10 remedies for midges with vanillin: preparing an effective folk remedy

Despite the abundance of chemical repellents on sale, a truly effective means of protection against blood-sucking insects has not yet been invented. All the drugs presented have some disadvantages: a repulsive odor, irritating effect on the skin, unpleasant texture or a short period of action. In addition, most chemicals are contraindicated for use in children with allergies. In this case, all that remains is to use time-tested folk remedies for midges and mosquitoes.

Natural vanillin
One of these natural repellents is vanillin. You can use both natural (but it is very expensive) and synthetic vanillin, especially since the latter has no worse characteristics, a more pronounced odor and the ability to easily dissolve in both water and alcohol. You can make cream and sprays from it, add essential oil.

Does vanillin help against mosquitoes and midges?

Not only expensive chemicals are effective against blood-sucking insects, but also quite affordable ones - folk ones. One of the most effective is vanillin against mosquitoes and midges.

You can take:

  • in powder form (synthetic);
  • legume (natural product);
  • liquid (solution in ampoules);
  • in the form of essential oil.

For a positive result, the substance must be used correctly. If you just sprinkle vanilla, there will be no result. You need to prepare one of the products that will stay on the skin as long as possible.

How does it work?

Vanillin for midges is a folk remedy, the effect of which has long been known. There has been no scientific research into the insect repellent mechanisms of vanilla. The main assumption why the plant helps against blood-sucking parasites is the sharp, specific aroma of the fruits of a perennial vine. The smell, which evokes pleasant sensations and associations in humans, has an alarming, frightening effect on insects. Scientists suggest that the reason for this effect lies in the biological characteristics of the perennial vine.

  1. Before becoming a cultivated plant cultivated in several countries, the pearl of the rainforest was native to Mexico.
  2. An orchid with sought-after fruits grows on trees, held in place by adventitious roots and protected from the sun. In its native habitat, it is pollinated only by bees of one species.
  3. Beneficial insects have only a day to pollinate while the flower is open. If they do not have time to do this, the flower falls off and does not bear fruit. Probably, the ability of the smell to repel other insects, except for one bee species, is based precisely on this.
  4. The second assumption is the long ripening of the pod (3/4 years). The sweet aroma repels pests of the fragile box.

This helped to be calm on the street in the evening. Then it was discovered that vanilla has the property of repelling midges, fleas and ticks. It began to be used as a means for a relaxing stay in nature and ridding pets of parasites.

The beneficial properties of vanilla have been adopted by cosmetologists, veterinarians, manufacturers of products to repel blood-sucking insects, industrial chemistry and even medicine. Traditional healers have several effective recipes and methods for making vanillin solution against midges.

How safe is vanillin for adults and children?

Vanillin is one of the harmless products that is hypoallergenic. Despite this, there are a number of contraindications to its use:

  • asthma;
  • respiratory tract diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis);
  • dermatological diseases;
  • allergies in the acute phase;
  • vanillin intolerance;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin.

Vanillin-based formulations against mosquitoes and midges should be used with caution for children under one year of age.

Essential oil

If you don't have vanillin on hand, use essential oil from a pharmacy to prepare a repellent. Use the concentrated product carefully, without increasing the dosage, to avoid irritation of the skin.

  1. For 200 g of liquid - 5 drops of oil.
  2. For a tablespoon of baby cream or Vaseline - 2 drops.
  3. For 50 g of cosmetic oil - 3 drops.

Add 2-3 drops of vanilla essential oil to shampoo, body cream, shower gel and use for hygiene procedures as needed. Half an hour before bedtime, light a wax candle for 10 minutes, dropping 2 drops of vanilla oil on it. The product provides a pleasant, lasting aroma and protection against mosquitoes.

Ways to use aromatic product

Based on vanillin, you can prepare affordable and effective products. They differ in the ingredients and method of preparation.

Vanilla water

The most affordable and easiest to prepare would be a water-based mosquito and midge repellent.

You will need:

  • 150 ml warm water;
  • 1 g vanillin.

You need to mix the two components in a container and spray it on your skin before going outside. It is convenient to use a spray bottle to treat the epidermis. After 2-3 hours, it is advisable to repeat the procedure. If there is a strong wind outside, then more often.

The shelf life of this product is 3 days.

If you want to make the product more effective, add cinnamon or cloves to it.

Vanilla bean

You can prepare an alcoholic and aqueous solution from vanilla bean. For adults, the first option is suitable, but for children it is better to make a water-based product.

Vanilla bean with alcohol


  • 6-7 vanilla pods;
  • 250 ml of alcohol (can be replaced with vodka or moonshine).

Prepare the product as follows:

  1. The seeds and pulp are removed from the pods.
  2. Place everything in a glass jar or bottle.
  3. Fill with alcohol-containing liquid.
  4. The container is tightly closed and the composition is left for a month in the dark and cool.

After a while, the tincture will turn brown and have a strong aroma. This confirms the fact that the product is ready for use.

Then take 5 ml of tincture and dilute it in 100 ml of water. The resulting solution will be enough for several times. There is no need to prepare large volumes, as the composition will lose its properties.

Water solution

You will need:

  • 8-10 vanilla pods;
  • 400 ml water.

Preparing the product is easy:

  1. Cut the pods.
  2. Bring the water to a boil.
  3. Pour it over the chopped raw materials and place the container on low heat for 40 minutes.
  4. Then strain.
  5. Pour into container.
  6. Close tightly and wrap until completely cool.

Clothes and epidermis can be treated with an aqueous solution. No need to pre-dilute.

Alcohol solution with vanilla powder

If you can’t get vanilla beans, you can prepare an alcohol composition from a synthetic product. Vanillin will need to be diluted with alcohol.

To prepare the base take:

  • packet of vanillin (1 g);
  • 10 ml of alcohol-containing liquid.

The two ingredients are combined in a glass bottle and shaken. Then diluted in water, the proportions of alcohol and water are 5 ml per 100 ml. The resulting composition is sprayed onto the skin.

Vanilla ointment against midges and mosquitoes

To prepare a vanilla-based ointment you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of Vaseline;
  • 2 packets of vanillin.

Before mixing the ingredients, it is recommended to warm the Vaseline slightly. Everything is thoroughly mixed and stored out of the reach of children.

Rub the ointment into the epidermis before going out into the fresh air. Repeated procedures may not be carried out for 5 hours.

The ointment is applied only to the skin. It lasts a long time, but there is a risk of staining clothes.

Vanillin oil

An oil-based product also helps a lot in the fight against midges and mosquitoes.

You need to prepare from:

  • 100 ml odorless oil (refined vegetable, olive, corn);
  • a packet of vanillin.

Before mixing, the oil is heated to 40 degrees. Vanillin is poured into it and stirred until the powder is completely dissolved. Only open areas are smeared.

The oil composition is not suitable for areas of the body where there is clothing. There will be greasy stains on things.

Add to baby cream

If you have baby cream at home, you can make a product based on it. It will be well absorbed into the skin, and blood-sucking insects will not bother you.

To prepare you need:

  • 10 g baby cream;
  • vanillin sachet (1 g).

The two components are mixed in a ratio of 1 to 10 and rubbed into the skin.

Instead of vanilla powder, you can use a concentrated composition in ampoules. It needs to be diluted additionally in oil.

Essential oils enhance the repellent effect. You can drop 1-2 drops into the cream and stir.

Mosquitoes and midges do not like the following smells:

  • fir;
  • clove;
  • lavender;
  • tea tree;
  • cedar;
  • juniper.

A large amount of ether will cause allergies or burns.

Mix vanilla with shampoo

If you don't have cream or Vaseline, you can give preference to shampoo. You can also make a good repellent based on it.


  • 5 ml shampoo;
  • 1 g vanillin;
  • 150 ml water.

Prepare like this:

  1. Vanillin is diluted in water.
  2. Shampoo is introduced.
  3. Stir.
  4. Treat exposed areas of the body.

After drying, a feeling of tightness may remain on the skin.

Use dry

Dry vanilla for midges is the simplest recipe. Dry powder is applied to the hair. If you crush the skin, there will be no benefit, since vanillin tends to crumble.

Application of concentrated composition

Pharmacies sell ampoules with vanilla concentrate. It is also not forbidden to use it against midges and mosquitoes. You can add it to cream, Vaseline, water, or simply apply it pure to the epidermis.

The pungent smell can repel all insects. For a positive result, it is enough to apply a little of the composition to the knee bends, wrist area and neck area.

Vanillin essential oil

It cannot be applied to the body undiluted, as there is a risk of unwanted reactions. But adding it to water, cream, ointment is quite justified.

8-10 drops are enough for a glass of heated water. This repellent can be sprayed on skin and clothing.

For a tablespoon of baby cream or Vaseline, 2 drops of ether are enough.

You can experiment a little - add vanillin essential oil to perfume, shampoo, liquid soap, etc.

If you need to get rid of mosquitoes or midges at home, then just turn on the aroma lamp. A pleasant aroma for humans will envelop the room and scare away all the blood-sucking creatures.


A good repellent that provides protection against pest attacks is obtained by mixing baby cream and vanillin.

  1. Squeeze a tablespoon of cream into a glass container and warm it slightly in a water bath.
  2. Pour 1 gram of powder into the warm mass, stir until the crystals are completely dissolved, cover with a lid.
  3. Lubricate exposed areas of the skin before going outside.
  4. The drug forms a protective coating on the epidermis that prevents aroma evaporation for up to 3 hours.

Vanillin mixed with baby cream is often used by parents of young children. They leave excellent reviews about it and say that it is an effective and safe product that protects the baby from annoying insects.

Warnings and Safety Precautions

Whatever product you use, you should always remember safety precautions. Even harmless vanilla in combination with other ingredients can cause harm if you do not listen to the recommendations.

You need to know that:

  1. Any product that is applied to the epidermis must be washed off with water after 4-5 hours. If this is not done, the pores will become clogged, resulting in pimples and blackheads.
  2. Allergy sufferers and children are first tested for tolerance. You need to apply a small amount of the prepared repellent to the area where the skin is delicate (elbow or wrist area), and wait 2-3 hours. If redness, itching and other manifestations are not detected, then the product can be used.
  3. It is prohibited to use vanilla repellent for ENT diseases. A strong odor can lead to spasms and worsening cough.
  4. Do not increase your concentration at your discretion. Otherwise, this will lead to health problems.
  5. Do not prepare products from spoiled vanillin. The smell of expired powder will not help repel mosquitoes, midges and other insects.
  6. If coughing, redness, dizziness or other phenomena occur, stop using the product.
  7. It is dangerous to rub or spray the liquid composition into the affected epidermis. This includes wounds, abrasions, burns, dermatitis, etc. This is fraught with the appearance of inflammation and suppuration.
  8. Do not replace vanillin with vanilla sugar. The second option will only attract bloodsuckers.

If it is windy outside, it is better to give preference to ointments, creams and oil formulations. These will not quickly disappear and will reliably protect against harmful insects.

Vanillin is an effective remedy for midges and mosquitoes when properly prepared and in proper proportions. In most cases, the aromatic additive does not cause harm, but you should refrain from using the repellent if you have bronchial asthma, problems with the respiratory tract, or a tendency to allergic reactions.

Cosmetic oil

Vanillin is used as a mosquito repellent and is used to create aromatic oil. For the base, prepare an oil that does not have a specific odor. You can take:

  • corn;
  • linen;
  • olive

Heat three tablespoons of oil in a water bath or place in the microwave for a couple of seconds. Add 1 gram of confectionery powder or crushed vanilla stick. Stir the oil. Apply onto skin with fingertips and rub in gently. The product helps protect against mosquitoes for 2-3 hours. Repeat treatment if necessary.

Precautionary measures

When using folk life hacks, you should take the simplest precautions:

You can verify the safety of a repellent after conducting a sensitivity test. Women during pregnancy and lactation should use homemade repellents with extreme caution. It would be helpful to consult a doctor about this. Concentrated solutions should not be used by young children; such products should first be diluted with water. When making repellent from essential oils, use dark glass containers

It is better to store the finished product in a dark and cool place.

Preparation of the composition

The recipe is chosen depending on the base. Water, baby cream, Vaseline, shampoo and even vodka are used as additional components.

Composition No. 1. Combine two packages of powder, one vanilla bean core or three drops of aroma oil with 250 ml of water. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray on skin and clothing.

Composition No. 2. Grind two cores of vanilla bean and add to 250 ml of water, heat, pour into a spray bottle and treat clothes or skin. The vanilla aroma will be very rich. If you need emergency protection, you can break the pod and rub it on your skin.

You can prepare an ointment from baby cream and vanillin

Composition No. 3. The mosquito repellent ointment is based on baby cream and vanillin. Combine half a standard tube with two packages of vanillin. Rub the cream onto your skin. The product lasts a long time because the vanilla aroma does not disappear when the water evaporates from the skin or clothing.

Composition No. 4. Another way to prepare a harmless and effective ointment: mix a large spoon of Vaseline with a package of vanilla and rub into the skin.

Composition No. 5. Heat 200 grams of olive oil in a water bath. Mix with one ampoule of concentrate, two packages of powder or three drops of aroma oil. Warm the mixture, cool, apply to skin not covered with clothing.

Composition No. 6. Add five drops of vanilla aromatic oil to the perfume you use, sunscreen or hand cream. Use as usual. The vanilla scent lasts a long time and drives away mosquitoes. To increase efficiency, add a couple of drops of regular valerian to the composition.

Vanilla can be mixed with any shower product

Composition No. 7. Apply the liquid concentrate to the skin. The ampoule is enough for one time. Do not rub it all over your body - drop a drop on your wrists, behind your ears, on the bends of your knees and elbows. If the smell of the composition is too strong, add a little water to it.

Composition No. 8. A folk anti-mosquito medicine is a vanilla tincture with alcohol or vodka. Dilute half the package of powder in 30 ml of vodka or 15 ml of alcohol. Apply as a spray.

Composition No. 9. Try making an anti-mosquito mixture using shampoo as a base. Dissolve a packet of vanillin in 250 ml of water. Add a small spoon of cosmetic product to the mixture. After treatment, the skin remains protected for up to three hours, then apply the product again or rinse thoroughly with water.


Ineffective devices due to the mosquito's three-level navigation system. Traps can be;

  • with carbon dioxide;
  • with electric lamp;
  • with water.

The first two traps use the mosquito's ability to find prey by smelling carbon dioxide and generating heat.

With carbon dioxide

DIY mosquito trap

Initially, the mosquito flies to the smell of lactic acid and only a few hundred meters before the victim “switches” to the smell of carbon dioxide. At this stage, you can try to deceive him and send him into a trap.

For such a trap you will need:

  • disposable 2-liter bottle;
  • a glass of warm water;
  • a little yeast;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • a sheet of thick paper or cloth.

The bottle is cut into unequal parts: the top one is smaller. The upper part is inserted into the lower part with the neck down to form a funnel. Sugar and yeast are poured into the bottle and water is added. Next, the bottle is wrapped in paper or cloth. The trap is ready.

In theory, a mosquito flies to the smell of carbon dioxide and falls into a trap. In practice, the device will have to be placed far from home, since when approaching an object, the bloodsucker switches to infrared vision and searches for prey based on the amount of heat generated. But a trap with carbon dioxide does not emit heat.

With lamp

“At the last line of defense” there is a chance to deceive the mosquito with a stronger heat emitter in the form of a lamp. To make a trap, you will need a large bottle and some knowledge of electrical engineering. The funnel at the entrance is made in the same way as in the first case. But a hole for the cartridge is cut in the bottom of the bottle. The second version of the trap involves completely removing the bottom to install a fan, which will suck mosquitoes into a gauze bag glued to the bottle. This trap does not kill mosquitoes. They will have to be destroyed manually.

With water

It does not protect against mosquito bites and is designed to reduce the insect population in the area. The results are questionable. Initially, the workpiece is made similarly to the others. But the water bottle is wrapped in cloth so that the edges hang down into the funnel. The hole in the funnel is covered with a mosquito net. The fabric is kept damp. The expectation is that the eggs laid by the mosquito will fall through the mesh into the bottle. After the larva transforms into an adult, the insect will not be able to get out of the trap.

What can you use?

Another type that will be effective in controlling blood-sucking insects is vanilla pods. Vanilla aromatic oil is suitable for application to the skin. In this case, the trick is to distribute drops of oil over the surface of the skin, and after half an hour or an hour repeat the procedure. If you come across ampoules with concentrated vanillin in a liquid state, they are also suitable, you can safely take them. The bright aroma of vanilla concentrate will produce the corresponding effect.

What plants do pests prefer?

Drosophila loves most: violets, callas, cyperus, orchids. If they are not there, it feeds on any other flower.

Sciarides love flowers with dense foliage and take root at the roots. They prefer to live in pots with ficus, Decembrist, violet, aloe and azalea.

Midges pose a great danger to seedlings, cuttings, and young potted plants with a shallow root system. At risk: geranium, violet, orchids, poinsettia, gerbera, carnation, cacti. The root system of such plants does not go deep into the ground, therefore, if they are overwatered, water stagnation occurs in the upper part of the soil. This leads to the proliferation of fungus gnats.

Types of solutions

The synthesized product is poorly soluble in cold liquid, but mixes well with ethyl alcohol. Based on these properties, there are several ways to prepare a product that repels mosquitoes and midges well.

Water composition

It is easy to prepare a product in the form of a vanillin solution. For this you will need:

  • a bag of vanillin weighing 1 g;
  • 100 g water;
  • plastic bottle of suitable size.

In cold liquid, the crystals will stick together and settle to the bottom. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to use a solvent heated to 50˚C. It is convenient to mix the finished solution in a plastic bottle. This will allow you to achieve the same concentration throughout the entire volume. For application, a bottle of any cosmetic product with a sprayer is suitable, which will allow you to evenly treat the surface of the skin and avoid excessive consumption. The effect will last approximately 4.5 hours. The solution will not lose its properties within three days. You can enhance the effectiveness of the recipe by adding spices (for example: cinnamon, cloves, star anise). Another way is to prepare the composition using a decoction of wormwood (3 tablespoons per 1 liter of boiling water).

Vanilla solution can be applied to the skin with a regular spray bottle.

Alcohol concentrate

To prepare a concentrated alcohol solution, take 1 g of vanillin and a tablespoon of ethyl alcohol. The shelf life of the drug is unlimited.

Protection and detergent in one bottle

A bag of vanillin weighing 1 g is mixed with 2 tbsp. shampoo or shower gel and mix well. The composition is applied to exposed areas of the body and you can safely begin working on your garden plot. When finished, the shower will refresh and remove all residue from your skin.

Vanilla can be mixed with any shower gel


Vanillin-based mosquito repellents

Reviews about vanillin can be found on any forum where safe mosquito repellents for children under one year of age and older, for pregnant women, and those with sensitive skin are discussed.

I learned how to fight mosquitoes with vanillin, and now I don’t need any repellents. Minimum cost, maximum results. I simply rub the stroller and my skin with the powder. This way the smell lasts longer, the protection lasts for exactly 2 hours. I take a bottle of vanilla water with me on walks. If I see that mosquitoes are starting to pester me, I spray my skin additionally. This kind of protection is enough for the evening. Every time I prepare a new solution, the pricing policy allows this. You can buy it at any grocery store. My daughter loves this delicious smell, she always reaches out for me to rub or spray.

Alina, Moscow

The mosquitoes got a shock from such a tasty product, and I was delighted! I love evening walks in the forest, but bloodsuckers spoil all the charm. I knew about vanilla for a long time and decided to try it. I diluted 2 sachets in a glass of water and poured them into a spray bottle. Treated skin, clothes, hair. I went for a walk in shorts and a T-shirt. What was there! Mosquitoes swarm around me, squeak, and do not land on my skin. I have already deliberately exposed myself to them. One dared, sat on his finger, but did not bite. So he flew away with nothing. Enough protection for 3 hours. Then immediately home.

Daria, Tver

Vanillin makes your skin smell amazing. I feel like a baby doll, and I also immediately want a cake. I am preparing myself a mosquito repellent using baby cream. I made it once, put it in a jar, closed the lid and use it as needed. In the evening you can walk quietly for 2 hours. Then add more if you need to help the mosquitoes fly away.

Svetlana, St. Petersburg

Vanillin is a smell familiar to everyone from childhood; it is associated with sweets, baked goods, and for many, with mosquitoes. One of the best remedies for protection against blood-sucking insects, midges.

Additional recommendations

Does vanilla help against flying pests? Yes it helps, but if none of the above recipes helped, you can use other forms. You can use a concentrated product from an ampoule. In this case, there is no need to prepare anything. Midges and mosquitoes can smell the smell from a great distance. Due to the strong concentration, the composition cannot be applied to the entire body. A couple of drops on the neck, crooks of the arms and legs is enough.

In some cases, you can use any regular shampoo to prepare a mixture against mosquitoes. The recipe is very simple. One packet of vanillin is added to one glass of water. Add 1 teaspoon of shampoo to the same container. Protection period is about 3 hours. After this, the composition must be reapplied or rinsed thoroughly with water.

Sweet vanilla powder in its pure form can be applied directly to the hair. This method is not recommended for use by children due to the risk of a wasp or bee arriving at the sweet smell. One effective folk remedy is a tincture of alcohol or vodka. Half a packet of powder needs to be dissolved in just 30 grams of vodka. In the case of alcohol, you need 10–15 grams, no more. The product is used as an aerosol.

After 3-4 hours after applying a cream, ointment or other fatty composition, the product should be washed off with water. Otherwise, dust and dirt will settle on the sticky base, closing the pores. This will lead to increased sweating, acne, and general body pollution. Reviews about this method of fighting mosquitoes and midges indicate its effectiveness.


Tips to help make the use of vanillin even more effective and harmless:

If you are prone to allergies, you should first conduct a test to make sure there are no undesirable consequences. Prepare a small amount and apply it to the area with the most delicate skin, such as the elbow, behind the ear or wrist. Monitor your reaction throughout the day. If everything is in order, then begin full use. If the prepared product turned out to be not very effective, then you can try increasing the concentration of vanillin or vanilla. But you shouldn’t overdo it, as this can lead to undesirable consequences in the form of skin manifestations.

In addition, an overly bright smell is unlikely to be pleasant to everyone around you. You can use vanillin together with other folk remedies against mosquitoes. Do not use vanillin that has expired; its smell will probably not be pronounced or bright. Although vanilla is not dangerous for children, it is still worth exercising caution, especially if the child is under one or two years old. If any discomfort occurs, stop use. Some products may be ineffective in windy weather, in which case it is advisable to use oil-based formulations with a higher content of the main component.

Let vanillin help you protect yourself and your loved ones from mosquitoes!

Studying the habits of insects

Mosquitoes prefer a warm and damp environment - approximately 15-17 degrees. It is difficult for them in hot weather because their bodies lose water very quickly. Most often they attack people because of their thin skin and nearby blood vessels. Moreover, most often the victims of these annoying bloodsuckers are energetic and hot people who love dark clothes.

Flies love to pester people at any time of the day and in any weather. Heat or coolness slows them down a little, but still the insects manage to sit on your favorite dish and insidiously rub their paws on it. They are very attracted to sweet foods or spicy perfumes. And although ordinary flies do not bite, they cause discomfort and are very annoying.

Midges, despite their small size, can send you to the doctor with a severe allergic reaction to a bite. When they bite, they inject saliva under the skin, which causes a large itchy blister to form. After a day, this place begins to swell and hurt. Therefore, after being bitten by these insects, many often turn to doctors so that specialists can prescribe soothing ointments and medications for allergic reactions.

Prevention is better than any cure

It is logical that it is better to prevent unpleasant phenomena than to get rid of them later. The same goes for midges in an apartment.

Regular house cleaning is the key to preventing “uninvited guests” from appearing in your home.

Therefore, several simple preventive measures and comfort at home are ensured:

  • Regular cleaning is clear and without explanation. Where it is clean and there is nothing to eat, midges never start. And take out the trash more often, even if the bag is not full.
  • Thoroughly wash and put away fruits as soon as they appear in the apartment. They brought it from the market or supermarket, washed it and put it in the refrigerator. This includes proper storage and prevention of the appearance of fruit flies. In winter you don’t have to worry so much, but if your apartment is warm, midges may appear.
  • Destroy or neutralize the source of distribution. These are rotten fruit in a bag on the table, a trash can, a sink and a drain in the kitchen. Clean it, put it away, or throw it away altogether.
  • Take timely care of indoor plants and pets. Remove rotten leaves, clean the hamster's cage, etc.
  • Well, for the most zealous fighters for cleanliness - wash all kitchen surfaces where juice splashes or food residues with baking soda.

Aqueous solution of vanilla bean

It is better to make this tincture in advance, about 2-3 months before the onset of summer.

To prepare it you will need 10 vanilla pods. Cut them into small pieces, pour boiling water (3 l) and place in a water bath. You need to simmer for at least an hour. Then pour the resulting infusion into small bottles, cork tightly, turn upside down, wrap in a warm blanket and keep in this form until it cools completely.

In the future, vanillin from midges should be stored in a cool, dark place.

During the period when midges appear, use this solution in ready-made form. You can scent the air in a room with it, add it to your bath, or simply spray it on yourself and your children. Babies fragrant with vanilla will sleep peacefully all night under such protection.

By the way, if you decide to use vanillin for midges to the fullest, you can use two more recipes:

  • First, you can prepare the cream. In terms of the degree of impact, it is superior to the solutions and infusions described above. It is especially suitable for the delicate skin of babies. To do this, add a pinch of vanillin powder to a regular baby cream and mix well. But when using such a cream, you should take into account that, due to its density, in the heat it will cause severe sweating.
  • Secondly, you can use vanillin against midges as a fragrance for linen, especially for children’s clothes (underwear and bedding). Add a standard sachet of vanillin (1 g) to the bottle of rinse aid, shake well and pour this mixture into the washing machine compartment during the last rinse of the laundry.

Using these simple recipes, you and your children will always be protected from insect bites. Outdoor recreation will no longer be marred by annoying midges, since you now have a truly effective means to combat them. The main thing is that you have it at hand at the right time, and then you won’t have to worry about your loved ones.

Article information

This article was produced by our experienced team of editors and researchers, who reviewed it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Categories: House

In other languages:

English: Use Home Remedies to Get Rid of Gnats, Italiano: Liberarsi dai Moscerini con dei Rimedi Casalinghi, Español: usar un remedio casero para ahuyentar a los mosquitos, Português: Usar Remédios Caseiros para Espantar Mosquitos, Deutsch: Mücken mit Hausmitteln beseitigen, Français : utiliser des remèdes maison pour éliminer les moucherons, 中文: 运用有效的秘方祛除蠓虫, Nederlands: Knutten bestrijden met huismiddeltjes, Čeština: Jak se zbavit komárů domácími metodami , Bahasa Indonesia: Membasmi Agas Dengan Pengobatan Rumahan, Tiếng Việt: Dùng Phương pháp tại Nhà để Loại bỏ Muỗi mắt, ไทย: กำจัดตัวริ้นด้วยของใช้ใน Please note: please contact us日本語: 家庭にあるものでブヨを退治する

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Vanillin is a food flavoring with a specific taste and pleasant smell. It was invented as a more affordable analogue of expensive natural vanilla and has become widespread in cooking, perfumery and the production of alcoholic beverages. Adding this product to food in small doses gives it a sweet, vanilla taste and smell. It is loved in the perfume industry for its ability to add subtle notes of elegance to perfumes. But vanillin is famous not only for its taste and aromatic qualities. The substances present in its composition have beneficial properties for the body.

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