Bedbug raid - rules of application and safety, composition, price

Raid for bedbugs is a product that is often preferred by customers. This American brand product saves you from various insects in open areas and indoors. Each product contains a fast-acting insecticide and fragrance. The preparations smell of fruits, flowers, and other pleasant aromas.

Types of funds

The Reid brand produces a line of products to combat flying and crawling insects. There is no special product labeled “from bedbugs”. A broad-spectrum aerosol “against flying and crawling insects” is suitable for these purposes. It is advisable to use an aerosol when the premises are not heavily contaminated. Because the drug quickly loses its properties on the treated surface. The raid is active for no more than 2 hours after disinfestation. Bottle volume 300 ml. This is enough to thoroughly treat one room.

What you should know

Raid aerosol for insect control

Despite the relative safety of the Reid product, it must be used with extreme caution, following the recommendations prescribed by the manufacturer.

  1. It is unacceptable to treat the premises against bedbugs with the aerosol agent Reid in the absence of personal protective equipment (maximum closed clothing, a respirator, safety glasses and rubber gloves).
  2. Disinsection of the premises is carried out with the windows open.
  3. The presence of children and pets during treatment is contraindicated.
  4. In the room where the treatment will be carried out, food, dishes, personal hygiene products, bedding, children's clothes and toys should not be in the public domain.
  5. At the end of the procedure, you should thoroughly wash and rinse your mouth.

Instructions for use

Aerosols are considered the most convenient to use. The drug of the required concentration in the bottle in finished form. There is no need to look for a container for diluting the concentrate; a special spray bottle is not required. Before starting work, you need to remove the cap and shake the bottle well. The product is ready for use.

  • The bottle must be held at arm's length. There should be a distance of 20 cm to the surface. At this distance, the active substance is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the treated surface.
  • Initially, you should treat the places where bedbugs were found, especially the nest. Then all furniture, walls, floors, and ceilings are disinfected. The raid leaves no marks, streaks, and does not spoil the structure of fabric or wood. Can be safely applied to any type of coating.
  • Disinsection is carried out with the windows closed. It is advisable to take care of the airtightness of the room so that parasites do not escape to the neighbors. Firstly, other people will suffer, and secondly, there is a possibility that the bedbugs will return again.
  • Immediately after disinsection of the room, you need to leave it closed for exposure for 2 hours. The same amount will be required for quality ventilation. The smallest particles of insecticide can float in the air for a long time. If you ignore ventilation, you can get a mild degree of poisoning.

There should be no pets or other people in the room. The aquarium should be tightly closed with a lid. Bedding is not treated with Reid. They should first be removed and sent for washing. The sofa, bed, rear furniture, carpets, parquet, wallpaper, baseboards are treated with special attention.

How to use Raid?

Aerosol Reid has several basic rules for use and storage.

  • Before purchasing, calculate how many cans you will need to treat the room - a 400 ml container is enough to treat 20 m2.
  • If you are not going to use it immediately after purchasing, then you need to store the can in a shaded place and avoid direct sunlight. It is also prohibited to keep the aerosol near sources of heat and fire, since the insecticides included in its composition are highly flammable.
  • Prepare the apartment for processing - take out all things, vacuum the room and carry out wet cleaning in it.

Attention! Despite the fact that Raid is a low-toxic drug, before disinfestation it is necessary to remove children, elderly people, people with allergies and pets from the house. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should also not come into contact with the product.

  • If you will be cleaning kitchen surfaces, you should remove all food and utensils. Move cabinets, tables and sofas away from the walls, as bedbugs love to nest on the back surfaces of furniture.
  • Before treating living rooms, all pieces of furniture must also be moved away from the walls and all soft parts must be removed.
  • It is better to take aquariums and terrariums out of the room.
  • When using Reid spray, you must wear personal protective equipment: mask, rubber gloves. If the work will be carried out in a large area and the processing will require time, then an industrial respirator should be used.
  • Before spraying the drug, open all windows and disconnect all household appliances from power sources.
  • Shake the can several times to mix the active ingredients and form a homogeneous mass. Spray the product at arm's length so that the surface to be treated is about 30 cm away.

Important! You cannot spray the aerosol on one area for more than 2 seconds, since the surface should simply be moistened and not filled with the drug. There is also no point in just spraying it into the air.

Don't forget about secluded places: baseboards, backs of upholstered furniture, cracks, and so on.

Advice! Raid should be applied in a continuous straight line so that bedbugs cannot cross it.

After completing the procedure, you should immediately leave the room. It is better to leave the windows open so that the treated surfaces dry faster. To extend the life of the insecticide, it should not be washed off for two weeks. But tables, chairs, stoves and kitchen work surfaces should be wiped down with soapy water.

Do not allow the aerosol cloud to enter your respiratory tract, as a large amount of insecticide can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, do not forget about the mask and try not to inhale the contents of the can. If the spray gets on the mucous membranes of the eyes, they must be immediately rinsed with running water.

Composition and properties of an effective product

The wide spectrum of action of the drug is due to three active substances in its composition.

  1. Cypermethrin is the main component for killing parasites. The insecticide begins to act 10 minutes after treating the room; you can see how the bedbugs die already during disinfestation. At high concentrations, cypermethrin remains active for about 4 months. It is relatively resistant to high temperature and ultraviolet rays. However, the concentration of insecticide in the aerosol is quite low - 0.1%. The drug works well for the first 2 days, then its properties are lost. This is both a plus and a minus. After 2 weeks, the procedure must be repeated again. The product is not as dangerous to human health and pets as a concentrated emulsion solution. The insecticide has an unpleasant, pungent odor that can remain indoors for 2 to 4 weeks. Manufacturers disguised this deficiency with flavors and fragrances. But the problem was not completely solved.
  2. Prallethrin is an insecticide of similar action. There are 0.03% of it in the Raid. It is also good at killing insects like cypermethrin. A second active substance is introduced to prevent bedbugs from adapting to the active substance. For example, cypermethrin is included in many drugs for bedbugs; over time, the parasites that survived the “gas attack” develop resistance. Repeated treatment with a product based on this substance will not have a positive effect. Prallethrin is a kind of safety net.
  3. Imoprotrin is an insecticidal substance with instant action. It kills insects in seconds. But its activity lasts for 2 hours after surface treatment.

The active components of the aerosol disrupt the functioning of the nervous system of insects. They block impulses, which causes muscle paralysis. After a few seconds the parasite dies. Penetrates inside by contact, through the chitinous cover of the insect. In this case, there is a chain reaction method. An infected insect carries the poison on its legs and body to the nest, infecting its relatives.

Main characteristics

The Reid brand is one of the first to produce insect control products. The company's repellents against mosquitoes and cockroaches are quite popular and are known to almost everyone. And they earned their fame due to the fact that they do an excellent job of what they are intended for. And the release form is very convenient - you can simply buy a can and it is completely ready for use without any preliminary operations.

It is for this reason that Raid spray began to be used against bedbugs, since people always prefer to use already proven means that have not failed them before.

Attention! The Reid brand does not have an insecticide specifically against bedbugs in its range. Aerosols from this company are characterized by a general action that is aimed at combating all crawling and flying insects.

Effect of the drug

The active ingredients of this product last for two weeks. This is one of the obvious advantages of the drug Reid, since other similar insecticides have a slightly shorter period of activity. But if there are numerous colonies of bloodsuckers, this remedy does not allow you to get rid of them in a short time, so, most likely, repeated treatment or the use of stronger drugs will be required.

Reviews from consumers who have had experience using this product indicate that Raid exceptionally quickly gets rid of flies, mosquitoes, ants and cockroaches, and in the case of a huge infestation of bedbugs, it has an effective, but not too long-lasting effect. Therefore, if a real epidemic of these bloodsuckers has begun in your home, then it is better to immediately use the services of professionals.


Aerosol Reid contains:

  • insecticide cypermethrin, which belongs to the pyrethroid group. Its action is aimed at the central nervous system of the insect, both adult and at the larval stage. After direct contact, the poison blocks the insect’s nerve impulses and completely immobilizes it. After using the drug Reid, cypermethrin manifests itself most clearly during the first 24 hours. Its properties last for about 20 days, but every day they become less expressive.
  • insecticide prallethrin, the properties of which are very similar to the previous substance;
  • modern generation insecticide imiprotrin - has an immediate toxic effect;
  • solvent;
  • flavoring

The effect of the Raid aerosol is viral in nature, that is, after the bug comes into contact with the treated surface, the poison immediately penetrates its body and begins its effect. The insect goes to its nest and infects all the adults and larvae located there, and the colony soon dies.

Important! If you choose an aerosol from the Reid brand to combat bedbugs, then remember that you will need several bottles, and, possibly, additional insecticides of a different release form.

Since bedbugs are very tenacious, it is quite difficult to get rid of them, and sprays contain a lower concentration of active insecticides than liquid preparations. Therefore, try to spray them directly on the insects themselves and their larvae. This way you will achieve a better result than if you only treat surfaces and possible places where insects move.

Pros and cons of the drug

The main advantage of the aerosol is its ease of use. Very convenient, fast. The drug is immediately ready for use. The instructions are more than simple. The second advantage is the reasonable price. The average cost of an aerosol is 150 rubles. The product is very effective in the fight against other parasites, but when killing bedbugs it has a number of disadvantages.

Cons of aerosol

  • Some of the active substances dissolve in the air without ever reaching the surface. The percentage of insecticide concentration decreases. As a result, the protective layer is not enough to completely kill bedbugs.
  • The product lasts only 2 hours. Then the efficiency decreases with each passing hour. After just a couple of days, the dose of poison becomes harmless to insects.
  • The aerosol has absolutely no effect on eggs. The embryos will continue their full development. After 10–14 days, a new generation of parasites will appear. Re-processing will be required. The third disinsection is carried out 21 days after the first.
  • The unpleasant smell is still present. Flavorings quickly disappear, leaving a persistent smell of insecticide.

Simply put, Raid is not designed to actively control bed bugs. It is rather used as a temporary barrier method. Suitable for consolidating the effect after disinfestation with a concentrated preparation. The effectiveness increases significantly if the Raid is applied directly to the bedbug nest. Destroy eggs, for example, with steam.

Proper preparation of the room

If we talk about the mandatory stages that must be present during disinfestation, then one of them is the preparation of the premises. The effectiveness of the entire procedure will depend on how correctly the room is prepared.

  • Dry cleaning should be done first. All cobwebs and dust should be removed and hard-to-reach places should be checked. Then we carry out wet cleaning. This is done to ensure that the substance adheres well to the surface and does not mix with dust.
  • Be sure to hide food items; they must be in hermetically sealed containers. It is also necessary to hide all dishes and kitchen utensils.
  • Furniture should be moved aside so that the baseboards and walls can be easily treated.
  • It is necessary to remove bed linen, bedspreads, tulle, curtains and all textiles that can be washed. After washing, be sure to iron it to apply high temperature.
  • View all items in closets; bedbugs often lay eggs between folded clothes. If found, things should be processed.


The drug contains toxic substances, and along with them flavorings. The absence of a pungent odor gives a deceptive feeling of its safety. Indeed, low concentrations of cypermethrin and other insecticides are not dangerous to human or animal health. However, the individual characteristics of the organism should be taken into account. By definition, an insecticide can cause poisoning, which manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • vomiting

To avoid trouble, you need to seriously prepare for pest control. Buy a respirator, rubber gloves, and glasses to protect your eyes. Wear a suit with long sleeves and trousers. In case of contact with skin, the insecticide can cause irritation.

Some people prefer a regular towel instead of a respirator. They just cover their mouth and nose. It's not entirely safe, it's not at all convenient. The procedure for disinfestation against bedbugs takes a lot of time. The final result directly depends on the thoroughness of the process.

It is allowed to enter the room after ventilation. You should wash the places where a person’s hands come into contact with water with the addition of soda and soap. In other areas, the toxic substance should remain.

Active substances and mechanism of action

The popular product contains three active substances that work in a complex manner.
These are cypermethrin, prallethrin, imiprothrin, the latter component is one of the newest substances and began to be used not so long ago, but in a short period of time it has become quite popular due to its effective effects. It is used in the fight against many pests. The active substances are aimed at damaging the nervous system of the parasite. When an insecticide comes into contact with an insect, the chemicals attack protein compounds, significantly slowing down synthesis. Next, the nervous and autonomic systems are affected, paralysis and then death occur.

The product can enter the insect's body in two ways. The first is direct contact. If a bug comes into contact with a chemical, the product adheres to the chitinous covering and is then absorbed into the body. The second is the respiratory tract. In this case, the insect inhales the aerosol, which settles on the mucous membrane, and the chemicals penetrate the body. The second option significantly speeds up the time of exposure to the poison.

It should be said that the insecticide is capable of completely destroying the larvae, but, unfortunately, it is absolutely safe for eggs. Therefore, after 2 weeks it is necessary to repeat the treatment of the room in order to destroy young individuals.

Where to buy Raid

The products are so popular that they can be bought even in places where they shouldn’t be. Aerosol bottles are often sold in grocery stores, hardware stores, household chemicals departments, and specialized supermarkets. If desired, the aerosol can be ordered online. There is a discount when purchasing several bottles. On average, one bottle is enough to treat a room. If there are 3 of them in the apartment, you will need the same number of aerosol bottles. Re-processing is mandatory. In general, the entire procedure for destroying parasites will require at least 4 bottles.

Despite all the disadvantages, Raid is widely used to combat bedbugs. Buyers on the forums tell us how effective the result is.

Preparatory activities

Treatment of the room will have a guaranteed result if it is carried out efficiently and in accordance with the recommendations specified in the description (instructions for using Raid against bedbugs are available on each bottle). Therefore, the first thing to do is to prepare the area for disinfestation.

  1. Carry out wet cleaning.
  2. If possible, move the furniture away from the wall, providing free passage to its back and baseboards. Disassemble the bed, making access to the internal mechanism of the structure.
  3. Free the walls from decor, since paintings, mirrors and photographs very often serve as favorite habitats for domestic bugs.
  4. Wash bedding at maximum temperature and heat treatment. To clean warm blankets, it is preferable to use dry cleaning services or treat them with a steam generator.

Composition, release form

Raid is available in bright red cylinders with a capacity of 300 ml. This quantity is enough to treat several rooms - kitchen, bathroom, toilet, corridor. Consumption: 20 ml per 1 sq. m. The shelf life of the chemical product is 2 years. After the first use, the aerosol must be used up within a year. The country of origin is the Netherlands; the product is produced under license in Russia.

The active substances are insecticides: cypermethrin, imiprothrin. The concentration of each is 0.1%. They belong to the third class of hazardous substances; when used correctly, they do not threaten the health of people or pets. The effect is gradually lost under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

Safety precautions

Follow the safety rules: a respirator and gloves will protect you from getting the product on your skin and lungs. After treatment, it is strongly recommended to change clothes.

It is worth paying attention to ensuring that pets are not in the area during treatment - they are also sensitive to pesticides.

The dosage of poisons cannot cause death, but intoxication and poor health when the spray gets into the lungs are guaranteed.

Operating principle

Raid against bedbugs
The toxic composition is detrimental to the entire population of pests, since Raid acts in a similar way to the spread of a virus. When a domestic bug comes into contact with a surface treated with an aerosol, the toxic composition penetrates its body and begins to have a destructive effect. Coming into contact with other individuals, the infected parasite “treats” its relatives with poison, which subsequently contributes to the destruction of the entire colony.

Remedies for cockroaches (video)

According to the aerosol form it has the following advantages:

  • acts on adults and their larvae, effectively destroying them;
  • has a prolonged effect and is able to work and poison insects for 1-6 months;
  • most of the population is destroyed instantly in the first hours after spraying.

The very form of packaging in the form of an aerosol also has undeniable advantages over products in the form of gels, ointments, and liquids. Working with a spray can is much easier and more convenient. In addition, the product can get into rather hard-to-reach places, since it is sprayed finely and the vapors spread everywhere.

One of the disadvantages of the product is its strong smell.

Rules of application

The aerosol should be sprayed with gloves and a respirator to avoid inhaling its vapors and getting poisoned

It is especially important to observe this condition for people with hypersensitivity to chemicals (allergy sufferers)

Before work, you must close all the windows and doors. All products should be sealed and put away. It is best to remove pets from the apartment. The room must be treated methodically

It is especially important to process:

  • baseboards;
  • place near the ventilation grille;
  • area near pipes, sink, garbage can;
  • The backs of furniture, especially kitchen cabinets, are where cockroaches like to live.

After treatment, you must close the house and leave for three hours. There is no need to open the windows. After returning, the house is thoroughly ventilated, and all surfaces are washed with soap, water and soda. On the back surfaces of cabinets, in the area of ​​pipes, trash cans, and baseboards, the product does not need to be thoroughly rinsed off.

special instructions

Very often, reviews of Raid aerosols are not very flattering. Some users claim that it helps get rid of cockroaches for a short time and that the result is to treat once a week to maintain the effect.

In case of low effectiveness, it is necessary to check whether the application rules recommended by the manufacturer were followed.

Precautionary measures

The insecticide Reid must be used extremely carefully.

Despite its safety, the recommended rules should be followed:

  • Since this is still a chemical product, you should wear protective clothing, rubber gloves, a gauze bandage and goggles when treating with Reid.
  • Open windows while treating bedbug habitats.
  • Animals and people should be kept away from the premises.
  • During spraying, cutlery and food items should be removed.
  • After covering the surfaces with Raid anti-bedbug aerosol, you must wash thoroughly with soap and rinse your mouth.
  • Spraying bedbug repellent near an open fire is contraindicated.
  • After treatment, you need to leave your home for a while to allow the treated surfaces to dry and the rooms to be ventilated.

Does Raid help against bedbugs - reviews

There is no clear answer to how effective Raid is against bedbugs. Reviews from people who have tried this insecticide are individual: for some, Raid helped, for others, it turned out to be useless.

Konstantin, 47 years old, Kemerovo:

We bought a completely new house, I can’t even imagine where the bedbugs came from. I accidentally saw Reid in a hardware store, fortunately, it was inexpensive - I bought it. They treated it - the stench was terrible for more than a week. Then the bedbugs appeared again and we treated it again. On the third resurrection, he gave up and ordered a team of exterminators; the breeding ground turned out to be in a crack behind the kitchen cabinets. This is understandable - I didn’t look there when I was poisoning.

Valentina Olegovna, 64 years old, Krasnoyarsk:

I took Reid - I have a small house, one can was enough. But a month later the bugs appeared again, I treated them a second time. Everything would be fine, but there are too many disadvantages - an unpleasant smell and a short-term effect. Plus, every time I have to take dishes out of the house, which I have too much of.

Roman, 30 years old, Irkutsk:

I live in an old high-rise building - someone is always starting me up. Either rats will run through the ventilation, or bedbugs from alcoholic neighbors. I poisoned it with Reid, but discovered significant drawbacks - the need to treat adjacent rooms in my case and a short period of action, after which I have to do everything again. I collected signatures from the neighbors - the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station specialists quickly and in one go destroyed all the living creatures in the entrance, I am satisfied.

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