20 smallest animals of the class "mammals"

Our planet is inhabited by numerous animals living on land, in water, in the air and underground. Their world is rich and diverse and each of the creatures occupies its own specific niche. All of them are different from each other and differ not only in their lifestyle, but also in their incredible size. And if large creatures are always in sight, then small ones are not so easy to meet, although there are quite a lot of them.

flickr/Markus Fleute

Researchers from many countries travel around the world in search of new species of miniature creatures, but finding them is not so easy, so quite often scientists fail. But when they manage to discover a new creature hitherto unknown to anyone, their joy has no end. Recently, researchers have discovered many new species of baby animals.

Microfrogs Paedophryne

The smallest land animal. Microfrogs (lat. Paedophryne) - this small frog belongs to the family of narrow-mouthed frogs, or microfrogs.

flickr/Yvonne Laurence

It is considered the smallest in the world, its length does not exceed 7.7 mm, but sometimes it grows up to 11.3 mm. This little one was recently discovered, it was found in Papua New Guinea. The females of these amphibians are slightly larger than the males. Thanks to its brown color, this frog is invisible neither on the ground, nor among the foliage, nor on tree trunks.

Who are shrews?

First, you should figure out who they are in general - shrews? Outwardly, these creatures look like small mice and do not grow more than a few centimeters. That is, they themselves are very tiny. These animals can be found almost everywhere except in the polar regions of the planet, Australia, New Zealand and South America. They lead a solitary lifestyle and spend a lot of time underground. They either dig holes themselves or take them from other animals like moles. Shrews are considered omnivores, but prefer insects most of all. Although, there are times when they attack lizards, frogs and other small creatures.

Shrews look like small, fluffy elephants

Fish Paedocypris progenetica

The smallest aquatic animal. The fish Paedocypris progenetica is recognized as the smallest inhabitant of water bodies. It can be found in sewage streams and peat swamps in Indonesia.

The largest are the females of these fish, but they are also small - 10.3 mm in length. The smallest officially recorded length of this fish is 7.9 mm. Interestingly, these little ones belong to one of the large carp families!

Chameleon Brookesia minor

The smallest lizard in the world. Brookesia minima chameleon (lat. Brookesia minima) is an inhabitant of the tropical forests of Madagascar and the smallest lizard.

flickr/Kurt Bleys

Due to its tiny size (1.2 cm) and the ability to change color (in fact, like all chameleons), it is not easy to notice in natural conditions. It was discovered in 2007 near the island of Madagascar, and this chameleon was described only in 2012.


Mustela nivalis is a European weasel, more commonly known as the little weasel or pygmy weasel due to its small size. It belongs to the Mustelidae family. An adult male weighs no more than 125 g, while the female is much lighter - on average only 80 g with a length of about 20 cm. Her thin body allows her to get anywhere. It should be noted, however, that the size of the European weasel may vary depending on the region. In any case, it is the smallest carnivorous mammal and the smallest of all mustelids.

Denis's seahorse

Denis's seahorse (lat. Hippocampus denise) is another little one and a master of camouflage. It lives in the warm waters of the western Pacific Ocean at a depth of about 16-90 m.


One can only wonder how such a tiny creature, whose length does not exceed 1 cm, manages to survive among the cruel world of marine life. But it turns out that it is possible to survive: it perfectly camouflages itself as gorgonians or the corals in which they live, painting its body orange or yellow.

Dwarf gecko

The dwarf gecko (lat. Sphaerodactylus ariasae) is a small creature, the size of which does not exceed 1.6-1.8 cm, and easily fits on the thumbnail. This little thing weighs nothing - 0.2 grams.


It is worth noting that this gecko was discovered in 2001, but despite this it is already in danger of complete extinction. It is probably worth thanking those researchers who timely calculated its number, in view of which the dwarf gecko was immediately listed in the Red Book.

Irukandji jellyfish

The Irukandji jellyfish (lat. Carukia barnesi) is an unusually poisonous and very small creature that lives in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Australia. Externally, this jellyfish resembles a white translucent bell. Its dimensions are only 12x25 mm, and the tentacles are from 1 mm to 1 m long.

But it was not only its size that attracted the attention of researchers. This little thing can not only paralyze a person, but even kill him. There is no antidote yet, since this species has not yet been studied enough and, therefore, its poison too.

What to feed the babies?

In the wild, these animals are unpretentious in food and feed on what surrounds them: grains, insects, grass - in the summer there is plenty of food for them. In winter, mice do not hibernate, so they need to think in advance about what they will eat during this difficult period and prepare seeds in advance that will help them cope with adverse weather conditions.

At home, the mouse needs to be provided with food by its owners, and in order for your pet to live to the age of three and die in old age, you need to take good care of it. Proper balanced nutrition for rodents is very important. So, what to feed baby mice?

  1. The basis of the diet of these rodents are cereals and cereals.
  2. It is useful to add small pieces of carrots and seasonal fruits to the main dish.
  3. Fresh greens must be present in the diet of babies every day.
  4. It is worth remembering that in the wild these mice also feed on insects, so this part of the diet also needs to be thought about. You need to add worms and grasshoppers to the food; you can even feed the rodent some raw minced meat.
  5. From time to time it is advisable to feed the mouse cottage cheese and white bread soaked in milk.
  6. Another very important rule is that the water in the drinking bowl must be changed daily.

If you think about it, baby mice don’t require that much attention and care, but if you follow all the above recommendations, then your pet will be healthy, active and beautiful, and it is in this state that he will be able to best thank you for your love, given by you.

hummingbird bee

The smallest bird. The bee hummingbird (lat. Mellisuga helenae) is the smallest among birds.


It was discovered in 1844 in Cuba by Juan Cristobal. Its weight is only 1.6-2 g, and its body length is 5-7 cm. It feeds, like all hummingbirds, on the nectar of flowers. Interestingly, the heart of this miniature bird beats at a frequency of 300-500 beats per minute.

Djungarian hamster (Phodopus sungorus)

Size: body 80mm, tail up to 11mm Weight: 20-65 g Habitat: Khakassia, Western Siberia Food: cereals

The small and fluffy Djungarian hamster adapts perfectly to home conditions. His luxurious fur can be classic brown, light gray and even red. In captivity they live up to 2 years and are ready to breed all year round. In its natural habitat, a light stripe appears on the hamster's back from the top of its head to the tip of its tail.


Pygmy shrew

The smallest mammal. The pygmy shrew, or Etruscan shrew (lat. Suncus etruscus) is an inhabitant of southern Europe, southern Asia and northern Africa.


Many scientists believe that for an animal to exist normally, it must weigh at least 2.5 g, but this little one, whose weight is only 1.5 g and whose body length is 3-4.5 cm, lives and thrives well. But to do this, she has to eat all the time, and therefore she hardly sleeps. The heart rate of the pygmy shrew is 1300 beats per minute.

Three-toed jerboa

Three-toed jerboa

(international scientific name -
Salpingotulus michaelis
) is an unimaginable creature that simply amazes with its touching appearance and its irrepressible energy for such a small body.
In recent years, the three-toed jerboa has become an Internet star. Videos showing these funny mammals regularly appear on the Internet. It is the smallest rodent on the planet
, weighing only 3 grams. The average length of the three-toed jerboa is about 5 centimeters. The tail of this creature is many times longer than the body itself and can reach... twenty-five centimeters!

The three-toed jerboa is native to Afghanistan and Pakistan, but 25 species of this tiny animal can be found throughout Central Asia and China. Interesting fact: one of the relatives of the three-toed jerboa is the long-eared jerboa (Allactaga euphratica)

so popular and beloved in Afghanistan that the government of that country issued a postage stamp in 1989 dedicating it to this rodent.

Hog-nosed bat

The pig-nosed bat, or bumblebee mouse (lat. Craseonycteris thonglongyai) - lives in the west of Thailand and the southeast of Burma.

flickr/Daniel Hargreaves

Its weight is only 2 g, and its body length is no more than 4 cm. According to the latest data, their number is several hundred individuals, therefore it is a vulnerable species listed in the Red Book. In flight it resembles a hummingbird.

Snake Tetracheilostoma carlae

The snake Tetracheilostoma carlae is the shortest snake found in the Caribbean.

Blair Hedges, Pennsylvania State University

This baby grows to only 100-104 mm in length and can easily be confused with an earthworm. Likes to hide under stones and also in the soil. It feeds on termites, ant eggs and other small insects. Not poisonous.

In order to survive, many creatures during evolution have to take on the most bizarre shapes and unusual sizes. The most striking proof that nature has prepared many surprises for us are the miniature animals of our planet.

American shrew mole

American shrew mole

(international scientific name -
Neurotrichus gibbsii
) with its 10 grams of weight (that's like two 5-cent coins!) is just over 6 centimeters long, and its tail sticks out two and a half centimeters. This mammal lives in moist forests in the northwestern United States and southeastern British Columbia, Canada.

Like other, larger moles, the American shrew mole has a long proboscis ending in a flattened tip and knife-sharp claws, allowing it to use its tiny paws to dig holes and search for food.

Unlike its relatives - large moles, which, as is known, spend most of their lives underground, digging endlessly long tunnels and underground passages, the American shrew mole usually hunts on the surface of the earth.

In addition, he often climbs tall bushes in search of food, which turns out to be small insects.

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