Destruction of bedbugs: reviews from people and important practical nuances

Self-extermination of bedbugs in the house is quite a difficult task for an unprepared person. Although it is generally accepted that bed bugs can be poisoned in the same way as cockroaches, this is only partly true. Bed bugs actually die from exposure to the same aerosol insecticides and sprays that destroy cockroaches, but no amount of gels, poisoned traps, baits with boric acid and various folk remedies (for the most part) will help destroy them.

The reason for this lies in the specific feeding habits of bed bugs. These insects can only pierce the skin of humans and some domestic animals and then suck blood. They will not eat various baits or run into placed houses with odorous attractants, and this should be taken into account first of all by those who decide to take on the task of exterminating bedbugs on their own.

Reviews from even experienced parasite exterminators clearly demonstrate all the difficulties in fighting them.


“I know first-hand what killing bed bugs is like, and when I read other reviews, it makes me laugh. She poisoned them herself, first in the first apartment, then in the second, then in her mother’s house, and this summer - in the country. Tenacious creatures, they are not always destroyed the first time. Previously, dust helped very well - we scattered it along the baseboards and under the beds when we left home. Then it was banned. At my mother’s, I poisoned bedbugs with Cucaracha. It smells bad and needs to be diluted in a certain concentration. She brought me out twice, with a week break between them. In the second apartment, when I needed to poison, I couldn’t find Cucaracha, I bought Get, I liked it better because it has no smell. You spray everything with it once, and then you don’t need to wash the floors for a week. And that’s all, you just collect dead bedbugs. But Goeth is expensive. Therefore, when bedbugs later appeared at the dacha, I bred simple Karbofos. And this is what I will say - this is the best remedy in general. It smells, of course, but it reliably poisons bedbugs, and it costs a penny. I don’t think I’ll ever run into them again, but if that happens, I’ll poison them with Karbofos.”

Elena Pavlovna, Moscow

Remedies for bedbugs for self-removal

There are several types of products that effectively kill bed bugs:

  • Aerosol preparations are solutions of insecticides already poured into cylinders with compressed gas for spraying. These include, for example, Combat, Raptor, Dichlorvos Neo, Dichlorvos Eco, Raid, Clean House, etc. They are most often used by housewives in the first stages of fighting bedbugs due to their ease of use. However, their use is rational only when the premises are not heavily infested with bedbugs. For example, if the parasites are localized in only one chair, sofa or computer system unit. Numerous reviews indicate that if there are a large number of bloodsuckers in the apartment, aerosol products either do not help, or they become too expensive to use.

  • Sprays, more precisely, insecticide concentrates, which for use must be diluted with water and poured into a household spray bottle for subsequent spraying as a spray. For example, this includes many professional pest control products such as Tetrix, Sinuzan, Diazinon and others, which have a very unpleasant odor and are quite toxic to humans. However, there are such preparations for household use - Lambda Zone, Executioner, Get, Delta-Zone, Medilis Cyper, etc. Bedbugs must be destroyed with their help carefully, maintaining the required concentration of the solution and with the mandatory use of personal protective equipment.

  • Some dusts - for example, Pyrethrum, Phenaxin, Karbofos in powder form. They are scattered in places where bedbugs are frequently encountered, and if the location is guessed accurately, then usually within a few days the bedbugs are poisoned by contact with the poisonous powder.

Potent folk remedies such as denatured alcohol, turpentine and kerosene destroy bedbugs only by directly treating their nests. Those bedbugs that are physically impossible to reach with the solution will not be destroyed, and therefore such folk recipes cannot be considered reliable - you will just waste your time and create a fire hazard in the apartment.

Review of Karbofos and the remedy for bedbugs Executioner:

“We poisoned bedbugs with Karbofos. And twice and both times with different results. The houses destroyed them in one day, and not one was ever seen again. After this, my wife felt dizzy for a long time - after all, the remedy is harmful. But at the dacha, everything was treated in exactly the same way, but the bugs remained. They poisoned me again - the same effect. Then I only found out that if one of the neighbors constantly poisons bedbugs with Karbofos, they get used to it and no longer die. Apparently our neighbor treats his chicken coop with it. We tried to treat the dacha with the Executioner - it worked. A good product, but expensive. 70 rubles for a small bottle, which can only be used to treat one mattress.”

Vitaly, Chernigov

Feedback on the use of Get and Tetrix tools:

“If you need to poison bedbugs in an apartment, take Tetrix or Get. Definitely. Everything else is just for the kids to have fun. Especially all kinds of spray cans. Get has no smell, but somehow it seemed less effective to me. But Tetrix surprised me. The bedbugs began to die in one room while I was still poisoning in the other. I pushed the closet aside - and they were already dead there. But, really, this Tetrix stinks just horribly.”

Anna, St. Petersburg

See also our experiments on bedbugs:

We catch bedbugs and test different products against them - see the results...

  • We test the effect of Hector powder on bedbugs in two options: simple treatment and preparation of traps. See the results of the experiment.
    Experiment on bedbugs: at what temperature do they die and how it can be used in practice

    We put the bedbugs in a container that was treated with the Executioner product a week ago - we’ll see if the parasites are poisoned by the long-dried product...

  • We tested the Get Express product on bedbugs - let's see what came out of it...

    Experiment on bedbugs: The executioner killed them in 8 minutes

    We check the residual effect of the Executioner on bedbugs (how quickly they are poisoned upon contact with a previously treated but already dried surface)

  • Proven methods of killing bedbugs that have shown to be highly effective

It’s also useful to read: How to kill bedbugs in an apartment yourself

And one more thing: The most effective remedies for bedbugs: rating

How to get rid of bed bugs

The bedbug is a wingless, blood-sucking insect of the Cimex lectularius family that parasitizes humans. It has a red-brown body up to 3 mm wide and about 6-8 mm long. The most common habitats are furniture, cracks and crevices of walls, ceilings and floors, the space behind baseboards, as well as burrows of synanthropic rodents and bird nests. Their presence is revealed by black-brown excrement in the form of spots and a specific smell.

One female lays several hundred eggs during her life . The development cycle from egg to insect offspring ready for reproduction can vary from 1 to 10.5 months , depending on environmental conditions.

Bed bugs are resistant to low temperatures and die at an ambient temperature of minus 21°C!!! Parasites are also capable of going without food for a long time (up to six months), especially in low temperatures.

The lifespan of bed bugs reaches 14 months . As a rule, bloodsuckers become active at night and are able to travel considerable distances . They prefer to parasitize on open areas of the body and tend to pierce the skin at several points in search of a more suitable place . A person can receive more than five hundred bites during the night!

The secretory fluid of bedbugs is irritating , causing acute itching and burning . Scratching itchy areas causes the formation of papules and mechanical damage to the skin. When multiplying in large numbers, blood-sucking parasites can cause anxiety to people, especially children, depriving them of restful sleep.

There is no data on the transmission of infectious disease pathogens by Cimex lectularius through bites. Although it is reliably known that bedbugs are capable of carrying pathogens of tularemia, plague, Q fever, typhus and relapsing fever and other diseases.

The fight against parasites comes down to preventive measures and their direct destruction. Prevention is aimed at preventing the appearance and proliferation of bloodsuckers, including daily cleaning of the home, systematic repairs, mandatory pest control of furniture, mattresses, bed linen and other things transported from infected apartments when moving to new ones. Extermination measures mainly come down to chemical control methods .

Curbs , baseboards , cracks and cracks under window sills, trims and jambs of doorways , ventilation grilles are subject to mandatory disinfestation , because they are places where they can live. In addition, all furniture , paintings , and carpets . Pyrethrins (pyrethrum, rovicurt, neopin, cymbush, riapan) are effective against bed bugs

As a rule, a person is unpleasant in the proximity of various domestic insects : cockroaches , ants, flies, moths. You have to spend a lot of nerves, and sometimes even money, to fight them. But still, the last thing I would like to see is bed bugs in my home . What's the matter? Let's figure it out. Most likely, those people who have encountered these insects will easily answer the question posed. Bedbugs feed on human blood ; they go out to hunt for food at night, disrupting normal human sleep . However, with a large number of insects, there is a risk of becoming their passive victim, even during daylight hours. In a couple of minutes, bedbugs can drink from a person or pet an amount of blood that significantly exceeds their weight. The consequences of bites are also unpleasant: they cause severe irritation and itching. With a long-term, one and a half to two years , absence of the owners of the house, bedbugs can go into hibernation or torpor, but still more often they move to where people live. They usually migrate to neighboring apartments, but in addition, they can be carried with furniture , books, on clothes or shoes . Of course, an imperfect sanitary and hygienic environment contributes to the appearance and successful residence of bedbugs: carpets on the walls and floors that are not regularly treated and cleaned, dust, dirt accumulating on furniture and on the floor due to lack of regular cleaning; the presence of cracks or wallpaper coming off the walls . In order to promptly notice the appearance of bedbugs in the house, it is necessary to systematically check beds, sofas, mattresses, armchairs, paintings and carpets from the back side for the presence of them or signs of their vital activity: numerous black and brown dots, empty skins of larvae . There are various methods to control crawling insects. First of all, a modern person will be interested in various chemicals, these include: Neopin-Riapan powders, liquid preparations Insecta-Dibrofin-Lacterin, Prima-u-Carbozol-F aerosols. When using these drugs, you should use respirators and protective gloves, as they contain substances hazardous to humans. Less dangerous, but often no less effective, are homemade recipes for fighting bedbugs: boiling water, turpentine, kerosene, ammonia, gasoline, laundry soap. There are various options for combining these agents with each other, which can lead to maximum results. Like many living organisms, bedbugs are not resistant to low temperatures, which can be used to your advantage. Books and all sorts of small interior items, home furniture, in which signs and traces of the vital activity of bedbugs or the insects themselves are found, can be kept for several hours in winter on the street or on the balcony. And also, if necessary and possible, freezing the entire apartment will be effective. In all cases, treatment must be repeated after 5-8 days . Remember, bedbugs can run from one room to another when baited , so in order to avoid the appearance of insects on your neighbors , and even more so if they have already appeared, it is better to jointly seek help from the SES Sanitary and Epidemiological Station (sanitary and epidemiological service).



how to choose a remedy and methods of struggle?

Sanitary and Epidemiological Station or take it out yourself?

If all your efforts to combat parasites have not been crowned with victory over them, our specialized service will be happy to help you solve this problem once and for all. Don’t waste your time and money on dichlorvos, they will still come running, only with immunity to common household poisons; entrust this procedure to experienced specialists in this specific field. We work throughout Moscow and the Moscow region without holidays and weekends, and in some cases, for the convenience of the customer, at night.

Bed bugs - what to do?

“My home is my fortress!” - however, there are times when such a fortress is overrun by bed bugs. Living with them is terrible and unbearable, as you can forget about peaceful rest and sleep! What to do if bedbugs have settled in your house? How to get rid of these blood-sucking hemoparasites? What should you do before calling exterminators and is it possible to destroy bedbugs yourself? – There are answers to all these and other questions.

Where do bedbugs come from ? Mostly, bedbugs are brought home, since they cannot move long distances. The item being transported can be clothing, personal items, even furniture that you just bought at the store. But it also happens that the cause is a violation of the sanitary conditions in the house. And in such cases, the premises may require not only disinsection from bedbugs, but also deratization, as well as disinfection.

How to detect bedbugs ? It is not difficult to understand that bed bugs cohabit with a person in an apartment or house. Small and large punctures on the body in the morning and an unpleasant almond-shaped odor indicate the first and main signs. And in general, you can notice bedbugs with the naked eye; you just need to carefully examine the mattress or other objects in which bedbugs are most likely to live: • Wardrobes and sofas; • Skirting boards, cracks in walls and wallpaper joints; • Clocks, sockets, switches, electrical equipment; • Behind radiators, curtains, under window sills; • In books, clothes, carpet and many other things. Advice : It is advisable to arm yourself with a good flashlight and gloves when inspecting - this will make it easier to spot insects, and the gloves, in turn, will protect against the bites of bedbugs that you suddenly alarm. By the way, you can detect blood flukes at night by quickly getting out of bed and turning on the light. “Know the enemy by sight” - some facts about bed bugs 1. Bed bugs can live from 12 to 18 months, and go without food for several months; 2. Over the course of her entire life, a female can lay about 300-500 eggs; 3. It is still unknown whether bedbugs are carriers of dangerous diseases or not. There are both confirming and rejecting assumptions, but the fact that they cause physical pain, itching and anxiety is not enough to say, since some people may be allergic and rash to bedbug bites. How to get rid of bed bugs ? Fortunately, bedbugs can be easily destroyed if their numbers are small and given that the female has not laid eggs. Then, with hard work and patience, the room can be cleaned using traditional methods or special chemicals. means. But the downside is that these methods are weakly effective, and not rare and dangerous. Traditional methods cannot always be put into practice (freezing or evaporation), and it is also completely impossible to independently treat all bedbug habitats. Chemical preparations must also be used correctly, otherwise some of them can poison pets and even humans, plus, bedbugs can get used to such drugs, which will only worsen the situation. The most reliable, safe, effective and guaranteed way to destroy bedbugs is the disinfestation of premises of any type by specialized organizations with extensive experience, skill and knowledge in this field. It’s better to save your nerves and time for more enjoyable activities, and entrust such work to professionals, because you get: a guarantee for the work performed, absolutely safe and effective treatment of the room, quick results at an affordable price. But before calling a specialist to evaluate the object, you should prepare for this event and do the following : 1. Remove personal hygiene items, food (in the refrigerator, on the balcony), things (in a PET bag); 2. Cover appliances and electronics. If there is an aquarium in the house, it should also be covered and the air intake must be turned off; 3. Remove the dishes or rinse them thoroughly after disinfection. insects; 4. Place bed linen and belongings in garbage bags. After treatment, wash them thoroughly at a temperature of 60 degrees, and carefully inspect synthetics, down jackets or sheepskin coats for the presence of living individuals. After inspecting the premises, specialists carry out disinfestation by spraying insecticides; a cold fog generator can be used for these purposes for greater efficiency. All preparations used are completely safe and do not leave marks on interior items and upholstered furniture. The procedure itself takes a little time, it all depends on the volume of the room and the number of items being processed (paintings, cornices, rosettes, baseboards, cabinets, trim, etc.), on average it is no more than one hour. All rooms are completely treated, including the toilet and bathroom, even if no parasite activity has been observed in them. After the disinfestation is completed, the final stage will be cleaning and airing the room. Only before this, immediately after treatment, the room is closed for 3-4 hours, and after this time it is actively ventilated (about an hour) and wet cleaning is done using alkaline agents. Use gloves and, first of all, clean those areas that are in close proximity to food (oven, table, etc.). It is advisable not to wash the floors for a couple of days. The walls and ceiling remain intact for a long residual effect of the drug. Important : You should know that it is very difficult to defeat bedbugs on your own, but it is quite possible if their numbers are small. However, this is unlikely to succeed the first time, so it is worth repeating all the measures (vacuuming, steam treatment, sterilization, using special sprays) weekly! The battle against bed bugs requires a serious approach! It is not as easy as it seems at first glance to destroy this scourge, especially those who have encountered this more than once and felt the bites of bedbugs on their own “skin” understand this. Even a professional approach sometimes requires repeated intervention, therefore, only those who specialize in disinfestation against bed bugs will carry out such work much better and more reliably.

Itching and allergies from the bites of representatives of this type of insect, caused by saliva containing anesthetic substances injected when biting under the skin, can bother victims for up to twenty days , and people driven to a nervous breakdown from constant punctures and periodic itching of their body, even after treating their home, wake up at night and jump up with beds and turn on the light and examine themselves and the bed, it seems to them that during sleep they are crawling on them and continue to bite, since the itching and blisters do not go away, as quickly as from mosquito bites. There is no need to worry about the blisters; the irritation will go away over time, and along with this, the feeling of the presence of bedbugs in the sleeping area during sleep will also go away.

S.E.S. Epid. The station is the solution to all problems with uninvited guests

You no longer know what to do with cockroaches, rodents or other hemoparasites? Do all the methods bring no results and just waste time? Fighting insect pests is not an easy task, but Sanitary Service “San. Epidem. Station” will solve it for you in just a few hours. Just remember how much nerves and effort you have already spent on eliminating bedbugs, prussians or rodents? Stop torturing yourself. Get rid of parasites in your home or apartment completely, and forget about their existence for several years. We will help you with this. Every living area should be environmentally friendly and safe!

3 good reasons to contact us!

• Your premises are treated by specialists with professional equipment (cold fog generator)! You can be confident in the quality of disinfection: 8 years of experience and a high level of qualifications for each master disinfector;

• Your health is protected: we use only professional insecticides to combat parasites from domestic and foreign manufacturers. They are certified and safe for residents and warm-blooded animals. Do not damage furniture and house plants;

• Result guarantee: you receive a free guarantee for comprehensive cleaning of the entire premises. Plus, we comply with the confidentiality policy - everything will remain between us.

Tired of the fruitless war against pests?

S.E.S. will solve the problem in 1 time

1. Disinfection – we will eliminate infectious agents: bacteria, fungi, mold, harmful odors;

2. Pest control – we will destroy any types of unwanted and harmful insects in residential and industrial buildings; 3. Deratization – we take a comprehensive approach to exterminating mice, voles or rats.

Large industrial enterprises have used our services. We service suburban areas, townhouses, offices, houses, warehouses, cafes and other commercial and social facilities in Moscow and the Moscow region. You can order disinfection by calling our service at or. You don't have to wait long for our arrival; we start work on the day you place your order.

PS The company is open daily from 0:15 to 24:00 (around the clock). Invite specialists at a time convenient for you. We will quickly arrive even to the most remote corners and areas of the Moscow region.

Method of exterminating bedbugs

The main task when exterminating bedbugs is to ensure contact of the poisonous agent with their chitinous cover or respiratory system. That is why the preparations are produced in the form of aerosols or for spraying in the form of a spray - the smallest particles of insecticides remain in the air for a long time and enter the body of insects when they breathe, or settle on parasites and the surfaces on which they move.

Effective remedies for bedbugs often have a contact poisoning effect, that is, even if they get on the body of a bedbug, they will penetrate its body and lead to poisoning (drugs Lambda Zone, Delta Zone, Get, etc.). Such products are very effective, many of them are odorless, but in general they are relatively expensive when compared with the outdated Karbofos.

The insecticide should be sprayed on as many surfaces as possible, and areas such as cabinets, baseboards or beds should simply be sprayed on top. The more completely the entire room is treated, the less chance bedbugs will have to survive.

After the procedure, the apartment must be closed for several hours and then cleaned.

If there were a lot of bedbugs in the room before treatment, then even after the destruction of adults and larvae, eggs may survive here. In a few days, new nymphs will emerge from them and begin to bite the residents of the apartment. In these cases, one should not blame the ineffectiveness of the drug used - even the most powerful insecticide may simply not reach immobile eggs and will not lead to their death.

Therefore, in many cases, re-treatment of the premises will be necessary. It should be carried out 2-3 weeks after the first. During this time, all the larvae will hatch from the eggs, but none of them will have time to turn into an adult bug and lay new eggs.


“I immediately tried Klopomor for bedbugs. I haven't read the reviews, I don't believe them. I really didn't like this drug. It smells bad, toxic, in addition to it I bought a respirator, gloves, a robe - in short, I spent almost the same amount of money on protection. Klopov was brought out only on the third try. I lived with them for almost a month. And this despite the fact that after each treatment I did not find any live parasites in the house. It was probably better to call exterminators.”

Ilya, Moscow


Rowena : We've got bed bugs. :swoon: Arrived in a bag with a laptop from the Far East. :doh: It took them a week to settle into their new home. For the next week they ate me mercilessly. Only me. Advice! But I couldn’t understand what was happening. I even ate Claritin - I thought it was an allergy. Then I found them under the mattress of the bed. I changed and washed the clothes. My husband treated the room with dichlorvos. I slept like a princess for two nights. And today I discovered new bites. I read it on the Internet - it makes my hair stand on end... Is it really possible to get rid of bedbugs??? The mood is below par. ? Tell me, has anyone had experience fighting these animals?

Atika Bayra and Natasha : It’s possible to get rid of it. But you need to go to the SES and buy a solution there. Dilute and treat everything, everything, everything in the apartment, house. That is, spray with a spray bottle. Perhaps the SES won’t sell this poison, but then they will come and process it themselves. True, it’s probably expensive.

The most important thing is that the bedbugs do not spread throughout the house, since then it will be extremely difficult to remove them. Not all neighbors will treat the apartment at the same time, and some refuse to carry out treatment at all. We lived in the north in a “wooden village”, it was a nightmare there in the 90s. Bedbugs crawled from all the cracks((((((It’s good that a distant relative worked for me at the SES. She gave me a solution for treatment for free. AnnZZZ : Once there was a similar story, bedbugs were found in the back of the sofa. I got it out instantly with the usual Bars spray! The bedbugs died after the first spraying, but I sprayed this place several more times (read how many days they hatch in order to catch all the new ones, I don’t remember now, about a week - 10 days). The bedbugs disappeared completely and never appeared again .

tori760 : We also had such a misfortune. They taught me this: I went to a garden supply store, bought a bedbug repellent there, diluted it in water and doused all the corners, upholstered furniture and sprayed the walls with a spray bottle. Place the laundry in the washing machine at 90 degrees and everything is OK! Good luck in your fight! By the way, here, too, these bastards only ate me and the child, and my husband slept at least!!!

Denis&Alla : We did. They came through the ventilation from the drunk neighbor upstairs (he started a renovation, but they didn’t like it) and began to eat the youngest child (for some reason they didn’t touch the rest). As a result, we treated the upholstered furniture, all the seams and mattresses (I don’t remember with what, some kind of chemical) and REPLACED THE WALLPAPER (since they like to live under the wallpaper). The ventilation had to be sealed. But there were no more bedbugs. Attention! niary : I sympathize with you! It is very difficult to get rid of bedbugs on your own, we used to live in a communal apartment, they attacked us too, we didn’t know what to do. In the end, we tried everything possible. Then we found an advertisement for the extermination of insects at home, including bedbugs. They called a man, he came and asked for how long, they do it either for half a year or for a year. He processed everything and paid him 600 rubles, as far as I remember. So for two years we didn’t have any bugs, not even mosquitoes or flies, despite the fact that the windows were open in the summer.

The only thing you can’t do after treatment is stay in the apartment for 2 hours, and then ventilate everything, wash the floors, then this product gets eaten away. And I think you shouldn’t show up with dogs for a couple of days, you never know… they’ll lick you or something…

In general, bedbugs do not bite everyone, they are selective bastards! They bit me and my dad. no one else was touched. They are also carriers of all kinds of infection, be careful!

Yolka and Sofiyka : We called!!! This was the only thing that helped. The treatment of the apartment cost 6 thousand (this was 2 and 3 years ago). No purchased products helped. And they called - it helped the first time. But a year later, just in case, the treatment was repeated. The rubbish is very strong, it stinks... I can’t even say what. Not with chemicals, but rather with plastic/rubber...

After 6 hours you can already be indoors and open the windows. That night the dog also spent the night. All OK. But it wouldn’t hurt to eat some coal))) If necessary, I can look for a phone number.

Oleg123 : Hello everyone, I’ll tell you a little about my problem! At the beginning of May, I suddenly woke up because everything was itching. At first I thought that mosquitoes had bitten me, then I saw some oblong-shaped creatures climbing on the sofa.

I went online and looked at pictures of various insects, and it turned out that I had bedbugs in my house. By the way, they ate me all up, but they didn’t touch my wife at all. Why did I ask the question, read it, it turns out that these insects do not go to everyone, but there is a legend that they determine who is there and who is not worth it by their blood type!

What cute creatures!!! I started to fight them, first I read on the net that you can use dichlorvos, I tried it one day, I almost suffocated myself, but these creatures are all alive. Then I treated all the cracks, frames of sofas and beds with boiling water. In the morning a couple pieces fell, but the main part remained. Important! Well, in general, I was tired, bitten, not getting enough sleep to go to work, and not comfortable in front of my colleagues, all my arms were bitten in a long-sleeved shirt in such heat. The guys advised me to contact the insect extermination service. A master, pleasant to talk to, arrived and treated the apartment along the perimeter in the evening, when I get up in the morning, most of the bugs were found on the trail. There are no days left!!! By the way, it’s very inexpensive!!! So guys, if you encounter bedbugs at home, don’t waste your time, patience and healthy sleep, simply call real professionals in their field.

Ksenia2 : Good time! There are two options for exterminating bedbugs, either call a service, or buy a drug, fortunately there are a lot of them on sale now!

Mikhail Zhilyaev: Here I will share my experience in fighting bedbugs. These nasty bugs can turn a quiet family life into hell on earth. Nobody knows where they came from. No one knows when they left and when they will come next time. There are a huge variety of means and tactics, and yes, tactics, because this cunning little creature pesters you so much that you will become afraid to sleep and, as a result, you are in danger of a nervous breakdown. So, I poisoned them many times at intervals of two weeks, that’s when the eggs ripen. But they crawl out of the entrance from other residents. Well, they love to travel. Don’t worry, call Ecoconirol professionals. They will clean the whole house. This is the only way to kill this little creature.

What if you call specialists?

In most cases, to destroy bedbugs in an apartment, it is easier and more reliable to call a special pest control service, whose workers will treat the premises themselves and guarantee that the parasites will not appear again.

The services of pest control companies cost approximately 3-4 times more than what the owner of the premises will have to pay for the insecticidal preparation alone. For example, in Moscow, killing bedbugs in a one-room apartment costs about 2,000 rubles, while the cost of the drug Get, which is enough to treat the same area, is about 750 rubles. But at the same time, reliable companies guarantee the destruction of bedbugs, but the result of independent treatment, even with an effective means, is not always predictable.

It is also useful to read: We destroy bedbugs with our own hands

And one more thing: The Raptor aquafumigator is a non-standard contraption that gets bedbugs in all crevices, penetrating there in the form of poisonous steam


“I remember how my grandmother flooded the apartment with dichlorvos, and after that it was impossible to stay there for a week. In my apartment, I immediately called a team of specialists and asked them to ensure that when I returned, there would be no smell or bedbugs in it. And indeed, all the bedbugs were destroyed, the apartment took a long time to ventilate, but when I came in, the smell was still noticeable. By evening he had disappeared.”

Alena, Ekaterinburg

Safe extermination of bedbugs

With any chosen method of exterminating bedbugs, it should be remembered that agents that are toxic to parasites can also have an effect on the human body.

Modern insecticides used in the preparations Get, Executioner, Delta Zone, Agran, Tsifoks, Cucaracha and others do not cause severe poisoning in humans when moderate quantities are ingested.

But they can also lead to an allergic reaction, dizziness and other side effects. Therefore, when exterminating bed bugs yourself, you must use:

  • respirator or gauze bandage
  • gloves
  • headdress
  • glasses
  • clothes with long sleeves.

Before treating the room, make sure that there are no people or pets in the apartment. If there is an aquarium in the apartment, it should be covered with a cover glass and the compressor should be turned off.

It is generally not recommended to use folk flammable products such as kerosene or alcohol to kill bed bugs, since they leave an odor in the room for a long time and create a risk of fire.


“In our family, only our daughter was bitten by bedbugs; she was not even a year old at that time. All the time, the bitten woman woke up in the morning, we ran around, looked for mosquitoes and did not find them. Only once did I catch a bug while cleaning and almost fainted. I really started to get hysterical. I called my husband from work, called the hotel and went there for two days with the little one. My husband flooded the entire apartment with some new Dichlorvos, spent the night in it, and the next day he fell ill. Probably poisoned himself. The bedbugs disappeared, we specifically checked all the sofas and carpets - we only found dead ones. Two days later we returned to the apartment, a day later my husband felt fine and went to work.”

Oksana, Volokolamsk

5 effective ways to destroy bedbugs in an apartment

How to remove bedbugs? - Adviсe

Nastena : With the purchase of a new sofa, these bloodsuckers started up, we tried karbofos (although it is toxic to humans) it doesn’t help, everyone says dichlorvos is “a waste of money”, well, what else?!!!!

ennina : we had such “happiness”. The children and I left, and my husband sprayed everything (some kind of insect repellent spray from Dr. Klaus), in all the rooms, coated everything wooden with varnish, so they threw everything away without washing, washed all the linen with 90 grams, ironed everything. And then for a long time they collected the dried and dead ones. Yes, they also threw away the mattresses. In short, complete Atas. There's enough work. I also read that they go into suspended animation, so I’m still on the alert. In winter, I ventilate everything in the cold. Diana Beska : They were crawling from our neighbors, but we brought them out with an ordinary raptor (literally “Professional extermination of crawling insects”), and not to say that we strained ourselves? It is almost odorless, although I still felt it, but is it the nostrils? It took about 3 cylinders in three days. And fsyo, t-t-t. I haven't seen it for a year now.

Latika : it looks like some kind of misfortune started with these bugs. My friends recently bought an apartment, but even the previous owner didn’t warn them that bedbugs lived there, and they found out about it on the day of the move by accident from a neighbor.

We quarreled with the former owner and called the sanitary service to combat these parasites at her expense. The move also had to be postponed for several days, because... if things had been moved, then the guard would have started because these bugs love to settle in sofas and armchairs, from where you can’t kick them out later. Attention! Right now there are no more of them. The neighbors actually came running and asked: “What are you doing here? All the bugs came rushing to us!”...although initially they crawled from these neighbors. In general, it seems that we also had these monsters before, only I was very little then and don’t remember. But the parents say that they bred it with karbofos.

Shoma : We also had these “pets”, so I bought some special smoke bombs at a hardware store, I think they are from Raptor, you don’t need to set anything on fire, you pour a little water into the bomb and smoke starts pouring out of it these creatures die, and people need to leave the premises for several hours (well, so as not to die in a heap with bedbugs?)

Natalya Ivanova : We moved to a new apartment, it turned out to be infested with bedbugs, we tried to remove it ourselves with Corbafos, but it didn’t help. They called specialists, the bedbugs died out, but the smell of the drug remained. Whatever they tried to clean the furniture didn’t work, so I had to throw it away. The worst thing is that the walls in some places still stink so much (a year has already passed) and the plaster was torn off along with the wallpaper, it doesn’t help.

Nadezhda Pimenova : Oh, well, here I am in this topic. Since February, my child began to break out in red blisters. They last for 2-3 days, then they turn pale and gradually go away, and new ones immediately appear. I don’t even want to remember how we visited dermatologists, how many tests we took and how many medications we took/applied. And there was no point, blisters kept appearing and appearing.

And on Friday I caught some kind of beetle in the room. I put this animal in a jar and took it to the laboratory for analysis. At the end of the day, the biologist called back and said: “Congratulations, you are the proud owner of bed bugs!” And he immediately warned that it is better not to waste time on home control methods, but to order special treatment.

Girls, I have one big message for you. Anyone who has encountered this problem and ordered special treatment, please share your experience.

  • Do they process everything at all? That is, clothes in the closet, papers in drawers, books on shelves, kitchen cabinets, etc.?
  • Does the treatment agent then need to be washed off throughout the entire apartment? That is, walls, ceilings, carpets, furniture. And what to do with the clothes? Well, it’s clear that dresses and T-shirts should be washed, but what about fur coats and sheepskin coats? And with blankets on the beds...
  • How long does the smell last after treatment?
  • I strongly suspect that the source of this “joy” is the neighbors behind the wall; a group of comrades of Tajik nationality rent an apartment there. Well, let’s say we remove the bedbugs, and then they won’t come to us again from the neighbors? Or - oh horror! — will this procedure have to be carried out periodically now?

Oh, my head is spinning. One joy: now it is clear why the child has blisters. We didn’t know what to feed them; we barely subsisted on bread and water. But it turned out that he, poor fellow, was simply bitten around the perimeter by such bastards...

Olga . I will answer in order:

  1. The entire apartment is being processed. Things and papers are at the discretion of the disinfector.
  2. As a rule, treatment is carried out with means of hazard class 3-4; you do not have to wash the entire apartment.
  3. It all depends on the product; you can order treatment with odorless products.
  4. The disinfector should advise you on methods for protecting the apartment. As a rule, if the recommendations are followed, re-infection does not occur.

elena nikitcenko . We also poisoned them with karbofos, they ruined all the walls, but for a while they disappeared, then the infections appeared again, thank God at least they didn’t bite the child. Important! They called the service, treated them with poisons, so even the cockroaches didn’t die, nothing helped, and then I read somewhere about a service that poisons bedbugs using American technology with high temperature and poisons, in short, they called them, they arrived, heated the rooms with some kind of guns and then poisons, well, thank God they have been gone for a long time. I even had a nervous breakdown because of bedbugs, and plus all the time it seemed like something was crawling on you, and I still work in the canteen and all my hands were covered in bites... in short, the guard... but thank God they are no longer there, but I’m afraid God forbid they come back, we have a lot of Asia in our entrance. In general, hang in there girls, it’s very difficult to get them out.

Svetlana Taitskaya : I will have very unexpected advice - install WiFi! Insects are afraid of this radiation, so in apartments where there is a lot of equipment and Wi-Fi, cockroaches quickly disappear forever, I think it will work with bedbugs too)))).

Elena : I'll tell you about my epic. These reptiles were brought to us, I think, by my mother’s friend (as it turned out later, these creatures were found in her son’s apartment). We didn’t immediately understand what was happening, because only my son had bites; others had nothing. I thought maybe it was some kind of allergy. But one day he got sick and fell asleep on his grandmother’s sofa; in the morning it was scary to look at him. Then I found one in the bathtub and an epiphany came, and with it a great desire to get rid of these creatures. It was not our plan to throw away the furniture, since we purchased it only a year ago and for a lot of money. I started by buying Raid and Raptor aerosols. We sprayed it everywhere we could. Nothing helped. I covered all the drawers and cracks with wormwood, it was also complete garbage, it didn’t work. The psychosis intensified (those who are faced with this problem will understand me, you constantly jump up at night, look at the child, at yourself, at the walls, but I didn’t see them often).

The next step was a steam cleaner (bought by Koerner on Avito) and steamed everything I could, including things and furniture. The bites became fewer, but they did not disappear. Finally, we decided to contact a special service (I won’t write the name), if you are interested, write, I will answer.

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