Master Gray: cross with high productivity rates. History of origin, description of main characteristics, recommendations for maintenance and breeding

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Meat and egg breeds of chickens are considered the most profitable for farms, and Master Gray is one of the best in this category. The description stipulates the early maturation of laying hens, which becomes an additional advantage of their breeding.

Breeding history

This breed was obtained by specialists from the international company Hubbard. Its research centers are located in France, the USA, and Germany. Branches are present in many countries, including Hungary - this is where chickens come to Russia. Which breeds formed the basis of the cross are kept secret. From his parent stock he inherited:

  • unpretentiousness;
  • fast growth;
  • high productivity of meat and eggs.

The name reflects the peculiarity of the color (“grey” - “gray”).

Where to buy chickens in Russia?

You can usually purchase representatives of this breed in a large city. Local breeders are not the best choice of supplier. Turning to specialized companies is safer. In Russia there are numerous poultry farms where various breeds of chickens similar to this cross are bred:

  • Orlovsky Dvorik LLC , which is 1 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Yaroslavskoe Highway, official website of the company, contact numbers;
  • Farm " Golden Feathers " Moscow 20 km from the Moscow Ring Road along Nosovikhinskoye Highway. Tel., +7 (916) 651-03-99 from 10-00 to 21.00;
  • Personal plot of land " Ecofarm " Tel. +7.
  • Hatchery LLC Address: 142305, Moscow region, Chekhov district, Chekhov-5 city, Sergeevo village Tel: +7 (495) 229-89-35.

However, Master Gray is not easy to find in Russia. For the most part, the breed is bred by poultry farms in Ukraine. Breeding of the following breeds is widespread in Russia: Orpington, Rhode Island, Moskovskaya, Poltava clayey, Plymouth rock, Sussex. In Ukraine, chickens can be found in almost every poultry farm.

Description of the breed

Master Gray chickens and roosters have a strong build, similar to broilers. Their skeleton is massive and strong, which allows them to build up a lot of weight. The chest is wide and fleshy. The birds' legs are of medium length and strong. Metatarsus yellow. The claws are light. The head is small in size, the earlobes and leaf-shaped crest are moderately developed, they are colored bright red. The eyes are orange and large.

The color of the birds is gray-white, feathers of different colors alternate. On the wings and tail the shade of gray is darker and there is more of it than on the belly and back. On the neck there is a mane of longer feathers. Chickens of the Master Gray breed have light, slightly yellowish down. There is a gray color on the crown and edges of the wings.

The birds have a peaceful character. Roosters calmly coexist with other males, do not start fights, but if necessary, they come to the defense of the family. Chickens are not shy, they have a neutral attitude towards people, they do not become attached to them, but they do not shy away either - they do not experience stress when changing owners.


Other breeds of chickens are also bred in Russia, the productivity characteristics of which are similar to the Master Gray cross. They are undemanding to care, so they are suitable for home keeping, for example:

  1. Redbro is a meat-egg hybrid from. Red-feathered hens lay about 270–300 eggs annually. The carcasses are large, meaty with an average weight of 3–3.5 kg. Egg weight – 65–70 g.
  2. Pharma color. Chickens with a massive build, well-developed chest, strong legs. The weight of a rooster that has reached maturity is 4.5 kg, and that of a laying hen is 3.5 kg. Egg production – 250–275 eggs per year.
  3. Tetra-N is a Hungarian cross from the Babolna TETRA company. Feather color is red. The birds are famous for their massive carcasses, juicy dietary meat and good egg production - 230–250 units of product per year. The average weight of a chicken is 2.5 kg. The cockerels are larger – 3.5 kg. The birds are easily adaptable and have a calm character.

Farm chickens analogue of master gray cross

Poultry farmers leave positive reviews about the French hybrid Master Gray. For many, this cross has become a favorite, because it combines the qualities of broilers and layers. Such chickens are indispensable on the farm - they provide the farm owner with tasty and nutritious meat and a large number of large eggs. Birds are valued for their unpretentiousness, good adaptive qualities and good health - they are easy to care for.

Productivity characteristics

The description of Master Gray chickens indicates the meat and egg direction. Chickens grow quickly - by 2 months they reach a weight of 2 kg. Adult females double their performance, roosters fatten up to 6 kg. The meat has excellent taste, it is lean and tender.

Egg production is very high - about 300 eggs per year. Weight 1 pc. does not exceed 65 g, the shell is light brown. The age of the first clutch is 4.5-5 months.

Advantages and disadvantages

Meat and egg chickens are valued by poultry farmers due to the following advantages:

  1. Endurance to any weather conditions. Birds adapt well to cold and warm climates.
  2. Strong immunity.
  3. Lack of whimsicality to the environment, diet and care. Animals continue to grow and develop normally even when using standard feed.
  4. Beautiful appearance.
  5. Calm and friendly character.
  6. High productivity.

Master Gray chickens easily adapt to different types of climate.
The key disadvantage of the breed is the inability to raise chickens in a private backyard. However, the purchase of young animals is not accompanied by large costs, and hens can be used to hatch the eggs of other chickens. So, some farmers add them to eggs of the Adler breed.

Chicks do not grow as quickly as broilers, but they still produce eggs and meat.

Content Features

Due to the calm nature of this breed of chickens, they can be raised in cages or in a chicken coop. In the first case, weight gain occurs as quickly as possible, but there is a risk of obesity - it is important to control the diet.

When kept in a poultry house, one chicken needs 0.5 square meters. m. A layer of bedding material is laid on the floor - hay, straw, sawdust, peat are used. There should be no excessive dampness or drafts in the room. Good ventilation is required. The perches are installed at a low height - due to the large weight, the birds can be injured if they jump off unsuccessfully.

In central Russia, birds can be kept in insulated but not heated chicken coops. If the region has frosty winters, then you will have to provide heating - it is convenient to use infrared lamps. They have a long service life, they are safe, they heat not the air, but the chickens, and do not burn oxygen.

Nests are placed in the poultry house - 1 per 5 chickens is enough (size - 35x40 cm). They are installed on a slight elevation; a gentle ladder is provided for lifting. The bottom is covered with dry straw - it is changed regularly. They provide lighting – they make it brighter in the feeding area.

The livestock is provided with feeders for different types of feed and mineral supplements. Drinkers are chosen taking into account the fact that water spilled on the floor increases dampness - it is better to use nipple or cup type designs. For dry bathing, a mixture of sand and ash is poured into the troughs.

The duration of daylight hours for laying hens is 14 hours. It is convenient to entrust the switching on and off of lamps in winter to automation. Lighting plays a special role if windows are small or absent.

The walking area is placed on the side protected from cold winds. It is fenced off with a net. To keep chickens in the fresh air longer, provide shelters to protect them from rain and sun. In winter, chickens are allowed outside at a temperature not lower than -5°C, otherwise frostbite occurs on the scallop.

Fattening rules

In accordance with the description of the breed and reviews of its owners, Master Gray chickens do not require special additives to gain weight. Nutrition should be balanced. Its components:

  • grain products - wheat, barley, oats, corn;
  • legumes - before serving they are soaked and boiled;
  • boiled potatoes, as well as other vegetables, raw and boiled;
  • greens, tops (in winter - clover and cereal-legume hay, grass flour, sprouted grains);
  • fish, bone, meat and bone meal - fish meal is excluded from the diet 2 weeks before slaughter;
  • feed yeast, cake, meal;
  • chalk, shell and other sources of calcium in crushed form;
  • animal protein - dairy products, fish and meat waste, maggots.

Up to one month of age, chicks require an increased protein intake - it is convenient to use ready-made feed for laying hens. When preparing their own feed, in the first days the chickens are given a boiled egg and squeezed low-fat cottage cheese. To make it crumbly, use fine grains. Gradually introduce other products from the “adult” diet. Already from the age of one week they begin to be given crumbly mash.

The number of feedings depends on age - in the first days food is given every 2 hours, gradually the frequency of feeding is reduced. Adults are fed 2-3 times a day, depending on the season. In summer, birds forage for food on the range, so they need less feeding. It is important to ensure that there is always clean, fresh water in the drinking bowls.

Disease Prevention

The immunity of the Master Gray breed is strong, but if the microclimate in the chicken coop is incorrect, the risk of developing diseases increases. Deaths can be prevented by:

  • vaccination;
  • preventive drinking;
  • regular cleaning of the chicken coop, washing and disinfection of equipment.

When the season changes, a thorough cleaning is done, removing used litter and replacing it with fresh litter. At this time, it is recommended to carry out treatment against parasites (disinsection) and disinfection. It is convenient to use special checkers or other industrial products. The chickens are relocated during processing. After its completion, the room is ventilated and only after that the birds are released.

Disease resistance

Birds may become lethargic, go bald, diarrhea, behave strangely - these are all indicators that they are sick. This material will tell you why diarrhea is dangerous in chickens. Standard measures in this case are external inspection.

The main disease of the cross is the red chicken mite. The parasite attaches itself to the skin of the bird, as a result of which egg production rates initially drop, chickens begin to eat a lot, combs and earrings turn pale, and chicks grow poorly. Also, a sick individual is a carrier of infection and can cause mass infection of the poultry house. To combat mites, the chicken coop is disinfected at home (rooms, containers, nests), bedding is changed, and the skin of the birds is treated with vegetable oil. Be sure to contact your veterinarian.

Even during the period of breeding work to create this hybrid, scientists made efforts to ensure that the birds rarely got sick and were resistant to various infections.

The second disease of chickens is feather eaters, which settle in the hole and on the shaft of feathers and feed on blood. As a result, the feather is destroyed and the bird goes bald. So far, there is no reliable data on the complete cure of feather mites. Acariform parasites can affect Master Gray birds. As a result of knemidocoptosis, the stratum corneum thickens, the legs become deformed, the birds fall on their feet, and the phalanges become covered with a gray coating. Birch tar is used for treatment; the veterinarian may prescribe acaricidal drugs.


The description of Master Gray chickens indicates the hybrid origin of the breed. Judging by the reviews, the offspring do not adopt the characteristics of the parent generation; the characteristics are split.

For breeding, it is necessary to buy hatching eggs or day-old chicks each time. Considering the rapid growth of young animals and the low price, even taking into account the impossibility of breeding on their own, this breed brings a good income to the farmer. An additional argument in its favor is that the survival rate of young animals reaches 98%.


In the first photo, a rooster of our breed appears in all its glory, in a classic pose on a fence:

In the next three photographs you will see chickens with a reddish tint. They are also called by RedBro:

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