The drug “Clean House” for bedbugs: reviews, release forms

Bed bugs can appear in our house quite suddenly, come with things or crawl from neighbors. These are extremely tenacious creatures and are extremely difficult to get rid of. Therefore, when choosing insect repellents, you have to pay increased attention to the characteristics, as well as reviews. Some will say that it is better to call a special service rather than experiment.

In some cases this is true, but there is one proven remedy that is guaranteed to help in the fight against unpleasant “neighbors”. Today we’ll talk about what the “Clean House” anti-bedbug spray is. Reviews emphasize that this is a budget-friendly and effective means of combating blood-sucking insects.

What are bedbugs?

Not everyone has encountered them in their lives, which means that sometimes they will not immediately understand that it is not mosquitoes that attack them at night. It is generally accepted that they start because of dirt. This is fundamentally wrong; even in the cleanest and most well-kept apartment, a small insect can easily find a loophole. It’s just that in neglected housing they have more places to live: cracks under baseboards, behind peeling wallpaper. Initially, they settle near the sleeping places, only then they spread throughout the apartment.

If in the morning you find bloody spots on the sheets, and bite marks appear on your body, it means you were “lunched” by bedbugs today, and some did not have time to crawl away. We urgently need to look for a remedy that will help get rid of them. The topic of today's article was suggested by reviews. A “clean house” against bedbugs is an effective remedy that can quite easily help you say goodbye to unpleasant creatures and never think about them again.

Convenient spray

The drug is sold in stores in two forms. The first is an aerosol can. You don't need any special skills, just spray the product where insects are most likely to accumulate. In just a few minutes, the “Clean House” from bedbugs will begin to work. Reviews suggest that you must first take care of all family members, that is, send them to visit for a few hours. This also applies to pets. Aquariums and terrariums must be tightly closed and compressors turned off.

Prices in rubles

This drug can be purchased at any specialty store or through online stores that offer insecticidal products.

The cost directly depends on the form of release of the drug:

  1. The minimum cost of one aerosol can starts from 180 rubles and can reach up to 400 rubles.
  2. The product is in the form of a gel, packaged in tubes or syringes, the cost starts from 80 rubles.
  3. In the form of dust - for a bag of 50 grams, on average they ask for 30 rubles.
  4. Chalk will cost an average of 20 rubles.
  5. Prices for traps are 150-180 rubles.


So, what is Clean House Bed Bed Spray? Reviews say that it does not have a pungent odor, which makes it easier to clean and ventilate the room after the end of action. This is very important for a person prone to allergic reactions. It is a concentrated emulsion that can be sprayed independently in the suspected area where pests are concentrated. This is a very simple procedure, according to reviews.

The “Clean House” anti-bedbug spray contains two active components, each of which is equally responsible for the final result:

  • Cypermethrin is an effective insecticide that has a nerve-paralytic effect on insects. Any contact with the drug causes rapid death of the insect.
  • Tetramethrin is another insecticide, this time systemic. Under its influence, the transmission of nerve impulses in the insect’s body stops. This means imminent death.

Description of active ingredients

Active substanceContent, g/100 gType of poisonValid onMechanism of actionPeculiarities
Malathion0,7Insecticide, broad-spectrum acaricideEffective on agricultural pests, ticks, cockroaches, mosquitoes, fliesInhibits the NS, blocks the production of enzymes.Decomposes under the influence of wind and water in 5-10 days.
Heat and light resistant.

The toxic effect is cumulative, but does not accumulate in animal tissues.

Tetramethrin0,02Pesticide, insecticideActs on fleas, ticks, flies, lice.It disrupts ion exchange, excites the nervous system, causes convulsions and paralysis.Decomposes in the light.
PPB or pipernyl butoxide enhancer0,5Pyrethroid boosterSynergist.Increases the penetration of poison into insectsIncreases the effectiveness of compounds such as perythroids up to 5 times

(dangerous for bees)

Domestic parasites, pests of grain crops, grapes, vegetables.Stops
the transmission of impulses between cells, paralyzes.
Fat soluble
It does not enter the plant, but remains on the leaves for up to a month and is active for up to 2 weeks.

Does not collapse when heated or exposed to UV rays.

Now also with chamomile

This new product appeared on the market relatively recently, but it has already become popular among buyers. The complete absence of an unpleasant odor is noted with pleasure by many reviews. “Clean House” with chamomile against bedbugs is a convenient spray that is sold in 400 ml bottles. It is also an instant action drug. After use, a light chamomile aroma is felt, which disappears after a few days. Produced in Russia, has the necessary certificates.

An additional feature is that the drug “Clean House” for bedbugs and fleas is used with great success. Reviews say that even pets periodically bring home jumping “guests”. The spray gets rid of such proximity in just a few minutes. One treatment and the problem is solved.

Danger to humans

According to the manufacturer, such high efficiency of “Clean House” products is achieved due to toxic substances in their composition. Therefore, you should strictly adhere to the recommendations and observe safety measures.

Note! It is unacceptable to work with the drug without special protective clothing, such as a mask, gloves, a respirator and clothing that will reliably protect your skin from contact with the spray.

If you do not protect yourself correctly, you can get poisoned, the symptoms of which include nausea, dizziness, and poor health.

If you notice such symptoms during work, you must immediately stop processing and seek help from a doctor.

Precautionary measures

Despite the assurances of the instructions, it is worth carefully ensuring that people and pets have as little chance as possible of inhaling the aerosol. Reviews of “Clean House” from bedbugs advise in an empty house, sending all household members to stay. Despite the relative safety, individual intolerance to the drug cannot be excluded. It may cause allergic reactions in some people.

According to safety rules, you must first treat all surfaces that may hide insects, and after some time, ventilate the room well. After this, you can safely return home, there is no longer any danger to people and animals. Don't forget that insecticides are equally toxic to insects, fish and reptiles. Therefore, do not forget about exotic pets in aquariums and terrariums. They also need to be protected from the effects of the drug.


Many people know and remember it under the name dust. In fact, the form is not the most convenient for independent use, however, everyone chooses for themselves. The composition of the spray and powder is almost identical, but the concentration of the latter is much lower. But this does not make it any less effective in combating bedbugs. Outwardly it looks like a gray powder. It is intended for sprinkling on contaminated surfaces.

The only difference between the dust is (besides the low concentration) that it contains another component, piperonyl butoxide, with a concentration of 10%. By itself, this substance is practically neutral; it is not an insecticide. However, it has the ability to significantly extend the period of action of other components. Therefore, if the number of insects is very large, then it is recommended to use this particular form in order to be sure to get rid of them all.


This is another form that does not differ in composition from the previous two. That is, the insecticides used are similar, and by crumbling it, you will get an analogue of the powder. In what case is it more convenient to use the “Clean House” chalk against bedbugs? More like a preventative measure. If, after carrying out the treatment, you are not sure that you have destroyed all the insects, then use this simple remedy to draw lines near the bed. We'll have to remove the carpet, but it won't last long. Usually the night is enough for the surviving insects to try to get to the source of fresh blood and find their death.


This is the most modern form, which is also the safest. The gel is available in a convenient, disposable syringe, which minimizes contact with it. In addition, it has the lowest toxicity in the Clean Home product line. Therefore, you don’t have to leave your apartment during treatment. This is extremely convenient for busy people and allows you to carry out preventive measures from time to time. But the person who will apply the product must wear gloves. The gel should be applied to crevices and hard-to-reach places that insects love. You can update every two weeks.

Carrying out work

Let's now talk about how to use the Clean House bedbug repellent. The aerosol, which has very good reviews, must be applied not only in the place where you noticed insects. Usually, the presence of bedbugs is not detected immediately, and they manage to lay eggs throughout almost the entire apartment. Therefore, you will have to work hard.

It is necessary to move furniture away from the walls. This will open access to baseboards, as well as the back walls of furniture, where insects may well live. Carpets, paintings, various panels, all this needs to be removed from the walls. Clutches of eggs can often be found on the back surface. Sofas and beds need to be disassembled as much as possible. The mattress should be removed and the sofa should be unfolded to expose the wooden structures.

Other products against cockroaches

The brand produces products not only in the form of aerosols. Buyers can purchase:

  • traps;
  • crayons;
  • powder;
  • gel;
  • spray.

They instantly destroy crawling insects. If there is a large population of cockroaches, it is recommended to use 2 different products simultaneously: spray and gel or powder and aerosol


Let us repeat once again that the easiest way is to use an aerosol. Anyone can handle this, and minimal cleaning is required after it, which is regularly emphasized by reviews. The “Clean House” bedbug repellent (spray) is sprayed in the places where insects are most likely to live. You need to spray generously; one bottle lasts a long time, so you don’t have to skimp. It is recommended to treat one square meter for 5 seconds.

The powder is a little more difficult to handle, so it is much less often chosen by buyers. You need to scatter it or prepare a solution (10 grams per liter of water) and spray it with a brush or using a spray bottle. After two hours, you will need to open all the windows and doors to create a draft. And if there are a lot of insects, then it is recommended to use both means. The aerosol will kill most, but the powder, which remains active for a longer time, will gradually finish the job. The “Clean House” chalk against bedbugs is used in the same way. Reviews say that they use it for preventive purposes for several weeks after treatment.


The product, with a jelly-like consistency, contains 2 insecticides - diazinon and alphacypermethrin, due to which it has a combined effect.

The gel is applied in drops the size of a grain of rice, the intervals between them can be 4-6 cm, depending on the number of cockroaches. It is recommended to treat the following areas:

  • floor, walls, cracks behind baseboards;
  • lower shelves of tables;
  • area behind the refrigerator;
  • areas near sinks, pipes and heating and hot water risers;
  • areas near trash cans.

In hard-to-reach places that are inconvenient for direct treatment, you can place backing sheets with gel pre-applied to them.


For 1 sq.m. It is recommended to apply from 4-5 to 9-10 drops of gel, depending on the type of cockroaches and their numbers. “Kapkan Sturm” gel paste is sold in syringes of 15 and 30 mg, and “Pregrada” gel - Russian “Trap” - in syringes of 30 mg. To treat a standard size kitchen and bathroom, 2-3 30 mg syringes are required.


The gel allows you to destroy red, black and American cockroaches, as well as house ants, is highly effective due to the combined action, cockroaches begin to die 10–12 hours after eating the bait, the poison spreads when exchanging food and when other cockroaches eat the corpse or excrement of a poisoned individual , a chain reaction begins.

Usually, already on the third day after treatment, cockroaches completely disappear; repeated treatment should be carried out no earlier than a month later.

Average price: “Trap Assault” 15 g – 35 rubles, 30 g – 50 rubles, “Pregrada” – Russian “Trap” – 40 rubles.

Precautionary measures

  • avoid contact with skin and mucous membranes;
  • Wash them immediately if the product gets in contact with soap and water or a soda solution;
  • throw the used packaging in the trash and wash your hands with soap;
  • keep out of the reach of children and animals.
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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