What plants repel aphids and ants. Protective plants

In the Central region of Russia, problems in a garden, apartment or room are usually caused by black, red, red-breasted or house ants. Each of these species has its own favorite habitats.

  • Red and red-breasted ants can make anthills directly in the structure of a house or other building, inside furniture.
  • House ants and black ants prefer to live outside and enter indoors only in search of food or during migration, when the colony moves in an organized formation in one specific direction.

All these types of ants have a similar anatomical structure and sensory organs, so you can fight them using the same methods. What are ants afraid of? What means can be used to combat them?

What plants repel aphids and ants. Protective plants

This category includes not only those companion plants that repel insects, but also those that, figuratively speaking, confuse and confuse them.
Many insects find plants suitable for feeding by smell. For example, flea beetles and cabbage cutworms find cabbage by smell. If you plant strong-smelling plants near the cabbage, such as thyme or sage, or sprinkle it with an extract of these herbs, they will muffle the smell of the cabbage and make it less attractive to pests. Aromatic herbs confuse pests with their strong smell and protect garden crops. Therefore, it is recommended to plant basil near beans to protect against bean weevils, garlic near roses to protect against aphids, and parsley near asparagus. True, the effect of herbs is not always manifested to the same extent. Plants that repel insects by smell can be classified as repellent plants. These include nasturtium, which repels whiteflies, aphids, Colorado potato beetles, and cabbage caterpillars. Wormwood repels ants, cabbage and carrot flies, apple moths, flea beetles, and whiteflies; peppermint - ants, aphids, flea beetles, cabbage caterpillars, whiteflies. Aphids do not like the smell of most aromatic herbs, as well as chives, onions, garlic, marigolds, mustard, coriander, and fennel. Tansy reduces damage to vegetables by flea beetles and cabbage by cabbage caterpillars. Garlic repels cabbage fly and apple moth larvae; The Colorado potato beetle is repelled by catnip, coriander, nasturtium, tansy, and marigolds. Tobacco, mint, rue, tansy, medicinal and bitter wormwood, catnip repel fleas; catnip, nasturtium - green peach aphid; marigolds are some types of nematodes. Mulch made from oak leaves and bark repels slugs, seedling caterpillars, and garden beetle larvae. It is recommended to scatter this mulch on garden paths and in narrow strips on beds. Borage, or borage, is recommended to be sown between rows of cabbage of all types. It reduces damage by caterpillars, and its rough, hairy lower leaves repel slugs and snails. Sowing dill to cabbage does not protect it from cabbage moths and cabbage moths, but it does significantly reduce the number of cabbage aphids.

What smell are ants afraid of?

Ants have an exceptionally developed olfactory system, which allows them to find food at large distances from themselves and navigate in space. This sensitivity to odors can be used against insects. What smell are ants afraid of?


Where to use:


Any strong enough citrus scent will literally overpower most other odors for ants, making them feel uncomfortable. You can spread the peels of oranges, lemons and grapefruits around the area and in the house, or prepare a homogeneous paste from one of the above fruits in a blender and place it in places where you need to repel pests, for example, in the kitchen. To give it a thicker consistency, you can add flour or starch to the ground citrus fruits.


Where to use:


Cinnamon sticks can be placed around the house as an insect repellent. In the garden, it is preferable to use ground cinnamon, sprinkling it on places where you want to repel ants. Ground cinnamon is especially effective for protecting compost heaps from ant attacks. Sprinkle a few packets of ground spice into the pile every month.

Neem oil

Where to use:


Neem oil is used mainly in cosmetology, but it is also an effective remedy against more than two hundred species of insects. It will not be possible to completely saturate an anthill with it, but by adding oil to water and treating plants and surfaces with this solution, you can not only repel pests, but also destroy those individuals that came into contact with the composition. Neem oil is also good for aphids. It is necessary to mix it with 1 liter of water in a proportion starting from 10 drops, gradually increasing the concentration if necessary.

You can use any recommended scents from their natural source or in the form of essential oils. The second option is sometimes even more effective.


Where to use:


Vinegar can be used against both house and garden ants. In the garden, a liter bottle of vinegar must be poured entirely into the nest. Indoors, a solution of 2 tablespoons of vinegar and half a liter of water is sprayed and wiped all surfaces with which pests may come into contact. Vinegar is more effective than other means in destroying pheromones that ants leave behind as trail markers. This helps to avoid a massive invasion of pests after the first scouts appear - other individuals will not be able to find their way to food following the traces left by their predecessors.

What plants repel pests in the garden. Plants - protectors from garden pests

Phytoncides are often used to protect garden and vegetable plants. At the same time, the method of protection is simple, harmless to beneficial insects, warm-blooded animals and humans. It is advisable to use it in conjunction with other methods (insect traps, etc.) Phytoncides protect plantings without special care. They quietly do useful work and sometimes pleasantly diversify the floral decoration of the area.

There is practically no scientific data on the mechanisms of volatile plant emissions on insects, and so far everything is based on practical experience and the knowledge that phytoncides have a detrimental effect on some pests.

Let's list just a few common plants?

Legumes (beans, beans, peas) repel wireworms, that is, the larvae of click beetles, so named because of the hardness of their integument. Usually, moles do not settle in areas planted with beans.

Elderberry planted among gooseberry or currant bushes protects them from moth caterpillars. Plum trees and apple trees growing near elderberry bushes suffer less from codling moths - small butterflies from the family of leaf rollers, whose caterpillars damage the fruits. Perennial carnation saves the area from the invasion of mole crickets.

Helleborus, or hellebore, is a perennial herbaceous plant from the buttercup family that repels rodents. Where hellebore grows, there are no harmful insects.

Hemerocallis (daylily) is a beautiful herbaceous perennial that saves many bulbous plants, especially lilies, from millipedes. Their larvae and adults feed on fallen parts of plants in the summer and gnaw on the bulbs in the winter.

Geranium (more correctly pelargonium), growing in your room, guarantees protection from aphids and spider mites to all other indoor flowers.

Mustard planted near pea beds protects them from the pea codling moth. It has also been noticed that weeds very rarely appear around mustard.

Calendula (marigold), growing among asters, protects them from fusarium, a common fungal disease. The causative agent of fusarium remains in the soil for a long time in the form of spores that germinate under favorable conditions. Through coria, the fungus enters the plant and poisons it with its toxins. Signs of the disease: brownish-brown streaks appear on one side of the stem, which then turn into cracks; the plant bends and withers. Calendula also helps fight nematodes. This almost transparent, tiny worm quickly multiplies in the roots of berry bushes, strawberries and flowers. Plants affected by the nematode usually die. But if, for example, you plant a border of marigolds around roses, the flowers will be saved from nematodes.

Hemp protects beets from the beet flea beetle, and peas from pea aphids. The smell of hemp repels the larvae of cockchafers, so it is recommended to plant it between the rows of shelterbelts.

Coriander (coriander) is even better than hemp at repelling pests from fruit trees. It is planted in tree trunk circles and it is recommended to trim the tops weekly - this increases the release of phytoncides. It is also useful to plant coriander among flowers. In particular, it completely protects roses from aphids. If coriander grows in your garden, then mice will not come to you. In autumn, cut coriander stems should be laid out in rooms that need to be protected from winter visits from mice and rats. There won't be any wet here.

Onion. Who hasn’t heard the popular saying: “onion cures seven ailments”? This is also true for plant diseases. Take, for example, one of the most dangerous fungal diseases of roses - the so-called powdery mildew. Bushes on which a grayish-white powdery coating of fungal mycelium has appeared die: shoots stop developing, leaves curl, and buds wither. Powdery mildew usually appears at the end of June and does not leave flowers alone until late autumn. So, spring onions and leeks protect roses well from destructive dew. Strawberry lovers should also take advantage of the onion, especially those who annually suffer from gray rot, which turns the berry into a nasty gray rotten mass covered with the finest fluff. Onion planted in a garden bed (an onion bush for four strawberry bushes) will greatly reduce the incidence of berries not only with gray rot, but also with other diseases. Onions will repel weevils, ticks, etc. wireworms and other pests. And of course, not only from berries. For example, currants are not attacked by bud mites if onions are planted between the bushes and left on the ground for the winter.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies in the fight against ants work with varying success - what helps some people proves to be absolutely useless for others. Because of this, choosing an effective folk or natural remedy can only be done by trial and error, tracking changes after the introduction of each new method.


Where to use:


Using ground black or red cayenne pepper, you can create protective boundaries against ants by sprinkling it along garden paths or in areas where ants gather. This method is not very convenient for indoor use - the pepper will fly apart in a draft and create excess dirt.


Where to use:


A strong solution of a whole pack of diluted salt with 5 liters of warm water can be poured directly into the anthill, or salt can be sprinkled in a dense layer in places from which you want to repel pests. In high concentrations, salt can damage the chitinous coverings of ants. In an apartment or house, salt can be poured in a uniform layer between double window frames.


Where to use:


A solution of soda and water at the rate of 3 tablespoons per 1 liter of liquid is poured into an anthill in the garden. After this, the top layer of soil above it is additionally sprinkled with dry powder from the pack.


Where to use:


against aphids is prepared based on soap with or without the addition of dishwashing liquid.

, which is grown by ants, as well as a means for filling the entire anthill. To spray plants, a lower concentration is required - 2 doses of soap and/or dish gel per 0.5-1 liter of water. To fill the anthill, you can use 2-4 doses of pressing the dispenser per 1 liter of water.

Boiling water

Where to use:


Boiling water is used only against garden ants, pouring it into the anthill from a kettle. Water must be poured slowly so that it flows into the passages and is absorbed into the soil, and does not spill from above like a puddle. To achieve a visible effect, you will need several kettles of water. If the pests restore the anthill in its original place, fill in more water next time.

Helpful advice

To destroy an anthill, you can try using regular water from a hose.
To do this, you need to make a small hole in the center of the anthill, insert a hose into it, fix it in a vertical position with soil and stones and turn on the water. Leave the hose turned on at medium pressure for 5-10 minutes. If the water completely floods the anthill and the queen dies in it, consider that the problem is solved. Boric acid

Where to use:


Baiting ants with boric acid is one of the most effective folk methods, but it involves the use of poison. By placing such baits in the garden, you can accidentally poison birds and animals that you did not plan to get rid of.

To make baits with boric acid, poison and some food, preferably with sugar, are used in proportions of 2/1. You can mix with boric acid:

  • Honey
  • Jam
  • Thick jam
  • Chopped meat
  • Hard boiled egg
  • Sugar and water

The result should be a plastic mass, small pieces of which should be laid out near the anthill or placed in the lids of 5-liter canisters. The ants will eat the poison and take it to the anthill to feed the larvae and their queen. As soon as the queen eats enough bait flavored with boric acid, she will die, the anthill will become disorganized and disappear.


Where to use:


The chemical composition of ash can cause damage to the integrity of the ants' cover, so they tend to avoid contact with it. You can sprinkle ash on top of the ants' nest, loosen it a little and pour plenty of water on it.

Corn flour

Where to use:


Most food ingredients are used to create baits, but some products can be harmful to the digestion of pests. Similar hypotheses exist about millet, but in solid form it is ineffective. The situation is different with cornmeal. You need to sprinkle the top layer of the anthill with it, lightly spilling the scattered flour with water to make it easier for the ants to eat it. If the ants do not moderate their appetites, a large amount of flour eaten can harm their digestion. No matter how strange it may sound in relation to insects, the result largely depends on the intelligence of the ants. In any case, if you definitely want to use some folk remedies, you can try this option.

What plants repel ticks in the country. Lavender angustifolia

Lavender is an evergreen plant that repels ticks. It has silver-gray leaves and quite picturesque flowers, depending on the variety: purple, pink, white. The strong-smelling lavender flowers repel ticks. They contain essential oil, the main components of which are linalool, ocimene, camphor. Ticks cannot tolerate them. As, indeed, are mosquitoes.

⇒ Effective methods against mosquitoes

Lavender angustifolia prefers sunny places, with light, draining, alkaline soil, preferably with a pH of 6.5-7.5. This plant repels ticks and mosquitoes and is worth planting in the garden because it is not demanding and tolerates drought well. It is worth remembering its annual spring pruning, thanks to which it will maintain a beautiful, close cut.

    Rosemary officinalis

Rosemary officinalis is another unpretentious plant that repels ticks and also has valuable medicinal properties. Ticks cannot tolerate the smell of rosemary. Rosemary does best in sunny, penetrating soil that is easy to heat and has a neutral pH. Medicinal rosemary has proven itself well when grown in pots, on a patio or balcony. It cannot overwinter in the garden, because even minor changes in temperature can damage the plant.

    Dalmatian chamomile

Dalmatian chamomile or Pyrethrum is a tick-repellent plant that contains cynerine and peritrin, substances toxic to arthropods. They produce a “shock effect” that affects the nervous system and muscle structure of ticks. Pyrethrum blooms from June to the end of August, forming spherical, white-yellow baskets. Dalmatian chamomile does best in sunny, penetrating, fertile soil.

I hope that the above list, which includes the 5 best plants that repel ticks, will be useful to every gardener and summer resident and they will find their place in their garden plot.

What are ants afraid of at home: how to get rid of them

If the fight against these insects in the garden can be carried out more or less without haste, then when ants appear in the house, there is not much time left to think and sort through options, especially if the pests invade you en masse.

You can try using the products that ants are afraid of at home from the list above, but the most effective way to get rid of pests quickly is with special insecticides.

What doesn't work against ants

Mint leaves. Peppermint is often recommended as a natural ant repellent. According to the experience of many summer residents, ants do nothing with mint.

According to some reports, she is even happily taken to the anthill (to a mojito party). Mint leaves alone are not enough; you need a concentrate in the form of essential oil.


Yarrow repels many insects, but attracts butterflies.

Has medicinal properties.


An equally effective flower that repels pests is ageratum, which is classified in the genus of asters. It has a tart aroma.

The fluffy inflorescence blooms for almost half of the summer and all autumn, preventing ants from developing normally. Also suitable for growing indoors.

Coriander (cilantro)

This grass has sprouted the fastest in my garden. At first I was upset that this particular plant, with its specific taste, was growing so wildly in my beds, but then I found out that it helps fight aphids.


If you grow asparagus, we recommend planting parsley nearby to repel asparagus beetles. In addition, parsley is great for garnishing dishes. Good for bones and the immune system. It contains a high content of microelements, which is extremely necessary for a lack of calcium, zinc, phosphorus, iron or magnesium. However, people suffering from hyperoxaluria should consume it with caution as the oxalates it contains may cause the risk of developing kidney stones.


Petunia flowers will not only decorate your garden, but will also successfully repel tomato worms, aphids, beetles and many other garden pests.


Paired with cucumbers and pumpkin plants, tansy will help ward off some of the worst enemies of your garden, namely nematodes, Colorado potato beetles, ticks, mice, ants, etc. Aphids, asparagus rattlers, and hawk moth caterpillars also “dislike” it. So with the help of tansy you can do without chemicals. Agree, a worthy alternative.

In addition, tansy is an excellent healer, helping with various diseases, ranging from gastritis to kidney inflammation.


Chrysanthemum is an excellent choice for those who want to keep pests away from the garden. The chemical pyrethrum found in these flowers repels ants, Japanese beetles, cockroaches, bedbugs, spider mites, ticks, lice and many others.

Teas are also made from chrysanthemum flowers, which help relax the nervous system. Flowers are also added to bath water and used as a cosmetic product, as they perfectly nourish the skin, hair and nails. Chrysanthemum is also useful for the treatment of certain diseases.

Green onion arrows

The edible flowers of green onions not only taste good, but are also an excellent repellent against carrot flies, Japanese beetles and aphids.


Sorrel should develop on slightly acidic soils rich in organic decay, where there is little alkali. This promotes the active development of succulent leaves. As the acidity of the soil decreases when feeding with ash, the plant will gradually become frail, the leaves will quickly turn yellow, become thin and rough. Even the seeds will not develop.


Such plants require a lot of light and nutrients in the soil to grow well. Their main enemy is the melon aphid, and if in other cases ashes help to successfully cope with the pest, then here it is better to enlist the help of other means. The fact is that if the soil is alkalized, the berries will suffer from a lack of nutrients. This is especially true for watermelons, for which a lack of moisture and excess alkali causes great harm.


The pungent smell of thyme causes ants to panic. Therefore, the spice is often grown in summer cottages next to crops that are susceptible to pest attack. Thyme powder can be used at home and in areas where herb cultivation is not possible. Insects tend to quickly move away from the source of the smell. After this, the parasites do not return to the dangerous place for a long time.


The pleasant aroma of delicious spices and medicinal herbs repels ants. The plant can be planted in a garden plot and at home in a pot. The smell of the spice is not tolerated by red and black ants, fleas and aphids. Therefore, experienced housewives and gardeners use marjoram as an environmentally friendly ant repeller.


For good radish growth, it is recommended to add organic elements to the soil that have undergone complete rotting. It is necessary to slightly alkalize the soil for radishes, but this should be done strictly before sowing the plants. Otherwise, the fruits will not develop normally. At the same time, if the earth is too acidic, the fruits will accumulate a lot of heavy metals. Therefore, agronomists have come to the conclusion that the use of fertilizer in the form of ash for radishes is necessary in minimal quantities before planting.


Basil has a tart, unique smell. It is not liked by insects, so it is one of the herbs that can be used to drive away ants. Fresh spice is often used in open spaces. In apartment conditions, it is better to use dried grass.


Thyme is beneficial for humans, contains many vitamins, and has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. The smell of grass is not strong and is not noticeable. Insects are disgusted by the aroma. Thyme can be considered an effective insect repellent.


Ants are afraid of garlic. The smell of one prong can scare off a column of insects. An anthill will never be built in the ground where garlic grew. This technique is used by summer residents. They plant the crop next to vegetables and berries that are attacked by ants.

You can use garlic broth at home; it has a mild aroma and does not cause any discomfort in humans.


Chives are less effective than garlic. Can be used to repel ants. Plantings of crops do not allow insects to settle on the site. It is problematic to use the plant at home, since the tart smell comes only from fresh onions. Therefore, it is recommended to brew onions with boiling water and coat the places where ants move in the apartment with the solution.


The house smells good, but the ants don't really mind. Cinnamon purchased in a regular store as a seasoning does not have the necessary concentration to repel ants.

If you sprinkle cinnamon somewhere to keep the ants out of their reach, they will bypass it, but will look around. And if you have it scattered around the closet, you will still find ants in it.


Although the scent of its seeds has been used to train animals, anise (Pimpinella anisum) is not as attractive to ants as it is to dogs. It grows up to 60cm tall with lacy white flowers and fern-like foliage. If anise fails to make your ants flee your yard, you can still add its leaves to salads and its seeds to breads and desserts.

Baby powder

Another non-toxic substance that affects ants is baby powder. Yes, it's incredible, a powder that looks so innocent because we use it on babies, repels ants and kills them.

If you sprinkle the powder directly on the ants, it clogs the pores on the surface of the body, and the ants suffocate.

To get a repellent effect, you just need to sprinkle it on window sills, thresholds or a wall.


Like ants, mice colonize by following pheromones emitted by others, so interrupting this process with a strong scented oil can prevent them from spreading throughout your home.

Apply peppermint oil around the entry points where you notice them. You can also put a cotton swab with a small amount of tea tree oil. If you put a few drops of peppermint oil in a garbage bag or at the bottom of a bucket, you will send rats looking for dinner elsewhere.

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Scotch tape for the kitchen

If you tape up an area like your kitchen counter, you'll trap a few unwanted guests. Considering the number of ants in the nest, this is a ridiculous number. And the ants will still find another way out.

Additionally, it is not practical to seal the edge of the tabletop with duct tape. It also catches crumbs or your sleeves. However, tape is used to protect fruit tree trunks from ants.


If you've ever had moths, you know the damage they can cause. You will need to thoroughly inspect all of your cabinets for dirt and wipe down all shelves and sides.

To make a spray that kills eggs and helps prevent further spread, combine several ingredients in a small spray bottle, then shake well before use:

  • 1/4 cup water;
  • 1/4 cup alcohol or vodka;
  • 15 drops of eucalyptus;
  • 5 drops of peppermint oil;
  • 10 drops of cedar.

There are several more ways to help cope with this problem. Soak a few cotton balls with cedarwood oil, place them in small jars with holes in the lid, and place them in the corner of your closet.

For small items such as drawers, pour 10 drops of cedarwood oil onto a small cotton cloth and place it inside a breathable pocket or pouch (silicone pouches with machined holes also work great). Then place the bags at the bottom of the drawers.

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If you like the woody scent of cedar, you can also mix a few drops of cedar oil with water and lightly spritz on wool blankets and sweaters before packing them away for the warmer months. Just let them dry completely before storing them in the closet.

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