Folk remedies for ants in the garden - the most effective recipes for fighting

Today it is difficult to find a garden plot that does not have small, hard-working insects. These insects bring great benefits to nature, but not to garden owners. They destroy agricultural plants and sometimes move into the house. By the way, they can also bite, which is quite unpleasant. Therefore, many gardeners, when they see these small parasites, ask only one question: “How to get rid of ants in the garden.” Get rid of it quickly and forever.

And today we will try to select the most useful information for people who are interested in this issue.

Reasons for the appearance of ants on the site

The family Formicidae (that is, ants) are social insects that form families numbering thousands and even millions of individuals. Ants have their own hierarchy. There is a female, she is the main one in the nest, who is protected. There are small wingless individuals - these are working ants, females, which cannot produce offspring, and there are soldiers who monitor the safety of the nest.

A garden plot for residents is an ideal place to live. The rapid expansion of cities and the construction of highways displaced insects from their usual place of residence. And the garden is a great place to live. There will always be insects that feast on agricultural crops. They, in turn, become a source of protein for the ants. There are always plants here that the ants also feed on.

For this reason, a garden plot is an ideal place to build a nest and obtain food.

Recipes for preparing solutions

Since ants have a well-known sweet tooth, try to play on this passion of theirs. Various mixtures and solutions using sugar, sweet powder and aromatic seasonings will have the desired effect and quickly remove unwanted guests from the garden. Here are the most popular recipes.

Sweet bait

For this mixture, just mix equal parts of NaHCO3 and powdered sugar or regular sugar. Add 2 tbsp to the composition for viscosity. spoons of water. After thorough mixing, the bait is scattered near the anthill and along the paths. The ants are unlikely to refuse this dessert, and therefore will soon die. And the smarter ones will go looking for another secluded home.

Preparing a sweet bait for ants based on sugar and soda will help cope with the invasion of pests in the garden.

Soda solution

The killing agent can be prepared using soda and hot water. In a 2-liter glass container, mix 3 tablespoons of soda and 1 liter of boiling water, shake and immediately pour into the anthill. Cruel but effective. It is advisable to cover the ant house with earth and cover it with thick material or a piece of black film.

The benefits and harms of ants on the site

A number of gardeners speak flatteringly about these pests, considering them to be real orderlies in the garden. They prove that ants benefit both the soil and agricultural plants. According to this category of gardeners, ants:

  1. They build passages in the ground, thereby loosening it and saturating the soil with oxygen.
  2. They are good pollinators, pollinating both plants and flowers.
  3. They destroy various pests that cause significant damage to agricultural crops.
  4. They spread seeds of various plants throughout the area, such as celandine, thyme, violet, etc.

But along with these advantages there is one terrible drawback. This disadvantage is the content of aphids. Aphids are to these insects what cows are to humans. Ants contain aphids as a source of carbohydrates. Aphids secrete a sticky liquid that ants drink.

They breed aphids, take them to “pasture” and constantly protect them from possible predators. Aphids, in turn, cause serious damage to the summer cottage.

Boric acid

If you are tired of sharing your living space with ants, cockroaches and other unwanted insects, treat corners, cracks, as well as door and window openings with boric acid. Pests will immediately understand that they are not welcome here. True, the procedure will most likely have to be repeated several times. It is best to use a disposable syringe so that the acid gets into all the crevices. But it is worth remembering that boric acid can harm small children and pets.

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Types of ants that settle in the garden

Different types of ants may appear on the site. However, most often these are red or black (garden) ants. Both of these species cause serious damage to the site.

Black (garden)

They are quite large in size when compared with other relatives. This species is not characterized by the construction of anthills; their nests are located in the ground or in trees. You need to get rid of insects living on the site together with aphids, since it is they that most often attract these pests.

Their body length reaches from 3 to 10 mm. Queens of this species can live up to 28 years. For this reason, dealing with these pests is quite problematic.

Red ants

They usually settle in areas that are located near forested areas. In the area they look for dead insects and hunt small insects.

Unlike gardeners, redheads do not grow aphids.

The red ant's head is larger than its body. There are also long antennae on the head.

On the abdomen of the forest ant there is a sting that contains poison. If an ant stings a person, he may develop an allergic reaction.

What to do if you are bitten by an ant

Usually an ant bite does not pose any danger to humans. But you may be allergic to ant venom.

First of all, take an anti-allergen. For example, Cetrin or Diazolin. Next, wipe the bite area with alcohol and make a compress with baking soda. If redness and swelling persist, consult a doctor.

Traditional methods of combating these parasites

You can get rid of ants in the garden forever using folk remedies, which are one of the most gentle methods of control. The lion's share of folk remedies is aimed not at destroying parasites, but at repelling them.


Garlic is one of the most effective natural repellents for repelling ants. To protect a certain area from ants, you need to plant garlic around the perimeter. For example, crops such as strawberries, currants, etc. are of interest to parasites. Also, if a nest of ants was discovered, garlic arrows should be placed near it.


Wood ash is no less effective than garlic in repelling these parasites. Plants on which aphids have appeared are treated with it. Ash will get rid of not only ants, but also aphids.

Hot ash is used to smoke ants out of their nest. To do this, the nest is turned over and covered with hot ash.

Boiling water

This is a very effective folk method, however, it is quite cruel to garden crops. Plants cannot be treated with boiling water, so boiling water should only be used when the insects are far enough away from the crops.

To destroy the nest, it is turned over and poured with boiling water.

Black pepper

Black pepper is used to kill parasites. It acts as a repellent, scaring away insects. To enhance its effectiveness, it is mixed with wood ash. The resulting mixture is poured into the burrows of the anthill or at the sites where aphids are located.

Shampoo with vegetable oil

A simple solution of shampoo and vegetable oil will help you quickly and effectively get rid of ants on your property. To prepare it you will need 10 liters of water, a bottle of vinegar and 0.5 liters of oil. At the end, shampoo is added (the cheapest one will do). The prepared solution is poured onto the anthill. To help the solution penetrate better, the nest can be stirred or pierced with a rod.

What to use against insects in the garden

You need to be very careful in the garden so as not to harm the vegetables. Use a mixture of oregano and sulfur, ash, ammonia, semolina and yeast traps. You can also fill the nest with boiling water and place strong-smelling products (garlic, ground pepper) nearby.

When flowering has not yet begun or has already ended, it is best to use insecticides.

ON A NOTE. It is better not to use kerosene or brine in the garden. These products may harm the soil

Biological control methods

The most gentle way to combat these parasites is to use biological agents. The essence of this method is to use repellent plants.


Tansy is perhaps the most effective biological remedy for ants. To prevent ants from settling near strawberries, currants, gooseberries and other crops, simply scatter tansy flowers. Their smell will make insects flee. Also, an infusion of tansy is often made. You need to take 800 grams of dried plant branches and add 10 liters of water. Leave the solution for 48 hours. After this, it is boiled for 30 minutes, then it must be strained, add cold water and 50 g of laundry soap. The resulting solution is poured into ant holes, or areas where parasites accumulate are treated.


To destroy pests, ordinary dry mustard is also used. This is a very cheap and accessible product. Mustard is used to fill the holes of ant nests.

Poison baits

Installing poisonous baits with an attractive aroma or taste in places where insects move and gather in large numbers can significantly reduce their numbers. For this purpose, liquid preparations are prepared and poured into low, small containers. They are fixed under plants, on paths, around anthills.

Effective recipes

  • Stir fine granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l. in 100 ml of water with the addition of a bag of powdered boric acid.
  • Dissolve sugar - 2 tbsp. l. in 100 ml of hot water. After cooling, dilute a teaspoon of powdered poisonous drug against ants in syrup.
  • Dissolve in 15 tbsp. l. water 5 tbsp. l. sugar and 2 tsp. Boers. Heat the mixture while stirring. When the sugar grains have melted, remove from heat and cool. Enter 5 tsp. honey After kneading, the composition is ready for use.

Tomato tops

Tomato tops also help fight parasites. It is a good natural repellent. The effectiveness of tops lies in the fact that they contain a glycoalkaloid substance. This is a natural poison that protects nightshades from being eaten by insects.

In our case, not only fresh tops are suitable, but also dried ones. The tops are placed under the bushes of those crops that are most often affected by pests. Also, if a nest is found, the tops are laid out near it.

A more effective method of control is to prepare a decoction of the tops. To do this, prepare 4 kg of tops, which are filled with 10 liters of water. All this is infused for 4 hours. After the tincture, boil the broth for about 30-40 minutes, cool and filter. The finished solution is diluted with water in the proportion (1 part of solution and 4 parts of water). Then all places where parasites accumulate are treated.

What to choose: chemistry or folk remedies?

When embarking on the warpath for the harvest, first of all, decide how you will fight garden ants: with the help of poisonous chemicals or improvised home remedies. It would seem, why study folk recipes, waste time making formulations based on them, when you can simply buy ready-made “weapons” in any specialized store and not bother too much. But the opinions of experts on this issue are contradictory.

Basically, all chemicals against garden pests are very poisonous. And although manufacturers of toxic substances are trying to reduce the level of their toxicity, the danger still remains, especially for children, pregnant women, the elderly and allergy sufferers. Of course, we need to remember about our smaller brothers - pets. By inhaling or licking the poison, they can at best experience health complications. Another way chemicals are harmful: if used carelessly, they can seriously poison the soil.

However, professionals, in their recommendations on how to get rid of aphids and their “hosts,” do not advise completely neglecting specialized insecticides. In comparison with folk remedies, experts consider them to be more effective drugs and advise using both methods, of course strictly following the instructions for use and safety.

Use of pesticides

The most effective means for pest control, naturally, are special chemicals, which can be purchased at any specialized stores. They will help get rid of not only ants, but also aphids. The most popular drugs today are: Grom-2, Muracid, Terradox, Ant, Anteater and Delicia. Let's take a closer look at all the drugs.


Grom-2 is an effective insecticide that is used in apartments, houses, plots and greenhouses to combat this pest.

The main active ingredient of Grom-2 is diazinon. It does not have a strong aroma, so it does not repel insects. When a substance enters the pest’s body, the following processes occur:

  1. The substance enters the blood and begins to affect the enzyme that transmits nerve impulses. As a result of the influence, the transmission of impulses is disrupted.
  2. The insect experiences convulsions that lead to complete paralysis.
  3. The pest then suffocates and eventually dies.

It is worth noting that the pesticide is very dangerous and affects both insects and domestic animals and humans. Therefore, you need to work with this product in a respirator and gloves (diazinon can penetrate the body through the skin).


As in Gorm-2, the main active ingredient of Muratsida is diazinon. Within 24 hours after contact with the substance, the insect dies.

Muratsid has a number of advantages:

  1. Firstly, this is a fairly cheap product.
  2. Secondly, it acts quickly.
  3. Thirdly, it is a highly effective pesticide that does not affect the composition of the soil and the growth of crops.


The main active ingredient of Terradox is diazinon. The drug consists of dry granules, which simplifies its use. The poison enters the insect's body and causes paralysis. The drug helps not only against ants, but also against other parasites, including mole crickets.

Usually one treatment is enough to get rid of pests for a whole month.

Experts advise not to use pesticides more than 2 times in one area per season.

Common mistakes

  1. The fight is only with working ants. The most important thing is to kill the queen. Without it, the anthill will not exist. By killing the workers, you only briefly reduce the insect population.
  2. Using oil belts on trees. Because of this, the tree bark suffers.
  3. Frequent use of kerosene and brine. It is acceptable to use these drugs, but you should not do it too often. You will damage the soil.
  4. The fight against ants is carried out from time to time. If you quit halfway, the queen will give birth to new workers, and all your work will be in vain.
  5. Use of toxic products indoors. Remember your safety. If you can’t remove the ants, hire specialists.


The main active ingredient of this insecticide is diazinon. The drug acts as a food bait (it looks like granules). The pellets are eaten by ants, and then the process of paralysis begins. Some of the pesticides remain on the parasites' paws, so when they get into the nest, other relatives are also infected. As a result of the Ant's action, the complete destruction of the population is possible.

Hot red pepper

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Unwanted guests are usually looking for sugar in your kitchen - give them pepper instead. If you sprinkle ground cayenne pepper on the shelves where food is stored, the ants will understand that there is no sugar there. And if you know where armies of pests are crawling out from, pour pepper directly there.


Anteater pesticide allows you to quickly destroy an entire population of pests on a site. An ant that has come into contact with the chemical becomes infectious. He goes to the anthill, where he infects his relatives.

As in the above-described drugs, the active ingredient of Anteater is diazinon.

The substance penetrates the insect's body. Then it begins to influence the pest’s nervous system, completely paralyzing it.


Delicia is an insecticide whose active ingredient is chlorpyrifos. Available in powder form. It enters the body of insects through their respiratory tract or through the digestive system.

Chlorpyrifos causes the destruction of a protein that is responsible for transmitting nerve impulses. Its action is similar to that of diazinon. When an insect comes into contact with poison, it becomes a carrier of it. After entering the colony, an infected insect infects other relatives. It usually takes about 10-14 days to kill all insects.


Talc is an effective organic repellent. Sprinkle it around the foundation of your home, on window sills and thresholds, and ants will stop appearing in your kitchen. If you want to avoid using household chemicals completely, you can use natural remedies such as cream of tartar, borax (borax), clove oil and sulfur. You can also plant mint around the perimeter of the house, in close proximity to the foundation.

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Why are ants dangerous?

Let's figure out whether ants can cause harm to humans, and if they can, then how. Let's start with the fact that these hard workers, with their characteristic persistence and energy, spoil food. They can move on absolutely any surface, including a trash can or dirty floor. That is, they are in no way inferior to insects such as cockroaches in the spread of various infectious diseases.

Photo of ants

When ants bite, they release a very burning substance - formic acid, which, in addition to pain and burning, can cause an allergic reaction and even anaphylactic shock in humans.

And this is already a serious reason to send these insects back to the forest and field.

The benefits and harms of ants - video

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