What is the difference between a ferret and a weasel? Are weasels and stoats different animals? Prices for various types of electronic rodent repellers

But you should be careful with traps, because pets or small children can also get caught in them.
A simple and humane trap can be easily and simply made with your own hands:
  1. You need to take a cage, box or bucket and attach a door to it that would slam shut when the spacer is knocked down.
  2. Bait is placed inside (for example, a dead chicken, a piece of lamb or pork);
  3. Sensing the smell of raw meat, the predator will reach for the bait and will definitely fall into the trap.

However, a person must be nearby at this moment so that the animal cannot knock down the door, because it will fight to the last for its life and freedom. It is recommended that the caught animal be taken out and released in the forest, away from human habitations.

Using this method, you should not put poisoned bait in the trap.

, because pets (cats, dogs) will definitely want to try what’s hidden there.

In addition, it is worth considering one point: it is imperative to destroy your scent on traps or traps, otherwise the animal will not even approach the devices. You can do this in several ways:

  • smear traps and traps with manure;
  • whiten with slaked lime;
  • boil a trap or trap in spruce needles.


Man's four-legged friends can be excellent helpers in preventing predators from entering the chicken coop. The dog needs to be placed on a long chain so that he can reach all corners of the chicken coop, or be given free range in the yard.

If you plan to use cats, then you need to “send” them directly into the chicken coop. But you shouldn’t do this with dogs, because being locked in a room, the dog begins to be afraid and sad and can get enormous stress.

If unexpected guests enter, cats and dogs will definitely notify you of this with their behavior and, in addition, they will be able to scare away small predators with their presence.

Traditional methods

Among the folk methods that should be used to protect the chicken coop against small predators, one can name. It consists in the fact that the walls of the building need to be coated with tar. However, the effectiveness of this method is very questionable, because the animal can climb through the roof or dig under the foundation. So the statement that the hunter will be caught in a sticky trap is very controversial. But, on the other hand, an unpleasant smell can scare away the animal.

Using repellers

Ultrasonic repellers are a popular method of pest control in the home - they are used against insects, rats and mice. A similar control scheme is also suitable for small predators - upon sensing low-frequency signals, the animal will leave the house in panic. However, as reviews show, not all models of such devices are effective, so you need to approach the issue of choice seriously - read what users say on the Internet, look at reviews, compare prices, and choose the best for yourself.

An alternative to this method is to install a light with a motion sensor near the chicken coop. When a predator approaches the hunting area, the lamps turn on and the device emits sound and light signals that will scare the animal.

Mechanical methods

If you prefer humane methods of pest control, you can try to catch the animal with your bare hands, although this will be quite difficult. Weasels, ferrets and martens operate under the cover of darkness, so it can only be caught at night. But how to catch an animal so that it does not harm you? There are two ways to do this.

Chicken owners are familiar firsthand with a small but dangerous animal - a weasel, which can raid a chicken coop, mercilessly exterminating its inhabitants. Today we will talk about methods to neutralize such an uninvited guest and secure the poultry house.

Ferret and weasel - one family

The weasel, like the ferret, belongs to the weasel family. History is silent about why this small, bloodthirsty and ferocious predator was named so affectionately. Among its relatives, the weasel is the smallest predator.

Males grow to a maximum of 26 cm, and their weight is approximately 250 g. Females are much smaller: body length ranges from 11 to 22 cm, and weight from 30 to 100 g. Their tails also differ in size. In a male, the length of the tail can be approximately 8 cm, and in a female - 6.5 cm. The weasel's method of movement is jumping up to 30 cm long.

Externally, the weasel looks like a ferret and has reddish-brown fur. Only on the neck and belly the fur is white. In the cold season, the dark color of the fur changes to white with long pile. Thanks to this white color, the weasel becomes invisible in the snow.

The weasel's sharp claws on strong short legs make it possible to excellently climb trees. With her claws she can very quickly tear apart mouse holes.

Weasels do not have a permanent shelter. She rests in secluded places. It can be:

  • Thickets of bushes.
  • Spaces among the roots.
  • Rock crevices.

Weasels are also found in the tundra and steppe. In the article you can see what a ferret and weasel look like; the photos show an already mature animal.

The weasel chooses a place to live where there is a lot of food. The basis of nutrition is voles. Although she can make changes to her diet. Treat yourself to bird eggs, lizards, fish, large rodents, rabbits, snakes and even insects.

Forest ferret: description

Black or dark ferrets are naturally crossed, and the result is predators of various colors. An adult ferret looks like its relatives, only on the back it has a black-brown color. The rest of the body is almost black. Sometimes you can find red or white animals.

Forest ferrets have very long, sharp claws. The elongated body of the male reaches a length of up to 50 cm, and the tail - up to 17 cm. The body weight of the male reaches 1,500 g. The female is much smaller, her weight often does not exceed 800 g, and her body length is approximately 40 cm. The tail of females is naturally shorter than that of the male.

The face mask is the calling card of the ferret. Externally, it differs from other species. The mask has a characteristic contrasting ornament, with it the forest polecat looks like a decorative animal.

Manners of affection

The weasel is the ferret's closest relative. In the old days, there was a belief that meeting a beautiful predator would bring bad luck. The weasel is not at all afraid of people; it can easily steal something from food, and do it suddenly and completely unnoticed by a person.

At the same time, there was another opinion, completely opposite to the first. Its meaning was that affection can bring good luck and happiness. The weasel brings great benefit to humans because in a short time it can destroy a large number of rodents that cause significant harm to agriculture. The weasel looks like a ferret and its manners are no different from representatives of this species.

The weasel tries to go hunting at night. Its long, stately body makes it possible to easily penetrate mouse holes, and its sharp claws easily deal with prey. During the daytime, the weasel is also active. During the day, she runs about a kilometer in search of food. In winter, the weasel moves under thick snow. Rodents have no escape from it, neither underground nor on the ground.

The caring weasel loves to stockpile supplies in case of famine; the animal stores mouse carcasses in a hidden place. The area where the weasel hunts depends on the number of inhabitants. If the “food” runs around in sufficient quantities, the weasel remains in this place for a long time. As soon as there is less prey, it moves to other places.

This tiny predator treats people without fear, but also without friendliness; in fact, it is not tamed.

Methods for entering a chicken coop

The weasel can get into the house through any accessible hole. A crack in the foundation or an unnoticeable hole in the wall - all this helps an uninvited guest get into the chickens. If the walls of the poultry house do not have holes, but there are boards that have rotted from time and moisture, the weasel will easily gnaw them.

The favorite way for weasels to enter the poultry house is through rat and mouse holes, so protecting the yard from these predators is no less important than the chicken coop itself. If there are no cracks or holes in the area, the animal is able to get through the system, or dig an underground hole with its sharp claws.

Weasels rely on small rodents for their diet.

Ferret instead of a cat

The domesticated form of the wild forest ferret is called the ferret or furo. About 800 years ago, the first domestic ferrets appeared. They lived only with people of the upper class.

Today, the albino ferret is becoming the most popular among breeders. This is a descendant of black forest polecats, and it is he who is called furo. He has a snow-white coat and differs from his relatives in his red eyes. What does a ferret look like? The photo in the article shows furo in all its glory.

Furos kept at home are quite large: body length can reach 50 cm, weight 2 kg. The lifespan of a domestic ferret is significantly longer than that of its wild counterparts. When organizing feeding a ferret, you need to take into account that it is a predator. The diet should include chicken, duck, and fish. They will not refuse cod, haddock and flounder.

The forest ferret is also called the common or dark ferret. As noted above, the ferret is a real predator. These sneaks take great pleasure in eating rats and mice, and in addition dangerous vipers.

It has been established that snake bites do not harm animals in any way. In order to eat nourishingly and well, the ferret is forced to hunt for a living, showing cunning, endurance and dexterity.

What does a ferret look like: photo of the animal

The steppe ferret is the largest among its peers. This is a predator found throughout almost the entire territory of the Far East, Europe, Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Not everyone can adapt to different climatic conditions as well as this animal. Some subspecies of the steppe ferret are listed in the Red Book.

The body length of the predator can reach 56 cm, and body weight 2 kg. The ferret's fur is brown. It is darker in color on the abdomen, paws and tip of the tail. Dark spots are clearly visible on the face. The steppe ferret moves by jumping.

The color of ferrets in different regions and at different times of the year may vary. Meanwhile, all predators of this species have something in common in the color of their skin. Many people are interested in what a ferret looks like. Color description:

  • The guard hairs are dark at the ends and light at the base.
  • The down is light.
  • The white muzzle has a black mask.
  • The belly, paws and tip of the tail are almost black.

What is a weasel?

With a long tubular body and long tail, the weasel is a wild and often solitary animal compared to the ferret. It has a slender body that often comes to life when hunting its prey in small holes. Typically, the weasel's body size ranges from 6.8 to 8.5 inches. It has a long tail, which also gives it balance when hunting its target prey. Females are smaller than males.

In appearance, the weasel has a red-brown coat with a white underbelly coat. The picture below shows the difference between these animals.

The weasel rarely becomes a pet due to its aggressiveness, even to people. It is known to prey on birds, so many homeowners rarely consider it a pet. Weasels hunt snakes, birds, mice, rats and rabbits. He can even kill for a trophy, as most of his kills go empty. Unlike the ferret, the weasel is not a nocturnal animal. He sleeps at night and hunts during the day. In addition, weasels are rarely in groups, as they often fight.

There are 17 species in the Mustelidae family and weasels belong to 10 of the 17 species. Ferrets, on the other hand, are a subspecies of the ferret division Mustelidae. Both of these animals have thick fur and a thin body. Hunting habits, characteristics and appearance vary.

What is the danger of weasel and marten

Although the weasel looks quite cute, it is still a merciless predator. When attacking, she strangles the victim and tears him to shreds. This animal has very sharp teeth, which allows it to kill a small goose or chicken without much difficulty.

Did you know?
In Ancient Rome and Europe of the early Middle Ages, weasels were used as pets; they helped protect the house from mice and rats.
Due to its small size and brownish fur, the weasel can camouflage itself well, making it difficult to catch. This animal rarely attacks chickens, feeding mainly on mice and rats, but in their absence it will look for other sources of food. Weasels are chosen to hunt chicken coops; there have been cases of attacks on cats and dogs. After the weasel appears in the poultry house, you can see several dozen killed hens and chicks.

Similar animals, martens, feed on small birds and rodents, but if there are villages with poultry near their habitat, they will hunt there too. During an attack, the marten first gnaws the victim's throat and then eats it. She moves deftly and quickly, making her difficult to catch. Destroying the entire chicken population at once is not the marten’s method. She will eat one chicken at a time until the chicken coop is empty.

Signs of a predator appearing in a poultry house

Ferrets are very dangerous to chickens

The peculiarity of the ferret is that, having entered the poultry house and seeing an abundance of food, the animal can destroy all the chickens in one night, although it is not able to eat so much prey.

This feature of the animal is especially harmful. In the excitement, a marten or polecat can kill even large birds - geese, turkeys. There are signs that make it possible to determine the presence of a predator near the poultry house before the first victims appear.

The animal’s attempts to enter the chicken coop are evidenced by the following:

  • Chickens do not leave their roosts in the morning - the frightened bird sits on top, even when the owner comes in and pours out food. This behavior occurs when a predator is near the house.
  • Chickens huddle on the highest perches and even in very crowded conditions refuse to sit lower.
  • Poultry screams in the chicken coop at night - when they hear a ferret trying to get inside, the chickens wake up, start screaming, and make a long noise. When the owner appears, the bird does not calm down.

If a predatory animal has entered the chicken coop, signs of hunting become obvious. All or some of the chickens are killed. The bird's blood is drunk, its legs and head are often chewed off.

When there is a suspicion that a ferret has appeared near the chicken coop, immediate action must be taken. The very next night the bird can be completely destroyed. A trap is immediately placed on the predator, and the bird is transferred to a safe place, inaccessible to the uninvited guest.

Attention! When the ferret has completely destroyed the chickens, it makes no sense to get the bird again (until the hunter gets rid of it): the pest will kill new pets.

Strengthening the chicken coop from predators

Prices for chicken coops for birds

Chicken coops

If you don’t have the time or desire to purchase products that will tell you how to get rid of weasels in the chicken coop,

you should turn the poultry house into an impregnable fortress and cover up any cracks and holes. It is also necessary to acquire good security: a competent, trained dog will be an excellent guard, protecting against any attacks from predators. It is recommended to surround the poultry house and the walking area with flat slabs to prevent undermining. Make sure that the surrounding area is free of empty boxes and other objects that could provide cover for predators.

A dog is a good bird protector

If you take timely measures to protect and protect your pets, you can avoid significant losses of livestock and not face the need for contact with predatory representatives of the mustelid family.

What traps to use

To catch ferrets, traps of different models are used. Given the nocturnal lifestyle of the predator, the trap is set in the evening. Using traps, they ensure the safety of chickens: they place the traps in a place inaccessible to the birds.

After installation, traps must be treated with a special compound that repels the human odor that frightens predators.

They use a product sold in specialized stores, manure (the trap is coated with the substance), slaked lime (applied with a brush). If the location of the ferret's hole is known, a trap is placed nearby.

To catch a predator, they use the so-called. trap No. 1. The device's guard is made especially sensitive. The bait is a bird killed by a polecat, and the animal's blood is poured into the trap.

A rat trap that is strong enough to hold a large rodent is a suitable trap for a ferret. The device is additionally weighted by attaching it to a large board to make the trap stable.

The ferret overturns a light rat trap, vigorously escaping. The freed predator, remembering the dangerous trap, always bypasses the rat traps.

What do black-footed ferrets like to eat?

These cute predators love to eat prairie dogs. But it also happens that they have to eat gophers and mice. A ferret needs 50-70 g of meat per day. These predators do not store food.

This ferret prefers a solitary existence, with the exception of the breeding season.

The ferret (Mustela putorius) lives in Eurasia. The so-called African ferret is apparently an albino form of the black one. It freely interbreeds with the forest ferret and is not an independent zoological species. The black ferret is found in almost all of Western Europe, including England, and in a large territory of the European part of Russia, except for North Karelia, north-east of Crimea, the Caucasus, and the Lower Volga region. Over the past decades, the black ferret has been intensively spreading to the north - in Finland. Black ferrets do not exceed 48 cm in length, 17 cm in tail, and 1.5 kg in weight. The black ferret's main diet consists of voles and mice. In addition, the black ferret often catches frogs, toads, partly wild and domestic birds, and sometimes rabbits.

The weasel and ferret are some of the most confusing animals if they don't look closely. It appears to be a cousin of the other one, which has long tubular bodies, albeit in different dimensions. They belong to the scientific parent name Mustelidae. However, there are significant differences between these types, as this article elaborates as follows.

Homemade traps

Some farmers catch animals with homemade traps.

The simplest version of the device is a bucket or box with a support. The bait is a piece of meat containing a large volume of blood.

The support is positioned so that the animal knocks it down by pulling the bait. The downside of the trap is the need for constant checking, otherwise the ferret will have time to get out. The caught animal must be removed quickly.

More reliable is a cage that has a vertically lowering door held open by a rope, which is released as soon as the bait is touched. To attract the animal, meat is taken with copious amounts of blood.

Care should be taken when removing a captured ferret. The teeth of polecats, martens, and weasels are very sharp, easily bite through the skin, and damage joints.

A wild animal may be infected with the rabies virus. Thick, thick mittens are put on your hands, and thick leather gloves underneath. It is convenient to use a lasso when getting a predator out of a trap.

You should not try to tear off a ferret that has grabbed your hand: the injury will be worse. The animal's nose is pinched to loosen its grip, then a wooden stick is inserted between the jaws and the mouth is opened.

A cage with a vertically lowering door is more reliable.

After being bitten, you should immediately seek medical help and get vaccinated against rabies. You should try to take your ferret to a veterinary laboratory for diagnosis.

What to do with the captured animal is up to the poultry farmer to decide. If possible, you can act humanely: release the ferret far into the forest, from where the animal cannot return. When long-distance release is not possible, the pest must be destroyed. The skin of a healthy animal is used.

Some farmers know how to catch polecats with a rope lasso. The method is complex and requires experience. If the hunter's skill is insufficient, the animal will easily escape the noose and become more careful.

Important! Experts do not recommend using homemade products for catching polecats, but recommend professional devices that provide guaranteed results.

Black-footed ferret

This is the only species native to North America. The steppes and hills of North America are its habitat. The black-footed ferret looks like a prairie and forest ferret. Small differences are observed only in color. The predator lives in abandoned prairie dog burrows.

The black-footed ferret has a long body with dark brown fur. The animal has dark fur on its back, a black tip on its tail, and its legs are also black. The black mask on the face is located in the eye area. The nose is black, and the muzzle, forehead and neck are white. The animal's ears are large and rounded, and its paws are thick and short. The weight of males reaches one kilogram, and females up to 850 g. The body length of males is 38-60 cm.

In captivity, the black-footed ferret can live up to 12 years.

How to scare away a ferret, marten, weasel

Electronic devices have been developed that create ultrasound. It causes fear in the predator and forces the animal to leave the territory covered by the repeller.

Live trap diagram

The device does not bother other animals. The person doesn't hear him. The disadvantage of an ultrasonic device is the possible addiction of the predator, the disappearance of the scaring effect.

Low frequency repellers are not addictive. The sound always seems to be the animal signal of an approaching earthquake. However, the device has a negative impact on pets that sense low-frequency sounds. Chickens experience stress when the appliance is operating.

There are light repellers that have a motion sensor. When fixing a moving object, the device turns on a flashlight, the light of which, frightening, drives the animal away from the chicken coop.

The disadvantage of the light repellent method is the inability to completely cover the entire area around the building, so persistent ferrets will be able to enter the chicken coop through an unlit area. A light repeller, additionally equipped with a sound function, is more effective.

How to catch a weasel: ways to catch small predators from a chicken coop

It is not so difficult to catch poultry house robbers: knowing their habits and preferences, you can weaken their onslaught. For centuries, farmers have been using traps and other traps to catch small predators.

Homemade devices

How to get rid of weasels - quite simple! To do this, you only need a few items that are always at hand.

Setting up a homemade weasel trap

1It is necessary to cut off the bottom and top of the bottle.
2At one end of it you should install bait in the form of one of the mustelids' favorite foods: a piece of fresh lamb or pork will be an excellent bait, since they will not be able to help but react to the strong smell of blood emanating from it.
3A chair should be placed in the place where animal tracks were found.
4Place the bottle on the edge of the chair.
5You need to place a bucket under the chair, into which the animal tempted by the bait should fall. In this case, the lid should be secured so that it slams shut at the slightest vibration.

It is important not to miss the moment when the animal falls into the trap in order to have time to fix the bucket lid in a timely manner. Otherwise, the animal can get out of it and all efforts are aimed at solving the problem: how can you catch and get rid of a weasel in a chicken coop? ,

will be in vain.

It does not matter how exactly the predator was captured, after capture it should be released away from its area.

Large mousetraps

The list of items that help in solving the question continues: what to do to prevent a weasel from getting into your chicken coop, a large mousetrap.

It is difficult to find an animal that would not find itself in a trap containing a delicious piece of meat. The Zürner rat trap is very popular among farmers.

Prices for repellers and traps for birds and rodents

Repellers and traps for birds and rodents

You can buy it in a store: the average market price is 1,200 rubles, or you can make it yourself. The manufacturing process is quite simple and does not require large financial costs. It is a small but capacious box made of boards. The peculiarity of this trap is the bridges connecting 2 windows located parallel to each other. They form a solid corridor hanging in the air. Metal hooks with bait are installed above the cover of the device, located above the junction of the two bridges. The animal climbs onto the bridge in order to swallow the bait and falls inside the box.


As a preventative measure, you can try to scare away the unwanted predator. An electronic repeller works well for this purpose and should be placed in the poultry house or in the area adjacent to it.

Prices for various types of electronic rodent repellers

Electronic repeller

The device emits low-purity signals that provoke panic attacks in animals and a desire to get out of the area as quickly as possible.

As an alternative, you can install a light with a built-in motion sensor, which will respond to the approach of intruders with noise and sound warnings.

Traditional methods

Measures to protect yourself from a little robber can be quite simple. For example, tar is considered an effective remedy. Rural farmers believe that walls coated with this resinous product will emit a weasel-repellent odor. However, this method is rather dubious: the weasel can get into the chicken coop through the roof or dig a hole, thus not coming into contact with the walls.

Folk methods of struggle

Important! Folk measures to combat polecats, martens, and weasels are sometimes used by small farm owners, but there is no official confirmation of the effectiveness of such protection.

It is recommended to lubricate the surface of the walls of the building with tar. The substance should repel predators, but not all animals are afraid of the tar smell. If the foundation of the building is not sufficiently strengthened, the ferret will dig, bypassing the area with tar.

There is an opinion that goat skin drives away ferrets with its smell. The smell of a goat is said to frighten all members of the mustelidae family. It is difficult to get rid of the animal this way. The method is more correctly classified as preventive measures for a well-insulated poultry house.

The folk method is to catch an animal using a strictly heavy coat or jacket. Special dexterity is required from a person. The animal must be quickly covered and wrapped in a coat.

The ferret should be pulled out by the withers, after putting on gloves and mittens.

It is unacceptable to involve children in this matter. Catching a ferret using a jacket or coat is dangerous and is not advisable. Wild animals carry many diseases, so it is advisable to avoid contact.

How to protect your chicken coop from predators

As a “live alarm,” you can place geese or turkeys nearby, which, sensing the appearance of a predator, will immediately raise the alarm (just remember the famous legend about how geese saved Rome in this way). At the same time, they are large enough that the predator cannot quickly deal with them.

You can scare away a weasel, marten or ferret with the help of pets: dogs and cats. The cat must be left in the chicken house. The dog must be placed in a kennel installed nearby, or a long chain must be given to it.

Dogs should not be allowed near chickens, as the dogs can become agitated and harm the birds.
If your pets have not yet suffered from an attack by uninvited guests, you need to take certain safety measures to prevent this from happening:

  1. Monitor the condition and repairs, avoiding unnecessary cracks and holes.
  2. Rotten boards in the walls must be promptly replaced with new ones.
  3. The area must be fenced with a metal mesh so that the animal cannot get into the house.
  4. On

Predators are different. Many believe that this order of mammals is limited to tigers, brown bears, wolves and other large creatures of the animal world. However, the world of carnivores also exists in a smaller version. Weasels, stoats, ferrets or martens are predatory animals in miniature.

With the onset of cold weather, many farmers are faced with the problem of attacks on chicken coops by petty robbers, and weasel attacks are especially common. How to get rid of weasels and protect your pets is a pressing problem and, fortunately, easily solvable.

These petty farmland thieves are excellent hunters and love flesh: the two distinctive molars in the jaw, designed for cutting meat, speak for themselves. Raiding a nearby chicken coop is a piece of cake for them. Moreover, the methods they choose are not the most humane: a ferret, for example, climbs into a poultry house under the cover of darkness and, despite its small size - only 50 cm in length, can easily strangle a chicken or even a goose. Incursions by representatives of the mustelid family, to which these half-meter-tall creatures belong, become more frequent with the onset of cold weather, but even in the summer this problem is pressing.

Before you protect your pets, you should compile a detailed dossier on a representative of this huge family. Mustelids are a family very rich in various species, in the center of which is the European pine marten. Mink, grison, ferret, skunk, badger, wolverine, otter, weasel, ermine - this is not a complete list of these nimble and agile inhabitants of forests, fields and swamps. Russian farmers most often encounter weasel attacks.

How to Avoid a Predator

If there is a risk of a ferret appearing in the chicken coop, the poultry farmer should take preventive measures in advance and provide for the protection of the structure from penetration of predators during the construction process:

  1. Completely isolate the room. Make the foundation monolithic concrete, cover the floor under the boards with iron. Cover the walls of the chicken coop with fine mesh and seal the cracks with cement.
  2. The ventilation system should be installed at a height of at least 2 meters from the ground.
  3. Close the coop tightly at night. Place a lock or latch on the door: the hook can be opened by the animal.
  4. There should be no accumulation of things inside the premises: any shelter will allow a predator, entering the chicken coop during the day, to remain unnoticed.
  5. Equip the walkway around the perimeter with a concrete strip, which should go to a depth of 50 cm.
  6. In places where the risk of a predator is high, inspect the chicken coop and poultry run daily. Suspicions of the appearance of an animal require urgent additional protective measures to be taken.

The appearance of a predator in a poultry house is a serious problem. It is easier to prevent an attack by animals by building the right barn for the birds than to solve the problem later, when some of the birds have already been chewed to death.

Methods for entering a chicken coop

It is not difficult to guess which path the little bandits choose for their bloody intervention. They use any available gap to enter the house. Cracks in the foundation, holes invisible to the eye - all this becomes a potential entrance to the chicken abode.

Thanks to their physiology and small size, even small holes become a door to gastronomic paradise for them. If the walls of the room do not contain holes, but have rotted under the influence of time and humidity, animals can easily gnaw through damp boards.

Since petty robbers have learned to use mouse holes as tunnels leading to a chicken coop, the solution to the problem of how to get rid of weasels in the yard,

becomes as paramount as ensuring the safety of the poultry house itself. Even if there are no cracks or holes in the surrounding area, the weasel can penetrate through the ventilation system or, in extreme cases, make a dig on its own: the animal’s sharp fangs and claws allow this manipulation to be carried out in the shortest possible time.

For safety reasons, every square meter of the poultry house should be inspected and, if necessary, all holes should be patched and the ventilation system should be covered with mesh. When designing a house for birds, you should take into account the fact that the foundation must be made thick in order to prevent animals from entering through holes.

Predator Information

The ferret belongs to the genus of mammals of the mustelidae family. In Latin, its name sounds like furonem, which means “thief.”

There are several types of this predator:

  • forest;
  • steppe;
  • blackfoot.

The color of ferrets can be different, usually their fur is brown-black, the tail, head and paws are darker. Light coats of fur are observed on the sides and belly of the predator. There are cases when the color of the animal is red or white. It is typical for a predator to have a slender, elongated body, the length of which is 30–50 cm. Paws with sharp claws, with the help of which animals dig deep holes, defend themselves and attack. The weight of a ferret is 1.5–2 kg. Life expectancy is 6–12 years.

These animals have an aggressive character; they get into fights with rivals even larger than themselves. During the daytime, the predator sleeps and hunts at night. And only when he is very hungry can he start hunting during the day. The predator comes for its prey at night: it quietly creeps up to the victim, attacks it with aggression, and then strangles it with its paws.

Did you know? The most favorite food for a ferret is chickens, but at the same time, he will not refuse to feast on other domestic animals.

Ferret coloring

To assess the external appearance of animals, Russian and American classification standards are used.

Russian system

The Russian classification offers 3 color options for animals:

  1. Mother-of-pearl, including silver and sable. The color of the fur is light cream with possible ash and silver tints. The guard hair is black or brown. The tips are cream or gray.
  2. Golden. The animals are yellowish in color or even close to orange. This appearance is given by black guard hairs and red tips.
  3. Pastel – distinguished by a light cream overall color. The guard hairs have a light brown or smoky tint. The coat is distinguished by light gray or cream tips.

American standards

The American Ferret Association operates with 8 types of colors and 4 colors, although in real life you can find more options. The color of the guard stripes with underfur, the color of the eyes and nose are considered as color. Moreover, when they talk about coloring, they take into account the combination of individual colors. The presence of marks, stains, and their combinations is also taken into account. According to the AFA standard, the following color options are distinguished:

  1. Albino - animals have a white type of underfur, in some cases there are light cream inclusions. The awn has the same shade. The ferret stands out with its red eyes and pink nose.
  2. Black - the animal boasts black guard hair with white or golden underfur. The eyes and nose are black.
  3. Sable - with dark brown guard hair, three versions of the underfur are possible - white, cream or light golden color. A brown or light brown nose goes with brown or black eyes. Ferrets can be found with spotted noses and decorated with a T-shaped pattern.
  4. Black sable - the animals are distinguished by their fur and awns of black-brown or dark ash color. There is a glossy sheen, the undercoat varies between white and cream inclusive. Dark eyes are combined with a black-brown nose, which is sometimes spotted.
  5. Champagne - this color is characterized by brown or light brown guard hair, a variety of underfur options from white to cream. There are no yellow spots. Cherry or dark cherry eyes, as well as a pink or beige nose, look great. The latter can be decorated with a brown T-stripe.
  6. Chocolate – the awn in the tone of milk chocolate is complemented by a white or slightly yellowish underfur. Individuals usually have a light beige, pink, brown, or pink nose with dark stripes.
  7. Brown - with a red-brown spine, the underfur is golden or white. Light or dark brown eyes are combined with a pink nose of varying degrees of severity.
  8. White dark-eyed - guard hair with underfur can be of different shades from white to light cream. If the eyes were dark cherry or dark brown, the nose was pink.

additional characteristics

AFA also establishes requirements for classification according to complex colors, taking into account the characteristics of the color of the nose, the characteristics of the mask on the muzzle, and the color saturation of the paws, tail and body. Experts take into account 4 color options:

  • Siamese (siamese);
  • roan;
  • solid;
  • standard

Animals can be decorated with spots and markings of a white shade. They are located in the area of ​​the tail, muzzle, torso, limbs, head or neck. Taking this into account, there are three types of combinations - Blaze, Mitts, Panda.

How to get rid of a ferret in a chicken coop

It is difficult to discourage a ferret from constantly receiving food. The predator will perceive any measures you take to combat it as obstacles and easily overcome them.

Important! In ferret physiology, the most important organs are the organs of hearing and smell. They compensate for his poor eyesight. The following precautions can be taken:

  • remove garbage from the yard (boards, boxes);
  • repair the chicken coop;
  • get a dog;
  • Close all openings into the poultry house firmly at night.

But what to do if preventive measures are ineffective? In this case, there is only one way out - you need to fight the beast in order to protect your livestock. Below we will tell you how to remove a ferret from the chicken coop.

How to catch

Since the animal hunts only at night, catching it will not be easy, but possible.

There are several ways to catch a predator:

  • use a dog;
  • set a trap;
  • catch by hand;
  • build a live trap.

Using a trap

In order to catch a ferret in a trap, you need to place bait in it: it can be feathers or a chicken previously strangled by the animal. An effective way is not to place the carcass in a trap, but to hang it above the trap, which will disperse the predator. Thus, he will fall into the trap faster. Here it should be said that the trap should not have a human smell. Having smelled it, the predator will not climb into the trap. There are several methods for eliminating odor:

  • lubricate the trap with lime;
  • rub with a solution of boiled spruce;
  • treat with manure.

Move the trap after wearing thick gloves. Important! Particular attention should be paid to placing traps if you have pets, as they may also become interested in the bait and fall into the trap.

Using live traps

You can also catch a predator using a live trap. To build it yourself, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • metal grid;
  • welding machine;
  • metal fittings;
  • pin;
  • spring;
  • loops;
  • bait board.

The process for making a trap is as follows:

  1. Using a welding machine, weld a frame for the trap from metal reinforcement.
  2. Install a door and a mechanism that will be activated when a predator stands on the board where the bait is located. This will close the entrance and the animal will remain inside.
  3. Cover the frame with metal mesh on all sides.
  4. The trap is ready, install it in the chicken coop.

Video: Ferret trap

How to scare away

If you don’t want to use radical methods in the fight against a ferret, then you can resort to methods of scaring the animal away. Let's take a closer look at them.

Modern technical means

There are modern means of repelling various predators. They can be purchased in specialized stores.

Find out how to get rid of rats in your chicken coop for good.

There are two types of repellers:

  1. Light and sound. When a predator approaches the chicken coop, the repeller beeps and starts flashing red, which scares the animal away. This device runs on batteries or mains power.
  2. Ultrasonic. They emit ultrasonic waves that repel not only ferrets, but also mice, rats, and moles. Do not harm pets or humans. They operate using a battery or mains power.

Using Pets

Pets can also deter predators from hunting chickens. If you have a dog, move its kennel closer to the chicken coop. The ideal option would be to place the booth right next to the doors of the poultry house. Of course, not every dog ​​is capable of catching a dexterous animal, but it will be able to notify you of an uninvited night guest by barking.

You can also use a domestic cat, which should be locked in a chicken coop at night, but do not forget that the ferret is a cunning and aggressive animal, so the cat may suffer from its paws. In addition, there is no guarantee that your pet will not want to eat homemade crusts while in close proximity to them.

Traditional methods

One of the popular folk ways to keep a ferret away from the chicken coop is to paint the outside walls of the poultry house with tar. However, this will not help if the house is not on a foundation, since the animal can dig a passage under the floor. You can also hang goat skin on the walls of the chicken coop; its smell will scare off predators. Or you can set up a simple trap: place a bucket on a support, put bait under it, and as soon as the ferret wants to eat it, he will definitely touch the support and the bucket will cover him.

Popular materials

  • Weasel how to catch

Conditions in the house

If you decide to have a pet, then a ferret would be a good choice. The domestic variety of the animal is characterized by an average length of about 50 cm, including a tail, which can reach 12-15 cm. The body weight of the animal varies from 700 g to 2 kg. Life expectancy in captivity reaches 5-7, in some cases 10 years, although in the wild it is no more than 3-4 years.

Nature and features of the content

Ideally, domestic ferrets can be kept freely indoors with the ability to move around the apartment or house. This option will help provide the animal with the necessary level of physical activity.

However, we should not forget that ferrets are very active and can begin to play with household utensils and various objects. Therefore, you can purchase a cage for keeping, which will become your personal territory and a place to relax. A house or hammock should be provided in the cage. For one animal, the cage dimensions should be 60x50x90 cm.

Important! Domestic ferrets sleep a lot of time. Their sleep is deep and long - 14-18 hours a day. That is why it is advisable to equip the cage with comfortable hammocks or bedding.

This is a fairly smart animal that can easily learn. He quickly gets used to people, becoming tame. In some cases, ferrets can follow the simplest commands of the owner. They quickly get used to the tray, although they often find another place for the toilet, where they should put the container. They can be taken for walks with a leash-collar.

The presence of a musky smell with honey notes may create some difficulties for the owner. The sebaceous glands after sterilization and castration will not produce an enzyme that enhances the odor. Therefore, such animals do not smell too strongly. At the same time, the smell is inherent in all individuals. Its intensity is determined by the characteristics of maintenance, care, and feeding. A strong and not very pleasant odor occurs due to:

  • the beginning of the mating period;
  • the use of low-quality food or saturated with odors;
  • non-compliance with hygiene rules;
  • excessively frequent bathing and the use of unnatural hygiene products;
  • illnesses and stress.

Ferrets are curious and will try to get into every crack in the house. At the same time, they often swallow small objects, which provokes complete or partial obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract. The animals dig up the soil in flower pots.

Interaction with other pets

Before buying a ferret, you need to make sure you are ready to create proper living conditions for the animal. The animals are active and restless. They will not be able to sit in a cage all the time; they will need additional space for walking.

Ferrets get along well with cats and calm, melancholy breeds of dogs. However, they will not be able to live in the same territory with birds, rodents, reptiles, and dogs with hunting instincts. If a rat, hamster, lizard, chinchilla, rabbit or parrot is seen as potential prey, being around a dog may be perceived as dangerous.

Ferrets should not be expected to play with other species. However, with proper upbringing of pets, they can, in many cases, coexist quite peacefully. In addition, these are one of the few animals that can live not only alone, but also together with other members of their family.

Vaccinations and sterilization

Domestic ferrets are routinely vaccinated against a number of standard ailments. This refers to canine distemper, rabies, and leptospirosis. It is important to take into account the characteristics of the animals - they often exhibit an allergic reaction to the vaccine. Therefore, it is important to protect it with an antihistamine before the vaccination process. After vaccination, wait 30 minutes. to identify possible allergies.

When the owners of the animal have no plans to engage in breeding, the female can be subjected to sterilization surgery, and the male can be castrated. This will help get rid of the intense, specific aroma that becomes most noticeable during puberty. However, even neutered ferrets still have a musky odor on their fur. This property requires weekly bathing of the pet using shampoos and pastes with a degreasing effect.

General characteristics of the predator

Ferrets belong to the mustelidae family of mammals. Ferrets have an elongated body and are particularly flexible and agile. These animals are excellent at climbing the tallest trees and digging deep holes. Males are slightly larger than females.

The habitats are very different, it depends on the type of animal. Ferrets often move closer to human habitation. There are usually two types of ferrets found in Russia - the steppe white and the forest black. Under favorable conditions, ferrets lead a sedentary lifestyle in their own territory. And only hunger can push them to human habitation, where there is always food for them.

The basis of any ferret's diet is food of animal origin. They hunt and eat birds, rodents, insects, reptiles and even poisonous snakes. A ferret will never miss a nest with eggs. He will drink them all and destroy the nest. Large individuals can become a real threat even to hares and muskrats.

Thanks to their agility and endurance, ferrets can pursue their prey for a long time. But, as a rule, they prefer to watch for prey near its own hole. The peak of hunting occurs at night, but if night hunting is not successful, the ferret will do it during the day. Ferrets are not attracted to plant foods.

Ferret control methods

If catching the animal yourself is not part of your plans, then you can solve the problem of getting rid of the ferret using the old fashioned methods.

Trap: tested in practice

At the first alarm bells, it is necessary to correctly place hunting traps. The small predator is quite careful and has an excellent sense of smell, so it is recommended to treat the trap with special solutions in order to remove the smell of human presence. You can use the following options:

  • coat the trap with manure;
  • rub with dried lizard skin;
  • take a brush and apply slaked lime to the device;
  • place in boiling water and boil for several minutes in spruce needles.

After the trap has been properly processed, it can only be handled using thick fabric gloves.

If the animal has already acquired its own burrows in the area adjacent to the poultry house, the trap should be placed at the entrance to the tunnel.

You can use feathers as bait: an inquisitive predator will certainly try to come closer and examine the tasty morsel.

To choose the right trap, experienced farmers recommend purchasing two No. 1 traps at once. You can buy other varieties: the most important thing in a good trap is a sensitive guard.

Hunting trap No. 1

The first trap should be installed directly in the chicken coop. It is necessary to hang a bird that was previously strangled by an animal on a hook located 10 - 20 cm from the floor surface, and place the trap itself under the dead carcass. It is recommended to set the trap at a time when the birds are calm and comfortable in their perches. If a predator comes into the house, you can place bait on the doorknob.

The carcass should not be placed too high from the floor.

Place the second trap near the animal hole. For greater persuasiveness, the body of a killed bird can be treated with poison or tranquilizers - depending on the degree of hatred for the annoying thief, you can choose one or another remedy.

The trap must be placed directly next to the hole

Immediately after waking up, you should inspect the traps and, if the animal did not make a night foray, put them aside until next time.

Unlucky ferret caught in a trap

Homemade traps

There are several options for traps for small predators.

Experienced farmers recommend not experimenting with poisoned bait. As a rule, there are pets in the yard, which can also be tempted by the tasty morsel located inside.

You can catch a thief using a regular bucket

When placing various ingenious devices on the territory, do not forget that in addition to ferrets, desirable pets may also live on the site. Domestic cats and dogs can easily fall prey to these simple devices, so care should be taken to ensure that your pets do not wander around the areas where the traps are installed.

Catching ferrets using a live trap

If this method was chosen, the following equipment will be needed before installation:

  • live trap;
  • bait;
  • sand;
  • wormwood decoction;
  • well trained dog;
  • mastic or goatskin;
  • fortified barn;
  • thick gloves.

Live trap for catching martens

After all the necessary components for catching a ferret have been found, the following measures must be taken.

  1. Familiarize yourself with the habits of the predator and make every effort to identify its holes. If you have any guesses about possible places for night visits other than the chicken coop, you can pour sand there, and then use the tracks to build a picture of the ferret’s movements.

Ferret tracks in the sand

Ferret crawled out of his hole

Scheme for building a live trap with your own hands

The smell of wormwood is strong enough to cover the odor of the human body

Four-legged guards

Don't discount your pets. They are also able to ward off the annoying beast. A dog house should be placed near the poultry house, or even better, the dog should be put on a chain so that he can freely explore the territory entrusted to him. Accustomed cats can also be allowed into the chicken coop itself.

The cat caught the ferret

It is better not to leave dogs alone with birds in a closed poultry house. Locked in a closed space, they begin to get nervous.

Old-school farmers recommend coating the walls of the poultry house with mastic or placing a goat skin in it. It is believed that these scents repel animals.

Place a goat skin in the chicken coop: the smell emanating from it will repel ferrets

What to do?

Get rid of the visitor. In addition to damaging the farm, the fox also spreads rabies. A sick predator can attack a person. Therefore, having barely noticed fox tracks, it is necessary to urgently take action.

The best way to get rid of the red cheater is a live trap. The thief remains alive by getting into it. The trap is taken away and the animal is released.

Nobody has canceled the traps yet. But this is inhumane.

A guard dog is the best option for scaring off foxes and other small predators. An Alabai or Caucasian Shepherd dog running around the area at night will not allow the sister fox to visit the area.

How to care for a ferret at home?

It must be said that a ferret at home does not require any special care. It is enough to feed and water him regularly, clean the toilet and change the bedding (at least once every 7-10 days). From the point of view of cosmetic and hygienic procedures, you will definitely have to trim your pet’s claws (usually on the front paws), and during the molting season, carefully comb out the fur.

Your pet will be very happy about water procedures. You can give him a bath with water. Watch the depth so that the animal does not drown.

If you want to take a walk in the company of your little domesticated predator, use a leash and harness purchased in advance for walks, otherwise, without such protection, the animal may simply run away at the call of nature (it will be almost impossible to find it).

In order to train your pet to use the toilet, organize a place and buy a special litter (cat litter is also suitable). But keep in mind: an animal that moves freely between rooms will have several favorite places to need to. It is much easier to toilet train a four-legged dog in a cage.

Ferret health

When choosing a pet, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with the measures to prevent all its possible diseases. Thus, it will be necessary to vaccinate (every year, according to a special vaccination schedule, identical to the vaccination of dogs), and fight against parasites: from fleas to worms.

You can understand whether the care and maintenance for a pet ferret is well organized by looking at the fur and excrement of the furry (from them you will see any deviation in the pet’s health). Frequent symptoms of the disease are intense hair loss and loose stools for a long time.

If your ferret is sick, be sure to take him to the veterinary clinic. You should not self-medicate this predator.

How to understand that “thieves” are visiting you

Changes in chicken behavior

Ferrets, martens, and weasels visit poultry houses at night or at dawn. Therefore, it is difficult to catch them at the crime scene.

Predators do not always attack immediately. Often they first reconnoiter the situation. And at first you will not find obvious signs of their presence in the form of dead chickens.

You should be wary if you go into the chicken coop in the morning, and the birds are sitting on a perch or in nests and are not in a hurry to eat. This means that a ferret, marten or weasel definitely visited them at night.

The chickens are scared and worried. And they try to protect themselves and the masonry

And in order not to attract the attention of predators, they do not make a sound

True signs

If you don't take action, you will soon find a chicken with its head chewed off. This is exactly what predators do.

The ferret does not eat the head, only chews it off. But it leaves the carcasses in such a state that they cannot be used later in cooking. The marten prefers to steal chickens rather than eat on the spot.

Broken eggs are also a sign of uninvited guests. If you find that the contents of the testicles have been eaten, and the chickens are fine, most likely small rodents were operating in the poultry house. They are described in detail in the article “How to get rid of rats in a chicken coop.”

To understand who is strangling the chickens, measure the distance between the tracks of the animal: 40-45 cm - ferret, 20 cm - weasel, 30-35 cm - marten.

Animal habits

Neither a ferret nor a weasel will limit itself to one bird. If an animal has strangled a chicken at least once, it will visit the farm until it kills all the chickens, ducks and even geese.

Moreover, predators will remember the place. And if you start a new livestock, they will come again. Therefore, you need to know how to catch a weasel, ferret or marten. And not just drive away.

Animals get into the chicken coop by digging. Then they catch the bird, strangle it, and rip its throat out. The predator eats only one carcass at a time. But it is capable of killing up to two dozen birds.

The animals also travel along mouse and rat passages. And, of course, cracks in the walls, floors, rotten boards are almost an invitation for a weasel, marten or ferret.

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