Aerosol for killing crawling and flying insects - Dichlorvos Neo odorless: instructions for use and precautions

In order to find out the instructions for use for dichlorvos, you do not need to spend a lot of time - this product has been familiar to people since the times of the Soviet Union. However, you need to understand that the product has undergone significant changes - now we have Dichlorvos Neo odorless, which has many advantages. The new Dichlorvos for bedbugs, the reviews of which are only positive, has changed its structure and composition. The Neo prefix is ​​an indicator of a modern product: odorless Dichlorvos, which has good reviews.


The drug Dichlorvos Neo belongs to the group of organophosphorus compounds. The highly toxic product has a detrimental effect not only on pests and parasites, but also on people and pets.

The improved formula contains three active ingredients:

  • piperonyl butoxide;
  • permethrin;
  • cypermethrin.

Additional Ingredients:

  • ethanol;
  • fragrances;
  • preservatives;
  • stabilizers.

The manufacturer indicates that the toxic aerosol is odorless, but owners who have used the product to kill cockroaches, fleas, flies, ants, bedbugs, and other insects write about the presence of an unpleasant “aroma.” The smell of Dichlorvos Neo is not as strong as that of some insecticides, but it is still present.

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment using folk remedies? Check out a selection of effective recipes.

Instructions for using Regent 800 against cockroaches and precautions are described on this page.

How does Dichlorvos work against cockroaches?

For the cockroach repellent to take effect, you must:

  • Find the nest or location of the cockroaches, and then spray Dichlorvos around and directly into the habitat.
  • You can accurately spray directly onto the insect.
  • Another effective method is to apply the product to furniture and baseboards, where cockroaches most often appear.

The more Dichlorvos is applied to the cockroach habitat areas, the more effective the product is. Each insect that is affected by the spray transfers the poison to its fellow insects.


The combination of substances included in the pyrethroid group explains the high effectiveness of the insecticide. The active components have a neuroparalytic effect on harmful insects. Pyrethroids disrupt the transmission of nerve impulses, the insect’s organs do not function properly, and after some time the pest dies.

Dichlorvos Neo based on three active substances has a complex effect:

  • through the digestive system;
  • penetrates the respiratory tract;
  • enters the body of pests and parasites upon contact with treated areas (contact-surface action).

Purpose of the product

Dichlorvos enters the body through the respiratory tract or by contact with the skin or stomach. The organophosphorus compounds contained in the composition have a detrimental effect on the body , destroying the nervous system. As a result, blood circulation and the transmission of oxygen and other substances to the organs are disrupted, which leads to the death of the insect.

But in any case, dichlorvos is harmful to humans, as well as mammals, fish, and birds.

It is recommended to use against insects located in hard-to-reach places, larvae or eggs, nymphs of ticks, mosquitoes and others.


Organophosphorus compounds appeared on the insecticide market several decades ago. They are gradually being replaced by new drugs with an improved formula, high efficiency, but less toxicity. But people cannot yet completely abandon the use of this group of insecticides: solutions and aerosols quickly and efficiently destroy parasites and pests of almost all categories.


  • the universal composition has a detrimental effect on many flying and crawling insects;
  • the drug is effective for destroying secretly living pests;
  • high insecticidal activity has been confirmed by professional exterminators and millions of owners who have used the product to combat cockroaches, ticks, flies, moths, bedbugs, and fleas;
  • the complex effect ensures 100% disinfestation results;
  • the presence of three active ingredients reduces the likelihood of resistance: Dichlorvos acts even on pests and parasites that have adapted to the influence of weaker insecticides;
  • prolonged action - active components are effective for two weeks after treatment;
  • minimal aerosol consumption guarantees high performance;
  • after treatment, the drug residues quickly decompose into compounds that are safe for people and pets;
  • low price. Dichlorvos Neo belongs to the insecticides of the low price segment. The combination with a small consumption of the drug for treating a medium-sized apartment ensures the minimum cost of disinfestation at home.

Which dichlorvos to choose

Each user chooses the best cockroach repellent for himself. They vary slightly in price and all claim to kill insects. The difference may be in the smell of the product and the method of application. You also need to pay attention that if you use only one product for a long time, cockroaches can get used to it and develop immunity, so they often use several varieties and brands together or in sequence, depending on the reaction of the parasites.

Spray "Varan"

The cost of the spray is 79 rubles. It contains components that allow you to quickly and permanently get rid of cockroaches. After treatment, it not only kills, but also manifests itself in a residual property, which means a long absence of insects.

Spray "Neo"

"Neo" is the most recognized and effective spray against cockroaches. It has almost no specific odor, but despite this it is very toxic to insects. When it hits an individual, it kills it in almost seconds and scares away other unwanted animals. The only drawback is that cockroaches get used to the aerosol over time and its effect does not affect them. The average price of Dichlorvos is 70 rubles.

Clean house

The price on the market for the “Clean House” anti-cockroach product reaches 450 rubles, and it is not the cheapest product with unambiguous responses. The manufacturer offers a release form in the form of spray, powder, chalk, gel and traps. There are convenient attachments for treating hard-to-reach areas. It has a pleasant smell.


, proven in the market. The effective composition fights crawling insects well and kills cockroaches. Active poisons such as tetramethrin and cypermethrin paralyze the insect, killing it. The cost in the store of the product is 365 rubles.


Aerosol against cockroaches is aimed at killing insects. Contains toxic chemicals. They allow you to quickly get rid of unwanted “guests”. It is easily sprayed onto the insect habitat, destroying both adult individuals and their clutches. Without smell. Cost 215 rubles.

Dichlorvos gel against cockroaches

Dichlorvos gel against cockroaches is an insecticidal agent. The basis of the product is fipronil. The drug is less toxic to humans. The effect on cockroaches is a paralytic agent, which allows you to kill the insect within 8 hours. The gel is in a special syringe; it is applied in a thin line along the entire perimeter of the room, as well as on furniture and corners where cockroaches appear. Cost 45 rubles.


Professional exterminators recommend using a toxic aerosol to combat pests and parasites when harmful insects are actively breeding. If the population has reached alarming proportions, weaker drugs do not help, you will have to buy Dichlorvos. If the number of parasites and pests is small, it is advisable to choose an insecticide from a different group.


  • organophosphorus compounds are toxic, negatively affecting not only ticks, cockroaches, flies, fleas, but also people and pets;
  • Care is required when working with the drug: the lack of protective equipment quickly causes toxic damage to the body.

Warning! It is prohibited to spray a toxic product on bedding, pet hair, surfaces, containers and cabinets where food, medicines, and hygiene items are stored. Violation of the rule causes negative reactions in humans and pets.

Release form and instructions

The drug is available in aerosol form. Available in 190 ml and 600 ml cans. The cost of small cylinders starts from 150 rubles, large ones - from 275 rubles. Detailed instructions for using odorless Dichlorvos Neo are placed on the packaging. Basic precautions and conditions of use:

  • Do not use during pregnancy, near children or persons over 70 years of age;
  • do not spray at temperatures below +10 °C;
  • do not heat the cylinder above +40 °C;
  • Use no more than 1 package (190 ml) during the day.

The standard consumption of the substance when pressing the button at full force is 20 ml per second of spraying. The instructions for odorless dichlorvos establish additional consumption limits depending on the size of the room:

  • for an area of ​​up to 18 square meters, the total spraying time should not exceed 7 seconds;
  • with an area of ​​18-28 square meters, you cannot use more than 200 ml of the drug.

Violation of processing rules is deadly. Care is required when working: do not spray the aerosol directly on personal belongings, pet hair, children's toys, food and medicine (as well as places where they are stored).

Instructions for use

An aggressive organophosphorus agent requires caution when treating premises and strict adherence to the rules. Disinsection carried out in violation of instructions does more harm than good. After purchasing an aerosol, owners are required to read the rules and clarify the nuances of exterminating flying or crawling insects in the house.

The first stage is preparation for disinfestation:

  • warn neighbors about the upcoming treatment of the apartment. The ideal option is to jointly fight bedbugs, cockroaches, and fleas. If there are no parasites on the lower and upper floors, the neighbors will close the air vents, windows, and balconies so that the pests do not move to them;
  • remove children and pets from the home. Adult family members should also not breathe Dichlorvos: it is important to remember the high toxicity of the organophosphorus compound. Cover the aquarium with fish, take away the cat litter box and bowl;
  • remove hygiene products, dishes, food, kitchen towels, and other items that absorb aerosol vapors;
  • move furniture away from the walls, provide access to all areas where harmful insects live;
  • wear protective clothing: old overalls, necessarily, with long sleeves, a respirator, medical gloves, plastic safety glasses;
  • open the windows and provide a good flow of fresh air.

Treatment of premises:

  • shake the can, direct the stream to areas where parasites are found;
  • Keep the container at arm's length so that the vapor does not get on your face. The spray actively penetrates into all cracks, if the distance from the can to the baseboards or furniture is no more than 25–30 cm;
  • treat corners, walls, window sills, baseboards, floors, cabinets, and the area next to the trash can and sink. Be sure to spray the composition in the air vents, on the back of panels, paintings, carpets, and treat any loose wallpaper and the wall behind it;
  • carefully walk through the cracks in cracked window frames, doors, and baseboards. The ideal option is to replace worn structures or seal cracks before disinfestation begins;
  • a mandatory step is spraying Dichlorvos on the backs and legs of furniture, especially those located close to the walls;
  • after treatment, leave the apartment or house for a couple of hours, do not close the windows;
  • Upon return, monitor your body’s reaction. If there is no dizziness, nausea, or unpleasant taste in the mouth, it means the room is well ventilated;
  • if signs of toxic damage appear, go out into fresh air and allow the toxic aerosol vapors to dissipate;
  • children, sick, weakened family members, pregnant women can return to their home after 4–5 hours to eliminate the negative impact of an aggressive organophosphorus compound. The best option is to wait until a day has passed;
  • An obligatory step is wet cleaning using a soap and soda solution. Exterminators advise washing all areas that family members come into contact with, but not wiping hard-to-reach areas so that the product will last longer.

Insect control

Dichlorvos is a universal drug that acts on different types of insects. But for each you need to choose your own approach: this is how the treatment of the room will be most effective.


Bedbugs are blood-sucking parasites; the poison cannot enter their body with food. Dichlorvos will work if you spray all surfaces with which uninvited guests come into contact. It is also necessary to find nests - this will help destroy most of the uninvited guests. Typically, bedbugs live in sofas, beds, armchairs and other upholstered furniture, mattresses, bed linen, old furniture, and books.

To get rid of bedbugs using Dichlorvos, you need to:

  1. Free up hard-to-reach places.
  2. Find nests.
  3. Spray them at a distance of about 25 cm.
  4. Repeat treatment after 7-14 days.

The chemical is also effective in the fight against bed bugs. To withdraw them, follow these instructions:

  1. Remove bed linen.
  2. Wash it at high temperatures, treat it with an insecticide, wash it again.
  3. Remove the mattress.
  4. Find a nest of bed bugs.
  5. Spray it with spray.
  6. Treat the sleeping area.
  7. Leave for 3-4 hours.
  8. Ventilate the room.
  9. Wipe furniture and floors with a damp cloth soaked in a solution of 0.5 pieces of laundry soap and 1 liter of water.
  10. After 1.5 -2 weeks, re-treat.

Advice! During the treatment period, it is better to sleep in a different place.

Before poisoning bedbugs, warn your neighbors about this if you live in an apartment building. Uninvited guests may run to nearby apartments to escape the poison. It is best if neighbors begin to remove parasites at the same time and take preventive measures.

Cockroaches, ants

The effect of Dichlorvos on cockroaches is not so effective; it is best to combine the aerosol with other means, for example, traps.

Insects die when they come into contact with the insecticide. It is necessary to treat all surfaces where they have been. Most often, cockroaches live in the kitchen, in which case you need to act very carefully: you must not allow the poison to get into your food or dishes. Use an odorless chemical to prevent it from becoming embedded in your kitchen furniture.

Dichlorvos against cockroaches will help if you follow the instructions:

  1. Deprive pests of access to water - cockroaches will not live long without liquid.
  2. Remove all dishes, or at least cover them with plastic wrap.
  3. Remove food from the kitchen.
  4. Clear all hard-to-reach places.
  5. Spray all cracks, baseboards, corners, cabinets, shelves.
  6. Treat floors and walls.
  7. Close the room, leave it.
  8. After 1.5-2 hours, ventilate the kitchen.
  9. Carry out wet cleaning with a solution of 0.5 bars of laundry soap and 1 liter of water.
  10. Repeat the procedure for removing cockroaches after 2-3 weeks.

The principle of operation of Dichlorvos against ants is similar: you need to spray the aerosol in the room where insects were seen most often.

However, there are some nuances here:

  • To effectively get rid of an ant colony, you need to find the nest where the queen lives. There may be several such places. The chemical is sprayed over the nest at a distance of 20-30 cm;
  • Foraging ants usually remember the path from the nest to the food source and always use it. By observing the habits of insects, you can find their habitat.

Attention! As with bedbugs, warn your neighbors before poisoning cockroaches and ants. These insects can also move into neighboring apartments.


Dichlorvos against fleas helps when all their habitats have been thoroughly treated. Pests usually hide in pet bedding, on carpets, rugs, and behind baseboards. To get rid of fleas, you need to spray the product on these objects, walls, furniture up to 1 m high. These pests can jump high, so if you miss a section of the wall or habitat, the fleas will return very soon.

Do not spray the chemical near food bowls. Bedding and blankets must be washed well at high temperature 1-2 weeks after flea removal. Before washing, pets should not be allowed on them; people should also limit contact with treated items.

Attention! To completely destroy fleas, you need not only to treat the surfaces, but also to remove pests from the animal’s fur. Use special drops, a collar, and shampoo.

Flies, mosquitoes, wasps

Dichlorvos helps against the invasion of wasps, mosquitoes, flies, and midges in the apartment. To get rid of flying individuals, follow these recommendations:

  1. Apply the product to the areas where most pests are usually found.
  2. Spray the product around the apartment.
  3. Leave for 3-4 hours, during which time residents should not be at home.
  4. Ventilate all rooms.
  5. After 30-60 minutes, carry out wet cleaning.

Repeat this procedure after 6-7 days to ensure that flies, midges and wasps are removed.

Attention! To get rid of mosquitoes, it is more convenient to use safer means, for example, fumigators. They act just as effectively, but cause much less harm to health.


To get rid of moths using Dichlorvos, you need to:

  1. Remove all clothes and shoes from the closet.
  2. Take fur and fur coats out onto the balcony or street.
  3. Spray the chemical inside.
  4. Leave the cabinet closed for 2-3 hours.
  5. Spray a large fabric or clothing cover with the aerosol.
  6. Cover fur items with this material so that they absorb the smell.
  7. Open the cabinet doors and leave the windows in the room open to ventilate the furniture a little.
  8. Wipe the shelves with cleaning liquid.
  9. Repeat treatment after 3-4 weeks.

In addition, the product is used as a prophylaxis. Before storing wool or fur, wrap it in paper sprayed with poison.

The insecticide is allowed to be used only for clothes and textile moths. It is highly undesirable to use it on kitchen cabinets and shelves, as the product remaining on them will poison food. Floors and baseboards can be sprayed, but before doing this, you must remove all food from the room and use the room less often for 2 weeks after spraying.

Attention! To protect your cabinets from moths, place bags of dried lavender and dried citrus slices on the shelves.


Dichlorvos also helps get rid of body lice. It effectively kills adults, but is completely harmless to nits - parasite eggs have a special protective shell, so the treatment must be repeated 2-3 times every 2-3 weeks.

You can remove body lice with Dichlorvos as follows:

  1. Place contaminated items in large plastic bags.
  2. Spray an aerosol inside them.
  3. Leave for 1-2 hours.
  4. Wash on high temperature.
  5. Iron at the maximum permissible setting.

It will not be possible to remove lice on the head with Dichlorvos, since the chemical is very toxic, causes skin irritation, peeling, and often leads to hair loss. There are more convenient and safer remedies for head lice.

Other insects

The insecticide also helps get rid of other annoying insects, both in the house and in the garden.

For example, Dichlorvos is used to remove spider mites from indoor plants. Instructions for use are as follows:

  1. Cover the plant with a cardboard cone or plastic bag.
  2. Make a small hole in it.
  3. Spray the flower with insecticide.
  4. Leave for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Remove the cap and bag.
  6. Repeat treatment after 6-8 days.

Attention! If possible, use another product, as the drug is harmful to plants and soil.

Dichlorvos will help remove spiders and double-wort, but the former are not so susceptible to the chemical. Follow this procedure:

  1. Spray the poison in all hard-to-reach places, especially damp and warm ones.
  2. Treat areas where traces of two-wort or cobwebs were noticed.
  3. Leave the apartment for 2-4 hours.
  4. Ventilate the rooms.
  5. Wipe floors and walls with a damp cloth.

Another way to use Dichlorvos is to kill aphids on roses. It is necessary to treat flowers according to the instructions, just like indoor plants when spider mites appear. In this case, there is no need to cover the plant with a cone, because the processing takes place in the fresh air.

Again, the chemical is quite aggressive, it is better to use less toxic products.

Ants from the garden are also removed with Dichlorvos. To do this, spray the product over the anthill and around it.

Dichlorvos poisoning: what to do

Precautionary measures minimize the risk of toxic damage, but some owners do not adhere to the rules and believe that the “odorless” prefix reduces the toxicity of the product. Spraying an aerosol without protective clothing or inhaling vapors of a potent composition causes negative reactions.

Symptoms of poisoning:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • vomit;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • skin rashes;
  • hard breath;
  • in severe cases: seizures, vision problems.

What pests of indoor plants are there, how to recognize them and how to fight them? We have the answer!

How to deal with house ants and prevent the reappearance of insects is written on this page.

Go to the address and read about how to remove fleas from a cat using folk remedies and how parasites are dangerous for humans.

First aid:

  • go out into the fresh air;
  • wash the skin with a weak solution of soda if the product gets on your hands;
  • give a sorbent for the rapid removal of toxins;
  • transport the victim to a hospital for professional assistance.

Warning! Dichlorvos is an aggressive insecticide of the group of organophosphorus compounds. Poisoning by aerosol vapors often causes severe side effects; accidental spraying on the skin provokes allergic reactions. You cannot experiment, give laxatives, mineral water, herbal infusions, or artificially induce vomiting. If signs of poisoning do not disappear within half an hour of being in the fresh air, it is necessary to call an ambulance or take the victim to the hospital by personal transport. Delay provokes severe reactions in the body.

Are modern Dichlorvos effective?

Modern Dichlorvos are definitely effective, progress does not stand still and the products improve their composition every year. It becomes more poisonous to cockroaches and less smelly and unsafe for humans and animals.

Modern industry on the Dichlorvos market offers a wide selection of drugs, all of them are not much different from each other, because their main active ingredients are similar. The composition of modern products includes: cypermethrin, esfenvalerate, permethrin, vaporrin, tefluthrin and other active poisons.

The store presents such brands of Dichlorvos as: Neo, Eco, Universal, Varan, Super.

Do cockroaches die from Dichlorvos?

Yes, of course, cockroaches die from Dichlorvos, but not immediately. The substance needs time to act on the insect’s body. You cannot see the immediate effect when spraying. Unfortunately, it happens that one treatment is not enough. This can happen due to the fact that, in addition to adult cockroaches, they lay eggs in different corners and clutches. Consequently, after some time, young offspring begin to hatch from the eggs and Dichlorvos did not affect them, since the embryos were in a cocoon.

It is for this reason that repeated treatment and spraying is carried out in places where masonry is laid. If there are no pets or children in the room who can lick up the toxic chemicals of Dichlorvos, it is better to postpone cleaning and washing the floors for a couple of weeks. Over time, the substances will dissolve in the air and stop working.

How quickly does Dichlorvos act against cockroaches?

To date, Dichlorvos remains the most effective means of removing cockroaches. Due to its properties, it kills insects quite quickly. Within 10 minutes of contact with the insect, depending on the concentration, it dies. If an insect transfers the composition of the product to another fellow insect, then the life of the pest ends within a couple of hours.

Does Dichlorvos kill cockroach eggs?

Some people who use the product believe that Dichlorvos is not effective, as they notice the return of cockroaches to the premises. Although this is not true, because an adult who has felt the effect of the aerosol dies. The reappearance of cockroaches means that the insect previously left the clutches and new offspring hatched that did not interact with the poisons.

In most cases, it has been proven that Dichlorvos has too little effect on cockroach eggs, so we can say that it does not kill cockroach eggs 100%. The eggs are in a so-called capsule, which is not affected by water or chemicals; moreover, such a larva can survive frosts down to -11 degrees.

But in the modern composition of Dichlorvos, manufacturers guarantee the killing of eggs in the larva. It all depends on the concentration of the product in the affected area. Cockroaches are very prolific and their effective removal completely depends on the destruction of clutches. It is best, after the main treatment with a disinfectant, to go through the area where cockroaches accumulate again after a few days, since the birth of new young insects is possible.

Is the spray harmful to humans and pets?

The composition of Dichlorvos contains pesticides, but their action and concentration mainly affects only insects. There are precautions for humans and animals to avoid exposure to aerosols. Of course, if you specifically spray Dichlorvos on a person or animal, you can cause a negative reaction, most often it can be difficulty breathing and irritation of the mucous membranes; if it comes into contact with food, vomiting and diarrhea are also possible.

In some cases, allergies and itching of the skin occur, nausea and vomiting are possible if the product was accidentally licked from the treated area by an animal or child. To avoid unwanted symptoms, animals and children should be removed from the premises for some time during treatment and disinfection. When processing, be sure to open the windows and ventilate the room.


Most owners confirm the effectiveness of the toxic drug: pests and parasites quickly die. The effectiveness of the product increases with repeated processing.

There are also negative reviews, especially when exterminating cockroaches and bedbugs: some insects have become resistant to insecticides, sometimes even Dichlorvos does not help. In such a situation, you will need to call professional exterminators from the sanitary services.

Many owners talk about the high toxicity of the product and the not very pleasant smell after treating the premises. One of the tips is to use Dichlorvos to remove insects at the dacha, or to purchase another product for disinfestation of an apartment or private house.

When parasites and pests are actively multiplying, owners remember an aggressive insecticide based on three potent substances. The odorless drug Dichlorvos Neo quickly destroys cockroaches, flies, bedbugs, fleas, and other insects living near humans. When disinfesting premises yourself, it is important to remember the high toxicity of the product and follow the processing rules and precautions.

Cleaning after disinfestation

The effect of toxic substances in any dichlorvos lasts quite a long time, from two to four days. It is best to go on vacation or out of town at this time. But if residents do not have the opportunity to leave the house for such a time, then before returning home, everything needs to be thoroughly ventilated and washed.

The following measures will help you avoid interaction with dichlorvos:

  • open windows and doors for through ventilation for 2-3 hours;
  • vacuum the carpets and do wet cleaning with special cleaning products;
  • wash all surfaces in the room: tables, chairs, shelves, window sills, etc.;
  • Rinse indoor plants in the shower if they were in the room being treated.

Even if all precautions are taken, the condition of people and pets must be monitored within 24 hours after treatment. Allergy sufferers, children, and the elderly have increased sensitivity to insecticides. An allergy or intolerance to a toxic substance can also occur in a healthy adult. Signs that should alert you include dizziness, incessant cough, watery eyes, weakness, convulsions, rash or redness on the skin, headache, nausea. If allergic reactions or signs of dichlorvos poisoning occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Contraindications and side effects

Dichlorvos poses a danger to human and animal health. The drug contains toxic substances such as:

  • piperonyl butoxide,
  • cypermethrin,
  • permethrin,
  • deltamethrin.

Unlike insects, these components in humans, as a rule, cause low-toxic poisoning, but in case of an overdose of vapors or liquids, the victim experiences a general deterioration in health.

Dichlorvos has many contraindications and side effects

Table: stages of poisoning

NameWhen it happensSymptoms
ExcitationAbout twenty minutes after contactDizziness, migraine, agitation, gagging, poor coordination, bronchial cough, constriction of the pupils, sometimes pressure surges, tachycardia
ConvulsionsA few hours laterGeneral deterioration in health, severe weakness, heavy breathing, convulsions, muscular urge to urinate, faintness, stupor, increased salivation, lack of reaction to light, sometimes heart collapse, problems with the cardiovascular system
ParalysisFurtherLoss of consciousness, rapid breathing, lack of response to stimuli

According to the author of the article, it is possible to avoid serious consequences as a result of dichlorvos poisoning by using alternative methods of pest control, including traditional methods.

Signs of drug poisoning, first aid

If dichlorvos poisoning does occur, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. The victim is taken out into fresh air.
  2. Place it in a horizontal position.
  3. Remove clothing or its elements that restrict breathing.
  4. The victim's nose and mouth are rinsed with soda solution.

The latter can only be done if the poisoned person is conscious. Under no circumstances should an unconscious person be given ammonia to sniff. After providing first aid, the victim should be taken to the nearest hospital department. If a person is unconscious, call an ambulance.

If the substance gets on the skin, wash the affected areas with plenty of water or a weak soda solution, and apply a sterile bandage. If the person has not lost consciousness, it is advisable to perform a gastric lavage with activated carbon, since pyrethroids can enter the body through the epithelium. If there are signs of dichlorvos poisoning, immediately provide first aid to the victim and call an ambulance

In the case of eyes, the duration of rinsing can reach 20–25 minutes. Soap and other hygiene products should not be used. After assistance is provided, a sterile bandage is applied to the eyes, and the victim is taken to the hospital.

If the product is swallowed, it is forbidden to induce vomiting, use a laxative to cleanse the intestines, and give the person drink soda.

It is important to deliver the victim to a medical center in a timely manner, where, most likely, he will be prescribed inpatient treatment.

Precautions when using Dichlorvos

Work is carried out in protective equipment: respirator, glasses, gloves, headscarf, long sleeves. It is important to carry out processing indoors. If there is a draft, the concentration of active components will decrease, and at the same time the unpleasant odor will spread throughout the entire facility. Insecticides should not come into contact with food, personal items and hygiene items. Animals are taken out of the room. If you have an aquarium, you need to take it out or cover it with glass, after turning off the oxygen supply system.


It is necessary to treat all places where bedbugs can settle with dichlorvos against bed bugs. Usually these are dark, hard-to-reach areas with a constant temperature in which bedbugs can safely lay their eggs.

Pay special attention to sofa and bed frames, cracks in the floor and walls, sinks, ventilation holes, door and window openings. Bedbugs can even settle in water pipes, so they will also have to be treated

Poisoning bedbugs with Dichlorvos is quick and practical. The product is universal and actively destroys other flying and blood-sucking insects. During treatment, it is necessary to remove children, pets, allergy sufferers, pregnant women, and people suffering from respiratory problems from the premises. If aquariums and cages cannot be taken out, cover them with thick cloth to prevent pets from being poisoned by toxic substances.

Important! The product has low toxicity, but if it enters the human body it can cause poisoning. Keep the aerosol as far from the body as possible

Shake the aerosol can well before use. During treatment, close doors and windows tightly, and it is better to seal the fire alarm with thick material. Wear a protective suit - clothing with long sleeves and trousers, as well as a respirator to protect the respiratory system. Treat all vertical and horizontal surfaces that blood-sucking parasites may come into contact with.

For convenience, disassemble the sofa and beds: boil the bed linen, treat the mattress separately. Hold the can at arm's length and spray carefully. After treatment, thoroughly ventilate the room, wash all surfaces with soap and water or powder.

Handling Precautions

Dichlorvos is a product with low toxicity, but still poses a threat to human health and domestic animals. For safety reasons, when processing an apartment, the following is required:

  1. Wear a protective suit consisting of long sleeves and long pants. To protect the respiratory system and mucous membrane, you must wear a respirator.
  2. Avoid direct contact with the drug. In case of contact with skin, wash off with plenty of water. The product can cause a short-term allergic reaction, and if ingested, it can cause poisoning.
  3. Keep away from open fire and gas, alcoholic beverages and food, personal hygiene products.
  4. It is better to wear safety glasses over your eyes.
  5. Keep out of reach of children, away from medications. Do not rip off the packaging, so as not to confuse it with other products.

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