Domestic Mexican tarantula spider - maintenance, how long it lives, what to feed

In the modern world, the popularity of keeping exotic wildlife at home is growing at a frantic pace every year. In addition to cute Raccoons, tarantula spiders can be seen in domestic foxes, iguanas and other equally beautiful pets.

With their terrifying appearance, tarantulas strike fear into the largest percentage of people. However, there are also those who are crazy about these creatures. Despite the large number of recommendations and rules for keeping spiders, tarantulas are unpretentious in care and very independent.

Beginners can also purchase the safest breeds and become real owners of a home terrarium. However, sooner or later the question arises: “How aggressive can tarantulas be and what are the consequences of a tarantula spider bite?”


It is important for people who decide to keep this animal at home to know how long tarantula spiders live in captivity.
Females, regardless of conditions, can live up to 30 years. As for males, their life expectancy is much less. They usually stop molting after reaching reproductive age, in most cases they die in the same year or after mating.

When maintaining a home, it is important to choose an arthropod suitable nutrition system and optimal temperature. If fed infrequently, the spider will live longer

Cold causes the metabolism to slow down, so the birder's development will slow down.

Folk remedies for bites

What to do if a spider bite happens far from civilization, when you can’t get to the nearest populated area even in a couple of days?

To relieve unpleasant symptoms and speed up wound healing, you can use traditional medicine methods:

  1. Rinse the affected area with a solution - 1 teaspoon of vinegar per glass of water.
  2. Dilute baking soda with water to a paste and apply to the inflamed area.
  3. Wipe with lemon juice.
  4. Apply shaving foam for 5 minutes and rinse with cold water.
  5. Apply aloe leaves.

After reading the presented review, many will wonder: is it possible to avoid a spider bite? To reduce the likelihood of an attack to a minimum, it is enough to follow some recommendations:

Do not try to catch or hit the arthropod. Keep your home clean, not bypassing the most hidden corners. Once in nature, check your shoes and clothes, and keep your sleeping bags and tents closed. When going out of town, stock up on repellent sprays and creams. In the summer, close doors tightly and equip windows with mosquito nets.

In most cases, everything is limited to a local reaction, which goes away within a few days. Although no one is safe from meeting a dangerous individual

In order to promptly and competently respond to the consequences of a bite, it is important to equip your home first aid kit with everything you need, and when going into nature, take an “alarm suitcase” with you.

Recluse spider bite

The bite of a recluse spider is extremely dangerous for both humans and animals. Hermit spiders are distributed mainly in the American states, as well as in Australia, where they were brought from the United States with transport cargo. A distinctive visual mark of the hermit is a pattern on the back that resembles a violin. These spiders are small in size, so people often don’t even notice them in the house or outdoors. Spiders prefer to hide in old boxes under cabinets, in cracks in walls and floors.

It is dangerous because it is practically invisible and does not cause even the slightest sensation of pain. Symptoms of damage develop only on the second day, when the poison has already spread throughout the body. Severe itching, induration and visible swelling appear. Then the tumor ulcerates, the soft tissues begin to necrotize (die). The ulcer is difficult to treat; necrosis affects very deep layers of the skin. In addition to external manifestations, a recluse spider bite is accompanied by typical flu-like symptoms - fever, aching joints, runny nose, cough and general weakness. Some cases of severe intoxication can impair the functioning of the kidneys and heart and lead to death.

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How to care for a tarantula?

The cobalt spider is adapted to live in the tropical forest, in burrows. For him, certain conditions are created that are close to natural. In this case, males will live up to 4 years, females up to 15 years.

Animals are placed in terrariums, one individual in each: cannibalism is developed among individuals. The male is placed with the female only for mating. Then it is removed.

The terrarium is filled with sandy coconut substrate and loamy soil. It is moistened to make it easier for the spider to dig a hole. In hot weather, the soil is irrigated daily with water. The optimal temperature is 28 0C, humidity 80%.

When in nature, spiders hide from the heat in burrows. During tropical downpours, they leave their homes and settle in the dense branches of bushes. Individuals do not like water, but despite this feature, they tolerate immersion well.

Tarantulas breathe with their lungs. They are able to hold their breath for several hours. Experts have found that during prolonged immersion, animals fall into a special state.

Cobalt tarantulas are fed with large species of cockroaches and mice. Food is served exclusively with tweezers. Otherwise, the spider may perceive the appearance of a hand as an encroachment on its territory. He will definitely attack. It is especially dangerous to drive it into a corner, cutting off the path to the hole. Food is supplied 2 times a week for larvae and 1 time a week for mature animals.

If individuals refuse food, their color darkens, which means that they are preparing to shed their exoskeleton. The young molt 2-3 times a year. Adult spiders shed their shell once a year. After molting, they develop an appetite after 3-4 weeks.

If the spider shows signs of imminent molting, then the terrarium is cleaned. Remains of food and feces are removed from it. Add clean soil to it. It is necessary to avoid rotting of the feed in the box, in which mold develops profusely.

Individuals always prepare a place for molting. They choose a wide stone and arrange a covering of cobwebs on it. To make it more convenient for them to free themselves from the exoskeleton, they lie down with their limbs up. The process can last several days.

After the shell is shed, the tarantula shakes off the remaining liquid from its limbs. He shakes his paws on one side first. Then from the other edge. Outwardly, it appears that the animal is having convulsions, but this is normal.

The cobalt tarantula is listed in the Red Book. They are purchased only from special farms. In India, there are government environmental programs. They are aimed at creating natural parks in which these species of arthropods live.

They are caught for their unique color, but they are difficult to find in the forest. They are almost invisible against the background of the green vegetation of the jungle.

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What else do you need to know?

The vast majority of house spiders do not pose a threat to humans:

  • The yellowbell, Chiracanthium inclusum, is found throughout the world.
  • Black brownie, Badumna insignis, Australian, found in New Zealand;
  • Brown house, Steatoda grossa, with a cosmopolitan distribution;
  • American, Parasteatoda tep >How to get rid of spiders in an apartment?

Spiders don't like to live in your apartment, no matter how big it is. This is not their favorite residence. The only reason they sneak inside is because they think they can have dinner there.

The most effective treatment for spiders is integrated pest management. It involves a strategic combination of prevention, sanitation, chemical and non-chemical control:


Intrusion prevention is one of the first methods of control. Seal cracks and crevices in the home's structure that could allow insects to enter. Inspect and repair the grilles on all doors and windows.

Check for cracks under and around doors, windows. Check the siding, eaves, and eaves of the house for cracks. Cover them with a mesh screen or duct tape.


Pests take refuge on objects that rarely move. This is one of the reasons that people tend to encounter house spiders when moving or searching for rarely used items stored in the basement or attic.

To reduce or eliminate hiding places, remove trash, piles of paper, and other unsanitary or rarely used items. Regular sweeping and cleaning will help. Not only will it reduce spiders' hiding and breeding areas, but it will also eliminate the insects they prey on.

Non-chemical control

House spiders are often found alone or with recently laid eggs. In this case, the simplest control method is manual removal. Take the arthropod, the web, the eggs and throw them away. Wear gloves or use a cloth.

You can remove them with a vacuum cleaner. Place sticky insect traps in corners and along baseboards.

Chemical control

For chemical control, apply insecticide to corners and other places where spiders weave webs and lay eggs. Recommended products include those that contain pyrethroids (bifenthrin, cyfluthrin, permethrin, tetramethrin) and are labeled for such uses.

This type of product is more effective against spiders (less toxic to the home environment) than using foggers containing pyrethrins.

On open air

In most cases, there is no need to control spiders outdoors. However, when they appear in large numbers on buildings, they can be washed off with a high-pressure stream of water. Additionally, prevention methods help prevent them from being attracted to your home.

These include general pest control methods such as replacing standard mercury vapor lamps with sodium or high-pressure halogen lamps. Although light fixtures are typically placed on exterior walls near doors, it is best to place them further away using pole lights to direct the light toward the door.

Anything that makes your home less attractive to other insects will also help reduce their numbers. This is because the insects themselves - as a food source - are the main magnet for spiders.

Move vegetation away from your home . This will give less incentive to hide.

Check the garden for rotten wood. Rotting wood is a damp, dark place ideal for spiders to hide and search for prey. Put it away.

Why is a spider bite dangerous?

All spiders are poisonous to one degree or another, but their danger to humans is determined by two factors: the properties of the toxic substance and the power of the bite. Venom glands are located on the mouth appendages, and the main purpose of the toxic substance is to paralyze and then digest the victim.

Non-hazardous to humans include very small individuals that are unable to bite through human skin. Their poison is only suitable for paralyzing midges caught in the web. However, allergy sufferers should not relax, because even the most harmless house spider can cause a severe allergic reaction, swelling of the larynx, and suffocation.

The bite of a poisonous spider, especially a large one, even a physically healthy person, can lead to tragic consequences. Easily biting through the victim's skin and generously releasing poison, the silent killer attacks the vital systems of the body. In addition to allergic rashes, the victim experiences a general deterioration in health; cardiac arrest and suffocation may occur.

Preventive measures

To prevent bites from various types of spiders, you must:

  1. Wear shoes and clothing that completely cover the body when carrying out agricultural work.
  2. Do not pick up spiders, especially for small children.
  3. Do not lie on the grass and try not to sleep in haylofts in the open air, in places where these insects are most common.
  4. Carry out sanitary treatment of premises in a timely manner when identifying the location of poisonous spiders.

There are a large number of insects around us that can cause serious harm to our health with their poison. Therefore, correct behavior in space plays an important role, especially in the vicinity of such dangerous pests. Be as vigilant as possible when walking with children to avoid unpleasant consequences. After all, the bite of a very poisonous spider can be stronger in its actions than a viper or cobra. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

Cross spider bite

The most harmless representative of the arachnid family. He is incapable of causing harm. Poisonous fangs serve as protection from the attacks of others, and with their help they obtain food for themselves. The appearance of the cross spider is quite harmless. On its back there is a pattern of a cross characteristic of the individual. The color of the spider, depending on its habitat, can be gray or green.

A cross spider can attack a person only by accident. Their fangs are unable to bite through hard skin. But softer tissues, such as lips, are quite likely. This can happen during outings into nature, into the forest to pick mushrooms or other trips. Crosses are characterized by rapid, intensive growth; by the end of summer they can grow to quite large sizes.

The effect of poison on the human body

The damage caused to human health depends on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the poison released by spiders during bites. The larger the specimen, the greater the danger it poses to humans. Small arthropods are often simply not able to bite through the skin or produce the amount of poison that can harm an adult or baby. But such a statement is true only for representatives of one species. Tarantulas are larger than karakurts, but their bites do not cause significant harm to humans. But after an attack by a recluse spider, a fatal outcome is quite possible. Depending on the effect of toxic compounds, scientists distinguish two types of poison:

  • neurotoxic, affecting the central and peripheral nervous system;
  • hemolytic, destroying red blood cells after penetration into the bloodstream.

Karakurt and brown recluse spiders are the most dangerous arthropod species living in our country. And tourists and experienced travelers can become victims of attacks by other arthropods in any corner of the planet.

Way of life

The habitats are quite varied. Some species are inhabitants of the crowns of trees and bushes, while others lead a terrestrial lifestyle, where they dig holes in which they spend quite a lot of time.

The behavior pattern depends on age - young ones are more often in burrows, and mature ones prefer to spend more time on the ground surface or plants. The web is used to create a nest or hiding place, both on the ground and in the crown, so the presence of tube-like structures indicates the presence of animals that are best left alone and avoided.

Spiders are active only when they are hungry, or when there is a need for this, for example, protective measures or searching for a sexual partner. Without food, an individual can remain in ambush for a long time and behave aggressively. Well-fed ones are less active and spend all their time in their shelter.


Psalmopoeus irminia - woody species

All individuals are exclusively predators. The main diet consists of small arthropods and vertebrates. The name is due not so much to the attack on birds, but to the fact that spiders can sneak into nests and destroy small chicks and eggs there. They do not set trapping nets, but hunt prey by ambushing it.


Another representative of Asian tarantulas belongs to the genus Chylobrachis. Its habitat is China and India. Spiders are big and beautiful. The coloration of young animals often differs from the body pattern of adults.

Young tarantulas have a black stripe on their abdomen that runs along the body and horizontal stripes located at an angle.

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Chilobrachys fimbriatus - body size 7 cm, legs length 18 cm. It is difficult to observe the spider. Most of the time he is in the hole. Comes out of its hiding place when hungry. Color brown. There is a pattern on the back that is highlighted with light stripes. The abdomen is striped. The forelimbs are darker than the hind limbs.

Males reach maturity at 2 years of age. Females are ready for fertilization at 3 years of age. A cocoon can contain up to 250 eggs. Many people are interested in how many times to feed spiders. An adult Chylobrachis eats once every 10 days. Young individuals are given food every 5 days.

Chilobrachys huahini is a large spider, 20 cm in size. The color is brown or olive. Juveniles are lighter in color than adults. There is a pattern on the back, but it is difficult to notice. The paws are dark brown, the hair pads are almost black. Tarantulas are aggressive. It is not recommended to pick them up. They attack any encroachment on their territory.

Chilobrachys Vietnam blue - animals have mastered the territory of Vietnam and China. They are very beautiful.

The main color is light. The abdomen is gray in color, with pale blue hairs. The back is blue. The pattern is determined on it. It is made up of whitish lines.


The first phalanges are dark blue, the rest are blue. In the sun, the hairline has a silvery tint. The paw span is 29 cm. Spiders can build their shelters on the ground under snags and under stones. Some of them dig holes. Tarantulas are accustomed to a temperature of 29 0C and an air humidity of 90%.

The lifespan of a female is 15 years. Animals have an aggressive character. The poison is toxic. When attacking, they scratch hairs from the abdomen.

What to do if you are bitten by a spider?

If a bite caused by a karakurt or recluse spider is promptly examined and subjected to specific therapy, as a rule, rehabilitation is not required after that. However, due to severe general intoxication and weakening of the body, it would not be superfluous to strengthen the immune system and slightly support organs and systems with vitamin therapy. In addition, gastrointestinal symptoms and diarrhea sometimes occur. In this case, you should follow a gentle diet for two to three weeks, excluding protein foods. If an arachnid attack causes an allergic reaction, a course of antihistamine therapy should be administered after the spider bite. A neurotoxic poison, which can cause functional disorders of the central nervous system, is eliminated with the help of drug therapy; as an independent action, drinking plenty of fluids is indicated and bed rest is advisable. All actions aimed at eliminating the consequences must be adequate to the main symptoms.

If a child or adult is bitten by a spider, and no one is immune from this, timely first aid can protect not only the health, but sometimes even the life of the bitten person. Therefore, you should remember the proposed algorithm in order to know what to do if you are bitten by a spider:

  1. If the bite is characterized as not too dangerous, the injury site should be washed with running water, preferably with soap, to avoid possible infection of the wound.
  2. The bitten limb should be immobilized (immobilized) to reduce the possibility of spreading the venom.
  3. The leg or arm can be wrapped with an elastic bandage or material just above the bite site. In this way, the area where the poison spreads is localized. The bandage should not be too tight so as not to disrupt the general blood supply to the limb.
  4. A cold compress, preferably ice, should be applied to the puncture site.
  5. What to do if you are bitten by a spider, knowing that this is intoxication of the body? Of course, drinking plenty of fluids will help, which will speed up the elimination of toxins.
  6. For mild symptoms such as headache and slight fever, you can take paracetamol.
  7. If a mildly expressed allergic reaction occurs, you can take an over-the-counter antihistamine - Allergostop, Loratadine, Agistam.

What to do if spider bites cause concern? The answer is clear - emergency medical care or immediate medical attention. You should especially hurry in such cases:

  • If a spider has bitten a child (under 16 years of age).
  • Symptoms of the bite develop rapidly, and the condition worsens sharply.

If you know (or suspect) that the bite was caused by a karakurt or brown recluse spider. Treatment of these bites requires the administration of serum (antidote).

Consequences, complications

The immediate cause of the negative reaction is poison. Most spiders, even poisonous ones, do not have enough toxin potency to kill a person. But complications after the injury remain. It’s good if a mild allergic reaction to a spider bite went away as complications, but people with a predisposition to allergies develop Quincke’s edema and anaphylactic shock, which results in death.

Also among the frequent complications that can be caused by a spider bite, we note necrotic processes in tissues. They appear when a sufficiently large dosage of poison is administered. Tissue necrosis threatens not only the loss of a limb (if the bite is in the arm or leg), but also sepsis - blood poisoning. Those who have been bitten also note that in some cases problems arise with the regeneration of the skin - the wounds heal very slowly, become covered with crusts, from under which cerebrospinal fluid oozes for a long time. Even after successful recovery, deep scars remain on the skin.

Spider name

The spider owes its name to Maria Sibylla Merian. This is a German artist who was interested in the world of insects. She was captivated by the incredible transformations that occurred with caterpillars and butterflies. She reflected all this in her paintings and engravings, and did embroidery on tablecloths.

Traveling through Suriname, in South America, she watched insects and saw how a large spider climbed into the nest of a hummingbird, which became its victim. She depicted this scene in her engraving. Scientists, recognizing the spider on the canvas, gave it the name tarantula or tarantula.

The tarantula is also called a tarantula. Experts attribute this name to translation difficulties. Tarantulas are representatives of another group of araneomorphic animals. A distinctive feature is hidden in the structure of the chelicerae. These are claw-shaped segments that are found in spiders in the front part of the cephalothorax. In the area of ​​the oral cavity.

In the tarantula, which belongs to the mygalomorphic group, the chelicerae are directed forward and located parallel to each other. In araneomorphs, which include the tarantula, the chelicerae are directed towards each other.

Tarantula spider Brachypelma emilia

Species: Brachypelma emilia Subfamily: Theraphosinae Range: Mexico Type: terrestrial Size: 6 cm in body and 15-17 in paw span. Sexual maturity: males up to 3 years, females up to 5 years. Life expectancy: up to 25 years or more.

Red-legged tarantula spider

Depending on the locality, this Mexican tarantula can have varying degrees of color saturation - from pale cream to bright red. This species differs from other colored brachypelmas by a bright black triangle on the carapace. This look seems more elegant in color. The spider is calmer than Boehmey or Smithy, is not so noticeably nervous, but is quite active if you pick it up. Rarely combs hairs. An excellent choice for a novice spider breeder. But the species is not yet so popular in our country, mainly due to its recent shortage.

Black widow bite

The habitat of this individual is the territory of the United States. Female black widows are poisonous and of impressive size. The body length is more than one and a half centimeters, and the paw span exceeds 5 centimeters. On the back there is a pattern characteristic of this individual, reminiscent of an hourglass. Color red.

The males of this species are much smaller in size and can be identified by the white spot on their back. No bites from males were recorded. Based on this, we can conclude that they are absolutely harmless to humans. They do not have an organ that produces poison that does not allow them to cause harm. Female black widows are hunters and protect the offspring they lay. If they feel the slightest danger, they immediately attack the enemy. They paralyze the victim with poison. After a black widow bite, you only feel a slight prick, like a needle.

Any signs of a bite appear much later, when the poison has already been transported throughout the body. Moreover, everyone can have their own individual manifestations from a bite. Most often this is sweating and pus in the damaged area. Children and the elderly suffer most from black widow attacks. In any case, you should immediately consult a doctor for help, as there is an antidote. After administering a special medicine, which must be administered within a few hours, the poison is neutralized.


Karakurt Croatia, photo by K. Korlevic

Latrodectus spiders belong to the family Theridiidae. The genus Latrodectus also includes black widows, a name that may be more familiar to readers. They can be found all over the world, but are most often dealt with by doctors in Australia. Spiders are more common in temperate regions than in colder areas. The spider exists in greater numbers in suburban areas, in the steppe zone and is practically absent in forests. Similar species of Latrodectus include the steppe karakurt in the Crimea, the Caucasus, Turkey, the Mediterranean, Central Asia, the Malmignatte in Europe, the Koppie spider in South Africa, and the night Stinger in New Zealand .

The antidote for karakurt intoxication has been well studied in Australia. The female spider is responsible for most cases of poisoning. It is usually 10 mm long and has a small cephalothorax and a large, ball-like belly with a red, orange or brown stripe. The male is much smaller, and is only occasionally able to cause slight discomfort after a bite. Karakurts are prolific, once every 10-15-25 years there are massive births of spiders and in those years bites are common.

Feature of the bite

  • In ¾ of cases, a bite occurs on a limb, while bites on the hand predominate;
  • the bite site is almost invisible or slightly red;
  • the bite itself is not painful and often goes unnoticed as it occurs at night

The venom of the karakurt is 15 times more terrible than the venom of a rattlesnake.

In 35% of cases, when bitten by karakurt and black widow, a symptom complex develops called latrodectism . It consists of overexcitation of the autonomic nervous system under the influence of the neurotoxic components of the poison - latrotoxin: norepinephrine, acetylcholine, GABA


Latrodectism is expressed in agitation and fear of death, sharp muscle pain throughout the body, lacrimation and muscle twitching of the face, pain in the abdomen and chest, respiratory failure, increased blood pressure and rapid heartbeat, profuse sweating and bronchial secretions.

  • Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and abdominal muscle tension often mimic an acute abdomen.

The victim must be urgently hospitalized. Symptoms may last up to 2 days. Sometimes death occurs almost instantly. Rare complications include rhabdomyolysis, acute renal failure, and myocarditis.

First aid

  • In the first 2 minutes after a bite, you can cauterize the bite site to decompose the poison, but this is practically IMPOSSIBLE, since the bite itself often goes unnoticed.
  • If possible, apply ice and immobilize the limb WITHOUT squeezing the BITE!
  • Pain relief in any way possible
  • Hospitalize

Treatment for a karakurt bite in the hospital includes

  • Fight the pain
  • Symptomatic therapy
  • It is advisable to consult a toxicologist regarding the use of an antidote.

From the peculiarities of the clinic: in the first 4 hours there may be no pain or it may be mild.

  • The cornerstone of treatment for any karakurt bite is pain management;

In severe cases, drug sedation may be necessary. There is no data on which analgesic is more effective. Give oral or parenteral NSAIDs, acetaminophen, or opioids depending on the severity of pain. If necessary, benzodiazepines may be used for sedation.

Antikarakurt serum can be administered only if the spider is identified, there is a photo of the spider or the spider was caught and shown to the doctor, or there is an accurate description of the spider and only in a medical institution!

In patients with severe symptoms and signs of a severe spider bite, an antivenom, anti-karakurt serum, is often given. There are practical observations that suggest that the antidote quickly and effectively relieves pain and systemic symptoms. Although there are two randomized controlled studies that did not confirm the superiority of serum administration over pain relief with analgesics. A small study of 24 patients demonstrated that the serum reduced pain more quickly than analgesics alone, but no difference was noted in clinical outcome. antisnake was also studied on 224 patients . The study did not demonstrate any significant benefit of antisnake serum in reducing pain symptoms or systemic signs of envenomation, although a trend toward faster pain reduction was noted.

  • Intravenous calcium is not effective and is not recommended

If rhabdomyolysis syndrome due to a spider bite is suspected, serum administration and direct measurement of tissue pressure are recommended. Prophylactic fasciotomy or fasciotomy based on clinical diagnosis of compartment syndrome SHOULD NOT be performed.

ALL PATIENTS ARE GENERATED TETANUS VACCINE (booster if the victim has not been vaccinated previously)


What to do if you are bitten by a spider? If the victim indicates pain in the head or discomfort in the limbs, he is given any painkiller. The greatest activity is observed in a number of medications.

  1. Analgesics, antispasmodics - Baralgin, Maksigan, Analgin, Spazmalgon.
  2. Non-steroidal drugs that relieve inflammation - Nurofen, Nimesulide.
  3. Products containing paracetamol - Efferalgan, Panadol.

If the drugs presented are not available, the patient is given Acetylsalicylic acid.

Take an antihistamine:

  • Zodak;
  • Suprastin;
  • Cetrin;
  • Loratadine.

Due to a sharp rise in blood pressure, it is recommended to take an antihypertensive drug to normalize well-being.

  1. Enap.
  2. Captopril.
  3. Indapamide.

In the hospital, a detoxification course is carried out using internal solutions. This will quickly eliminate the toxin, preventing serious complications.

Tarantula bite

Tarantulas - stunningly beautiful spiders - are among the largest spiders in the world, and they are quite dangerous. More than 1,500 species of tarantulas live throughout the world.

Doctors in primary care departments more often encounter patients who keep beautiful animals in terrariums at home.

Tarantulas belong to the orthognathic suborder of the Therapsophidae family. These are large (their body is 2.5-7.5 cm) arachnids that move slowly. Females in captivity can live up to 35 years, while the lifespan of males is usually 5-7 years. They have poor eyesight and sense prey through vibration. The largest species, the Latin American tarantula Theraphosa Blondie, can have fangs of 2.5 cm and long legs up to 30 cm.

Most tarantulas sold in pet stores belong to the species Aphonopelma, Psalmopoeus, Cyclosternum Brachypelma, Lasiodora, etc.

Although tarantulas often cause panic and disturbance on site, these hairy, long-legged spiders are generally non-aggressive and rarely bite.

If forced to defend itself, the tarantula is very good at jumping, hissing, sinking its teeth, or spraying sharp, spiky hairs from its abdomen onto its enemy (shown in the images below). They can affect the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. The density of stinging hairs on the abdomen is approximately 10,000 per mm2.

  • The tarantula can bite, but first it hisses angrily and takes a characteristic fighting stance;
  • human injuries are limited mainly to eye and skin damage, sometimes with respiratory symptoms;
  • tarantula spider venom is rarely toxic to humans;
  • the bite may be painful, but is not considered dangerous. No more dangerous than a bee sting. The most common reaction in the human body is an allergic response to histamine;
  • Australian tarantula bites can be dangerous, even fatal

Toxic hairs can penetrate multiple layers of skin or eye tissue and cause mechanical irritation. The size of the itchy blisters that form depends on the type of hair. Some hairs can penetrate up to 2 mm deep into the tissue, causing inflammation and a local reaction. Although not common, inhaling the hairs can cause allergic rhinitis.


Unprovoked bites are rare, and tarantulas are generally docile pets; patients usually report that they have injured their pet.

Most patients bitten by a tarantula complain of moderate, sting-like pain. Some tarantula bites can cause severe pain, swelling, local reaction and numbness, and joint pain that lasts for days or weeks.


Symptoms at the site of hair penetration include irritation, itching, severe swelling, and erythema.

Rarely, prolonged exposure to hairs may cause anaphylaxis.


Eye contact with tarantula hairs may result in red, itchy or gritty eyes.

Patients do not always associate these symptoms with their games with the tarantula.

First aid

  • give an antihistamine;
  • rinse the wound on the skin or eyes with running water;
  • tape the eye so that the patient does not rub it and rub the hairs even deeper;
  • if the patient loses consciousness, then he must be laid down, raise his legs higher and urgently call an ambulance;

Treatments in the medical office include;

  • pain relief, antihistamines, corticosteroids;
  • treatment of anaphylaxis;
  • tetanus vaccination;
  • ophthalmologist treats eyes

Here are just 3 cases: tarantula spider bites from life.

Description and features

The class of arachnids is diverse and includes a huge number of species. Scientists number them somewhere around one hundred thousand. Spiders are only one of the orders of this class, and despite their relatively small size, it is not for nothing that they are considered far from harmless creatures. This especially applies to representatives of the migalomorph infraorder.

Specimens of this type are usually larger than their relatives, and also differ in the structure of their oral chelicerae (the word itself is translated literally: claws-whiskers, which says something about their purpose and structure). In these spiders, they are associated with poisonous glands that open in them, ducts.

The family of tarantula spiders is part of this infraorder. Its members are very large. It happens that the leg span reaches 27 cm and even exceeds these figures.

All species of tarantulas are venomous, but with varying degrees of toxicity. Some are almost harmless, but most should be considered quite dangerous. As a rule, their bite cannot be fatal for a healthy adult, but it causes acute pain and can cause convulsions, fever and even hallucinations.

When defending itself, a tarantula can shed hairs from its paws, which leads to allergic reactions in humans.

In addition, the effects of the poison of the described creatures can be lethal for children and small animals.

Fortunately, such living organisms are practically never found in Europe, except that some species live in Portugal, Spain, Italy and areas close to these countries. However, as for other continents, the range of these spiders here is quite extensive.

After all, they almost completely inhabit the south of America and Africa, and are widespread in Australia and on the islands adjacent to this continent.

In the photo of the tarantula, you can see that the appearance of such creatures is unique and exotic. The shaggy long legs of such spiders make a particularly strong impression. Moreover, purely visually, it turns out that these creatures have six pairs of limbs. They are covered with bright, thick and significant hairs.

But upon closer examination, only four pairs of legs turn out to be, and four more processes, shorter and located in front, are the chelicerae and the so-called pedipalps.

The colors of such spiders are striking and amaze with their exotic colors, but the range of colors becomes especially rich after the tarantula moults . This is a very interesting and characteristic process for such living beings. Their body is built from the cephalothorax - the front part and abdomen, connected only by a jumper. They are covered with a chitinous exoskeleton - a special shell.

This is a frame that retains moisture during the heat, and like armor that protects from damage. During molting, it is discarded and replaced with another. But it is precisely at such moments that the animal grows intensively, increasing its parameters sometimes almost fourfold.

During molting, tarantulas can increase significantly in size

Such creatures boast four pairs of eyes, they are located in the front. The pedipalps serve as organs of touch. Chelicerae are used primarily for hunting and defense, but also for dragging prey and digging burrows.

And the hairs on your legs should be considered more than just decoration. These are finely structured organs that capture smells and sounds with their inherent sensitivity.

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