Effective store-bought and folk remedies for getting rid of ants in the kitchen

With the onset of warm days, houses and apartments are subject to invasion of small ants. Pesky insects penetrate into all openings, live under baseboards and vents, in cracks in walls and ceilings. House ants can cause a lot of problems for residents of the first floors and private houses. Uninvited guests have to be shaken out of books and linen, removed from food and clothing.

There are several ways to get rid of annoying insects

  • Fighting methods
  • Prevention is easier than cure: methods of prevention

Red ants are called domestic ants, choosing warm rooms to build their nests. They are omnivores, so they feed on food, insect remains, fabric, and insulation in electrical devices.

These paths usually run along baseboards or in deep gaps between floor tiles. The ultimate goal of insects may be:

  • Bucket with garbage.
  • A cabinet with cereals, sugar, other bulk products and sweets.
  • A sink where dirty dishes often accumulate.
  • A pet food bowl that always contains food.

Remember. The path can only lead to the main habitat, but it is useless to fight it as a cause, especially since there may be several nests throughout the house, although you will have to start searching in the kitchen.

Harm and extent

To win a battle, you need to know your enemy personally. Therefore, it is worth remembering a few basic points about these pests:

  • they are the most common insect species in Europe, so named because of their external coloration;
  • they usually live in colonies ruled by a queen mother. She is the largest in the family - her size reaches one centimeter;
  • males and females are designed for reproduction and are half the size of the queen. Female ants, after fertilization, create a new anthill in which they become the queen ant;
  • worker ants. Their job is to collect food, breed aphids, lay eggs and everything else.

It is worth considering that the life of the offspring largely depends on the queen.

If ants have settled in a garden or city, they cause damage by spreading aphids, which suck nectar from plants and cause them to dry out en masse.

If in a house or apartment, these insects can gnaw wood, furniture, spoil food, and also disturb the peace on the street (when there is an anthill next to the lawn or garden path).

Their scale is increasing in everything: they are multiplying, their population is increasing, and hence their needs. This is a chain that can be broken by taking action against black ants at home.

Reasons for the appearance of ants in the kitchen

People in all countries with climates suitable for ants are faced with this problem.

There are about 12 thousand species on the planet, but only a few species can settle in a house, mainly for the following reasons:

  1. Constant presence of dirty dishes;
  2. Insufficiently clean floors and cabinets;
  3. Long-term storage of garbage in the house;
  4. Storing food in places easily accessible to insects;
  5. Availability of food in animal bowls;

Thus, the main reason for the appearance of ants is prolonged clutter in the kitchen. If scout ants find food in one place several times in a row, they report this to their relatives, as a result of which the kitchen becomes a feeding trough for an entire anthill.

They do not cause any particular harm, but they do cause a lot of inconvenience. They also spread bacteria as they often travel through sewage.

Causes and possible consequences

The appearance of ants in an apartment affects not only a person’s psychological state, but can also cause serious illnesses.

You can notice unwanted “settlers” in your kitchen for several reasons:

  • dirt and disorder in the house;
  • poisoning of insects from neighbors, as a result of which they are forced to occupy another room;
  • accidental ingestion of pests with food or other goods.

Unwashed dishes, a poorly wiped table, a full trash can - all this can cause red ants to appear in the house.

How ants get into the house

Ants don't always come on their own. Quite often they are brought in bags of food from stores or from homes where they have already established themselves quite firmly.

Ants contribute to food spoilage and may also be unsafe for human health.

Important. Ants, as extremely cautious creatures, never enter the house with their entire group at once - they first make sure that they are expected: they send several “scouts”, and they, in turn, judge by the presence of crumbs and food waste, a lot secluded, rarely tidied corners, is it possible to bring the entire huge family into this home?

In this case, females are particularly mobile, as they have the ability to fly during the period of active reproduction.

Basic ways to get rid of adversity

The good thing about this folk remedy for black ants is that it works no worse than a store-bought preparation that contains the main insecticidal substance. If there are a lot of black individuals, it is worth using the services of exterminators.

Strong scents to repel black ants

You can plant peppermint, cloves and other strong-smelling plants near your house. If chamomile or wormwood grows, you should not get rid of them, because ants are afraid of these aromas.

The following scents will help repel black ants:

  • Turmeric.
  • Lavender.
  • Peppermint.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Field chamomile.
  • Red pepper.
  • Garlic.
  • Wormwood.
  • Cucumber.
  • Carnations.
  • Elderberries.
  • Lemon or orange.
  • Anise.

Garlic is coated with baseboards and cracks formed between the floors. Lavender and citrus scents are used to fill an aroma lamp. Anise, cloves, field chamomile, wormwood - crushed and sprinkled on the places where insects are most concentrated.

Sliced ​​cucumber and bay leaf must be placed on the paths of black ants, pre-soaked in unrefined vegetable oil.

In rooms where black individuals have been seen more than once, it is necessary to treat with a vinegar solution. For 10 liters of water take a tablespoon of 70% acetic acid. This smell will scare them away. The procedure should be repeated every 2–3 days.

Ant powder Hector

Powder granules contain a small amount of poison, only 0.01%. Such an amount can only harm small insects, which are ants. The product works on the “epidemic” principle. An insect that eats poison does not understand that there is poison inside it. It returns to its colony, where it shares the food it obtains with its relatives, thereby spreading the poison.

This kills the entire nest, including the queen.

Boric acid

To prepare the bait, you need to add flower honey to this substance or mix it with boiled egg yolk. Place in areas where ants were found. Check every week, if it has dried out, you need to spread a new mixture. This will no longer interest them, and accordingly there will be no reaction from the black individuals.

Another recipe: mix boric acid with sugar syrup (you can use any jam). Proportion: 3 gr. acid for 2 dessert spoons of sweet treat. Place the solution on a piece of oilcloth or in jar lids; such a delicacy will certainly attract ants and make them crawl out of hidden places.

Interesting! Ants follow the sweet smell, eat the poison, die themselves and infect those who feed on their corpses. If this food is moved to the habitats of the queen and individuals, the result will be maximum.


Pour it near the place where black ants are supposed to accumulate, and place a container with bait in the center. This could be syrup, jam, honey or other delicacy. While he makes his way through the starch to reach the sweet treat, bait will stick to his paws, which he will bring to the rest of his brothers. While cleaning it, the individual will swallow a sufficient amount of the treat left for it.


Treat baseboards and walls with kerosene. Wash the windows with soapy water and any fragrant essential oil. This will remove the smell that ants use to find their way into the house. It is also worth treating the holes around the communications with kerosene. Work must be carried out strictly with rubber gloves. If they enter the house through window frames, it is necessary to seal the cracks and all small gaps.

Potatoes and eggs

Boil potatoes together with eggs (take two chicken ones). Mash into a puree along with the yolks. To the resulting mixture you need to add a couple of bags of boric acid and a little granulated sugar. Roll into balls and place in areas where ants are expected to move. The effect of the poison lasts for two weeks, then repeat the procedure if necessary. During this time, do not forget about wet cleaning with a chlorinated or vinegar solution, this will help get rid of the ant infestation faster.


To remove black ants from your home, various devices are used. You can purchase a ready-made trap at a hardware store. They need to be placed closer to the expected place of accumulation of these individuals, but at the same time, it is important to make sure that the pet does not get there first.

10 Best Ant Traps

  1. Glue. It's a cardboard box with sticky edges. Install near the trash can and crevices where ants were found. You can do it yourself using available means: a cardboard strip must be covered with double-sided tape and placed next to the intended ant habitat area. So, it will be possible to remove black ants.
  2. Electric. When the pest crawls inside the house, it dies immediately due to exposure to current. This trap cannot be called a humane method for getting rid of black individuals, but it is highly effective.
  3. Poisonous. They are safe for others, but for ants they are a real death. The trap with poison is located inside the structure in dense plastic containers. In just a few days, the black ants in the house will disappear and will not bother you with their appearance.

Poison traps are most effective in controlling these insects. Moreover, it absolutely does not matter where the anthill is located, the working individuals will do everything themselves.

Professional products

If you cannot solve the problem with folk remedies with black ants, you can proceed to radical methods. Namely, use professional chemistry. A list of them is provided below, the cost is approximate.

NameDescriptionPrice in rubles
"Raptor"Non-toxic: safe for people and pets. Sold in bags 150
"Combat"It contains hydramethylnon, which causes disruption of energy metabolism in cells and the functioning of mitochondria. The death of a black individual occurs within five days 200
"Raid"Highly effective remedy against black ants. Acts in two directions at once - eliminates black individuals, and provides long-term protection against them 200
Chopping "Zindan"This is a gel that has a low price and good effectiveness. The death of an ant is not instantaneous; it manages to reach the queen and other individuals, infecting them and dying together within three to four days 100
"DEET"This is more of a preventive remedy than a control drug. It is recommended to use it in combination with boric acid 150
"Trap"The product is presented in the form of a gel. Judging by the manufacturer’s assurance, it is capable of completely removing black ants within 3–5 days after application. 75

Disadvantage of professional means: the working black ant dies before reaching the rest of the individuals. In other words, the effectiveness will be temporary.

On a note! You can’t use the same product over and over again; ants can become addicted. That is, they will not react to the main insecticidal substance. It is constantly necessary to change measures to influence the source of their occurrence.

Calling specialists

The female, along with the laid larvae, is usually located in the very depths of the colony, and the hatched larvae are next to her. As soon as the worker ants sense approaching danger, they move it as far as possible. Even if you eliminate the largest portion of black ants, the problem will still not be solved. The fact is that new individuals will soon appear if the female is alive.

Preparation for processing is carried out in several stages:

  1. Move furniture away from the walls.
  2. Carrying out wet cleaning in all rooms.
  3. Remove plants from the house and hide food in specially designated places. There should be no one in the apartment except the exterminator team.

Ideally, the room should be completely “naked” before the specialists arrive. So that you can get to every corner and as close as possible to the queen and her larvae.

Processing stages:

  1. Searching for places where black ants accumulate, identifying places where they accumulate along trails.
  2. Treatment. The insecticidal substance will be sprayed in suspected areas where black insects accumulate and along their travel routes. Therefore, the apartment must be prepared in advance.
  3. Preventive actions. After being baited, some ants that were furthest away at the time of the baiting will look for a way to survive. They can move through the ventilation system, cracks and holes in walls and floors.

If during the warranty period black ants are again found in the house, repeated disinfestation will be carried out free of charge.

What to do with the passages?

Source - akamaized Most often, ants enter an apartment through small cracks in the walls and floor. Baseboard area, ventilation, windows. If there are any cracks, insects will take advantage of them. Therefore, you will need a major cleaning and a can of polyurethane foam. You may need to rip out the baseboards and move furniture aside to better understand where the holes are in the walls. In any case, all cracks must be closed and additionally treated with a vinegar solution to completely remove the smell.

The Joinfo.ua team reminds you that if you are too lazy to do all this, you can call professionals who can eliminate the ant colony using chemical methods. It's simpler, but more expensive.

We also think it would be useful for you to know which plants can repel mosquitoes. If you have a summer house, then this is the place for these plants!

Ways to enter the apartment

Ants live in large colonies and act in an organized manner. First, several representatives go to explore the territory, after which the remaining individuals, led by the queen, move into the room.

Most often, a family chooses the following ways to enter a home:

  • basements, undergrounds, cellars;
  • pipes, ventilation and other technical communications;
  • window and door cracks;
  • holes in walls, ceilings, baseboards.

Despite their small size (about 2 mm), these creatures are very smart. Therefore, they can easily find access to any apartment or house.

Consequences of ants

At first there are not very many of them in the kitchen, and no significant discomfort is felt. But the housewife began to more and more often remove products from the cabinets that were clearly damaged and riddled with ant passages, and the tiny remains of these creatures were found everywhere, even on the dining table. Is there any danger for a person in the presence of such uninvited guests or is it just a simple inconvenience?

A kitchen that is not cleaned on time is a great place for uninvited “guests” to feast

Worth knowing. Ants are carriers of diseases, ranging from intestinal parasites to the most complex types of dysentery.

They move everywhere: in sewers, landfills, and garbage containers. Of course, they carry this entire set of “joys” with them, spreading it to their environment.

Ants bite and, in addition to quite painful consequences, an insect bite can provoke severe allergies, as well as asthmatic manifestations in people predisposed to this disease.

In addition, negative consequences include hopelessly spoiled food, as well as the need to endlessly sort through and shake up the contents of kitchen cabinets, even the refrigerator, since these ubiquitous creatures very willingly settle there.

As far as their own homes are concerned, ants are extremely clean. They often carry out “spring cleaning” in their nests, literally turning out all the accumulated garbage into various secret corners of the kitchen, where after a short time fungus and mold spores are sure to appear.

To prevent the appearance of unwanted insects, you should thoroughly clean your kitchen.

Lures and traps

To find out how to remove red ants from your apartment, you need to carefully read the instructions that are indicated on the traps and baits. They can be of different types:

  • adhesive;
  • with poisoned bait;
  • electric type.

Important! Poisonous baits are considered the most effective means.

Velcro and electric traps

In traps based on the sticky principle, everything is as simple as possible. They are installed in places of accumulation or, most often, at the intersection of paths along which insects run. No skills or knowledge are required to install them. Such stickers are not highly effective, so they are often installed as a preventive measure.

Electric versions of traps are powered from the electrical network. Modern devices are as economical as possible and completely silent. All insects that fall into such a trap receive an electrical discharge, which is enough for them to die. As soon as the trap is completely filled with dead ants, it is enough to clean it and then you can reconnect it to the electrical network.

Types of ants

Small redheads

This is the most common type of insect, characterized by the greatest unceremoniousness. Methods for getting rid of small red ants in the kitchen are standard, but their extraordinary tenacity dooms them to a long war. The main problem is not to destroy as many units of the harmful population as possible, but to be sure to kill all the females, otherwise the victory will be short-lived .

Red ants nest extremely carefully, choosing, if possible, places protected from light and with sufficient humidity. Their activity does not decrease at any time of the year.


This species came to us from Africa, but has settled well here. These tiny guests can be found even in the bathroom, and they will eat both scented shower gel and cookies forgotten in the kitchen with equal pleasure. Extremely unpretentious and harmful.

Worth knowing. A very important difference between red ants is that they willingly move around the human body, especially preferring places where there are small wounds or abrasions.

Small red ants

Red ants are quite common neighbors in a person's apartment. These are real occupiers, crawling into all sorts of places in search of food. Their usual habitat is gardens and vegetable gardens, but if they appear in the house, it will not end well.

Red ants also build several nests at once, and in each nest there are several queens, productively and constantly engaged in breeding offspring. Therefore, when starting the fight against these ants, you need to be prepared for a long war. The whole problem here is not so much the large size of the colony at the time of its extermination, but the fact that if at least a few queens survive, they will actively continue to increase the number of family members. Thus, the destruction of ants can take a long time and the goal here should be the destruction of the nests themselves, from where the queens never crawl out.

Red ants create nests in the most secluded corners, and not necessarily in the apartment itself, as if knowing what exactly must be preserved at any cost. Therefore, most often it is very difficult to find their nests. For ants it is important that it is damp and dark.

Despite the ability of insects to move long distances, they still prefer that food be closer, so living near a person is quite convenient for them. Interestingly, this type of ant remains active in winter.

Store-bought ant repellents

Chemical agents for controlling ants are presented in a large assortment

  • Boric acid. Many years ago, people rolled borax into balls by mixing the acid with honey or sugar syrup. Or you can simply dissolve the acid in sugar water and use a syringe to draw a groove along all the baseboards.
  • Special traps. Sold in hardware stores. Insects happily eat the contents and carry poison on their legs to the nest.
  • Various gels that need to be applied only in places where neither small children nor animals can reach them. Toxic.
  • Sprays. But they must be applied together with neighbors, otherwise it will simply be the movement of an ant family from house to house.

Need to remember. An ant can escape from any poison, even the most effective one, if it has access to water.

Precautions when using chemicals

When working with chemicals, precautions must be taken. First of all, it is recommended to remove children and pets from the premises. Kitchen utensils are taken out during processing or isolated as much as possible to avoid contact with toxic drugs.

Work is carried out in special suits and gloves; if possible, respirators or masks are used.

It is forbidden to eat, drink or smoke during processing.

Upon completion of work, the room is ventilated for several hours.

Handy means of fighting ants

In the photo: salt, chalk, lemon, pepper, orange peels, Vaseline, vinegar water, tape, soda - improvised remedies for ants.

Vinegar water spray

  • A spray of vinegar water, which is harmless to us, drives out ants.
  • Using any sprayer, we will disperse it in the places favored by ants. And so that the insects do not come again, we will wipe the vents, the floor and the front door with vinegar. The ants will no longer return to the apartment.
  • Fill the found anthill halfway with baking soda and pour vinegar into it - this is a guarantee of getting rid of ants.

Corn flour

  • We feed the ants cornmeal, which they cannot process and kills them.
  • In addition, corn flour is absolutely harmless to residents and animals.
  • Wheat flour, like rice, when limp, ruptures the ant's stomach.

Ant trail

Ant trails

  • Let's find ant trails and identify the anthill.
  • Now we attack it with boiling water or nicotine water - after all, even the most effective powders will not penetrate through winding tunnels into the nest.
  • If we expand the input, the effect will increase.

Other deterrents

  • We can cover the entrance with crushed orange peel and the ants will leave our kitchen.
  • We use putty and insulation foam to seal cracks on the walls and near pipes - places where ants enter the house. Regular tape will also help.
  • We will make barriers of salt around the perimeter: the ants will not overcome them and will leave.
  • Calcium carbonate in regular chalk will drive ants out of our kitchen. By the way, it is completely harmless to us.
  • Lemon juice will repel ants with a strong citrus smell - these insects cannot stand it.
  • Sprinkle cayenne pepper along cracks and crevices to repel ants. But it causes a burning sensation in pets.
  • Peppermint oil, black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, tobacco, bay leaves and even green tomato branches will drive ants out of our kitchen with a strong, pungent odor.
  • Applying Vaseline around the edges of pet dishes will keep ants away from other people's food.

The simultaneous use of various means helps get rid of ants.

Advice! To prevent children or pets from tasting ant poison, put it in a jar and screw on the lid, making a couple of small holes in it. Then lightly coat the outside with poison-free bait.


  • Prepare a mixture of 1 teaspoon of alcohol, 2 tablespoons of any dish soap and add water. Use a spray bottle to disperse the mixture - the alcohol will cause the ants to leave the kitchen.
  • Place a meat bait of 2 tablespoons of minced meat and 1 teaspoon of borax in the path of the ants.

Note! Poisons are less effective in warm weather.

Only regular treatment with various effective preparations will forever solve the issue of how to get rid of kitchen ants (Also find out how to get rid of flies in the kitchen). And prevention will prevent them from coming into our kitchen.

Forewarned is forearmed

Ants do not come to your apartment in a whole colony. First, they send scouts who evaluate your kitchen, whether the conditions are suitable for their living, and whether there is enough food. If they decide that your kitchen is an ideal place to live, they will return after a while, now seriously and for a long time. The appearance of several ants is a serious reason to begin preventive action.

Fighting ants in the kitchen - simple ways to prevent their appearance, both for the first time and again:

  • the first thing you need to do is put all the products in containers;
  • Wash the dishes immediately after eating;
  • Wipe tables and cabinets with a vinegar solution, the pungent smell will repel insects;
  • Take out the trash in a timely manner, close the bin tightly with a lid;
  • Before putting the dishes in the cupboard, wash them as thoroughly as possible;
  • sweep the kitchen every day, or better yet, wash the floor;
  • seal household chemicals and perfumes; any aromatic substances also attract ants.

After discovering scouts, these rules must under no circumstances be violated, at least for a week. The ants will be convinced that there is no food to be found in your kitchen and will go to where they are offered the most favorable conditions. If done correctly, the technique will work. These intelligent insects follow the trail of ants who have already found a “good” apartment with a lot of food. By the way, this is why they return, the path has already been trodden. They will come once or twice, there are no conditions, in the end, they will get tired of wasting reconnaissance and will fall behind.

For the same purposes - to prevent them from entering the apartment, you need to determine where they come from. This may require surveillance. Treat the hole where the ants came from in the kitchen thoroughly with sealant, glue, putty, and cover with plaster. Yes, at least cover it with tape, but only temporarily. The event concerns those cracks that can be sealed. Where sealing is not possible, use other barriers.

Home Remedies

First of all, you can use smells: garlic, bay leaf infusion, any ground spicy seasonings, etc. Ants also cannot tolerate strong ethereal aromas.

Classic - fresh yeast diluted with honey.

A homemade spray of water and vinegar needs to be sprayed everywhere; ants are afraid of it.

Corn flour and rice flour act differently, but the principle is the same - the insect is literally torn from the inside. You need to mix flour with sugar.

Chalk is used as a bait for ants in combination with other mixtures

Ordinary chalk, crushed into powder, works the same as Mashenka chalk. It works a little weaker than the factory analogue, but it saves ants in small populations.

You can also wipe with half a lemon all surfaces visited by insects (and wash the floor with vinegar) and leave it overnight. Several such nights - and the ants' house will be included in the list of unreliable ones.

A mixture of honey and starch is killer for ants.

How to fight

Handy tools to help

So where do they come from and how to remove them? Insects follow the same paths, which they mark with their smell; it is not easy to remove them, but it is possible. If you follow the ants, you can create barriers in their path. To do this, they use improvised means that almost everyone has at home. These include:

  • chalk, soda, starch;
  • washing powder or detergent;
  • spices: hot pepper, chopped bay leaf, turmeric;
  • vinegar;
  • petrolatum;
  • kerosene, camphor alcohol.

If you spread or sprinkle these substances on the path of insects with a thickness of five millimeters, the latter will be forced to capitulate or look for a new “path of life.” Red and yellow individuals also cannot tolerate the smell of lavender, cloves, mint, chamomile, garlic, wormwood, anise, parsley, citrus fruits, and fresh cucumbers.

Creating obstacles

Sometimes you can get rid of ants by creating obstacles in their path; this can be done in the following ways:

  • Seal the passage. This method can be used together with folk remedies. Insects typically enter a home through cracks in the floor and gaps in vents and pipes. To repel ants, these passages should be completely closed; this can be done using glue, plaster and silicone;
  • You can also create an obstacle for them by treating their path with Vaseline, mint oil or soap solution.

Such methods are not suitable for independent use; it must be combined with something else. If you combine folk remedies with this method, the effect can be achieved faster.

How to get rid of an anthill

You need to pour as much soda into the nest as possible, preferably through a funnel. Now pour in the vinegar. That's it - the nest no longer exists.

Along the path of all ant paths, as well as around the entire anthill, you need to pour more regular salt. An ant will never climb on salt.

Little ants in the kitchen will forever stop bothering you if the only food they can get is the following mixtures:

  • You need to take 3 tbsp. l. ethyl alcohol, dishwashing detergent and water, spray the kitchen.
  • Any minced meat (1-3 tbsp) should be mixed with 1 tsp. Boers. Arrange in the form of balls around the anthill.

Important! Care must be taken to ensure that pets do not try these products.

Methods of action when they appear

If you find ants in your kitchen, do not panic and rush to call disinfectants. Initially, it is worth watching for “uninvited guests.” Identifying the nest is already a large part of the success on the path to breeding them. Getting rid of “ordinary” representatives is ineffective, because the uterus will produce new ones.

There are several ways to destroy insects that are available to every person. The main thing is to choose the most suitable one for yourself and your loved ones.

What to do if the ants won't leave

Traps with poison

If all these means have little effect on the insects, they can be driven out in a more radical way. To do this prepare:

  • Electric traps. With their help, ants die from electrical discharge. Bait is placed inside the trap and electricity is connected to it.
  • Sticky traps. An adhesive base is placed in the box, smeared with a pleasant smell for insects. Once they get inside, they will stick and won't be able to get out.
  • Traps with poisonous baits. Ants follow the smell of the gel, taste it and bring it to the nest. After a few days they die.

Note! Ants are also afraid of ultrasonic waves, which cause them trouble. If these waves are directed at them, they will become worried and eventually leave their habitat together.

Calling an exterminator

If you cannot get rid of red ants on your own, it is recommended to contact a specialist.

Before a professional arrives, you must thoroughly clean the room, put kitchen utensils in boxes or cover them with thick material. The best option would be to leave the premises for several days while disinfection takes place and the apartment is ventilated.

Pets and plants should not be left in the house. Chemicals can destroy them.


Preventive measures

Whatever the scale of the invasion, it is very important not to give up and continue to look for ways to get the ant out of the kitchen. In any case, they will not withstand long opposition and will leave, saving the most precious thing - their offspring.

The smell of mint, pleasant to humans, disgusts ants

However, it is best not to lead to such serious and debilitating problems at all and to follow the basic rules of cleanliness in the house: do regular inspections of the floor and walls along the baseboards for cracks, always remove leftover food and animal feed, and do not allow dirty dishes to accumulate.

And it is very important to notice and destroy the very first and smallest ants in the kitchen, since this is the main signal that the house has become the object of close attention.

Call the exterminator

Before you poison ants in your apartment yourself, you can think about the services of professionals. Sometimes your own measures to get rid of this problem do not bring any results, then you must contact a pest control specialist. A specialist can guarantee the destruction of all nests and insects, taking into account many factors.

Before calling a specialist, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation of the premises, which consists of the following:

  • carry out general cleaning of the premises;
  • Pack dishes and food products in cellophane bags or cling film and hide them securely;
  • Pets must be taken out during the procedure.

As soon as the preparatory work is completed, all residents have the opportunity to leave the premises on their own. As soon as the work is finished, you need to thoroughly ventilate the entire room and again carry out a thorough wet cleaning, not forgetting about safety measures.

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