Karbofos for cockroaches: description, instructions for use and reviews

Karbofos against cockroaches is one of the very effective remedies that allows you to get rid of cockroaches in a house or apartment efficiently and for a long time. Its important advantage remains the possibility of additional influence on ants and bedbugs, which makes the insecticide universal and in demand among people facing relevant problems.

Karbofos is a professional means for exterminating insects, which is often used by specialized pest control teams. At home, it should be used with caution due to the possibility of developing unwanted reactions.

Qualitative characteristics

The product represents a group of chemical organophosphorus compounds (OPS).
As an insecticidal-acaricidal drug, it acts by contact with the body of a harmful insect. The main component of the drug is the chemical substance malathion with special properties:

  • Oily, colorless;
  • With a pungent odor;
  • Has thermal and photochemical stability;
  • Slightly soluble in water.

Manufacturers of pesticides produce Karbofos in powder form, in tablets, granules, and in the form of a concentrated emulsion. Karbofos is packaged in ampoules, bottles, canisters, and sticker packs. In any form, Karbofos for the Colorado potato beetle or ticks has an unpleasant odor that lasts for a long time indoors.

Karbofos powder is dissolved in warm water before use. At low temperatures, the liquid becomes thick, retaining toxicity and an unpleasant aroma.

Karbofos - 500 is produced in the form of a concentrated emulsion, which contains the active substance malathion 500 g/l. The required amount of emulsion is added to water and the affected area is treated. The product affects not only the skin of the insect, but also penetrates inside at the time of ingestion.

There are similar drugs on sale under different names: Alatar, Antiklesch, Atkellic, Inta-CM, Iskra-M, Karbofos, Fenaxin-plus, Fufanon-nova, etc.

Protection against garden and household pests

To treat garden plants against pests and to get rid of insects at home, solutions of different concentrations are used. Since the drug is a contact agent, it is applied directly to areas where animals gather.

From bedbugs

Bedbug solution based on concentrate:

  • 10 ml emulsion;
  • 1 liter of water.

Before applying the solution, the room is cleared of unnecessary objects and access to it is blocked for animals and children. It will be necessary to simultaneously treat all rooms where insects live.

Karbofos against bedbugs is sprayed onto clusters of beetles, their paths of movement, into cracks and holes in walls and furniture. The solution consumption is 100 ml per square meter.

From cockroaches in the apartment

The concentrated emulsion is diluted in a liter of water. Its volume depends on the type of cockroaches:

  • for red and black - 20 ml;
  • for American - 30 ml.

Just as in the case of bedbugs, you will need to limit access to the room, then spray the solution into all hard-to-reach places and on clusters of cockroaches. Product consumption is 50-100 ml per square meter.

From ants

The solution is prepared on the basis of a concentrated emulsion or powder:

  • 20 ml of emulsion is diluted in 1 liter of water;
  • 30 grams of powder dissolves in 5 liters of water.

The resulting mixture can be sprayed on the insects themselves or only on their paths of movement. Approximate consumption - 10 ml of product per square meter.

From spider mites

Powder-based solution for killing spider mites:

  • package of Karbofos weighing 60 g;
  • 5 liters of water.

Pour the product into a sprayer and treat the above-ground part of the plant. Spray the leaves on both sides.

From wasps

The pungent odor of the drug helps fight wasps in domestic premises. The solution is prepared from the concentrate:

  • 20 ml of Karbofos emulsion;
  • 1 liter of water.

The wasp nest and the surfaces next to it are generously moistened with the preparation.

From fleas in the house

To get rid of fleas, prepare a solution in the following ratio:

  • 10 ml of concentrate;
  • 1 liter of water.

Treat the floor, walls up to a height of 1 meter, and gaps between baseboards. It is important to pay attention to carpets and paths - they need to be sprayed on both sides.

The drug should not be used on pets; poisoning with Karbofos can be fatal.

From aphids

To destroy aphids, a 60-gram package of Karbofos powder is diluted with 8-10 liters of water. The greater the concentration of pests, the higher the concentration of the solution.

The resulting liquid is moistened with the entire green part of the plant. Shrubs and young tree plantations require 1-2 liters of water, large trees - 10 liters. The leaves are treated on both sides, otherwise some of the aphids will remain untouched.

From the Colorado potato beetle

Karbofos for the destruction of the Colorado potato beetle is prepared from powder or emulsion concentrate:

  1. In the first case, take 60 grams of the product and dilute it in 8 liters of water.
  2. If using an emulsion, measure out 40 ml and dissolve them in 10 liters of water.

The resulting solution is generously applied to the surfaces of plants. Treatment is carried out in dry weather in the early morning or evening. If the plants are in a greenhouse, then it cannot be closed after the procedure.

Bedbugs10 ml of emulsion per 1 liter of water
CockroachesFor red and black, 20 ml per 1 liter of water, for American - 30 ml;
Ants20 ml of emulsion per 1 liter of water or 30 g of powder per 5 liters of water
Spider mite60 g of powder per 5 liters of water
Wasps20 ml of emulsion per 1 liter of water
Fleas10 ml of concentrate per 1 liter of water
Aphid60 g of powder per 8-10 liters of water
Colorado beetle60 g of powder per 8 liters of water or 40 ml of emulsion per 10 liters of water

Operating principle

The insecticidal-acaricidal drug acts by contact-intestinal route. It penetrates into the body of domestic cockroaches through the chitinous cover and respiratory organs. Karbofos disrupts the functions of the central nervous system. A few minutes after contact with the poison, muscle paralysis and death occur.

The maximum effect lasts 4 hours. During this time, sexually mature and immature individuals die. The eggs in the ooteca continue to develop, but after the larvae hatch, they also die. Karbofos retains toxic properties indoors for up to 4 weeks.

On a note!

If the apartment is heavily infested, it is recommended to carry out repeated disinsection after 14 days to increase the concentration of the drug.

Karbofos is resistant to temperature and light, and is neutralized gradually. An acidic and alkaline environment can eliminate poison. When performing wet cleaning, add vinegar or soap or baking soda to the water.

Dangerous neighborhood

It is known that when living in a person’s apartment or house, cockroaches feed on food and waste (even excrement of people and pets) . Therefore, it is scary to imagine what kind of infection these insects can bring on their paws, crawling from dirty waste to food. Cockroaches are mechanical carriers of:

  • pathogens: acute intestinal infections,
  • plague,
  • leprosy,
  • more than ten types of protozoan cysts,
  • helminth eggs,
  • some viruses, including polio pathogens.
  • The presence of cockroaches in an apartment can cause other problems:

    1. Thus, the secretion secreted by insects can cause irritation of human skin, including the formation of blisters and abscesses.
    2. Dry larval skins and “corpses” create a favorable environment for the life of house dust mites, which, in turn, can cause allergies, including asthmatic manifestations.

    The main method for exterminating domestic cockroaches is the chemical method. When choosing a product to purchase, we are accustomed to being guided by advertising or advice from experienced people. A reasonable approach involves a detailed study of the composition. You don't have to be a chemist to understand the properties of insecticides. The proposed table will help you get to the bottom of it and choose the best “poison” option for cockroaches.

    Insecticides that may be included in preparations for cockroaches - table

    Active ingredientCharacteristicActionNote
    Organophosphorus compounds (OP) disrupt the functioning of the insect's nervous system and cause serious damage to muscle tissue, resulting in insect death.
    DiazinonColorless liquid with a slight odorContact, intestinalAdvantages:
    • wide spectrum of insecticidal action,
    • most of these compounds decompose quite quickly into non-toxic components (does not accumulate in water, soil, vegetation)
    • FOS residues in food products quickly decompose during heat treatment.


    • high toxicity to mammals,
    • ability to penetrate intact skin and cause poisoning.
    Sulfidos (bytex, fenthion, lebaicide)Colorless liquid with a slight odorContact
    Dimethyldichlorovinyl phosphate (DDVP), dichlorvosColorless or yellow liquid with an aromatic odorContact, intestinal, fumigation
    ChlorpyrifosWhite crystalline substanceContact
    Karbofos (malathion)Light brown liquid with an unpleasant odorContact, intestinal, fumigation
    MethylacetophosColorless liquid with odorContact
    Pyrethrins and pyrethroids have a strong effect on the nervous system of insects and provide a rapid paralyzing “knockdown” effect.
    PyrethrumGreen powderContact
    • the effect is more pronounced at lower temperatures. -synthetic pyrethroids retain a residual effect on treated surfaces for over a month.
    Neopinamine (allethrin, tetramethrin)White crystalline substance, insoluble in waterFumigation
    Permethrin (Ambouche, Vismethrin)Viscous brown liquid, odorlessContact, fumigation
    Sumicidin (fenvalerate)Wettable powder, dust, granulesIntestinal, contact
    CyhalothrinColorless, odorless, crystalline substanceIntestinal, contact
    Organochlorine compounds (OCCs) affect the nervous system of cockroaches and cause irreversible paralysis.
    Hexachlorane (HCCH, hexachlorocyclohexane)Used in the form of dusts, emulsions, suspensions, pencils, aerosolsIntestinal, fumigation
    • resistant to environmental influences,
    • has a long residual effect (1–3 months)
    • highly toxic
    • Long-term use of this component has led to the resistance of cockroaches (now practically not used).
    Carbamates—affect the nervous, endocrine, and hematopoietic systems of insects.
    Propoksur (baigon)Insoluble in water, soluble in organic solventsmost effective when ingestedrelatively rapid decomposition in the external environment.
    Other chemical groups
    Boric acid (Borax, Koba, BAF)white crystalline powder, easily soluble in waterIntestinal and mixed contact-intestinal.
    • resistance cannot develop to boron-based drugs
    • with prolonged exposure causes damage to the reproductive organs in females, destroys the digestive system of cockroaches
    Sulfonamides (sulforamide), aminohydrazones (hydramethylnon)Gel-like baits have been developed on their basis.IntestinalThe drugs have a delayed insecticidal effect
    Phenylpyrazoles (fipronil)is included in gel baits and container baitsContact, intestinalParalyzes the central nervous system of insects
    Neonicotinoids (imidacloprid, acetomiprid, nitenpyram)Crystalline substances of white, yellowish or cream color, soluble in waterContact, intestinalIn small doses they have a stimulating effect, in large doses they cause paralysis of the nervous system

    Advantages and disadvantages


    • immediate and long-lasting residual effect;
    • visible results within 4 hours;
    • safety when used correctly;
    • gradually kills the entire population of Prussians;
    • affordable price;
    • economical consumption;
    • preventing re-infection within a month.


    • unpleasant odor;
    • moderate degree of toxicity, may cause deterioration in health in people and pets;
    • the need to independently prepare the solution, the presence of a spray bottle.

    On a note!

    Karbofos is a universal remedy. Helps get rid of cockroaches, ants, fleas, flies, mosquitoes, and many other insects in the house and on the street.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    the drug kills pests the first time, subject to careful processing;

    acts for several hours after spraying;

    versatility - suitable for gardens, gardens and indoors;

    does not retain in plant tissues and soil;

    the drug in powder form has a low cost.

    the possibility of poisoning domestic animals and people;

    repeated treatments become ineffective and cause resistance to organophosphorus compounds;

    not compatible with other pesticides, fertilizers.

    Release form

    The domestically produced product is available in the form of crystalline powder and aqueous emulsion. Immediately before use, prepare a solution by adding the required amount of concentrate to water at room temperature.

    The shelf life of the concentrate is 3 years from the date of manufacture. If there is any product left in the canister after the first use, it must be used up within a year. The prepared solution must be used within 3 days. Subsequently, the properties of the drug decrease.

    Karbofos is sold in polymer bags, glass ampoules, and bottles. The minimum dosage is 5 g, the maximum is 5 l. 4 g of powder or 5 ml of emulsion are dissolved in 1 liter of water. Consumption of the finished product indoors is 50 ml per 1 sq. m. m for hard surface, 100 ml soft, absorbent.

    Where can I buy Karbofos?

    You can buy Karbofos for cockroaches in hardware or garden stores. Sometimes it is sold in large supermarkets in the appropriate department. For home use, it is better to buy a small bag (30 g) of active powder. They are easier to use. The price is on average 50 rubles.

    Large canisters of water emulsion (5 l) are suitable for industrial control of cockroaches and are purchased mainly by specialized teams. The price of one of these is about 3 thousand rubles. If Karbofos is not available in regular stores, you can always order it online.


    The active component of Karbofos against cockroaches is the insecto-acaricidal substance malathion. Belongs to the third class of danger. If used incorrectly, it can cause intoxication of varying degrees of intensity, poisoning, and skin irritation. Deadly for bees, amphibians and fish.

    Work should be carried out wearing rubber gloves, a respirator, and a suit. There should be no other people or animals in the room. When the first signs of poisoning appear - weakness, nausea, dizziness, stop pest control, provide access to fresh air, rinse your mouth with soda solution, drink sorbent.

    Analogs from other manufacturers

    Malathion was obtained in the 19th century. The active use of insecto-acaricidal substances in the fight against insects began in the last century. Many professional preparations of domestic and import production are produced on the basis of malathion. You can replace karbofos with the following means:

    • Cucaracha;
    • Fufanon-Super;
    • Medilis-Malathion;
    • Doublet K.E.;
    • Insecto-Esta;
    • Atalnt.

    The price depends on the capacity of the bottle. For 1 liter the average cost of similar products is 1300 rubles.

    Karbofos is one of the best drugs for cockroaches. It acts instantly and also provides long-term protection against re-infection. Application requires special care, so you need to buy not only an insecticide, but also gloves, a respirator, and choose a long-sleeved jacket and trousers.

    Purpose and areas of use

    "Karbofos" is an insecticidal agent for the destruction of insect pests. Effective for killing aphids, kidney mites, garden black ants, as well as domestic inhabitants - red house ants, cockroaches, bedbugs and others. It affects adults and their larvae, but the effect of the drug on egg laying is limited.

    Area of ​​use: • small plots of land, as well as farms; • recommended for use in residential premises for their disinfection; • sanitary and medical disinfection against lice, malaria carriers, etc.; • processing of warehouse premises. • destruction of exo- and endoparasites in veterinary medicine

    Preparation and processing

    When using either a water-soluble powder or a liquid concentrate, dissolve Karbofos in the required amount of water and mix thoroughly. Apply the drug to habitats, accumulations or movement with a brush or using a sprayer.

    Protection against garden pests

    When protecting against garden ants, a liquid solution of “Karbofos” (dosage 30g per 3-5 liters of water) is sprayed on anthills and tree trunks, and the powder is also scattered in their habitats, clusters and along paths. The number of treatments is no more than two.

    When processing fruit, berry and vegetable crops, the method of spraying or irrigation is more often used. Treatment should also be carried out 2 times, with an interval of at least 3-4 weeks (the first - in early spring before the buds appear, the second - after flowering).

    The table shows the purpose, dosage and application rates for the protection of horticultural crops:

    CulturePestDosage (at 10% melathion content)Consumption rate
    Apricot, peachLeaf roller, codling moth30gr. /5l.water 2-3l.
    Apple, pear, quinceLeaf roller, scale insect, codling moth, weevil60gr / 7l.water2l. for a young tree, up to 10l. on a mature tree
    Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoesAphids, flies, plant mites, white mites, sprout flies30g/5l of water1l./ 10 sq.m.
    GrapeSpider mites, phylloxera, mealybug30g/ 3-4l. water 1-1.5 l/ 10 sq.m.
    Berry bushesKidney mite, gall midge, aphids30g/4l of water1-2 l. on the bush
    MelonsMelon fly, aphids, melon ladybird30g/4l of water1-1.5 l./ 10 sq.m.
    Flowers and ornamental plantsScale insects, bugs, sawfly, aphids30g./4l. water 2l./ 10 sq.m.

    Drug safety

    Back in the 19th century, a substance was discovered that was somewhat similar to today’s prototype. The first tests of the poison showed that it is dangerous to human health and is highly toxic. Over the years, scientists in the USSR, Germany and the USA have tried to remove harmful components without sacrificing effectiveness against barbels.

    The US company was the first to achieve a positive result. Thanks to this, the words “Karbofos” and “cockroaches” became opposites. They began to actively use it at home, adhering to the rules and having previously prepared the room for processing.

    Concomitant use with other drugs

    When using karbofos against pests, you need to take into account its compatibility with other drugs used on the site. For example, in combination with Fazalan there is a risk of destroying all the greens and not getting a harvest at all.

    Information about the combined effects of the active substances of the products used is placed in the instructions for use. If the fertilizer cannot be combined with karbofos, then you will have to look for an analogue of one or another product.

    Dead cockroaches

    What you need to know

    You can buy the drug in two types: a thick oily liquid or a fine powder with a brown tint.

    The composition is the same - the active insecticide malathion and auxiliary components.

    The drug is often sold under the name “Malathion,” so if the store offers such a remedy for Prussians, feel free to make a purchase.

    How does it affect cockroaches?

    The active substance, which enters the body through the respiratory system or contact, leads to paralysis of red and black individuals in a short time.

    Paralysis, in turn, stops the functioning of the most important organs. As a result, death occurs; whiskered insects will not be able to escape from the effects of the insecticide.

    The uniqueness of Karbofos is that it can destroy not only adult individuals, but also larvae at the development stage.

    Another one is that you can use it yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists. Knowing how to use the drug correctly, you can get rid of the Prussians quite quickly, but provided that all the manufacturers’ requirements are met exactly.

    It is almost non-toxic, making it possible to use even in rooms with children and pets. Of course, you shouldn’t be present when spraying the product; it’s better to send everyone for a long walk.

    In addition to the effectiveness and speed of destruction of red “tenants”, it has a significant disadvantage - an unpleasant odor.

    It stays indoors for a long time; even daily ventilation for a week will not be able to completely remove the undesirable consequence of the treatment.

    Preparing the apartment

    Before you start exterminating Prussians, it is advisable to carefully inspect your home - perhaps the apartment needs preliminary preparation.

    Even the most powerful insect repellents will be powerless if piles of debris accumulate under the surfaces, food is constantly lying on the table, and the sink is flooded with water. So where to start?

    It is recommended to perform the following work:

    1. Sweep away all the rubbish and food particles from under all the kitchen furniture.
    2. Throw the trash out of the bin.
    3. Send the products into tight bags, tie them tightly.
    4. Wipe the sink and wipe off the condensation on the walls of the bathtub.
    5. Place children's toys in boxes and plastic bags.
    6. Send pets to relatives.
    7. Take the aquarium to your neighbors; if this is not possible, cover it tightly with polyethylene.

    We should not forget: longhorned beetles do not scavenge for food and at home they can even feed on old magazines and newspapers.

    There is no point in accumulating waste paper; it is better to throw it away before bullying. After all, several mustachioed representatives of the cockroach family can hide there and safely survive the use of a poisonous drug.

    Preparation of solution and application of insecticide

    Both the concentrated solution and the powder product require preliminary preparation - preparation of a working solution.

    It is not recommended to store it, so the toxic liquid should be prepared before processing.

    The instructions for use explain in detail and clearly how to properly prepare the toxic substance.

    Per liter of water, add 10 to 15 milliliters of liquid concentrate or 4-6 grams. powder. This is enough for a home that is heavily infested with pests.

    There is no need to increase the dose of insecticide - this will not affect the effectiveness in any way. It is better to take water at room temperature, the powder will dissolve in it much faster.

    In order to achieve uniform distribution of the insecticide, it is allowed to add a little thick soap solution to the solution.

    It’s easy to prepare – take a bar of laundry soap and rub vigorously in a small amount of warm water.

    Then the working solution is poured into a household spray bottle - it is with the help of this device that it is recommended to spray the poison.

    The kitchen area is treated most carefully, because red cockroaches tend to flock here, thanks to the large number of tasty products:

    • all kitchen surfaces;
    • spaces between the floor and the bottom of the furniture;
    • surface near the trash bin;
    • cracks in the walls;
    • baseboards;
    • ventilation ducts;
    • holes in the walls;
    • door frames;
    • window frames;
    • spaces between the wall and refrigerators, kitchen cabinets;
    • risers and pipes.

    If the home is severely infested, the drug should be sprayed throughout all rooms, because it is enough for a few representatives of the Prussian family to survive so that after some time the apartment will again be occupied by red insects.

    One application of Karbofos is usually not enough to completely eliminate the harmful family of cockroaches.

    But in order to get rid of cockroaches once and for all, you will have to poison them again, in just 2-3 weeks. This time is enough for young Prussians to emerge from the eggs - it is against them that the battle will be fought in subsequent processing.

    Precautionary measures

    Despite the fact that Karbofos is quite harmless, it is better not to tempt fate and send everyone outside the home for a few hours.

    The person who remains to carry out the bullying must also take care of his safety:

    1. Wear thick, long clothing (a tracksuit is perfect).
    2. There must be a headdress on the head.
    3. Protect your hands with gloves made of polyethylene and rubber.
    4. Put a mask or respirator on your face.

    Despite protective measures, the toxic agent can get onto the body, even mucous membranes.

    Wash the skin immediately with warm water and soapy water. If your eyes are damaged, rinse them with plenty of cool water.

    Immediately after finishing, remove protective clothing, wash and leave the premises. Leave doors and windows tightly closed - ventilation is carried out only after returning home, after 3-5 hours.

    Home cleaning

    There are no special rules or requirements for cleaning your home after using Karbofos.

    Upon returning home, immediately begin ventilation, which should last at least two hours. It is ideal when it is possible to open not only the windows, but also the door - this will speed up the disappearance of the unpleasant odor.

    General cleaning with washing of all surfaces is not recommended; the sprayed substance must act on the red insects for several days, otherwise it will not be possible to remove them completely.

    Wipe the surfaces with which apartment residents most often come into contact with a sponge. It is recommended to add a little detergent and soda to the washing water.

    Wash clothes that were disinfested and kitchen towels in hot water. It is also recommended to wash kitchen curtains; they quickly absorb the smell and then store it for a long time.

    Only 2-3 weeks after applying the insecticide is it possible to wash all surfaces. At the same time, the solution applied in hard-to-reach places can be left - if cockroaches appear from neighboring dwellings, the product will destroy the aliens, serving as an excellent preventive measure.

    Prophylactic use

    Karbofos can also be used for prevention - in addition to its toxic effects, the poison has a strong odor, which will permanently relieve mustachioed Prussians from the desire to enter clean territory.

    For the purpose of such prevention, it is better to use a not very concentrated solution, taking only half the amount of insecticide.

    Apply it only to hard-to-reach places where barbels can enter the apartment. Usually Karbofos is sprayed:

    • in ventilation ducts;
    • under the baseboards (here it is better to apply the product with a cotton pad or a thin brush);
    • near wall cracks;
    • under kitchen surfaces and furniture.

    If your neighbors have red insects, they will probably try to explore new territories, making their way not only through ventilation ducts, but also through targets in windows and door frames. These loopholes should also be sprayed with the preparation.

    For preventive purposes, Karbofos can be used only once every 2 months.

    If you saw cockroaches much earlier (there is a high probability of them entering from neighbors), you should not delay the fight - an immediate response will help prevent infection of the apartment.

    Karbofos is an excellent option for combating mustachioed Prussians. The product is affordable, has an effective effect on cockroaches, the insects get used to it for a long time - this period is enough to completely cleanse the home of red “tenants”.

    If you adhere to all the requirements of the manufacturers, you can completely get rid of cockroaches, and preventive measures will allow you to not even think about the unpleasant red “neighborhood” for a long time.

    How to properly prepare a room

    Karbofos against cockroaches only helps if you follow clear instructions. This approach allows you to kill longhorned beetles in a short period of time.

    The room must be clean, free from mountains of garbage, unwashed dishes, and there must be no food on the table.

    It is recommended to adhere to the following algorithm:

    1. Remove all food particles from the kitchen. Pay great attention to cleaning the area behind kitchen tables, as large amounts of food waste often accumulate there, which barbels feed on.
    2. Empty the trash can and take out the trash regularly.
    3. All products intended for humans or animals should be packaged in plastic bags and tightly sealed to prevent the penetration of harmful substances.
    4. Use a dry cloth to remove drops of water from the kitchen sink (this will help rid the Prussians of water).
    5. If there is a child in the house, his toys should be packed in bags and removed from the premises.
    6. All animals living in the room with people should be sent to another room or to friends and relatives.
    7. Bring in the aquarium or cover it with plastic for the duration of treatment.

    You need to remember all the time - cockroaches do not pick at their food; they can even eat paper and newspapers.

    Before baiting, it is recommended to remove paper materials from the premises, otherwise the Prussians can hide there and safely survive for several days.

    What to do after treating the premises?

    As mentioned earlier, Karbofos is a good and powerful insecticide, but with a very strong odor and the ability to cause undesirable effects on the human body. That is why it is worth remembering that after a single treatment of the room, you should not immediately let children and animals into the house. It’s better to ventilate the room for another day or two, and then do a general cleaning.

    In some cases, to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to use Karbofos twice. Cockroaches don't always die the first time. Therefore, this is also worth taking into account.

    Composition, properties and formulation

    “Karbofos” contains the main active ingredient MALTHION with a dosage of 10-50%, surfactant, fragrance - flavoring, filler. To eliminate cases of accidental poisoning, strong flavorings with a pungent odor are used.

    Available in the following forms:

    - water-soluble powder (packed in small bags of 30g and 60g and large bags weighing 1kg, 5kg);

    — suspension — concentrate (ampoules 5 ml, 10 ml, bottles 0.25 l., 0.5 l., 1 l.);

    — ready-to-use working solution (5 liter canisters).

    average price

    The product in powder form in a 60 gram package costs from 65 rubles . There is no point in buying liquid chemicals in large quantities. A plastic canister with a volume of 5 liters costs from 4.5 thousand rubles . This quantity of the product is usually purchased by pest control companies. To order the required amount of the drug, you can contact insect control services.

    Karbofos is a strong remedy. It is successfully used in the fight against bedbugs. And as you know, blood-sucking parasites are very resistant to various chemicals and can be difficult to remove. If Karbofos removes them, then it will also cope with cockroaches. But if you don’t want to have to remove a strong aroma from the house after cockroaches, it is better to prefer more gentle insecticides.

    The use of Karbofos is justified in industrial premises. But for processing living space it is not the most convenient option.

    We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with other remedies for cockroaches: Dohlox, Executioner, Regent, Raptor, Fas, Globol, Forsyth, Mashenka, Get, Combat, Cucaracha, Raid, Clean House.

    Instructions for use in the garden

    Karbofos is a toxic drug. Although its ability to accumulate in parts of the plant is small, if the dosage is exceeded, you can be poisoned by the treated fruits.

    For strawberries (after harvest)

    Strawberries should be processed after fruiting in early autumn. For spraying, prepare a solution of 60 grams of 10% Karbofos powder and 10 liters of water.

    The processing process consists of 2 stages:

    1. First, the solution is sprayed onto the strawberry bushes. For 10 square meters of planting - 1 liter.
    2. Afterwards, the ridge is covered with a thick film for 6 hours or overnight.

    For trees and shrubs

    The product for trees and shrubs has a similar concentration:

    • young trees and bushes - 60 grams of powder per 8 liters of water;
    • mature trees - 60 grams per 10 liters of water.

    Small plantings required 1-2 liters of water, and older fruit-bearing ones needed up to 10 liters. When carrying out processing, it is important to choose the right period. It is necessary that at least 30 days pass from the moment of spraying to the day the fruit appears.

    For cabbage

    To treat cabbage leaves at the beginning of growth, use Karbofos powder. 60 grams of the product are diluted in 10 liters of water and the emerging shoots are treated. Each bush requires 50 ml of diluted liquid.

    Reviews of Karbofos against cockroaches

    Karbofos is a universal insecticide that has been proving its effectiveness for years. The successful elimination of the Prussians with his help is just a matter of time. Numerous reviews of Karbofos against cockroaches of all types and varieties confirm the effectiveness of the product and its popularity among people who are faced with the problem of an invasion of unexpected guests.

    The main advantages of this insecticide are:

    • Productivity. It is almost always possible to kill cockroaches.
    • Performance. Already after the first treatment, you can significantly reduce the population of Prussians.
    • Long lasting effect. After Karbofos, cockroaches will not want to visit the apartment or house where it was used for a long time.
    • Relatively easy to use.

    Despite these undoubted advantages, the drug also has some negatives. The main one is the pungent odor. Sometimes a person needs a few more days or even a week to get rid of the pronounced aroma.

    In addition, if the rules for using Karbofos are violated, unpleasant consequences for the human body can develop, which manifest themselves in the form of headaches, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and general poor health. This is why it is so important to use protective equipment when processing a room.

    Karbofos is a powerful and universal insecticide that will solve the problem with cockroaches for a long time. The main thing is to do everything according to the instructions.

    Finally, we bring to your attention a video that clearly demonstrates the process of treating premises with spray systems against cockroaches:


    Reviews about Karbofos boil down to the fact that the drug removes cockroaches, but buyers are not satisfied with the unpleasant odor and toxicity of the solution.

    We bought an apartment at a reduced price, but the sellers immediately warned that there were cockroaches in it. They poisoned the Prussians several times, but they appear periodically. We bought it and started looking for an effective remedy. We decided on Karbofos. We carried out a complete disinfection of the entire apartment. After 2 weeks the procedure was repeated. A month later they did a general cleaning; no live insects were seen. We live for six months without being bothered by insects.

    We poisoned cockroaches several times with different cockroach repellents. The effect was temporary. Specialists were called. Disinsection was carried out with Karbofos. The smell was terrible even after airing, but the insects disappeared completely within 2 weeks. If we have to deal with cockroaches again, we will immediately buy Karbofos. Helps very quickly.

    Karbofos for bedbugs - tips for use and precautions

    Karbofos or malathion is one of the most effective drugs for killing bedbugs and other harmful insects. The substance belongs to organophosphorus compounds. It is used in agriculture, medical and household disinfection of premises. Karbofos for bedbugs is classified as hazard class 3 for humans. The drug affects ectoparasites by contact, causing their paralysis and death.

    Composition and release form

    The active ingredient of the drug is malathion. A colorless oily liquid with a pungent odor serves as the basis for the production of a 50% emulsion. The substance dissolves slowly in water. It is resistant to temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation. The best means for dissolution are organic solvents. An alkaline environment quickly destroys the active component of Karbofos.

    The active ingredient of the drug is malathion

    Attention. Insecticidal agents with a similar active substance are: Fufanon, Aliot, preparation 4049, FOG-3, kipfos, Antiklesch, Iskra. Differences between drugs are manifested in the choice of excipients.

    Due to its relatively low toxicity to humans and warm-blooded animals, the product is widely used to control agricultural pests. Its use is approved for the destruction of synanthropic insects - bedbugs, flies, cockroaches and mosquitoes. There are several forms of the drug on sale:

    • Concentrated emulsion (50%) in plastic canisters of 1 and 5 liters. A clear, light yellow liquid that requires dilution before use.
    • Wettable powder with 10% concentration of active ingredient. Available in packs of 30 and 60 g. Requires dilution in water according to instructions.
    • Ampoules with concentrate dosage 5 ml. The release form is convenient when it is necessary to treat a small area.

    The organic compound phosphoric acid is used in agriculture to kill herbivorous mites and gnawing insects. The composition, together with synthetic pyrethroids, is used to poison granary pests. Karbofos has found practical application in medical pest control. Every year, thousands of tons of insecticide are used to kill mosquitoes that carry malaria. The drug is effective against all human ectoparasites, including bedbugs, lice, and ticks.

    Carbozol - a ready-made solution to the problem

    An easy-to-use insecticide available in aerosol form. It's called Carbosol. Contains: malathion, solvent and flavoring. After using the drug there is no pungent odor left. The specific aroma quickly disappears when the windows are opened. Carbozol is effective only at the initial stage of infection of an apartment. It will not cope with a large number of ectoparasites. Before using the aerosol, all household members must leave the room for at least 24 hours.

    Aerosol against bedbugs

    It is necessary to protect personal belongings, food and other items that do not need treatment from exposure to the product. The substance is highly flammable, so it should be sprayed away from fire. Before work, you must protect your respiratory system with a respirator. Every other day, cleaning is carried out with a soap and soda solution.

    Effect of Karbofos on bedbugs

    The difficulty in removing ectoparasites lies in their resistance (addiction) to chemicals. Insects quickly adapt to negative conditions and stop reacting to poisons. If you can’t remove bedbugs yourself, you can contact a special service.

    An active organophosphorus compound has a contact effect. Once on the chitinous shell of bedbugs, it immediately begins to have a toxic effect. The toxin also enters the body through the respiratory tract of insects. It has a neuroparalytic effect. Vital processes are disrupted, paralysis develops, leading to death. The peculiarity of the active substance contributes to high efficiency.

    Effect of Karbofos on bedbugs

    Under the influence of oxidative processes in the body of insects, malathion is converted into a more toxic substance - malaoxone. A similar reaction is not observed when it enters plants and the body of warm-blooded animals. Malathion is capable of destroying not only adults in a parasite colony. It penetrates the shell of eggs and stops the development of embryos.

    Attention. Frequent use of Karbofos can cause gene mutation in bed bugs. Insects have the ability to convert poison into harmless compounds.

    Instructions for use

    Products containing malathion belong to hazard class 3 and are considered moderately dangerous. When working with it, it is important to follow the instructions and not violate the recommended dosage.

    Preparation of the solution

    The preparation of the solution begins before the start of treatment. The dilution features depend on the form in which the insecticide was purchased - powder or emulsion.

    1. The powder is diluted with water at the rate of 4-5 g per 1 liter.
    2. Emulsion for severe infestation - 5 ml per 1 liter of water, for a small number of bedbugs or repeated treatment - 2 ml per 1 liter.

    Canister with Karbofos Preparation against plant pests

    Attention. The finished composition cannot be stored. For the second treatment of the room, it is necessary to prepare a fresh solution.

    Pest control

    Before starting work, you need to move the furniture and take things and food out of the room. For safety reasons, it is better for people and animals to leave the premises for several days. The Karbofos solution is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed in places where ectoparasites accumulate. Be sure to spray the following areas:

    • frame and folds of upholstered furniture;
    • back wall of a closet, chest of drawers, bedside table;
    • reverse side of paintings, mirrors, carpets;
    • cracks in the floor and walls;
    • baseboards;
    • places where the wallpaper has peeled off.

    Spraying is carried out at a distance of 20 cm from the surface. After work, wash your hands and face thoroughly with soap. The clothes in which the treatment was carried out are soaked in water with soap and soda. After a few hours, things are washed.

    Professional treatment of apartments from bedbugs

    The room is ventilated for 2-4 hours; this procedure will have to be repeated daily for at least a week. It is advisable to return to living in the room no earlier than after 3-4 days. There will be an unpleasant odor in the apartment. Surfaces that come into contact are washed with a solution of soap and soda. The alkaline environment neutralizes the toxic compounds of malathion. For 1 liter of water you will need 50 g of baking soda.

    Disinsection is carried out in two stages. The second treatment of the room is carried out according to the same principle. Considering the small number of bedbugs in the room, you can reduce the concentration of the solution (2 ml of emulsion per 1 liter of water). All previously treated surfaces are sprayed. Particular attention is paid to the sleeping area where ectoparasites nest. After spraying, ventilation and wet cleaning with soda are carried out. General cleaning is carried out after 1-2 months, when the substance loses its activity.

    Baking soda neutralizes the effect of Karbofos

    Advice. Before carrying out disinfestation, it is recommended to warn your neighbors about it. A common situation is that after treatment, insects move to a neighboring apartment. If its residents are prepared, infection can be avoided.

    Advantages and disadvantages of insecticide

    The choice of a chemical preparation for the destruction of blood-sucking parasites must be approached wisely. Products with low toxicity are safe for humans, but cannot cope with tenacious bedbugs. Many compounds act only on adults, and the eggs remain alive. After a few days, young insects emerge from them, and unpleasant bites begin with renewed vigor. Karbofos against bedbugs is one of the most effective remedies that does not cause insect resistance.

    Among its advantages:

    • The insecticide is considered one of the most effective drugs for killing bed bugs.
    • Resistant to sunlight and water.
    • Prolonged protective effect.
    • Wide spectrum of action; at the same time as bedbugs, other insects living in the room also die.
    • Extermination of ectoparasites at all stages of development.
    • Affordable cost and ease of preparation.

    Attention. A small dose of malathion entering the human body does not pose a threat to life. The substance quickly decomposes into safe components and is eliminated from the body.


    • The product has an unpleasant odor that does not disappear for a long time.
    • Two disinsections of the premises will be required. After the first, only part of the insects die.
    • With frequent use, effectiveness is lost.

    Advice. In a house where an allergy sufferer lives, it is better not to use Karbofos. The unpleasant odor of an insecticide can trigger a reaction from the immune system.

    Bedbug treatment areas

    Precautions for use

    Preparation of the solution and treatment of the room should be carried out in a protective suit. As equipment you need to prepare:

    • A respirator that protects the respiratory system from the ingress of active substances.
    • Work clothes should have long sleeves so that there are no exposed areas of the body.
    • Rubber gloves – protect hands from contact with the solution.
    • To protect your eyes from the toxic compound, wear special glasses.

    Remedies for treatment with Karbofos

    Attention. The drug should be stored separately from food. It should not be exposed to open flames, mixed with chemicals or heated.

    When the drug is used to treat head lice, the contraindications are: pregnancy, lactation, and the child is less than two years old.

    Manifestations of toxic effects on humans and domestic animals

    High concentrations of malathion are a dangerous poison for humans. But for treating premises, a solution with the optimal amount of active substance is used. The drug does not accumulate in tissues, so it is used to treat animals and birds against ectoparasites. Upon contact with skin, redness and itching may occur. Signs of poisoning are:

    • nausea;
    • diarrhea;
    • stomach ache.

    In animals, symptoms of poisoning appear after an hour. At the initial stage they are expressed in depression. Then salivation and vomiting begin.

    Karbofos for bedbugs is an effective and affordable remedy. This is one of the few drugs that can completely destroy ectoparasites in the house. If safety precautions are observed, the insecticide does not pose a threat to human health.

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    Let's sum it up

    The undoubted advantage is efficiency and high results regardless of the degree of contamination of the room. If we talk about reviews from those who have already used karbofos, they also note high efficiency. But among the disadvantages, apartment owners note a very unpleasant smell, which requires more than one ventilation to get rid of it.

    Regarding toxicity, compliance with safety measures and the use of protective equipment completely protects a person from negative influences. Of course, after treatment, thorough wet cleaning is required. Don’t forget about specialized services that will always help you cope with a difficult situation.

    Prevention, how to deal with cockroaches using traditional methods

    You can stop the spread of insects from neighbors through preventive measures:

    • houses are kept clean;
    • do not store food on tables; it is especially dangerous to leave it overnight when cockroaches are active;
    • the water is closed (if it remains in the containers), the mixers are repaired;
    • eliminate ways for cockroaches to get into your home: protect ventilation with mesh, install “mosquitoes” on windows, fill gaps on the floor, between baseboards and the floor, and walls;
    • wash the dishes more often, and it is better to do it immediately after eating.

    In addition, folk remedies are periodically used:

    • leave cotton pads with a strong-smelling substance in the corners: essential oils, kerosene;
    • prepare a decoction of tansy, wormwood (2 tablespoons of the plant, 200 ml of water), you need to wipe the surfaces with the product, but its disadvantage is the rapid loss of properties, which means you need to repeat the procedure more often;
    • gypsum + vanilla sugar, a little bait (sugar) is added to an arbitrary amount of building material, the mixture is left on paper substrates near the pest habitats.

    Cleanliness in the house is the basis for preventing parasites

    Boric acid against cockroaches

    In cases where it is impossible or undesirable to use potent contact drugs, you can prepare food baits yourself based on boric acid.

    Poisonous baits based on boron compounds can be different depending on whether boric acid powder or its aqueous solution is used:

    • liquid,
    • hard,
    • pasty.

    As a “tasty” base you can use:

    • mashed potatoes,
    • sweet syrups,
    • cereals,
    • bread,
    • beer.

    Solid baits are placed in lids and placed in areas where cockroaches “walk.” In the liquid version, soak cotton wool or rags with the solution.

    Application + precautions

    A number of important recommendations have been developed for the safe use of Karbofos. Before using the drug, it is necessary to remove household utensils to prevent the possibility of chemicals settling on them.

    It is also worth paying attention to personal protective equipment - be sure to use gloves, safety glasses, a respiratory mask and a hat. Remember to remove small children and pets from the premises

    Once in the human body, malathion is converted into malaoxone and is not capable of causing serious harm, however, safety measures should not be neglected, since in large quantities it can cause poisoning with accompanying symptoms such as dizziness, nausea and headaches.

    The treatment of the premises itself is carried out in the same way as with any other chemical substances of a similar type. The emulsion concentrate - 2-5 ml - is diluted per liter of water, after which the resulting liquid is sent to a regular spray bottle and sprayed over all places that may be a habitat for bedbugs. This includes the inside area of ​​the bed and sofa, the back of the sofa, baseboards, and the joints of walls and ceilings.

    Having completed the treatment with Karbofos, first wash your hands with clean water, after soaping them generously. Don’t forget to wash your personal protective equipment afterwards. It is advisable to do this in soapy water and add a little baking soda. Also open the doors and windows in the room to create a draft that will “air out” all the deposited chemical elements. Regularly ventilate the room for at least four hours a day, because this is the key to your future comfortable life in the house.

    After three days, you should repeat the disinfection procedure. We advise residents of the home to move out while the treatment is being carried out, but this recommendation is not mandatory. After returning home, be sure to wipe the floors with a damp cloth, and disinfect the handles of doors, windows and other objects that residents touch with a soda solution.

    If you follow all the recommendations correctly, you are guaranteed to get the desired result. However, practice shows that many encounter unsuccessful application experiences. This is mainly due to the insufficient quality of room treatment. Often, careless owners try to save time and treat only one room, while the rest are left untreated. We advise you not to make such a mistake, since parasites tend to move around the house and sooner or later return to the disinfected area. Be sure to block possible entry points for parasites from other rooms.

    How to choose the right product

    To choose the optimal means for poisoning cockroaches, you need to compare the following criteria-requirements:

    • principle and speed of action on cockroaches,
    • harmlessness to humans and animals (and in what dosage),
    • the presence or absence of a residual effect when applied to surfaces,
    • dependence of efficiency on the microclimate in the room being treated,
    • rate of decomposition of the active ingredient in the environment,
    • cost of the drug,
    • ease of use,
    • absence of soiling and unpleasant odor.

    Of course, the determining factor in choosing a drug is the safety and appropriateness of use in certain cases:

    1. Aerosols are only suitable if it is possible to carry out the treatment in the absence of people other than those carrying out the treatment.
    2. If the population of cockroaches is low, it is enough to use one type of drug - preferably with an intestinal-type insecticide in the composition.
    3. In case of heavy infestation, it is effective to use combined methods of chemical attack on insects - using aerosols and contact-type insecticides.

    The effectiveness of treatments increases if, 10–15 minutes before using contact preparations, you provoke the cockroaches to come out of their shelters using aerosols.

    Medical disinfestation: educational method. allowance / I. V. Severinchik [etc.]. M42 Minsk: BSMU, 2011

    https://rep.bsmu.by/bitstream/handle/BSMU/3760/%D0%9C%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%81 %D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%8F%20%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%86 %D0%B8%D1%8F.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

    Precautionary measures

    All pesticides designed to affect only blood-sucking and other parasites require compliance with safety rules. The drugs in the Xulat series are no exception.

    They are standard and do not require much effort to remember:

    • always remove all poultry, fish, dogs, cats and other animals from the area where treatment is carried out;
    • Children are not allowed in the room;
    • all utensils, as well as food, must be packaged in plastic before baiting begins;
    • apply the solution only with gloves, a respirator on your face, and protective clothing with long sleeves;
    • thoroughly ventilate the room after the destruction process, then carry out wet cleaning;
    • If Xulate gets into your eyes, rinse them with plenty of clean water;
    • If after using Xulate you find signs of poisoning, you need to go out into fresh air and take any adsorbent.

    Health effects of pesticides

    Pesticides are poisons, and unfortunately they can harm more than just the “pests” they are aimed at. They are toxic and exposure to them can cause a range of unpleasant health effects from respiratory problems to cancer.

    The causes of the disease can be:

    Acute toxicity manifests itself as:

    • respiratory irritation, sore throat and/or cough
    • allergic sensitization
    • eye and skin irritation
    • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
    • headache, loss of consciousness
    • extreme weakness, seizures and/or death

    Chronic toxicity:

    Pesticides can cause harmful effects over a long period, usually after repeated or persistent exposure at low levels. Small doses do not always cause immediate effects, but over time they can cause very serious illness.

    Long-term exposure to pesticides may be associated with the development of Parkinson's disease, asthma, depression and anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and cancer, including leukemia and Hodjonkin lymphoma.


    In the West, malathion is considered an outdated insecticide. But the reason is the same as for many other, in principle, fairly safe pesticides: excessive and unreasonable use. The consequences are the formation of genetically stable populations of objects of elimination, the accumulation and manifestation of long-term after-effects for people and the environment. With strict, meaningful compliance with the regulations for use, malathion preparations are still quite effective against pests in the garden and vegetable garden, see video:

    About the use of karbofos - malathion

    Note: private owners manage to poison house cockroaches with “garden” karbofos, see another story:

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