A rat died under the floor, how to get rid of the smell?

In an attempt to get rid of a rodent in the house, many people begin to use pesticides, considering them the most effective way to get rid of harmful animals. To a large extent, this point of view is correct. But the consequences of these actions need to be thought through in advance, otherwise the mouse or rat may die in a place that will be difficult to immediately detect. And then the whole apartment will be filled with unpleasant odors.

In some cases, you will have to incur considerable costs to remove the corpse of an animal from a wall or from under the floor.

  • 5 When does the smell go away?
  • 6 Mummifying poisons
  • 7 Conclusion
  • Signs of a Dead Rat Under the Floor

    An unpleasant smell in a room forces a person to open windows, use air fresheners, and look for the cause of the stench. It’s easy to tell what a dead rat smells like. The body begins to stink so much that nothing helps.

    Every day the stench gets worse, it’s impossible to stay in the room. The smell of rotting hurts the nose, causes nausea, and the urge to vomit. The room smells of rot, corpses, mice. You can feel it 3 days after the death of the rodent. As the body decomposes, the stench intensifies and envelops the entire room. The smell of a dead rat is impossible to miss. The main difficulty is to find the location of the corpse.

    A rat can die under the floor of a multi-story building or in the basement. The smell spreads throughout the entire entrance and throughout all apartments. Finding a corpse is much more difficult than finding it under the floor of a private house. In such cases, they often resort to the help of specialists.

    Duration of decomposition

    Everyone wonders how long it takes for a rat to decompose. Because no one can tolerate the terrifying smell for long. The situation is complicated by the fact that the corpse of a rat takes from 6 to 10 weeks to decompose. The process depends on temperature conditions. The hotter the room, the faster this will all end.

    Mummifying substances are added to modern rat poison for such cases. The body does not rot and dries slowly. The situation may develop differently. If a rat eats an insufficient dose of rat poison to trigger the mummification process. In this case, the remains rot for up to 2 months; the decomposition process is long.

    What to do if a rat died under the floor is an individual decision. You can try to solve the problem yourself or entrust it all to specialists.

    When the smell goes away

    If rodents were poisoned in the room, and one of them died under the floor, a disgusting smell will soon appear. It spreads within a radius of 300 m. Owners need to carefully search every corner. If a corpse is found, it is disposed of, the surface is disinfected, and manipulations are carried out to remove the stench.

    If a dead mouse is under the floor and it is impossible to get it out, it stinks for a long time, for 2-3 months, until complete decomposition occurs. Residents of the house will have to either get it out from under the floor or put up with the smell, masking it in every possible way.

    No less relevant is the question of how long it takes for a rat to decompose. These animals are larger, so the process will take longer – up to 4 months. Temperatures play an important role. In summer, decomposition occurs faster, in winter - slower.

    To search for and destroy rodent corpses, you can use the services of specialists. In almost every city there are companies involved in pest control. Professionals solve such problems quite quickly.

    Search for the body

    How to find a dead rat under the floor is not an easy question. The smell quickly spreads throughout the room; it is difficult to determine exactly where the stench is coming from. It’s worth preparing yourself for the fact that you will have to tear off the floor boards, since there is no other way to get the rat’s corpse.

    • in the room where the rat was lucky enough to die under the floor, the smell will be felt stronger;
    • remove carpets, rugs from the floor, tear off linoleum;
    • It is best to tear off the board in the center of the room if it was not possible to determine the place of death of the rodent by smell;
    • you will need a stick, a metal rod, a mop - something with which you can check the space under the floor;
    • move the stick in different directions. The obstacle in the way of movement is the dead body of a rat.

    You need to prepare a plastic bag in advance, where you should put the discovered corpse. The search operation must be carried out wearing a respirator and rubber gloves. It must be remembered that a rat is a carrier of dangerous infections even when dead. Immediately prepare yourself that the sight will not be pleasant. It is better not to participate in this for the faint of heart.

    Searching for a rat under the floor

    The rat's corpse must be buried deep in the ground. If it is not possible, throw it in a landfill or trash can. Dispose of rubber gloves there. Wash your hands well with soap.

    The ground under the decomposing body absorbs the stench and will emit it for a long time. To neutralize the smell, you need to rake the soil with a shovel and throw it in the trash.

    The next step is getting rid of the smell of a dead rat. You can buy special products and use folk advice.

    Removing a dead rodent

    When the corpse of a rat or mouse is found, it must be immediately removed from the house, while not forgetting about safety measures. It is imperative to work in rubber gloves and a respirator, since the risk of contracting an infection carried by rodents remains even after the death of the animal. The body is carefully placed in a bag, which is sealed and either buried outside the living area or thrown into a trash can.

    Finding a dead mouse or rat under the floor is quite difficult, since it is impossible to determine the exact place where it lies. If there is such an opportunity, then it is better to open the floor in the center and look under it with a long stick for where the corpse lies, checking all the corners.

    If the deceased rodent was on the ground, then its top layer is thrown away along with the animal.

    Elimination of consequences

    The body was thrown away, but the smell remained. This situation happens if the stench has been present in the room for a long time. Materials were saturated - paper, fabric, wood. You will have to carry out a whole range of measures to put the house in order.

    • open windows, doors, make a draft in the room so that the stinking aroma disappears faster;
    • put the torn board back in place;
    • send curtains, bedspreads, napkins - all fabric products for washing;
    • Apply cleaning agent to carpets and vacuum thoroughly;
    • Sprinkle a thick layer of soda on the floor, it draws out the smell from the wood well - leave for 1-2 hours, vacuum;
    • add chlorine or a detergent containing it to the water, wash the floor - whiteness is excellent;
    • A special composition is prepared for processing furniture. Add 1 teaspoon of liquid soap and 50 g of soda to 0.95 liters of hydrogen peroxide. Mix thoroughly and pour into a spray bottle or spray bottle. Treat the hard surface of furniture. After 60 minutes, remove the composition with a damp cloth.

    At the final stage, you need to use an air freshener.

    Gets rid of the dead rat smell

    Traditional methods of neutralizing the unpleasant odor of rats

    Rats often die under the floor; people have come up with many ways to kill the smell or eliminate it completely after removing the body.

    • Fire. Light a torch and walk around the room with it, especially in the room where there was a rat under the floor. Instead of a torch, you can use incense sticks.
    • Vinegar. Moisten a cloth generously and leave for 10-12 hours. Ventilate the room well.
    • Potassium permanganate. Prepare a solution, treat the floor, furniture, walls.
    • Lavender. If the house smells strongly, the aroma of lavender can cover the smell. You can use a plant, air freshener, essential oils.

    Anti-odor medications

    Odor neutralizers deal with persistent stench. Eliminates the smell of urine and feces after animals. Used to eliminate the smell of a dead rat.

    The preparations do not contain aggressive components that can damage furniture. Can be used on different surfaces, including the upholstered part of a sofa and armchairs. Unlike conventional cleaning agents, detergents provide quick, complete elimination of stench.

    The product has no pungent odors, does not cause an allergic reaction, and does not emit toxins during evaporation. It is very convenient to use, since it is sold ready-made, with a sprayer.

    The most common brands:

    • Biolife Safe @ Clean, Germany;
    • OdorGone, USA, lavender scent;
    • Fridge Balls, South Korea, unscented.

    How to get a body and the best way to do it

    Very often a rat crawls into a completely inaccessible place. In such a situation, the smell of the decomposing corpse of a rat under the floor is heard very strongly and for a long time, but it is impossible to detect and retrieve its corpse. Therefore, the only way out is to seal the place where it is located in the underground, for which it is necessary to completely close and seal all the cracks in the floor and walls.

    Means for eliminating bad odor

    To remove an unpleasant odor, there are several ways to help interrupt or remove it:

    • Ventilation of the home is mandatory and takes the longest time. It is necessary to open all the windows for several days so that a draft “walks” through the rooms. The colder the air outside, the better, because... Rodents cannot tolerate cold, and therefore living individuals will quickly try to get away.
    • The easiest way, before purchasing special products, is to spread coffee beans or coffee grounds in the room, which absorb unpleasant fumes well.
    • Treating all surfaces with vinegar, especially furniture, corners, floors, etc. The acid contained in the vinegar essence will help quickly neutralize the smell of a dead rat and traces of rodents in the house. The vinegar smell itself usually dissipates within a few days.
    • The use of potassium permanganate in a solution will help disinfect all surfaces, destroying harmful bacteria and the “aroma” itself. To do this, you need to wash the floors with the solution, wipe the baseboards, and also spray it in cracks and other places under which the rat’s corpse is supposedly decomposing below.
    • Chlorine-containing liquids are used to disinfect and remove odor. Whiteness is ideal, with a solution of which you need to treat all floors, baseboards, and cracks near the place where the smell comes from.
    • A solution with hydrogen peroxide is used in a similar way, which helps remove the unpleasant “aroma”.
    • Stores sell odor neutralizers in the form of powder or liquid, which can effectively deal with harmful miasmas. The most effective spray sorbent is Pet Stain {amp}amp; Odor Eliminator: it helps to get rid of not only unpleasant odors, but also organic stains left by urine, feces, etc. The product is completely safe for children and animals. You can also find similar drugs on sale: German Biolife Safe @ Clean; American OdorGone, with lavender scent; South Korean Fridge Balls.
    • You can kill the smell from decomposition by burning a torch or fragrant sticks, with which you need to walk through all the rooms, you can also put a lit and smoldering piece of cotton wool in a jar and place it in the room for a while.
    • Absorbents or odor absorbers are sold at hardware stores, the most effective of which are Earth Care Odor Removing Bags, which are hung in the home and can absorb odors for anywhere from a few hours to a week. A sachet of this product is intended for a room of up to 10 square meters. m, price – about $0.16.
    • To purify the air, you can install an ionizer, which will not only remove the unpleasant “aroma”, but also destroy germs and harmful bacteria.

    Dead rat under the floor

    If, after several procedures, an unpleasant odor remains, then experts recommend using the disinfectants Alaminol or Veltosept, which break down protein compounds, thereby effectively removing residual odor. Such solutions are sold in pharmacies to sterilize medical instruments and destroy pathogenic bacteria.

    Often the rat crawls into places where it is difficult to reach. The “scents” become more intense each time, the corpse decomposes very quickly, but it is difficult and almost impossible to detect. One effective approach is to completely seal the area of ​​residence. To do this, you need to cover the cracks and completely close this place.

    You can entrust the removal of a dead rat to specialists or do it yourself. Sequencing:

    1. Determine the location of the corpse.
    2. If this is the location where the rodent came to die under the floor, then the boards need to be removed.
    3. Retrieve the rat using a hook or hook.

    Attention! Don't forget to use respiratory and skin protection

    It is important to be safe so as not to harm your health

    Help from professionals

    When your own efforts are unsuccessful, or there is no desire to do all this, you should turn to specialists. You can find out which services can find a dead rat in a particular region via the Internet by entering a phrase in a search engine.

    If a rat died in the entrance, or there are pests in the basement, you must provide information to the housing office or housing cooperative. The payment for the maintenance of the common property of the MKT includes a fee for rodent control. Housing and communal services are required to carry out the work. Contact Rospotrebnadzor if other authorities do not respond. Inform the government agency - SES.

    Special pest control companies deal with dead rats in a private house or apartment. They enter into a pest control agreement with the specialists and make a payment. Private specialized rodent extermination services will respond to requests much faster than bureaucratic government agencies.

    To get rid of a dead rat or an unpleasant smell in the house, you need to carry out search work yourself or enter into an agreement with private pest control companies. You can neutralize the smell with folk remedies or professional preparations.

    You can determine the presence of rats in the house by smell. They smell like an uncleaned hamster cage. Mice smell similar (the smell of mice is described in detail here). However, the real problem begins when these parasites die. And quite often they do this behind walls, under floors or in the attic. It is almost impossible to get their corpses, and the house is enveloped in a cadaverous stench, which is dangerous not only because of its unpleasant odor, but also because it can cause severe poisoning. In this article you will learn about how corpses smell, what to do if a rodent has died in the house, how to find a dead rat, how much a cold corpse of a parasite will stink, how to remove the smell and much more.

    Calling specialists

    Many people do not know what to do if a rat has died under the floor, so they want to solve the problem with the help of specialists. Most often, calling such a service is necessary when there are killed pests in the basements of apartment buildings. Information about such cases must be reported to the housing office or housing cooperative, because the fee for rodent control is often already included in the list of funds for maintaining the property of the house.

    If a person does not know which services can find a dead rat and provide deratization of the premises, then information can be found on the Internet for a specific region of residence. If housing and communal services are unwilling to deal with this issue, you should contact Rospotrebnadzor or the SES authorities.

    Modern rat poisons contain special substances that mummify the animal's corpse, and it does not emit an odor.

    In many cities there are private companies that deal with the issues of deratization and searching for dead rats in premises. After concluding the necessary contract and payment, specialists will quickly solve this “stinking” problem.

    Common ways to get rid of odor

    What does a room smell like when someone dies? This smell cannot be confused with anything. The strong stench of a corpse has a sweetish and pungent odor, somewhat reminiscent of cheap cologne and burnt sugar , so if the house smells strongly of such a range of shades, then there is no doubt that someone has died somewhere.

    To neutralize odor, there is a whole list of different methods that you can use at home. Below you can see the most common ones:

    • The rodent's corpse should be handled with gloves and placed in a bag, then thrown away. If the rat lies in an accessible place, then good, but if somewhere behind the wall, then you can use a wire to hook the body;
    • If a rat died on damp soil, then after a while the body will begin to exude cadaveric poison, which poisons the soil. Therefore, it is recommended to dig up the soil under the rat and throw it away;
    • If the smell remains after the treatments, you can use alaminol or veltosept . These substances break down proteins, making it easier to get rid of odor residues;
    • Oddly enough, the smell of burning wood can also drown out the smell of a decomposing corpse. To do this, just walk a little around the room with a burning torch;
    • In stores you can purchase special odor neutralizers, which are sold in powder or liquid form.

    Lavender works well among folk remedies . It can be laid out around the perimeter of the room or hung in small bouquets in the corners; it quickly neutralizes the smell of corpses.

    What to do if you can’t get a dead rat

    Very often a rat crawls into a completely inaccessible place. In such a situation, the smell of the decomposing corpse of a rat under the floor is heard very strongly and for a long time, but it is impossible to detect and retrieve its corpse. Therefore, the only way out is to seal the place where it is located in the underground, for which it is necessary to completely close and seal all the cracks in the floor and walls.

    Means for eliminating bad odor

    Corpse miasma is not only unpleasant for humans, but also poses some danger: it can cause severe poisoning, and when decomposed, it also infects all nearby surfaces.

    To remove an unpleasant odor, there are several ways to help interrupt or remove it:

    • Ventilation of the home is mandatory and takes the longest time. It is necessary to open all the windows for several days so that a draft “walks” through the rooms. The colder the air outside, the better, because... Rodents cannot tolerate cold, and therefore living individuals will quickly try to get away.
    • The easiest way, before purchasing special products, is to spread coffee beans or coffee grounds in the room, which absorb unpleasant fumes well.
    • Treating all surfaces with vinegar, especially furniture, corners, floors, etc. The acid contained in the vinegar essence will help quickly neutralize the smell of a dead rat and traces of rodents in the house. The vinegar smell itself usually dissipates within a few days.
    • The use of potassium permanganate in a solution will help disinfect all surfaces, destroying harmful bacteria and the “aroma” itself. To do this, you need to wash the floors with the solution, wipe the baseboards, and also spray it in cracks and other places under which the rat’s corpse is supposedly decomposing below.
    • Chlorine-containing liquids are used to disinfect and remove odor. Whiteness is ideal, with a solution of which you need to treat all floors, baseboards, and cracks near the place where the smell comes from.
    • A solution with hydrogen peroxide is used in a similar way, which helps remove the unpleasant “aroma”.
    • Stores sell odor neutralizers in the form of powder or liquid, which can effectively deal with harmful miasmas. The most effective is the Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator spray sorbent: it helps get rid of not only unpleasant odors, but also organic stains remaining from urine, feces, etc. The product is completely safe for children and animals. You can also find similar drugs on sale: German Biolife Safe @ Clean; American OdorGone, with lavender scent; South Korean Fr >

    Dead rat under the floor

    If, after several procedures, an unpleasant odor remains, then experts recommend using the disinfectants Alaminol or Veltosept, which break down protein compounds, thereby effectively removing residual odor. Such solutions are sold in pharmacies to sterilize medical instruments and destroy pathogenic bacteria.

    When using various chemicals, such as vinegar and bleach, to avoid chemical burns to the skin or mucous membranes, you should wear protective gloves and a respirator.


    The main impact of the rat invasion falls on summer residents and owners of large country houses. In winter, in search of warmth and food, rats run into houses where not all survive until spring. And a fairly common way to combat the smell of dead rodents is vinegar.

    In order to remove the smell, it is enough to simply treat all horizontal surfaces of the house with vinegar: countertops, window sills, floors next to baseboards, furniture, in general, all the places where rats could run. Acetic acid quickly neutralizes cadaveric poison and odor, after which it evaporates after a while.

    Treating furniture in your apartment with a vinegar solution will help get rid of the cadaverous smell of dead rats

    Chlorine, as you know, has an interesting property: it removes any odors, and at the same time disinfects the surface being treated . The most famous representative of chlorine-containing products is “Belizna”.

    Using bleach is similar to using vinegar. It is also necessary to treat horizontal surfaces, especially carefully around the baseboard and in all cracks in the walls. In addition to the smell, whiteness can destroy various microorganisms that can be harmful to health and pose a risk of poisoning. Quite often, after treating a house with bleach, the risk of contracting a serious illness is sharply reduced, as is the likelihood that large populations of rats will re-enter the house or apartment.

    White (bleach) removes unpleasant odors well

    Folk remedies

    If it is necessary to get rid of the amber left by rodents that have been in the house or a dead mouse, time-tested folk remedies are also used. Studying possible odor elimination options will allow you to choose the one that is most suitable for a particular case.

    A common way to neutralize rodent stench is to treat surfaces where mice may have been present with vinegar. The acid contained in vinegar will eliminate traces of mice, and the vinegar smell itself will disappear after a few days.

    1. Potassium permanganate used to treat surfaces is a disinfectant that not only removes traces of rats and mice, but also the harmful bacteria and unpleasant odors left by them.
    2. Hydrogen peroxide is an inexpensive, readily available, and effective means of controlling rotting rodent odors and other foreign odors. It is recommended to use this product after thorough wet cleaning of the room using chlorine-containing detergents and disinfectants.
    3. Independent use of solutions containing chlorine allows you not only to eliminate the unpleasant spirit in the room, but also to disinfect it.
    4. Ventilation of places where rodents may be present is not so effective, but it is a necessary condition when combating odors that arise after mice are in the room.

    When treating surfaces with any of the listed means, special attention must be paid to the junction of the skirting boards with walls, corners and other hard-to-reach places. To prevent the appearance of mice in your home, it is necessary to carry out certain preventive measures at the frequency indicated in the table:

    To prevent the appearance of mice in your home, it is necessary to carry out certain preventive measures at the frequency indicated in the table:

    Preventive measuresFrequency of execution
    1Wet cleaningDaily
    2Ventilation of premisesDaily
    3Treatment with mice repellentsMonthly
    4Sealing holes and cracksAnnually

    If an unpleasant stench comes from the carcass of a dead rat or mouse, then first of all it is necessary to remove it, and only then deal with the smell remaining from it.

    Potassium permangantsovka

    Potassium permanganate is used almost everywhere: small children are bathed with it, they drink it for intestinal disorders, it is used for disinfection, and much more. In addition, potassium permanganate copes with the destruction of stench much better than some odor neutralizers . Therefore, if a rat died under the floor or behind a wall, and the corpse began to emit a stench, potassium permanganate is perfect.

    To remove the smell, it will be enough to simply wash the floors and baseboards in those places where rats most often ran, and spray it into those places (cracks) where the corpse of a rodent may be located. In addition, potassium permanganate will also destroy most of the harmful bacteria that parasites might leave behind, so the risk of becoming infected with something in the future is reduced to zero.

    Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate)


    During disinfection and deratization, the premises are always ventilated, but this method can also be used to remove the unpleasant smell of decomposing corpses from the apartment. But in order for this to have any benefit, you need to be patient and have spare housing, since it will take a very long time to ventilate and preferably during the cold season.

    Rats, although they have high resistance to absolutely everything, do not tolerate drafts quite well . If you often open windows wide for several hours in winter, there is a chance that rodents will escape. And along with them, domestic insects, for example, bedbugs, can also die. These parasites cannot tolerate low temperatures at all, and as soon as the thermometer drops below twenty or twenty-five degrees Celsius, they freeze to death.

    Extraction procedure

    To avoid tearing down floors and tearing off baseboards, it’s worth considering quieter ways to locate an object. These exist and do not lead to lengthy searches or major home repairs. Although it is worth considering that minor repair work will have to be carried out:

    WayExecution technique
    Eliminating areas through which odor passesIf it is impossible to find the body of the animal, then the smell penetrates into the home through cracks and cracks. Therefore, all such places should be completely checked and sealed well.
    VentilationIt is not advisable to be in the house during such a procedure. It is necessary to arrange a draft for several weeks. Moreover, the best time to remove such troubles is winter.
    Coffee optionYou can’t call it cheap, since you will need to purchase as many coffee beans as possible. We scatter them in all corners and the floor. It is an excellent absorbent, absorbs and eliminates odors.
    Vinegar treatmentNever use bleach to eliminate such odors. It will only get stronger. But using a vinegar solution for a week or until the odor is completely removed is a completely effective option. The best remedy is vinegar essence

    Mummifying poisons

    Getting rid of the smell of corpses is one thing. But how can you make sure that after deratization of the room the chance of getting a “bouquet of aromas” is sharply reduced? Many people poison rats with conventional poisons, from which the rodent dies where death overtakes it. Great luck if he died in a visible place or right in the middle of the room so that he could be removed. But most often it goes into another world precisely under the floor or behind the walls, where there is no way to get it. After a certain time passes after this, the corpse decomposes and begins to stink.

    How to get rid of the smell from under the floors

    After the source of the stench has been removed, you will need to get rid of the cadaverous smell as quickly as possible. Let's look at what will help remove the odor from a dead mouse in the house.

    Removing traces of urine and cadaveric rot from surfaces

    In addition to disposing of the animal's corpse, you will need to completely get rid of traces left by its waste products, such as urine, excrement and particles of decomposed flesh. To get rid of biomaterials from a mouse that has died, you can use both professional and proven home remedies. Each group will be discussed separately below.

    How to find the source

    To eliminate an unpleasant odor, you must first find its source. This is easy to do if the mouse corpse lies on the floor and is visible to the naked eye. But very often rodents die in hard-to-reach places. How to find the source of the smell in this case?

    In old furniture

    Rodents can make a nest or simply hide in old furniture. If the smell comes from the sofa, you need to unfold it and carefully inspect it. A dead mouse may end up under removable parts of the body or under the upholstery; to find the corpse, the boards must be unscrewed and the upholstery removed or torn off.

    Under the baseboard

    Mice that run into an apartment can climb into the gap between the wall and the baseboard and die there. In order to find the corpse of a rodent in such a shelter, you need to dismantle the baseboards.

    In the ventilation

    A favorite place for mice to hide is ventilation. If the rodent died there, the smell will spread throughout the room.

    In a bag of cereals or flour

    Animals are attracted to food storage areas. If cereals or flour are not stored in sealed containers, but in bags or bags, mice gnaw through the fabric and get inside.

    The main causes of unpleasant odor

    Before choosing a method to get rid of the stench, you need to determine its source in the house. The causes of an unpleasant odor may be:

    • dead pest located in a hard-to-reach place;
    • the smell of mouse excrement, which contains ammonia;
    • leftover food hidden by rodents in their hiding places.

    First you need to get rid of the original source of the problem - mice. The most effective method of eliminating pests in an apartment or any other room is to get a cat. After a predator appears in the house, the rodents soon leave the home. Very often, owners take their cat with them in order to get rid of mice in the countryside. But this method is not acceptable for everyone. Others can be used:

    • – affects animals with ultrasound, thereby giving them unpleasant sensations;
    • use folk remedies - peppermint oil, potassium permanganate, tar, vinegar;
    • mechanical traps - mousetraps;
    • , poisonous baits and preparations.

    What to do if you can't find it

    In a private home, rodents can hide and die in a crack in the wall, under the floor, or in another hard-to-reach place. If the smell is felt, but the mouse corpse is not visible, experience-tested observations will help at least reduce the search area. What to pay attention to:

    • The smell intensifies as you approach the epicenter.
    • A decomposing dead rat can be found by tracking the trajectory of the flies.
    • The corpse can be found by drops of liquid released from it.
    • If you have a dog, it will become anxious around a dead mouse.

    Basic ways to eliminate odor

    First of all, to eliminate the smell, you need to remove its source. But even after this, you can feel its remnants due to the fact that it has managed to be absorbed into the surfaces of walls, floors, furniture and textiles. How to get rid of the scent completely?


    Vinegar perfectly eliminates mouse odor while disinfecting surfaces. The product is used to treat walls, floors, furniture, and textiles. A solution of 1 part vinegar and 5 parts water is sprayed with a spray bottle.

    The pungent smell of vinegar disappears after some time; you can improve the aroma in the room with essential oils, most often lavender, mint or pine are used.


    Potassium permanganate is a widely used folk remedy for disinfection. Treating all washable surfaces with a sponge and a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate will not only help get rid of unpleasant odors and disinfect objects, but will also repel rodents, preventing their return.

    Chlorine-containing preparations will not only help remove the odor, but also disinfect the room. To get rid of odors, use a sponge soaked in the product to treat all washable items. We must not forget that chlorine fumes are toxic, so it is not recommended to use the liquid in an apartment where there are small children or pets.

    Hydrogen peroxide

    Hydrogen peroxide will remove odor not only from the room, but also from clothes:

    • Wet cleaning is carried out with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (800 ml), dishwashing liquid (100 ml), soda (120 g), prepared immediately before treatment.
    • The unpleasant smell will be removed from clothes if you soak them before washing for a couple of hours in water with the addition of hydrogen peroxide, the components are taken in a ratio of 6 to 1.
    • Surfaces in the room can be treated with hydrogen peroxide using a spray bottle. This measure is applied after cleaning with a chlorine-containing agent to eliminate the remaining pathogens.


    Absorbents are good at removing the smell of dead mice. To be effective, they must be placed in close proximity to the source. The vast majority of purchased products in the form of powders, tablets and aerosols only mask the problem rather than eliminate it. Among the available means, good absorbents are salt, lime and soda.

    Salt can be used in living areas to absorb unpleasant odors. It is enough to sprinkle the substance on the source or simply place a fabric bag with absorbent on a shelf. Salt has the ability to absorb moisture and unpleasant odors, and also lightly disinfect the air.


    Lime is used to get rid of odors in non-residential premises. An even, dense layer of absorbent is applied to the site where the rodent dies. The substance eliminates aroma and also destroys bacteria, acting as a kind of filter.

    Soda, like salt, can be used in living rooms. The absorbent absorbs the smell of a dead mouse, in addition, particles of organic tissue. This way the room is disinfected.

    Aroma sticks

    Incense sticks must be set on fire and carried through all the rooms. The smell is chosen to be pleasant, as it will be absorbed into the wallpaper and will be felt for some time after treatment.


    Preparation for the destruction of rodents

    To get rid of the smell of a decomposed rat, professional modern means are used. For example, ozone plants. When using a technical device, the odor from rodents is eliminated, and the air is purified from toxic substances. The main advantage of using this method is that there are no marks on clothing or interior items.

    List of funds:

    • "Lizafin." This is a powerful remedy for the strong smell of decomposition. An additional advantage is that the toxic substance does not affect the skin. In addition, it is consumed economically. Before use, mix with water. Do not dilute with detergents.
    • Medifox Dez. Eliminates odor from rodent decomposition. Even when frozen or thawed, it retains its properties. At the same time it has two actions: detergent and antimicrobial.
    • "Chlorapine." Use the product when added to laundry with laundry detergent to eliminate rodent odor.
    • Medifox-Des. This liquid eliminates harmful bacteria and odors from deceased rodents; with its help, it is easy to destroy mold and fungal formations.

    It is worth noting! Precautionary measures and application are written in the instructions, so you should first study the annotation

    Essential oils

    Aromatic herbs are a good help in the fight against both the mice themselves and the smell of dead animals, but the smell of dried plants is subtle and quickly disappears, so it is better to use essential oils. The most commonly used oils are peppermint, lavender, and coniferous trees. The product is applied to a cotton ball and left in the problem area.

    Coffee beans

    Coffee beans are an excellent absorbent. To neutralize the smell of a dead mouse, coffee beans are laid out near the source in bulk or placed in a cotton bag. Dry coffee grounds have the same effect.


    Formalin, or formaldehyde, is used by pathologists to neutralize cadaveric odor. The substance will also help to cope with the stench of a dead mouse. It should be remembered that the compound is quite toxic, and use it at home with great caution.

    What to do with a dead cat or dead dog?

    As stated above, the law requires the burning of animal carcasses.
    Cremating yourself is extremely difficult, technically and psychologically difficult to implement. In addition, the owner will give reason to suspect him of cruelty to animals if:

    1. The fact of death was not recorded;
    2. There is evidence of the animal being burned.

    There is clearly evidence of a crime under Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To avoid administrative, criminal and financial liability, and to provide a dignified funeral for a deceased pet, it is recommended to contact special organizations. Animal disposal service to help. These organizations are gaining popularity not only in large but also in provincial cities.

    Where to go to dispose of dead animals?

    For site users, we have compiled (and are constantly expanding) a list of organizations in large (and not only) Russian cities that deal with the disposal of dead pets:

    St. Petersburg
    Astrakhan Barnaul Vladivostok Volgograd Voronezh Ekaterinburg Izhevsk Irkutsk

    Kazan Kaliningrad Kemerovo Kirov Krasnodar Krasnoyarsk Lipetsk Makhachkala Naberezhnye Chelny Nizhny Novgorod

    Novokuznetsk Novosibirsk Omsk Orenburg Penza Perm Rostov-on-Don Ryazan Samara Saratov

    Tolyatti Tomsk Tula Tyumen Ulyanovsk Ufa Khabarovsk Cheboksary Chelyabinsk Yaroslavl

    Ways to drive out mice

    In order not to face the problem of eliminating the smell of a dead mouse under the floor, it is best to try to get rid of rodents in advance, as soon as signs of their vital activity are noticed. There are many ways to do this, both with the help of folk remedies and with the involvement of professionals.


    Mousetraps come in a variety of designs. Bait is placed inside, which is changed periodically, after which the trap is placed in the place where the mouse droppings were found. The disadvantage of mousetraps is that they provide only a single catch, without helping to massively solve the problem in the case of a large number of pests.

    Poisons can help get rid of an entire mouse population. The poison is placed in a place accessible to mice, but inaccessible to pets and children, and left for some time. The disadvantage of mouse baiting is that the carcasses must be collected for disposal, and some rodents may end up in inaccessible areas. In addition, with this method of disposal, cats often suffer because they catch and eat poisoned prey.

    Deratization service

    Deratization specialists get rid of rodents using mechanical, biological, and chemical methods. The issues of deratization in urban apartment buildings are dealt with by the housing office and housing cooperatives; the need to carry out treatment against rodents can be reported to the SES and Rospotrebnadzor. To exterminate mice in a village or country house, they turn to the services of private companies.


    Ultrasonic repellers are one of the most modern methods of rodent control. The principle of operation of the device is based on the fact that it constantly emits ultrasound of a certain frequency, which is not perceived by the human ear, but causes great discomfort to mice and rats. Animals themselves leave the room in which the repeller is installed, obeying the instinct of self-preservation.

    Methods for eliminating mouse odor

    The ideal solution to the problem is to remove the animal’s corpse from the living space. If this is not possible, you will have to hermetically seal the place where the rodent is located. To do this, all cracks on the walls and floors are carefully sealed.

    The cadaverous smell causes disgust and also provokes severe poisoning, contamination of all surfaces nearby. That is why it is important to know how to get rid of a poisonous odor if a mouse has died under the floor.

    You can use simple but effective means. There are several methods that can help deal with the problem.


    This is the easiest method that you should use right away. To create a draft, all doors and windows in the room are opened for several hours. The same rule applies to built-in wardrobes and pantries. Abundance of sunlight destroys germs and odor.

    To remove the smell of mice in the house, air conditioners are additionally used. The air filters of these devices absorb ointment, so they will have to be replaced later. If ventilation is carried out in winter, the cold will force living parasites to leave the living quarters as quickly as possible.

    Chlorine treatment

    All objects and surfaces that can be washed are treated with bleach.

    For this purpose, “Whiteness” is used. Let's look at how to get rid of the smell of mice in an apartment or house:

    • a solution is prepared; 5 liters of water will require 300 ml of chlorine;
    • The skin of the hands must be protected with rubber gloves;
    • the windows and doors of the house open;
    • a small sponge is soaked in the solution;
    • all accessible places and surfaces are washed;
    • then wipe with a wet, clean cloth.

    Particular attention is paid to the treatment of baseboards, floors, and cracks where the smell comes from. Chlorine is an effective means of fighting rodents and bad spirits, but the substance is toxic and can therefore harm the health of children and pets.

    It is better to use this method in the country or in utility rooms where people are not constantly present. After the chlorine evaporates, toxic substances disappear.


    Home textiles, upholstered furniture, and carpets absorb unpleasant odors well. To eliminate the stench, you need to:

    • wash clothes, bed linen, curtains, bedspreads, tablecloths, soft toys;
    • clean furniture upholstery and carpets with suitable disinfectants;
    • Dry-clean blankets, pillows and other bulky textile items.

    To eliminate the smell of a dead rat on the washing machine, select the longest program suitable for the type of material available.

    Potassium permanganate solution

    Potassium permanganate is considered an effective disinfectant. It removes stench and destroys infections caused by rodents.

    Before you get rid of the mouse smell in your home, you will need a little preparation:

    • a suitable container is filled with water, potassium permanganate crystals are added;
    • the composition is thoroughly mixed until a slightly pink color is obtained;
    • hands are protected with rubber gloves;
    • soak a rag or sponge with the solution;
    • All corners, floors, cracks in places where rodents are located are wiped.

    Potassium permanganate is safe for humans, but its smell is unbearable for mice. The product eliminates stench and repels living animals. It is important to remember that a strong solution of potassium permanganate will stain textiles and surfaces.

    Vinegar treatment

    Acetic acid is an effective natural antiseptic. Destroys unpleasant odors in homes, kills pathogenic bacteria.

    It is necessary to act according to the following plan:

    • a solution is prepared at the rate of 5 tbsp. l. acids per 1 liter. water;
    • the composition is thoroughly mixed and poured into a spray bottle;
    • The product is used to spray surfaces that smell unpleasant.

    You can treat bedside tables, cabinets, wardrobes, or the entire room with vinegar. After the procedure, it is advisable to leave the home for a couple of days, then ventilate. During this time, acetic acid will completely remove the smell of a dead mouse.

    Features of processing various surfaces

    The biggest problem arises when treating porous surfaces, as they tend to absorb odors. This feature is taken into account when disinfecting various materials.

    Before processing, the chipboard must be freed from dust and dirt and degreased, and then a disinfectant must be applied on both sides. The final stage is to protect the surface with sealant or polish.


    If the drywall is soaked through, it is impossible to remove the smell from it. It will be easier to throw away the damaged sheet and replace it with a new one.

    Natural wood

    The wooden surface is cleaned in several stages:

    • First of all, use any absorbent to remove residual liquid; for this purpose, cover the surface with an even, dense layer for some time.
    • After removing the absorbent, the affected area is disinfected using folk remedies such as vinegar or potassium permanganate, or professional sprays.
    • Finally, the wood is treated with sealant or polish.

    Eliminating mouse odor on different surfaces

    If a mouse has been in the house, all surfaces must be treated, not just the floor, walls, cabinets and other objects. You can also use any folk remedy for this.


    A vinegar solution is used to clean leather upholstery and varnished surfaces. To do this, you will need to prepare a solution: water and the bite are mixed in equal proportions.

    Upholstered furniture can also be damaged by rodents. However, it cannot always be washed like removable bed linen. But you can clean mattresses, sports bags, sofas and armchairs without any problems. To do this, make the following solution:

    • 0.5 liters of water and the same amount of pure alcohol (vodka 40% is also suitable);
    • 120 grams of baking soda;
    • 15 ml of any essential oil.

    Boil water, cool to room temperature, pour into a spray bottle. Next, add the remaining components here. Spray the solution onto the upholstery of upholstered furniture and wait until it dries completely. You don't need to do anything else. If the smell remains, repeat the procedure one or two more times, you can increase the amount of essential oil by 5 ml.

    On a note. Corn flour will help clean furniture covers. Lightly dust the fabric with flour and vacuum after half an hour. There will be no trace of the smell left.


    You can get rid of a mild mouse “incense” using a soap solution and a brush. Dissolve 1/2 bar of laundry soap in warm water, after grating it on a coarse grater. After treatment, repeat the process, but with clean water. If the weather permits, it is better to do this outdoors, because at home it is not always possible to “successfully” clean the carpet; there will definitely be stains.

    To do this, you need to hang the carpet on a rope and stretch a hose to this place. Wet with water, apply shampoo or a special cleaner for carpets. Rub with a brush, paying special attention to the area from which the mouse smell emanates. Leave for literally a few minutes so that the product is deeply absorbed into the carpet fibers, thereby breaking down the dirt. Rinse well with water from a hose.

    If the smell remains, the procedure should be repeated. Some housewives recommend using baking soda first (sprinkling it in an even layer on the carpet), then cleaning with shampoo.


    To prevent the appearance of mice, it is necessary to perform a number of preventive measures:

    • First of all, you need to regularly carry out wet cleaning using disinfectants.
    • Food products should be stored in tightly closed containers.
    • Care must be taken to ensure that there are no crumbs or pieces of food left on the table or floor.
    • It is useful in a village household to get a cat or borrow one from neighbors for a while, so that the animal leaves an unpleasant odor for rodents.
    • Dried herbs are placed in the corners, the aroma of which mice do not like. Such plants include tansy, mint, wormwood, black root and chamomile.
    • It is necessary to hermetically seal all cracks and openings through which rodents can enter the house.
    • The use of ventilation grilles will prevent mice from climbing into the room through the ventilation shaft.

    Mice are not the most pleasant neighbors, both in a private house and in an apartment. But it’s even more unpleasant to discover the corpse of a rodent in the neighborhood, emitting a pungent odor. To solve the problem, there are many methods, both folk and professional, that will help you quickly and easily get rid of unattractive aromas.

    Prevention of mice

    The following recommendations will help you do this:

    1. The house must be kept clean every day: clean, do not leave leftover food on the table or bedside table, and take out the trash on time.
    2. It will be useful in the fight against rodents to periodically check floors and walls for integrity - the absence of cracks and holes.
    3. If possible, you should get a cat. A fluffy pet will not only bring joy to all family members, but will also regularly protect its territory from the invasion of mice.
    4. If you find at least one mouse, it is better not to fight it yourself, but to contact specialized services.

    No one argues that when a mouse has died under the floor, it is not easy to get rid of the smell. However, this problem can be completely eliminated. All you need to do for this is gather your thoughts and use the life hacks described above.


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