Attracting prosperity and good luck with the help of a rabbit's foot amulet - rules for making and using

Historical information

The rabbit's foot talisman will give you good luck and success.
The hare's paw is considered one of the most ancient talismans in the world. The amulet often appears in films and TV series, and many famous personalities admit that they are the owners of this amulet. For example, Queen Elizabeth II said in an interview that she always carries with her a rabbit’s foot, which her grandson presented to her.

Belief in the magical abilities of the talisman arose among the ancient Celts.

Knowing that the hare sleeps with its eyes open, they believed that no enemy could take it by surprise, so an amulet in the form of a part of the body of this animal could endow the owner with vigilance and caution.

A rabbit's paw most often touches the earth's surface, which bestows vitality on all creatures, so the hind limb was chosen to make the amulet.

What result can you get?

The hare's foot brings the owner good luck in all areas of life. With its help, you can find love, improve relationships with your family, and successfully get a job. The main thing is to believe in the magical abilities of the amulet, otherwise it will not work.

The amulet also helps pregnant women bear and give birth to a healthy and smart child.

You should always believe in the protection of your amulet.


If a rabbit's foot is attached to a baby stroller, then this is an excellent protection against diseases, troubles and misfortunes. This amulet is also given to actors who are at the beginning of their career path. This gift is given after the first premiere, but does not need to be carried with you always. It is best to leave the talisman near the makeup, then inspiration and a positive attitude will not leave the actor. If the rabbit's foot is located near the newlyweds' bed, then, according to beliefs, they will soon have a new baby. In addition, it promotes long family life and marital happiness.

Appearance and properties of the amulet

Residents of all countries of the world believe in the ability of the rabbit's foot to bring good luck.

It is believed that it gives its owner:

  • increased performance;
  • fertility;
  • luck;
  • attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex.

The amulet consists of a cut and dried leg of a hare, to which a cord or ring is attached to wear the talisman as a keychain. If you hide it in the house, the amulet will bring prosperity and well-being to the residents.

Who should wear a talisman

The amulet is recommended to be worn by people of creative professions: designers, musicians, artists. The amulet will also be useful for entrepreneurs - with its help you can make profitable deals and increase capital.

In the UK, actors carry a talisman with them to win the sympathy of the audience.

Magicians and esotericists advise giving a baby rabbit's paw to a child - it will protect against evil, damage and accidents. A talisman made from the limb of a large hare is suitable for adults experiencing difficulties in life.

How to charge a rabbit's foot with magic

Magicians and sorcerers used a complex, multi-day ritual to transfer their power to the amulet. It is influenced by the elements of air, fire and the light of the full moon. The steps are as follows:

  1. First, the talisman is hung up and left for 3 days in the open air.
  2. Keep in direct sunlight for the next 3 days.
  3. Then, on the night of the full moon, place it on the windowsill under the rays of the night light and pronounce the magic words in a confident voice: “Just as a rabbit deftly avoids a chase, so now I will avoid dangers. Just as a hare is fertile, so should I be rich and successful in love.”

Rabbit's foot keychain

In the 21st century, you don’t need to go into the forest in the middle of the night to kill a hare. Now such talismans and amulets are purchased in a special store. They are synthetic and no different from the real thing. The main thing is to charge the amulet correctly, and also keep it near you for a while, talk to it about life and dreams. After some time, you can use the talisman. Practitioners recommend turning to the magic of the paw when something important happens in life. If you rub your paw during this period, magic will help the owner make a decision, find answers to questions and overcome difficulties of various kinds, as well as strengthen intuition. The owner of this magical item will be able to benefit from everything.

The Eastern calendar is dedicated to 12 sacred animals. Those born in the year of the Rabbit are considered lucky and do not need a rabbit's foot amulet, since this animal will already accompany and help them. The value of this item is much more than a chicken foot or a badger's paw.

what problems can there be with the limbs, and their causes

Pets, unfortunately, are not always absolutely healthy. It often happens that for various reasons the animal’s limbs suffer, for example, a rabbit’s foot, which can be pinched by a cage door or injured for another reason. The pet may simply get sick, which in some cases also affects its paws.


The pathological condition of the paws of domestic rodents can be caused by injuries, diseases, and the psychological state of the animal.

Tip: Whether a rabbit is paralyzed is determined by its mobility; if the legs are paralyzed, pets fall. If a sick rabbit needs to move, the affected foot or feet will drag along the surface of the ground.

The extent of damage to the paws varies. If a pet has damaged one paw, the disorder is called monoparesis, a pair of paws is paraparesis, complete numbness of the paws is called tetraparesis, which is considered the most severe form of damage to the rabbit’s limbs.

In a state of tetraparesis, the pet is immobilized and does not move. An animal can be paralyzed due to neurosomatics, when the rabbit’s nervous system responds to a threat to its health from the outside. External unfavorable factors can have a stressful effect on the rodent, causing it to get sick, and in severe cases, even death is possible. Therefore, you must always respond quickly to your pet’s deteriorating condition.

You should know that it is strictly forbidden to scare rabbits. Not only is the long-eared animal shy, it has fragile bones, and pets move in captivity, that is, not enough for the bones to become stronger, as during natural life training in the wild. Even a small load can break the bones of a domestic rabbit.

If an animal that is frightened suddenly jumps to the side, it will hit the lattice metal walls of the cage, or its spine will break, or the vertebrae will become displaced, which should not be allowed; it is not possible to save the animal in all cases. Therefore, cages with rabbits are not placed near dogs in the yard; they can bark sharply at any moment or attack structures with animals. Rabbits can become very frightened, and this is a stressful situation, and often leads to paralysis of the legs. Sitting still can also paralyze your pet if it gets scared.

Advice: Rabbits should not be stressed, frightened or irritated; only then will it be possible to raise healthy and developed individuals.

To prevent your pet's paws from suffering from paresis, you should provide the rabbits with the proper conditions. Animals should be transported in such a way that they are protected from loud noise and vibrations.

If there are female rabbits with babies in the cages, no loud work should be carried out nearby, and no sharp sounds should be heard nearby.

Pets must be handled carefully and even tenderly; the withers and ears should not be twitched by a person’s hand; bathing the pet in a sink under running water, as well as in bodies of water, is prohibited. Sudden movements are not allowed when the rabbit is being vaccinated or being tested for gender.

You should not suddenly change the environment to which the rabbit is accustomed, for example, turning on a bright night light when the room is dark. The presence of parasitic rodents in the place where rabbits are kept is unacceptable.


If a rabbit breaks its leg, it will drag it when moving. The first aid of the livestock breeder will be to bandage the damaged paw. A splint may be applied to secure the limb. Since an ordinary rabbit is compact, you can use a pencil as a splint.

Advice: If there are signs that the rabbit has broken a limb, protect it from bright light, apply a splint, place the animal in a box with soft fabric bedding, and either call a veterinarian at home or take it to a special clinic.

A spinal injury is determined when the animal is able to rely only on its front legs, while its hind legs drag. The animal's spinal cord sends a signal to the muscles, causing them to contract. If the vertebrae are displaced, the spinal cord is damaged, and if the spine is dislocated, signals cannot reach the muscle joints, the paws do not move, and it is almost impossible to cure the pet.

If a rabbit has suffered a head injury, the centers of the brain and nervous system that coordinate movements, motor function and impulse signals to the paws are inhibited.


If your pet pulls its paw, it may happen after a fight with another rabbit or female rabbit. After the struggle, the limb may be bruised, broken or dislocated. To avoid such troubles, it is better not to place individuals of different sexes in the same cage.

Tip: Sometimes the hind legs can get damaged during mating. In order for the mating to go smoothly, the male is placed in a separate cage, and then the female.

When the female rabbit is the first to enter the cage, her instinct to defend the territory is triggered, in which case the male may be injured.

Deficiency of calcium and microelements

When a rabbit lacks calcium, it is absorbed by the body from the bone tissue, as a result the pet’s skeletal bones become thinner and can break easily.

With the help of calcium, the body functions correctly, important ligaments are formed inside it, the brain and muscles work well. Personal reserves of the element are consumed, as a rule, by newborn rabbits and pregnant and lactating females, as well as individuals with weak immunity. If a rabbit lacks other microelements, the body will also malfunction.

Tip: To replenish calcium, you will need to feed the rabbits bone and fish meal, dry milk, burnt and crumbled eggshells, and chalk.

Viral infections

Your rabbit can get listeriosis caused by Listeria. The microbe affects pregnant rabbits and newly born babies. The litter of a sick female may be dead; some born individuals may remain in the uterus. When the fruits decompose, inflammation affects the uterus, and the female’s legs are taken away.

With encephalozoonosis (rabbit encephalitozoonosis), it paralyzes the hind legs of animals. A parasitic microorganism, living in the kidneys, brain tissues (head and spinal region), disrupts the correct processes of the organs.

Constipation or diarrhea

Irregular or too heavy stools indicate that your rabbit has problems. If digestion is impaired, the animal will suffer from either constipation or diarrhea, and sometimes the animal’s hind legs fail. The veterinarian will advise you correctly and recommend methods of combating the disease.

Brain inflammation

In order for the different systems of an animal’s body to function, the correct uninterrupted functioning of its brain is necessary. In this case, a living being reacts to a variety of external and internal factors, thinks, has different reflexes, etc. Also, if everything is in order with the brain, the rabbit moves quickly and clearly. If this organ is damaged, the consequences can be dire, and important functions are lost. If the rabbit breeder, together with veterinary specialists, fails to do anything, the animal dies.

If the pet's hind legs fail, this means there may be problems with the rabbit's brain; it may be inflamed. But such symptoms apply to several diseases.

With encephalitis, a sick rabbit does not stand up on its limbs, its head turns to the side. It is very difficult to cure an affected individual; even if in rare cases it works, a number of important impaired reflexes cannot be restored.

With encephalomyelitis, the brain is affected after an infectious disease. The animal's paws can be paralyzed. If you miss the moment when the first signs of the inflammatory process appear and do nothing, the rabbit can die within a day or four days.

With meningitis, both the brain and spinal cord become inflamed. The last resort is to kill the rabbit. But first you need to consult a veterinarian. Similar symptoms are observed with damage to the central nervous system, and it can be restored; specialized medications will be required; if you contact a specialized veterinary clinic at an early stage, the rabbit’s recovery is possible in a week.

As preventive measures to prevent paralysis of rabbit legs, you need to protect animals from falls, stress, communication with aggressive other pets at home or in the yard, consult a veterinarian once or twice a year, and give rabbits vitamin-mineral supplements or medications, for example, aminazine, monitor your diet and cell cleanliness.

How to make an amulet with your own hands?

The hare's foot is cut off with a sharp knife so as not to damage the skin. After this, you need to rinse it very thoroughly. The cut area is sewn up with threads that match the color of the animal’s fur coat. Then, they hang it for several days in a place where the wind will constantly blow. Since the leg contains only tendons and no fatty layers, it will not rot and there is no need to use taxidermy. Finally, a chain or strap is attached to it to be worn for good luck.

Step-by-step instructions on how to tan a rabbit skin

The process of preparing rabbit skins includes several specific steps that must be performed in strict sequence.

Mix the soaking solution from 1 liter of water, 30 g of borax, 2 g of carbolic acid (in crystalline form), 50 g of salt. You can also use other antiseptics: sodium bisulfite (2 g), furatsilin (1-2 tablets). If the skins have already been well salted during preservation, a smaller amount of salt is added to the solution.

The solution is poured into a sufficiently capacious stainless steel container, glass or enamel container. After placing the skins in the solution, place a heavy object on them so that they do not float and are covered with water by at least two centimeters. During the soaking process, stir the skins from time to time to ensure they are treated more evenly with the solution.

During the soaking process, stir the skins from time to time to ensure they are treated more evenly with the solution.

The soaking process can last from six hours to four days. Skins that have been preserved recently soak faster, while those that have been poorly cleaned of fat or dried too quickly soak worse and longer. The degree of readiness of the skin can be determined by the following signs:

  • the hair stays firmly in the skin without stretching,
  • the flesh has softened and wrinkles well anywhere.

Having carefully removed the remaining water from the soaked skins and wiped them dry, you can begin to remove the inner layers (fleshing) and loosening the fibrous tissue of the skin so that subsequent treatment with chemicals is more effective.

First of all, with a sharp knife, the remaining muscles and fat are removed from the inner surface of the skin, then the flesh is planed to the same thickness over the entire area of ​​the skin. After that, with the blunt part of a knife, the flesh is broken down from the tail to the head, as well as from the tail to the floors. Do the work carefully, conscientiously, but don’t get carried away too much, otherwise you risk exposing the hair roots on the skin.

Features of the rabbit's foot

Simply catching an animal and cutting off a rabbit's foot is not enough. In order for the amulet to acquire powerful powers, it is necessary to adhere to a number of conditions. The sacrifice must take place on charged ground. This includes cemeteries, burial sites and battle sites. The murder takes place at night under a full moon on the last working day of the thirteenth. All these facts together rarely coincide, so you’ll have to wait. To ensure that the rabbit is not killed in vain, the hunt should be carried out after the rain. There are many sayings and proverbs associated with this event. Finally, you should not take the weapon with which you are going to kill the animal; it is better to ask it from a friend or neighbor.

The role of the victim

The hare, also known as the Rabbit (although these are different species), is a small herbivore that often serves as food for larger predators.

The wolf and the fox especially want to snack on the hare; fairy-tale and cartoon stories are often told about this.

Therefore, the meaning of his image and the perception of hare symbolism are based on his natural qualities that nature has endowed the rabbit people with:

  • speed of movement , the ability to quickly run away - so as not to become someone's food;
  • reproduction rate - to compensate for the decline in the “hare population” and so that predators always have food;
  • sensitivity of perception and the ability to break free (kick with strong hind legs, bite) is a certain chance of preserving their own life, which nature left for these animals.

Now in more detail.

Activation instructions

  1. Cleaning. The purchased paw must first be energetically released. To achieve this, the amulet is placed in a windy place where it will be blown by winds from all sides. Complete energy purity will be achieved in three days.
  2. Light recharging. After cleaning, the amulet is placed under the rays of the sun. This could be a veranda or windowsill, where for three days the amulet is charged with the energy of the star.
  3. After waiting for the full moon, you should place the paw under the moonlight for three nights.
  4. Establishing communication. During all this time, the future owner must establish a connection with the talisman. To do this, you should mentally and out loud address the paw, but do not directly ask for benefits and good luck. The strong faith of the owner greatly increases the effect of the amulet.
  5. The owner must always have the finished talisman with him and not allow others, even close friends and family, to touch it.

Additional recommendations

The amulet must be protected. If it is lost, the owner will face failure. You can enhance the properties of a hare's paw if you often talk to the talisman, talk about your problems and difficulties. Then he will definitely help eliminate all difficulties.

When purchasing a paw in a store, you should ensure that the fur is natural. An artificial product will not have magical properties.

A charged amulet brings good luck throughout the year. After this time, you need to repeat the charging ritual.

It's bad luck to breed rabbits

It's up to you to decide whether it's superstition or true warnings, but keeping rabbits in the house is also considered a bad omen. Based on the rich experience of our ancestors, we can establish a pattern that by raising rabbits at home, numerous misfortunes will soon befall your family. This can include financial difficulties, career falls and even great misfortunes. However, rabbits can be bred on farms and in private homes in special cages. The most important thing is that it does not look like you are keeping such pets.

How to make a talisman from a rabbit's foot

Of course, the easiest way is to purchase such a talisman in a specialized store of esoteric goods, and then perform a consecration ceremony over it. If you have a hunting license, then you can try to get a hare's foot yourself. Nowadays, it is unlikely that you will be able to shoot a rabbit in a cemetery; it is better to go to a wooded area for this purpose.

The optimal time for hunting is considered to be the full moon, although you can try to get an amulet on the waxing moon. Shoot the animal and then cut off the left hind rabbit's foot. It should be washed thoroughly, and the cut should be sewn up with threads matched to the color of the animal’s fur. The future amulet is dried in the open air. Since the rabbit limb consists almost entirely of tendons, it will not need to be processed using taxidermy.

Not all rabbit's feet are created equal! There is a legend about a “black” talisman that changed its owners 18 times. Each of the former owners of the amulet soon died under mysterious circumstances...

Activation and cleansing

A homemade or store-bought rabbit's foot needs to be activated to become a good luck talisman. Activating the amulet is simple: you should bring the object to your face and whisper your wishes and requests. Words must come from a pure heart, and you can ask for anything.

Before important events, the rabbit’s paw is addressed out loud, whispering a plea for help. Then you need to rub it gently.

The amulet must be carried with you and protected.

Charging the talisman

Esotericists and sorcerers in ancient times performed a ritual to endow an amulet with magical powers. You can use it now.


  1. The hare's foot is hung for 3 days by the fastener in a place where the wind blows. This could be an open veranda or a window.
  2. After the specified time, the amulet is removed and placed in the sun for 3 days.
  3. Then, on a full moon, the talisman is placed so that moonlight falls on it. They whisper a conspiracy:

How to charge the amulet

The rabbit's foot should be hung on a thread in an open, airy place and left for three days. During this time, the wind will fill it with air energy. Then you need to put the talisman on a plate or tray and keep it for three days in direct sunlight. The last thing left for you to do is to charge the amulet with lunar energy. Place the rabbit's foot on the windowsill so that the moon's light falls on it (for three nights).

How to use a ready-made lucky item? It depends on the goals you are pursuing. Some people carry it with them, secretly from others. This helps to attract good luck and protects against minor troubles. A rabbit's foot can be hung over a baby's crib to protect him from the evil eye. You can keep the amulet at home to always live in abundance.

The process of turning a rabbit's foot into a magical talisman of protection is quite simple. She is asked to protect her owner from any adversity. The words of the slander can be arbitrary. The main thing is that they are sincere and come from a pure heart.

The paw, charged with good luck, is placed under the pillow or in a separate pocket of clothing. It should be as close to its owner as possible. Remember that you cannot talk while doing this.

Despite the fact that this talisman was invented by the sorcerers of the Voodoo cult in ancient times, and is alien to our culture, it brings good luck to almost everyone, except the rabbits themselves, of course.

Ritual of charging the talisman

There are several methods for charging the presser foot. One of them is air energy. Place the amulet in a ventilated area and leave it for three days. Fix the result with sun rays. The talisman is charged for three days in the open sun, and then for three nights under the moonlight. Tell the rabbit's paw about your deepest desires that you plan to achieve with the help of the talisman, and it will definitely guide you on the right path.

At the end of the ceremony, the paw is hidden in a secret pocket or placed under the mattress of the bed. It is advisable for the talisman to be near you as often as possible and imbued with your energy. Otherwise, the dead animal's leg will cause harm. There's no point in showing off a rabbit's foot. Like all magical amulets, happiness loves silence and will bring good luck secretly from everyone. If you happen to lose a rabbit's foot, you will have to make a new one or perform a protection ritual. The loss of a furry talisman threatens new misfortunes and troubles. The amulet will help maintain harmony in the family, the viability of the fetus in the expectant mother, and will also restore the health of the child. A new magical item will bring success in all endeavors, including business. A talisman hidden in the left pocket will help to conclude a deal, and attached to a headdress will give wisdom to the owner. After purchasing symbols from the long-eared leg, be very serious about cleaning it. Thing is possible

This is one of the oldest talismans that brings good luck. Many works have been written about him, he is a frequent “hero” of cinema. US President Theodore Roosevelt once gave a hare's foot as a gift to the famous boxer John Sullivan. Elizabeth II once admitted that she constantly carries with her a rabbit's foot, given to her by her grandson.

Belief in the magical power of the hare's paw appeared in ancient times - among the Celts. They believed that since a hare can sleep with its eyes open, that is, be vigilant even during rest, it means that a talisman in the form of a part of the body of this animal is able to notice evil in time and neutralize it. But why exactly the paw, and not, say, the tail or the ear? The fact is that the paw of an animal, more often than other parts of the body, comes into contact with the earth, which gives us life and energy.

How to dry a rabbit's foot - step by step instructions

It should be noted that as an amulet, the rabbit's foot brings good luck indefinitely. However, it is not possible to use it immediately after separation from the animal. The first step is to dry the foot thoroughly. Otherwise, it will begin to emit an unpleasant odor and begin to rot. As a result, the owner of the talisman will encounter problems instead of luck.

To properly dry your paw, you will need the following set of ingredients:

  • Rubbing alcohol (available at a pharmacy) in the amount necessary so that the rabbit's foot can be completely immersed in the solution.
  • Warm water for rinsing
  • Clean cloth
  • Salt
  • Borax 200 g (1 cup)
  • Large cardboard cup

Process Features

  1. The rabbit's foot is placed in a jar of medical alcohol for 48 hours (two days).
  2. After two days, it should be removed from the jar and the remaining alcohol should be thoroughly squeezed out.
  3. Then the resulting artifact is washed with warm water and wrung out again.
  4. In a large bowl, mix half a liter of water and a cup of borax.
  5. Immerse the paw in the mixture for two hours.
  6. The foot is removed from the mixture, the remaining liquid in it is squeezed out. Then it dries overnight on a clean, pre-prepared fabric.
  7. A paper cup is filled with salt. (A plastic glass does not absorb moisture and is not suitable for this purpose).
  8. The rabbit's foot is completely immersed in salt. The salt will absorb moisture and the paw will dry out.
  9. Then the talisman will be placed on the windowsill for a month or two, depending on its size.
  10. To ensure that the foot dries evenly, it must be turned over once a week.


It is a set of sequentially performed operations. The quality of the fur will depend on the careful and correct execution of all stages.

  • The preparatory stage is conservation.
  • Soaking (soaking).
  • Fleshment.
  • Degreasing.
  • Pickling.
  • Curing and neutralization.
  • Tanning.
  • Zhirovka.
  • Drying and kneading.

Let's consider each operation separately.

Preparatory stage - conservation

If you do not process the skin right away, it must be preserved. That is, save it until the time comes to process it. It happens like this.

After slaughter, the skin is removed with a stocking. You cannot leave it unstraightened for a long time (it may rot). Should be stored as follows:

  • the stocking is turned inside out,
  • pulled onto the rule,
  • the lower end is secured so that the stocking does not wrinkle.

You can make the straightening yourself from two wooden blocks measuring 20x50 mm. They are cut along the edge and tied with ordinary metal tape. It looks like clothes tongs. A movable wedge is installed between the bars, which moves them apart to the width of a rabbit stocking.

The skins are dried on straightening in a well-ventilated area, but not in the sun or near heaters or radiators. Otherwise they will become brittle. From the inner side they are rubbed with salt. Dried skins are stored in a cool place.

Soaking (soaking)

Before you can start processing dried skins, they need to be soaked. A special solution is prepared for this. The proportions of the components are as follows:

Washing powder containing soda ash

For all leather dressing operations, only warm water (35-40 degrees) is used.

The total volume of water in relation to the weight of the skins is as follows:

  • 9 parts - water,
  • 1 part - weight of skins

The soaking process can last six hours or four days. But if soaking is delayed, then after 12 hours the solution is changed.

The readiness of the skin for further work is determined by the degree of softness of the core.

Skins that are processed immediately after removal do not require soaking. Their processing can begin with the fleshing.

It is carried out for two purposes:

After this operation, the skin will become susceptible to chemicals during further processing.

It begins with the removal of residual muscle and scraping of fat. A sharp knife is used to remove excess, and a blunt knife is used to break and loosen the dermis. He does not cut the flesh, but only drives it away. Simultaneously with the removal of the flesh, you need to press on the skin. Then fat will come out from the thickness. It can be collected and used later for fatliquoring.

Fleshing begins from the tail along the ridge and to the head. If the skin is steamed (just removed), then the skinning can be done by hand. To do this, use a knife to pry up the inside of the tail a little, move a couple of centimeters, insert your fingers there, and then do everything with your hands.

With this method of removal, no metal objects affect the skin. Pulling and pressing to squeeze out fat is done only with your hands. In this case, there is no danger of damaging the skin and overdoing the scraping.

Mezdrovka is not an easy procedure. But the result justifies the effort - the skin becomes absolutely clean.

How to make a rabbit's foot correctly?

A simple and quick way to get it is to go to a shop of esoteric things. After this, the amulet must be revived, and the rabbit's foot will serve you. The meaning of killing an animal is the fact of the chase. If you release a rabbit into a cemetery and kill it, this talisman will have no power and will not bring good luck.

Plan a night trip into the forest and find the animal. After killing the long-eared one, carefully cut off the left hind leg. Wash the limb with clean water and place it in a package. At home, take threads that match the color of the animal and sew up the edge. The talisman must be placed outdoors in a secluded place and dried. No additional processing is required for this part of the body, since the paw is practically nothing but tendons.

What should a rabbit's foot look like?

Among North American peoples, the belief in a lucky rabbit's foot originated from African-American Voodoo magic. For it to bring good luck, several conditions must be present.

Only the left hind paw of the animal can be used as an amulet.

A talisman can only be useful if the animal was killed in a cemetery by a cross-eyed person. In this case, on the day of the murder the phase of the moon must be taken into account.

In some cases it is argued that the animal must be killed with a silver bullet.

And there are instructions that state that the foot must be cut off from a rabbit that is still alive. Well, this is incredible!

Only a gray rabbit is suitable for ritual action.

It is best to feed the rabbit yourself. His paws should be washed so that they do not stink in the future. And do not forget to ask the rabbit for forgiveness for the fact that his body part will be removed.

Rabbit meat should be given to poor people. All the entrails must be buried in the forest as a gift to the gods so that they can assist.

To keep the paw dry and not stink, you can place it in the freezer. When making an amulet, be guided primarily by your own feelings. There is no need to do something that is extremely unpleasant for you.

Manufacturing methods

To understand why the foot of a hare or rabbit was used for the talisman, one must turn to occultistic folk views. The rabbit was believed to be closely connected to the earth, the source of all life. And the paw is the part of the body that comes into closest contact and accumulates life energy. Only sorcerers and witches with enormous power could incarnate into a hare. And the one who manages to kill this hare and makes a talisman for himself from the paw will appropriate all the witchcraft power.

North American tribes carefully guarded their knowledge of how to make a rabbit's foot for good luck. Moreover, it could only be done during a certain lunar phase, when the conspiracy works best. You need to speak to the rabbit's foot in order to activate its power.

In order for the rabbit's foot amulet for good luck to work powerfully and smoothly, you must follow certain rules:

  • It is better to use the back paw, it is the most effective;
  • It is better to kill a rabbit yourself and in nature;
  • it’s good if the weather is rainy;
  • the phase of the moon must be waxing or full;
  • silver increases the power of the talisman (for example, in the process you can use a silver knife or bullet);
  • To kill, it is better to use someone else's weapon.

In order to make a keychain from a rabbit's foot in the present time, one should take into account modern realities. Not everyone has the hunter skills to get everything they need in the forest. So it's okay to go to a rabbit farm, but it's critical to do as much of the work yourself as possible.

  • after separating the paw from the body, it should be washed thoroughly;
  • the cut should be carefully sewn with colored thread;
  • You need to dry a rabbit's foot at home for several days, hanging it in a place well blown by the winds - it has no chance of deteriorating in the air, since it consists of bones, tendons, skin and wool;
  • After drying, you can attach a chain or leather cord to the product.
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