TOP 10 Best remedies for mice and rats in a private home: we fight rodents effectively! +Reviews

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Olga Polyakova 03.23.2020


Mouse repellent

Rodents have been human companions since the discovery of agriculture. As soon as a person began to cultivate the land and receive the first harvests, he began to need to store large quantities of grain. With the advent of the first granaries, various rodents - rats and mice - firmly established themselves in human settlements. The latter, due to their small size, can penetrate into any corner of human houses, find food in them and arrange homes.

And everything would be fine if not for one “but”: mice are the source of a large number of infectious diseases and various parasites . Despite the small size of rodents, fighting them is quite a difficult task due to their numbers. A female mouse can give birth to offspring up to 14 times in a year; Moreover, each litter will have from 3 to 10 mice. If all the offspring survived, in a year the offspring of one mouse would exceed 2 billion individuals. Let's look at the best mouse control products currently on the market, as well as an effective folk remedy.

Classification of funds

Mice control products

Conventionally, mice control agents can be divided into three large groups:

  • physical means (mousetraps, traps, traps, scarers, etc. this also includes the natural enemies of mice - cats);
  • chemicals (poisonous substances in various designs - from powders and aerosols to poisoned baits in the form of treats);
  • folk remedies ; are physical or chemical means, or combinations thereof, made in an artisanal way

Depending on various conditions and circumstances, it is necessary to use a specific type of remedy or a combination of several. For example, if there are pets in the house, it is better not to use poisonous baits, etc. Let's describe the different types of mice repellents in more detail:

How to protect your home from mice

Once your home is finally rodent free, it's important to make sure they don't come back. This can be done in several ways.

Use sealant and steel wool

Unfortunately, mice have ways of getting into the house through the smallest holes and even making them even larger by gnawing. However, sealant and “steel wool” are too tough for these pests. Experts advise How to get rid of mice in your house and prevent them from ever coming back / Good Housekeeping to pay special attention to the places where the pipes pass, as well as to the floor in the basement along the walls, ventilation and fireplace, if there is one.

Reduce the number of bushes near the house

Shrubs and piles of branches attract mice. Therefore, it is worth regularly trimming the green spaces near the house and maintaining order on the site. Mice love to build nests in piles of things, so it is better to keep firewood at least 6 meters from human habitation.

Make your home uninhabitable for mice

Kitchen shelves strewn with crumbs and leftover food are a real paradise for rodents, especially during the cold season. You need to regularly wipe the inside surfaces of cabinets and store food in airtight containers. The same goes for pet food: don’t leave it in a bowl all day.

Mice also love to chew paper, so it's important to clean out cabinets regularly and throw away any unwanted cellulose packaging right away.

Close the trash can tightly

Garbage attracts mice as well as insects and other pests. To protect against rodents, it is better to choose a waste container with an airtight lid or seal it tightly using rubber cords.

Try organic oils

Experts emphasize How to get rid of mice in your house and prevent them from ever coming back / Good Housekeeping that home remedies are not the best way to get rid of rodents. Still, it's worth a try.

Mice are repelled by the smells of clove and peppermint esters. You can soak cotton pads in one of these oils and leave them in areas that attract mice, such as drawers and cabinets in the kitchen.

Physical means

Electric Trap Rat Killer

Conventionally, they are divided into exterminators and repellents. The former are needed to destroy rodents, the latter - to scare away. Conventionally, exterminators are divided into traps and traps. In the first case, the destruction of the rodent occurs at the moment it touches the bait, in the second - after capture. Sometimes traps are intended only to catch a rodent, and the owner will decide for himself what to do with it next.


Classic mouse trap

Plastic mousetrap

Traps A standard mousetrap can be made in different ways. The basis of the mechanism is a spring kept in a cocked state. When the rodent takes the bait, the spring straightens and the impact mechanism is activated.

The impact mechanism is not necessarily made of metal. It only takes a little force to kill a mouse, which is why plastic traps have become popular lately. After removing the rodent's corpse, the trap can be cocked again and repeated many times.

This is a simple, convenient and very effective tool. The intelligence of mice does not allow them to understand the danger of such structures, so the use of such mousetraps is very effective.

The disadvantage of such designs is that you will have to deal with numerous corpses of mice , some of which (if the staple successfully hits the rodent's head) will have a very unattractive appearance.


Sticky traps

Electronic mousetrap Victor

Universal Rat Zapper Trap by Victor

Traps come in a variety of types, from homemade structures made from plastic bottles to small electronic chambers or holes that electrocute rodents. This group also includes sticky traps coated with especially adhesive compounds, both containing poison and not containing it.

Recently, devices from Victor, which are boxes with a high-voltage source powered by ordinary batteries, have gained great popularity. The mouse is attracted by the smell of the bait, crawls inside and receives an electric shock.

At the same time, unlike traps, there is no mechanical damage to the mouse’s body and there is no need to wipe the floor stained with entrails: the corpses of mice are removed from the trap without physical contact with them. The power of traps can be very different, and they exist in various modifications: not only for mice, but also for rats.

Where to start removing rodents

In the process of breeding or destroying mice, you can encounter a number of difficulties, since they will not be in any hurry to give up their acquired places to a person. For this reason, before embarking on full-scale actions, it is necessary to first change the living conditions of unwanted neighbors, making them less favorable.

First of all, this process includes the following set of measures:

  1. Review all conditions related to the storage of edible supplies. Food should be stored in the refrigerator or any place inaccessible to rodents; cereals, nuts and seeds should be stored exclusively in glass jars; At night, nothing edible should be left on the table.
  2. Carrying out extensive cleaning throughout the house will subsequently need to be repeated regularly , with special attention, while paying attention to the kitchen area.
  3. Eliminate all holes and large cracks in the surface of the walls and floor , since these are the areas that mice most often use for housing and storing stolen food supplies.
  4. Use means that will create unpleasant conditions for them , for example, scatter ash or maintain a constant aroma of elderberry in places where they often gather or live.

Ultrasonic repellents

Rodent repeller

Ultrasonic repellers are available in two main types: with ultrasound frequencies up to 50 KHz and up to 75 KHz. It is believed that the latter are more preferable, since mice are able to hear ultrasound up to 75 KHz.

Repellers of the Electrokot series

Repellent "Electrocat Turbo"

Repellers of the Electrokot series A series of repellers with a frequency of up to 50 KHz. They are used to protect buildings with an area of ​​up to 200 square meters. The device is installed on the wall and operates in two modes: day and night. The device has a radiation angle of 110°.

A modified version of the repeller (Turbo) operates in the same frequency range, however, the frequency constantly changes during operation, which creates additional discomfort for rodents. In addition, in addition to ultrasound, this device is equipped with a more powerful transmitter and a bright LED that affects the vision of mice. The area of ​​the room covered by the operating device is 400 square meters.

Tornado Repellers

Repeller Tornado-400

Repeller Tornado-1200

Tornado repellers Currently, the series is represented by several models: Tornado-200, Tornado-400 and Tornado 1200. The digital index indicates the operating area of ​​the device. All repellents operate at frequencies above 70 kHz.

The latest model (Tornado-1200) is a semi-professional device. In addition to having the highest power, the emitter also has a circular orientation. Additional options include 7 operating modes and light indication. For ease of operation of the device, a remote control is supplied.

Prevention measures

It is quite difficult to fight rodents and it is much easier to prevent their appearance on the site. To prevent mice from finding the area attractive, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • harvest on time;
  • avoid the presence of mown grass or mulch on the site;
  • regularly dig up the soil;
  • treat the beds with a solution based on chicken droppings;
  • eliminate the presence of through holes and cracks in the walls and roof of the house;
  • store food products in tightly closed containers;
  • plant mint and lemon balm around the perimeter of the site;
  • use repellers.


Chemicals for mice control

These are perhaps the most common means, since they are the ones that have the maximum effectiveness, reaching almost 100%. They are based on the so-called. rodenticides are special chemicals used to control rodents. Rodenticides can be of natural or synthetic origin.

All rodenticides are highly toxic and pose a danger to humans and pets. They should be used with caution and in full accordance with the instructions!

There are different forms of release of chemicals:

  • powders
  • aerosols
  • briquettes
  • sugar mixtures (lozenges, candies, etc.)
  • poison-treated seeds (sunflower, wheat, etc.)
  • pastes
  • etc.

Let's look at the most popular tools of this type:


Rat remedy

Krysin A broad-spectrum drug that works against all types of mice, as well as gray and black rats. The standard form of release is briquettes; also sold in gel form. The active substance of the drug is the second generation rodenticide brodifacoum at a concentration of 0.005%. The briquette also contains food filler and flavoring. Krysin is available in packages of 100 g, 5 kg and 10 kg.

The active substance of the drug, brodifacoum, is an intestinal pesticide and a blood coagulant. Death of rodents from suffocation occurs within 3-15 days from the moment the product enters the stomach.

But the drug practically does not react with atmospheric moisture, so it can be used in dry and damp rooms. The shelf life of the product is 1 year.

In areas where rodents are active, all sources of liquid should be removed, since if the mouse drinks a few minutes after taking the drug, its effectiveness will be significantly reduced.


Liquid concentrate Brodifan

Brodifan is a liquid product that is used for making bait yourself. The main active ingredient is brodifacoum in high concentration (0.25%). To create 1 kg of poison you will need only 20 g of Brodifan.

The bait should be placed in areas where rodents are active in an amount of 10 g per 1 square meter. As the rodents eat the bait, new portions must be added throughout the week.

A high concentration of the toxic substance leads to the fact that on the 4th day mice begin to show anxiety and crawl out of their holes into fresh air because they experience breathing problems. The rodents' movements become sluggish and within a few days they die from suffocation.


Testox product

Testox Universal remedy against rats and mice. The mortality rate of the latter is 100%. The active substance is bromadialone at a concentration of 0.005%.

The poison is in the form of red briquettes weighing 10 g. A flavoring with the taste of peanuts, cheese, vanilla or sunflower is added to the briquettes.

Testox is laid out in places where rodents are active, 2-5 briquettes at one point. The distances between bookmarks vary from 2 to 15 m. Bookmarks are updated every 1-2 days during the week.

The effect of the drug is similar to those discussed earlier. On the 3-4th day, rodents begin to show anxiety and come out of hiding. After a few more days, they die from paralysis of the respiratory muscles. Fizzslots casino

Warat bait

Warat bait

Bait Varat Granular bait with a small fraction of pale pink color. Used primarily against mice. Can be used both indoors and for treating garden plots.

The active substance is brodifacoum (concentration 0.005%). The product should be placed in small containers of 10-15 g per point. Bookmarks in rooms are made with a consumption of 10-20 g per 1 sq. m., bookmarks in gardens or vegetable plots - up to 2 kg per hundred square meters or 8 g per mouse hole. The interval between bookmark updates is 1-2 weeks. Death of rodents occurs within 2-3 weeks.


Lanirat packaging

Lanirat Chemical agent based on bromadialone (concentration 0.0055%). It is a grain bait treated with an active substance. The grains used are wheat or sunflower.

The product can be used both indoors and outdoors. Application rates indoors range from 10 to 50 g per planting, in the garden or vegetable garden - up to 10-15 g per hole or about 0.2-0.3 kg per hundred square meters.

Rodent mortality occurs within 10 days. Lures are updated daily.

Drug Storm

Appearance of solid briquettes Storm

Drug Storm A German product from BASF. One of the best remedies currently. The active ingredient is flocumafen at a concentration of 0.005%. Produced in the form of blue briquettes with light inclusions.

An extremely effective product. For one residential premises with an area of ​​up to 100 sq. m. You only need 1 or 2 briquettes. They should be placed in areas where rodents come from. The bait has a strong attracting effect, so there should be no problems with attracting rodents. Moreover, the manufacturer does not recommend laying out too many baits to avoid the arrival of rodents from other places.

Lures are updated every 1-2 days. Untouched baits are transferred to new places. The manufacturer guarantees the destruction of rodents within a week.

The storm is extremely toxic. You can only work with it while wearing gloves. You should also avoid inhaling its vapors for too long.

Where do they get into the apartment?

When a mouse appears in an apartment on the ground floor, it does not cause surprise, because... basements, often in the absence of regular treatments, are an excellent place for rodents to breed. But mice can often be seen on higher floors. This is puzzling and indicates that no one is immune from their appearance.

Animals can get into small cracks under baseboards, climb the walls of houses and hanging wires, get into garbage chutes, into cracks near water supply and sewer pipes, and live in ventilation ducts.

Signs and causes of rodents in the house

An attentive owner will know about the appearance of mice in the house long before he finds one of them in the kitchen cabinet. First of all, uninvited residents are identified by quiet rustling, scratching and other extraneous sounds that are easy to notice in the dark .

Damage to people and homes

Rodents can not only attack humans, but also often chew wires, furniture, soft toys, and other things. Parasites carry dangerous diseases (salmonella, plague, typhoid, Weil's disease). A person can become infected through food that a mouse has run on or eaten. Rodents leave their excrement containing viruses and bacteria everywhere. Even waste vapors can lead to various diseases in humans. The risk group includes children and people with weakened immune systems.

The damage is very serious, although the size of house mice is small. Even in ancient Rome, many traps were invented. But parasites quickly adapt to poisons and unfavorable environmental conditions. They can withstand hunger, cold, and even water treatments. Mice are able to make warm nests, store food supplies, and thanks to their keen eyesight they are excellent at avoiding danger. In search of food, pests migrate, selecting the necessary home.

general information

House mice can inhabit a person's home. They are classified as synanthropic animals that live only next to a person or in his house. Rodents follow humans: they move onto ships, get into airplanes. Therefore, pests are able to invade new homes. They penetrate into homes through ventilation ducts, through cracks in the floor and walls.

House owners do not immediately notice the presence of uninvited guests, because mice are nocturnal and sleep during the day. Rustle sounds and squeaks are clearly audible at dusk, and that’s when people begin to notice rodents in their homes. In field conditions, pests reproduce only seasonally, in apartments - all year round. The mouse can reproduce at two months of age, and pregnancy lasts up to 28 days, so the pest population increases rapidly.

Before the birth of the mice, the mother becomes aggressive and may even attack a person. She arranges the future nest herself: she drags various pieces of paper, shavings, and wool into it. In a secluded place you can see not only a mouse, but also a lot of necessary things. Due to their small size, rodents are able to penetrate even microscopic holes in the floor and walls. Some pests, fearing for their lives, can attack animals larger than themselves.

The favorite habitats of mice are warehouses and human homes. In the summer, parasites are able to survive in the fields; they build nests 40 cm underground, and after cold weather they move to the warm homes of people.

How and with what to poison bedbugs in an apartment yourself? Read useful information.

For a selection of the most effective remedies for cockroaches in an apartment and the rules for their use, see this address.

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