Celandine is not only a weed but also the most effective remedy against aphids and ants on the site

What is an aphid?

Aphids are small pests with a pear-shaped body. Aphids tend to quickly increase in number: literally overnight they can grow rapidly.

Photo of the appearance of aphids

Aphids are smart insects. It knows how to hide and camouflage itself, and therefore it is not easy to detect it at the very beginning. Beautiful varieties of roses! Hybrid tea rose Red Intuition Rose floribunda Freesia Rose floribunda climbing Rumba
There is a pest with a green, slightly oblong body and brown antennae. There are mealy aphids with a white coating on the body. It affects roses growing in greenhouses. There is an indoor one with a transparent body and a size of no more than 1 mm. It is the most difficult to detect.

Types of aphids, and what harm they cause to currants

Aphids belong to the order Homoptera and have piercing-sucking mouthparts. There are many varieties of small and voracious insects in the garden, but two types of aphids live on currants:

  • gooseberry (shoot) - affects shrubs with black berries;
  • gall (leaf) - prefers white and red currants.

The peak time for aphid settlement is from May to June; the colony parasitizes berry bushes all summer. The lifespan of an individual is short, but due to lightning-fast reproduction, the aphid manages to change 10-15 generations per season.

Insects cause a lot of trouble for gardeners. With severe damage, pests are able to drain all the strength from the bushes. Dry, hot weather is especially favorable for them, and if the summer is dry, the fight against aphids on currants continues throughout the season.

Gall aphid

The full name of the pest is red gall apple aphid (Rhopalosiphum insertum). The population contains winged and wingless forms. Biological description of gall aphids:

  • the average size of an insect without wings is 2-2.6 mm, a flying aphid is smaller - 1.5-2.1 mm, the shape of the body is oval;
  • color range includes green, yellow-green and dark green base color with a brownish stripe along the back;
  • on the back of the abdomen there are two cylindrical tubes-siphuncles, the head is equipped with 5-6-segment antennae.

At the end of autumn, the female lays eggs in the bark of apple trees (less commonly, other garden trees), and already in April, sexually mature individuals with wings appear. The pest quickly flies to green bushes. Gall aphids are first discovered on currants in May, and here it is necessary to treat the berry garden as quickly as possible.

Gooseberry (shoot) aphid

Gooseberry aphid (Aphis grossulariae) is one of the most dangerous types of currant pests. The name speaks for itself: the insect attacks both currants and gooseberries. If shrubs are adjacent, the likelihood of each being affected increases.

Morphology of shoot aphids:

  • reaches a length of only 1.5-2.2 mm (asexual virgin individuals appearing in the spring do not reach even a millimeter), the body shape is a wide ellipse;
  • the slightly transparent yellow-green or green color of gooseberry aphids makes the insects almost invisible: on the foliage of the currant bush they look like jelly balls;
  • six-segmented antennae are equal to ½ of the pest’s body, abdominal siphuncles are comparable to the tail, adult specimens are covered with microscopic hairs.

Gooseberry aphids come in two types: wingless or winged. The first is busy with the propagation of the generation, the second with the colonization of fruit and berry plantations and changing the host plant. On currants, gooseberry aphids begin to cause damage during flowering.

Garden ants: benefits and harm

The black garden ant (also called the black lassia ant) ​​belongs to the genus Lasius and is found in various countries. Black lasius live in central Russia, sometimes found in villages and houses.

The black garden ant is typically black or dark brown in color. Numerous microscopic hairs can be found on the body. Body size ranges from 3-11 mm, depending on class and gender. The uteri are large in size, reaching 7-11 mm. They are called big black ants. The lifespan of queens is approximately 28 years, males - less than 1 year. A distinctive feature of the uterus is regular offspring. There is usually 1 queen in an anthill.

Habitat of black ants:

  • fertile land;
  • under stones;
  • weak or diseased trees.

Black ants prefer to live in garden beds. The ants feed on honeydew, which is secreted by aphids, as well as small invertebrates.

Black ants

Forest and garden ants benefit the garden and save from many harmful insects. Arthropods protect plantings from caterpillars, slugs, fly larvae, and ticks. It has been established that the inhabitants of the anthill in the garden destroy about 2,000 small parasites every day, and forest black ants collect approximately 17,000 pests, protecting a forest area of ​​0.2 hectares.

Hazel grouse, black grouse, songbirds, bears, badgers, and foxes readily feed on ants. The birds “bathe” in the anthill, releasing insects under their wings, and then get rid of them by crushing them on the feathers.

Ants help improve soil structure and increase fertility. The large number of passages has a positive effect on the looseness of the soil and the respiration of the root system of plants. In addition, ants distribute crop seeds.

Attention! Approximately 3,000 species of crops (1%) grow thanks to ants. These include fragrant violet

In addition, ants are a valuable raw material for drugs that are used in therapy:

  • rheumatic and atrophic arthritis;
  • insomnia;
  • hepatitis A;
  • dizziness in older people;
  • neurosis.

Thus, the benefits of the presence of ants in the beds come down to:

  • destruction of garden pests;
  • fertility of the earth;
  • food for birds and forest animals;
  • medications.

If there are black ants in the garden, this indicates:

  • healthy earth;
  • warmed top layer of soil;
  • humidity of the lower layers;
  • aeration.

The settlement of ants in the countryside threatens the site:

  1. Increasing soil acidity. Negatively affects the life of crops.
  2. Inhibition of plant development. The rapid growth of anthills leads to an increase in problems.
  3. Eating vegetables, berries, root vegetables that contain sufficient sugar: strawberries and wild strawberries, carrots and raspberries, pumpkin and gooseberries.
  4. Damage to flower buds. When collecting nectar, insects gnaw petals and sepals to intensively secrete juice. The result is unopened buds or unsightly flowers.
  5. Spread of weeds. 1 ant family eats about 10,000 seeds per season.
  6. Destruction of seedlings. Ants gnaw roots and leaves.
  7. Turning a hollow tree or stump into dust.
  8. Transfer of aphids to plants. Causes irreparable harm.
  9. Damage to the aesthetic appearance of flower beds, flower beds, alpine slides, lawns. The active activity of ants destroys all the efforts of gardeners to improve their dacha.
  10. Ants entering homes and damaging food.

How to use celandine against aphids

Almost every gardener and vegetable gardener has a plant such as celandine in their garden plot. Some are trying in every possible way to get rid of it, not realizing how valuable a crop it is. In addition to the fact that celandine is actively used for medical and cosmetic purposes, today it has become a faithful assistant to gardeners. It turns out that solutions prepared on the basis of celandine effectively cope with various pests, including aphids.

Action against aphids and ants

Celandine is a plant unique in its properties. Its most important advantage in the fight against aphids and ants is its low cost. Now you don’t need to spend money buying expensive and not always effective insecticides, since you can prepare an effective solution from celandine. This weed is characterized by insecticidal properties.


Healing celandine juice

The summer months of rural and dacha childhood were often darkened by the appearance of warts on the hands. And then the grandmothers called for help from a plant called celandine. Its poisonous orange-yellow juice lubricated warts, which soon disappeared safely.

Today we rarely use the healing properties of celandine (Chelidonium majus), we treat this plant as a weed, mercilessly destroying it in our garden. But even if you are fundamentally against traditional medicine, treat celandine with respect - it is an excellent assistant in many gardening matters.

If celandine has not self-seeded in your garden, then do not be lazy and prepare for future use by collecting grass in the surrounding meadows. Both fresh and dried celandine perfectly helps to disinfect the soil, is used in the fight against diseases even at the time of fruit ripening, and protects vegetables and flowers during storage.

To disinfect the soil, chopped celandine grass is simply embedded in planting holes. An aqueous solution of celandine juice can be used to water the soil before planting indoor or container plants.

Celandine juice (100 ml per water) - helps save the cherry harvest from diseases. Moreover, it can be used even at the time of fruit ripening, even 5-6 days before harvesting. Anyone who knows how quickly cherries can dry out understands how important this is.

How does hot pepper act on aphids?

Aphids are a common pest of cultivated plants in Eurasia. The diet of insects includes juices of fruits, leaves, and other parts. Aphid pests are distinguished by their increased fertility, so in a short time even the smallest group grows into massive colonies. Damage caused:

  • slowing down plant growth;
  • decreased fruiting;
  • withering of the garden, crops, plantings;
  • transmission of pathogens;
  • deviations in plant development.

Hot pepper helps reduce the harmful effects and rid the garden or garden of these insects. The spicy vegetable has a burning taste, pungent aroma and contains a large number of alkaloids. These factors determine the benefit of the fruit in the fight against pests. Actions:

  1. Red pepper is used against aphids for its repellent properties. Small parasites simply leave the plants, from which a burning odor emanates.
  2. Pepper alkaloids exhibit toxic properties - the substances affect the nervous system.
  3. Contact of pepper solution on the body of an individual leads to the fact that the insects stop feeding. This is what causes death.
  4. The pungent taste prevents aphids from drilling into parts of plants and eating juices.

Should I get rid of ants?

In most cases, garden ants do more good than harm. It has been established that these insects contribute to the accumulation of potassium and phosphorus in the soil in forms available for absorption by plants. In addition, garden ants destroy a number of dangerous garden pests.

However, ants are dangerous for the garden: they carry aphids, which destroy trees. Some types of ants can eat sweet berries. In addition, the structure of the anthill and passages is such that pesticides do not get inside, which means treating the area with these preparations will be useless.

If there are few ants in the area, you don’t have to take any measures.

Basic methods of struggle

Chemical insecticides are used to kill the pest. You can get rid of aphids on raspberries using folk remedies. This method is cheaper and does not harm the environment. Homemade recipes are chosen if there are few aphids. For insect infestations, synthetic fungicides are used.

Before treating the bush with a ready-made pesticide, neighboring plants that are not affected by harmful insects are covered with plastic film.

Garlic water

The spraying solution is prepared from plant shoots. Half a bucket of green mass is filled with five liters of water. Add 10–15 cloves of garlic. The crushed spice is soaked in boiling water and infused for 24 hours. The composition has a pungent odor that repels pests.

Read the article here for infusion of garlic against aphids, processing and methods of preparation.

Hot pepper

This is an effective remedy for aphids on raspberries. Pests cannot tolerate strong aroma. One teaspoon of pepper or crushed ripe pod is poured with a small amount of boiling water, covered tightly with a terry towel, and left for an hour. Before use, the concentrate is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10.

Onion infusion

This option is often used by summer residents. The recipe for making the tincture is as follows:

  • the peeled onion is crushed, ground, poured with warm water;
  • recommended proportion – 0.5 kg/5 l;
  • the solution is infused for three days, then filtered;
  • squeeze out the resulting onion pulp.

The mass is diluted in water and sprayed on the raspberry bush to repel aphids, as well as other insect pests.

Tobacco dust

The product has a nerve-paralytic effect on insects. Effective against all types of aphids. Individuals quickly die from tobacco dust. The only drawback is that the substance is washed off by rain. The treatment is carried out using the dry pollination method or the raspberry fields are sprayed with a mixture of water in a proportion of 100 g. tobacco dust per liter.

Infusion of tomato tops

A kilogram of organic material is added to a bucket of water. Boil and stand for five hours. Spraying raspberries with this product helps remove aphids and other insect pests.

Laundry soap

The damaging properties of the product are explained by the increased content of fatty acids, in particular caproic acid. It destroys up to 90% of pests. Typical recipe:

  • the soap is ground on a coarse grater;
  • the shavings are filled with two liters of water;
  • stir until a thick soap solution is formed;
  • the concentrate is diluted with 8 liters of warm water.

If the aphid population is small, it is enough to treat the branches and foliage with the composition. In case of pest invasion, finely dispersed spraying of shrubs is performed.

Dandelion infusion

Treating berry bushes with such a solution not only destroys insect pests, but also inhibits pathogenic bacteria. Dandelion is a natural insecticide. To prepare the solution, the plant is crushed, filled with water, and left for 5 hours.

Formula milk

The animal product is mixed with iodine to spray raspberry fields. When dried, the milk forms a thin film, which protects the bushes from aphids and pathogenic microorganisms.

Do-it-yourself effective infusion of celandine against pests

Celandine grows everywhere in our country, but many summer residents consider this plant a malicious weed and remove it from the site with great diligence. I, on the other hand, allow it to grow freely in my garden. And all because for several years in a row I have been using this unique plant for “selfish” purposes - I replace expensive insecticides with it.

From the above-ground part of celandine I prepare a universal infusion, which shows effectiveness in combating a number of garden pests.

In a 10 liter bucket I put 2.5-3 kg of fresh chopped grass or 400-500 g of dry grass and fill it to the top with warm water. I keep the mixture in a warm place for 2 days, stirring occasionally.

Then I filter, dissolve a third of a bar of laundry soap (in the form of shavings) and spray the affected crops with a sprayer in the following cases:

  • • cabbage when cutworm or white moth caterpillars appear on it;
  • • potatoes against the Colorado potato beetle;
  • • vegetable, berry and fruit crops against aphids;
  • • plants affected by spider mites or thrips;
  • • cabbage, radish, daikon, turnip and other plants of the cabbage family against cruciferous flea beetle;
  • • fruit trees and berry bushes, on which I find leaf-chewing caterpillars.

I also use celandine infusion to maintain the health of ornamental plants - it instantly deals with a variety of sucking and leaf-eating insects.

In addition, I use this product to disinfect planting material of bulbous and tuberous flowers before planting or storing - I soak it in this drug for 2 hours, dry it, and then plant it in a garden bed or send it to the cellar.

On a note

The maximum effect can be achieved if you use flowering celandine to prepare the infusion. At this time, it is also worth preparing the grass for future use by drying it, for example, in the attic.

Mega recipe for pests. You can't buy this in a store

We also recommend reading: Tar from pests - recipes and applications

"Killer" mixture

Dry grass can be used in other ways.

I grind it into powder, mix it with an equal volume of sifted wood ash, and then with this mixture I dust plant shoots covered with aphids, as well as cabbage leaves on which I notice caterpillars.

Pests immediately disappear after such an attack. To prevent the “killer” mixture from falling to the ground, but lingering on the leaves, before dusting, I irrigate the plants with water from a watering can or carry out a dew procedure.

Last fall, before the final closure of the dacha season, I spread dry celandine grass on the floor of the dacha house and barn, and in the spring I did not find a single sign of mouse activity in my “domains,” which surprised and pleased me beyond words.

Irina Viktorovna KUDRINA, Voronezh

Note: The allies are mugs

I advise you to use the infusion against white moths, cutworms, moths, apple, pear, plum moths, leaf rollers, plum and cherry aphids

You need to take fresh green leaves, chop them finely, fill a little more than a third of the bucket and fill it with warm water. It must be left for 3 days, after which the liquid should be strained and used immediately (cannot be stored). It is recommended to spray plants once a week.

Arkady Viktorovich MONICH

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Prevention measures

Preventive measures will help get rid of red gall aphids:

  1. It is necessary to weed the weeds in a timely manner, as they may contain aphid eggs.
  2. Before buds open, be sure to treat with insecticidal preparations: Iskra or Profilaktin.
  3. At the same time, scald the trunk circles, branches and soil around the berry bush with boiling water at 80 degrees.
  4. Attract predatory insects that feed on the parasite.
  5. Leaf aphids love nasturtium, cosmos, mallow, linden, viburnum, bird cherry, and roses, so it is better not to plant berry bushes next to these plants.

Is it possible to get rid of ants forever?

Summer residents and gardeners are fighting ants with varying degrees of success. These insects are tenacious, multiply quickly, and in search of a favorable place to live, they are able to move long distances. In addition, not all anthills are visible to the owner of the site. Usually large colonies are destroyed, small anthills hidden under buildings and decorative structures remain intact.

It is almost impossible to get rid of ants forever. You can forget about them for a long time only with a systematic approach. It is necessary to regularly inspect the area and, if a new anthill is discovered, begin to destroy the ants living in it. If you do this on time, you can almost completely destroy annoying insects within a season.

The best results are provided by services specializing in the fight against harmful insects. Their services are not cheap, but excellent results are guaranteed.

Milk serum

Whey is the residual liquid after curdling and straining milk. In addition to being used in the food industry, this dairy product can also be effective in ridding garden plants of various types of aphids.

In a situation where plants begin to bloom and bear fruit and when the use of pesticides is undesirable, an anti-aphid serum may be the ideal option.

Milk whey against aphids acts quickly enough (1-2 weeks), retains a long-lasting effect and is easily combined with other folk remedies when fighting aphids.

In addition, its use does not require additional or special weather conditions and tools.

The whey is easy to get or even make yourself. There is no need to dilute it with water and measure out identical exact portions.

For a positive effect, you just need to apply it correctly - namely, water each seedling at the root instead of water. This should not be done often - 1-2 times a day (depending on the climate).

Aphid whey is not poisonous and therefore does not pose any danger to humans. Additionally, read the material “The best folk remedies for combating aphids (part 1).”

Purchased funds

Purchased products guarantee effective removal of pests. In this case, it is possible to use chemical or biological agents. They differ in the principle of action, but the result will be the same - the elimination of aphids.


Chemicals or insecticides can effectively combat both the aphids themselves and their eggs. It is worth considering that insecticides also have some effect on the plant, so their choice should be approached very responsibly. There are a huge number of different chemicals on the market, among the most effective and common are the following:

"Aktara". This is a strong product that is positioned by the manufacturer as safe for plants. It is optimally suited for processing foliage of fruit crops. "Inta-Vir". The product is sold in powders and tablets. It is effective for destroying not only aphids, but also some other pests, namely: codling moth, cherry fly, leaf roller, thrips. Before use, the substance is dissolved in water, following the recommendations given on the package. "Tanrek". This is a common remedy that effectively eliminates aphids and also prevents their subsequent appearance. The retention of the result varies from 14-20 days to 30-35 days, depending on how much rain has passed during this time. "Decis Profi". This product is most effective in eliminating aphids from apple trees. It must be diluted in 10 liters of water (only half a gram of product is taken for this amount). After treating the apple tree, the result lasts for about one month. "Commander". This is a systemic insecticide that can be used to treat any plants. The product is sold in concentrated form, so before use it must be diluted with water. The effect after treatment lasts for 30-45 days

It is important to remember that the product is dangerous for bees, so it is not recommended to use it on flowering plants. "Prestige". This is one of the most common drugs that can be found in almost any specialty store.

Its main advantage is that the product has both insecticidal and fungicidal properties. "Coragen." After treating the plants, the product begins to act within 24 hours, maintaining the effect for 3-4 weeks. The main advantage of the drug is that it does not affect worms and pollinators in any way, allowing them to exist normally. "Double effect" This is an insecticide for. It affects the pest upon contact or when it enters the insect’s body. The product is very widespread due to the fact that it can provide comprehensive protection for the plant.

It is important! Insecticides are recommended for treating plants in early spring, even before the buds begin to bloom. In this case they will be most effective


Biological agents, including fungicides, are no less effective than chemical ones. The most common options include the following:

  1. "Jaguar". It should be used for cereals and legumes.
  2. "Aktofit". When treating plants, this remedy causes aphids to lose their ability to feed. As a result, after 2-3 days the insects die.
  3. "Fufanon." This is an organophosphorus agent that guarantees the effective removal of aphids from garden crops.
  4. "Entobacterin". Plants should be treated with this product on hot summer days, since its maximum effect begins when the temperature reaches 30 degrees Celsius. In addition, the drug begins to act only a week after treatment.
  5. "Ftoverm." This is a universal preparation that is suitable for use in the garden, in the garden, and indoors. They can even treat indoor plants against aphids.

It is important! It must be remembered that aphids are capable of developing immunity to a specific agent. That is why the treatment preparation must be changed regularly

Additional Methods

At home, you can get rid of aphids using improvised methods.

Coca Cola

The sprayer handle, along with the conductive tube, is immersed in a bottle of liter Coca-Cola purchased from a store. The drink is dangerous for insects due to the phosphoric acid it contains, which is detrimental to their chitinous cover. Both aphid colonies and ants that carry insects will not withstand the blow.


A high degree of alcohol works not only against microbes, but also against insects. We also put a sprayer on a bottle of vodka and treat the affected plants.


The fumes of ammonia paralyze aphids, which leads to the death of insects. The preparation method is simple: 2 tbsp. l. ammonia per 10 liters of water.

Wood ash

300 g of ash is mixed with 10 liters of water. You can add a little soap before spraying. The second option: spray the plants generously with water, then sprinkle them with dry ash.

Birch tar

It is believed that birch tar can cope with insects. Dissolve 100-200 g of tar in 10 liters of water and spray the affected plants with the resulting solution.

Boric acid

Boric acid is used in medicine to disinfect purulent wounds. Not surprisingly, it also helps get rid of pests. It is enough to dilute boric acid with water in a 1:1 ratio and spray it on the affected areas of the plants.

Flea shampoo

If you have flea shampoo left at home, you can try it against other insects. Dilute the product in water and spray it on aphid-infested plants - this is a good way to profitably use the remains of unnecessary shampoo.


Kerosene is a toxic substance. Kerosene-based solutions should be used before the flowering and fruiting period, so that it does not pass into the crop and does not affect human health. The ratio of kerosene to water when preparing the solution is 1:10.

Cigarette smoke

Cigarette smoke contains dozens of toxic substances, the main of which is nicotine. Tobacco smoke causes the death of aphids directly on plants, because insects are not able to resist the effects of nicotine.

Celandine in pest control

Not only warts disappear safely under the influence of orange-yellow celandine juice , but, according to some herbalists, other health problems can be solved with the help of this herb.

For us, gardeners, celandine is an effective remedy against garden pests and some diseases of our pets.

Spraying with fresh infusion of celandine and watering plants oppressed by aphids with it gives excellent results.

A few hours after the procedure, the pests simply fall off, and new colonies do not appear in the treated areas for a long time. And in general, the plants look better after treatment.

PREPARE the infusion like this. Four celandine bushes at the beginning of flowering are dug up by the roots, chopped into small pieces and filled with a bucket of water. After about 15 minutes, the liquid turns brown, which means it is ready for use: watering and spraying plants .

used in pest control . Celandine is harvested during flowering and dried in the shade. The wilted mass is finely chopped and dried, after which it is stored in paper bags.

Dry grass can be used to disinfect bulbs. After harvesting, the planting material is washed well and immersed for 30 minutes in an infusion of dry grass (150 g of dry celandine per 10 liters, kept for two days).

Before planting, the bulbs of tulips, gladioli and other bulbous plants are soaked in a warm infusion of celandine for two hours. Allow the bulbs to dry in the shade and plant them in the ground. The infusion (300 g of dry herb per 10 liters of water) is also prepared for two days.

Gladioli are less sick and damaged by pests if they are not only disinfected as described above before planting, but also regularly sprayed with it (500 g of dry celandine grass per 10 liters of water).

The plants are sprayed four times: at the stage of the second or third leaf, then the fifth or sixth, before flowering and after the growing season (tulips are sprayed three times). In addition, the soil around the plants must be mulched with chopped celandine .

The use of celandine in the fight against rodents gives good results . If you scatter dry grass between the bushes in the fall and mulch the plantings of bulbous and young trees, then mice will not visit these places.

ATTENTION! Celandine is a very poisonous plant , so you need to wear gloves when working with it, and wear a mask when spraying.

Source: https://ziz-fackt.ru/chistotel-v-borbe-s-vreditelyami.html

Prevention measures

The main enemy of aphids is not chemicals or herbal infusions. The pest can be defeated through prevention, treatment and regular garden care.

Aphid repellers

Gall and gooseberry aphids are afraid of the smell of herbs and plants with a high content of alkaloids. To repel the pest, it is enough to attach branches of elderberry, oregano, and any honey plants to the currants. Onions and garlic, tomato and potato tops are also used.

Weeding currant plants

You shouldn’t put into practice the newfangled advice “don’t injure the ground with a hoe.” Weeding destroys aphid nests in the soil and raises hidden pests from their hiding places for birds and natural enemies to see. Along the way, the soil is saturated with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the ripening time and quality of currant fruits.

Compliance with the rules for caring for currants

It is enough to use the usual rules of currant agricultural technology so as not to suffer with the removal of aphids:

  • in the fall, remove fallen leaves, cut out root shoots and shoots on old currant branches (aphids often overwinter here);
  • after cleaning the area, weed the root areas;
  • ant nests are destroyed with boiling water with hydrogen peroxide and insecticides;
  • the base of currant bushes is whitened, branches affected by aphids are removed;
  • when planning currant plantings, shrubs are placed away from cherry plum and apple trees - aphids hide in the trunks of these trees for the winter;
  • For prevention, the root soil is treated with potassium permanganate.

If pests and fungal-viral infections are detected on the site, measures are taken immediately, otherwise weakened plants will become “prey” for voracious aphids.


Destroys overwintered aphid eggs. Currant bushes are well poured with boiling water from a garden watering can. This must be done as soon as the snow melts - before the buds appear and the sap begins to flow.

Biological methods of control

Biological control methods will help repel ants from the area, but will not destroy them. This method is also good for prevention: under certain conditions, insects will not come to the garden, which means there will be no need to get rid of them.

To achieve this effect, you need to plant the following plants:

  • garlic - it protects raspberry and strawberry plantings especially well from ants;
  • parsley - ants avoid this plant;
  • calendula - ants do not like its smell, but attracts ladybugs, natural enemies of aphids;
  • sagebrush;
  • wild mint.

After harvesting tomatoes, do not throw away the tops. Grind it and spread it among the anthills.

Another method is labor-intensive, but gives amazing results. You need to go into the forest, dig up and put an anthill with red forest ants in a bag made of thick fabric. These insects are enemies for garden ants, and they are ruthless - in a few days they will destroy all the pests they find on the site. It is impossible for the red ants themselves to live in the garden; having dealt with their enemies, they will go into the nearest forest.

Ammonia - what is it?

Ammonia or ammonia

a very good nitrogen compound, having the lightest and most accessible form of nitrogen for plants. Sold in pharmacies in 40 ml bottles, a clear liquid with a pungent odor, a concentration of 10% - ordinary medical ammonia (sometimes a concentrated 25% ammonia solution).

The use of ammonia, unlike other nitrogen fertilizers, gives an immediate positive effect, which can be seen 4-5 days after watering; the plants will be transformed and come to life, turning green. Plants begin to grow quickly, pests in the ground die.

Nitrogen is a very important element for plants, promotes photosynthesis. With a lack of nitrogen, plants become sick and chlorophyll production is disrupted. The leaves lose color and begin to turn yellow. Buds and flowers fall off.

Nitrogen is necessary for all plants, without exception, but in different quantities.

The smell of ammonia can repel such pests

like onion fly, carrot fly, aphid, secretive proboscis, mole cricket, wireworm, ants, midges living on indoor plants.

Home flowers

water, diluting ammonia in the proportion of 1 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of water.

Attention: do not exceed the dose and take breaks of 2 weeks between using ammonia

What plants is it suitable for?

A soap solution against aphids is universal and helps get rid of pests on any plants. If regular soap is not available, you can get rid of aphids by applying tar soap to the plants.

Fruit trees

Aphids suck sap from tree leaves, spoil shoots and leave behind a substance that attracts other harmful insects. As a result, the foliage of fruit trees turns yellow and then dies. As a result, the yield level decreases. The plant becomes vulnerable to diseases and fungi.

To remove aphids, you need to use soap in solid or liquid form. First you need to grate the soap on a coarse grater. After this, you need to dilute 1 liter of warmed water. The required amount of soap is added to it.

This product covers the leaves with a film that makes it difficult for insects to move. In addition, laundry soap reduces the risk of plant disease.


Usually in the spring, aphids appear on rose bushes. It damages the stems and peduncle, sucking the juice from it. As a result, the rose dries out, its leaves curl and are affected by fungus. The bush dies.

To prevent this, you need to use soap. For a liter of warm water, take 50 grams of solid and 2 teaspoons of liquid. Every evening you need to spray the stems and foliage of the rose, after two weeks the pest will disappear from the flower.


Aphids on cucumbers cause their death in just a couple of days. Plant leaves turn yellow and fall off, and ovaries do not form. Therefore, you need to use means that will prevent this.

A mixture of ash and soap helps insects stick to the stem and leaves. To create a solution, you need to mix 200 grams of ash and 50 grams of soap per 10 liters of warm water. Stir the mixture and sprinkle it on the cucumber shoots.


The harmful insect damages the bush, reducing productivity and spoiling the inflorescences. A soap solution will help you cope with aphids on currants. This component interferes with the feeding of aphids, making it difficult for them to move.

You can use soap in both liquid and solid form. To protect the currant bush, you need to dilute 300 grams of the product in 10 liters of boiled water. After this, you need to spray the plant several times a day.


The insect appears on peppers due to the juicy fruits of the plant. After the aphids appear, the pepper leaves will begin to wither and deteriorate. As a result, the plant may not produce a harvest at all.

A soap solution will help exterminate the harmful insect. You need to dilute 5 grams of product per 1 liter of water. After this, the solution should be infused for 5 hours. When the deadline is up, you can spray the plant bush. In order for aphids to completely disappear from peppers, you need to spray the bushes 3-4 times.


After the appearance of aphids on the cabbage, various harmful microorganisms begin to multiply - rot, fungi, mold. Soap will not only drive away insects, but also restore leaves. You need to dilute 100 grams of the product in 1 liter of water at room temperature. After thorough mixing, you need to add another 9 liters of water, but this time cold. Next, the head of cabbage is sprayed.


Adult aphids suck the juices from the plant, causing the leaves to curl and become spotted. Insects damage flowers and young shoots. You need to use laundry soap in combination with wood ash to finally get rid of pests.

200 grams of ash and 50 grams of grated soap are added to the water. Everything is mixed and infused for an hour. You need to spray the viburnum with the prepared solution every day.


Aphids appear on the plant in June. As a result, the greenery does not grow, turns yellow, and mucus appears on it. Soap combined with garlic will help get rid of pests. For a liter of water you need to add 1 cup of crushed cloves and 200 grams of soap. It is necessary to mix the mixture and leave for 24 hours in a closed container.


If aphids appear on a raspberry, the plant will stop growing, its inflorescences will fall off, and the leaves will turn yellow. To prevent this from happening, you need to use a soap mixture. It is necessary to grate the product and mix with water until a soap mass is formed. You can spray the bush with the resulting solution.


The presence of insects can be determined by the type of plant. If it does not grow, the leaves dry out and the buds fall off, it means that aphids have settled on it.

To remove pests, you need to dissolve 50 grams of laundry soap in a liter of water.

Proven folk recipes

Today, many home garden owners try not to use chemicals in their gardens. In this case, traditional methods of fighting ants in the garden will help. They use products that are not hazardous to the health of animals and people.

The most common and proven method for decades is bait with brown or boric acid. Both of these substances are very poisonous to insects. Baits placed on the site will destroy not only the workers, but also the growing larvae and the queen itself. A small dosage does not act instantly, so the ants have time to eat, but also take the supplies to the nest, where they are already fed to the young and the queen. You can buy boric acid at a pharmacy, and borax at hardware stores and gardening departments.

The bait recipes are all accessible and simple. Here are a few of the most popular:

  • with sugar: 50 grams of sugar are dissolved in the same amount of water and 5 grams of boric acid are added, the syrup is poured into small dishes and placed next to insect paths, shares of water up to a volume of 1 liter can simply be poured into an anthill;
  • with an egg: boil three medium potatoes and three eggs, peel and crush the potatoes, mash the yolks into it, add one spoonful of butter and sugar, add a pack of boric acid to the resulting paste, roll the mixture into small balls and place it in places where pests accumulate;
  • mix a teaspoon of powder with two tablespoons of minced meat, roll the resulting bait into balls and place near the entrance to the anthill.

Simple yeast is also dangerous for these insects. They are mixed with water and sugar. The bait can be paste or liquid.

It can be quite difficult to deal with ants in a strawberry patch. Digging cannot be used here, since these pests most often settle in the plant outlet itself. Experienced gardeners advise using household chalk against cockroaches. On the paths along which ants move, they simply lay out planks or pieces of thick cardboard, outlined with this product. When the pests disappear, the poison is simply removed, so it neither gets into the soil nor onto the plants.

Decoctions and infusions of various plants are also widely used. To do this, use the green parts:

  • garlic;
  • potatoes;
  • celandine;
  • wormwood;
  • Bay leaf.

Some sources offer recipes with belladonna and dope. But it is worth remembering that these plants contain a strong poison that is toxic to pets and humans.

There are methods of combating using cereals. To drive insects away from the garden, you need to sprinkle semolina, millet or corn grits on their paths or near the anthill.

Also, in places where there are no useful plants, you can fill the nest with boiling water, but for this method to be effective, you will have to use a large amount of water. The chamber in which the queen is kept is usually located deep underground.

Herbal infusions for treating roses against aphids

It is especially important in these cases to observe the exact dosage to avoid burns to young shoots. Recipes for tinctures (use 2-3 times per season):

  • Tobacco infusion against aphids on roses

    Take 100 - 200 grams of tobacco and place it in a bottle, after which it is filled with boiling water.
    They insist for a day. Strain through cheesecloth. GENTLE ROSES! Rose Gloria Day climbing Yellow rose floribunda Arthur Bell Rose "Mondial"

  • Infusion of pine cones against aphids

    You will need 1 kg of pine needles and 4 liters of boiling water. Infuse for 7 days, pass through a sieve or gauze. To use, add half the water to the infusion.

  • Infusion of tomato and potato tops against aphids on roses

    Tomato or potato tops are crushed, filling the bucket 1/2 full. Pour boiling water to the very top and leave for a day. Then the rose bushes are sprayed against aphids.

  • Chamomile infusion

    Has an antibacterial and disinfectant effect.


  • 200 grams of crushed and dried chamomile flowers;
  • 2 liters of water.

Infuse for 12 hours. To eliminate aphids, the infusion is diluted with 3 parts of water, that is, in a ratio of 1:3. Use this solution to wipe the green parts of the rose for 7 days, taking breaks every other day.

  • Pepper against aphids

    To prepare this infusion, take kg of young or 280 - 300 grams of dried pepper. Cut into several parts, after which they infuse for 24 hours. Before using the pepper infusion against aphids on roses, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

  • Garlic infusion
    Take 200 grams of garlic and pour boiling water into a 1 liter jar. Infusion time – 5 days. Enough to take a couple of tbsp. spoons of this product into a bucket of water. To enhance the result, add soap shavings in the amount of 1 tbsp. spoons.

    Photo of garlic infusion

    When treating roses with these infusions against aphids to achieve the desired effect, follow the rules:

    • pre-treatment of a small amount of the area to test the plant's response;
    • carry out processing 14 days before collection, in the case when the petals are planned to be used for food or for care, for cosmetic purposes;

  • watering is carried out exclusively on a cloudy, cool day, and there should be no precipitation;
  • The best time to treat roses against aphids: early morning, late evening.
  • systematic processing, over several days, at regular intervals.
  • If the above rules are observed and there is no result, they resort to the use of chemicals.
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