Is it possible to eat and what do Indo duck eggs look like, the benefits and harms of such food?

Indo-duck eggs are valued for their taste and nutritional value. The Muscovy duck has increased egg production and begins to lay eggs early. Duck eggs are larger than chicken eggs and have a superior chemical composition. Widely used in cooking and even cosmetology. What useful information does the indote product contain, what should you beware of in it, how to choose the right one and where to buy it, we will talk in detail in this article.


The egg of an Indian duck, a photo of which you can see, is white, elongated, with a strong shell. The size is slightly larger than chicken, weighing up to 70 g, and looks slightly pointed. Dense white, large bright orange yolk. Chicken and turkey eggs are identical in taste, although gourmets will distinguish a subtle aftertaste. They can be eaten, but there are some restrictions.

Indo-duck eggs are not exotic, but they are not a common product either, and besides, they cost a lot, and therefore it will not be easy to find them in a regular store, so you will have to go around farms and markets, but it is worth it. The benefits and harms from them are approximately the same as from the products of other types of poultry. Unless no one eats them raw, and if they eat them, it is only after thorough cleaning.

What they look like

A duck egg, in its shape, resembles a slightly pointed chicken egg, but is significantly larger in size and weight. Weight varies from 50 to 100 grams.

A large yolk contains a large amount of carotene, so its shade is bright yellow, closer to orange. The color of the shell is white, sometimes pale blue, very rarely with a greenish tint. Its thickness is impressive, so the eggs of the Indian duck are very strong.

You won't find this specific product on store shelves. To buy it, go to farmers' fairs and private poultry houses where musk ducks are bred. The cost varies, but is significantly higher than chicken.

It's normal for eggs to be dirty and smudged. The main thing is that they do not smell rotten.

Benefits and harms

Turkey eggs contain the lion's share of elements beneficial to the human body.

  1. Vitamins strengthen the nervous system and immunity.
  2. Calcium and phosphorus give strong teeth and healthy hair.
  3. The product contains a huge amount of proteins, which is why it is always included in the diet of athletes, as well as men and women seeking to build muscle.
  4. Eating Muscovy duck eggs regularly can improve blood circulation and metabolism in the body.
  5. They have a beneficial effect on people whose bodies have been depleted by a long illness.

The benefits of the product are undeniable, but serious harm can also occur.

  1. It contains a lot of fat, so you should not eat eggs more than 1-2 times a week. People suffering from overweight and obesity should be especially careful.
  2. The shell contains bacteria that cause intestinal infection and salmonellosis, problems with digestion and intoxication. Bacteria are present on any eggs, including those taken from domestically raised domestic ducks. To avoid these ailments, products must be thoroughly washed before use, then cooked for 15 minutes or more. It is also recommended to cook chicken ones, because there are no less bacteria on their shells.
  3. Indo-duck eggs should not be fed to children, as they are too heavy for their delicate stomachs.
  4. Before preparing dishes from a product, it is worth checking whether there is an individual intolerance to it.

Indo-duck eggs, especially those obtained at home, are a tasty and tender delicacy. They bring only benefits and pleasant sensations to those who eat them correctly, having previously prepared them. Those who eat them hastily, raw in large quantities, are their own enemies.

Fried duck eggs

Fried duck eggs

  1. Before cooking, you need to warm the pan well and melt a little butter or vegetable oil.
  2. Wash the eggs and break them into a plate. The shell is strong and can crumble if struck. And the fragments will end up in the finished dish.
  3. Pour the eggs from the plate into the pan and fry for 10 minutes. They should be completely cooked through.

How to fry an omelette

Cooked duck egg omelet

  1. Place butter or vegetable oil on a preheated frying pan and let it warm up well.
  2. Break the eggs into a dish, add spices and beat lightly with a whisk or fork.
  3. You can add various fillings to taste. For example, sausage and tomatoes.
  4. Pour into the pan, cook covered for 8-10 minutes.

These waterfowl eggs are more susceptible to salmonella contamination. Eating them raw or semi-raw is dangerous to health.

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Different ways to use

First of all, the use of eggs relates to the culinary sphere. The product is added to salads and cold soups. There are various exotic dishes that include eggs from domestic Muscovy ducks. For example, in Japan they prefer to can them and eat them as is. For some dishes, the product is least suitable; for example, when fried, it is inferior in taste to chicken eggs. Chicken ones are so popular because people are accustomed to their taste and smell, as a result, not everyone likes the taste of products obtained from Indian ducks.

In addition to salads, soups and other dishes, eggs can and should be used in baking. The protein has an elastic and buttery structure, and buns and cakes from it turn out very tender and delicious. However, it is better not to make mayonnaise and whipped egg whites, because it is important not to eat raw eggs.

Eating large quantities of eggs is harmful because of the fat, but for the same reason, the products are used to make excellent cosmetics. Moreover, nourishing face and hair masks and conditioner can be made at home - all you need is a little patience and strict adherence to the recipe. It is especially pleasant to use your own duck eggs for cosmetic purposes.

What are turkey eggs?

The egg of the Muscovy duck, also known as the turkey duck, is slightly larger than a chicken egg and usually weighs about 65-75 g. The shell is thick and hard, its color is not pure white, it has a hint of baked milk. The shape of the egg is slightly elongated and slightly pointed at one end. The yolk is large and bright orange, which is due to the large amount of carotene. The table below shows the nutritional value of the product.

Chemical compositionCalorie content per 100 gFat%Protein%Carbohydrates%Carotenoids%

Raising Indo-Ducks

How many eggs an Indian duck lays depends on many factors, ranging from its age and state of health, to the conditions in which egg laying occurs. Domestic Muscovy ducks have good egg production and under ideal conditions can produce up to 120 eggs per year. Ideal conditions are rare, so you need to count on 100 - this number is suitable for raising birds at home, but too small for business.

Before laying eggs, you need to prepare the nest. The duck prefers a cozy nest away from the noise and bustle, safe enough for the intended offspring. The size of the nest should be of medium depth.

The nest site should be away from dampness and drafts. For some birders, nesting is a creative process.

The Indian duck lays eggs every day, from morning to afternoon. Some poultry houses try to take away products immediately after they appear, but this should not be done. It is better to wait until there are at least 20 in the nest, then they can be sent for storage or left to the female, who begins to hatch them.

What kind of eggs can be placed under the turkey duck?

Good afternoon, dear poultry farmers. Today we will tell you which eggs can be placed under an indo-duck. Sometimes, keeping only musk ducks on the farm, you want to have other birds. In such cases, the owners begin to place eggs of other birds under the turkey.

Experienced poultry farmers know how to do this, but beginners should learn everything first.


  • 1 Goose eggs under eggs
  • 2 Chicken eggs under eggs
  • 3 Turkey eggs for turkey
  • 4 What kind of eggs can be placed under an indo-duck

Goose eggs for turkey

It is difficult to make a hen out of a goose, but goose eggs can be placed under the hen. To do this, you need to collect the fertilized ones at a certain time of the year and place them under the turkey. You need to add it in the evening or when the female has gone for a walk or to eat.

IMPORTANT! When placing it, the integrity of the nest must not be violated.

Goose eggs must be turned under the hen yourself, as they weigh more and the hen may not be able to turn them over. Every two weeks the geese should be sprayed with warm and clean water. After 10 days, the oviposition should be illuminated and those without embryos should be removed.

NOTE! You can illuminate it either with a special device, or turn on a flashlight or a backlit camera on your phone.

The number of eggs laid is calculated from the weight and size of the hen, usually 5-7 eggs.

Chicken eggs for turkey

When laying chicken eggs, several conditions must be met, otherwise all chicken offspring can be lost. The incubation period for chickens lasts 20-26 days, and for turkey ducks it lasts 33-36 days. Because of this difference, starting from day 18, you need to monitor whether the chicks have hatched or not.

Otherwise, the chickens may die from lack of air, or the indo-duck may peck at the chicks, realizing that the egg-laying has been replaced or replaced.

There is also a reason - a chicken has a body temperature of 40ºC, and a musk duck has a body temperature of 43ºC, for this reason there is a risk of getting underdeveloped offspring or the death of embryos. It happens that inhibited development can occur while the embryo is still in the egg.

Before placing the turkey duck on eggs, they must be collected, then the nest must be prepared. You need to apply it in the evening, when it is already dark. This is necessary so that the female does not notice other people’s eggs in the nest and throws them out.

Starting from the 18th day of incubation, you need to monitor what is happening. As soon as the chickens hatch, they should be immediately taken home to a warm room. If they are not picked up, there is a risk that the chickens will die from lack of air.

An Indian duck is larger in size than a chicken. And you can add five chicken eggs to the existing egg clutch. If you plan for the female to hatch only chicken eggs, then, based on the size of the hen, approximately 14-20 eggs are added. The main thing is to monitor the incubation, and as the chicks hatch, take them home.

Turkey eggs for turkey

Turkey ducks are excellent brood hens and can even hatch turkey eggs. The incubation period for turkeys is approximately 28 days and therefore there is no reason to worry that the female will abandon the nest ahead of time. Turkey eggs are larger in size than duck eggs, so you must remember to turn them.

The number of testicles for incubation should be no more than 14, but again you need to proceed from the size of the turkey. To obtain offspring, you need to collect fertilized turkey eggs and prepare a nest with water-repellent bedding. The room needs to be clean, warm, dry and well ventilated.

After 10-15 days, the eggs need to be illuminated with a special device, either turn on a backlit camera on your phone or illuminate them with a flashlight and remove the resulting ones without embryos.

What kind of eggs can be placed under an indo-duck?


Regardless of whose eggs the Indian duck is hatching, you cannot touch them in front of her! Since the hen can leave the nest and stop incubating the clutch. There should be no small chicks in the room, otherwise the hen may abandon the nest and start caring for the young.

The hen should always have clean water and fresh food.

That's all! We told you what kind of eggs you can put under the indo-duck. How and how much to add, see this article at the link.

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Beneficial features

The benefits of turkey eggs are due to a large number of factors. Such products contain a lot of proteins, which is useful for organizing proper nutrition for athletes.

Turkey eggs contain elements beneficial to the human body: vitamins, calcium and phosphorus, etc.

It is also included in the diet when the body is severely depleted. The benefits of the product are also manifested in a beneficial effect on the following organs and systems:

  1. The circulatory system due to the magnesium and potassium contained in the composition.
  2. Condition of bones, joints and teeth. The reason for this is the calcium, selenium and phosphorus contained in the composition.
  3. Metabolic processes of the body. Vitamins of groups A, B, E and D stabilize metabolic processes and help the rapid absorption of calcium and other elements.

The benefits of eating such a product are also associated with a beneficial effect on the condition of the body. Useful vitamins, proteins and amino acids help recover from illness. Folic acid helps stabilize the nervous system. It is also important to consider the harm of turkey eggs.

There are not only benefits from consuming such a product, but also harm. If you are using it for the first time, it is worth checking that the body does not have an allergic reaction. Also, it should not be given to children, pregnant women and those suffering from chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. Possible harm is associated with the large amount of fats in the composition, as well as with substances dangerous to a weak body.

Another drawback regarding the use of the product in food is related to the prohibition of eating it fresh. The product contains harmful substances that can lead to serious disruptions to the digestive system. There are also harmful elements in the shell. If you want to use turkey eggs for food, you must wash them first. Cook them for at least 15 minutes.

How cooks use turkey eggs

The product rarely ends up in the hands of professional chefs and ordinary citizens, since it is used for incubation and hatching of ducklings for further raising for meat. If it does end up in the kitchen, then it is permissible to cook it in any usual way.

What is prepared from the raw delicacy?

The delicacy can be boiled, fried, baked, or used in baking recipes instead of chicken. It is particularly good for making biscuits as it has an elastic, buttery protein.

  1. To boil the yolks and whites in the shell, they will need to be kept in boiling water for at least a quarter of an hour.
  2. You need to fry the eggs covered.
  3. You can prepare an omelet from Indian eggs by baking it in a slow cooker or oven.

Before cooking, the delicacy is heated at room temperature for half an hour or more. This procedure avoids cracking of the shell and softens the taste of the finished product.

The shells of eggs intended for cooking in the near future must be thoroughly washed under a running stream of warm water with the addition of soda or laundry soap.

Features of use

Like chicken products, musk duck eggs are used for preparing first and second courses, salads, baked goods, etc. The taste characteristics of the product are also taken into account; many dishes are seasoned with eggs. Not everyone can prepare an omelet from them, because... in taste it will be inferior to a dish made from chicken products. Each person has their own food preferences, so some people will like a fried turkey egg.

Consumption of the product in its raw form is undesirable.

This is due to the large number of bacteria found in the shell that are harmful to the human body. By consuming the product raw, a person runs the risk of suffering from indigestion or contracting infectious diseases.

The product is also used in cosmetology. It is used to make useful strengthening hair masks, as well as creams for oily skin.

Cosmetical tools

Due to their rich mineral and vitamin composition, large amounts of fats and saturated acids, indo-duck eggs are widely used in cosmetology. A hair mask with such a product nourishes the scalp, normalizes water balance, and makes the ends vibrant and not dry. With regular use, weak hair will become more voluminous, silky and shiny.

With musk eggs you can make masks for the scalp, body scrubs with the addition of honey and ground coffee, and much more. An effective face mask with olive oil tightens pores, normalizes blood flow, removes toxins, rejuvenates and tightens the skin. Shell film effectively heals wounds and soothes burnt skin.

Egg production

The egg production of an Indian duck depends on a large number of factors. Nutrition, walking, maintenance and organization of conditions for egg laying are important. The maximum egg production rate of musk ducks is 130 pcs. in year. At home, in such a time frame, a duck can produce 90-100 pieces.

With proper nutrition and proper care, one duck will lay 90-100 eggs per year, but it happens when the number reaches 130 eggs

Nesting conditions greatly influence the amount of product and the time of its appearance. The nest should be deep, soft, well protected from drafts. They place it in the poultry house away from doors and windows.

The musk duck lays eggs every day, so they need to be collected in a timely manner. They wait until 5-10 ducks appear in the nest, and then they go to the poultry house and send the ducks out for a walk. When there are females, you should not take food away. Such manipulations will scare her, which will affect her productivity.

There are other features of improving the productivity of Muscovy ducks:

  1. The diet of birds should be full of nutrients, minerals and vitamins, especially during the egg-laying period. Proper nutrition speeds up the laying process.
  2. Birds sense which chicks can hatch and which cannot. Non-viable embryos are eaten by ducks.
  3. The farmer must select products for hatching. A certain number of eggs suitable in shape and size are selected and undergo candling.

How Indian ducks rush

How many eggs does a Muscovy duck lay? The egg-laying rate of this bird is quite high, and it can lay up to 120 eggs per year if the house is warm and there is enough light. Ducks lay eggs early in the morning, usually by 12 noon, and all the females have finished laying eggs.

In spring, in warm regions, adult females begin laying eggs as early as February. In inland areas this process occurs in April. Ducks lay eggs every day, taking a daily break from time to time. After laying about 20 eggs and stopping incubation, the ducks incubate the chicks and at the same time begin molting. How long does it take? The exchange of feathers takes about 2 months, during which time the chicks have time to hatch and grow a little, and then the females breed again, sometimes in the summer it is possible to produce a second brood.

At what age do Muscovy ducks become adults? This occurs at the age of 8 months. Young chickens will start laying eggs in a month, and their numbers will increase next year.

Therefore, there is no point in laying second eggs for hatching; they can be used for your own purposes.

Sometimes the time comes and the ducks don’t lay eggs, why?

  • If the ducks have stopped laying eggs, it's time to build a nest:
  • if there is a lack of nutrients, the duck must make up for the deficiency:
  • Turkeys have excellent immune systems and rarely get sick, but this possibility cannot be ruled out, so if they no longer tolerate them, remove the bird, strengthen its diet and monitor its behavior closely.
  • During the egg-laying period, the Muscovy duck requires cleanliness; if there is dirt, drafts and damp straw in the room, it will not sit in the nest.

A turkey nest usually holds up to 20 eggs.

Egg storage

Storing turkey eggs is required according to certain rules in order to maximize their shelf life. They should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days. If a person does not want to prepare certain dishes from the product, but stores it for consumption in raw form, then they get rid of it already on the 4th day.

Clean and contaminated eggs must be sorted into different containers, because a large amount of dirt reduces incubation qualities

Failure to follow the recommendations may result in food poisoning.

If you start storing their eggs at home for hatching, you will have to pick them up on the first day of their appearance. This product is stored in special trays in which the eggs themselves do not stand, but are in a horizontal position. Shelf life is 10 days, but only if the required temperature and humidity are maintained. Favorable indicators for storage are 10 °C, humidity – 80%. You can extend the shelf life if you raise the temperature by 3-4 °C.

But before increasing the time period for keeping turkey products in trays, the characteristics of hatching should be taken into account. The longer the storage, the less chance of producing offspring of turkey ducks.

Application in cosmetology

In home cosmetology, yolks and whites are used separately.

  1. Masks for dry skin and hair are prepared from yolks.
  2. Compositions for combination skin are made from yolks and whites mixed with grated raw potatoes.
  3. Remedies for oily skin, getting rid of dandruff from hair, and removing excess sebum include raw proteins mixed with white clay.

Protein compounds are washed off with cool water, dry skin is cleaned with warm liquid. No additional detergents are required when using eggs.

Product selection

This type of product is rarely found in markets and stores. This is due to its short shelf life. You can only buy it on farms.

It is worth checking the quality of the product and its suitability for consumption. To do this, do the following:

  1. Fill a small glass jar with water.
  2. They put the product there.
  3. Observe his location in the bank.

If the product sinks or does not float, then there is no doubt about its freshness. You cannot buy products that, after such a check, have not sunk in the water.

When do ducks start laying eggs?

The Indian duck is a bird of the Anatidae family, vaguely reminiscent of a mute swan. This bird has valuable meat and eggs with high nutritional value. Breeding indo-ducks is quite a profitable activity, provided the correct approach to keeping animals is used.

At what age do Indian ducks lay eggs? Everything here is individual. In particular, this depends on the climate in a particular region and on the microclimate that is maintained in a particular room, as well as on the length of daylight hours.

Muscovy ducks have always been considered good brood hens, so purchasing an incubator is usually not necessary. However, a novice poultry farmer may have problems with brood hens, because some birds have to be specially trained to hatch eggs. How to do this can be found in specialized literature. You can also take advantage of advice from experienced farmers .

What to look for when purchasing

Finding duck eggs on sale is not a big deal. Visit a city fair, go to the nearest village to a private farmer, or look for advertisements on the Internet. But buying quality ones is not easy. There is no guarantee that the product sold will be fresh.

An easy way to determine the freshness of any type is to place it in a bowl of water. If it falls to the bottom of the bowl - it’s fresh, if it sinks halfway - the egg is three days old, and if it floats on the surface, it’s completely stale and it’s not recommended to buy it. When purchasing, you should pay attention to how it looks and whether its shell is intact.

If you decide to purchase eggs for incubation, how to do it correctly, read the article “Everything about incubating eggs from incubators.”

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When Indian ducks sit on eggs

When do Indian ducks start laying eggs? The earliest is six months. At the latest - eight months. There are as many options for the development of events as there are farmers. Typically, these birds lay eggs twice a year: in September-October and in April-May. If a bird that is already a year old still does not hatch, most likely it has problems with hormones, and it is better to send such a duck for meat. But, in most cases, at the age of seven months, almost all birds of this breed are in full swing hatching their chicks.

Is drake needed in poultry farming? Indeed, the male plays an important role in the life of birds. However, experts say that Indian ducks can lay eggs just fine without a drake . But, firstly, without a male they begin to lay eggs later, and, secondly, an egg laid without a male will be unfertilized. Therefore, a male will still be needed for fertilization.

It should be borne in mind that Indian ducks sit on eggs faster in the following cases:

  • if they live in a warm climate, for example, in the south of Russia. In the northern regions, on the contrary, they reach sexual maturity later;
  • when the bird's diet contains a lot of calcium and other vital minerals . If the diet of Indian ducks is poor in nutrients, the process of puberty can be delayed and slowed down;
  • when there is a sexually mature drake in the flock, characterized by active behavior and good health. You can rent a drake, or you can buy it at the market or through an advertisement in a newspaper;
  • if the ducks are completely healthy. If the young birds have recently suffered a mass disease, puberty may occur quite late due to the fact that the birds’ bodies are weakened by the infection.

Chicken and duck eggs: what are the differences

Although these two products are very similar in appearance, there are a few differences:

  1. A duck egg is more elastic than a chicken egg, and many people do not like this elasticity.
  2. It also contains much more fat than chicken, making it more nutritious.
  3. A chicken egg is much smaller: on average, duck eggs weigh about 90g.
  4. The color of chicken eggs is mainly yellow and white, while duck eggs can be white, blue and even greenish.
  5. Due to their specific smell and taste, duck eggs are not everyone's cup of tea.

How to increase the number of eggs

The quantity depends on when turkey ducks start laying eggs at home. If they begin to lay eggs as early as six months, it means they are kept in good conditions. Different hens have different egg production : there are record-breaking ducks (in such cases, the owners sometimes don’t even know where to put the chicks), and there are birds with fairly average indicators. Most often this is due to heredity, but living conditions also play a big role. You can increase the number of eggs in different ways, for example:

  • Enrich the daily nutritional diet of birds with vitamin and mineral supplements;
  • Increase the number of laying hens, for example, buy mature ducks by advertising in the newspaper (on social networks);
  • Maintain suitable temperature and humidity in the room where poultry is kept;
  • Improve other conditions of detention. For example, you can move the hens to a larger room and give each of them more space for a nest.

How to fry duck eggs

Fried duck eggs

Duck eggs are on average 1.5 times larger than chicken eggs. Two eggs will be enough for an adult portion. The taste has a dense texture.

They contain significantly more fat. You can fry duck eggs in less oil.

You can add meat, bacon, sausages, cheese, mushrooms or vegetables to scrambled eggs. For frying, use butter, vegetable oil, or a mixture of two oils.

The shell of duck eggs is much stronger than that of chicken eggs. The blow must be strong enough.

How to help a duck become a good hen

“Maternal” qualities largely depend on when the ducks begin laying eggs for the first time. The earlier a bird begins to lay eggs, the more experience it gains in this matter. Accordingly, the bird, which at 7-8 months has already laid eggs more than once, knows perfectly well what to do with the eggs. And a duck that hatches its offspring for the first time may turn out to be a bad hen due to inexperience.

It happens that the bird flatly refuses to sit on the eggs. In this case, in no case should you put pressure on her or force her. It’s best to go for a trick, using the time-tested “grandmother’s” method. Ducks often refuse to lay eggs if for some reason there are few eggs in the nest. Therefore, the following method usually works : place so many eggs in the nest so that their number reaches about twenty pieces.

It happens that a hen pecks at the shell because she lacks calcium. In this case, you can place an egg with a secretion under the duck. To make it, you need to take an Indian duck testicle, carefully pierce it with a thin needle and pour out the contents, and carefully catch the liquid mustard inside. If a duck tastes such a treat once, it will give up the bad habit and begin to diligently sit on the nest.

Here are a few secrets that will help teach a duck to properly hatch chicks:

  • the nest for hatching ducklings should be warm and cozy so that the hen feels comfortable;
  • It is advisable to place a novice hen on the nest in the presence of more experienced “mothers”, so she will quickly understand what needs to be done;
  • If a bird has few eggs in its nest, and there is nothing to put in it, you can use a trick by making special eggs from alabaster, the so-called dummies. The hen is unlikely to recognize the deception and will willingly sit on the nest. Contaminated artificial eggs should be replaced with new ones from time to time;
  • The nest should be located in close proximity to the hen so that she can see it and willingly sit on it. Access to the nest must be free from all sides.

Indian women have different intelligence. Some hens are more intelligent , while others are not very savvy. Therefore, we must take it for granted that not all birds become good brood hens the first time. It should also be borne in mind that some ducks refuse to sit on the nest due to dulling of innate instincts caused by hormonal problems. This happens quite rarely, but such cases have been reported.

Therefore, if serious problems arise with incubation, you can consult a veterinarian who specializes in birds. But the easiest way is not to waste time on “correcting” careless hens, but to single out several “good mothers” from the population and entrust only them with incubating the eggs.

How to save eggs

How long can eggs be stored? Hatching eggs exposed to unfavorable conditions quickly age and lose productivity; if you plan to produce offspring, it is important to store them correctly so that hatchability is as high as possible:

  • The shell is constantly exposed in the nest, the bird spreads droppings, dirt on its feet, this will definitely affect the quality of the eggs, so they should be removed from the nest after they are laid. This must be done carefully when the bird goes for a walk, otherwise, seeing that its eggs have been carried away, the duck may change the place where the eggs are laid, begin to hide, or give up incubation.
  • Eggs should be stored horizontally in special trays and turned 180 degrees daily. This will prevent the yolk from slipping and drying out.
  • The temperature should be maintained at a level not lower than 8 degrees, not higher than 15 degrees. If they do not lie for more than 5 days, the temperature can be increased to 18.
  • Humidity should be around 80%.
  • The maximum shelf life under these conditions is approximately 10 days.
  • If you are going to store them longer, briefly heat them to 37 degrees Celsius for 4 hours after 2 days to maintain their quality. If an incubator is not available, the eggs are left in the nest for 2 days after laying, pre-marked, and then removed, leaving new ones.

It is good to have a simulated egg in the nest all the time, then the ducks do not suspect deception and calmly lay the egg in the same place.

When Muscovy ducks stop laying eggs and there are enough eggs, usually about 20, they begin to prepare for incubation:

  • stays in the nest longer;
  • carefully covering it with down.

After the hen is well brooded, the eggs can be placed tightly in the nest for 3 days. Before placing them under chickens, they should be carefully inspected to exclude:

  • too dirty;
  • small;
  • big;
  • interspersed;
  • uneven crusts.

How many eggs should you put under a duck? Add as much as the duck can cover. For a muskrat this is no more than 16 eggs, for some 12 are enough.

Only perfect eggs should be laid under a chicken.

About the benefits of eggs

The age at which Indian ducks begin to lay eggs (earlier or later) does not in any way affect the taste and nutritional value. Age does not affect this either. The taste and nutritional value of eggs depend on how much feed the laying hen consumes daily and the quality of that feed. Indo-duck eggs contain valuable vitamins and minerals, are well stored and very rarely carry pathogenic microbes (if the birds are kept in decent conditions). Experts say that turkey eggs contain less cholesterol than chicken eggs, so they are recommended to be eaten for atherosclerosis.

This product also contains essential fatty amino acids necessary for the full functioning of the nervous, digestive, skeletal and muscular systems. Eggs can be boiled and fried in the same way as chicken eggs, but the cooking time will be a little longer. Before cooking, the shell must be washed. It is recommended to eat products from your own farm, because products sold by private owners do not always undergo veterinary control.

Indo-duck is a bird that is famous for its delicious meat and healthy, tasty eggs. To breed this bird profitably, the livestock must have several good layers and outstanding brood hens. It is quite possible to achieve this goal if you maintain it correctly and know the approach to it. Each duck is individual, and the same can be said about drakes. If you take a closer look at the livestock, record holders will definitely show themselves, and then it will be easier to build a home farm.

Storage rules

To avoid harm to the germ or taste of the product, it is necessary to determine how long storage should continue. The timing depends, among other things, on the storage method. In any case, eggs should be handled as delicately as possible, as they are fragile and spoil quickly.

  1. If you are going to use turkey products for food, they should be stored in the refrigerator. Average shelf life is 6-7 days. With raw eggs they are even stricter: after 2-3 days they cannot be eaten. Anyone who eats products that have been kept in the refrigerator for longer runs the risk of developing digestive problems.
  2. You will have to store food for hatching in a completely different way. You will need to take the eggs from the nest almost immediately after they appear; it is recommended to do this while the duck is out for a walk. On trays they are kept in a horizontal position and turned over from time to time. The average air temperature is 10°C and humidity is 80%. In the first case, using the method described above, they are stored for about 10 days. The number of days can be increased slightly by heating the eggs.

The success of hatching depends on how long the eggs spend in storage. Your own eggs, obtained from your own indo-ducks, are much tastier than store-bought ones, but you will have to try harder to get them, however, as they say, you can’t pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

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