How to bathe a ferret: step-by-step instructions and care products

  • Bathing is an important part of ferret care
  • Let's highlight the main rules
  • How to choose a quality bath product?
  • Bathing procedure from start to finish

The ferret is not only a small wild predator, the furry animals often become pets, settling in people's homes. Due to the activity of animals, it is sometimes difficult for owners to provide proper care for their pet and at the same time keep their home safe and sound.

One of the important but difficult care items is bathing the ferret. This fluffy handsome guy is clean in himself, but without bath days, soon an unpleasant smell will clearly be heard in the apartment. So every ferret owner should know all the nuances of when, how and with what you should and can wash your ferret. All this is described in this article.

How to bathe a ferret

There are a couple of nuances worth noting here. Namely, how to bathe a ferret correctly:

  • The ferret's body temperature is about 40°, and the water temperature should in no case be lower, and, accordingly, not much higher;
  • Avoid getting water into your ears;
  • Do not bathe pregnant or lactating ferrets;
  • After bathing, the animal will rush around the house to dry itself quickly.

To begin, fill a basin or bathtub with water. A ferret's normal body temperature is between 37.3 and 39.4 °C. Therefore, the water temperature must be within these limits. Drop a little shampoo there and shake the foam. Prepare everything you need: toys, a towel for drying.

Then place the ferret in the bath, making sure the water level is below its face. Gently scoop up the water with your palm and completely wet the animal's fur. You should not wash your face with shampoo. If at the same time the animal breaks out, then hold it suspended with one hand so that the hind legs remain in the water.

If your ferret dives underwater while swimming, don't panic—their ears are built differently than cats'.

Relatives of ferrets, otters and minks, which lead a semi-aquatic lifestyle, have ears adapted for long dives under water. In ferrets that are in the water of their own free will, the muscles of the skull pull the ears slightly back and the skin folds practically block the access of water to the inner ear.

Let's highlight the main rules

Bathing ferrets is tricky business! Sometimes it is even impossible to cope without an assistant, since the small predator will most likely resist. It all depends on the nature of the animal and how much you adhere to the rules outlined below:

  • Bathing water should correspond to the ferret's body temperature (38-40 degrees);
  • It is unacceptable to get shampoo into the eyes or nose of the animal. If such a problem does happen, immediately and very carefully rinse them with warm, clean water;
  • Water should not flow into the animal's ears;
  • It is prohibited to wash female ferrets that are bearing offspring or nursing small puppies;
  • After bathing, your pet's coat must be thoroughly rinsed. If the fur is not completely washed off with shampoo, then the residue from the detergent can cause itching or dry out the fur;
  • Immediately after washing the ferret, it is recommended to immediately close it in a clean cage, where clean, dry towels have been previously placed. The fact is that after the bath procedures, the excited animal rushes around the entire apartment to dry its “fur coat”. As a result, the ferret can get very dirty, which is why it is better to prevent such an undesirable development of events after bathing. Between clean towels, your pet will dry quickly and comfortably;
  • After bathing, a wet animal can easily catch a cold. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate drafts in the house. Doors and windows must be closed at this time. Even if it's summer heat outside;
  • Typically, after a bath, your ferret will feel the urge to defecate. Having placed him in the cage, do not take your eyes off him while he is drying (this is a very funny sight); if you notice that the towel is still smeared, immediately remove it, otherwise the entire “fur coat” of the pet will be in his feces.

If such a cheerful, nimble pet as a ferret lives in your house, be sure to take note of the above rules.

You can wash without water

Owners of ferrets often ask how to wash a ferret without water? Ferrets sometimes get dirty, and to get your friend in proper shape, you may not need water. Dry shampoos have long been developed for such rodents, and using them is not at all dangerous. They get rid of nasty odors and wash out all the dirt from the wool.

You can use such products often, since they do not change the fat balance at all. However, such shampoos are not a panacea for complex water problems. You will still have to wash your ferret twice a month in the traditional way.

No matter how thoroughly you wash the rodent with dry detergents, it will not wash it. Well, sebum will not be washed off well, as during water procedures, and it must be removed so that the pores of the skin of the ferret can breathe.

What rules should you follow when swimming?

Ferrets love to bathe, and therefore bathing them will only bring pleasure to the owner. The best place to wash ferrets at home is in the bathroom. The water temperature should be 37-38°C, this is very important. Many owners are accustomed to bathing animals in a basin, so you can use any convenient method.

To prevent your ferret from being scared by water, it is better to put toys that he likes to play with in the bathtub or basin. When your pet begins to touch the water and is not afraid of it, you can give him his favorite treat. After such an act, the animal will see that there is nothing dangerous in the water and will continue water procedures.

The container in which the animal will bathe should contain some water. The ferret should not be flushed in the bathtub; it is important that he can move around in it. You also need to check the temperature of the water so that it does not get cold and your pet does not get sick.

Eliminating unpleasant odor

If your pet still has a specific “aroma,” try using special deodorants. Apply them before drying your ferret, before wiping. They can also treat a rodent cage. In the pet's house itself, what smells the most is its bedding.

This means that it is precisely this that needs to be processed. Loose deodorants are also used for such purposes. And rest assured that after spending the night in such a fragrant cage, your pet will smell great the next day.

Coat care

Your pet isn't a very furry creature, but that doesn't mean brushing is completely foreign to him. Its fur requires such necessary measures, and you need to scratch the rodent with a special massage brush. This is necessary for better blood circulation and the acquisition of a soft, silky coat. In addition to hygiene issues, you will also establish contact with your animal. Ferrets love to be combed.

With the onset of prolonged molting, you need to use a slicker for cats, because ferrets have very thick fur. In order not to cause pain to your pet, the fur must be plucked very carefully, without confusing dead hair with sprouted hair. The hair that has fallen out will quickly grow back in the period from 15 to 20 days. The fur that still remains on the pet’s body can be combed out using a brush or mitten.

It should be used daily during shedding. The ferret will not mind such a daily procedure, and his fur will always look good. If you have a vacuum cleaner in your home, you can use the attachments that come with it. This technique is most effective for lost hairs. But using a vacuum cleaner for these purposes is recommended only if your ferret is not afraid of loud noise.

Basic rules for bathing a ferret

  1. It is better to carry out the procedure in the bathroom. The animal will play and splash
  2. The water temperature should be within 38°C
  3. It is better to bathe it in a separate container. A large bathtub is not suitable for bathing - it is inconvenient, you will have to wash it every time after the procedure
  4. To prevent the animal from being afraid, it is better to put toys in the basin. Let him play and get used to it


  • Do not use dog shampoo, it can be very harmful to pet ferrets. Use only a mild shampoo: baby shampoo or shampoo safe for ferrets and cats.
  • Your ferret will probably want to eliminate soon after the bath. If he does this on towels, he may step in feces, get dirty in it, and even fall asleep on it. Always keep an eye on your ferret while he is drying off. In addition, this process will be so interesting to watch that you yourself will not want to miss this spectacle.
  • Wet fur will make your ferret heavier than usual. Be careful to ensure you are able to support your pet's full weight during and after bathing.
  • Do not allow shampoos to get into your pet ferret's eyes. Some shampoos are very baking and your ferret won't forget it.
  • Some ferrets like the taste of shampoo. If your ferret does too, try to prevent him from licking the shampoo as much as possible. A little shampoo will not harm your pet ferret, but too much shampoo can make your ferret sick.
  • Don't bathe your ferret too often, as this can cause dry, flaky skin and rough, coarse fur. Do this only a few times a year, no more than once a month.
  • After bathing, the domestic ferret will try to dry off as quickly as possible, rubbing it against everything that, in his opinion, can speed up the process. This includes your cute couch cushions, dusty floors, and sand. Indoor Litter So while your ferret is still drying off, keep him away from dirt, dust, and indoor pet litter boxes.

What to do with the animal after the end of water procedures

When the bathing is over, the ferret should be wiped dry; you can use a towel for this. It is very important that all windows and doors in the house are closed, as a small draft will cause the animal to become very sick. If the animal is trembling after a bath, you can dry it with a hairdryer, but set the air to not very hot.

After completing water activities and drying pets, their fur is carefully combed. If ferrets love to walk outside, then after bathing it is better not to take them out for a walk. When water has flowed into your ears, you can wipe it off with a cotton swab, but this must be done very carefully. Do not insert the stick very deeply, just wipe it along the edge.

If bathing does not bring pleasure to the animal, it should be fed with its favorite delicacy so that it comes to its senses a little. There is no need to bathe ferrets often; 1-2 times a month will be enough. And in order to prevent the animals from getting too dirty while walking, ferrets are wearing a protective suit. You can buy overalls at any pet store; your ferret will be very warm and comfortable in it.

Additional containment measures

You need to wash the animal once a month, but during this time you can change the bedding in the cage and treat the fur with dry shampoo and deodorant. In addition to bathing your ferret, brush its fur, especially during shedding season. Female ferrets have a less specific odor than males during the mating period.

If you do not plan to breed individuals, it is better to sterilize them. Males should be bathed more often than females. You can treat the bedding and wool with special deodorants, this will help avoid unpleasant odors.

You should wash ferrets carefully; if the animal is not prepared, it will get scared, cause harm to you, and may get hurt itself. Some breeders are afraid to bathe their ferrets, or bathe them too often due to the unpleasant odor. It will be very harsh if washed rarely or incorrectly.

If your ferret wants to swim in the water, give him the opportunity. This is not bad for the animals, but on the contrary, it will be a positive thing for you, since subsequent baths will not cause any difficulties.

Providing proper and balanced nutrition to the animal also guarantees the absence of foul odors from the ferret, since the diet affects digestion, the condition of the coat and skin.

Provide your pet with vitamins to prevent skin diseases and vaccinate them in a timely manner, avoiding diseases that can be fatal.

Taking water procedures for the first time

An important point is bathing your ferret for the first time. The first time always causes a little stress for animals: they see water for the first time, since they do not wash in their natural habitat.

First of all, the animal needs to be prepared for this procedure. You can take a special bath, or you can get by with a simple basin. You need to put several toys in such a bath so that the animal does not feel anxious.

First, the ferret is placed in a dry basin and only then they begin to gradually add water. You can’t pour a lot of water, just wet the animal’s paws. It is also advisable to build a small dry table above the bath: the animal will rest on it during breaks between baths. It is worth washing the animal in such a way that it likes it. If you don't do everything according to the rules, your pet will be very afraid of water.


  1. Bathe your pet ferret only a few times a year, no more than once a month. Bathing your ferret removes the natural oils from its skin and fur. After a bath, your ferret's skin must work hard to restore the lubricant that was just removed. This may cause your ferret to smell more strongly. But don't worry, this will only last for the first one or two days.
  2. It may be helpful to have a helper.
  3. If your pet ferret really doesn't like bathing, you can first let him play in the sink or tub without water to get him used to the area. Then open the tap a little and let your ferret explore the water. Give him his favorite treat while you gradually moisten his fur.

Important points in caring for your pet

Taking care of such animals is not difficult, especially since ferrets love to bathe. They almost always emit a bad odor when they are afraid of something or someone. This smell is very persistent, but it can be removed by simply using a special shampoo.

Bathing a ferret should take place under the strict control of the owner, so during the procedure you should pay attention to several important points:

  • You should not pour a large amount of water into a bathing container;
  • When bathing a ferret, it is important not to wet its head, ears and eyes;
  • Bathing is carried out in warm water, you need to make sure that the pet does not catch a cold.

You need to bathe your ferret no more than 1-2 times a month. If he doesn’t want to get into the water, you shouldn’t force him: it could damage his psyche.

In conclusion

Washing a ferret yourself at home is not difficult, the main thing is to do everything carefully so as not to harm the health of the animal. These little animals love to swim, but not all of them do, so they need to be accustomed to water gradually, otherwise you can cause them severe stress.

Often this is also not worth doing, because the wool may begin to turn yellow. The coat turns yellow especially often in uncastrated males. For bathing you need to use only special shampoo. When using it, the wool will be soft, shiny and smell nice.

Follow these conditions and your ferret will be clean and happy!

What products can you use to wash your pet?

It is better to bathe domestic ferrets with special shampoos. It is forbidden to wash the animal with plain soap or other means. A product that is intended for people will only harm the animal: it contains highly harmful elements that are not suitable for animal fur. The shampoo intended for ferrets does not contain harmful substances and is made using all the features. Such products make pets' fur soft and shiny. It stops falling out, becomes thick and beautiful.

How to wash a ferret at home? First you need to warm up the water: it should not be too cold, as the animal can get very sick. Then they gradually begin to wet the ferret and lather it with shampoo. Make sure that water and detergent do not get into your pet’s eyes, ears or head.

If the ferret begins to struggle during bathing, he needs to be petted. To do this, you need to pick him up and stroke him. When bathing causes some inconvenience to an animal, you should not torture it; it is better to use dry shampoo. This product is very convenient to use: no water is needed to use it. It is poured onto dry fur and simply combed out, while the pet does not get nervous, but behaves very calmly.

Skin characteristics and choice of shampoo

Ferret skin has its own characteristics. They are reflected in the following:

  • thin skin and fat layer;
  • pH balance is only 7.5;
  • a huge number of glands that produce sebaceous secretions.

Veterinarians and experienced owners say that only proper care of your pet’s coat can get rid of the smell.

Video - Ferret coat care

In the wild, ferrets take care of themselves by licking their fur. In the household, he is also able to take care of himself, but this will not remove the smell and other unpleasant moments. For proper hygiene, the owner must bathe the ferret. It is recommended to bathe the baby no more than once every 30 days, because washing does not bring any positive emotions to ferrets. In addition, when ferrets are bathed frequently, their skin flora changes and their fur becomes unsightly.

Manufacturers have created shampoos for these animals specifically to reduce the negative effects of bathing on the body. Some owners unknowingly use their own shampoos, but this should not be done. The structure of human and ferret skin is completely different, and therefore human cosmetics can cause great harm to the animal.

Ferrets have delicate skin and fur

Here are the main reasons why the use of non-specialized shampoos is prohibited:

  • their acid-base balance is close to zero, and a shampoo with a high alkali content can affect its condition;
  • All products contain fragrances and various oils. Such components may cause allergies;
  • Regular, “human” shampoos can destroy the structure of fur and skin.

What types of shampoos are there for ferrets?

Just like people, pets have some variety in their grooming products. Cosmetic products are selected according to individual preferences and work on different problems. For example, there are shampoos that:

  • most gentle on the skin;
  • do not cause allergies;
  • have a whitening effect;
  • Designed for ferrets with long hair;
  • removes static electricity;
  • contain lanolin, which prevents hair breakage;
  • leave-in sprays.

There are many types of shampoos for ferrets.

Shampoos have functions that have a beneficial effect on fur. For example, each ferret shampoo does the following:

  • protection of hair roots;
  • adds strength and elasticity to the coat;
  • nourishes weakened roots;
  • eliminates unpleasant odor;
  • makes the skin softer and more hydrated;
  • normalizes the level of humidity on the ferret’s body;
  • preserves the natural acid-base balance of the animal.

Common brands of shampoos

Not all shampoos are suitable for ferrets. There are those that may be perfect for some, but ruin the whole “hair” of others. All care products are selected individually for each ferret. Although among the entire range of shampoos presented in the store, there are those that are in greatest demand. These are the ones we will talk about in this paragraph.

Table No. 1. Common types of shampoos for ferrets.

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