Sinuzan remedy for bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants, mosquitoes, flies, 5 l

From this article you will learn:
  • Sinuzan - a remedy against bedbugs
  • What are the advantages of Sinuzan?
  • Does this product have any disadvantages?
  • Reviews about the product
  • Video: means for killing bedbugs

The photo shows what Sinuzan looks like

Bedbugs are a very annoying problem for the entire family. They cause a lot of inconvenience. They prevent you from sleeping at night and damage sofas, beds, floor coverings, and fill the room with an unpleasant odor. Currently, quite a lot of means have appeared aimed at exterminating these insects. Sinuzan is one of them.

Composition of Sinuzan

The combination of the following components helps achieve maximum effectiveness:

  • Active ingredient: chlorpyrifos;
  • Solvents;
  • Stabilizers;
  • Emulsifiers.

The first chemical compound has contact and intestinal effects. The components penetrate the chitin of the insect, after which the nerve endings are blocked. The impulses do not enter the pest’s body, so convulsions, paralysis, and then death occur. You can buy Sinuzan even if you need to get rid of mosquito larvae.

How dangerous are bedbugs?

A bug bite causes discomfort. If you consider that insects live in colonies, then you have to forget about a restful sleep. Insects attack at night, choosing a time between 2 and 7 hours. Each individual sucks up to 7 mg of blood. They eat once a week. Parasites cannot tolerate high temperatures and die at 48-500.

Attention. Bed bugs can become a source of skin allergies. There is a possibility of spreading hepatitis C, typhoid, tuberculosis, and smallpox by infected insects.

Mode of application

Be sure to read the instructions before using an insecticide. The liquid must be diluted in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer. Depending on the type of insect, the concentration of the solution may vary, and the finished mixture is applied using a sprayer.

Sinuzan has the maximum negative effect against household insects. It has a detrimental effect on both adult pests and larvae. With economical consumption, the product is inexpensive, so the emulsion will last for a long time.

On the treated surface, the effect will persist for two months, which contributes to the death of the entire insect population in the premises. The smell of Sinuzan quickly disappears, and the solution can be prepared quickly and without special skills.

The amount of Sinuzan insecticidal agent required for the preparation of working aqueous emulsions:

Insecticide concentration, (%) by DV 0,48 0,24 0,12 0,06
Insecticide concentration, (%) by product 1,0 0,5 0,25 0,12
Product consumption in ml 10,0 5.0 2,5 1,2
Amount of water in ml 990,0 995,0 997,5 998,8
  • Cockroaches - 1%
  • Bed bugs - 0.5%
  • Fleas, ants - 0.25%
  • Flies (larvae, adults) - 0.5%
  • Mosquitoes (larvae, adults) - 0.5%

Bed bugs are a source of nighttime anxiety

Unpleasant neighbors can disrupt the calm flow of life. This is not about the noise behind the wall, but about the insects that have settled in the apartment. Bed bugs are parasites that bite people and drink their blood. The length of the parasite is 3-8 mm, the body is brown. There is a proboscis on the head with which the insect pierces the skin and sucks blood. They feed at all stages of development from larvae to adults. During their lifetime, females lay up to 500 eggs. The new generation develops in 30-40 days.

Attention. Bedbugs live 12-12 months, and under unfavorable conditions they go into suspended animation for a year. They are able to move between rooms along ventilation ducts or the outer walls of a building.

Parasites lead a secretive lifestyle. They do not have a nest, but the insects stay in a group, hiding close to a food source.

Where do bedbugs live:

  • furniture in the bedroom - chest of drawers, bedside table, wardrobe;
  • a bed or sofa on which a person sleeps;
  • behind wallpaper or carpets;
  • in the crevices of baseboards;
  • in sockets;
  • behind the paintings, mirrors on the walls.

Operating principle

A broad-spectrum insecticidal preparation enters the body of insects through the contact-intestinal route. The active substance disrupts the functions of the central nervous system, provokes muscle paralysis and death. The rate of death depends on the concentration of the poison. The product is most effective in the first 2 hours after treatment. Poisonous properties persist for up to 1 month. The drug manages to destroy adult individuals and larvae that were born from the ooteca.

Sinuzan belongs to the third class of moderately hazardous substances. Vapors very rarely cause poisoning; if they come into contact with the skin, no irritation is observed. But if the rules for using insecticidal agents are maliciously ignored, intoxication of varying degrees of intensity and skin irritation occur. To avoid negative consequences, the room should be treated with rubber gloves, a mask or a respirator.

Step-by-step measures for baiting cockroaches in an apartment

When understanding the question of how to properly poison Prussian cockroaches in an apartment, you must remember that these insects are very tenacious and over time they adapt to various counteractive drugs absolutely without any problems.
In this regard, getting rid of them in the apartment can become really difficult, but it is possible. Before poisoning the Prussians, it is necessary to resolve a number of organizational issues, because the Prussians easily penetrate various, even very small, cracks, and walls and doors are not at all an obstacle for them. If one homeowner poisons them, they will move on to another, and after some time the “unpleasant” neighbors will return to their previously inhabited place.

When choosing options for poisoning cockroaches in an apartment on your own or with the help of specialists (sanitary and epidemiological station employees), you should always take into account the specific features of the premises being cleaned

According to the plan presented below, baiting cockroaches can go well and without incident. So:

  1. It is necessary to discuss in advance the day and time (date) of baiting the multiplied insect with your neighbors.
  2. Thoroughly clean the apartment, preferably with a vacuum cleaner, removing various food crumbs and old dirt from the premises. Thus, the results of the activities carried out will increase significantly.
  3. Eliminate leaking water taps and limit cockroaches’ access to any drinking liquid.
  4. Choose what you think is an effective means for baiting cockroaches (drugs or a folk recipe), taking into account the number of pets living in the house, so that the pet does not accidentally suffer during such a scrupulous procedure.
  5. Kill insects.

Note: you need to poison Prussians not only in the kitchen, but also in the bookcase or linen closet. It is necessary to carefully diagnose all hard-to-reach “places” in the apartment and try to find traces of their presence. You can etch all the intended areas of their areola with an insecticide and then thoroughly wash these areas with a solution consisting of water and laundry soap. If you doubt your independence and your next attempt is unsuccessful, you can call the SES (sanitary and epidemiological station) and arrange a visit from disinfection specialists.

Where to go for professional pest control?

The most difficult thing when ordering the services of professional exterminators is choosing a reliable company. Moreover, this can be especially difficult to do in large cities: dozens of different organizations operate here, among which, let’s say, are cunning disinfectors.

However, there are a number of simple rules that allow you to avoid the services of fly-by-night companies at the selection stage:

  1. Immediately contact large chains that have been present on the market for a long time and have branches in dozens of different cities. By the way, such organizations usually maintain market average prices;
  2. Read reviews about the company before agreeing to call its specialists;
  3. When talking with the manager, find out about the availability of a license to carry out pest control work and certificates for the products used. If you place an order, ask the exterminators to bring these documents with them;
  4. Find out whether the contract is signed by the company, whether it is certified with a wet seal and the signature of the performer. If this is not done, then it makes sense to look for another company;
  5. When you call, immediately ask if the company can exterminate cockroaches with cold fog. As a rule, “sharashkin firms” do not have the capital to purchase expensive equipment, and this one question can quickly filter out all dubious offers. After this, by the way, it is not at all necessary to order fog treatment; sometimes the use of a conventional sprayer is quite justified;
  6. Find out from the manager whether children and pets will be allowed to stay in the apartment during the work. If the manager allows it, call another company.

Next, remember that on the Internet and when talking on the phone, all companies can be white and fluffy, and their true colors are revealed only when the work is completed (and especially after, when money for pest control against cockroaches has already been paid). Therefore, follow the principle “chairs in the morning, money in the evening.”


  1. Immediately upon arrival of the exterminator, ask him for all the documents - a contract, a license for pest control services, certificates for the chemicals used;
  2. Check that the contract is stamped and the adequate conditions for providing the guarantee are clearly stated;
  3. Check the tools yourself. If the exterminator has provided you with a certificate for Tetrix, he should have Tetrix, and not a canister without a label with a cloudy liquid;
  4. Monitor the progress of disinfestation (wearing personal protective equipment), the thoroughness of surface treatment and the duration of all work. Keep in mind that a twenty-minute cleaning of the kitchen cabinet and cabinet under the sink is not enough to completely eliminate cockroaches in the room.

And remember: you pay only for the result and only when you see it. Do not give the exterminator money before work. The exterminator must conscientiously treat the entire apartment - only after that does it make sense to pay him.


“A year ago we disinfected against cockroaches. Two guys arrived and said that there should be no one in the apartment for a day after treatment, and that we would need to spend the night in another place. From the refrigerator you need to remove everything that is eaten without heat treatment - sausage, cheese, cookies, bread. They closed all the windows, sprayed something for half an hour, then took the money and left. The next morning we came to ventilate and saw a cemetery of cockroaches. There were a lot of them, I didn’t even think that we had so many of them in our apartment! There were even a lot of them in the bedrooms. After that, we haven’t had any cockroaches yet...”

Tatyana, Moscow

Remedies for apartment bugs

To combat parasites, special preparations have been created, produced in the form of a concentrated emulsion or aerosols against bedbugs. The products differ in the degree of preparation for use and cost. Emulsions require dilution in water. These products are usually used by professional exterminators, but can be used independently. To destroy bedbugs, you will need to buy a bottle of concentrate with a capacity of 50 or 100 ml, a sprayer and protective equipment.

Aerosols are completely ready for use. Inside the can there is an insecticide of optimal concentration. Aerosols are easy to use and convenient for household use. Among the popular brands:

  • "Raptor" is a drug with three active ingredients that has a neuroparalytic effect on bedbugs.
  • “Combat” is a universal insect repellent that penetrates into insects through contact or food.
  • Dichlorvos is a popular aerosol that effectively kills bedbugs and other harmful insects.

Terms of use

Instructions for use of Sinuzan describe in detail the disinfestation process.

  • Conduct preliminary preparation of the premises. Move furniture away from the wall, sweep, wash the floor.
  • Prepare a solution and pour it into a spray bottle or household spray bottle. Surface treatment with a brush is allowed.
  • Wear protective equipment.
  • Treat selectively the areas with the largest concentrations of cockroaches. Be sure to spray the baseboards, the floor behind the furniture, and the walls at a height of 50 cm.
  • Leave the room closed for 2 hours.
  • Ventilate, wash the floors, leave the poison in hard-to-reach places where cockroaches are found.


The concentrate is diluted in water at room temperature. Standardly, 10 ml of the drug is required per 1 liter. Consumption on a hard surface is 50 ml per 1 sq. m., on a soft, absorbent surface - 100 ml on a similar area. To increase the effectiveness of the insecticidal substance, it is recommended to carry out repeated disinfestation after 14 days.

Security measures

Before starting work, you should read the instructions for preparing and using the solution. Dilution of the emulsion and spraying is carried out wearing gloves, sealed goggles and a respirator. Clothes that were worn when treating the room are removed and soaked in hot water with soap and soda (50 g per 10 liters of water). After 2 hours, take it out and wash it in a freshly prepared soda-soap solution. If you need to treat a large area, then every 45-50 minutes the disinfestation is interrupted and you go out into the fresh air. After removing the respirator, breathe fresh air for 10 minutes.

Pros and cons of the drug


  • high efficiency;
  • instant and prolonged results up to 30 days;
  • gradual destruction of the entire population of cockroaches;
  • does not damage coatings or furniture;
  • the specific smell quickly disappears;
  • permitted for use in residential premises;
  • reasonable price, economical consumption.


  • the presence of a specific odor in an apartment or house;
  • possibility of poisoning;
  • does not affect eggs in the ooteca; repeated treatment is required.

On a note!

Sinuzan against cockroaches is used by sanitation workers for disinfestation, which confirms its high effectiveness.

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