How to catch a weasel: traps, traps. What to do to prevent a weasel from getting into the chicken coop

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Rasskazov Pavel.

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Despite the fact that the weasel has a very pretty appearance, it is a very dangerous predator. The beast has sharp claws and teeth. When attacking, he strangles the victim and then tears him to shreds.

Typically, weasels are not interested in domestic birds: they prefer to hunt small rodents. However, if there are none, she may well attack the chicken and easily kill it.

What is this animal?

This predator belongs to the mustelidae family. The weasel, the photo of which will be presented in this article, has a thin, elongated body, a very long and rather thick neck. The back of the animal is covered with thick short hair of a brownish-brown hue. The weasel is found on all continents of the Northern Hemisphere. Usually this animal lives under stones, in fields and even in rock crevices. He is so flexible that he is often compared to a snake. This impression is especially strengthened by the sight of how he easily crawls through small holes in the walls or into narrow crevices between stones.

The weasel hunts at any time of the day. The basis of its diet is chickens, pigeons, hares, rabbits, moles, hamsters and rats. They also eat frogs, small fish, house mice, forest mice and field mice.

Protective measures against the little robber

This small animal can kill prey weighing 10 times the hunter's weight. Natural courage and strength allows one to crush an adult chicken, and even a large rat is always defeated. In the summer, there is enough food for weasels in the fields and meadows; with the onset of autumn, they move closer to human habitation to settle down for the winter.

The danger to the courtyard is real. But if you block the predator’s path into the poultry house in time, the weasel will switch to mice and rats - easier and more familiar prey.

Watch the video what will happen to rats if there is no access to the chicken coop

Based on the interesting biology of this animal, a set of measures must be taken.

  • Do not create places for comfortable housing. A stack of old boards, a pile of branches, a pile of old hay under a canopy are great places for petting.
  • When building a chicken coop, it is better to immediately provide for the possibility of uninvited guests. If possible, build on a columnar foundation. If not, the walls and floor should not have holes or gaps. The weasel does not climb trees, so the absence of all kinds of ledges and steps on the walls will not allow the weasel to penetrate from above.
  • The most favorite way for weasels to enter the chicken coop is through rat passages. Strengthening walls and floors against rats is also a measure against weasels. A chain-link mesh dug into the ground around the perimeter of the walls, walls covered with tin - these are the most common measures.
  • Weasels are very sensitive to vibrations and noise. Install a couple of windmills that transmit vibration into the ground, and the weasel will not build its nest within a radius of 50 meters. A rattling weather vane on the roof of a barn is not only entertainment for children, but also a repeller for weasels in the attic.
  • If there is a doghouse next to the poultry house, then most likely the weasel will not risk tempting fate. If a goat or goat lives in a flock with birds, you are completely safe. Weasel does not like strong odors, like many forest inhabitants. Therefore, you can try the old grandfather’s method - coating the walls with tar. This measure is temporary, but has a chance of success.

These were preventive and gentle measures. It is best to switch the “brownie’s” attention to protecting the yard from mice, but moods can be changeable and there is no guarantee that the weasel will not try to check the strength of the poultry house.

Weasel hunting methods

If you notice that this little predator has been in your chicken coop, you need to take active action. Before catching a weasel, you should familiarize yourself with the current methods of hunting this animal.

Most often, animals are caught using a dog, small traps, slips, seats, ice boxes, bags, dies or tracking. The main part of the devices is designed to catch living predators. As a rule, they are installed near the entrance to the hole in which the weasel lives (the photos show what this pest looks like). Traps can be placed on permanent holes that the animal has dug. However, this hunting method is harmful to the animal's skin.

Signs of an uninvited guest

A weasel seen near a poultry house is a harbinger of the imminent death of pets. As she opens the hunting season, she displays skillful tracking tactics and excellent knowledge of camouflage. Considering the fact that, like a ferret, it is impossible to take it by surprise, you should prepare for defense.

Mustelids easily find ways to get into the chicken coop

When the first snow falls, it is quite easy to detect signs of uninvited guests. Animals leave specific two-point tracks: they move by jumping, after which characteristic marks appear on the snow surface. By the distance between the paw prints, you can calculate which particular species of mustelid was visiting:

  • weasel - 20-30 cm;
  • marten - 30-40 cm;
  • ferret - 50-60 cm.

How to get rid of weasels using traps?

These devices include not only purchased ones, but also homemade ones. All of them have a special design. In addition, the presence of bait is considered a mandatory condition affecting the successful completion of the hunt. In most cases, a mixture consisting of ten grams of mint oil and three hundred grams of fish oil is used for these purposes. Meat, small poultry, pickled fish, rotten eggs, cattail seed or sour cream are added to the resulting mass.

It should be remembered that frame traps are advisable to use for capturing animals living in natural conditions, far from human habitation. When choosing such devices, it is necessary to give preference to designs of the smallest sizes.

What traps to use

To catch ferrets, traps of different models are used. Given the nocturnal lifestyle of the predator, the trap is set in the evening. Using traps, they ensure the safety of chickens: they place the traps in a place inaccessible to the birds.

After installation, traps must be treated with a special compound that repels the human odor that frightens predators.

They use a product sold in specialized stores, manure (the trap is coated with the substance), slaked lime (applied with a brush). If the location of the ferret's hole is known, a trap is placed nearby.

To catch a predator, they use the so-called. trap No. 1. The device's guard is made especially sensitive. The bait is a bird killed by a polecat, and the animal's blood is poured into the trap.

A rat trap that is strong enough to hold a large rodent is a suitable trap for a ferret. The device is additionally weighted by attaching it to a large board to make the trap stable.

The ferret overturns a light rat trap, vigorously escaping. The freed predator, remembering the dangerous trap, always bypasses the rat traps.

Catching a predator with a dog

Before you catch a weasel, you need to train your dog. According to most experts, likes are best suited for these purposes. Moreover, the dog must not only pick up the desired trail, but also be able to correctly untangle it, track it to the place where the animal is hiding, and notify the owner that the prey is in the hole. Having overtaken the weasel and barked, the dog begins to catch it. To do this, he tears up the ground and takes out the predator. The main advantage of this technique is that a well-trained dog can hunt not only during the day, but also at night.


What does the weasel eat?

? This animal is a carnivore. Therefore, his menu is appropriate: mouse-like rodents, chickens, pigeons, chicks, young rabbits.

A bloodthirsty animal should eat 30-40 g per day. If there is a shortage of food, the weasel can eat amphibians, fish, snakes, insects and even crayfish. During the hunt, this predator pursues its prey not only in open areas, but even in their own houses.

It grabs small animals by the back of the head or head, and digs into the neck of large animals. If a weasel finds eggs, it makes a hole in the shell and drinks the contents. The weasel animal does not forget to stock up for the winter. Sometimes up to 30 mouse corpses can be found in their burrows.

Features of using self-catchers and cages

Those who are interested in how to catch a weasel should definitely learn about another effective method. It consists of using a homemade mechanism adapted for catching the animal. In this case, the hunter himself must hide and camouflage himself in advance near the place where the predator is expected to appear. This method is advisable to use in the evening. One should not discount the fact that a weasel driven into a corner, deprived of escape routes, can attack a person standing nearby.

In some cases, it is possible to use special cages with small holes between strong metal bars. The small and nimble weasel easily gnaws through wooden gratings and crawls through widely spaced openings. Inside the cage you need to put bait prepared from the ingredients described above.

Keeping at home

Considering the fact that ferrets look cute in the photo, some people decide to keep them as pets.
To do this, it is important to know the features of keeping them

Ferrets get along with cats, as well as calm and kind dogs. Naturally, they cannot be friends with the hunting breed, as this will end badly. The individuals themselves are active and mobile, so they will be happy to play with cats.

You should not have rats, hamsters, lizards or birds if you have a ferret in the house. The individual will start hunting because he cannot go against his instinct

Moreover, ferrets will even attack a turtle, so caution should be exercised. Decorative rabbits and chinchillas are also not suitable as neighbors.

Vaccinations must be done to protect your pet from plague, rabies and other diseases.

It is important to understand that although ferrets look healthy in photos, they are prone to allergies to vaccines. This is why it is best to use antihistamines

If people do not want offspring from ferrets, then sterilization is recommended. This procedure will get rid of the specific odor that occurs during puberty. It is worth noting that the animal has a specific smell, so it must be bathed regularly using special shampoos.

Ferrets need a cage, because in it they can fully relax and sleep. It needs to be equipped with a hammock and a house. You can consider both open and closed options. Some ferrets may learn to close the cage themselves if it makes them feel more comfortable.

As for food, you will need protein food. Suitable minced meat, which consists of offal, chicken, turkey and similar ingredients. You can purchase special dry food, but it should only be premium.

Sometimes ferrets can stock up, hiding quickly perishable foods. You need to keep an eye on this so that the smell of rot does not appear in the house later.

In addition to protein foods, peeled fruits and vegetables are useful: bananas, cucumbers, zucchini. Once a week you can give a chicken egg, as well as rabbit and turkey meat.

In the photo, ferrets look cute, but people should understand that they are curious. They need to be monitored so that they do not run away from the house, and also do not swallow any objects. Animals enter inappropriate places and take prohibited items that must be hidden well.

If you are accustomed to affection from childhood, then the pet will be devoted to its owner. In this case, the animal will be healthy and happy, as in the photo, and will also bring joy to the person.

Repellers and folk methods

Those who have already understood how to catch a weasel, but do not set themselves the task of catching an uninvited visitor, can be recommended to pay attention to special devices. These electronic repellers are installed in the chicken coop. They emit low-frequency signals that cause panic among predators and force them to leave the forbidden territory.

Those who do not have the opportunity to purchase such a device can use an alternative option. For such purposes, a regular flashlight equipped with motion sensors is suitable. When an uninvited guest approaches, the device begins to play light and sound signals that scare away the animal.

Our grandmothers smeared the walls of the chicken coop with tar. Despite the fact that this method has long been used by villagers, it is not very effective. This is because the animal can enter the house through the roof. In addition, no one guarantees that the smell of tar can scare off a weasel.


A few secrets will help make caresses perfect and a woman become a sex goddess for her partner:

  1. Pay attention to foreplay. American scientists claim that the male sex reacts to physical touch in the same way as the female sex, but more slowly.
  2. Tease him. When the guy is already on the edge, caress less intensely, so you can prolong the pleasure.
  3. Talk to him. When caressing, a man likes to hear compliments and praise from a woman. You can talk about your wishes, ideas and emphasize what turns you on about him. Dirty words deserve special attention; they excite many.
  4. When orgasm is close, you need to put pressure on the prostate gland - this will delay ejaculation and prolong the process.
  5. Maximum sensations are provided by positions in which partners feel each other, so missionary sex is always relevant.
  6. You shouldn’t start right away with caressing the penis. Each guy has his own erogenous zone, which will excite him to an incredible state.

Affection is as important for a man as it is for a woman. If a girl wants to build a trusting and happy relationship, then she needs to learn how to give pleasure and caress her beloved. Using special techniques, partners will learn to truly dissolve in each other.

How to build a homemade trap?

An animal that settles near a chicken coop can cause significant losses. He destroys bird nests, steals chicks and eggs. Therefore, rural residents try to get rid of these predators by any means. People often use homemade traps.

To make this primitive design you will need bait, a bucket and a two-liter plastic bottle. From the latter you need to cut off the neck and bottom. After this, you can proceed to further actions. To string the bait, you should make a spear-shaped cut at the neck.

Having put a piece of meat on the resulting device, you need to place it in the place where the weasel was noticed. It is important that the side with the bait hangs slightly from the table or chair. Under this edge it is necessary to place a bucket with a slightly open lid, which could slam shut at the slightest vibration. The animal caught in this trap must be taken away from the house and released into the wild.

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