20 best remedies to get rid of the smell of a dead mouse under the floor

Signs of a dead rat under the floor

How a dead rat stinks and how unpleasant and disgusting it is is known only to those who have smelled it in their own home. The terrible sweetish smell of decomposition and decay permeates everything around and is very difficult to get rid of.

The length of time a rat decomposes depends on the ambient temperature and can be 6-10 weeks: the warmer it is, the more intensely the remains of the animal under the floor will rot and stink. Moreover, the stench spreads over a fairly large distance, almost 30 m from the place of death of the rodent. Because of this, it is very difficult to determine the exact location of his stay. Therefore, you need to get rid of the terrible smell of a dead rat faster.

Owners of country and suburban houses suffer the most from the smell of dead mice and rats, because... With the arrival of cold weather, all rodents look for warmer habitats and often settle in closed cottages or private buildings, eat the poison left by their owners for rats and mice and die. Arriving in the spring, the summer resident discovers that as a result of the fight against rats, the room stinks horribly, which means there is a dead animal lying somewhere under the floor.

In apartment buildings, rats are found in basements, and the stench as a result of the death of animals can spread throughout the entire entrance and nearby apartments. Having discovered that the room smells of decomposition, any owner will think about how to detect and remove its source and get rid of the smell.

How to find a dead mouse in your house?

If there is a terrible stench in your home or somewhere nearby, check: you will soon see the first signs of a mouse invasion. We are talking about tiny paw prints that are usually found along baseboards and walls, droppings, damaged items, etc.

If there is no direct evidence indicating where the dead mouse is, trust your sense of smell and find the source of the unpleasant odor. If this does not help, inspect the cavities in the walls, the attic, look for the carcass under the sink, behind cabinets and in other places.

Removing a Dead Rat

Removing a Dead Rat

The most important question in such a situation is how to find a dead rat and remove its remains. Driven to despair, some owners are even capable of tearing off floors or opening walls in search of sources of the terrible stench and getting rid of harmful miasmas.

Effective ways to solve this problem:

  • The best thing to do would be to find a decomposing corpse, put it in a trash bag and throw it away. During this procedure, it is necessary to wear protective gloves and a respirator. If the dead rat is in a hard-to-reach place, it is recommended to use a stick with a hook to pick it up and get it out, or a strong wire.
  • If a decomposed rat corpse lies on the ground, then it should be borne in mind that the soil well absorbs the fetid secretions from it and the smell itself, so the soil in this area will have to be dug up with a shovel and thrown into the trash.
  • The area under the floor where the dead rat lay should be sprinkled with soda, treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, and it is better to put lavender to neutralize the smell.
  • It is necessary to arrange long-term ventilation in the room, always with a draft, and clean or wash all fabric products (curtains, curtains, carpets and runners, bedspreads and pillows on sofas).
  • The furniture should be sprayed with a solution consisting of a quarter glass of soda, 1 tsp. soap and 1 liter of hydrogen peroxide. Spraying should be done from a spray bottle; after treatment, all surfaces should be wiped with a damp cloth. Chlorine-containing liquids can also be used for processing.

Methods for eliminating unpleasant odors

The first step is to find the source of the stench and remove the dead rodent. However, the aroma is so toxic that it is deeply absorbed into surrounding objects, furniture, textiles, walls, and floors. Folk remedies will help disinfect the surface and neutralize the aroma.

Wash everything that can be washed. Set the maximum temperature for the materials. Carpets can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or sent to dry cleaning.

3. Chlorine treatment

Be sure to wear protective gloves and a respirator. If you suffer from bronchial asthma, you cannot use this advice. “Whiteness” is good for garages, basements and warehouses. If there are animals or children in the room, choose a less toxic product.

4. Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide can be used to fix chlorine treatment. It will destroy the remaining pathogenic microorganisms that “Whiteness” could not cope with. It is enough to spray peroxide from a spray bottle in places where mice are expected to live. Clothes can be soaked in a solution of the drug with water (in a ratio of 1:6) for 30 minutes, and then washed in a machine. It is better not to use for thin and delicate textiles.

You can also do wet cleaning using peroxide. To prepare the solution you will need: 0.8 l of 3% preparation, 0.1 l of dishwashing liquid and 10 tbsp. baking soda. Mix ingredients in a glass container. Carry out the treatment wearing protective gloves, and after finishing the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly and wash with soap.

A solution of potassium permanganate will help disinfect the house from possible infections. To do this, prepare a concentrated composition of 1 liter of water and 10 tsp. drug. Put on gloves, soak a sponge in the solution and treat the surfaces. Pay special attention to baseboards, cabinets, wooden frames, and corners. You can also treat the house for prevention. Rodents cannot stand the smell of potassium permanganate.

What to do if you can’t get a dead rat

Very often a rat crawls into a completely inaccessible place. In such a situation, the smell of the decomposing corpse of a rat under the floor is heard very strongly and for a long time, but it is impossible to detect and retrieve its corpse. Therefore, the only way out is to seal the place where it is located in the underground, for which it is necessary to completely close and seal all the cracks in the floor and walls.

Means for eliminating bad odor

Corpse miasma is not only unpleasant for humans, but also poses some danger: it can cause severe poisoning, and when decomposed, it also infects all nearby surfaces.

To remove an unpleasant odor, there are several ways to help interrupt or remove it:

  • Ventilation of the home is mandatory and takes the longest time. It is necessary to open all the windows for several days so that a draft “walks” through the rooms. The colder the air outside, the better, because... Rodents cannot tolerate cold, and therefore living individuals will quickly try to get away.
  • The easiest way, before purchasing special products, is to spread coffee beans or coffee grounds in the room, which absorb unpleasant fumes well.
  • Treating all surfaces with vinegar, especially furniture, corners, floors, etc. The acid contained in the vinegar essence will help quickly neutralize the smell of a dead rat and traces of rodents in the house. The vinegar smell itself usually dissipates within a few days.
  • The use of potassium permanganate in a solution will help disinfect all surfaces, destroying harmful bacteria and the “aroma” itself. To do this, you need to wash the floors with the solution, wipe the baseboards, and also spray it in cracks and other places under which the rat’s corpse is supposedly decomposing below.
  • Chlorine-containing liquids are used to disinfect and remove odor. Whiteness is ideal, with a solution of which you need to treat all floors, baseboards, and cracks near the place where the smell comes from.
  • A solution with hydrogen peroxide is used in a similar way, which helps remove the unpleasant “aroma”.
  • Stores sell odor neutralizers in the form of powder or liquid, which can effectively deal with harmful miasmas. The most effective is the Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator spray sorbent: it helps get rid of not only unpleasant odors, but also organic stains remaining from urine, feces, etc. The product is completely safe for children and animals. You can also find similar drugs on sale: German Biolife Safe @ Clean; American OdorGone, with lavender scent; South Korean Fr >

Dead rat under the floor

If, after several procedures, an unpleasant odor remains, then experts recommend using the disinfectants Alaminol or Veltosept, which break down protein compounds, thereby effectively removing residual odor. Such solutions are sold in pharmacies to sterilize medical instruments and destroy pathogenic bacteria.

When using various chemicals, such as vinegar and bleach, to avoid chemical burns to the skin or mucous membranes, you should wear protective gloves and a respirator.


During disinfection and deratization, the premises are always ventilated, but this method can also be used to remove the unpleasant smell of decomposing corpses from the apartment. But in order for this to have any benefit, you need to be patient and have spare housing, since it will take a very long time to ventilate and preferably during the cold season.

Rats, although they have high resistance to absolutely everything, do not tolerate drafts quite well . If you often open windows wide for several hours in winter, there is a chance that rodents will escape. And along with them, domestic insects, for example, bedbugs, can also die. These parasites cannot tolerate low temperatures at all, and as soon as the thermometer drops below twenty or twenty-five degrees Celsius, they freeze to death.

Calling specialists

Many people do not know what to do if a rat has died under the floor, so they want to solve the problem with the help of specialists. Most often, calling such a service is necessary when there are killed pests in the basements of apartment buildings. Information about such cases must be reported to the housing office or housing cooperative, because the fee for rodent control is often already included in the list of funds for maintaining the property of the house.

If a person does not know which services can find a dead rat and provide deratization of the premises, then information can be found on the Internet for a specific region of residence. If housing and communal services are unwilling to deal with this issue, you should contact Rospotrebnadzor or the SES authorities.

Modern rat poisons contain special substances that mummify the animal's corpse, and it does not emit an odor.

In many cities there are private companies that deal with the issues of deratization and searching for dead rats in premises. After concluding the necessary contract and payment, specialists will quickly solve this “stinking” problem.

If a rat or mouse has died under the floor of a room, it is very important to know how to get rid of the characteristic smell. The main problem is that the corpse of a rodent can be difficult to find, and then the miasma can only be disguised. There are many tricks that will help you cope with this not very pleasant task.

How to find the source

To eliminate an unpleasant odor, you must first find its source. This is easy to do if the mouse corpse lies on the floor and is visible to the naked eye. But very often rodents die in hard-to-reach places. How to find the source of the smell in this case?

In old furniture

Rodents can make a nest or simply hide in old furniture. If the smell comes from the sofa, you need to unfold it and carefully inspect it. A dead mouse may end up under removable parts of the body or under the upholstery; to find the corpse, the boards must be unscrewed and the upholstery removed or torn off.

Under the baseboard

Mice that run into an apartment can climb into the gap between the wall and the baseboard and die there. In order to find the corpse of a rodent in such a shelter, you need to dismantle the baseboards.

In the ventilation

A favorite place for mice to hide is ventilation. If the rodent died there, the smell will spread throughout the room.

In a bag of cereals or flour

Animals are attracted to food storage areas. If cereals or flour are not stored in sealed containers, but in bags or bags, mice gnaw through the fabric and get inside.

Where can you find a dead mouse?

Unfold the sofa, disassemble all removable elements of the body and upholstery. If you are sure that the rodent is inside, but there is no access to it, you will have to disassemble the furniture. Otherwise, the mouse smell will permeate the wood, and the piece of furniture can only be used in the countryside.

A favorite place for mice, where they hide and make nests. If a rodent dies here, the smell will spread throughout the house. Flies will help determine the location of a decomposing corpse. Keep track of where they swarm the most.

4. Place under the baseboard

Often behind the baseboard there are cracks hidden through which mice can deftly sneak through. It is necessary to dismantle the products and check every hole. Then seal the cracks with a solution of cement and broken glass.

What to do if you can't find it

In a private home, rodents can hide and die in a crack in the wall, under the floor, or in another hard-to-reach place. If the smell is felt, but the mouse corpse is not visible, experience-tested observations will help at least reduce the search area. What to pay attention to:

  • The smell intensifies as you approach the epicenter.
  • A decomposing dead rat can be found by tracking the trajectory of the flies.
  • The corpse can be found by drops of liquid released from it.
  • If you have a dog, it will become anxious around a dead mouse.

Are corpse fumes dangerous for humans?

If the house stinks of a dead mouse, this is not the main problem. For people with bronchial asthma and allergy sufferers, decomposing rodent corpses can cause an exacerbation of the disease and even poisoning.

No less dangerous is the fact that mice carry various diseases. Flies attracted by stench can spread pathogens, which can lead to more serious problems.

Basic ways to eliminate odor

First of all, to eliminate the smell, you need to remove its source. But even after this, you can feel its remnants due to the fact that it has managed to be absorbed into the surfaces of walls, floors, furniture and textiles. How to get rid of the scent completely?


Vinegar perfectly eliminates mouse odor while disinfecting surfaces. The product is used to treat walls, floors, furniture, and textiles. A solution of 1 part vinegar and 5 parts water is sprayed with a spray bottle.

The pungent smell of vinegar disappears after some time; you can improve the aroma in the room with essential oils, most often lavender, mint or pine are used.


Potassium permanganate is a widely used folk remedy for disinfection. Treating all washable surfaces with a sponge and a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate will not only help get rid of unpleasant odors and disinfect objects, but will also repel rodents, preventing their return.

Chlorine-containing preparations will not only help remove the odor, but also disinfect the room. To get rid of odors, use a sponge soaked in the product to treat all washable items. We must not forget that chlorine fumes are toxic, so it is not recommended to use the liquid in an apartment where there are small children or pets.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide will remove odor not only from the room, but also from clothes:

  • Wet cleaning is carried out with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (800 ml), dishwashing liquid (100 ml), soda (120 g), prepared immediately before treatment.
  • The unpleasant smell will be removed from clothes if you soak them before washing for a couple of hours in water with the addition of hydrogen peroxide, the components are taken in a ratio of 6 to 1.
  • Surfaces in the room can be treated with hydrogen peroxide using a spray bottle. This measure is applied after cleaning with a chlorine-containing agent to eliminate the remaining pathogens.


Absorbents are good at removing the smell of dead mice. To be effective, they must be placed in close proximity to the source. The vast majority of purchased products in the form of powders, tablets and aerosols only mask the problem rather than eliminate it. Among the available means, good absorbents are salt, lime and soda.

Salt can be used in living areas to absorb unpleasant odors. It is enough to sprinkle the substance on the source or simply place a fabric bag with absorbent on a shelf. Salt has the ability to absorb moisture and unpleasant odors, and also lightly disinfect the air.


Lime is used to get rid of odors in non-residential premises. An even, dense layer of absorbent is applied to the site where the rodent dies. The substance eliminates aroma and also destroys bacteria, acting as a kind of filter.

Soda, like salt, can be used in living rooms. The absorbent absorbs the smell of a dead mouse, in addition, particles of organic tissue. This way the room is disinfected.

Aroma sticks

Incense sticks must be set on fire and carried through all the rooms. The smell is chosen to be pleasant, as it will be absorbed into the wallpaper and will be felt for some time after treatment.

Ozone installations

Ozone is used to clean the room from rats by professional services, for which they use special devices that generate ozone. The ozone unit not only expels rodents, but also eliminates unpleasant odors, and also purifies the air from harmful, toxic substances and impurities.

The big advantage of using ozone is that it does not leave any odors or marks on furniture, clothing, carpets or walls.

Professional products

To disinfect premises and eliminate unpleasant odors, you can use professional sprays, liquids and powders. When working with them, we must not forget about personal protective equipment.


"Lizafin" is a potent biocide. The product is concentrated and must be mixed with water before use. Incompatible with soap solutions and synthetic detergents. "Lizafin" is economically used, effectively disinfects surfaces, and does not cause skin irritation when diluted.

How to eliminate mouse odor

To get rid of the smell of mice in your home, you first need to find the source. But even after this, it can remind of itself if it is absorbed into the floor, wall, furniture, textiles. To quickly solve the problem, you can use folk remedies.


The simplest, but ineffective method of getting rid of traces of the presence of rodents, especially if the apartment has been empty for a long time, and there was simply no one to clean it up. Its use is recommended if the rodent's stay was short-term. And home furnishings, things, and finishing materials did not have time to become saturated with its smell. It is advisable to carry out ventilation in sunny weather, this will enhance the effectiveness of the procedure.

Open all windows and doors for several hours to allow a draft to flow through the apartment. Hang upholstered furniture, blankets, pillows, carpets, rugs outside. If you plan to turn on the air conditioner, you should first disassemble it; mouse corpses are often found inside this device.

Advice! To increase the intensity of air flow, it is necessary to install a fan in the doorways.

After airing, you can use an air freshener with a deodorizing effect.


You can get rid of the smell on clothes and textiles by washing. For greater effect, set the washing machine function to the highest temperature suitable for clothes.

Clean carpets with a vacuum cleaner. If possible, hang them outside. This issue can be resolved by contacting a dry cleaner.

Chlorine treatment

You can use white to treat your apartment. Dilute it with water according to the attached instructions. Moisten a rag in this solution and treat all hard surfaces: window sills, doorways, etc. Particular attention should be paid to corners and “secret” places of rodents.

Attention! Carry out the treatment with gloves. This method is not recommended for people with bronchial asthma.

Chlorine is effective in combating persistent odors; it is preferable to use it in basements, warehouses, and garages. Not recommended for use in rooms where there are small children and pets.

Hydrogen peroxide

Use this folk method after treatment with a chlorine-containing agent. Peroxide has an antibacterial effect and will destroy the remaining pathogenic microbes that the whiteness could not cope with.

Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray the areas where the mice might travel. If things are damaged, they can be soaked in a solution of peroxide and water (proportion 1:6) for half an hour, then washed in a machine. This method is not suitable for thin textiles.

Wet cleaning will help get rid of the smell of pests in the house. To do this, you will need to make a working solution consisting of the following components:

To prepare the working solution, select glass containers and carry out processing using protective gloves. At the end of the procedure, wash with soap.

Potassium permanganate solution

It will help disinfect the room from infections that these pests could bring into the house. You need to prepare a highly concentrated liquid composition: 10 teaspoons of medicine per liter of water.

Soak a rag in the solution and treat all surfaces, including cabinets, wooden furniture frames, baseboards, and corners. Carry out the treatment with gloves.

Essential oils

Aromatic herbs are a good help in the fight against both the mice themselves and the smell of dead animals, but the smell of dried plants is subtle and quickly disappears, so it is better to use essential oils. The most commonly used oils are peppermint, lavender, and coniferous trees. The product is applied to a cotton ball and left in the problem area.

Coffee beans

Coffee beans are an excellent absorbent. To neutralize the smell of a dead mouse, coffee beans are laid out near the source in bulk or placed in a cotton bag. Dry coffee grounds have the same effect.


Formalin, or formaldehyde, is used by pathologists to neutralize cadaveric odor. The substance will also help to cope with the stench of a dead mouse. It should be remembered that the compound is quite toxic, and use it at home with great caution.

Ways to drive out mice

In order not to face the problem of eliminating the smell of a dead mouse under the floor, it is best to try to get rid of rodents in advance, as soon as signs of their vital activity are noticed. There are many ways to do this, both with the help of folk remedies and with the involvement of professionals.


Mousetraps come in a variety of designs. Bait is placed inside, which is changed periodically, after which the trap is placed in the place where the mouse droppings were found. The disadvantage of mousetraps is that they provide only a single catch, without helping to massively solve the problem in the case of a large number of pests.

Poisons can help get rid of an entire mouse population. The poison is placed in a place accessible to mice, but inaccessible to pets and children, and left for some time. The disadvantage of mouse baiting is that the carcasses must be collected for disposal, and some rodents may end up in inaccessible areas. In addition, with this method of disposal, cats often suffer because they catch and eat poisoned prey.

Deratization service

Deratization specialists get rid of rodents using mechanical, biological, and chemical methods. The issues of deratization in urban apartment buildings are dealt with by the housing office and housing cooperatives; the need to carry out treatment against rodents can be reported to the SES and Rospotrebnadzor. To exterminate mice in a village or country house, they turn to the services of private companies.


Ultrasonic repellers are one of the most modern methods of rodent control. The principle of operation of the device is based on the fact that it constantly emits ultrasound of a certain frequency, which is not perceived by the human ear, but causes great discomfort to mice and rats. Animals themselves leave the room in which the repeller is installed, obeying the instinct of self-preservation.

The smell of a decaying mouse - how to prevent it?

The main problem that causes the odor problem is that people use long-outdated methods of fighting mice, using poisons that kill mice, but do not prevent the decomposition of the corpses. This problem can be solved simply - if you decide to poison mice, use exclusively modern mummifying poisons and poisons.

For example, complex destruction with 100% effect will be provided by the drug INTA-VIR with 4 types of mummifying baits. The product contains the bitter component “Bitrex” to prevent pets from eating it. Each bait contains a lethal dose of poison.

  • One package is enough to disinfect 300 m2 of territory
  • Read more about modern poisons and buy poison for mice at a discount

    Method No. 2 is a humane method of rodent control, for those who want to get rid of mice, but do not accept radical measures.

    Ultrasonic repellers can help with this, for example, the best-selling Tornado 300 , which are powerful devices for protecting industrial and residential premises from rodents. Ultrasound is not perceived by human hearing, so the repeller can be placed in any place where people stay for a long time (catering facilities, warehouses, workshops, etc.).

    • Territory coverage - up to 300 m2
    • cost - from 1800 rubles

    Features of processing various surfaces

    The biggest problem arises when treating porous surfaces, as they tend to absorb odors. This feature is taken into account when disinfecting various materials.

    Before processing, the chipboard must be freed from dust and dirt and degreased, and then a disinfectant must be applied on both sides. The final stage is to protect the surface with sealant or polish.


    If the drywall is soaked through, it is impossible to remove the smell from it. It will be easier to throw away the damaged sheet and replace it with a new one.

    Natural wood

    The wooden surface is cleaned in several stages:

    • First of all, use any absorbent to remove residual liquid; for this purpose, cover the surface with an even, dense layer for some time.
    • After removing the absorbent, the affected area is disinfected using folk remedies such as vinegar or potassium permanganate, or professional sprays.
    • Finally, the wood is treated with sealant or polish.

    Neutralization of traces of urine and rotting odors

    A dead mouse can poison the lives of home owners for a long time

    First you need to determine the place where the foul odors from mouse urine and droppings come from.

    They, just like the odors from decomposing rodent carcasses, carry a certain danger.

    Moreover, their extermination is carried out by the same aggressive means as in the fight against the mouse spirit.

    Mice urine not only emits an odor, but also spreads viruses carried by rodents. Diseases caused by these viruses are extremely dangerous for humans.

    Powder adsorbents will absorb miasma

    What to do with the surface of possible or actual contact with rodents will be determined by the method of processing this surface, depending on the types of materials from which it is made:

    1. Wooden surfaces should not be treated with liquid preparations, since urine along with the liquid can be absorbed deep into the wood, so in such cases it is better to use absorbents in powder form, and then use sprays to get rid of the odor.
    2. Mouse marks are more difficult to remove from plasterboard surfaces. It is advisable to cut out a certain section of drywall or replace the entire sheet.
    3. To treat a chipboard surface, you need to wipe it with alcohol and then with a neutralizing chemical composition.

    After completing measures to treat areas with mouse urine and droppings, it is imperative to wet clean the premises using cleaning agents and disinfectants.


    To prevent the appearance of mice, it is necessary to perform a number of preventive measures:

    • First of all, you need to regularly carry out wet cleaning using disinfectants.
    • Food products should be stored in tightly closed containers.
    • Care must be taken to ensure that there are no crumbs or pieces of food left on the table or floor.
    • It is useful in a village household to get a cat or borrow one from neighbors for a while, so that the animal leaves an unpleasant odor for rodents.
    • Dried herbs are placed in the corners, the aroma of which mice do not like. Such plants include tansy, mint, wormwood, black root and chamomile.
    • It is necessary to hermetically seal all cracks and openings through which rodents can enter the house.
    • The use of ventilation grilles will prevent mice from climbing into the room through the ventilation shaft.

    Mice are not the most pleasant neighbors, both in a private house and in an apartment. But it’s even more unpleasant to discover the corpse of a rodent in the neighborhood, emitting a pungent odor. To solve the problem, there are many methods, both folk and professional, that will help you quickly and easily get rid of unattractive aromas.

    When scattering poison for rodents in the corners, home owners do not often think about where exactly the pests will give up their ghost. And in vain.

    Therefore, we will give some tips that will help you effectively get rid of the smell of a dead mouse.

    Is the smell of a dead rat dangerous?

    Not everyone knows that the smell of a dead mouse or rat not only spoils the air, but can also cause serious harm to human health. The fact is that the decomposing corpses of rodents release toxic substances into the air, which quickly spread throughout the entire area of ​​​​the room and the area adjacent to the house. Therefore, in order to avoid negative health consequences, it is necessary to get rid of the smell of a dead rat under the floor as soon as possible.

    How to find and dispose of a dead rat

    Before eliminating the smell emanating from a dead mouse, you will first need to find its body. To determine the location of a dead animal, you must perform the following steps:

    1. First, you need to understand which room smells the worst - that’s where you should look for the place where the rat or mouse died.
    2. Remove carpets and rugs, as well as remove flooring in the room where the rodent died.
    3. Take a good sniff to understand in which part of the room the unpleasant odor is concentrated - this is where you will need to tear the board off the floor. If you cannot identify a specific area in which the mouse died, it is best to remove the board located in the center.
    4. Using a thin long stick, try to feel the rodent under the floor and carefully remove it.

    All of the above actions should be performed exclusively in a respirator or at least a medical mask. In this case, you will need to protect your hands with rubber gloves.

    What to do with a dead rat

    After finding a dead mouse under the floor, you need to place it in a plastic bag and take it out of the house. It is then possible to dispose of the rodent in two ways:

    1. Bury away from residential areas. In this case, the hole must be deep enough.
    2. Pack the rodent tightly in several bags and place it in the trash.

    How to get rid of the smell from under the floors

    After the source of the stench has been removed, you will need to get rid of the cadaverous smell as quickly as possible. Let's look at what will help remove the odor from a dead mouse in the house.

    Removing traces of urine and cadaveric rot from surfaces

    In addition to disposing of the animal's corpse, you will need to completely get rid of traces left by its waste products, such as urine, excrement and particles of decomposed flesh. To get rid of biomaterials from a mouse that has died, you can use both professional and proven home remedies. Each group will be discussed separately below.

    Causes of odor

    The mouse smell cannot be confused with anything else. Usually its source is: waste products, fur with sebaceous secretions, food debris from the habitats of mice. Also, the reason for the “incense” from living rodents is the secretions that the male produces to attract females.

    A particularly strong, unpleasant “aroma” appears when their corpse decomposes. To get rid of it, you need to find the body of the pest and carry out a general cleaning of the house using chemicals. You won’t be able to get rid of a strong odor by just washing the floors with bleach; you need an integrated approach.

    Modern methods of getting rid of mouse odors

    Even if it is known for sure that a mouse has died under the floor or in the wall, it is not always possible to get it out. In such situations, the dying rodent will smell disgustingly, poisoning the lives of all inhabitants of the home. The situation is even worse if the mouse died in the basement of an apartment building - then the unpleasant smell will be in the entire entrance. Let's look at the most effective ways to help get rid of this problem.


    Substances that remove all extraneous odors - adsorbents - will help you get rid of the smell of a dead rat qualitatively. This effect is achieved due to the fact that their porous surface perfectly captures and retains particles of gaseous compounds floating in the air. To remove odor using adsorbents, you must:

    • calculate in which room the mouse died;
    • fill small containers (plastic cups, bowls, containers) with an adsorbent, for example, baking soda or crushed activated carbon;
    • place containers around the entire perimeter of the room;
    • leave the room and close the door tightly.

    After about seven to eight days, the smell from the dead mouse should completely disappear. If necessary, you can extend the period of the hygiene procedure for an unlimited amount of time.

    Air ionizer

    To get rid of the smell when a mouse has died under the floor, you can spend money on purchasing special devices that purify the air. The following can act as cleaners:

    • ionizers;
    • ozonizers;
    • household air purifiers.

    The advantages of such household appliances include not only the ability to effectively remove foreign odors, but also to disinfect the room. Undoubtedly, you will need to spend from five to twenty thousand rubles on the purchase of cleaning devices, depending on the model. However, such a purchase will not make you wait long for a positive result.


    If you need to get rid of the strong, persistent cadaverous odor of a dead mouse, you can use active chemical compounds, for example, organic acetic acid. To put the room in order, you will need to wipe the floors, corners and hard-to-reach places with an acid solution.

    Important! Chemical compounds can be hazardous to health! They can leave behind burns to the skin or respiratory tract. Therefore, they can be used only in extreme cases, when other means have not helped get rid of the problem.

    Folk remedies will help get rid of the smell of a dead mouse

    When mice die under the floor, it is not necessary to go to the store and buy special expensive products. Time-tested folk remedies will help get rid of the pungent odor. The most effective ones are listed below.

    Vinegar treatment

    When you need to treat not only the floor, but also furniture, you should use nine percent table vinegar. This tool has several advantages. On the one hand, it allows you to effectively get rid of a specific odor, on the other hand, it will not harm home furnishings. Also, vinegar does not need to be washed off after application.

    Potassium permanganate solution

    In a situation where it is necessary to treat a dark-colored floor covering, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate. To prepare it, you need to dissolve three or four crystals of potassium permanganate in a liter of water. The pinkish liquid will not only help get rid of the smell of a dead mouse, but will also kill all pathogenic microorganisms.

    Hydrogen peroxide treatment

    If you have to wash light-colored surfaces on which a mouse has died, it is better to use the product available in every first aid kit - peroxide. To eliminate the unpleasant odor, you will need to generously pour active liquid onto the problem area. The next day the procedure will have to be repeated.

    Chlorine treatment

    If a mouse has recently died under the floor, and you need to get rid of the rather strong smell of decaying flesh, it is best to use caustic substances that contain chlorine. Such products can remove even the most corrosive odors. One of the most common chlorine-containing cleaners is Bleach. To get rid of the pungent smell with its help, you need to do the following:

    • pour a liter of clean cool water and White into a small basin, and mix the ingredients thoroughly;
    • thoroughly treat the floor, baseboards, and hard-to-reach places with the resulting liquid;
    • leave the product for deep effects for three to four days;
    • after the specified time - carry out general cleaning of the room.

    Important! Whiteness is a fairly caustic liquid, so when working with it you should protect your skin and respiratory system.


    If a mouse died under the floor in summer or spring, you can try to get rid of the intense odor by regular ventilation. To do this, you will need to open all the doors and windows wide, creating a real draft. The room should remain in this condition for at least a week. Of course, such a method is unlikely to be suitable for getting rid of mouse odor in your home. However, it can be used to clean a summer house or barn.

    It is worth noting that if none of the remedies discussed above helped get rid of the cadaverous odor, you should contact a specialized organization that provides cleaning services. A professional will quickly find the place where the mouse died and eliminate all related problems.

    How to disinfect surfaces

    Leather and lacquered furniture should be treated with a vinegar solution. Mix equal parts water and vinegar and then wipe the items.

    Upholstered furniture, mattresses, covers and other textiles also need to be cleaned. Make a solution of 0.5 liters of water, 0.5 liters of alcohol or vodka, 120 g of soda and 15 ml of essential oil of your choice. The water needs to be boiled, cooled, and then the rest of the ingredients added. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray on upholstered furniture. If the unpleasant odor persists, repeat the procedure.

    2. Carpeting

    If the odor is not strong, a soap solution will help. Grate half a bar of laundry soap and dissolve it in warm water. Brush the carpet and then wipe with clean water.

    It is best to clean carpets outside. Hang the carpet on a rope, wet it with water and wash with shampoo or a special cleaning agent. Leave for 2-3 minutes and rinse the carpet with clean water.

    If the aroma is pronounced, first sprinkle the rug with baking soda, and then clean it with shampoo. Also use a vacuum cleaner or steam cleaner. In particularly advanced cases, contact a dry cleaner.

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    Application of products on different surfaces

    Depending on the surface on which the mouse died, there are some nuances for cleaning it. Here are some examples:

    • If the corpse of a rodent was found under the floor, on the ground, the top layer of soil will have to be removed, since microorganisms involved in the decomposition of the mouse have already penetrated into it.
    • When cleaning wooden surfaces, you should not use methods based on the use of moisture. This is due to the fact that the liquid will soak the porous structure of the wood, and the smell will become even more firmly entrenched in it. In such situations, it is better to use adsorbents to get rid of the smell.
    • If you have any doubts about what product to apply to a particular surface, it is better to give preference to table vinegar. It is suitable for cleaning any materials from unwanted odors.

    Prevention of mice

    The following recommendations will help you do this:

    1. The house must be kept clean every day: clean, do not leave leftover food on the table or bedside table, and take out the trash on time.
    2. It will be useful in the fight against rodents to periodically check floors and walls for integrity - the absence of cracks and holes.
    3. If possible, you should get a cat. A fluffy pet will not only bring joy to all family members, but will also regularly protect its territory from the invasion of mice.
    4. If you find at least one mouse, it is better not to fight it yourself, but to contact specialized services.

    No one argues that when a mouse has died under the floor, it is not easy to get rid of the smell. However, this problem can be completely eliminated. All you need to do for this is gather your thoughts and use the life hacks described above.

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