We fight pests in the garden: the most effective remedies for aphids

Photo: akaoray.ru No one has ever been able to completely avoid the appearance of aphids in the garden. But this is not a reason to do nothing, because the ubiquitous pest feeds on plant juices and carries various diseases. We found out how to get rid of these unpleasant insects. There's good news: with the best home remedies, you won't need chemicals or pesticides!

Rating of aphids

After analyzing expert opinions and reviews from experienced buyers, we have prepared a review of effective products with a wide range of capabilities against aphids and other garden parasites. We assessed each applicant on a group of criteria in order to correctly rank them according to rating positions:

  • Release form: sprays, powder mixtures, capsules, emulsions, concentrates;
  • Composition – synthetic, natural substances, their properties, likelihood of addiction;
  • Operating principle: repelling, defeating, protecting, complex systemic effect;
  • Directions for use: dilution with water, spraying, pouring into the ground;
  • Purpose – what insects it works against, narrow or broad spectrum;
  • Compatibility - can it be alternated or applied simultaneously with analogues;
  • Speed ​​of action - how quickly the death of parasites occurs;
  • Protection - how long the plants are not re-infected;
  • Cost-effectiveness – how much area of ​​territory is treated;
  • Safety – toxicity, impact on crops, humans, animals.

We analyzed several hundred reviews from gardeners and gardeners, where they shared their experience of using insecticides, fungicides, miticides, and biological products. Thanks to this information, it was possible to weed out ineffective lineups and identify the strengths and weaknesses of the nominees.

Aphids on currants

When infested by aphids, blackcurrant shoots curl, and orange-red swellings appear on the leaves of white and red currants. Aphids appeared from fertilized eggs that overwintered in currant buds. It is necessary to begin an active fight against aphids.

Processing currant bushes

start in the spring, treating the plants with hot water even before the buds swell. Thus, you will destroy harmful insects and diseases that hibernate in the kidneys.

Next, watch for the appearance of ants so that they do not bring dangerous pests to the young currant shoots.

For minor damage, tear off the affected parts of the plants and burn them. Use folk remedies

when aphids appear.

Wood ash.

Sift 300 g of ash, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave until completely cool. Strain the solution, add 40 g of soap, increase the amount of solution to 1 liter and spray the plants. After 7 days, repeat spraying.

Soda Ash.

Prepare the solution: 1 tbsp. l. dissolve soda in 1 liter of water, add a little liquid soap and spray the bushes.

There are plants whose smell cannot be tolerated by aphids, these are nasturtium, marigolds, mustard, peppermint, coriander


Also plants whose smell repels ants: wormwood, peppermint, tansy, angustifolia lavender


Plant such plants next to currants

, you will partially protect your garden from the invasion of aphids and ants.

How to choose a remedy for aphids

Since there are many varieties of aphids, there are also plenty of drugs to kill them. How to choose one depends on several factors - the type of exposure, the effectiveness and safety of the product. Let's take a closer look at each point to make the task easier for the average buyer.

Type of impact

Manufacturers of products for the protection of gardens and vegetable gardens offer different compositions against pests, differing in the type of effect:

  • contact type - active components penetrate the insect’s body through the chitinous cover, which is responsible for musculoskeletal functions;
  • intestinal - entry into the digestive system, after which blood is absorbed, paralysis and death;
  • systemic - this is the longest period of action, when the active substance is absorbed by the plant, remains there for 2-4 weeks, poisoning all insects that suck out its juices.

The third option promises the best results, but it is toxic and dangerous for both humans and animals and other beneficial insects. Therefore, choose it only in the most advanced cases.


The degree of effectiveness can be assessed according to several criteria. First of all, this is the speed of action, how soon the active components begin to act against parasites. This is also the retention period for the result, that is, how long the protection against re-occupancy will last. The third indicator concerns what types of insects a particular drug is used against.


The lower the degree of toxicity of the components, the more harmless they are to health. Pay attention to safety precautions during processing. Do not neglect these rules so as not to be poisoned by chemicals. The best safety indicator is demonstrated by the group of biological products.

Herbal decoctions against aphids

The most common control method, they are effective in controlling aphids.


Grind 200 g of dry leaves, add 5 liters of water and leave for 1 day. Dilute to 10 liters and boil for 1.5-2 hours over low heat.

Tomato tops:

pour 10 liters of hot water into 5 kg of green leaves and shoots, boil for 30 minutes. Strain before spraying and dilute 1 liter of decoction in 3 liters of water, adding 30 g of soap (based on 10 liters of water).

Hot capsicum:

Boil 100 g of fresh pepper in 1 liter of water for 60 minutes. Leave for 2 days, grind the pepper, then strain the solution. Before spraying, dilute the solution 1:10, add 40 g of soap (based on 10 liters of solution).


chop fresh stems and flowers 400 g (or 100 g dry) pour 1 liter of water. Leave for 24 hours, then boil for 30 minutes. Strain and spray the plants.

Decoctions of wormwood, rhubarb, and tansy also help well.

Herbal infusions against aphids

Such methods must be used with caution and before use it is necessary to test the product on a small area, then on the entire area.

Berry bushes

process before flowering and after picking berries.

Fruit trees

Treat during budding, after flowering and no later than 14-40 days before harvest.


processed for the last time 30 days before harvesting.

What is the best remedy for aphids?

We have offered 8 effective ideas on how to get rid of garden aphids on fruit, vegetable, flower crops and shrubs. Which method is appropriate, what to buy, and how to treat the garden depends on the plant growth cycle and the degree of damage. Having compared the effectiveness, safety, pros and cons of each nominee, Vyborexperta.ru recommends fighting as follows:

  • Biotlin - the longest protection, elimination of pests at any stage of development, including ants;
  • Fitoverm is a safe bioinsecticide based on dual-type neurotoxins, effective in hot weather;
  • Karbofos is a stable emulsion against most insects and against serious damage;
  • Iskra BIO is a natural non-toxic composition with systemic action without subsequent resistance;
  • GreenBelt Green Soap Prosto is a preventive contact remedy for aphids on fruit trees and houseplants in a convenient bottle.

If you notice harmful insects in your summer cottage, first use repellents. If this is not enough, try mild bio-based ingredients. In the most difficult situations, resort to chemical compounds. Our review included all these types of funds, all that remains is to make a choice in favor of one.

Traditional methods of fighting aphids

Every self-respecting summer resident should know how to fight aphids using traditional methods. Natural remedies can easily be prepared from ingredients that are often on hand for any gardener or gardener. They are harmless to plants and humans, but have a destructive or repellent effect on harmful insects.


Bushes, trees and plants with tough leaves can be watered with a strong stream from a hose. Water under pressure will knock the aphids off the leaves and stems and the insects will no longer be able to return to their original place. If you use this method together with special traps and ant belts, then in a few approaches you can completely eliminate the aphid population on the plant.

Treatment with soap solution

To do this you will need liquid soap, dish detergent, washing powder and even flea shampoo. You will need 4-5 tbsp. l. soap per 1 liter of water. The resulting solution is thoroughly stirred and all above-ground parts of the affected plant are irrigated.

To prepare the drug, it is best to use products without a sweet aroma, so as not to get the opposite effect. Regular inexpensive soap products, which can be easily found in any hardware store, will do. As a result of spraying with a soap solution, the aphid quickly dies from exhaustion, since the alkali dissolves the waxy layer that serves as its protection from environmental influences.

Laundry or tar soap

This soap, without cosmetic fragrances, not only has a destructive effect due to alkali, but also has a pungent odor that repels “unwanted guests.” To prepare such a solution, you will need 300 g or 300 ml of laundry soap, and only 100 g of tar soap. It is diluted in 10 liters of water and all green parts of plants are treated.

In addition to killing insects, soap helps plants quickly recover from pest attacks; it tightens the affected areas, restores tissue structure and covers the treated parts of the plant with a protective film.

Tar soap is an effective remedy against aphids in the garden

Soap and soda solution

One of the most effective home remedies for aphids. The soap-soda solution has a quick effect and within a day entire colonies of aphids die. To prepare the product you will need:

  • A bucket of warm water.
  • 10 tbsp. l. soda
  • 1/2 or 1/4 bar of soap.

Soap and soda are diluted with water and the green parts of the plant are treated. Indoor flowers and low-growing plants can be wiped with a soft sponge soaked in a solution, and large bushes are best sprayed with a spray bottle.


The principle of operation of the ash solution is similar. To prepare the product you will need:

  • 300 g of ash.
  • 40 g of laundry or 20 g of tar soap.
  • 10 liters of water.

The ash is sifted through a sieve, poured into water, stirred and placed on the stove. After boiling, cook for 30 minutes, then remove from heat and leave to cool to a comfortable temperature. Add soap to the cooled broth and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved.

A mixture of soap and ash is destructive to aphids

Tobacco infusion

This product can be used throughout the growing season, but when processing during the fruiting period, it is recommended to collect ripe fruits after one week. To prepare the infusion, take 5 liters of hot water, 1 glass of shag, tobacco leaves or tobacco from cigarettes.

The tobacco mixture is brewed and kept for 24 hours, after which the concentrated infusion is filtered and used to treat plants and flowers.

Scented herbal infusions

The smell of some plants repels aphids and other pests. Products based on them can be successfully used for the prevention and treatment of green pets and crops growing in the garden.

  • Needles of pine, spruce or other coniferous trees are brewed and left for 10 hours. When the infusion is ready, it is filtered and sprayed on the affected plant. A similar scenario is used to make an infusion of sorrel. The sorrel root is crushed, filled with water and left for 48 hours.
  • Dry mustard will repel ants and aphids . You will need 5 liters of water, 100 g of mustard powder and a little soap. All components are mixed and used for spraying. Dry powder can be sprinkled on anthills and near aphid-infested plants.
  • Garlic infusion shows its effectiveness in the fight against spider mites, aphids and other pests. To prepare the product, you can use all parts of this plant. They are crushed and placed in a container with water for 1-2 days. You can add a little vegetable oil or soap to the finished infusion and spray it on the affected plant. The product can also be used for watering.
  • A mixture of onions, garlic, hot peppers is also infused in water, after which the strained liquid is used for irrigation. Treatment with this product is carried out no more than two times.
  • The aroma of citrus fruits is also good at repelling aphids . You will need 40 g of fresh peel of any citrus fruit and 1 liter of boiling water. The infusion is prepared for 3-4 days, after which it is ready for use.

Young succulent leaves are the favorite delicacy of aphids

Potato or tomato tops

To prepare the product, take 4 kg of tops, add 10 liters of water, cover with a lid and leave for 6 hours. After the specified time has passed, the container with the infusion is placed on the fire and boiled until it boils. After the liquid boils, cook it for another 30 minutes and leave to cool. Before use, filter the product, add 50 g of soap and use for spraying.

Flower infusions

Celandine or marigolds are also good for preparing a remedy for annoying aphids. Take 100 g of raw material and add water, put it on fire, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for about half an hour. After cooling, wipe the leaves with the decoction, irrigate the crown and all infected areas. If marigolds are used as a raw material, then it is better to take the flowers rather than the leaves and stems.

Onion peel infusion

To prepare onion infusion, take a handful of onion husks and pour 250 ml of warm or hot water into it. The composition is allowed to brew for several hours, then it is filtered and the flowers are sprayed with it. Usually, four treatments are enough to completely get rid of aphids.

If you add a little garlic and mustard powder to the onion peel, the effectiveness of the drug will increase. In this case, it is recommended to use the product 2 times a week until the pests disappear.

Traditional methods of combating aphids are effective if used in combination

Essential oils

If the aphid population has not yet reached frightening proportions, then you can use mixtures of essential oils to combat them. These aromatic products are presented in stores in a large assortment. Among them are oils of juniper, rosemary, mint, citrus, cloves, geranium and many other plants. It is enough to add 5 drops of three different strong-smelling oils to a glass of water, stir and apply the product to the leaves and stems of infected plants for a week.

Hydrogen peroxide and vodka

A solution of peroxide and vodka will not only get rid of pests, but will also provide good protection against subsequent infections, and will also give the plant strength for growth and development. To prepare this composition, take 2 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide, 2 tbsp. l. vodka and 10 liters of water. All parts of the plant are sprayed with the finished product.

Iodine solution

Iodine is used not only to control pests, but also to additionally feed plants. To prepare the drug, take low-fat milk or whey (1 l), water (9 l) and pharmaceutical iodine (10 drops). Another iodine-based product is also effective: water (10 l), iodine (1 tsp) and soda (2 tbsp). Add a little soap crumbs to the finished solution for durability.

Timely adoption of measures against aphids in the garden plot is the key to a healthy and beautiful harvest.


Table vinegar, essence or apple cider vinegar is diluted in a ratio of 1 tsp/1 liter of water and a little soap is added. To completely get rid of aphids, 2-3 treatments are enough.

Sparkling water

Coca-Cola and Pepsi can be found in many different and unexpected uses. In gardening and plant growing, they have learned to use these drinks as a preventive measure and to get rid of pests. Aphids really don’t like this kind of carbonated water and soon die, but the effect of this “drug” is short-lived. Add a little soap to the drink and apply to the affected areas.

Liquid smoke

The aromatic smoking liquid repels aphids and is a strong poison for them. The affected plants are generously sprayed with liquid smoke, and after a while the aphids will no longer cause trouble, and if you soak sawdust in this mixture and scatter them around the area, you can also solve the problem with ants.

Aphids suck their cell sap from plants, so damaged leaves quickly turn yellow

Prevention measures

Preventive measures help to significantly reduce the risk of aphids appearing on apple trees. List of required actions:

  • systematically control weeds, which are wintering sites for insects;
  • plant fragrant herbs and plants for ladybugs, create wintering conditions for them;
  • monitor the condition of tree bark and, if necessary, treat it in a timely manner;
  • correctly dose tree feeding to maintain the balance of nutrients;
  • use traditional methods for periodic watering and dusting of trees.

Ants love honeydew, so their appearance indicates an imminent or already occurring aphid invasion.

Signs of a pest

You can detect the pest in the garden by carefully inspecting the trees, since its colonies are visible to the naked eye. Signs of aphids appearing on an apple tree:

  • leaves rolled into a tube;
  • crooked shoots;
  • the formation of dark red spots and swellings on the leaves;
  • deformation of tree tops;
  • the plants look unhealthy, individual branches and young shoots wither.

When these symptoms appear, immediate treatment of the garden for pests is required.

About ways to fight

Keeping an orchard healthy without skills and knowledge is difficult. The danger of aphid infestation is that the insect is difficult to notice and its reproduction process occurs quickly. The gardener must follow the rules of agricultural technology and prevention in combination. He must remember how to treat trees against aphids in order to prevent their appearance and the formation of colonies.

A healthy garden brings a great harvest

There are various preparations available for treating plants:

  • Biological - based on an extract of a soil fungus (aversectin): Fitoverm, Aktofit, Akarin;
  • Chemical - treatment is carried out infrequently. Long-lasting: Fufanon, Karbofos;
  • Folk - treating trees with compounds in the spring against pests and diseases is most effective. Spraying is used: with plain water without additives, with soap and soda or soap solution. Infusions – tobacco, ash, lemon zest.

Before using this or that product, it is recommended to find out the cause of the pests, as well as their approximate number.

The pest develops quickly

Signs of a houseplant being affected by aphids

With periodic inspections of flowers, you can notice in time that the plant is sick. External modifications will be visible on it:

  • Young shoots wither and curl up.
  • A syrupy trail has appeared (produced by pests).
  • Blackness has spread - sooty fungus (carried by a parasite).
  • Flowers have shrunk or not opened.
  • The shape of the buds has changed.
  • The presence of a mass accumulation of individuals on the outer side of the leaf.
  • Growths have formed on the trunk.

At the initial moment, when there are still few pests, you can notice small punctures on the leaves and the insects themselves. Later they will begin to curl up. Parasites cannot bite through the bark, so they do not settle there.

If an aphid attacks young plants, its death will occur quite quickly. A large colony can stop growth and harm even a more mature flower.


  1. Aphids are a dangerous pest that can kill not only the crop, but also the plants themselves.
  2. To get rid of insects, you don’t have to buy store-bought chemicals; you can use traditional methods.
  3. Soap solutions, herbal and plant infusions and decoctions, as well as solutions from improvised means are suitable for disposal.
  4. Traditional recipes are used regardless of the stage of plant development, which is an absolute advantage over chemicals that are harmful during the period of flowering and ripening of fruits.
  5. To get rid of aphids once and for all, carry out preventive measures in the spring and regular treatment in the summer.

Treating trees in the spring against pests and diseases

A gardener must know how to protect and protect trees from ants, aphids and other pests. Spraying and timely treatment reduce the likelihood of diseases. For an effective impact, you need to maintain proportions and spray and process strictly on time.

When to treat trees for pests in spring

Fertilizing fruit trees and shrubs in spring and fertilizing the soil

You can spray for the first time in early spring. If chemicals are chosen, the period should be before leaf bloom or after harvest. If biological or folk remedies are chosen, the treatment is carried out in several stages.

Spraying and processing using traditional methods are carried out:

  • at the moment of bud break;
  • during the flowering period;
  • during the period of ovary formation.

Important! During the growing season, you can use products based on living microorganisms. Chemicals can be sprayed before the ovaries appear and 3-4 weeks before harvest.

How to spray fruit trees in spring

The early period (beginning of spring) involves treating fruit trees with a solution of lime and copper sulfate. Bordeaux infusion should be used for the reason that copper sulfate is an effective protection against diseases, pests and fungi. The spraying method is effective, but must be carried out in several steps:

  • until the buds swell;
  • at the moment of bud opening (a 3% solution is used);
  • during the growing season (1% solution).

The ready-to-use solution has a light blue tint and slightly alkaline acidity. If the shade is green, then the composition is not suitable for use. You should also not add iron component (Fe) or laundry soap. They can cause excessive amounts of copper salts in the soil.

In order to protect the garden plot and fruit trees, when aphids have already appeared, chemical agents are used. They have a targeted effect and are guaranteed to eliminate pests. Examples of products are Fitoferm, Aktara.

Preventative work

The following measures will help reduce the likelihood of aphid colony formation:

  • mowing grass near trees in spring and autumn;
  • elimination of anthills;
  • whitewashing trunks and lower parts of bushes.

Additionally, it is recommended to monitor the health of the plantings - on sick and weakened trees, aphids form colonies faster. Adding ash and lime to the soil will allow the plantings to receive the optimal amount of nutrients.

How to reduce the risk of plant infection by parasitic insects? Properly selected plants - neighbors - will help protect the orchard. Parasites do not like strong odors, so it is recommended to plant dill or onions. Coriander and apple tree are a good option for a neighborhood. Beds with onions or garlic in close proximity reduce the risk of infection by parasitic insects due to the presence of a pungent odor in the crops.

Tips from Larisa Zarubina

Larisa's garden always looks well-groomed and pest-free. How does she achieve this? Fights with various folk remedies. Her advice will help you get rid of aphids forever.

  1. An effective remedy is ash. Add one glass of ash to 5 liters of hot water and let it brew for half an hour. Spray each bush with ash.
  2. Tar soap will also work great against pest colonies. Grate 100 g of tar soap, dilute in 10 liters of water, spray all infected crops. It is believed that this is the most effective remedy against aphids.
  3. Flea shampoo for kittens and puppies does a good job of this. It is enough to pour 5 tbsp into a bucket of water. shampoo.

There are also good BIO drugs, for example, Fitoverm and Bitoxibacillin . These drugs are good because they have a short waiting period. Follow the instructions, and not a single parasite will remain on the plants. If the aphids still remain on the bushes, the treatment can be carried out again.

It often happens that after spraying it starts to rain. It's okay, the processing can be done again.

If your garden is heavily infested with aphids, then after fruiting you can launch heavy artillery - Biotlin and Aktara . But they have a long waiting period - 60 days.

What does the waiting period mean? This means that after treatment with these drugs, 60 days must pass before harvesting.

Biotomin or Antikiller will help you escape from ants in your dacha . 2% ant powder helps against these insects. It is scattered where these insects have settled. For example, after treating plantings against aphids, it is scattered under currant bushes so that the ants do not spread this pest again.

Natural Parasite Removal Methods

In the fight against small pests, mechanical methods of plant treatment can be used. For example, bushes are doused with a strong stream from a hose. The method will solve the problem, but not for long. The ants will again spread these pests throughout the plants.

Some gardeners simply bathe the bushes in a bucket of water, washing away some of the small parasites. But this method also does not solve the problem.

Every home has laundry soap. It turns out that it copes well with aphids: dilute 300 g of laundry soap in 10 liters of water. The soap solution will temporarily rid all treated plants of this annoying parasite. True, the treatment will have to be carried out several times per season.

Many gardeners use simple methods of control, in the form of attracting insect predators, for example, ladybugs, which eat pests. Plant mint, dill, yarrow, sage, then your garden will be partially protected from aphids. Plants such as lavender, thyme and garlic can scare it away.

If you sprinkle the paths between the beds with wood shavings, you can attract earwigs, which also exterminate these pests.

There are many ways to do without chemicals that can be used in the garden, but every gardener wants this pest to appear in the country as little as possible. In this case, adopt the methods of getting rid of aphids that experienced gardeners use.

Reviews from gardeners who destroyed aphids using folk remedies in their garden plots

Alena, 34 years old

I started growing vegetables myself when I had children. Naturally, I try without chemicals. It’s clear how to overcome beetles, slugs, and goose, we just collect them. But aphids. How did she get it? I used to buy chemicals at the store, but this year I decided to conduct an experiment first. I googled a bunch of recipes. I chose a few. I was able to wash it off with water, but the problem was that wherever the hose reached, I washed it off. And the garden is big. I tried a lot of things. In my opinion, soap solutions work well. I didn’t notice much difference in what to add. The main thing is soapy. Saved cucumbers with ashes. Good too.

Vladimir, 58 years old

We are adherents of healthy eating. What's the point of hunkering down in your city and treating it with chemicals if the same chemical stuff, but easier and cheaper, is available in the store. I already have my own methods for everything. I will share a recipe for aphids. Just dilute vinegar in water, about a tablespoon per liter. Spray or wash the leaves with this solution. Helps 100 points.

Maxim, 37 years old

My wife and I bought a dacha so that we could get away from the dust in the summer. They planted raspberries, currants, cherries, and apple trees. Its fresh. And then we arrive, and it’s all covered in insects. It turned out to be an aphid. We didn’t take anything with us; we were traveling for the weekend. And the next time, in a month, they could break out and devour everything. We started googling what available means would help. From what we had with us, we recommended cola and mustard. Well, we doused some with cola as best we could, and covered some with mustard powder. Before this, everything was washed with water. Not all the aphids were caught. But it has become much smaller.

Recipes for herbal infusions against aphids

Garlic infusion:

chop 200 g of garlic, add 1 liter of water, leave for 4-5 days in a sealed container. Before spraying, use 25 ml of infusion per 10 liters of water.

Onion infusion:

Pour 35 g of chopped onions into 1 liter of water and leave for 5 hours. Before spraying, add 4 g of laundry soap, strain, bring the volume to 1 liter and spray the plants.


1. 100 g of dry grass and inflorescences, pour 1 liter of water, leave for 12 hours. Before spraying, dilute the infusion 1:3 with water and add 4 g of soap per 1 liter of solution.

2. Take 250 g of Dalmatian chamomile flowers, grind into powder, add 1 liter of water, immediately spray the plants after preparing the solution.

Dandelion infusion

1. Blooming dandelions: 200 g of roots and 400 g of leaves, pour 10 liters of water, leave for 4 hours.

2. Dry roots and leaves 30 g, pour 10 liters of water, leave for 3 hours.

Sorrel infusion:

Take 400 g of horse sorrel, chop, add 10 liters of hot water, leave for 3 hours.

Pine infusion:

Pour 1 kg of pine needles into 4 liters of water, leave for 7 days, stirring once a day. Before spraying, dilute the infusion in a 1:1 ratio.


take 100 g of peels from any citrus fruit, add 1 liter of water and leave for 3 days.

Pepper infusion:

you will need hot pepper pods, 1 kg of fresh fruits or 300 g of dry fruits, infuse in 10 liters of water for 24 hours. Before spraying, dilute the infusion in a ratio of 1:10 with water.

Marigold infusion:

chop half a bucket of plants with flowers, fill with water to the top, leave for two drains. Before spraying, strain, add 40 g of soap (per 10 liters of solution), and spray the plants.

Potato infusion:

Take 1 kg of healthy, undamaged potato tops, chop and leave in 10 liters of water for 3 hours, strain and process the plants.


How to eliminate a pest on tomatoes

Aphids appear very rarely on tomatoes, but if they grow in a greenhouse, this pest can ruin all tomato plantings. The greenhouse creates ideal conditions for the life of this insect, so infection occurs very quickly.

White aphids prefer tomatoes. It settles on the back of the leaves; to see it, you need to lift a curled leaf.

Inspect all the plantings and where the leaves curl, you can see colonies of this insect. Traditional recipes will help you get rid of them:

  • a few chopped garlic with sunflower oil (50 grams per 0.5 liter). Place the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for 5 days. Then, per liter of water add 2 tbsp. infusion of oil. Spraying is carried out once a week.
  • Dried tobacco . Take 400 g of tobacco, boil in a liter of water, then strain. Dilute the resulting concentrate with water in a ratio of 1:10.
  • Wood ash . Ash will help get rid of parasites and provide nutrition. Dilute 300 g of ash in a bucket of water, add 50 g of laundry soap. Treatment can be done once a week.
  • A strong infusion of nettle, celandine, yarrow, and wormwood is diluted with water in equal proportions and sprayed on each bush.

There is also a safe way to control pests with biological preparations. After the appearance of aphids and mites on plants, diseases come, for which leaf-sucking pests “open the way” by piercing the leaf plate to suck out the juices from the plant. Therefore, when these pests appear, put all other matters aside and save your plants with the help of these drugs:

  • bitoxibacillin
  • actocide.

Causes of aphids

The parasite can get on home flowers in various ways:

  • A winged female flew through an open window in the room.
  • Delivered by a pet or a person on clothing. The larvae stick very well to people's clothing and animal fur.
  • I was on a recently acquired plant, from which I quickly moved to others.
  • Larvae were present in the mixture used for planting.
  • They brought it along with flowers that stood outside, on the balcony or loggia in warm weather.
  • They brought in ants that feed on the excess juice produced by this pest.

Effective drugs against aphid attacks

It’s too late to use chemicals; for example, currants and gooseberries have already begun to bear berries. Every gardener and gardener has safe, but very effective ingredients on hand. Folk remedies are prepared so quickly that they are suitable for summer residents who come to the garden only on weekends.

Folk remedies can destroy all types of this pest. First, let's make a solution of ammonia and water: pour ammonia into 1 liter of water, treat all plants from bottom to top. This solution will cope perfectly with small pests, and at the same time feed the plant.

This parasite is afraid of celandine decoction:

  • Take celandine and fill half the bucket with it. Be sure to wear gloves, as the plant is poisonous.
  • Pour in 5 liters of hot water, let it brew for 40 minutes.
  • Add 200 ml liquid soap for better adhesion.
  • Pour into a spray bottle and spray all plants on which colonies of parasites are observed.

If ants appear in the garden, then the same solution can be used against ants.

A vinegar solution will help destroy aphids in the garden. To prepare it you will need 70% vinegar, as well as dishwashing detergent.

For 1 liter of water, it is enough to pour 1 teaspoon of 70%, or 8 tablespoons of 9% vinegar. You only need 5 tbsp of detergent. spoons Mix everything and spray.

What harm can an insect cause to an apple tree?

Understanding what type they belong to will help you choose the right weapon for pest control. The main types of garden aphids:

  1. The red gall aphid got its name because of a feature: the habitat of this species causes swelling on the leaves of the plant - galls. The insect is brown in color and reaches about 2 mm in length.
  2. Gray aphids attack mature trees. The hemispherical body of the pest is painted dark gray, and the head, tail, mustache and paws are black. The vital activity of aphids occurs on the back side of the leaves, which curls them down in the form of wrinkled burgundy rollers.
  3. Green aphids are fertile and can produce 12 generations per season in favorable climatic conditions, and in cold regions - half as much, which is also quite a lot. The pest in adulthood reaches no more than 2 mm in length and has a bright green color.

Harmfulness of insects:

  • trees slow down;
  • fruit buds appear and ripen late;
  • tree fruits become small and often fall off;
  • weakened shoots are less prepared for winter conditions;
  • trees are prone to the appearance of other pests: ants, tree beetles;
  • the vulnerability of plants, especially young ones, to fungi and infectious agents appears;
  • dust settles on the leaves due to honeydew produced by aphids.

When colonizing plants en masse, gray aphids damage not only the leaves, but also the fruits, as evidenced by small red spots on them.

What are aphids?

The appearance of aphids always occurs in large colonies. First of all, the pest appears on the tops of trees, gradually descending to other parts of them. As the family grows, females with wings are born in it. Flying around the garden, they have the opportunity to choose more suitable places to live, thereby infecting other plants.

The peculiarity of the aphid lies in its oral gnawing apparatus, with the help of which it obtains nutrients from the leaves of trees and other green crops. The insect's favorite treat is juicy young shoots and flowers. There is a type of aphid that feeds on the bark and roots of trees. By sucking nutritional products from the plant, the pest weakens it, as a result of which it develops and grows incompletely.

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