We make our own delicious and healthy goat milk cottage cheese

You can make different delicacies from sour milk - pancakes, pancakes and many other delicacies. And the benefits from them will be greater than from store-bought products. If you find that recently purchased milk has turned sour, this is not at all a reason to be upset, and not a reason to get rid of it. From this product you can make many delicious dishes that will delight the whole family with their taste.

What to cook from sour milk

You can make different delicacies from sour milk - pancakes, pancakes and many other delicacies. And the benefits from them will be greater than from store-bought products. If you find that recently purchased milk has turned sour, this is not at all a reason to be upset, and not a reason to get rid of it. From this product you can make many delicious dishes that will delight the whole family with their taste.

Composition of sour milk

The benefits of sour milk for the body are obvious. The product contains biologically active substances:

  • vitamins (A, B, D, E and others);
  • amino acids (replaceable and essential);
  • minerals (the drink contains a lot of phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium).

Nutritional value of sour drink (per 100 grams):

  • proteins – 2.2 grams (2.39%);
  • fat – 2.5 grams (3.73%);
  • carbohydrates – 3.5 grams (2.5%);
  • water – 88 grams (3.23%).

The sour drink is a dietary product - its calorie content is 60 kcal per hundred grams.

A few words about the benefits of sour milk

The balanced composition of nutrients found in sour milk helps it to be completely absorbed by the body. This product has a lot of protein and calcium.

The amount of nutrients in sour goat and cow milk (100 ml)

Type of milkProteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories

Sour milk is good for both adults and children . The product is rich in vitamins and minerals. Including fermented milk products in the diet will help normalize the gastrointestinal tract and have a positive effect on the health of skin, hair, nails, teeth and bones. The product is of great benefit to people who are lactose intolerant, which is found in fresh milk. It is completely absent from fermented milk products. As a result of consuming the product, the functioning of the liver and kidneys improves, and harmful elements are removed from the body faster. Sour milk can be consumed fresh and can also be processed into other healthy goodies.

Fermented milk drinks

Goat milk is rarely used fresh for food due to its specific taste and smell. But fermented milk drinks are very popular. During the fermentation process, the unpleasant odor is lost and the nutritional value of the product increases.


The most common fermented milk drink, which was first made from goat milk. Initially, this product appeared in the North Caucasus, then it was actively distributed throughout the Russian Empire. Since the 19th century, it has been actively used to treat diseases of the digestive system. It also has immunostimulating properties and a tonic effect. Recent studies show a positive effect on cancer and metabolic problems.

To prepare kefir you need:

  • goat milk;
  • leaven;
  • sugar (no more than 1% of volume).

Special bacterial preparations are used as starter culture. At home, you can use store-bought kefir. To prepare, you need to heat the milk to 35 degrees or use a steamed product.

Milk must be mixed with starter and sugar and mixed thoroughly. Next, you need to cover the container with a cotton cloth or several layers of gauze - it is important to provide air for microorganisms to multiply. Kefir is infused for 8-10 hours in a dark room at a temperature of 17-22 degrees. When exposed to light or other temperature conditions, the technology is disrupted and the kefir spoils.


The usefulness of yogurt was proven by Mechnikov back in the 19th century; since then, studies have confirmed an increase in immune status and improved functioning of the digestive system with daily consumption of fermented milk products. Goat yogurt is rich in amino acids, protein, vitamins, calcium and potassium. It normalizes intestinal function, promoting the growth of normal microflora.

Characteristics of goat milk yogurt:

  • viscous homogeneous consistency;
  • bright fermented milk pleasant aroma and taste;
  • white color without inclusions;
  • fat content - 3.8-4.5%;
  • protein content - not less than 2.9%.

Fresh milk is used to make yogurt. It must first be pasteurized (sterilization is allowed) followed by cooling. Before adding the starter (culture of Bulgarian bacillus and streptococcus), it is necessary to bring the temperature of the milk to 40 degrees.

It is important to maintain a constant temperature so that the growth of microflora in yogurt does not stop, otherwise pathogenic microbes will develop, which will lead to spoilage of the product. The yogurt takes 3-5 hours to prepare; the longer it is kept, the higher the acidity will be. To stop the growth of bacteria, you need to refrigerate the yogurt. Then it can be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than 5 days.

Whey and reverse

These products are waste from the production of cheese, cottage cheese and cream, but are also eaten in their pure form, or as ingredients for various dishes (dough). In terms of nutritional value, they are much inferior to regular milk or fermented milk drinks made from it. Thus, there is practically no milk fat in the skim milk - during the process of producing cream it is separated to a greater extent.

Whey usually does not contain protein, since most of it remains in cottage cheese or cottage cheese. But if these products are prepared from skim milk (that is, skimmed milk), then the whey contains only traces of fat and protein. These drinks are not much more nutritious than water.

But whey can be used to restore the functioning of the digestive system - it has a beneficial effect on acidity, promoting the growth of good microflora. The drinks also contain vitamins and microelements. Goat whey and skim milk can be used to make good baking dough. And their main value lies in their low cost.

Features of preparing dough for pancakes with sour milk

Pancakes have been prepared in our country since time immemorial. This is one of the favorite dishes in Russian cuisine. In standard recipes, the dough is kneaded with fresh milk, but it can be replaced with yogurt.

To knead the dough you will need:

A little trick: when adding oil to the dough, the surface of the pan does not need to be greased. The dough will not stick to it.

Delicate sour milk dough for fried pies and pasties

The procedure for preparing dough for pies is not much different from that required for pancakes. But, you need to add a little more flour. After sifting, flour is added in small portions. This can be done using a small sieve. As soon as the mass has become thick enough to be sculpted by hand, you can begin to cut it into pieces, roll it out and add the filling.

For chebureks this process will be slightly different. Sugar is excluded from the recipe. The dough is kneaded like this:

  1. Add 1 egg to curdled milk (200 ml).
  2. The ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. Flour is added to the resulting liquid mass. This is done until the dough becomes tight and elastic.
  4. The dough is divided into individual flat cakes, which are rolled out with a wooden rolling pin.
  5. Filling is added to the circles of rolled out dough.

There is another way to prepare dough for pasties. A tablespoon of flour brewed in boiling water is added to the dough. Everything else is done according to the standard scheme.

Pancakes with sour milk

From sour milk you can make not only pancakes, but also fluffy pancakes. They can be served with jam, syrup, preserves, condensed milk, and if they are salty, then with different types of sauces.

To prepare dough with sour milk for pancakes, you will need to pour half a liter of yogurt into a high container, add 2 tbsp. l. sugar, an egg, a pinch of salt, half a teaspoon of soda, and 3 cups of flour. All ingredients are mixed into a dough whose consistency resembles thick sour cream. Flour is poured in small portions. At the same time, you need to thoroughly break up the lumps with a whisk or fork.

It is important that the sugar in the dough dissolves completely. In order not to stir the dough for a long time, until the sugar is completely dissolved, you can first grind it with an egg.

After all the ingredients have been added and the dough is prepared, you can start baking the pancakes. It is advisable to place a tablespoon into the pan. The products will be approximately the same shape. Pancakes made with sour milk turn out airy and remain as fresh for several days. For more variety, you can fry them, placing minced meat in the middle. This must be done before the dough has time to fry.

What to do if milk has gone sour

Not everyone likes to drink sour milk, but this does not mean that it cannot be consumed in other forms. The following dishes are made from the product:

  • Cottage cheese;
  • Pancakes;
  • Pancakes;
  • Pancakes;
  • Bakery.

Sour milk is an excellent base for many types of dough. Products prepared with sour milk are tender, fluffy and do not go stale for a long time. If the dough is made for baking, dumplings or dumplings, it can even be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

Is it possible to make an omelet from sour milk?

Many people love scrambled eggs, especially when sprinkled with green onions or chopped parsley leaves. But most housewives prepare it from fresh milk. And if there is yogurt in the house, then many people wonder what can be made from sour milk. If you don’t want to bother with complex dishes, omelet immediately comes to mind.

There is a misconception that yogurt omelette tastes sour - this is not true at all. To prepare it you will need sour milk, eggs, cheese and herbs. You can also add vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes), sausage. The vegetables are first fried until cooked. Next, a small amount of sunflower oil is poured into the frying pan. Beat the eggs a little with a fork until a slight foam forms on their surface. Milk and a pinch of salt are added there. Prepared vegetables or pieces of sausage are placed in a frying pan, and everything is poured with the egg mixture. After this, cover the omelette with a lid and keep it on low heat until cooked.

Homemade sour milk cheese with sour cream

A variant of another simple cheese with eggs, which turns out to be fattier and tastes very similar to suluguni. We use any sour cream, but not less than 20%. By the way, it can also be sour; it is not necessary to use a fresh product.


2 liters of sour milk;

400 g sour cream;

1.5 tablespoons of salt.


1. Place a saucepan with milk on low heat.

2. Break all six eggs into a bowl and add salt to them. If you do not want to get a very salty product, then add less salt.

3. Add sour cream to the eggs and beat together. You can use a whisk or mixer.

4. Pour the egg mixture into the milk that has begun to warm up.

5. Stir everything thoroughly, you can turn up the heat.

6. Cook the cheese until the whey is separated.

7. Place the mixture in cheesecloth and let the whey drain.

8. We tie the loose ends, put a little pressure, and let the cheese get stronger for several hours.

9. Remove the gauze and use the prepared product for sandwiches and other dishes.

How to make cheese from sour milk

You can prepare many different dishes from sour milk. And cheese is the most famous and delicious product made from yogurt. To prepare it you will need sour cow's or goat's milk.

You can prepare regular cottage cheese; to do this, you will need to heat the milk over low heat until lumps of cheese form in it. Then, these lumps of cheese are filtered through cheesecloth, and the liquid is squeezed out of them. Or you can complicate the process a little and add herbs (dill, parsley, green onions).

To prepare it you will need:

40 minutes to prepare delicious cheese , and the taste is better than store-bought. If you need to make salty cheese, then you need to add more salt to the eggs.


Kefir and goat milk yogurt

To prepare kefir, you will need to add a culture of microorganisms. A starter based on lactic acid bacteria (thermophilic bacillus, streptococci) is used.

The technology implies the presence of the listed bacteria, milk temperature up to +20 degrees, ripening for 12 hours, contact with air.

Required ingredients:

  • 900 g goat milk;
  • 100 g kefir (sourdough);
  • 1 tablespoon sugar.


  1. The milk is heated to +38 degrees, all the listed components are mixed, the container is closed, covered with gauze and placed in a warm, dark place.
  2. At a temperature of 17-22 degrees, kefir is infused for 10 hours. The product remains fresh for 3 days.

To make yogurt you will need:

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 1 ampoule of starter culture with bacteria.


  1. Milk with dry starter diluted in advance is heated to a temperature of +40 degrees and poured into small containers that are tightly closed with a lid.
  2. Yogurt is prepared in the oven, which is preheated to +45 degrees. The jars are placed in the oven and removed from there after 7 hours.

Best Recipes

Traditional cottage cheese made from sour goat milk

Goat milk is valued much higher than milk milk due to its healing properties. It improves immunity and improves health, curing many diseases. This wonderful product is useful for people of all ages, and especially for children. In those regions where goat milk and products made from it are present in the diet every day, people get sick much less often, and there are much fewer problems with excess weight.

Goat milk cottage cheese does not cause allergic reactions, it is easier to digest by the body, and is useful for many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, joints, respiratory tract, as well as for insomnia.

Goat milk cottage cheese is not only tasty, but also a very healthy product.

For traditional cottage cheese, quite simple to prepare, you will need:

Goat milk, if it is fresh, takes a long time to sour. To speed up this process, boil the milk and add a little salt to it. After this, cover the container with a lid or gauze and leave for a day in a warm place. This is enough for the milk to ferment. The warmer it is, the faster it will curdle, that is, it will separate into whey and almost finished curd.

By the way, don’t throw out the whey: it can be used to make excellent pancakes and pastries! And with homemade cottage cheese itself you get the most delicate Ossetian pies.

How to make butter from goat's milk?

Butter from goat milk
For 500 grams of butter you will need 10 kg of goat milk. The cooking technology consists of several stages. First of all, you need to get the cream, which will require a special separator.

The cream used for butter is cold and has been left in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days.

Collecting the cream

Cream is a saturated concentrate of milk fat.

If you use a separator, then during the centrifugation process the liquid is divided into skim milk and cream. The devices are manual and electric.

If you put the milk in the refrigerator to settle, it will separate into two parts, the top of which must be removed. This method is less productive: small volumes of milk are processed, and fat, on the contrary, is lost.

Whip the butter

The butter is whipped with a special butter churn.

If there is no apparatus, then it is replaced with a mixer, blender, or the mixture is placed in a jar and shaken vigorously. Housewives also use drills to mix construction mixtures.

If there is no device, then it is replaced with a mixer, blender

To whip butter in a one and a half liter glass jar, pour cream into it to 2/3 of the volume. It is good if there is a container with jagged or corrugated areas.

The lid must close tightly. After just 15 minutes of this manipulation, small pieces of oil will be noticeable on the glass.

The procedure must be stopped when a complete piece of product is formed in the jar. Before removing the oil, the liquid is drained from the jar.

If you have a mixer, you need to carefully monitor the thickness of the product. If the butter lump thickens too much, the mixer may stop or break.

Cooking in different ways

Take 0.5 liters of goat milk, pour it into a jar and heat it in a water bath. After this, it will sour for at least 2 days, but we will speed up this process by adding one tablespoon of sour cream. Once noticeable air bubbles begin to rise from the milk (that is, curdled milk has formed), place the jar in a water bath and heat again over low heat, about 15 minutes.

Drain the resulting mass through a colander covered with gauze. Hang the resulting bag of cottage cheese for several hours to drain the whey. You can squeeze the gauze a little so that the liquid leaves faster.

Containers with goat milk should be kept in a warm room to speed up ripening

The following recipe is similar to the very first one in this article, traditional. But it is more complicated and will require more time from you. But the cheese will turn out original and especially tasty.

This cottage cheese is called skyr, it came to us from Norwegian cuisine. It has a delicate consistency and a peculiar pleasant taste.

If you have a slow cooker, the process of making goat cheese curd will be much easier.

Add 1 glass of kefir to a container with 3 liters of fresh milk, mix thoroughly and leave in a warm place for a day. You should get thick yogurt with dense flakes. Pour it into the multicooker bowl without stirring - this will make the cottage cheese grainy and more appetizing. Turn on the “Keep Warm” mode for about 3 hours. After this, just drain off the whey, and your cottage cheese is ready!

Goat milk butter recipe

The cream used for butter is cold and has been left in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days.
To obtain butter you will need 1 kg of ice cubes and 14 liters of goat milk. Having a butter churn will help make the task easier.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Heat the milk to +36 degrees and pour it into the separator. If there is no device, then it is placed in the refrigerator for 3-6 hours.
  2. Remove the resulting cream and pour into a separate vessel.
  3. Leave the vessel with the cream to ripen at room temperature for 24 hours, and then put it back in the refrigerator for 3 days. As a result, the cream will thicken.
  4. Beat the mixture in a butter churn for 10 minutes, add 800 g of ice.
  5. Beat with a mixer at high power until a thick, thick mass forms.
  6. Pour water into a large container and add 200 g of ice. In this cool liquid you need to rinse and mash the oil. Change the water and repeat the manipulation until it becomes clear.
  7. Form buttermilk into sticks, wrap in cling film or paper and place in the refrigerator.

Be sure to read:

Is it necessary to boil goat milk, what diseases of goats are dangerous for humans, medical advice

Some good advice

It's no secret that many mothers try to include cottage cheese in their children's daily diet. But not every child likes this product in its usual form. You can “outsmart” your baby and prepare small portions of cottage cheese from yogurt for him.

Take 0.5 liters of bio-yogurt from goat milk. Preheat the oven, turn it off and place the carton of yogurt in it. It should remain there for at least 6 hours while the oven cools down. Within an hour, the yogurt will thicken and begin to curl into flakes. After 6 hours, you need to strain the resulting mass. This cottage cheese has a consistency similar to sour cream.

Note! The gauze for straining the cottage cheese must be absolutely clean. It is better to use a colander made of stainless steel or enameled. You can also use wicker baskets. But all dishes must be perfectly clean.

If the temperature in the room where you make cottage cheese is below 25 degrees, the milk may spoil instead of sour. Therefore, we try to speed up the ripening by adding whey from the previous cottage cheese.

Use only clean dishes and gauze to strain the cottage cheese.

You must be sure of the quality of the fresh milk from which you are going to make cottage cheese. If you are not sure, it is better to boil the milk.

As we have already said, there is no need to pour out the whey - it will be useful to you not only in preparing many dishes, but also for cosmetic purposes. But do not forget that it should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days.

Once you make homemade goat milk curd, try to consume it within 3 days, otherwise it may go bad. But if goat curd is frozen, its taste will not decrease.

Sour cream and goat milk cream

Sour cream from goat's milk
You can get sour cream and cream from goat's milk in three different ways

The first method is standing

The method is time-consuming, but easy to implement, especially for beginners in this matter.

How to make sour cream:

  1. Add some of the sour milk to fresh milk.
  2. Stir the liquid and pour into a clean container.
  3. Leave to settle for 4 days in a room at room temperature. You cannot move the container at this time.
  4. At the end of this period, a layer of sour cream forms on top, which must be removed with a spoon.

The resulting sour cream is consumed immediately or stored in the refrigerator. The remaining yogurt can be drunk or used to make cottage cheese.

The second method is separator

A separator is a device for separating a certain component from another, in this case, separating cream from milk.

Separators are divided into manual and dynamoelectric. Regardless of the chosen model, already settled milk is poured into the machine.

Goat milk products

It is better not to close the jar tightly with a lid, but to use gauze or other material, otherwise an unpleasant goat smell and taste will appear.

The separator technology is as follows:

  1. The milk is heated to approximately 38 degrees (hot temperature, but not scalding your hand).
  2. Warm water is poured into the milk receiver of the separator to warm up the device.
  3. Milk is poured into the separator and rotation begins.
  4. The sour cream should flow out in a thin stream. To do this, the separator key is opened and the toggle switch is adjusted.

When the process is completed, a large amount of fat will remain on the walls of the apparatus. There is no need to pour it out, but it is worth repeating the separation with milk again: this will wash away the residue.

The resulting cream is placed in a warm place for 12-24 hours. After this, the sour cream will thicken and can be eaten or poured into jars.

The third method is ripening

In this case, milk is the only ingredient used to make sour cream.

The process is divided into the following stages:

  1. The milk is heated in a saucepan to a warm, comfortable temperature (not hot).
  2. The liquid is poured into a jar or bottle; the neck is not closed tightly, but tied with gauze, cloth or paper napkin.
  3. The vessel is left in a warm place for ripening. At home, this process can take from 3 to 5 days. At this time, there is no need to touch the vessel and mix the product.
  4. Prepare a clean container and cover it at the top with thick cloth or gauze folded in several layers.
  5. Fermented milk is poured onto cloth/gauze. It drains for about 2 hours, leaving whey in the container and a thick mixture on top.
  6. The mixture is whipped with a blender to form a homogeneous and soft sour cream.
  7. If the sour cream turns out to be too thick, it is diluted with milk and whipped again.

Be sure to read:

We assemble a milking machine for goats with our own hands

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