House spider or house spider (indoor spider) - which types live in apartments.

Many species of house spiders have long adapted to living near people. Now we are not talking about exotic arthropods that live in houses and apartments as pets at the request and decision of the owners. No, many arachnids appear uninvited, completely unexpected by family members.

What spiders can you keep at home?

Not all types of arthropods can be kept at home. Some of them are deadly poisonous, while others have an unremarkable appearance (for example, the gray spider or the haymaker spider, which most often live in secluded corners of houses and apartments). Many people choose tarantula spiders, and there are several reasons for this:

  1. They have a presentable appearance: large sizes, bright colors, shaggy bodies.
  2. This species includes more than a hundred subspecies, from which you can choose a pet to suit every taste.
  3. They live somewhat longer than other species.
  4. They can reproduce in captivity.
  5. The tarantula's venom does not pose a fatal threat to a healthy adult.

Popular types of tarantulas are: white-haired, two-colored, giant, striped, horned and others. In addition to tarantulas, the choice is often made of tarantulas, cross spiders, wolf spiders or jumping spiders. The listed species extremely rarely bite people (only in the event of a sudden attack), but even if this happens, their poison does not cause any serious consequences.

One of the exotic pets is the spider. Read what spiders can be kept at home and precautions.

Ways to fight

The presence of different types of house spiders causes psychological discomfort, negatively affects the aesthetics of the room (due to cobwebs and the remains of dead insects), and can pose a threat to health (if we are talking about poisonous species that accidentally entered the room).

Also, if you do not fight nearby arachnids, they will begin to multiply and spread throughout the room.

To combat spiders, it is best to use repellents; the use of pesticides is only a last resort. The following will help drive away arthropods:

  • get rid of all kinds of insects (if there are bugs or insects in the house, they must be poisoned);
  • network destruction;
  • general wet cleaning (even in hard-to-reach places);
  • seal all cracks and crevices;
  • installation of mosquito nets on windows and ventilation openings.

You can use folk remedies:

  • When cleaning, add vinegar to the water;
  • put aroma lamps with oils (eucalyptus, mint, lemon, orange, tea tree);
  • Scatter horse chestnut fruits in the corners.

If the measures taken do not help, you should treat the room with an insecticidal preparation. You should choose products specifically designed for spider control and follow the instructions and precautions when using them.

Where to keep

Typically, glass or plastic terrariums with good sealing are used to keep spiders. They can be of horizontal or vertical type: the former are suitable for ground spiders, while arboreal species require a vertical type of housing with effective ventilation. Therefore, it is very important to know the species of your pet in order to recreate natural conditions for it as accurately as possible.

Most species do not require much space, since they spend almost all their time passively, hiding in hollows, burrows and other shelters. However, the length of the home must be at least twice the span of the pet’s legs. In a terrarium that is too large, the pet will experience obvious discomfort and a desire to hide away.

The terrarium should also not be too high, so that if the pet falls from the walls, it will not be damaged. For example, for adult tarantulas, a container with the following parameters is quite sufficient: 30*30*20 cm. For young tarantula spiders (up to several molts old), a plastic container measuring 10*8*6 cm is quite enough. After 7-10 molts, you can buy a home larger size, based on the size of the pet.

Consider the ins and outs of keeping spiders such as the wolf spider, tarantula, black widow and tarantula at home.

It is important to understand that the space needs of spiders are fundamentally different from most of the animals we are used to - arthropods do not need much space for walking and activity.

Is it possible to keep several individuals in one container?

Under natural conditions, some species of spiders can live together, and these can even be individuals of different sexes and age groups. However, in captivity, it is not recommended to keep two or more representatives of the same species in one container - this is associated with a high risk of aggression or cannibalism, and as a result, injury or death of pets. It is also necessary to seat the babies after the first molt.

Important! Keeping spiders of different species together in the vast majority of cases ends in the death of one of the pets.

Conditions of detention: how to arrange a home

In order for an exotic pet to delight you with its presence for a long time, you need to work hard on the equipment of its home. When arranging a terrarium, it is necessary to think about lighting, decor and filling, and regulate the temperature and humidity of the air.

What is needed in a terrarium

The terrarium must have a layer of substrate. Firstly, this will help recreate a more natural environment for your pet, and he will not sit on bare plastic or glass. Secondly, the main task of the substrate is to maintain a stable level of humidity inside the container. For this reason, neither sand nor stones are suitable as a filler. The most acceptable options are vermiculite and coconut filler. Both fillers are highly hygroscopic.

  1. Coconut substrate is a completely organic product, it is universal, that is, suitable for any type of arachnid, and also has a pleasant appearance. The disadvantage is the possibility of developing mold or fungal infection, as well as the infestation of mites and springtails.
  2. Vermiculite also has advantages and disadvantages. It is very easy to notice and remove debris; it also does not harbor parasites, mold and mildew. However, vermiculite is very difficult to mark the moisture level and is not suitable for burrowing spiders. Before purchasing, you need to study the composition, as chemical impurities are possible.

For woody species, a substrate of 1-3 cm will be sufficient. Instead of filler, you can use filter paper.
But for burrowing and terrestrial varieties, you can make an area with a thicker layer of substrate (up to 5-6 cm), where the pet can dig a cozy hole for itself. The need for decoration is determined by the type of your pet. For example, for spiders that weave webs, no special decoration is required, since soon it will not be noticeable under a layer of beautiful lace. Main -

provide your pet with all the conditions for weaving. But for species that like to hide in shelters, you can buy ceramic houses, castles and shards, products made from cork oak or artificial plants.

In addition to the spider, you can also have a cat, dog, fish, parrot, hamster or guinea pig in your house.

Sealing and ventilation

It doesn’t matter what you use as a home - a food bowl or a special glass terrarium, it must be securely closed with a lid, otherwise one morning you may find that the spider’s house is empty, and its owner is walking around your apartment. But when sealing the container, do not forget that the arthropod needs fresh air and high-quality ventilation of the container, so several holes should be made in the lid through which the spider will not escape, but will gain access to oxygen. If your pet lives in a plastic container, it is better to make holes on the side wall in two rows: bottom and top. To do this, you can use a hot nail of small diameter.


The need for decoration depends on the type of spider. For example, for tarantulas there is no need to install additional light, since they are nocturnal inhabitants who are excellent at navigating in the dark. If you want to install light, give preference to infrared lamps - their radiation is invisible to your pet. It is not advisable to choose incandescent lamps, but if you choose this option, install them outside the container to prevent the animal from being burned and the air from drying out.


Spiders are able to tolerate a very wide temperature range. Optimal values ​​are 23-26°C. Additional heating may be needed only during the transitional autumn-spring period, when the heating is already turned off or is not yet working. To provide heat, you can purchase special cords and heating plates, as well as a thermostat. The devices must be installed either under a container (for tree spiders) or on the walls of the house (for terrestrial species).

Important! The temperature in the room and terrarium should not exceed 31°C.


This indicator is very important for the health and well-being of the pet. The required humidity level for each species may vary. You can determine a deficiency or excess of moisture by your pet’s behavior:

  • the spider constantly sits at the drinking bowl, dragging soil into it - the container is too dry;
  • the spider constantly sits on the walls of the container - this behavior indicates excessive humidity (but sometimes this may just be a favorite habit of the pet);
  • the woody species descends to the substrate - the container is dry;

You should not spray the substrate with a spray bottle; instead, it is better to use a syringe without a needle or a watering can with a thin hole. It is important to determine by eye when there is enough moisture (the substrate should be 2/3 wet). Adults must have a drinking bowl in the container; choose its size in such a way that the pet cannot fit into it and drown. Keep in mind that swamp cultivation should not be allowed in the terrarium. In conditions of excessive humidity, midges, mold and fungus easily grow, which can kill the arthropod.

How to get rid of spider mites on plants: effective drugs

This insect got its name because of its habit of building itself a shelter from cobwebs. Its thin layer can always be found on the back of the leaves of a plant that is at an advanced stage of damage. Unfortunately, with the help of this protective web, the tick is quite effectively able to hide from the toxic splashes of pesticides.

Despite its microscopic size, the insect can cause enormous harm to plants into whose tissues it penetrates and drinks its juice. Mites attack cloves more actively.

Insects multiply especially quickly if the weather is dry and hot.

The pest prefers to survive the winter in cracks in the wood of the frames of greenhouses and containers intended for seedlings, so all wooden structures in the dacha must be treated with lime. It is also important to disinfect gardening tools.

Signs of damage: externally, the presence of a mite can be noticed due to the appearance of small light spots on the leaves, which are especially clearly visible in the light.

How to get rid of spider mites on plants in the garden? Since the mite is very sensitive to cold, it is recommended to treat the undersides of the leaves with cold water from time to time. Feeling a drop in temperature, the insect will prefer to change its habitat. If this does not help, you can try spraying the plants with preparations containing nicotine.

Some gardeners advise pollinating bushes with ground sulfur, but this method is effective only when the thermometer shows at least 25 °C. Spider mites very often damage currants, gooseberries, raspberries, joshta and other crops. Larvae, eggs and adult insects are very small and can only be seen through a magnifying glass. In hot weather, ticks multiply quickly. They overwinter under lumps of soil, under fallen leaves, etc. In spring, females climb plants and damage the budding leaves, causing them to become light-colored with small spots. If the damage is severe, the leaves dry out.

After flowering, when mites appear, the bushes are treated with the effective preparation “Fitoverm” (2 ml per 1 liter of water), spending 1 liter of solution per large bush. Immediately after the final harvest, the berries are sprayed with a “karbofos” solution (60 g per 10 liters of water).

During the period of leaf bloom, treatment against sawfly, aphids, gall midges and other pests is carried out using folk remedies.

What you need to care for a spider

So, it is obvious that to keep an exotic pet you will need the following accessories:

  • sealed container made of glass or plastic;
  • drinking bowl;
  • filler;
  • air heater;
  • thermometer;
  • decor (depending on the type of spider);
  • a small plastic box for isolating the pet (for example, when cleaning the terrarium);
  • long tweezers, 20-25 cm (for feeding and removing debris);
  • long brush (helps when transplanting a pet);
  • additional lighting (depending on type).

Did you know? Spiders are very useful for agriculture - their main food is insects that destroy crops. Thus, spiders annually save up to 30% of the world's harvest!

What to feed a spider at home

Spiders are representatives of obligate predators, therefore they must feed exclusively on products of animal origin. The most common food for spiders are feeding insects: various types of cockroaches (Turkmen, Argentine, marbled), larvae, mealworms. You need to buy food in specialized stores. It is not recommended to feed your pet cockroaches, flies, any insects or small animals that you have caught yourself.

Exotic animals have always been interesting to humans. Read about the top 10 most popular and rare exotic pets.

Firstly, you cannot be sure of their health (many insects can be carriers of diseases), and secondly, it may be difficult for a spider to cope with a large insect, frog or mice, and besides, such food is not familiar to it.

The frequency of feeding is determined by the age of the pet. Babies and teenage spiders need food 3 times a week, adults need to be fed 1-2 times. The size of one serving should correspond to the size of your pet's belly. However, in many cases, spiders are capable of eating much larger portions. Food must be given using tweezers; leftovers must be removed after the meal.

Important! Don't panic if your pet has no appetite.
The period of rest from feeding can last weeks or even months for some spiders. Under no circumstances should you overfeed the spider. This increases the risk of a hernia or injury if it falls from the wall of the terrarium, and such specimens are not suitable for breeding. If the pet refuses food, but its abdomen is of normal size (not sunken), there are no injuries on the body, there will be no molting soon and the conditions for keeping it are good, then you don’t have to worry.

Who are the little red bugs?

Red bugs in the apartment - clover mites, similar to female spider mites, usually invade apartments in early spring or late autumn.
These tiny red bugs are a millimeter or less in size. They can easily squeeze through tiny cracks around windows or foundations. You'll probably miss a few pests in your home. However, they tend to accumulate in large numbers. The good news is that you have nothing to worry about.

They do not bite people or pets, do not carry diseases, or damage furniture or food. But they leave a red stain if you crush them. It is not blood, but pigments in their body that give them their red color.

Cleaning the terrarium

Thorough cleaning of the terrarium and replacement of the substrate is necessary every 8-12 months, as well as in the event of mold or mildew. There is no need to clean your home more often. You should always remove leftover food with tweezers after a meal. During cleaning, the resident must be transferred to a container. To do this, you need to open the terrarium and use a brush to push the spider towards the container.

Shedding period

Molting is a physiological, very important period for spiders, during which growth and renewal of the entire organism occurs. Shedding involves shedding the old hard cuticle and growing a new one. The process is started under the influence of special hormones. During the period when the new cuticle (exoskeleton) has not yet hardened, the pet is very vulnerable and defenseless.

You can understand that molting is coming soon by the behavior of the arthropod: the spider stops eating and becomes inactive. Tarantula spiders create a bed of webs for themselves, lie down on their backs and remain in this position until the shedding of the old skeleton is completed. The speed of this process depends on the age of the pet: the younger the spider, the faster the molting occurs.

What the spider owner needs to remember during the molting period:

  • You should not offer food to the spider during this period - live food insects can harm your pet;
  • you need to feed the arthropod no earlier than 2-3 weeks;
  • Under no circumstances should you touch the spider, especially when it lies on its back;
  • do not try in any way to “help” your pet get rid of the old skeleton;
  • You can remove the old skeleton only after the pet turns over and stands confidently on its feet.

Juveniles that experience rapid growth molt more often than adult spiders.
If your pet has not shed for a long time, the conditions may need to be corrected. Did you know? The strength of the web is equal to steel wire. If it were possible to create a rod from a web just 0.5 cm thick, it could stop a tank or a bulldozer. The only reason this durable and environmentally friendly material is not used in industry is that it cannot be recreated in the laboratory.


The little red mite is a dangerous plant pest. Prefers roses, hawthorn, pear, apple, citrus fruits, seedlings, cucumbers in the greenhouse, as well as indoor flowers, especially orchids. It is problematic to notice one individual, since the maximum size of the pest is 0.5 mm. The red mite becomes noticeable when it spreads en masse through a tree, bush, or flower.

The spider mite settles on the bottom of the leaf and sucks out the juices. Gradually it affects the entire culture. Signs:

  • dark, light spots on the plate;
  • leaf curling, drying, dying;
  • falling of flowers;
  • slower growth and fruit formation;
  • decrease in yield;
  • the presence of cobwebs.

A humid climate, temperature within 22 degrees Celsius, promotes reproduction.

On a note!

The red spider mite has excellent adaptability. When temperatures drop, it burrows into the ground and goes into suspended animation. It can remain in this state for six months; when conditions return to normal, it resumes normal life activities.

How many years do they live

Of course, the life expectancy of a pet will depend on how well you can create conditions for it. However, in general, with good care, spiders of various species have the following life expectancy:

  • tarantulas - live on average 15-20 years;
  • tarantulas - life expectancy greatly depends on the species, some in captivity live only 1-2 years, but there are varieties that can live up to 20-30 years (females live longer than males);
  • cross - they live for a maximum of six months, males die after mating, females - after creating a cocoon;
  • jumper - in captivity, females live up to 3 years, males live 1-2 years;
  • peacock spider - lives a maximum of 9 months;
  • goliaths - females live up to 8-9 years, males - up to 6 years.

The general pattern is this: large species have a longer lifespan than small species.

Is it possible to pick it up?

Most often, these questions are asked by owners of large species, for example, tarantulas and tarantulas. It should be clearly understood that spiders cannot be considered full-fledged tame animals; they are guided by physiological instincts, which is why attempts to play with a pet, train it, or try to carry it in your arms are completely pointless and doomed to failure.

You also need to realize that for a spider, a change of environment will always be very stressful, especially if the temperature, lighting and humidity of the environment differ from these indicators in the terrarium. Any careless movement can lead to injury or death of the arthropod, especially in the case of small species and babies. Some species can instantly run away from you (for example, jumping spiders), and finding a fugitive in an apartment will be very difficult. When under stress, your pet may bite you, and although the bite will not be fatal, pain is guaranteed. Spider venom can be dangerous if you have allergies (which you may not even know about).

All pets have different personalities, so some may calmly react to your attempts to invite him into your palm, while others will strive to bite as soon as you put your hand into the terrarium. Based on this, it is not recommended to attempt to pick up your pet.

Today, among pets, exotic animals are becoming increasingly popular: caecilian, tarsier, African hedgehog, earth hare, mink, capuchin monkey, wombat, kea parrot, mudskipper, nose, possums, manul, lemur, striped raccoon, mini- pig, Temminka cat and mongoose.

The damage it does

Before we talk about how to get rid of red mites, it is worth describing the damage this insect causes to garden and indoor vegetation.

Damage caused by red mite on some plants

Basically it comes down to the following criteria:

  • Settling on the leaves, plant pests suck out their juice.
  • Due to lack of juice, water balance is disrupted.
  • Chlorophyll levels are significantly reduced.
  • Photosynthesis stops completely.
  • The plant weakens against the background of ongoing negative processes.
  • If red mites move to garden trees, the fruits on them develop small or even die. For trees, spider mite parasitism is dangerous at any stage of development, both at the time of growth and when the crop appears.

The proliferation of spider mites in the garden is associated with the incorrect and irrational use of fertilizers containing large amounts of phosphorus. They provoke the death of those animals and birds that could prevent the spread of parasites called spider mites in the garden. In some cases, the increase in the number of mites is due to the presence of a stimulating effect on the insect body of certain types of drugs, provoking a significant increase in its fertility. In addition, mites appear in large numbers on plants when populations arise that are resistant to popular types of insecticides. It should also be noted that not all varieties of red mite are capable of forming populations resistant to chemical insecticides. For example, the brown fruit mite cannot form populations resistant to acaricidal drugs. And therefore, it is often replaced in the garden by red fruit and hawthorn mites.

What to do if a spider bites you

As mentioned earlier, bites from spiders, which are often kept in homes, are not fatal unless you have allergies. Otherwise, anaphylactic shock may occur with the most negative consequences.

A bite is often accompanied by the following symptoms: itching, redness, pain and swelling in the affected area. Occasionally, malaise may occur and body temperature may rise. All symptoms disappear after a few days. The algorithm of actions in case of a bite is as follows:

  1. If a limb is affected, it must be tied with a bandage or rope above the bite.
  2. Wash the puncture site with soapy water and treat with an antiseptic.
  3. Apply an ice compress.
  4. Drink plenty of water to speed up detoxification.
  5. If necessary, take an antihistamine.

Applying an ice compress

Is it dangerous for humans?

When fighting insects, you should also know how dangerous the red mite is to humans. Finding small reddish bugs on the walls of the house, in the garden or vegetable garden, and on the balcony too, many people wonder how safe these insects are for their health, whether they harm not only plants, but also humans. From numerous unofficial sources on the Internet you can find out a lot of unpleasant information about red mites. They say they rush at people and bite them, leaving unsightly red spots on the body that turn into severe allergies, and they suck a lot of blood from a person, and even infect them with diseases. In fact, these insects are absolutely harmless to people, and this is stated by many experts who study various types of parasites that spoil plants.

Red spider mite

When thinking about how dangerous a tick is to humans, you should not trust rumors. They probably came from the fact that these insects are often confused with the red spider, which lives under the leaves of plants and actually leaves painful bites on human skin. Red mites cause virtually no harm to people, except perhaps in cases where crushing an insect with bare hands leads to skin pigmentation. The red hue of spider mites is characterized by their resistance to being washed off by water. Even with the use of soap, it is not possible to remove it immediately.

Experts say that much more harm can be caused not by the red mite itself, but by those insecticidal and acaricidal preparations that are used in huge quantities to destroy them. They provoke the development of allergic reactions on the skin in humans.

Pros and cons of content

Before you decide to purchase such a pet, weigh the pros and cons of keeping it.

Among the advantages:

  • does not require a lot of time and money for care and maintenance;
  • a silent, calm and almost invisible animal;
  • The behavior of the spider is interesting to observe.


  • there is always a risk that a spider will bite or run away;
  • some species have a very short lifespan;
  • cannot be trained, and is not a tame pet in the standard sense.

Important! For children, the elderly, people with allergies or other serious illnesses, a spider bite can have bad consequences!

Such an exotic pet will clearly attract the attention of all visitors to your home. If you and other family members do not have arachnophobia or allergies, then it is quite acceptable to have a spider. But if you want to receive emotional feedback from your pet and spend more time with it, then you should take a closer look at more social types of animals.

Criteria for choosing a healthy pet

Unlike other purebred pets, spiders are not sold with documents and veterinary certificates. Therefore, when choosing an exotic predator for home breeding, you can rely solely on your own knowledge. For example, a healthy spider should be mobile. Pay attention to the number of paws. The absence of one or more legs is a characteristic sign of a sick arthropod. A healthy spider has a rounded abdomen. Lack of roundness indicates dehydration or prolonged starvation of the pet.

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