  • How much money is the owner willing to invest to buy a split?
  • Is the owner ready to incur high costs for the purchase of a device that provides increased safety for cattle and the operator and comfortable working conditions?

Having found the answers to the questions, choosing a model will be significantly simplified.

Why do you need to prune?

This procedure should never be neglected, since it allows you to prevent a number of negative consequences. These include:

  • Damage to the claw. When animals graze on pasture, they move around a lot, so a natural shedding of dead, hard epidermis occurs. At the same time, the stratum corneum constantly grows (by about 7-8 mm per month) and replaces the worn-out part. When animals lead a stalled lifestyle and move little, this layer grows much faster than it wears off. Typically, the period of its intensive growth occurs in autumn-winter. Due to this, the hooves crack, bend and become deformed.
  • Ligament sprain. If the stratum corneum is not removed for a long time, the ligamentous apparatus will be greatly stretched, so the animals will be more susceptible to hoof diseases than usual. In this case, it will be quite difficult to correct the situation, since the ligamentous apparatus is practically irreparable.
  • Lameness. Violations of the hoof horns and damage to the hooves due to untimely trimming of them lead to various diseases, which provoke lameness of the animal. These diseases include: sole ulcer;
  • footrot;
  • digital dermatitis;
  • white line disease.
  • Infection. As the hoof horn grows, the cow's weight moves from the toe to the sole. As a result, the stratum corneum grows and forms an influx on the sole of the hoof. In turn, this leads to pododermatitis (inflammation of the base of the skin of the hoof) and trauma to the hoof tissue, which threatens the animal with infection. Due to the presence of infection, the cow may experience the following pathologies:
      finger dermatitis;
  • footrot.
  • Decreased productivity. The cow, leaning all her weight on her untrimmed hooves, experiences pain. She begins to eat poorly and walks with a slight limp. All this negatively affects milk production. Its quantity is often reduced by a quarter, but in severe cases the cow may not produce milk at all.
  • Thus, if you trim the hooves in a timely manner, you can completely eliminate various diseases of the cow, and also achieve the following goals:

    • improve the condition of the herd;
    • increase milk production;
    • provide the cows with ease of movement.

    Why is hoof trimming necessary?

    There are several reasons why you need to do regular hoof trimming and trimming:

    • Improving the condition and health of the animal,
    • Increased milk yield,
    • Reduced risk of lameness,
    • Reducing the risk of other musculoskeletal diseases.

    On average, the hoof horn grows by six to eight millimeters per month. During the summer months on pasture it wears off quite quickly so the shape of the hoof is not distorted. But in stable conditions, the regrown horn can greatly change the condition of the sole of the hoof. The regrown part may crack, which leads to damage to soft tissues. The danger of such damage is purulent inflammation. Another consequence of irregular trimming is sprain of the ligamentous apparatus, which is practically untreatable in cows.

    If animals are kept in tethers, cleaning must be carried out at least once every three months.

    If cattle are kept in pens or on pasture, clearing can be done every four months. Unscheduled trimming is carried out in case of a broken hoof horn, cracks or injuries.

    Diagram of do-it-yourself machines for processing cattle hooves yourself

    The process of trimming hooves on a machine

    The outer stratum corneum on the hoof is designed to protect the inside of the hoof. It constantly grows, forming solid nodules and growths. If it is not trimmed periodically, the animal will experience discomfort when walking and begin to limp.

    Hoof trimming rules

    For the first time, such a procedure should be carried out under the guidance of an experienced specialist; it is also important to know the frequency of the procedure. Basic rules for pruning:

    1. When cows are kept in stalls, the procedure is carried out up to three times a year, and when cows are kept free-stall - twice a year.
    2. The day before the planned trimming, the cow is kept on a damp bedding to soften the horny formations, which will facilitate the process.
    3. It is necessary to prepare a number of tools and be sure to disinfect them before work.
    4. You need to make sure that the animal is comfortable and that the straps hold it securely.
    5. If the animal is too excited, you can sedate it.
    6. Livestock should be handled calmly, without shouting, so as not to provoke stress.
    7. The hooves are first cleaned of dirt, examined for inflammation, and, if necessary, treated with an antiseptic.
    8. The work is carried out slowly so as not to damage the inner layer.
    9. All sharp edges are carefully filed and rounded.

    How to herd a cow into a pen

    Usually the pen is installed at the exit from the barn, so the cow enters the structure itself. The back door is closed behind it, all the necessary belts are put on, and the head is fixed in a special recess.

    At home, the machine is stationary; it is built where the territory of the farm allows. The cow is led out of the barn on a leash, with a rope loop around its neck. A quiet beast will follow its owner on its own, you don’t need to shout at it, talk kindly.

    To prevent the animal from worrying inside the structure, you can place an armful of hay in front of it.

    Execution Sequence

    Prepare your instruments and disinfect them. Further actions are performed in the following sequence:

    1. The animal is driven into the pen and immobilized using belts.
    2. An initial examination will determine the position of the hoof and the relationship between the toes and heel. They take measurements.
    3. Preliminary cleaning of dirt is carried out.
    4. They start with the forelimbs, gradually removing keratinization from the inner layer.
    5. The old gray layer is removed with a knife until a white color appears. You need to make sure that the surface remains hard.
    6. At a distance of 3 mm from the edge of the sole, forceps are installed: they will help to evenly smooth the surface of the walls.
    7. The surface is leveled using a cutter, achieving a line perpendicular to the position of the limb.
    8. Protruding pieces of fur are removed using scissors.
    9. Round off any sharp edges with a file.
    10. In this way, all soles are treated.
    11. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the sole will lie flat on the surface of the tester or the blade of the knife.

    Treatment of hooves after trimming

    The pruning procedure at the end of the work requires disinfection: a fresh surface is open to various types of infections.

    Subtleties of the disinfection procedure:

    1. Thoroughly clean the surfaces from any remaining dust from the dead layer, and inspect for cracks or wounds.
    2. A solution of copper sulfate or formaldehyde is used as an antiseptic.
    3. After treatment, hooves should be rinsed with clean running water under pressure.
    4. If there are several animals on the farm, the liquid in the disinfection bath must be changed for each one separately. This is done to avoid infection.
    5. Ideally, the depth of the bath container should be about 15 cm in order to wet not only the hooves, but also part of the limb.

    In a small household, with a little effort you can make the cleaning process easier. A machine made by yourself will allow you to save money on its purchase; you will not have to ask your neighbors for help. Remember that timely cleaning of the limbs is one of the most important conditions for the normal functioning of a horned pet, the key to its high productivity.

    Cattle often suffer from hoof injuries, which not only cause discomfort and pain to the animals, but also affect their productivity. That is why hooves must be trimmed, and to simplify the procedure it is recommended to use a special machine. In this article we will look at a detailed description of the machine for fixing and processing cattle hooves and tips on constructing the structure at home.

    How to properly trim a cow's hooves: step-by-step instructions

    As part of stall housing, this procedure is carried out at least 3 times a year. For pasture or boxing - 2 times, in spring and autumn during the period of pasture to the meadow. Unscheduled measures are carried out only when injuries occur or the hoof horn is broken.

    Step 1: Assessing Hoof Condition

    Before proceeding with the removal of the upper stratum corneum, it is important to evaluate the appearance of the hooves. For example, if there is curvature of the limbs, pruning according to the prescribed technology will contribute to the formation of lameness

    Since the manipulation performed will not be consistent with the incorrect anatomical structure of the hoof. In the presence of inflammatory processes or extensive injuries, it is advisable to wait for complete healing and then cut off.

    Hoof knife

    Step 2. Preparing tools

    To carry out the procedure you will need the following tools:

    • professional pruning knives;
    • cutter;
    • forceps;
    • scissors.

    In addition, a machine is needed. To secure calm individuals, one rope is enough. If cracks or wounds appear during work, you will need a disinfectant.


    Prices for end cutters

    End cutters

    Tweezers are considered an effective tool for quickly removing chips and stratum corneum. They are made of first-class steel and are a simple device with long handles. Soft tips are provided for gripping. This measure allows you to minimize the labor intensity of the process when removing particularly strong build-ups. In most cases, this device comes with replacement cutting knives.


    To carry out this manipulation, it is advisable to purchase or make a machine yourself. It firmly fixes the cow's body. Leather belts do not put undue pressure on internal organs. With its help, pruning can be done by one person. One positive aspect is the reduction in stress levels during the procedure. It has been proven that stressful situations have a negative impact on the quality of milk.

    At the final stage of trimming, a rasp is used

    Step 3. Preparing the animal

    The cow is fixed either by the horns in a standing position, preferably in a pen. In this case, the limb being treated is tied to a stable object.

    Many farmers use the old method of placing cows on litter.

    Most often, the cow is placed on bedding before trimming.


    1. Prepare a strong, but not rigid rope about 6 m long.
    2. Tie the cow by the neck to a support or to a tree.
    3. From the side from which you plan to fall the animal, tie one end to the front leg in the area of ​​the fetlock joint.
    4. Tie a rope around the body under the shoulder blades, without squeezing the stomach.
    5. Tie the free end on the hind leg.
    6. Pull the rope and lightly kick above the fetlock joint of the bandaged limb.
    7. When the cow automatically raises its leg, press it to your chest.
    8. Pull the end loosely entwined on the hind limb so that the rope is located under the animal’s body. As a result, it will lose stability and lie on its side. The back leg will instinctively extend.
    9. Secure the free end of the rope to the second hind limb.

    As a result, three limbs will be bandaged.

    Transferring the cow to wet bedding makes the trimming process much easier.

    Step 4. Pruning technique


    1. Transfer the cow to wet bedding 1 day before the scheduled manipulation. This measure helps soften the upper stratum corneum.
    2. Disinfect tools.
    3. Make sure that the straps hold the animal securely.
    4. Administer a sedative if necessary.
    5. Calm the cow using voice commands.
    6. Assess the condition of the hooves and take measurements.
    7. Start by trimming the front legs.
    8. The movement of the hand should come from the inner layer and slowly move to the keratinized areas.
    9. Remove scraps of fur with scissors.
    10. Using a special knife, carefully, without injuring the animal, make a model of the hooves.
    11. Round off sharp edges with a special file.

    The remaining hooves are treated in a similar way. All actions are carried out slowly. Otherwise, the inner layer of the claw may be damaged, causing lameness.

    Properly trimmed cow hooves

    Step 5: Check that the trim is done correctly

    If the sole fits tightly to the hoof knife, the procedure was carried out correctly. There should be no cracks or wounds on the hooves after trimming.


    Why does a cow kick when milking?

    Before looking for ways to calm animals that kick during milking, you first need to consider the reasons why they behave this way.

    • A sudden change in environment causes severe stress in cows; as a defense mechanism, the animal does not allow itself to be milked. This usually happens when an adult is purchased and transported to a new place.
    • Mastitis at any stage of development. It brings great discomfort to the animal and causes quite severe pain when the udder is compressed.
    • When milking, a cow may kick due to improper technique. Discomfort and severe pain can be the cause of the animal’s abnormal behavior.
    • Injuries to the nipples and udder. They can also be the reason why a cow kicks during milking. Before each milking, it is necessary to inspect the udder for damage and, if necessary, treat it with disinfectants and wound-healing agents.
    • Lack of proper milk collection schedule. Without it, the cow does not have the correct daily routine, and the animal will react negatively to any outside interference.
    • Excessive cow fatigue can also cause a cow to kick during milking. This process requires effort not only from the person, but also from the cow itself, and a tired animal does not want to strain even more.

    It is very important to understand that the process of milking a first-calf heifer and an experienced cow is very different. In the first case, you need to be patient and put a lot of effort into teaching the animal to behave correctly.

    Tips for constructing a split for cattle with your own hands

    Since purchasing a factory-made fixing machine for home use will be quite expensive, you can make it yourself if you have skills in working with wood or metal. The split can be made from steel pipes or timber, but the latter option is simpler and will cost much less.

    First, let's look at tips for building a wooden machine:

    The dimensions of the structure must correspond to the size of the cow: the length of the pen is 2–3.5 m, the width is 1–1.5 m, the height is 2 m. The size of the split should be such that it is easy to approach it and perform the necessary procedures It is also worth taking into account the area for installation, so that the structure can be easily approached from different sides. If the split is installed indoors, it is necessary to provide additional lighting near the structure. It is recommended to install the split in the passage, at the exit from the barn permanently or temporarily secure it with bolts so that, if necessary, it can be removed and moved to another place. The wooden split is made from strong beams, their size is 1x1 m or 1.5x1.5 m, in the form of a rectangular box with two gates.

    Important! It is worth considering that the strength and durability of a wooden structure is much lower than a welded metal one. Important! It is worth considering that the strength and durability of a wooden structure is much lower than a welded metal one

    Important! It is worth considering that the strength and durability of a wooden structure is much lower than a welded metal one. Video: machine for restraining a cow and trimming its hooves in an hour

    The front gate should have a recess for the neck and be adjustable in width for a more secure fit. The back gate must be made with a lock in order to limit the movement of other cows into the box. Additional fixation of the legs is possible thanks to rope loops or belts that are attached to the upper ribs of the split. Clips made of metal or wood are used as a retainer to block the animal's hind legs. The bars are pre-treated so that they are smooth and do not accidentally injure the cow. If you plan to place a wooden split outdoors, it is recommended to impregnate it with a special protective layer for wood, which will prevent premature rotting of the structure.

    Video: machine for restraining a cow and trimming its hooves in an hour

    When making a metal structure, it is recommended to take into account the following tips:

    Metal fixing structures can be made collapsible to make it more convenient to transport, disassemble and assemble the machine at the desired location. When choosing materials for constructing a structure, you must pay attention to ensuring that they are safe to avoid injury to animals. Metal splits are made from profile pipes that are connected into a rectangular box with dimensions of 1 m wide and 2 m long. The box is reinforced along the width with several meter-long metal strips to make the structure more stable and rigid. The box must have free access from the sides; for this it is recommended to weld panels or grilles that can be opened. The front and rear parts of the box must be equipped with gates, the front gate must be hinged, and the rear gate must have a strong lock. The front gate is made with a recess for the neck and the possibility of adjusting the lock in width. It is recommended to provide metal strap eyes on the sides of the structure so that the cow's abdomen can be secured for additional immobilization. Thanks to such belts, the cow can be raised above the ground if necessary. The metal box is cleaned of roughness and painted in order to avoid corrosion and extend its service life.

    The process of trimming hooves on a machine

    The outer stratum corneum on the hoof is designed to protect the inside of the hoof. It constantly grows, forming solid nodules and growths. If it is not trimmed periodically, the animal will experience discomfort when walking and begin to limp.

    Important! When cracks appear in the stratum corneum, there is a high probability of infections, which will lead to serious health problems and reduce the productivity of the cow.

    Hoof trimming rules

    For the first time, such a procedure should be carried out under the guidance of an experienced specialist; it is also important to know the frequency of the procedure. Basic rules for pruning:

    1. When cows are kept in stalls, the procedure is carried out up to three times a year, and when cows are kept free-stall - twice a year.
    2. The day before the planned trimming, the cow is kept on a damp bedding to soften the horny formations, which will facilitate the process.
    3. It is necessary to prepare a number of tools and be sure to disinfect them before work.
    4. You need to make sure that the animal is comfortable and that the straps hold it securely.
    5. If the animal is too excited, you can sedate it.
    6. Livestock should be handled calmly, without shouting, so as not to provoke stress.
    7. The hooves are first cleaned of dirt, examined for inflammation, and, if necessary, treated with an antiseptic.
    8. The work is carried out slowly so as not to damage the inner layer.
    9. All sharp edges are carefully filed and rounded.

    How to herd a cow into a pen

    Usually the pen is installed at the exit from the barn, so the cow enters the structure itself. The back door is closed behind it, all the necessary belts are put on, and the head is fixed in a special recess.

    At home, the machine is stationary; it is built where the territory of the farm allows. The cow is led out of the barn on a leash, with a rope loop around its neck. A quiet beast will follow its owner on its own, you don’t need to shout at it, talk kindly.

    To prevent the animal from worrying inside the structure, you can place an armful of hay in front of it.

    Important! Please note that you need to work extremely carefully; if you touch the “living” layer, this can cause inflammation. It's best to leave some of the old horn if you're inexperienced.

    Execution Sequence

    Prepare your instruments and disinfect them. Further actions are performed in the following sequence:

    1. The animal is driven into the pen and immobilized using belts.
    2. An initial examination will determine the position of the hoof and the relationship between the toes and heel. They take measurements.
    3. Preliminary cleaning of dirt is carried out.
    4. They start with the forelimbs, gradually removing keratinization from the inner layer.
    5. The old gray layer is removed with a knife until a white color appears. You need to make sure that the surface remains hard.
    6. At a distance of 3 mm from the edge of the sole, forceps are installed: they will help to evenly smooth the surface of the walls.
    7. The surface is leveled using a cutter, achieving a line perpendicular to the position of the limb.
    8. Protruding pieces of fur are removed using scissors.
    9. Round off any sharp edges with a file.
    10. In this way, all soles are treated.
    11. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the sole will lie flat on the surface of the tester or the blade of the knife.

    Treatment of hooves after trimming

    The pruning procedure at the end of the work requires disinfection: a fresh surface is open to various types of infections.

    Subtleties of the disinfection procedure:

    1. Thoroughly clean the surfaces from any remaining dust from the dead layer, and inspect for cracks or wounds.
    2. A solution of copper sulfate or formaldehyde is used as an antiseptic.
    3. After treatment, hooves should be rinsed with clean running water under pressure.
    4. If there are several animals on the farm, the liquid in the disinfection bath must be changed for each one separately. This is done to avoid infection.
    5. Ideally, the depth of the bath container should be about 15 cm in order to wet not only the hooves, but also part of the limb.

    In a small household, with a little effort you can make the cleaning process easier. A machine made by yourself will allow you to save money on its purchase; you will not have to ask your neighbors for help.

    Remember that timely cleaning of the limbs is one of the most important conditions for the normal functioning of a horned pet, the key to its high productivity.

    Do-it-yourself anti-kick for cows

    This device is designed to limit the cow's mobility during milking. There are one-sided and two-sided anti-kick options.

    The first of them is considered classic. This anti-kicking for cows looks like this.


    The lower part is hooked onto the fold that runs forward from the cow's hind leg. The upper part extends beyond the spine. The button that looks out of one of the holes is located on a spring bar, which pushes it out into the holes, fixing the overall length of the device. If you press the button, you can change the length of the anti-kick. If it is too loose for the animal, it will not be effective. You need to adjust the length to make it fit tight.

    To make an anti-kick for cows with your own hands, you need to make the following parts, according to the diagram.

    Anti-kick circuit

    You will need two curved pieces of pipe A with one hole each, which will need to be inserted into the symmetrical curved pipe B, which has a larger diameter. First you will need to insert an angular spring D into them, so that the button fits into the hole. When inserting pipes, the buttons must be pressed using the palm of your hand. Rubber caps must be placed on the outer ends of the pipes to protect the cow from being scratched. Here's how to make your own anti-kicker for cows using metal parts.

    Important! The size of the device must be such that it is suitable for the cows on which it is intended to be used

    Why do you need to prune?

    This procedure should never be neglected, since it allows you to prevent a number of negative consequences. These include:

    • Damage to the claw. When animals graze on pasture, they move around a lot, so a natural shedding of dead, hard epidermis occurs. At the same time, the stratum corneum constantly grows (by about 7-8 mm per month) and replaces the worn-out part. When animals lead a stalled lifestyle and move little, this layer grows much faster than it wears off. Typically, the period of its intensive growth occurs in autumn-winter. Due to this, the hooves crack, bend and become deformed.
    • Ligament sprain. If the stratum corneum is not removed for a long time, the ligamentous apparatus will be greatly stretched, so the animals will be more susceptible to hoof diseases than usual. In this case, it will be quite difficult to correct the situation, since the ligamentous apparatus is practically irreparable.
    • Lameness. Violations of the hoof horns and damage to the hooves due to untimely trimming of them lead to various diseases, which provoke lameness of the animal. These diseases include: sole ulcer;
    • footrot;
    • digital dermatitis;
    • white line disease.
  • Infection. As the hoof horn grows, the cow's weight moves from the toe to the sole. As a result, the stratum corneum grows and forms an influx on the sole of the hoof. In turn, this leads to pododermatitis (inflammation of the base of the skin of the hoof) and trauma to the hoof tissue, which threatens the animal with infection. Due to the presence of infection, the cow may experience the following pathologies:
      finger dermatitis;
  • footrot.
  • Decreased productivity. The cow, leaning all her weight on her untrimmed hooves, experiences pain. She begins to eat poorly and walks with a slight limp. All this negatively affects milk production. Its quantity is often reduced by a quarter, but in severe cases the cow may not produce milk at all.
  • Thus, if you trim the hooves in a timely manner, you can completely eliminate various diseases of the cow, and also achieve the following goals:

    • improve the condition of the herd;
    • increase milk production;
    • provide the cows with ease of movement.

    Construction of a hoof processing machine

    The product is a durable welded structure. The frame is made of dense metal pipes of optimal diameter. Models made of galvanized or ferrous metal are available on the market. A thick layer of paint is applied on top. The main characteristic of the machine is its safety. For this purpose, the design is designed in such a way that the animal can stand as comfortably as possible during the procedure. The hoof treatment machine has no sharp corners, which protects against cuts, scratches and other injuries if the animal starts to kick.

    The absence of protruding elements ensures easy access to the machine. In addition, nothing blocks the animal's view or creates additional stress. All external protruding structures can be raised if necessary. This allows you to freely approach the animal from the desired side.

    Additional elements of the hoof processing machine:

    1) "Hadlock"

    Allows you to fix the animal's head

    2) Limb holders

    Provide the desired position of the animal's limbs when fixing the hooves. They allow you to take into account the physical characteristics of the animal so as not to injure it.

    3) Anti-slip elements

    To ensure a stable position for the operator, a hygienic rubber mat is used. An alternative option is a corrugated metal platform.

    The USS-AGRO machine is ideal for veterinary operations with cattle hooves. It is easy to care for, easy to clean and lasts for many years. Compact dimensions allow it to be used even in small spaces. In addition, if necessary, it can be moved to another location due to its relatively low weight by equipment standards - 245 kg. Buying a hoof treatment machine will definitely pay off - your livestock will become healthier and produce more milk!

    Veterinary instruments for animal hoof care

    Hoof sanding disc Standard hoof treatment disc Hoof treatment disc for professionals Hoof treatment disc, rare application Hoof treatment disc, double sided
    Circular knife for hoof processing PERMAMENT 6 Hoof processing discs 6 knives Hoof processing discs 3 blades Knives for hoof processing Stubble trimming scissors
    Hoof trimmers Hoof Inspection Pliers Lateral hoof cutters Horseshoe hammer TECHNOBASE 8000 – hoof treatment set

    How to make a hoof trimming machine with your own hands

    It is rational to purchase commercially available structures if the farm has a large number of cattle. In another case, for one or two cows such a purchase will be expensive; it’s easier to make a machine with your own hands.

    Materials and tools

    To make a simple fixing machine, you can use improvised materials that can be found in any household.

    So, in production you will need:

    • Boer;
    • wood hacksaw;
    • nails;
    • hammer;
    • wooden posts - 6 pcs.;
    • boards - 8 pcs.;
    • metal chain;
    • leather belts.

    Did you know? Cows have a sense of time: being late with milking can lead to a decrease in milk fat content and milk yield by 5%.

    Step-by-step production

    The size of the stall will be one and a half meters long and a meter wide.

    Machine for fixing a cow and trimming hooves in an hour: video

    Next step by step:

    1. Prepare four 1.70 m long columns and two 0.70 m long columns.
    2. Using a drill, drill holes in the ground for the columns along the intended perimeter. In this case, the taller stakes will form the base of the quadrangle, and two small ones need to be driven in along its edge to fix the cow’s limbs on them, at a distance of half a meter from the base. For the stability of the structure, 20 cm of the pillar should go into the ground.
    3. Next, you need to secure the pillars with boards, two of them are sized to correspond to the wide sides of the stall, one to the front side, where the animal’s head will be.
    4. We secure the lower support pillars on both sides using nails with two boards in a cross pattern with support stakes behind the structure.
    5. The final step is to install the crossbar on two small posts.

    The chain holding the animal in place will be draped over the posts directly for the procedure, the same goes for the straps securing the cow's limb.

    Fram Machinery Good Proformance Cattle Claw Tool Hoof Remove Machine

    Description of the machine

    The cattle hoof removal machine is mainly used to automatically remove the cattle hoof nail.

    The structure of the machine is completely made of stainless steel.

    Basic parameters.5 kW

    We make our own wooden machine

    A wooden split is knocked together from durable timber 100x100 or 150x150 mm in the form of a rectangular box with two gates. In the front, hinged room, a recess for the neck is cut out. The back gate, which separates the animal from the herd, must be locked. For additional fixation of the legs, rope loops or belts are used, which are attached to the upper ribs of the split.

    You can also use metal or wooden pole clamps to block the cow's hind legs and prevent her from thrashing. The bars must be treated to prevent accidental injury to the animal. If the split is in the open air, impregnate it with special compounds that protect it from bad weather.

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