You can watch a spider's meal for a long time. Feeding spiders is a truly fascinating spectacle. Seeing the victim
Hornets collect material for construction from rotten stumps and birch branches. 0 Construction color
Ants are considered quite intelligent and useful insects, but only when they live in nature.
What are aphids? Aphids are small pests with a pear-shaped body. Aphids have
Since ancient times, man has learned to use the poisonous biological fluid secreted by land reptiles in their
Small transparent ants are social individuals. They are characterized by huge colonies, which
Home Travel Orienteering by moss and anthill libre19 January 2013 66861 Lies in the forest
The black hornet, or Dybovsky's hornet, is considered a rather rare species compared to some others
Mosquitoes have bitten each of us, they spare neither children, nor the elderly, nor us
Birds Feathered birds are the first enemies of spiders among other representatives of the fauna. Most birds don't