Instructions for the use of drugs containing fenthion, how they work and analogues

Over 15 years of intensive work and more than 3,000 treatments, we have tested in practice all the drugs for killing bedbugs that are on the market not only in Russia, but also abroad. Moreover, they tested not only the products themselves, but also various combinations of them, both with each other and using different processing technologies - cold and hot fogs, wet spraying, extermination and barrier protection.

Today we know which drugs in Moscow poison bedbugs the first time, which treatments need to be repeated, and which practically do not work. This allows us to confidently choose drugs for killing bedbugs, even in those apartments where insects have already been poisoned before us, more than once, and the insects could already have developed resistance to certain insecticides.

In every specialized store you can buy several dozen anti-bedbug products, most of which are analogues of each other

For example, we know that if a person himself poisoned bedbugs in an apartment, for example, with Combat and Dichlorvos Neo, then he had no chance of destroying them. But at the same time, some of the bedbugs from such an attempt at extermination could crawl along the baseboards and back walls of furniture, and then set up nests here. And etching them here will be quite labor-intensive, if only because all the furniture will need to be moved, and the baseboards will need to be removed.

Or another case: the customer could, before calling the service, try to poison the bedbugs with Forsyth, or the Executioner. After such independent persecution, the number of bedbugs became smaller, then they multiplied again, they were again poisoned by the same Forsythe, they again restored their numbers until the person despaired and called us. And we, having learned from him the history of the use of these drugs, were already prepared for the fact that it was necessary to poison his bedbugs with means not based on fenthion, and preferably not with organophosphorus compounds at all, since his bedbugs could already be resistant to fenthion, and There is, albeit a small, risk of such resistance to organophosphates in general.

And one more important point: approximately every sixth of our visits is a treatment after another service, which poisoned bedbugs with one drug or another, but could not destroy them. We carry out several hundred such treatments a year, and we know by what means other services do not completely kill the bedbugs, and after which the number of bedbugs does not even decrease.

Bedbugs on the bed two weeks after treatment

Therefore, we have now prepared a short review of drugs and groups of insecticides in general, which are most often used to poison bedbugs with varying effectiveness in Moscow, both by disinfectors and by the owners of infested premises themselves. And when you call a disinfection service, you can immediately ask what means the specialist plans to carry out the treatment, and make a decision - order the treatment from him, or call a specialist who works with more effective preparations.

General classification of drugs for bedbugs according to the groups of active substances in them

All drugs used to kill bedbugs, or bedbugs along with other insects, can be divided into several groups depending on their active ingredients. In fact, there are few such groups of active substances, although within them there are more and less powerful insecticides:

  1. Organophosphorus compounds, or simply OPs - malathion (aka karbofos), fenthion, chloripifos, temephos and others. Dichlorvos belongs to the same group, but today it is not used in household insecticides, and under the name “Dichlorvos” they sell preparations based on completely different active ingredients, most often mixtures of pyrethroids. It is among preparations based on organophosphorus compounds that today there are the most effective modern remedies for bedbugs. In our practice, 99% of disinsections, after which bedbugs are destroyed the first time, are carried out using products based on FOS. A common drawback of most drugs in this group is a fairly strong unpleasant odor. Imported expensive products with FOS may smell weaker, and the smell disappears after them in a few hours; domestic inexpensive analogues, it seems, can even kill bedbugs with one smell, which takes 3-4 days to dissipate, but all products of this type have a smell of some strength groups.
  2. Pyrethroids - cypermethrin, deltamethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, tetramethrin, imiprothrin, and others, are as often used as they are ineffective against bedbugs. It is with them that most products are produced in aerosol cans, and they are often purchased in the form of concentrates to combat bedbugs, although they were originally intended by the manufacturer as means for baiting cockroaches. They really kill cockroaches well, but have very little effect on bedbugs. Many years ago, our disinfectors became convinced that after an attempt to kill bedbugs with drugs containing pyrethroids, it is almost guaranteed that they will need to carry out re-baiting, but with other means, and the insects will be destroyed by these “other” means. Alas, those who try to poison bedbugs themselves, and even many novice disinfectors, do not know this. Among products with pyrethroids, there are a lot of drugs that are odorless or with pleasant fragrances, which plays a role in choosing them.
  3. Neonicotinoids are quite effective insecticides, on the basis of which several good drugs are produced. They can be called confident “average” - with a small number of bedbugs in the house, such a drug, if used correctly, will destroy them all in one treatment, but with a severe infestation, more powerful means are already needed. Preparations based on neonicotinoids have some technological disadvantages, due to which they are rarely used in professional practice. In everyday life, for independent destruction of parasites, they can be used.
  4. Phenylpyrazoles - pinoxaden and fipronil - are very controversial drugs. In some cases, they kill bedbugs and cockroaches very well, in others they do not work even when the cockroaches directly eat fipronil baits. That is, it is obvious that insects quickly develop resistance to these substances. Because of this, working with them requires jeweler precision: combining them with other means and disinfesting them only in rooms where insects have definitely not been encountered with such insecticides before.
  5. Carbamates - they are contained in drugs used in extreme cases. Their disadvantage is their very high price. Moreover, for effective processing it is necessary to take large quantities of such products, which ultimately increases the cost even more. For specialists who have a large range of products based on FOS, there is no need for drugs with carbamates, but in general they can be kept in mind.
  6. Silicon dioxide and its derivatives are very specific substances that do not poison bedbugs, but dehydrate them when they come into contact with the body. They are completely harmless to people. In professional practice, they are not used independently due to their slow action, but are often recommended as an aid after treatment.

Silicon dioxide
A separate group (probably even larger in range than any of the above) are preparations with a complex composition, which contain several active ingredients of different classes. The idea of ​​combining the operating components is not bad, but its actual implementation in practice in many cases turns out to be meaningless. We'll explain why below.

What is included in the composition and existing forms of release

Pure fenthion (an organophosphorus compound) is a brownish, oily liquid with a faint garlicky odor. Soluble in organic solvents, ether, acetone, ethanol.

The drug belongs to the group of insecticides and is used to kill ixodid ticks and insects. Products containing 40-50% fenthion are produced in the form of a wettable powder or concentrated emulsion. Used for disinfection in medical, sanitary, and household areas.

Preparations with organophosphorus compounds

Currently, products based on FOS are considered the gold standard for removing bedbugs. They quickly destroy these insects, act for a long time after drying (up to 2-3 weeks, if the apartment is not wet cleaned), are relatively safe for people and pets (after drying, they can no longer poison anyone except insects) and, with proper care, selection and application allow you to remove bedbugs the first time, even from heavily infested premises.

We can’t name the best remedies in this group - if everyone starts poisoning bedbugs with them, then in a year or a year and a half all the bedbugs in Moscow will develop resistance to them and, in fact, there will be no effective drugs left.

In addition, it is impossible to buy professional, quickly killing bedbugs products of this group at retail - they are sold wholesale, in large canisters, delivered only by the manufacturer or dealer to the services themselves and are not sold to individuals. And their price is very high, for independent baiting, also in bulk, no one will buy them for sure.

Among household products based on such compounds, Forsyth and Executioner can be noted. These drugs work very well against bedbugs, they can be purchased in small bottles specifically for use at home, and when used correctly, they kill bedbugs the first time. The active ingredient in them is fenthion, to which bedbugs have not yet developed mass resistance.

But products based on old FOS work worse and worse. For example, we very often have to poison bedbugs after the work of other services that use cheap drugs:

  • Fufanon Super is based on malathion (aka karbofos), after treatment which is almost guaranteed to need repeating. The product is inexpensive, but it is produced in Denmark and makes it possible for exterminators and dumpers to advertise “poisoning bedbugs with imported European preparations.” Its important advantage is its relatively weak odor.
  • Sinuzan is an imported drug based on chlorpyrifos. It is more expensive than Fufanon Super, it smells stronger, the results of its use are a little better, but it cannot be called particularly reliable - very often it is necessary to poison the bedbugs after the services that tried to remove them from the customer’s premises with Sinusan.
  • Averfos - you don’t have to be too disingenuous if you say that they have already managed to treat at least one apartment in every Moscow building. In fact, it is a cheaper, smellier and less effective version of Sinuzan. It’s very sad to admit this, but most fly-by-night companies that appear at the beginning of the summer season with an increase in demand and close by the fall due to a barrage of negative reviews and complaints from dissatisfied customers use either Averfos or Agran to destroy bedbugs (more on that later) . Actually, because of such thoughtless, indiscriminate, illiterate use, unprofessional exterminators themselves created immunity for bedbugs to chlorpyrifos - the active ingredient of Sinuzan and Averfos, in principle, a good insecticide that continues to poison other insects (for example, wasps and ants).

It is precisely because of the long history of use and low cost that old FOSes gradually lose their effectiveness and are used less and less by professionals. Many populations of bedbugs in large cities have encountered this product and many insects have developed resistance to it.

On a note

For this reason, by the way, many manufacturers deliberately do not reduce the prices of their drugs - the income from smaller quantities, but sold at a high price, will be the same as when selling a large quantity, but inexpensively, but at the same time, slow sales will ensure a longer “life” of a product on the market. And therefore, by the way, good treatment with a reliable drug cannot be cheap. For example, in our country the drug used to treat an apartment alone costs about the same as what they charge for “professional” disinfestation in some regional centers.

This fate has already befallen the famous dichlorvos - due to the lack of alternatives, at one time insects were poisoned by everyone, but the insects quickly adapted to it and it lost its insecticidal power. Now, on the same road to pest control oblivion, karbofos and chlorpyrifos are located, while the rest of the FOS drugs still continue to work well.

The same good old Dichlorvos

Almost all FOS have a bad and strong smell, both on their own and due to “smelly” fragrances used as indicators of the presence of an insecticide in the room. For example, fenthion itself smells like concentrated garlic, but preparations based on it smell like industrial paint.

However, expensive imported drugs with organophosphorus compounds have a less pronounced odor, which dissipates quite quickly and completely. Domestic products with FOS are more smelly and persistent, and many customers have to choose a treatment product - cheaper, but smellier, or more expensive, but less fragrant.


Forssyth is not highly toxic, but it is important to always take precautions. Before using the concentrate, you must remove all utensils, food and exclude the presence of people or pets in the room.

Ventilate the room thoroughly, and carry out processing only in personal protective equipment. After completing the work, thoroughly wash your hands and face with soap, and preferably simply rinse your mouth with water.

This product requires special preparation when used. You must carefully read the instructions for use and follow safety precautions.

Products with pyrethroids

Against bedbugs, drugs based on pyrethroids alone are mostly practically useless. Our exterminators found this out at the very beginning of the service; later we regularly tested new emerging insecticides of this group on bedbugs - where these substances kill cockroaches in a matter of minutes, the bedbugs are not killed at all.

The only more or less effective substance specifically against bedbugs from this group so far remains lambda-cyhalothrin. Preparations based on it - Lambda-Zone, Paragraph, Dr. Klaus. But it is also quite dangerous: in our treatments, when using it in basements, rats died, and one of our clients used a drug based on it to poison moles in the garden. Therefore, you need to work with it extremely carefully.

At the same time, it is with drugs containing pyrethroids that people most often try to poison bedbugs themselves. The fact is that it is with pyrethroids that odorless products are most often produced, and most of those who poison bedbugs for the first time expect that they can destroy these parasites without stinking up the apartment. As a result, the product is purchased, applied, the bugs remain, the product is reapplied, the bugs remain again, and then it’s the turn of heavy artillery, or professionals with such heavy artillery. But since almost everyone tries to try products in spray cans, it turns out that it is precisely these pyrethroid-containing drugs that are used against bedbugs even more often than truly effective products.

Storage rules

Any preparations containing fenthion should be stored in a specially designated room. It is prohibited to store drinking water, food, or animal feed in the premises. It is recommended to store products in the original sealed packaging. The working solution is prepared immediately before use. The finished product should be used within 7-8 hours.

Neonicotinoid-containing drugs

The most famous of these remedies is Blockade-Antiklop, a fairly effective drug, which, however, often misfires when used independently. The optimal way to use it is in addition to powerful FOS in apartments where there are a lot of bedbugs and there is a risk of relapse. In addition, when combined with other active ingredients, the neonicotinoid in the Blockade guarantees the destruction of bedbugs that may be resistant to other insecticides.

The advantages of this drug are low cost and lack of odor. Practice shows that if you try to destroy bedbugs only with it, you need to count on 2-3 treatments, but after them there will be no smell in the room.

Another good drug based on the neonicotinoid imidacloprid is Grand, made in India. It is also odorless, but expensive, and can leave permanent stains on furniture. Considering that the manufacturer often does not fill the bottles with the required volume, its price generally turns out to be prohibitive and it makes sense to use it only where blood from the nose requires odorless disinsection.

A less expensive analogue of Grand in terms of active substance is Confidant. But it can hardly be called the best drug, at least for professional use. In normal concentrations, it quickly settles even in the sprayer tank and clogs all the tubes, after which it crystallizes and can no longer be washed off - the expensive device has to be thrown away or repaired, which is the same price as buying a new one. In low concentrations, it does not clog the fogger, but practically does not remove bedbugs.

As a result, we use neonicotinoid-containing drugs almost exclusively as adjuncts.

Other do-it-yourself bed bug remedies

There is also a fairly old remedy called Cucaracha on sale. The active ingredients in it are cypermethrin and malathion, also known as karbofos. In fact, it is similar to the same Agran, especially since karbofos has also long been known to have stable populations of bed bugs.

By the way, Fufanon is produced using only karbofos - consider it the same karbofos, only in a different package. If bedbugs do not have resistance to it, it works well (as does Karbofos, in fact). If they are stable, then processing them does not give any result.

Almost the same can be said about most other chemicals. Whatever you take: Forsythe, Tetrix, Zonder, Cyclops, Raid, Raptor - they all contain highly effective insecticides, and any of them can kill bedbugs. All of them have both positive and negative reviews.

There are relatively few drugs that have almost no effect on bedbugs in real apartment conditions. For example, this is a very famous chalk Mashenka, these are repellers that are plugged into an outlet. But after self-treatment with means that quite effectively kill bedbugs, people still call and order professional treatment.


For the most part, carbamate-containing agents are considered auxiliary drugs for baiting bedbugs. The most famous of them is Effective-Ultra, which is quite effective, but extremely expensive and consumable. We use it extremely rarely, in cases where, after several treatments, the bedbugs could not be eradicated with other drugs.

How an exterminator chooses a bedbug killer

When we go to treatment on call, we take several products with us, one of which or a complex of which is most likely to destroy all the bedbugs in the room.

Of course, in order to choose a remedy, we need to roughly imagine the situation in the apartment: how many bedbugs are there, how long have they been living there, what have they been poisoned with, what substances can they already be resistant to, are there cockroaches along with the bedbugs? The operator tries to obtain all this information from the customer in advance by phone, but it is not always possible to do this. Sometimes people don’t say something, sometimes they hide the fact that they treated the room with something or called another service. Therefore, we always make allowances for this and take the strongest means with a reserve of “power” when traveling. Moreover, for each trip we bring several different means so that we can choose the most suitable one on the spot.

As a rule, we prefer to work with imported products. They are more expensive, they usually use relatively new insecticides that bedbugs have not yet encountered and to which they do not have resistance. Due to the fact that these products are quite expensive, they are rarely used by other services, and due to the fact that they are sold in large packages, people do not use them at all for self-processing. This is a definite, fairly reliable guarantee that specifically here, in Moscow and the Moscow region, in St. Petersburg, bedbugs have not encountered these products. And when we use these drugs, we immediately destroy bedbugs.

Plus, we must admit that imported drugs are purer, they contain fewer impurities, that is, they are safer. They stink less, dissipate faster, and are less likely to cause any unwanted reactions in people.

At the same time, the price of these imported products is quite high and significantly increases the cost of processing. Therefore, either over the phone when ordering, or already in the apartment, we are forced to offer a person a choice: either treatment with a cheaper Russian drug, or expensive treatment with an imported product.

Sometimes we have friction with clients about this. The first problem is due to the fact that people, when calling an exterminator, do not want to rack their brains and decide on the choice of product. They pay money so that the exterminator makes this choice and so that there are no bedbugs left in their house. But when a person finds out that the difference in price when processed with different means can be 1500-2000 rubles, he understands that this question is appropriate.

Another complaint is related to the fact that, on the one hand, we say that bedbugs can be removed by any means, and on the other hand, we begin to offer cheaper or more expensive options. Some people perceive this as some kind of “divorce”. They say that you can remove it with anything, but then they start to increase the price by offering an imported product.

In fact, an exterminator will actually remove bedbugs using any means. The only question is that in one situation it may really not matter what means of poisoning is used. But there are times when it is important for a person that there is no smell in the room after treatment. Or the infestation of the apartment is so strong that only a powerful imported product will remove bedbugs the first time, but they will have to be poisoned twice with a domestic product. Plus, the possibility of a misfire due to resistance to a domestic, frequently used product has not been canceled: if we use an imported drug, we almost certainly destroy all the bedbugs at once. If we use a domestic product, it may happen that it does not catch bedbugs (although this is a very rare case), and the room will need to be treated again. Such repeated processing means additional hassle, nerves, labor and time. And we understand that for many people it is easier to immediately order an imported drug in order to avoid these hassles.

And one more important point: very often it happens that on the spot, already in the apartment, we discover a situation that is completely different from what the client described to us over the phone. Moreover, often this does not even involve the client’s malicious intent. It happens that a person does not see bedbugs, he thinks that there are not many of them, but we come, dismantle his sofa and find thousands of bedbugs, huge nests. It happens that a person orders treatment over the phone and does not know what means were used to poison bedbugs in the room before. And on the spot, one of the residents (mother, grandmother, apartment owner) tells the exterminator the names of the products that were used here previously. There are other situations, but the essence of them is common: in the office, according to the manager who received the call, the exterminator is preparing for one situation, but instead it turns out that the circumstances are somewhat different. And if initially we were preparing for treatment with an inexpensive domestic product, then on the spot it turns out that we need to work with a more expensive imported drug. Accordingly, it happens that the exterminator is forced to increase the price on site.

Previously, we considered this unacceptable, because such an increase is a favorite trick of scammers. They advertise pest control for 1,200 rubles, but in the apartment they grab their heads, ooh and ah, and tell the client that everything is more complicated than they thought, and poisoning will now have to cost 8,000.

We always try to avoid this, but in fact, sometimes such situations are inevitable even with crystal honest exterminators, without any fraud.

To completely eliminate the possibility of any mark-ups, all of our exterminators always have a certified price list with them and any price increase is always carried out in accordance with the prices established by the company.

You just have to understand that not always, but sometimes such a price change after a professional inspection of the apartment may be justified and necessary.

In particular, sometimes in an apartment the exterminator decides to use imported drugs instead of Russian ones, or use a complex of products, or after the main treatment, use Blockade-Antiklop for longer protection. All this increases the efficiency of treatment and the likelihood of complete extermination of bedbugs the first time. But this also leads to a reasonable increase in price.

Preparations containing silicon dioxide and its derivatives

This is a very specific group of products that are very widely used for self-extermination of bedbugs, but are almost never used by exterminators. These include Hector, Ecokiller, Ecodust and some others. All of them are dry powders, which, when soiled by bedbugs, lead to their dehydration and death.

Practice shows that these products work really well where there are few bedbugs, or where the bulk of the parasites have been poisoned with acute-acting drugs, and the remaining ones can be easily killed with such powders in 3-4 days. If Hector initially tries to remove a large population of bedbugs, they often fail - a few individuals in the room survive, reproduce, and history repeats itself.

However, these drugs are now experiencing a boom in demand due to their safety - they are absolutely non-toxic to people and cannot lead to poisoning even if they come into contact with the skin or the digestive tract. Therefore, they are often preferred to other drugs that can potentially cause poisoning.

In some situations, we advise our clients to use Hector to prevent the reappearance of bedbugs in the apartment. Fortunately, this product and its analogues are quite easy to buy in stores.


It has an acute insecto-acaricidal effect against cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, rat mites, as well as adults and larvae of flies and mosquitoes. Residual activity persists for 3-5 weeks.


In terms of the degree of impact on the body of warm-blooded animals when introduced into the stomach and applied to the skin, it belongs to class III of moderately dangerous drugs according to GOST 12.1.007-76. Upon single contact with the skin, a mild local irritant effect was established; causes a moderate irritant effect when exposed to the mucous membranes of the eyes. When inhaled in the zone of acute (in the form of aerosols) and subacute (in the form of vapors) biocidal effect, the working aqueous emulsion belongs to classes II and III of highly and moderately dangerous according to the Classification of the degree of hazard of disinfestation agents.

Preparations with several insecticides of different groups

The idea of ​​adding several active components of different groups to the drug suggests that if the bedbugs are not killed by one of the insecticides in the product, then the second component will destroy them.

Also, in some products, an amplifier-synergist is added to the two existing insecticides, which by itself either does not kill insects, or does so very weakly, but which significantly enhances the effect of the main substances.

In practice, most drugs with such a mixed composition are mixtures of organophosphorus compounds with pyrethroids, and in many of them pyrethroids are added in some tiny quantities, the purpose of which is not entirely clear. Pyrethroids are generally weak against bedbugs, and in concentrations of 5-10% of the total amount of the product, after dilution in water, the parasites will not even feel them. But due to such low concentrations, they may well develop resistance to them.

On a note

Perhaps it was precisely this habit of adding pyrethroid to the product to create the impression of a “more powerful composition” that played a role in the widespread addiction of bedbugs and some cockroaches to insecticides of this group.

A striking example of such a drug is Agran. All disinfectants try to poison bedbugs with it when they first start working. Agran is inexpensive and impresses a beginner with its “complex composition” of chlorpyrifos (to which more than half of the bedbugs in Moscow and St. Petersburg are already accustomed) and cypermethrin, 5% of which does not even make a bedbug sneeze. At the same time, the product stinks terribly and gives the impression of a really powerful treatment.

As a result, all of Moscow and the surrounding Moscow region are flooded with Agran; they work with it where people are looking for cheaper treatment, and often it is inadequate for the degree of infection of the apartment. As a result, we most often refurbish apartments precisely after persecution by Agran - there is a terrible stench from chemicals here, and the bugs are still crawling and crawling, only crawling into the most inaccessible places.

In fact, the same chlorpyrifos is contained in the drugs Averfos and Sinuzan - these are analogues of each other. Considering that cypermethrin in Agran does not kill bedbugs, they can also be considered analogues of Agran. We have already discussed the effectiveness of these drugs above.

Why can’t people get rid of bedbugs even with good means?

Among professional exterminators, this unwritten truth is known: the most effective remedy for bedbugs is the one used by a specialist. This is not an aphorism or an advertisement. It is a fact. A person can use the same means to poison bedbugs once, then a second time, then a third time, and the parasites will not come out. The exterminator will use the same product to properly treat the room, and there will be no more bedbugs here.

In order to remove bedbugs with any, even the most effective, means, you need to be able to use this means. If you don’t know how to do this, even the most powerful drug will not guarantee that bedbugs will disappear from your apartment.

The drugs listed above are not fundamentally different from the professional products that exterminators use. Yes, professional insecticides have higher concentrations and may include other auxiliary components, but they work against bedbugs in almost the same way. They are simply more profitable to purchase in bulk and insect resistance to them is less likely.

Partly because of the desire to maintain this effectiveness of the products, we do not say what specific drugs we use. Because we know that there are no bed bugs that are resistant to these products. This is our professional secret. If tomorrow all services (including various hacks) begin to flood apartments with these products, then in six months these products will begin to have annoying misfires due to the resistance of insects, and we will have to look for new drugs.

But this is relevant for us, for pest control service specialists. We carry out 10-15 treatments every day, which is hundreds of treatments per month. And we need to have means with which we can confidently poison bedbugs everywhere.

In your case, the likelihood that bedbugs in your apartment will be resistant to a particular drug is negligible. Most likely, any product with a powerful insecticide can kill your bedbugs. If you take a product based on two insecticides, it will definitely kill your bedbugs. Therefore, you don’t need to rack your brains, search for and order some expensive professional products. You just need to correctly apply what is intended for self-processing in the apartment.

But with this - with the correct use of the product - most people have problems. Actually, all cases when a person buys Cyclops, or Karbofos, or Executioner, poisons bedbugs with them, the bedbugs seem to disappear, but then appear again - these are precisely those situations when the product is used incorrectly. And in this case, it doesn’t matter what kind of product it is - household or professional, strong or weak, with or without a smell. If you use it incorrectly, it will not remove bedbugs.

Actually, this is what we see in our calls. People tell us that they poisoned bedbugs with one drug or another, or they had services before us that poisoned bedbugs with a certain drug. And almost always these remedies are quite effective. We know them, we tested them, they can remove bedbugs. And if you can’t do this, then it’s not a matter of means. The point is how to use this tool.

That is why the drug used by a professional exterminator will be more effective than even the most powerful remedy that a person uses to kill bedbugs for the first time in his life. This is why people take good products, but cannot get rid of bedbugs with them, and sooner or later they still call us.

Our practice shows that compliance with processing rules is a more important factor than a powerful tool. An experienced exterminator will remove bedbugs even with a spray can – Raid or Raptor. Of course, he will spend more time on this than when working with a cold fog generator and with a professional preparation. He may even have to carry out two treatments with such products in a can. But after these two treatments, there will be no bedbugs left in the room.

If an inexperienced person takes even the most powerful professional drug, he will most likely not be able to remove bedbugs with this drug.

Therefore, we can conclude: to remove bedbugs, a product based on any effective insecticide, or even better, two insecticides of different classes, is sufficient. It doesn’t matter what this product is called - if processed correctly, it can kill bedbugs.

Chemistry is chemistry, what else can be done?

Bedbugs have natural enemies. These are cockroaches, centipedes, ticks, spiders, ants. But it would never occur to anyone to have cockroaches with mites in their house to eat bedbugs.

But my father told me about ants as a child. No one in the student dormitory had to live from bedbugs. Having tried everything, they went into the forest, where they dug a large anthill. They loaded him into a backpack and took him to the dorm room. Left for 3 days. And they solved the problem with bedbugs. It’s a pity that not everyone has a functioning anthill nearby.

Possessing a keen sense of smell, bedbugs cannot tolerate strong-smelling substances. This is Persian chamomile, pharmaceutical chamomile, tansy. You can add wormwood and a decoction of wild rosemary.

And also: turpentine, kerosene, denatured alcohol, naphthalene, vinegar and valerian infusion.

The most common folk remedy is a solution of valerian; simply apply it with a cotton swab along the cracks of the bed and the bedbugs will begin to crawl out, but it is not effective due to the eggs of the bedbugs left behind, and generally loses its meaning if there are pets (cats, dogs) in the apartment.



They used hot steam to fight insects back in the palaces of Versailles. A hair dryer is perfect for these purposes.

But when exposed to cold, practitioners obtained different results.

The army experimented by planting several in a matchbox in 30-degree frost. Then they thawed out as if nothing had happened. And freezing the apartment is generally useless. The insects will find somewhere to sit and come back

Agent 007 Forum

One day I also discovered a bug in my house. It was before the new year. Without thinking for a long time, I took the sleeping linen and mattress out onto the balcony and stood there for three days in the cold -35–40. They didn't bother us anymore

Kesha Forum

Cost of poison

Affordable cost is one of the reasons for the popularity of “Executioner”. It is noteworthy that the more poison the buyer purchases, the lower the cost of each individual container. And since comprehensive control of bedbugs together with neighbors in the stairwell is considered the most effective, you can cooperate with them even before the start of disinfestation - at the time of purchasing the chemical. The table will tell you how much you can save on such a purchase.

Table - Cost of the product wholesale (data as of January 2018)

Number of containers, piecesTotal price, rublesPrice of one container, rubles

The retail cost of one bottle is 70 rubles.

Despite the popularity of the product on the Internet, purchasing the chemical on the domestic market is not so easy. You can get it, but it’s not a fact that the poison you buy won’t turn out to be a fake. Russian importers of the German product buy the insecticide in Germany in large containers, and then package it in small bottles. The reason for secondary packaging is simple: it is much more profitable to sell in miniature containers than in large canisters.

If there are birds in the house, they will have to be given to neighbors or relatives while fighting bedbugs. Parrots and canaries can return to the family nest only a week after secondary treatment. And if the pet usually moves freely around the house, then for the first two weeks after the “move” you should not let it out of the cage.


  1. ^ a b c d e
    (2003). Hazardous Substances Data Bank: Fenthion
    . National Library of Medicine: National Toxicology Program. Available at Accessed April 29, 2009.
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    NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards. "#0285". National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
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    (2003). Pesticide Information for Fenthion
    . Collaborative offices at Cornell University, Michigan State University, Oregon State University, and UC Davis. Available at Accessed April 25, 2009.
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    (2001). Temporary decision on the right to re-registration for Fention
    . US Environmental Protection Agency. Available at Accessed April 25, 2009.
  5. APVMA. (2005). Fenthion Review - Frequently Asked Questions
    . Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority. Available at Archived 2009-05-19 on the Wayback Machine Accessed 26 April 2009
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    (2005). Toxicological information on insecticides used to kill mosquitoes (West Nile virus control)
    . Department of Health and Human Services: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Available at Accessed April 25, 2009.
  7. Wang, T.; Kadlac, T.; Lenahan, R. (1989). "Persistence of fenthion in an aquatic environment." Bulletin of Environmental Pollution and Toxicology
    (3): 389–94. Doi:10.1007/BF01699965. PMID 2706349.
  9. Lloyd, Annice C.; Hamacek, Edward L.; Kopittke, Rosemary A.; Peek, Thelma; Wyatt, Pauline M.; Neal, Christine J.; Elkema, Marianne; Gu, Hainan (May 2010). "Large-scale control of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in the Central Burnett region of Queensland, Australia." Crop protection
    (5):462–469. doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2009.11.003. ISSN 0261-2194.

Why do bedbugs appear in an apartment?

You ask yourself, “Why do I have bed bugs in my home?”

You are surprised because your apartment is in good condition and your hygiene is impeccable: there is no reason for a bed bug to appear.

But it is not dirt that usually attracts a bloodsucker to your home. It does not feed on leftover food or garbage like cockroaches. No, he is only interested in one thing: your blood.

The bedbug is one of the oldest human parasites. Archaeologists have discovered 3,350 years old in Egyptian tombs. Still present in tales of the last two world wars, these creatures seemed almost wiped out by DDT. This insecticide is very toxic and its use has been banned.

The massive spread of bedbugs around the world began as a result of the democratization of international travel. Household bugs have once again conquered five continents. In Russia, bed bugs have reappeared since 2012 and are currently growing by 200-300% per year.

Every day we frequently visit pollution hot spots: stations, airports, airplanes, trains, subways, cinemas, offices, summer camps, nurseries, schools, restaurants and, of course, hotels. We also go to visit friends. Bedbugs are waiting for you everywhere to enter your territory, using you as a personal taxi.

Beware of "bargain buys": a small piece of furniture, a cheap coat in general, or a large teddy bear found at a flea market, even books from a second-hand store can become a source of infection.

It is enough to bring one female bedbug into the house or just its eggs on the back of a clothing label to infect the entire apartment. Be especially careful when returning from a business trip or vacation: there may be a bed bug in the bottom of your suitcase!

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