15 steps on how to prepare an apartment for treatment against bedbugs: what must be done before disinfestation and what should not be done after baiting

For a comprehensive (full) treatment of all rooms and common areas (kitchen, bathroom, corridor), approximately the following time is required:
  • for a one-room apartment it takes 30-40 minutes
  • for a two-room apartment - about 40-50 minutes
  • for a three-room apartment – ​​50-60
  • for a four-room apartment - 60-70

In order for sanitization to be carried out with maximum effect, before the disinfectant arrives, the apartment must be prepared following the advice from this article.

Before processing

  1. Pets should be isolated during partial treatment; during complex treatment, they should be taken outside the premises.
  2. food and utensils from open surfaces and cover them in vapor-proof packaging (hermetically sealed glass or tin containers) or put them in the refrigerator.
  3. Remove personal hygiene items .
  4. Place personal belongings and toys
  5. furniture, oil paintings, household appliances (refrigerator, TV, computer and other electrical appliances) with plastic wrap.
  6. Remove and carefully cover food products that may be exposed to aerosol.
  7. Leave all folding furniture in the unfolded position (if bedbug treatment is being carried out).
  8. Examine books for the presence of black spots in the binding areas - these are traces of bedbugs. If such traces are present in the book, it should be thrown away.
  9. The wallpaper is also checked for the presence of black dots. If detected, it is recommended to remove the wallpaper to achieve maximum effect.

Safety measures for residents

  • When disinsection, it is advisable to remove all residents and pets from the apartment before complete cleaning after treatment with chemicals. If this is not possible, then collect them in a room where there are no signs of infection. Seal the doorway with tape and only then begin processing.
  • Do not start disinfestation without the necessary protective equipment.
  • Prepare a first aid kit in case of poisoning. Keep a phone handy to call an ambulance.
  • Strictly follow the instructions for use of the selected product for treating the room.
  • Before households return to the home, it is necessary to ventilate it and carry out superficial cleaning.

During processing

  1. It is prohibited to carry out sanitary treatment in the presence of people, pets, birds, and fish.
  2. The presence of the customer next to the master is allowed only in protective equipment . Protective equipment must completely protect the skin, eyes and internal organs from aerosol particles. Equipment usually includes: a cotton robe or overalls, a scarf, an oversleeve, gloves, sealed goggles and a universal respirator or gas mask.
  3. Treatment can be carried out with open windows (in case of ULV irrigation).

How to give first aid

If there are signs of poisoning in a person, then the first step is to take him outside so that there is an influx of oxygen so that the victim can breathe easier. Remove all clothing from the victim and rinse mouth with water. Next, give him water and activated charcoal to drink.

If the drug gets into your eyes, be sure to rinse your eyes with plenty of water, or you can use 2% baking soda. If your eyes suddenly start to hurt badly, drip a solution of 2% novocaine.

If you accidentally swallowed the drug, then drink more water and induce vomiting, then rinse your stomach with 2% food grade water and take activated charcoal (15 tablets maximum).

If a person has lost consciousness, you should not induce vomiting or rinse your stomach. Call an ambulance.

After you have provided first aid, call a doctor.

After processing

  1. The room should be well ventilated for at least 30 minutes in the absence of people.
  2. After airing, you should wipe the surfaces with which you will often come into contact (working surfaces of tables, cabinets, shelves, window sills, door handles, etc.) using a soda solution of soda ash (30-50 g per 1 liter of water) with soap, in rubber gloves.
  3. bed linen at high temperature and iron.

General cleaning of the apartment is carried out no earlier than 14 days , only after the death of all insects or after the expiration of the drug.

Reminder for clients when exterminating insects in an apartment

Dear Clients,

If you ordered our service for exterminating bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, fleas and other crawling insects in your apartment, the validity period of our product is at least 3 weeks. At this time, it is advisable to abandon general cleaning and re-treatment with other preparations. Especially in the first 3 days, when the drug has the greatest activity.

The fact is that the drug is luring and is designed not only to destroy insects “here and now”, but also to produce new offspring. Greater activity of insects (especially bedbugs) may be noticed, as they have to crawl out of their hiding places and look for new habitats, after which they die. Especially do not use steamers.

If after 21 days the insects have not gone away, then call our organization by phone: +7 (499) 755-76-73 and we will re-treat.

For any questions, call our contact numbers, and we will answer your questions and provide advice.

It should be taken into account

The guarantee is provided for sanitary treatment of all rooms inside the apartment or house - sleeping places, balconies and loggias, common areas (corridor, bathroom, toilet, kitchen).

The work is carried out in complete confidentiality (it is not disclosed to anyone that you have had insect repellent treatment done).

Our specialists can carry out treatments seven days a week and on holidays, day and night, throughout the city of Moscow and the Moscow region.

What are bedbugs?

The bug is classified in the order Heteroptera. The development of bedbugs is incomplete. There is no pupal stage in its life cycle, but the following stage occurs:

  • eggs;
  • five larval stages - nymphs;
  • adult form.

The eggs are cream-colored, oblong and oval, the length of the eggs laid by bedbugs is about 1 mm. The period of development from egg laying depends on the temperature of the inhabited place. Temperatures of 45° C are destructive for them.

The larvae hatch very quickly - up to one week at an ambient temperature of 35 ° C. In cooler times, the hatching period increases (from 2 weeks to 1 month).

At temperatures below 10° C, the bug hibernates, waiting for better conditions.

The bug attacks its victims mainly at night and leaves marks on the body in the form of bites.

The unwanted tenant of our apartment attacks almost all year round, mainly at night while sleeping. After dawn or lights are turned on, they hide in darkened shelters.

More details:

In the rooms:

  • Carry out normal cleaning: vacuum or wash the floors, wipe off dust. Sort out your things - there should be no chaos in the apartment .
  • During treatment, remove the things that you touch most often: remote controls for household appliances, telephone, keyboard and mouse of your home PC.
  • If there are bedbugs in the apartment, prepare the furniture for treatment: empty cabinets and linen drawers. It is recommended to boil and iron bedding to reduce the likelihood of insects appearing from the masonry.

In the kitchen:

  • Remove food and utensils so that insect repellent cannot get on them. Empty the cabinets in which insects were noticed - they will be treated. We recommend wrapping work surfaces, such as countertops, with cling film or plastic wrap - this way you will significantly reduce the cleaning time after a visit from our technician.

Common areas:

  • In the toilet rooms, make sure that personal hygiene items are removed: toothbrushes, razors, towels, cotton swabs. It is also recommended to remove tubes, bottles and other closed containers that you use during toilet procedures during treatment.

Possible mistakes

Careless preparation for disinfestation often leads to the fact that seemingly destroyed insects restore their population again.

Main mistakes:

  • Dust was poorly removed in hard-to-reach places, which could prevent insecticides from reaching insects.
  • The ventilation was not blocked and re-infection occurred from neighbors.
  • Books containing insects or their larvae have not been thoroughly checked.
  • Refusal from specialized organizations that can carry out all stages of processing more efficiently using professional equipment.
  • Poor quality inspection of the premises during self-disinfestation.
  • Incorrect assessment of the degree of infestation.

Pest control

The help of essential oils in the process of baiting domestic bedbugs

Essential oils are no longer used as a means of relaxation, but as a weapon against crawling vampires. Those who have tried it claim that the repellents show their advantageous side. A way to poison house bugs pleasantly should perhaps interest you.

The approach is standard; it can hardly be called unique. All you need to do is distribute the funds in a dropwise manner. Using pipettes, moisten the edges of protruding parts of paintings, the edges of cabinets, cabinets, lampshades, and headboards.

The choice is extensive, so you don’t have to worry that the product won’t be found in the pharmacy.

The following oils are suitable:

  • Rosemary oil.
  • Camellia oil.
  • Lavender oil.
  • Eucalyptus oil.

On the preventive side, it is also not a sin to use these pleasant-smelling liquids.

Aerosol "Combat"

The chemical is produced in Korea. The product contains lemon and mint flavoring. Thanks to this, the spray is very popular. It comes in a convenient form and does not require dissolution. After treating the furniture, a pleasant smell remains in the room, and pests disappear. This product can be used to exterminate insects in a small room.


“Unwanted guests appeared in the children's room. After a long search, I discovered a small nest of bedbugs under the mattress. Since the bed is for children, I did not risk using highly toxic solutions. I used the Kombat spray. In our case, the product helped.”

Trust the professionals

If you don’t have the strength and desire to poison bedbugs without the help of others, calling professionals to your home will be a good solution.

The disinfection service uses strong agents, so you may have to leave the premises for a while. But such measures are taken in cases of enormous scale of the task.

Thermal treatments along with insecticides may also be suggested. In any case, it is better to trust the experts, so as not to have to fight with the remains of surviving insects.

Effort + faith in success!

The article on how and with what to poison bed bugs rationally is coming to an end. Here’s what I’d like to add finally: behave annoyingly towards creeping scoundrels...

Don't let them relax, shake out all the pillowcases, spray the curtains with hot steam, poison the rooms with chemicals. Only persistence will bring you closer to the final sigh of relief!

Well, if the material presented is not enough for you, you can watch a video on what products are best suited for killing bed bugs at home:

Extra Effort

Is there turpentine lying unattended in the garage? Do you have ammonia on hand? Well, even from such “soldiers” it is possible to form a combat platoon.

As practice shows, many have managed to poison home bugs solely using such an arsenal. These attempts seem risky, but please get rid of your prejudices. Until you are convinced by personal experience, you definitely shouldn’t give it the benefit of the doubt.

The mentioned substances can be dissolved in high concentrations in heated water. In addition to them, acetone and vinegar have an identical function. The first to actually walk under coffee tables and along shelves. The second one seems to be intended for irons with the ability to release steam!

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