Review of the most popular ultrasonic rodent repellers and which one is better to choose

The fight against rodents among summer residents occurs not only in the summer. In autumn you can observe a real invasion of these pests. Gardeners use various methods to get rid of them. Recently, ultrasonic rodent repellers have gained great popularity; reviews of which are better are tested by summer residents over time and comparisons with each other.

Ultrasonic rodent repeller

Why are rodents harmful to the garden and garden?

The damage that rodents cause is not only moral, but also material. Consuming a little food, they poison everything they touch. In addition, they leave behind their waste products and teeth marks. They damage various structures, materials, electrical cables and electrical appliances.

Damage to property by mice

Rodents are carriers of various infectious diseases, such as:

  • typhoid fever;
  • encephalitis;
  • anthrax;
  • tuberculosis;
  • plague;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • rabies.


Living fleas and ticks, feeding on their blood, can spread to people and pets, infecting them.

A large number of rodents can live in the house and outbuildings; they can be identified by traces of their presence (feces of an oblong shape and dark color).

Clusters of pests in the basement

The settlement of a large number of mice in the garden, cottage and garden occurs closer to autumn. Mice and rats move closer to humans, where there is always food and a place to hide from the cold.

They pose a great danger to young seedlings of trees and bushes. The eaten young animals simply will not survive until spring. Even mature garden trees suffer from them. They eat up the bark, shoots and even the crown of the tree.

In the cellar, they gnaw on vegetables people have stored for the winter, and also eat up rooting cuttings of plants left until spring. If they have settled in the cellar, then the summer resident may be left without planting material in the spring.

Mice get into even small crevices

Water rats, making their way to land for winter, dig tunnels in the soil, thereby chewing through the root system of bushes and trees. This disrupts the root system.

Water rat

If you do not take measures to destroy pests in a timely manner, they will begin to multiply at a rapid pace and will not feel fear of people; they will be found almost everywhere, not only on the site and in utility rooms, but also in the house. To minimize harm from uninvited guests, you need to know the lifestyle and habits of rodents. In dachas and vegetable gardens, mice, rats, shrews, moles and mole rats make their burrows.

Mole rat

Undeniable advantages of using the device

Atomic Zabber is a modern example of a high-tech device that can protect a home and any other real estate from invasion by uninvited guests. The device has compact dimensions, is absolutely safe for humans, and damn unpleasant for a huge number of rodents and insects.

The ultrasonic gadget is capable of spreading its sphere of influence over an area of ​​6 acres, namely:

  • irritatingly acting on pest receptors with ultrasonic waves;
  • expelling rats, mice and cockroaches from the protected area;
  • protecting any food supplies in basements and storage areas;
  • scaring away snails and slugs from plantings on the site, sowing crops from mole crickets, and berry fields from sparrows and hares;
  • the technology is ideal for use in garages, cellars, catering establishments, apartments, houses and other types of premises.

Atomic Zabber is easy to use because it has a large range of action and does not affect pets or humans. The device is made of high-quality materials that are not afraid of frost. And it uses energy sparingly.

Types of harmful rodents that are being combated

Neighborhood with rodents on the same summer cottage causes a lot of trouble for summer residents. These small pests actively search for food throughout the autumn-winter season. They do not hibernate in winter.

To get rid of these pests, gardeners use more than one method to combat them.


First, you need to make sure exactly who is harming the rodents in the area. Only then start fighting them.

RodentsHabitats and way of life


These rodents can get closest to people without being afraid of them. They make their homes in basements, sheds, even in utility and residential premises. They are not bothered by the wooden floors of buildings. They very quickly destroy all food supplies. As they move into the house, they begin to damage the property.

Their danger lies in the fact that they are carriers of serious and dangerous diseases! They live in families and alone.

Vole mouse

They differ from house mice in their brown color with a dark stripe on the back and a white belly. These mice cause problems for gardeners all year round. They feed on crop roots, root crops, and plant bulbs. Young seedlings of trees and shrubs are spoiled. By destroying crops, they make supplies for the winter. Field mice live in large colonies.


Small rodents that look like mice. The difference is the elongated shape of the head, reminiscent of a proboscis. They are the most voracious pests of all. They can eat more than their body weight per day. They make underground tunnels in search of food. Unlike moles, they almost never appear on the surface. This is precisely the biggest problem for summer residents.


It is impossible to see the moment of damage to the plant root due to the lack of digging. When the plant begins to die, there is no way to help it.


In general, moles are not considered rodents, since they do not eat crop roots. Their diet consists of larvae and worms that are found in the ground. But they cause great harm. In search of food, they dig numerous tunnels underground. They throw the earth out of the tunnels onto the surface, leaving piles. Lawns are the first to suffer. Their aesthetic appearance is spoiled. Plants and bushes can suffer because of moles. The root system of crops is destroyed.


These are infrequent guests at the dacha. Can be dangerous for young and immature trees and shrubs. They gnaw the bark of fruit and ornamental crops mainly in winter.


After discovering a rodent on your property, it is important to assess the situation, the damage caused and choose the most appropriate method of getting rid of uninvited guests.

Conditions under which the device will actually work

Requirements for the place of use

Such requirements arise due to the properties of ultrasound. The wave is reflected from hard surfaces and absorbed by soft ones. Therefore, in a house with stone walls, for example, ultrasound will only operate in this room. If there is a lot of something soft in the room, for example, a filled warehouse, then the ultrasound device will not be effective due to wave absorption.

  1. A room with hard, thick walls reflects the waves inwards, thus improving the impact. In this case, the use of the device is relevant only for this room, since ultrasound practically will not penetrate into others.
  2. Great inconvenience for use will be created by rooms filled with something non-solid, such as pantries, warehouses and warehouses for grain or things. The waves will be absorbed, and the mice will hide under or behind these obstacles, but will not leave.
  3. The correct placement of the device is important, which should be in the middle of the room and distribute waves in all directions, and not in one direction.
  4. No food baits or products. Rodents will be attracted to the food despite the discomfort caused by the ultrasound.

Requirements for the device itself

The repeller will actually work against rodents if the following conditions are met:

  1. The ultrasound frequency must constantly change, and the wider the range, the better
  2. Ultrasound propagates from the device 360 ​​degrees
  3. Force pressure more than 100-110 dB
  4. The impact area (one of the characteristics of the devices) corresponds to the area of ​​your room (be a little larger)

Only if all these conditions are present, rodent control using ultrasound will be effective.

Basic options and methods of rodent control

There are several options and methods for controlling rodents. They use traditional, proven methods, new means, as well as modern inventions of mankind.

Ways to fightFolkProfessionalBiologicalModern
ApplicationThey use plants with a strong odor, poisons and bait.This method uses special, various traps and traps. Use of poisonous drugs. In the fight against rodents, natural enemies of mice are used: cats, hedgehogs and other animals.Ultrasonic rodent repellers are used to expel pests. Ultrasound from mice, according to reviews from summer residents, is very effective.


For traps, they take foods that have a strong odor: meat, fish, cheese and lard. These scents will attract rodents.

Folk method using baits

Using traps

Biological method with animals

Special toxic substances "Ratid-1"


"Rat Death"

Fighting methods

In order to combat pests, you can use several methods at once:

  • Preventing site cleanliness;
  • Breeding cats, dogs;
  • Use of repellers, mousetraps;
  • Plant processing;
  • For large farms: use of a deratization system.

Below we will focus on such a control device as an ultrasonic mouse repeller. It can be used by owners of a wide variety of farms and plots.

What effect does ultrasound have on rodents?

A few decades ago, ultrasound against rodents was invented. This device did not immediately become popular. Now many people come to the conclusion that this is the only reliable means of fighting rodents.

When the device is turned on, it creates ultrasonic waves around itself, which propagate over certain distances. Humans cannot hear these frequencies, but rodents are very sensitive to them. By affecting the nervous system of pests, these waves induce them to panic and fear. They cannot stay for long in a place where they feel danger, and they leave it. The disadvantage of the device is that the ultrasound it produces cannot pass through walls and solid objects. Its action is limited to a certain space.

To expel a large number of rodents, you need several devices installed in different places. For the best effect, you need to buy devices with an automatic function for changing the height of ultrasonic waves. Rodents will not get used to or adapt to constant, single-frequency sound. Ultrasonic repeller is also used for moles. When the pests leave their place of residence, the device must be turned off. In the future, animals of this population will not return to this territory.

Mole repeller in the garden


This device is not used to kill rodents, but to expel them from their summer cottage and premises!

How to choose

Before purchasing, decide on the following parameters:

  1. With appointment. Modern devices fight not only rodents, but also cold-blooded insects.
  2. Area of ​​work. If the indicators do not match, you will not get the effect.
  3. Wave sound level. The higher it is, the faster rodents will leave your home and area.
  4. Reviews. Carefully study every customer opinion. They will help you make the right choice.
  5. Manufacturer. Devices from Russian companies are in greatest demand.

To conclude, read the manufacturer’s instructions for using the repeller. Otherwise, you will waste a lot of time and will not achieve positive results.

Review of the most popular ultrasonic rodent repellers - which one is better

Ultrasonic rodent repeller, reviews, which is better to use is still a subject of debate among gardeners. There are a large number of them on the market. It all depends on what rodents and on what area the device will be used. These are important points when choosing a repeller. The most popular are the models presented below.

"Chiston-2 PRO"

The operating area of ​​the device is quite large - 500 m2. By influencing the central nervous system of pests, it expels them. After 2 days, the first results will begin to appear, and within two weeks there will be no trace left of the rodents.

Angle of action: 360°, in all directions. The operating time is not limited, it does not have to be turned off. It works completely silently. Does not harm people or pets.

Install in the center, approximately 30 centimeters from the floor. Power consumption is 15 watts. The ultrasonic frequency range is from 20 to 70 kHz.

"Chiston 2 pro"

Ultrasonic rat and mouse repellers “Defender”

The ultrasonic insect and rodent repeller “Defender” has good reviews due to its versatility. It cleans the room not only of mice and rats, but also of mosquitoes and various insects. Thanks to one device, a lot of problems are solved.

It is completely safe for people, but the same cannot be said about its effect on pests. The ultrasonic propagation effect covers 200 m2. Operates from a 220 V network, consuming only 4 Watts. It has a built-in night light, which can be turned on if desired. The light emanating from it is soft and does not irritate the eyes. Another advantage is its low price.


Rodent repeller "Tornado 200"

The Tornado 200 anti-rodent device has a single mode, the frequency constantly changes within the range of 18-70 kHz. The ultrasound range ranges from 2 to 10 kHz, after a certain number of minutes. Pests do not have time to get used to one monotonous sound before another one arrives, and they are attacked by fear and panic. In this state they try to escape. The impact area reaches 200 m2. This device operates at temperatures from +80°C to -40°C.

Thanks to the built-in stand, it can be installed on any surface, as long as it is hard. The best way, according to the manufacturers' advice, is to hang it from the ceiling and direct it to the center of the room. The device does not create any discomfort for humans; it is completely silent.

"Tornado 200"

Rodent repeller "Tsunami 3"

The Tsunami 3 rodent repeller has good reviews. It has two modes, one of which is completely silent for humans. The area on which it operates is 100 m2. Ultrasonic frequencies - from 18 to 90 kHz. The sound pressure reaches 90 dB. Power supply is 220 V. It is recommended to use silent mode in a residential area. It can easily tolerate temperatures from +35°C to -25°C. It is used in cellars, garages and industrial buildings, as well as in houses. Completely safe and easy to use.

"Tsunami 3"

Ultrasonic rodent repeller "Grad a 500"

Thanks to a special algorithm for changing sounds, it does not give rodents time to adapt. It can be installed not only in premises for various purposes, on the street, but even underground. When asked what is the best mole repeller, there will always be a clear priority of the Grad a 500 over other devices.

The power consumption of the device is no more than 4.5 Watts. With regular batteries it can work continuously for up to 34 days. The battery lasts up to 764 days. Frequency ranges range from 4 to 64 kHz. Withstands temperatures from +85°C to -39°C.

The area of ​​influence of ultrasound when powered from the mains is 500 m2. With batteries, the operating area is reduced to 250 m2. This ultrasonic mouse and mole repeller is quite effective.

"Grad a 500"

"Tornado 400"

Mice and rat repeller “Tornado 400”: reviews of it from summer residents are quite positive. It operates in one mode, with one strong driver, with a range of 18 to 70 kHz. Technical data is very similar to Tornado 200. The exception is the size of the room covered due to the increased size of the device.

"Tornado 400"

"Clean house"

The Clean House repeller is very economical. Energy consumption is only 1 kW per hour with continuous operation for 5 days. Impact area – up to 150 m2. It is advisable to place it 20−80 centimeters from the floor. There should be free space around it within a radius of 3 meters for best results. To enhance the effect, you can use not one device, but several. The fight against rodents occurs thanks to sound frequencies that rodents cannot tolerate. The temperature at which it operates is from 0°C to 40°C.

"Clean house"


This device has two operating modes:

  • day;
  • night.

The frequency range varies depending on the selected mode. Ranges from 5 to 100 kHz. The room in which it fully operates should not exceed 200 m2. The angle of the outgoing signal is 110°. To prevent pests from getting used to the ultrasound frequency, it is constantly changing. The device has a wall mount.


"Typhoon LS 800"

This ultrasonic repeller is a fairly effective tool in the fight against mice and rats. It is used both for home use and for industrial, large premises.

Operates from a 220 V network, with a power consumption of 18 Watts. The ultrasonic frequency range is from 20 to 90 kHz. Has an impact on a room of 1,000 m2. The ultrasonic pressure generated is 100 dB. Normally withstands air temperatures from +45°C to -15°C.

If the room exceeds 1,000 m2, then several devices are needed. The built-in microcontroller changes the radiation frequency and its duration every minute. This completely makes it impossible for pests to become addicted.

"Typhoon LS 800"


Easy to use and safe for pets and humans. This device has an operating area of ​​540 m2. Its action is effective on:

  • mice;
  • rats;
  • cockroaches;
  • ants;
  • bedbugs;
  • mosquitoes

Sound waves range from 25 to 65 kHz. Thanks to the frequency change function, pests do not have time to get used to ultrasonic waves. To enhance the effect, ultrasonic waves of a constant frequency of 25 kHz are used in parallel.

Operates on a voltage of 220 V. It works best if attached to the wall.

"Ecosniper LS-927"


Do not use ultrasonic devices if rats, guinea pigs and other rodents live in the house.

Comparison table of rat and mouse repellers

Name Main characteristics Price
Mongoose SD Additionally, it ionizes the air, emits 5 types of waves, and operates from the mains. ₽ 2 790
Tornado The range is 800 square meters, it works in conditions of low and high temperatures, it operates from the network. ₽ 2 239
Pest-Reject Compact and universal, works from the network, minimal cost, range of 200 square meters. ₽ 1 390
ElectroCat The range is 200 square meters, the device operates from the network, there are two modes. ₽ 1 290
RexantRange of 60 meters, suitable for small spaces, works only from the network. ₽ 958

User reviews on the use of ultrasonic electronic control devices

Review of the mouse and rat repeller “Clean House”

Lena T 1981, Gelendzhik: “Advantages: helps get rid of mice.

Disadvantages: none.

Hello, site readers!

My husband's parents had an accident with their cat, and they don't want to take another one yet. They live in a private house. There were no rodents observed with the cat, but now the mice have become more impudent day by day. The last straw came when they snuck into the kitchen and were found on the stove in the morning.

We purchased the “Clean House” model. Plug it into a regular outlet at a certain height (from 20 to 80 cm above the floor), there should be no sound-absorbing objects nearby, press the power button, the indicator lights up. That's all.

Have been using it for two weeks now, no mice. So the device works. When I wanted to write a review, I was surprised that the device did not help many.

General impression: repels mice."

More details on Otzovik:

Review of the rodent repeller "Tornado 200"

Dimara, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: “Advantages: works as it should.

Disadvantages: long wait, but let's check how long the mice are gone.

When mice appeared at the dacha, we were advised to buy a Tornado 400 repeller. This repeller complies with the specifications. So it is intended not only for mice, but also for rats and rodents of all kinds. It has 100 ultrasonic frequencies, works in both cold and heat, it is light, its weight is only 500 grams. We have a dog living in our dacha, so it does not affect other animals. But the mice completely disappeared, after about 1-2 months. The price is, of course, a little expensive - 2,500 rubles, but it did the job. Thank you".

More details on Otzovik: from mice.

Electronic mouse and rat repeller "Electrocat"

In general, reviews about it are not very good.
Here is one of them: NATA SHU, Smolensk: “Advantages: average price.

Disadvantages: annoying sound, zero performance results.

We always had mice in our private house. In principle, mousetraps and glue coped with their quantity, but the process itself was not satisfactory, as outdated. After reading a lot of articles and reviews on the Internet, we decided to try the Electrocat rat and mouse repeller. Moreover, the price of the device is about 800 rubles. The sound of the device is so annoying that it was immediately turned off. It blinked for 3 days, blinked and that’s it... the mice kept getting caught in the mousetraps. Since we were getting ready to go on vacation, we decided not to turn off the device, but even turn on the ultrasound. We arrived in three weeks. We decided that the device had worked enough and according to the instructions there should be no mice. The device was turned off. But we secured ourselves with mousetraps. On the first night there were 2 mice. The result of the device was that it did not interfere with the mice.

General impression: it didn’t bother the mice.”

More details on Otzovik:

Customer review of the rat and mouse repeller “Tsunami 3”

Cofi, Ufa: “The Tsunami-3 ultrasonic device for repelling rats, mice and other rodents is a useless squeaker.

Advantages: compact, power - 7 W, radiation frequency - 18...90 kHz.

Disadvantages: when turned on, it makes a nasty sound; when working, it makes a very hard-to-hear squeak. Does not work on all mice.

The ultrasonic generator for repelling rodents “Tsunami” did not scare our mice. The repeller squeaks, and the mice squeak in rhythm with it, calmly gnawing on the walls. However, on the second day of work, a mouse got into the “die”; perhaps the “Tsunami” squeak had an effect, and the mouse chose the trap. The generator worked in the basement for several days, then we turned it on at home, but the quiet squeak, barely perceptible, gives me a headache, and therefore it is impossible to turn it on if a person is at home.

Usage time: 1 year.

Cost: 980 rub.

Year of manufacture/purchase: 2010.

General impression: useless squeak."

More details on Otzovik:


Does a mouse and rat repeller help? Opinions on this matter vary. For some, repellers really help, while others say that they wasted their money. Efficiency depends on several factors: the type of device, the room in which you use it, the radius of influence and the frequency of the signal. Another problem with most dissatisfied customers is lack of patience. It may take from two weeks to a month to completely drive away rodents using these devices.

Is an ultrasonic mouse and rat repeller harmful to human health? No, an ultrasonic repeller is not harmful to health. The signal emitted by the device is not perceived by the human ear. The fact is that we physically cannot hear vibrations at frequencies above 20 kHz, which means the sound from the device cannot in any way affect our well-being.

Review of prices for ultrasonic repellers, where you can buy them

You can buy these devices at any specialized garden center or store, or order them online.

Variety of devices

Name of ultrasonic rodent repellerAverage price, rub.
"Chiston 2 pro"2 800
"Defender"1 250
"Tornado 200"1 400
"Tsunami 3"900
"Grad a 500"1 990
"Tornado 400"1 900
"Electrocat"1 200
"Typhoon LS 800"1 590
"Ecosniper LS-927"2 500


Do not buy Chinese devices that look like small boxes, which are called electromagnetic emitters for getting rid of rats and mice. They are completely ineffective!

What is this device?

Anyone who has not encountered the problem of rodent infestation may not be aware of this. However, if this problem has become urgent for you, it is important for you to consider the possibility of using a pest control method such as repellers.

Repellers available on the market can be divided into the following types:

  • Ultrasonic;
  • Electromagnetic;
  • Combined.

Each type of repeller is characterized by its own way of influencing rodents. At the same time, the ultrasonic repeller has proven itself to be the most effective. How does it work?

So, an ultrasonic repeller is a device that produces ultrasonic waves to repel rats and mice. Such devices have appeared on the market relatively recently, and they have established themselves as a new method of pest control. According to user reviews, this tool can be very effective.

Let us highlight the pros and cons that are identified by the owners of the devices and characterize their operation:

  • This device really works. Damage from rodents becomes less;
  • There is quite a large selection of models on the market. There is an opportunity to find the right one for yourself;
  • The device is very expensive;
  • The effectiveness of different devices varies. There is a chance to run into one that works worse, or even a fake;
  • The radius of wave propagation for most devices is not too large.

In the magazine “Agrotechnics and Technologies,” specialist Alena Drozdova outlines the following conditions for using such a device: “There should be no objects in the area where the repeller is installed that interfere with the passage of the beam. ... It is important to remember that ... their influence will be weaker the further they are from the repeller.” Repellers are very expensive, and therefore not everyone is ready to purchase them.

Beware of counterfeits and aggressive marketing

Cheap super-pupper repellers are just aggressive marketing, selling something that really costs nothing. Don't be fooled by the bright wrapper. Really working devices can be counted on one hand. Read articles, watch reviews on YouTube - see for yourself. Sonic rodent repellers (they make audible sounds, such as meowing) are also not effective. Yes, such a device will scare away the mouse a couple of times. But then the animal will get used to it, understand that there is no danger, and will stop paying attention to it.


How not to make a mistake with your choice?

To really achieve results, consider the characteristics of each product you are interested in.

Keep in mind that the choice depends on the goals you want to achieve. If you are only annoyed by rodents, then you can limit yourself to a device that is intended only for rodents. If you need to scare away various pests, then make sure to purchase a multifunctional repeller.

When choosing, it is important to consider the main operating characteristics of the device. Let's compare various models of ultrasonic repellers offered for sale on the market according to the following key parameters: range, compactness, price.

Grad A-1000

  • Designed to repel rodents only;
  • Range - Large;
  • Compactness - High;
  • The price is high.

Tornado 400

  • To repel rodents;
  • Range - Medium;
  • Compactness - High;
  • Price - Average.


  • To repel rodents;
  • Range - Small;
  • Compactness - High;
  • Price - Low.

Typhoon OG.01

  • To repel rodents;
  • Range - Small;
  • Compactness - High;
  • Price - Average.

EcoSniper LS–927M

  • To repel rodents, insects, and other types of pests;
  • Range - Large;
  • Compactness - High;
  • Price - Low.

Mongoose SD–042

  • Repels rodents, insects and other pests;
  • Range - Small;
  • Compactness - High;
  • Price - Low.


  • Against rodents, insects and other pests;
  • Range - Small;
  • Compactness - High;
  • Price - Low.

To make the choice truly satisfy you, consider the size of the room in which you want to install the repeller, the expected service life, which will allow you to determine whether to spend a lot of money on a device that will work for a long time, and the features of the location of the device, which determine the permissible dimensions.

For example, the author of this article has to use his site systematically, and, in addition, he has a fairly large room. Therefore, he uses the long-lasting and effective Grad A-1000.

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