How to quickly get rid of rats in the garage, description of means and folk methods

Rodents are a real problem in private homes. These creatures, trying to find food and warmth, flood our homes. Especially many mice and rats come into human homes in winter. And the main danger is not that they steal our food, but that they are carriers of various dangerous diseases and cause communications breakdowns. At the same time, small parasites can appear in the garage and even in the car. In this case, there is a serious threat to your life. After all, if they can gnaw through the wires in cars, because of which, for example, the brakes may fail at the most inopportune moment. If such a nuisance has happened to you, then how to get rid of it becomes a very pressing issue for you. Read on to learn how to get mice out of your car and garage.

Chemicals used to kill rodents

Chemical agents for rat control include poisons and preparations that serve to protect materials from damage by rodents. They are used in the form of food baits and powders for pollinating burrows.


White or light gray odorless powder. The active substance is warfarin, a Class 3 moderately hazardous chemical. It demonstrates the greatest effectiveness in the fight against gray and black rats, as well as voles - in one hundred percent of cases, taking the chemical inside leads to the death of the rodent. The lethal dose for a rat is 12-15 grams of the drug. Less effective against house mice - the drug kills them only in every second case.

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It is a blue or red dough-like mass in ten-gram bags. The active toxic substance is brodifacoum. It is laid out in special containers under cover. To catch rats, you should place the drug in the amount of 2-3 sachets near the burrows and along the path of the rodents.

After exterminating the rats, the remainder of the product and the corpses of rodents should be destroyed.

Rat death

The drug is available in two versions: Rat Death 1 and Rat Death 2, which differ from each other in the active ingredient. In the first case, the toxic substance is brodifacoum, in the second case, bromadiolone. Brodifacoum is more toxic and kills rodents faster than bromadiolone.

The product contains flour, flavorings and food additives. An unsuspecting rodent eagerly eats the product, but after a while the poison begins to take effect and the animal dies.


The bait has a mummifying effect, that is, it turns the rat into a dried-out corpse that does not emit an odor. Produced in the form of briquettes from natural products with active substances. One package contains 15 lethal doses. The death of the animal occurs a week after ingesting the poison.


An organic substance that is poisonous to rats and mice and harmless to humans and domestic animals. The lethal dosage for rats is 4.5 grams of the drug. The death of the rodent, depending on the dose taken, occurs on the first or third day. To increase the effectiveness of the trap, it is recommended to feed the rats with non-toxic products for a week, which will then be used as bait.

Humane methods of control

Wherever we meet a rat, it does not bring positive emotions. The first factor of disgust is their appearance, especially the hairless long tail. Plus, all the facts related to epidemics caused by these rodents come to mind. And only then does a person realize the possible damage that this small animal will cause.

Rats living in garages not only spoil the mood and frighten the owners with their presence, but also scatter things, damage property, and what’s most offensive is that when you get into your vehicle in the morning, you can find that the car does not want to start. And the reason for this is the wires that the uninvited guest tasted at night. Especially cases of such visits become more frequent with the arrival of cold weather, as the rat comes to bask under the hood.

The first thing you need to do is analyze where the guest came from, and whether it is possible to isolate your garage from a nearby landfill, farm, or production. It’s even possible that the only way to get rid of such a habit forever will be to sanitize not the garage, but the rodent’s permanent habitat.

Having ruled out this possibility, the best way to start fighting the rodent is to completely clean the garage and isolate it from the inside. Since in most cases the animal will not come if there is no food, you need to completely eliminate the presence of tasty foods in the room.

Then carefully examine the nooks and crannies to identify entry routes. If any are found, you need to arm yourself with a trowel, cement mortar and broken glass, and cover up the holes. This might stop the rats from visiting for a while. But over time, they will gnaw holes again, and the procedure will have to be repeated.

If the owner of the garage is characterized by pity and love for all living things, it would be best to use special traps. They have the shape of a rectangular box in which the bait is placed. When such a trap is triggered, the door closes and the rat falls into the trap without being harmed at all. All that remains is to figure out what to do next with the caught rodent.

There are even facts when a person tried to negotiate with rats, equating the intelligence of a mammal with his own. There have even been cases of positive results when the animal stopped coming and ruining a person’s life. Although there is no scientific confirmation of this. And if there is such a desire, no one will judge the one who wants to try to explain to the gray one in his spare time who is the boss in the garage.

As you know, rats do not like the smell of burnt fur. Taking advantage of this feature, you need to take a small amount of natural wool, set it on fire inside the garage and leave it in places where rodents migrate. It is possible that the smell will scare them away.

There are often cases when the owner of the garage and the rat live side by side, without interfering with each other at all. The person specifically leaves food for the little inhabitant, who, in turn, does not cause material damage to the hospitable host. You also need to remember that the rat will not allow strangers into its inhabited territory if food is not abundant. Therefore, in such cases, you should not wait for the invasion of guests.

Traps and mousetrap

The most common type of trap for rats at the moment is a mechanical rat trap, triggered by a spring. A bait is attached to the mechanism, and traps are installed in places favored by rodents. When the rat begins to eat the bait, the mechanism is triggered and the trap slams shut, trapping the animal to death. After use, the mousetrap should be washed thoroughly to remove the odor.

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Reasons for appearance

In fact, the reason is banal. Today, and even before, people used this room not only for its intended purpose - storing a car, but also as a warehouse for both food products and unnecessary rubbish that it would be a pity to throw away. Thus, garage owners themselves create ideal living conditions for rodents.

In addition, the rare appearance of a person in a motorhome also plays into the hands of long-eared pests: they can move around without fear and generally feel like masters in their new home.

A heated garage is a particular joy for norushkas, where they can live all year round and not have to look for a new shelter for the winter.


In addition to standard rat traps, there are more humane traps, such as live traps. They do not kill the animal, but only slam it in a confined space, preventing it from getting out. Also on the market are glue-based traps, which are a container filled with glue. The bait is placed on the sticky surface, and the animal, having “bought” the bait, remains tightly glued to the trap.

Plastic bottles

There are homemade options for traps made from plastic bottles. A bottle with a cut off neck and bait inside is placed horizontally on the edge of the table and tied with fishing line to the table. A rodent that crawls inside a bottle for food pushes the bottle down and remains suspended inside the trap. The trap works for small rats.

Cans of oil

The trap can be made from a three-liter bottle by pouring 4 tablespoons of sunflower oil into it. The jar is installed in a horizontal position, the bait is placed inside. When the rodent is inside, the jar should be immediately turned vertically, neck up. Because of the oil, the rat will not be able to get out. The disadvantage of this trap is that it cannot be automated - you will have to monitor the trap so that the rodent does not notice you.


To prevent mice from becoming frequent guests in the garage, preventive measures should be taken:

  1. Do wet cleaning and do not store garbage in the room.
  2. Use the garage only for its intended purpose.
  3. Hang bouquets of dried mint and chamomile in the corners.
  4. Set up mousetraps or glue traps.

If the garage does not have loopholes for rodents, then they will not bother its owner. To do this, you need to pour concrete on the floor and cover the walls with iron. Garage doors are made airtight. If there are any gaps in the walls, they are treated with sealant.

Before the cold weather sets in, check your garage's protection. Then you won’t have to deal with removing uninvited guests.

Making your own poison

You can make your own poison for rats. There are various recipes. For example, you can mix alabaster and crushed cereals and place the bowl with the mixture next to the water. A mixture of alabaster and cereal in the stomach will kill the animal.

Another recipe: mix 150 grams of flour and soda with 100 grams of sugar. The soda will react with gastric juice and cause severe gas formation, which will cause the death of the rodent.

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How to get rid of rats and mice in the garage

You have a problem: there are rodents in your garage.
It just seems like it’s no big deal, and the easiest way to exterminate rodents in the garage is to do it yourself. Tailed pests, having scouted the way to places where tempting and tasty things are stored, will not go anywhere on their own. Moreover, mice are attracted by the smells of rubber, fabric, and if the garage is used as a place to store canned goods and vegetables, it is simply a paradise for small critters. Thanks to their ingenuity, they can penetrate literally into any suitable hole. The fertility of the animals and the rate of population reproduction over time can create a serious threat not only to the owner of the premises, but also to adjacent buildings. Therefore, there is only one way out: to survive the uninvited guests, every single one of them.

Alternative approach (crossing)

A non-standard approach to solving the problem of how to get rid of pests in the garage is shooting. If you wish, you can turn it into a safari option, the main thing is to combine business with pleasure: sports and cleaning the premises from pests. It is best, due to limited space and the undesirability of attracting excessive attention, to use slingshots or pneumatics. Modern samples of such products are equipped with guidance tools no worse than firearms - laser and optical sights. They resort to the same method when they don’t know how to get rid of rats in the garage. For small rodents, steel balls, which are the main type of ammunition, are fatal in most cases. And garage ratting is a great way to compete in accuracy and relieve stress.


Ultrasonic devices are used as deterrents, although many “mouse hunters” complain about their ineffectiveness. In addition, to work effectively, the repeller must meet certain requirements:

  • firstly, be constantly connected to the electrical network;
  • secondly, it is necessary to periodically change the sound frequency (in some devices the option is automatic);
  • thirdly, it does not work as intended in rooms with many partitions, since the sound is reflected from them and may not reach the recipient’s ears;
  • fourthly, low air temperatures negatively affect the stability of the device.

According to reviews, ultrasonic repellers Typhoon, Elektrokot and Grad have proven themselves well, but only if they are used correctly. Plugging the device into the outlet once will not help - it must work for at least three weeks without interruption .

You can also use unpleasant odors: mothballs, vinegar, blackroot grass, burnt tires, etc.

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Unfortunately, it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of mice in the garage forever: after some are driven out, others will definitely come to take their place. But you shouldn’t despair, and if none of the methods described above helps, the animals continue to pester you, then they fight pests in all possible ways - something will definitely help!

Cruelty as a necessity

If humane methods do not work, the rat diligently avoids all traps and does not respond to persuasion at all, then the time comes for radical action.
The main one is the use of various poisons. In the modern world, a great variety of them have been invented: from more affordable to quite expensive. They can be purchased in specialized stores. Some just need to be spread out in animal habitats, others are mixed with food and offered to the rats to feast on. But this method does not provide a 100% guarantee that the animal will die. After all, the ability of rats to adapt does not exclude the possibility of addiction to the poison used. In addition, an animal can survive poisoning, while passing on the experience to its fellow animals, which completely nullifies all attempts. Plus, there is a high possibility that the animal will die in a hard-to-reach place, but within the garage, which will bring discomfort in the form of an unpleasant odor for weeks, or even months. But the stench of a corpse will not allow other representatives of this species to come to visit, warning of danger.

You can also use Velcro traps. The glue that covers such traps is viscous enough to firmly grasp the paws of a careless guest. All that remains is to destroy the prey.

Traps are very effective methods of control. The principle of operation is similar to a regular mousetrap, but the design is reinforced taking into account the size and strength of the rat.

If there is such an opportunity, you can turn to Mother Nature for help, namely to the individual who is higher in the food chain - the cat. This animal is considered the worst enemy of mice and rats. But sometimes finding the rat catcher in the person of a purring pet becomes quite difficult. If the car enthusiast is lucky, then by placing such a cat in the garage, you no longer have to be afraid of the arrival of a rodent. The same can be said about ferrets, who are no strangers to the skills of hunting rats.

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Ultimately, you can call special services that professionally deal with pest extermination. This can be quite expensive, but, as a rule, they do their job well, while providing a guarantee of freedom from rodents for a certain period of time.

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